tv [untitled] March 2, 2025 11:30am-12:01pm AST
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promoting a controversial crypto currency on social media. there's currently an investigation in argentina and the united states over who benefited and how much the president knew. mulay is in this, in this place in his presidency, where things are going well. he's abroad inflation down. some of the other micro economic indicators going up. he has an interesting alignment with donald trump. i need a mosque and so on. and suddenly he becomes up, you know, out of the blue with this crypto currency scandal and its hit him hard. and i think he needs to react like you would react to a heart attack. you know, sort of thing was, this is, this one isn't going to kill you. but if you keep moving in that direction, you're going to be in trouble. in the past year, we may have taken argentines by surprise, by implementing radical measures on a daily basis to reform the country's economy. there are those who struggle with the impact those measures have on their lives, baby. so i will, i'll just see that when
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a site is the vatican says put fonts and suspension. the other piece from life in the hospital law of the software and what it called and isolated breathing crisis. the 88 year old leader of the roman catholic church has been suffering from pneumonia and both long for 2 weeks. the daily vigils are being held in the vatican, offering prayers for the poets. russia, a celebrating mazda meets a week of feasting, charity, and games to mock the end of $1.00 to $1.00 of the traditions of the holidays burning and f, a. j. to welcome a fullness season with one festival erecting a whole household to them down. a centuries old pagan holiday is recognized by the orthodox church and is observed in russia that over some catholics time is also known as time take week with people enjoying time to for food before 7 weeks of fostering, eastern orthodox lands begins on monday and on man washed in space cloth carrying vaudeville supplies has successfully built to the internet still space station.
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last, as, as the vessel was carrying 3 tons of food and fuel for the crew on board, american astronauts, butch will more as soon as the williams have remained on the station, long cost to ship over $10.00. they arrived in june a success crew of boeing's new style on a capsule and the technical problems that i would use to ride home on board a space x cross laced this yet. and finally, this bulletin, the aurora borealis has an illuminated skies above canadas, northwest territories, delighting views in the arctic region. scientists have attributes of the light show to a g. o magnetic storm. sure. good by a how full solar flare would that sit for me? elizabeth put on them for this half hour of news. boy cost is coming up next time. i'll just say era the when to induce in from the truth, the fact tag in the balance. he's going after the media in
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a way that's unprecedented. the narrative is being re, re these, choosing to the amplify when voices of silence agendas prevailed. attacks on the press, our next part of a broader effort to suppress the story. systemic emissions lean control. what has this discussion looked like? you know, right? wing and media circles again, is for 50, is being labeled with the situation. the listening post, the coding, the media analysis era, the supreme court as long hilda political boycotts or form of expression protected by the 1st amendment,
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the sponsor, the anti boycott bill because, you know, i think it's just the right thing to do. the jewish people are gods chosen people and i, i feel like an obligation to do anything within my control or power to support them or protect preston for the house. this passage of senate bill 513 or the machine mr . clair, i would say probably have would identifies evangelical. they understand how important it is to support israel. $69.00 days, 3 days, 0 present, the bill is passed. i have the right to boycott. anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that period. so their business, and i'm gonna send email to my son's coordinator. i'm telling her, listen, i cannot sign this, this is against my principles against my constitutional rights. and, and it's also against my moral and ethical values, considering that i am
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a palestinian america. i was just opening my annual contract from the state of arizona. and i was rather shocked to see this, the, and i think the states, they don't want the public to really be aware of what's going on. they don't want to have an open debate about it. they recognize them and people actually understand what the state is doing. here they would be absolutely for if i didn't uphold that legislatures would be trading away. americans 1st amendment right. so easily i do not remember hearing about the arkansas anti board cut bill until the arkansas times took up the challenge against harry. i'm the rabbi of the
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largest congregation in the state and nobody had talked with me about this proposal . supporting israel is of the greatest importance to me. so i could not be stronger in my opposition to boycotts of any israeli products. however, i was told that a newspaper would have to sign an oath that it would not participate in any kind of political action. how bad as a visa, american freedoms are terribly important to americans use, you know, we wouldn't be in the magnificently enviable position in which we
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find ourselves. where are we not blessed with freedom of religion and the rights to express ourselves as we see fit the i haven't spoken to the leadership in the jewish community, the local jewess leaders like to talk here in little rock i. i don't, i don't, i don't agree with so i didn't need the locals opinion on this. i don't feel like her auntie boycott built fringes on individuals, 1st amendment rights at all. every now and then we're and somebody that disagree with that like the arkansas times and you know, from the position were asked in almost agree with nothing that they right. so if they don't, if they don't take any state money, i think that's a win as well. luckily we live in a country that they get their day in court and we'll see what the court decide the
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hey, greg, how are you doing okay, how are you? good. it might be good to have some questions. do you were talking about for thought of essence, ancient israel? oh, i don't know enough and they only got me in a little trouble with a few people. i knew a democrat and republican for the democrat. so did you get pushed back for voting for the bill? sometime last year somebody posted something on facebook. they just discovered that we had done it. and i had completely forgotten about it wasn't even sure how i would have had to go back and look at that. and so people are finding like, why do we do just one of those bills in those a 1000 times during the session that it was one of those that for whatever reason wasn't on my read the policy, any movements not here educating the other side of the issue, right, right. and so no one, no one heard the other side of the argument. i doubt there was any questions that just went through. did you read read,
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how do you vote in or of 5 regret not knowing more about the issue, whatever it is and knowing now haven't heard from my constituents. i probably would put it against it. it's only been a handful of people that have reached out. unfortunately, been there kansans even though it's still the video stands for point cut, investment and sanctions. the, the b b s move in started from the palestinian civil society. and these are folks on the ground in palestine who are not part of the military and they're not part of any sort of regime. these are people that are suffering the, the created a campaign that has now traveled worldwide. that says here is what's happening to
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us. here are the things that we want to be changed. i mean want your help by not investing in continuing to support some of these problems. the for god divestment and sanction, manage or just the international community to do something that is within their power to put pressure as well in order to achieve palestinian human or a lot of people have joined the media movement. the boy divestment section movement cbs is attacked. we know certain governments have decided that they want their universities to die. and churches have decided to boycott. companies that are complicit. i've seen so many similarities between the black lies movement and the palestinian movement. the and the
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reason this is important to us in america is that we're helping fund this we're funding israel to the tune of some $4000000000.00 per year, 40000000000 dollars over 10 years. so we're directly responsible for some of this. here's the deal. the united states has been sending money to israel for decades. in fact, israel has been the largest cumulative recipient of u. s. foreign assistance since world war 2. i think the question that democrats are starting to have, which is a very valid conversation, i think, is if american taxpayers money are going to be going to find these really weapons purchases. whether we have the rights have opinions about how those weapons are being used. and about the policies that are being perpetuated with american taxpayer money the
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so tomorrow the court has opens at 8 am. you're not going to be able to bring your electronics. okay. i will read under tomorrow's my hearing and i'm very optimistic and then we need to go upstairs. i believe judge police, the judge will see that this is a violation of the 1st amendment and he will repeal this law. you have any questions? nope. i think that earlier, so i think i'm reading the
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i'm fighting like real good. so here who's here here and i knew what they're learning about the government and how does it work for lady about the 4000. they're learning about the big words when they see, you know, different arguments and the points and the sounds are point all this beautiful setting. i see the whole school to do this all the time phase. it gets out into the old, especially when it comes to the constitutional rights. these, these are all the amendments. and what about using anything else on those things? because to actually make a point to go after this. and what did you wanna do with the 2nd? because the what is the speed for you personally, you know, is this a fine for you? but you know, your daughter is here with you to is this also by for her? because this and such, everybody is not only be, but it's put to every day people,
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people that want to learn on the own, get facts on their own regarding, you know, political views. the state of texas has no business telling video or anybody else which kind of homeless device which kind of products to buy. those are things that are part of our 1st and moment. the there's $275.00. a to hey is here. how are you? i'm nick, your neighbor. remember the democrat? yeah. how are you doing? yeah, yeah. we're just checking to see if, if you have voted or not active in the democratic party. thanks. okay. i your present committee person for north sedona. what's interesting is in all of these
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attempts to take away political right, is there been many democrats that just sign on? arizona is law kinda swept through the legislature without any of the debate. this bills, it's easy. they see anything this? oh, it's a israel, a table. i better say yes to that. this piece that we're doing today here is a bi partisan piece in this house. it's a good move, good piece for, for all of us to say arizona does believe it is. i think that so many legislators in the us are afraid to take on the pro israel lobby. good afternoon everyone. my name is joseph sparks. i was one of the attorneys who created the model legislation of how much arizona's law is based. and since then, i've served as an expert helping thousands of other states prate law such as the
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one that's being put for consideration for this committee today. the pro israel lobby, that lobby is probably as strong as the enter rate policy ration for myself. driving engagement that made my friends, we must continue to stand firm against a profoundly bias campaign to de, legitimize the state of his meal through boycotts commencement and sang. i am assigned an executive order that says you boy, tide against israel, new york report card you. we in america must stand strong with is really sick and we lost one of the highest duties of elected legislators is
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to defend our constitution. but here they're just giving away our 1st amendment rights to a foreign country. the final report there on the 7th, i and he's really investigative magazine, about freedom of speech, transparency, prof again the etc. on the last few years, we started investigating the connection between nathan yellows, government and bro, is riley organizations in america. we filed a freedom of information request to uncover the network that they were building.
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the the 1st interesting thing that we found out is that we have an entire ministry due by the media movement overseas. the, our government did not want to share this information with the public. we get the sense that if it's activity is, will be published, there will be an international scandal. i would like reveal here for the 1st time our map. here are the 42 leaders of the b ds network as we bodies in the meetings field. footages affairs say hey, that the ministry is to think you can 1st had a really complex problem with a spinning mean. a single tone with is look at all the,
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let me show you the apologize. i have a minute. they wanted to fund american organizations to come, but the media's movement. but the foreign agent act of the us a requires organizations getting funds from other governments to be registered to me through the digit affairs, use an organization named the concert as a buffer, the channel, the money the ministers that digit fast was fully aware that this was a problem with the loss of the united states of america, the director general of the ministry of strategic affairs, set it in on open commits, appearing comfortable, sending them out, but none of them slot shaheen yesterday, when mean you've been ball? i'm a voice, slightly level dimensions, but not just don't ship cars look almost 10 minutes if
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okay, i'm not sure what the, what else i'm trying to set it up that way. up on that page mcculloch's, been all of up and taking 50 flights. we found out that all kinds of organizations in america were getting funds from the side of the government. the to a by stands against medias which is economic anti semitism. john, hey, these christians, united for ease of death, are on $1300000.00, half of that came from the east side of the government and the other half from concert confidential donors. and we need to fight this evil darkness until it is destroyed in our congress, in our churches, in our colleges and universities, and,
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and our nation. this borders of cd us today may not be using guns and bombs, but they have the same goals as isis. the ron mosse has lost the complete destruction of the jewish, the christians. united for israel is fighting back against this beads. pdf constitutes commercial discrimination against israel on the basis of national origin. this movement employs classic anti semitic themes, blood libel. and that's a real danger. the still don't have the full fixture, but i can say as a fact, that the easily government allocated millions of dollars in order to change the
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american political discourse about israel. a, me see a few more tunnels. nonbillable. what's the name of the both of the, with this global level of dealing with them team should mission with him at this level and that's about some of the i was on the hold on me talk to him as a rental members news the
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and the results there are 71 percent of the democratic party voters are in favor of reducing military aid to israel if it's a next is portions of westbank or continues to expand settlements. so that's us. 3 or 4 democrats believe that the when we lost the lawsuit, i was very confident. i mean, any country that bases it's found the mythology around the boston tea party and the boy todd of tea. you would think that today you, 100 years later,
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as often get emotionally invested in their case as i'm certainly very emotionally invested in these cases i think allen's frustrated i think it's a lot of pressure americans on times. they are really needing a lot of money on the table to participate in this lawsuit. the what we know from the judge a decision is that he really thinks that participating in these board cost is not constitutionally protected. i just think you got it wrong. in the 1960, the citizens of fort gibson, mississippi, organized a boycott of white businesses to protest ongoing segregation. and the justices hold unanimously that the 1st amendment protects the rights of boys on what they say is that boycotting is a practice deeply embedded in the american political process. as
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a recovery and conservative, i want to be left alone. you know, you do your job, you get your business on merit, and you get paid for it and you don't pass some political litmus tests. this is america. a lot of this is motivated by this evangelical biblical literalism. scary. listen to this very closely. the bottom it says when jerusalem is no longer trodden down by the gentiles, ben shelving in time to speak faster, john, hey, get back to your leadership. now there are millions and millions of devout christians will stand with it as well. so i want to search you on behalf of all the people of israel, and i want to thank the thousands of you who come to washington from across america to stand with israel. you may not care about this or i'll tell us then,
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but you shouldn't care if it's being used as a how to legislate in your state and at the federal level against free speech. how many words would i have to change in this legislation? to use it to condition contract and thereby flushed free speech. of anyone who say sports black was or is involved in protesting for environmental reasons. and it's like 10 words. it's a template why people are not more worried about it is just the is active shifting power dynamics. all you have to do is flip a switch and he has a thorough tearing state divided opinion. you can listen to a person's words, but you should judge that by there are international conflicts. is there a split and is to take what you any t of any weakness their world show. and the urgency of climate action,
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which stopped pretending to be kind of consensus leak and we'll kind of takes on the big issues. what else is here? she looked at the image and she was like, you know, the 20th, like a terrorist looks like put it looked like in a world of increasing project as 5 women stand up to discrimination. i know why people face us and i'm like, no, no, this isn't us challenging stereotypes. seeing that head scarf as a source of strength, faith and identity. so we say we will need to get involved in that because we are in the community. we just don't see it, my job, my choice coming soon on, al jazeera economic collapse, the east of domains on the civil war. i just want to be clear. i read opposing the roger parts of the why were you at the book? they bought even the we need to finish that. is it on the know, did you really? that's what allegations the new to the movie has son goes head to head with for mr
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. and i can president reino, but converse thing go. i have the mean 4 digits before you were born. i know we so much i called of the problem. at the head on al jazeera, the, the benjamin netanyahu breaks. the goal is to cease fire agreement by stopping food, fuel and medicine from entering this trip. the hello on elizabeth brown, and this is just the online from door ha. also coming up. ukraine's president secures nearly $3000000000.00 and military support from the u. k. head of talks with your p. n need is unemployment crisis. incentive call more than $300.00.
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