tv [untitled] March 2, 2025 5:30am-6:01am AST
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february 17th, that means they could have died 9 days before the bodies were discovered, not to indonesia with phoenix around the country are rolling out free annual health checks, with the aim of preventing early deaths, heart disease, stroke, and tuberculosis are the leading causes of death. in indonesia, the health ministry says the program lows, so check for signs of depression, anxiety, and mental health conditions. jessica, washington v for some chicago at this clinic and east chicago. and unusual birthday celebration is taking place. patients here has come to check their health for free. after receiving vouchers from the government on the birthday. i am grateful for this health check. it's like a birthday present for the people the last time i did a full medical checkup was in 1990. i was reluctant to do it before because medical appointments can be expensive. who is one of the 1st to participate in the
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government's free health check program? o. invitations will be entitled to a comprehensive physical check, including blood vision and hearing test aim also, the free health check program is to detect chronic diseases which often go on treated in the early stages program aims to reach at least 60000000 people. 50 scene. is it is also includes mental health tests to detect signs of depression, anxiety, and all the conditions that test for sugar color stored in your account. so they also exam certificate cancer and hot checkups. jason from the world health organization shows the leading causes of death in indonesia include stroke heart disease and to the close of life expectancy here is just over 68. he is well below most of the countries in southeast asia, dr. se fact is like smoking that a quality and pulling you attrition, a detriment to,
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to people's health. rolling out the program across the world's largest islands, nation will be challenging, particularly in rural areas in east and is that and got a providence in the village of how many some residents say they're waiting for more information. and so the health center is fall from here. we don't have the money to pay for transportation. there is no signal here or i don't have a cell phone, so i can't register for the health checkup. the government says the program is the law just as a undertaking for the health ministry and is intended to overcome what it sees as a culture of people only going to the doctor when they already sick. jessica washington out to 0 to come to special ed for me for the batch of all the stream is makes the i have the right, the boy costs anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in
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that gods chosen to bless us because we protect israel, i'm going to continue. do you want to state level all that i can to support the 3 part series explodes, the implications of us and people who called lower the freedom of speech and 1st amendment rights. more about the issue, whatever i'm looking for. so my thing for talk to him, quote on which is the era clothing hold makeup shopping sprees and collecting stanley tops for a few years. now young people have been exposed to influence our culture and pushing them to buy. the latest thing to trend, gaining traction online is convincing them to buy almost nothing at all. and these voices, and this is the street the today's episode of i'm rates your paul. we're going to open your eyes for you that we made of ice. we're going to take out the freezer to put it back in the freezer and we
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stuck it. or, and this is susan. if i say, if i some pens of on ice around the ball, i was the 1st on coffee ice coffee. i really don't. do you have around lowball shifts? highest chocolate ones? no, you don't. the about the, on the consumption, coal is about consuming less and everything and adopting a sense of 50 the school over to 12. people are showing how they can see less by using items that they've had for several years. and any questions and things when necessary. i just want to start this off by saying that this is no longer desirable to me. the
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influencers used to share tips and tricks and the products they loved on the internet. but then companies got involved and the game changed through p. r. and face sponsorship, the amount of stuff grew and trust between said influences and their audience begin to fade. what are the consequences of that has been the emergence of a new trend that has online users rejecting the push to buy more. it's called under consumption core. today we discussed the significance of the trend and whether it is here to stay with diana, we be a d influencer who makes content actively discouraging people from shopping. omar, far as a lecture in marketing at wilford, lori or university, and katya o. c. a bio engineer, i'm the lead research or for the or a foundation, a non profit aimed at tackling global fast fashion waste. thank you all so much for
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your time is great to have you. um, diane, i would like to start with you if it's okay. can you please run us through the meaning of what you do and why you decided to produce this kind of content or? yeah, of course. well, thank you for having me. and i just want to start off by saying that, you know, we've influence our marketing. they're always trying to get you to buy something and a lot of times the consumer of that content isn't going to see the, what's happening and kind of buying close doors with corporation corporations really pushing people to buy more through influence or marketing. so, you know, i started noticing those connections between like even my own over consumption too . and like skincare products, i was always wanting to buy something from one of my favorite creators that they were recommending. but then i realized, you know,
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a lot of the stuff i wasn't using. it wasn't really worth it, you know, and value to me. and that's when i started making my 1st garbage videos is what i call them, where i was kind of just reacting to what i was seeing on social media and trying to spread a little more awareness that at the core of these videos, they're an advertisement. oh and, and you do that really well with a really fun spin to it? um, oh my, we're obviously discussing one trend that invites is all to think about consuming less in an era where there's never been so much stuff. take a look at this clip and then i'll get your reaction of today's episode of our mutual appalled look how many startling cups i of yes, i've got that many started the cops. i'm putting them on 5 different shelves on my will. i've gone out and boast on the cops and all the different colors, pots and shades, and even branded was unlimited addition ones. yes,
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you can get unlimited addition. started the calls for more than a 1000 pounds, but i'm reach. i can afford to buy studley cups despite them being we usable cups. you can't even afford one study club can you use and that's simply not your reasonable cup that looks like a studley but come from brian log. last, i've got stanley cups in all different colors. despite them looking the same and doing the same thing, i'm rich, i can afford to biased on me. you called, yeah, above. right, so thinking about this trend and you might have been observing changes in consumer behavior. we just say under consumption is a direct. don't no consequence, a reaction from the years of over consumption we've seen driven by content creators and influencers that's, that's a key part of the story. so, so, so there are
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a few things happening here. yes, a post school that we've seen a kind of a significant shift to online consumption with that game uh, access to a lot more products and came a lot more interest. and then there was the idea of revenge buying that image after cove it. now what we're kind of dealing with is yes, the idea of consumer isms consumers and wasn't really that much of appealing anymore. and so yes, that's a part of the story. but another part of the story is they can amik situation a rise and installation. i would say that's more consistent than the worldwide a. so the story is a little bit more complex, but part of it is does idea of uh, getting tired, quite honestly, all over consuming and is showcasing social status with association with
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materials. oh yeah, absolutely. and we're going to talk a little bit more about the impact of, of the financial crisis around the world. and the difficulties people are actually having in making any major. but it is, were very interesting what you said about just people feeling quite tired like diana was saying of all these products being pushed at you and you realizing that you don't need them, they don't really work necessarily, katya. i want to bring you in because you actually bring a very important aspect to this conversation in the work that you do with it or a foundation. can you 1st break it down for us? what does the foundation do and how does it relates to this new trend, asking people to maximize the utility on their purchase is you know, ok before i can really dive into the work we do have to or i feel like i have to explain the phenomenon that is wasted colonialism and i do want to stress that i don't use the word colonialism lately. i feel like we've gotten to a point where we're almost desensitized to it, so i don't want to use that lightly. so i would like to give
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a little historical context. sure, please choose about it is, as the fashion industry moves towards this past fashion model, there's go, they're going, there's going to be more ways they're creating this culture where are trees in clothes which aren't meant to be consumable, as consumables. and so once you are done with the clothes, they have to go somewhere. and the thing about capitalism that is going to look for the path of least resistance. it's going to exploit the channels that have been left over by colonialism and figure out a way to ship these clothes somewhere and not have to pay for it not have to deal with the ways. the reason that markets in across and retailers in this markets have no way to really even negotiate for more power or more, say, and how much these close costs, what's going into these bills that are coming to a cost is because of this colonial dynamic. mm hm. so yes, your foundation are where it is in whatever way to tackle this idea of ways colonialism from the different from the different perspective. so we're working on
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the ground to offer a directory, leads to the markets and the retailers affected. but we do also have some team members showing the tackle it from a policy point of view. so trying to make sure that these manufacturers are held responsible for their waste. and these communities that are carrying the burden are well compensated for it. and on that point uh, cost here we have some numbers here because fast fashion is just $1.00 aspect of overconsumption and more than $500000000000.00 are lost every year due to lack of recycling clothes. we don't need a large chunk of this waste comes from cost humors, and this shows where they're spending the most countries in the global north, in the us and in the u. k. are the biggest buyers of fast fashion was china and japan are also not far behind in comparison to egypt result, india. and yet now the gap in spending is actually growing. the katya, the reason why i say this is so important is because we're almost at
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a breaking point right? us and the planet we can't really afford to go on like this. would you say this context of under consumption becomes a natural thing to gravitate towards 100 percent? of course we do have to just change our relationship with things like clothes and plastic and all of that. but i feel like even more important and we do have to put more pressure on the manufacturers because the reason there is culture of over consumption is because they're able to over produce and go unchecked once you're able to produce and have giant profit margins. you can just make as many globes or plastic, whatever, as you want, without worrying about who's buying them. you just have to now invest more money into creating the culture that wants these quotes. so really does start from the top where if there weren't these many close to these maybe things being produced at the rate at which they're being produced, they wouldn't really be in need to manufacture this culture that concerns consumers, consumers, consumers, thank you for bringing that up because we're often shamed into
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a shamed about buying so much and, and, and spending so much money in fast fashion. i'm diana, i want to share a clip that we found online alerting people about this need to buy so much whether or not this is being manufactured. take a look, a set of buying this to go utensil can't just wrap up the ones you already have before you go out running to buy a stanley cup. be so sure you don't have a water bottle already yet home that can serve the same purpose. instead of investing in these cheaply made plastic plates for the ones that will last longer and cost the same before buying one of these given q products with one to 2 uses ask yourself if the standard version of the product was really that inconvenient before seeing it instead of buying brand new plastic items that are just going to sit in a drawer, try, we're using things you already have these big box stores have more stuff than they even know what to do with. so this is your reminder that you don't need it. okay. by a reminder that you don't need it. i'm diana. what kind of reaction do you get to the content that you put out there?
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are people receptive to the idea of, of shopping less? yeah, i do think most people are receptive to and i think, you know, like the pin dynamic brought a lot of this on, you know, like we were still consuming a lot before the pandemic. but that's just kind of escalated it to where people, you know, out of whether it's fear or just or not, the real looking to kind of, you know, treat themselves in some sort of way. and i think a lot of people now that they're recognizing when something is an advertisement they're like, yeah, i don't really feel this urge to buy this anymore because i know it for what it is . and you know, i do think too there's a misconception. sometimes that, you know, as a singular person, your choices make no impact where, you know, compared to a corporation, obviously. yes. and i do think that there should be more pressure and corporations,
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but if we all consumed less collectively, that would make a difference. oh, oh yeah. absolutely, um, omar, you, you touched upon this at the start of the show, but i want to ask you about this points. many people are raising on social media, criticizing the labeling of this behavior as a trend. take a look a this was like a most of the days i, my name is what upsets of minimalism. and it showed up in fashion interior and even you x and you, i design. it was the result of many things including the recession, and as we will know, history repeats itself describes how points out, how is just published tv package, which is a good point. a lot of these because just feel like an specifies ation of frequent live in. but many people have always lived this way like this is just a known for a lot of people, but this trend doesn't seem to be the typical rich people pretending to be paul t shay. instead, it just feels like more regular people trying to move away from over consumption just like last you have to hold the influence in trend. and there's also an
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emphasis on making quality items last because on platforms like take talk, there's always this constant pressure to buy something. oh my, your view on this is this poverty repackaged a few things i understand where this is coming from. actually. so this phenomena, under conceptual course, is not brand new. maybe it's a bit a re brand. so there, there may be every branding element to it. but i would say this new re brand comes in with a different shape that looks to me more like a consistent pattern more. so then if i say, trent, trent is time bound, a trend is limited pattern or consistent pattern is something is here to states. now, the idea of frugality or minimalism, that has happened in the past, and that has a kind of a gather level of attention in the past. usually though this is associated with
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periods of economic hardships or significant changes. so we see this in the ninety's around also we see this and the dot com bubble. we see this up 2008. so this is nothing uh, in terms of the idea of spending less. that's not you sure. what's new, what it is we're able to do it and we're able to communicate with one another. and that almost creates this effect that makes us critically assess. oh ok. let's actually talk about it. we're close. aah! going after we use them. where are they coming from? what are the conditions of work? so all of this is repackaged in a different format, but this new re packaging appears to be more consistent. my colleagues and i've done the research on this, actually. we examined the youtube data over the last 10 years, and it was specifically with session halls. and we've seen these questions emerge.
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we've seen a shift from this is very cool to how about the workers, how about the waste? so we seeing that's just who and yes before are still again by on. i don't know machine and, and kasha, we know that this generation might be struggling and they are exposed to increasing the chief alternatives for, let's say, close. but at what cost? do you agree with omar that they are online and they are getting more information and are more aware about the impact their choices? how of yeah, so sure. i just add on to what you said. oh my feel like we've gotten to a point in history where information both about the historical concepts but about what's happening right now is just so accessible in such a in a way that it's never been before. so, oh, and a lot of people do say, agency is less susceptible to propaganda. i don't know that that's necessary.
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necessarily true, but i do think we are the most eclipse to be able to see through propaganda. cuz we do have more of the facts. we do have more of the concepts and we are seeing that shift in culture as a result. but we're also seeing the world change and such as the best way that we do have to change more than i also don't want to take too much responsibly off of the consumer because we do not that responsibility. but i feel like we need to call for more than just the cultural shift we need to hold our lawmakers accountable. the manufacturer is account to put the investors account to books because this is such a global problem and it will take just so many years for us to change our relationship with clothes because it's like a so many years to us for us to get here. not even just close, just everything that we just need. something more rapid, something more drastic in my opinion. absolutely. is it because it's really hard, right? not to connect the dots at this stage. again, we are a breaking point. the plan is a freaking point. we cannot go on like this, omar,
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just one final thoughts on this particular point. you just mentioned that trends are normally time bound. would you say this particular one is here to stay? is this a movement? are we going to see a consistent shift towards something a little bit more mindful when it comes to how we close you? it depends. so i will tell you what it depends on. uh, kathy, i have some news for you that we may need to think about so, so there's the idea and sustainable consumption known as the green gap or behavior and pension gap. so we say we want to do stuff that, that we do. and the literature shows us now that we want to be more sustainable. we want to do more good, slow fashion to hold it. ok? now when it comes to action, however, that action is lacking, and there is a significant gap. so it depends if we can close this gap. well, what does it depend on when a financial literacy being able to build budget,
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strong budgets? being mindful that this idea of under consumption is not necessarily about depriving one self of everything. rather, it's have building a balance, so you need a healthy balance of consumption. that's important to be important for the economy just right. so you need to spend now the types of spending, we need to think about some of the experiential someone material items. so it depends if we're able to build a healthy habits that consist of the state level habits that can take us over the long term. i think that's with us to stay. however, if this becomes one of those things where people surely got tired because the lifestyle with all what's going on around this is not sustainable. and then i for see more and more people start abandoning this, which is uh, not an ideal case. i would say, oh um you bring so many important points and i,
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when i asked diana about whether or not you found this healthy balance in terms of how much she confused. but before that, there are quite a few content creators online. even suggesting how you can go about engaging in this movement in closing this gap between the actions, the thoughts and the action as omar was just saying, take a look at this. i decided i wanted to start participating in the pan projects because this is not normal. if you don't know what project pin is, let's say you have 5 motions that you have to finish all talking those motions before you can get more. a lot of us are very, very important. and in the year 2025, i want to be better about my over consumption. so this is why i'm choosing to participate in project pin. so let's go through. this is just per fumes and motions . i'm worried you can even see it all, but i have sold a lot full diginero and i don't even like will be sense. and this is not including
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the body wash is the conditioner or the hair products i have principal did you know to? so diana, what about that healthy balance? i mean, we still like to, to buy things from time to time. we, we still like to treat ourselves to things you, you were mentioning that but did, did you manage to find a balance for yourself? and would you say that projects like a project pan or a good way of going about trying to figure out a healthy or a way of consuming to? yeah, i think for me it really started with i. i realize like mind consumption habits were pre. ready much directly tied in with how i was feeling mentally too, and i think mental health, i'm getting that little boost of serotonin from buying something or like waiting for it to arrive on your doorstep is a real thing. and i think a lot of people are seeing that out right now, but for me really began with consuming less because i was more focused on other
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aspects of my life. so like starting a hobby or, you know, getting somewhere further in my career, trying to fix the things where i was, you know, unhappy with things generally and doing something different about those. and i think i've seen waves of positivity with like the influencing under consumption. and i'd say, even in america right now, a lot of people are having the conversation of, well, if you're, if you disagree, i'm because the president right now, you don't necessarily want to participate in the economy as much as possible to. so i do hope that it becomes more of a mindset for people and it just allows everyone to slow down with their consumption a little bit. so everyone has different levels of need. so it's important to remember that too. but i do think, you know,
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generally we can all normally consume better. you almost open the door to a hole in your discussion there with politics and in the presence of the united states . but we're going to stick to this one because unfortunately, we're almost out of time cost here for those of us who want to avoid being partial of what you described rightly so beautifully. so as waste colonialism, what would you, what would be your call to action today? yeah, i just think we all need to learn more. we all have to be aware of our position on the global stage and how much privilege we have in comparison to others. we all have to be aware once again of the propaganda and the tactics of these manufacturers are using to get us to buy these products. and be aware of the fact that once we're buying and producing waste, the waste has to go somewhere. if we're buying a shirt, so for dollars, it probably means that whoever is made it is being paid way less than they should be and the material being used is way cheaper than it should be. so i guess just
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doing the homework, being aware, but also let's saying and so the people who are on the ground trying decided whether this has legislators or date influenza or just trying to support in the little ways that we can. but if i do want to stress the fact that we really do have to be aware of all the layers of the problem, because capitalism is rarely ever just capitalism. there's always something else lurking in the background and other channels being exploited that we just may not be aware of. and once again, you are part of the we're a foundation of very important organization. everyone that is watching us so they can check your website to know how to contribute to the cost you diana and omar. thank you so much for your time. thank you for being part of the stream today. and thank you all for to me and you can keep the conversation going online and can use the hash tag for the handle ag stream and send us your questions and suggest take care. and also using
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the us president donald trump is set to address congress and the american people with a flurry of executive orders, a departure from convention, i'm challenges to have the governments, which one is transforming politics at home and abroad with his 2nd time on the way what's next on trump's agend? stay with all just the for the latest from the white house economic collapse, the east of domains on the civil war. i just want to be clear. i read opposing the roger parts of the why were you at the but they found even to, you know, we need to finish that. is it on the know, did you really? that's what allegations the new to the maybe has on guys head to head with for mr. and i can president, reino, but congress thing go i am really important even before you were born. i know we feel so much i called to head to head on al jazeera.
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