tv [untitled] March 2, 2025 12:30pm-1:01pm AST
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the neighborhood of damascus, the restitution is overwhelmed. these children have come back to the home, which is barely standing. the father of i'm jets, says he knows living here. he's dead just busted better. that'd be another feature . so what else? his oldest son was killed in 2013 by a battle bomb dropped by this as a g family den. so that's his area for more than a decade. oh, well let me know and i'm local. we're trying to stay here while being struck by every kind of weapon imaginable. they were experimenting on us with weapons that we had no idea of what they were using. they even use chemical weapons surface to surface missiles. everything was way too much for the stroke. 2 weeks ago, she's not paralyzed on one side. i wasn't busy enough, i'm suspension this talk to me when we 1st moved here. my son fell through the building twice. we would not leave here if we could afford it. no one wants to risk
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their children's lives, but we have no other option. everyone tells me that i need to go to a physical therapist, but no one helps with anything. a few 100 meters away from it, but i'm just home another time and he has also recently turned in this humble kitchen. what's the name of the piece that he started me a full when the somebody breaks the fast or something a month has just returned from work. these 2 fingers were amputated after you've struck bathroom left on his feet by the machine. i like on with the same me in the month when we came back, the house was 90 percent destroyed. we put up a tent instead of a wall that is gone in this part of the room and sat in the other room after cleaning it. then we started working from there, little by little brick by brick and the mentorship comedies are now trying to overcome the trauma and los as they have experienced, often alone do a fasting. it's time for the start at objects house for them. the road to recovery
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belongs, and out of this city of the economy remains buyer with high levels of poverty and unemployment and the psychological tool of years of conflict. and this basement has left many families struggling to call this a in this month of almost done the praying for the loved ones who have died as they try to hold onto life with a little they have left. this is heather. i'll just go to the muskets so that set somebody elizabeth, put on them for this half hour of news, but stay with us on an i'll just sierra up from just coming up next. thank you for watching. the
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as donald trump escalates his mask deportation plans and bullies and threatens leaders from mexico to columbia, to panama, are us letting american relations at an all time low. and how does washington's history of meddling in the americas inform the present moment? i'll ask those questions to fill with the prize winning author and history professor. right? yeah. university. great, great, great, great, thank you so much for joining me on upfront. thanks. but thanks for having me. with donald trump, back in the white house, his administration is swiftly begun implementing its mass deportation agend across the country. we're seeing res racial profiling, sweeping arrest by us immigration and customs officials. all of it is led to the
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detention and deportation of thousands of migrants as these crackdowns intensify. what is the surgeon ice rates signal about the broader direction of us immigration policy under the 2nd trumpet ministration? yeah, it's a great question and it's hard to separate the spectacle from, from what is actually happening on the ground. and there's a lot of reports that there, that the, that they read the algorithm is of google in order to bring up a raids that happened years ago, which has to make it appear that they're doing more than they're actually doing. i mean, i just this week they announce and not releasing anymore numbers about about how many immigrants that they've detained, that are deporting the not releasing the figures. not really the numbers. many ways it's a continuation of, of, of the, of the, of the tally under the bottom administration. we're seeing a couple of 100 people had a couple, you know, couple of 1000 people. we, but they'd be some thought significantly higher than what was going on. okay,
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that's interesting. so joe biden, to all, or brock obama before they, you know, the, the puerto chief itself, people yeah, yeah, yeah, the more stations that i've been taught of us policy, just the question of, to what degree do politicize it to turn it into a spectacle. and that's, that's what donald trump thought. so, so it's, it would be fair to say the dial tone is not worse than that. his democratic predecessors, he just has a different rhetoric and actual numbers. i don't think so. i think the reality is that the united states actually doesn't have the capacity to do the kind of mass deportation that he has promised his base. you have, you know, and it's the democratic party mockery that goes out of its way to one to the right to the whatever the republican position is on immigration. and so you have your sensors like chris murphy tweeting out that donald trump isn't keeping up with bind, whose numbers on deportation. so in many ways, it's much more about the spectacle, the actual cruelty, the using, the military plains,
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the showing the people in shackles and the lego ends being deported. that, that is, that is, that is what trump like. so, i mean, it was just a report that they, that, that they will, they were taking a press releases of raids that happened under the obama administration. and, and changing the date and reload and uploading it. so therefore, anybody did a search, it comes up with, with the current date put on february. 3rd writers reported that a donald trump's administration had actually step up the arrests though picking up about a 1000 people per day, which was 3 times the daily average of last year. now, it seems that something at least is happening here. that's different than what we then what we've seen before. is there at least a worry? do you have any concern that things could get worse? yes, i mean tom homan, the director of, of ice has said that they're going to widen the aperture of who, who gets talk. they're going to go from people who, who are criminals to people who are in the country on boulevard and document the
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alien enemies. yeah, waiting for as not, you know, but, but, but again, in many ways the reality is is, is the, the rhetoric and the spectacle as far out stripping the reality. you know, trumpet come, campaigned on a mass deportation. i mean, we know the way he talks, we know the language he uses, we know that the numbers that he pulls out of the nav. yeah. you know, millions of people, you know, it, it's, it's, it's, it's the states capacity of deporting that. as many people as trump, as far as just doesn't exist, and we're already hearing reports that, that ice is releasing, releasing detainees back into the population with, with ankle bracelets to show up at a hearing. but rather than, rather than deporting them in many ways completely. exactly what happened on the biden, and on the, on the obama, but, but again, it's the spectacle, it's the, it's the, it's the, and now that you know that there's 2 ways of thinking about it. it's the, there's the argument that the cruelty is the point. right?
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and then we, we need to have spectacles of cruelty but such with beads. you know, the trump base doesn't matter if the reality is, is it doesn't match that people think it is truck will say the cruelties the point is an argument for this waiting people from coming as well. yeah. but like if we, we create the spectrum. yeah. we won't have the, the image, the and documented alien crisis. i think so, but i think it, the spectacle is for domestic consumption. i think it's 1st base. i don't think it's, i think people going to come. i mean, nobody takes that journey. nobody puts their children in that kind of jeopardy, unless the conditions of the survival where they are is worse than what, what, what's ahead and no, no rhetoric, no images of people being deported and back to home country is going to stop people from, from trying to get, get to a place where they can survive and have a club by the have a better life. that's an important point you raised it. let's drill down on that a little bit because there's an argument from trump and his allies,
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that people do make a choice. and if we just make it harder, they woke up. if we could make it a difficult process, they will be dissuaded from showing up. i'm hearing you say no, the conditions are so bad where they are, that nothing could stop their from coming. how do we get there? how do we get to that point where people's conditions at home are so bad that they're willing to ban in their homeland their country, their houses, their farms, whatever, and come to this country and yeah, even with great peril. yeah. well 1st let me say that that calculation make it as difficult as possible. that's not that didn't begin with trump. it didn't begin with by and it didn't begin with, hold on it. the guy with the clint. they've been shutting down safe board across from grabs to urban areas like el paso and pushing people out into the does that, why did they come? i mean, there's a lot of reasons you know, the united states is the most what the is the wealthiest nation in world history. it has jobs and people, and it has a demand for low skill,
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low pay with labor in many of these places it's, it's actually us policy which creates a hardship which drives the migration for. and i mean, we could look at, i mean, this goes back, we could look at the central american boys, we could look at economic policy, free trade policy map. the devastated small farm is in mexico when it led to mass migration that you've built into mexico city and north and. and again, the clinton administration knew this because the ministrations militarization of the border wasn't technically part of nafta. but it took place at the same time, they knew that the free trade agreement that basically gutted subsidies, small farm it was it was real data on that just yeah. always has a clear idea of national north american free trade agreement. right. it's imposed in 1993 really it's, it's and it's, it's negotiated by the george h w bush administration. but clinton is the one who gets it through the senate and house and ratifies it and signs it. and what it does is it, it,
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it allows capital and commodities to flow freely across the border, but it has no provisions at all for labor. but what it also did was it, it, it did nothing to take away subsidies to us agro industry, right. the 14 trillion dollar palm bill never. it is still in place. the multi phone bill which, which funds cargo and phones once on the when makes kansas cool and you know, cheap that gets dumped into mexico and mexican mexican mexican bomb is mexican epicene. those can compete with it. and so, so within the 1st 5 years of nap, the, something like 5000000 people lost that farms in mexico and, and the people sign after and design after new. it would create this dislocation and that's why they simultaneously move starting to get them to withdraw as the border and shut down the board obviously thought that that would keep that would last. so you post policies that take people out there for. yeah. and then when
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they're fleeting, the goals go somewhere. we close the door. yeah. same thing with 80. you know, the policies, you know, when bill clinton return, john, but from the i received the power after the cool. he only did it on condition that iris deed, adopt a whole set of policies that go on to the rubric. neo liberalism, you know, cutting subsidies in tariffs that protected, say haitian rice volume is where haitian cement build is, and a, and then devastated the country. devastating the industry and basically yes, it's one what, what, what falls under the rubric of neo liberalism, of the washington consensus, or economic restructuring, whatever you want to call, and reagan nomics is, is, is it has had an enormously devastating effect in poor countries. and it drives migrations added to that is the increasing reliance on sanctions. the sanctions we imposed on cuba, the sanctions we impose on ben as well. the reason why so many venezuelans are
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coming is because because trump and by then a imposed very harsh economic sanctions. and then because they were opposed to nicholas my little at all when they were hoping for, for regina. so it was the start with it cuz we sort of talked about sections in his sort of meddling and latin america in the past tense, but it's still happening, right? yeah, of course the sciences are all in play sections and it's been as well as don't happening. they've demonstrated the kind of, as you've talked about, they feel thousands of depths, they've supported bar united way to support a far right wing cruise in places like libya. and they funded security force is responsible for widespread human rights violations across the region. uh, through the so called war on drugs and all of this stuff is happening. how is this different than the cold, wherever? well, i would say it's different in, in one sense and that's in, during the cold war era. i think that was some the, the, the existence of the, of an ideological competitor in the form of the soviet union, force the united states, to social, socialize itself a little bit to, to, to,
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to not go full full on in terms of, of austerity and pre market economic policies you take away the soviet union. mean, think about this. this will be union collapses in, in, in, in 1991. and the united states immediately starts to start imposes policies on itself as if it was a belligerent nation. and it starts expanding the prison system. it's got to meet with the rising, the police. it's de industrialize. it's such a gutting it's industrial base. and you see this is a response in the fall of the soviet union as opposed to just the kind of negative abilities of new liberalism. yeah, i think the collect the collapse of this will be in union to allow the united states to imagine economic globalization on it's on it's full of scale and, and, and that include domestic restructuring and the think about what every, every major country, every one of the country restructured in the 1990s to one degree or another as a result of inflation high energy prices. no country it's got in the institutions
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that could have ameliorated that restructuring as, as, as, as, as, as devastatingly as the united states to do it. so in terms of destroying unions, broken back welfare policies, on anything that could've ameliorated the worst effects of restructuring, the united states con, no other west and country, not even the u. k. did it to such a degree as the united states. and that's what's, that's what, that's american exceptionalism. that brings me to the monroe doctrine. would you talk about in your forthcoming book america, america? this was a doctrine created under u. s. president, james monroe in 1823 as a response to latin american independence movements. uh, talking about this doctrine. how does it continue to influence us policy in the americas 2 centuries later? yeah, the actual monro docs and it was just a couple of paragraphs. and in james monroe and state of the union address and you know, when it would, they weren't even continuous paragraphs. they basically said the united states was
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going to recognize the independence of, of latin america, a south american nation, spanish american nations. and that it wouldn't, it wouldn't allow that re conquests by european powers. the latin americans like that part they, they, they read it, they thought they were hearing a kind of anti colonial sentiment. they would not be a recall on his ation of, of the americas by europe. but over the years, the monroe doctrine took on a different come, almost kind of mystical power beyond the actual words that composed it. it, it came to signify that the united states had mandatory authority over the hemisphere. that wherever there was a threat to the united states has interest within the how much the us had the right to act. and so the monroe doctrine became a symbol of this kind of informal empire, the united states has taking the pond itself the authority to police the hemisphere . and um you, it's, it's associated in many ways it can be associated with,
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with, with what we would call the kind of trump is store. national is, it's the idea that the united states is not necessarily responsible for superintending the globe, but that it's going to, it's going to, it's going to exercise mandatory authority within its own hemisphere, right. the latin america is the united states is backyard for so many ways it was this idea that there were regional powers, which the use of influence that, that, that those powers had the right and obligation to police. it seems that trump might be doing that. now in a warm and fuzzy your way, right, was that it's not politically palatable to just say, hey, i'm taking over this place or hey, i'm controlling your, your politics. what he does do some interesting things here. i mean, since he's taken office, he's threatened, use military force against panama, but he's not an executive order renaming the gulf of mexico as the gulf of america . about america. right, right. and he's threatened to trade war with mexico. some latin american leaders
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like mexico's president or cloudy or shined by them, have stood up to trumps of rhetoric and home during president c. m. r. a. capital has even threatened to shut down a u. s. military base, if he carries out the mass deportation plants. are us letting american relations at an all time low at this point as well. you know, trump, i mean, it's interesting that they are at a low and i think the turn to latin america does, does go along with coincide with the, that the kind of trumpets divisional world in which the united states is no longer the global head. your mind, trump is in some ways pulling back. we're seeing it in europe with european, with france and germany, pushing back over from the plans for a negotiated settlement over the war over the war. and ukraine was seeing it in, in, in, in many ways. and what it does entail is, is, is a kind of, is
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a kind of recession back to a kind of hemispheric understanding of the territorial power with the united states in projecting its power within latin america. but there's a couple of things going on yet. in latin america, latin america still overwhelmingly governed by let just a coalitions out of 620000000 people live in latin america. about 400000000 of them live on the presidents who call themselves the socialist or social democrats. shelly columbia, brazil. but. but the, in many ways and, and the right is confined to countries like el salvador and, and, and, and, and, and origin, tina. but trump has a potential base with in latin america. he has, as there is, but there is the possibility of creating a kind of pen american trumpet, some the spread of culture war politics, anti woke as well as mo, with latin america. it's called, um, media as me, oh, no,
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i think the and every country and every country that's the, you know, does the anti anti and, you know and tied gender. heather, a doc see, you know, this, this clamp down on, on the, on the expansion of, of gay rights and, and abortion rights. and in many ways it's taking expression that's very familiar within the united states. so to me you basically brought trump to power. this kind of conspiracy is um, this kind of cultural politics harvey a middle day in argentina says we have to fight the culture war every day. there is in the trenches going after the teachers going after abortion rights going after, you know, passing laws that limit, you know, the place severe restrictions on, on, on, on, on transgender people expressing themselves and, and transitioning. so there's, there's co true or politics within latin america that, that is very familiar to the united states and,
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and trump has the potential to kind of build on that. but at the same time though, he, by doing things like saying he's going to take back the panama canal by force that he's gonna rename. and you know, the, the gulf of the gulf of mexico, the gulf of america that he's going to seize greenland. it awakens a certain kind of anti imperialist, sent in, in latin america kind of reaction. the, the, the ideal of sovereignty is very cherished in latin america. and it's cherish because they had to live in the shadow of the, of an expanding united states that sees texas, that seized half of the next bill that sees bought from puerto rico that took cuba and then administered it as an informal colony until 1959 so there's, there's, so there's this kind of trump, it's unclear exactly which direction trump will go in latin america. there's the neo cons, luckily appointed secretary of state marco rubio, up until a few years ago he was down within the yo cottage. and now we found now in always
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adjusting himself any sounding a little bit like an american 1st though. but, but how do you know as a gender in latin america? what sort of yours agenda squeeze cube until it breaks? was my daughter oh, and venezuela? i was to take her in, in, in, in nicaragua, and forced brazil to lift the band. i'm also not a particularly job us and i don't know, participating in the, in the election in 2026. he's banned from, from participating in the 2026 election because lives and mom and in the early a cool, an assassination attempt against lulu. so there's a whole new kind of gender in latin america. if, if trump, let's rubio off leech, then then what we're going to see is, is, is a, is a, is, is quite a degree of chaos and crisis and latin america. double check this, taking a significant actions to dismantle us aid. you know, the us agency for international development and the national endowment for democracy about ordering a near total freeze on all 4 and
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a now of these cuts will lead to the getting a bio health care and education programs abroad. but both agencies have also been accused of operating as colbert instruments of u. s. foreign policy. as we see more america 1st positives, they're often labeled. do you think us inputs abroad is going to diminish? well, i guess the question is, how much the some of these policies get picked up by other, you know, other agencies within the state department? but yes, i mean, you, the, the gutting the targeting of usa id is fascinating this and really is a signal at the united states is, is announcing that it is no longer going to superintend the world. right. and a id is a perfect expression of a kind of a kind of the fusion of heart and soft power. a mean it does. all of it does it does, it does important. and, and, and you main work. and it is, i think was funding the only work in the hospital left and gaza, things like that. and you know that, and you have dispensing, you know,
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medicines in africa and, and, and, but it was also the agency in which the funded democracy promotion programs. and these were the, you know, when, when, when, when the national endowment for democracy which operates on the a i. d, was founded in 1983 under the reagan administration. the 1st director of us that we do in the open. what the c, i a used to do, who berkeley, meaning that they fund oppositional groups and then countries where that are friendly, they just fund a whole range of civil society groups and countries that are kind of a problem. they fund those groups that are kind of parallel to potentially problem matic organizations. so if you have a left leaning union, you'll fund, you'll fund to us friendly union the but you know, you know, and then countries that are, that are out and out, you know, dissenting from us had gemini, se bolivia,
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youth youth youth fund. these organizations that basically raise the law that the country is heading towards the dictatorship and you know, and you know, and then manipulate to suppress and go and book delivery. you know, when the reason why i mean the reason why that cool didn't take cold is because at the moment i was kicked out a id and the getting the question as to what degree a lot of these programs will continue on the different rubrics. but as a symbol of us power, as a symbol of us had gemini, the, the, the, the targeting of a i, d, is, is, is very symbolic. i think what lessons can history teach us about how to kind of advocate for a just foreign policy in the americas as well. it's hard, it's hard, it's hard to say, but it's so much of us. what we call progress in the united states has been tied to
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expansion and we'll write that. but basically, i think that the 1st thing is that liberals in the united states. and when i say liberals, i mean liberals that, that they have to, they have to come to terms with the degree to which liberal progress, the expansion of, of the, of, of, of the promise of, of, of a quality has been, you know, has been tied to has been tied to expansion, so we, during the jack sony in period the, the expansion of suffrage, to white unleaded and on property men when hand in hand with indigenous removal. um, you know that the, the, the abolition of slavery during the civil war when hand in hand with the pacification of the west and the expansion and the expansion westward. the progressive era of what you know, what hand in hand, with $1898.00 women's suffrage and, and the growth of the labor movement was tied to lay be tied, tied to mainstream labor movement support for world war and the wheel assessor.
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this is not the motivational speed, the more everybody can review on any product that requires their supporters of my gosh. so it goes on and on and on. i mean, you gotta, you know, and, but that's, that's broken. now. there is no, there is no, there is no going back to a world in which in which domestic. and which in which social justice at home is, is tied to empire is brought on the back of empire. and, and we've gotta figure out how to operate in that world. the world limits the world a world of, of in which in which we have to, we have to focus on on. we have to put forward a positive vision of the common good and mattress and not just defer and not just point to the frontier and say, that's the common good. so histories telling us what not to do, we have to imagine a kind of new future. yes. wow, that's powerful. great, great, and thank you so much for joining us on upfront. thanks. hi. the knowledge
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the low on money in sight. this is the news on life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the goal is to say, spa deal is collapsing, as israel stops food fuel medicine from entering the stripe. ukraine's president secure was nearly $3000000000.00 and military support from the united kingdom ahead of tulips, with european leaders in london. president donald trump makes english the official language of the united states in executive order unemployment crisis is sunday
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