tv [untitled] March 2, 2025 8:30pm-9:01pm AST
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to can be persuaded to sign off to the steel that's been agreed by its enemies. well, but it made in detail, we'll have to evolve rupture of pulse. it will. but we can't approach this on the base of that rupture dictates the tubs of any security guarantee. before we've even dealt with a lot of wise, we won't make any progress. a tool is a for a deal to be done. but if a deal is done, it has to be a deal. it is then defended. because what we've seen in the past is a, a cessation of hostilities without any backup. and that was originally breached by russia. and that is precisely the situation that i think we need to avoid this time around, which is why we're going down this road to live, plays from a republica. thank you. let me say i thought without somebody like protocol, i'm the type of apartment. and so the only who you had i brought to our meeting the other day said that the west must not split on the. ready grade,
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how can you try to convince bologna and have a can lead us that you're applying and you are to creation of the, of the, of the willing, sorry, it's the right thing. and to persuade them to join. and do you see the, the west mice play sundays? thank you. well, that's how to very good bilateral meeting with georgia this morning. we have the 1st fall out troll problem, i think, in history of british talent and relation. so that was a fast, we get all personally very well, and she's very clear about that. want to speak for her. but i mean, i think composition is well lowered that europe putting the us had to stand together in that for the most pools be strong. so that's a huge amount of common ground between the way i see this, the way georgia sees this, particularly each um the views that, um,
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it is important for the security of defense of italy, of europe in the united kingdom. that we work as we've always what closely aligned with the united states, federal for about 10 days prior to as well. that was british prime minister care stomach the a speaking in london of to anything with of a you leaders. he started by talking about this being a time of across roads in history. it is now not the time for more tools. it is a time to accede in out lines, a broad uh, full stage plan to support you crying and try and find the lasting piece in the region. he also mentioned that person will use $2000000000.00 to supply $5000.00 a defense ms. solve for ukraine that will be manufactured in belfast, so you will so talk to briefly about boots on the ground and planes in the year. you must do the heavy lifting, but to the us is in as a reliable ally,
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and it must have the backing of donald trump's administration and the united states. the full point plan that the stomach outlines basically goes as follows. it was 1st of all to keep the money flowing it to ukraine in the short and medium $10.00. the also reiterated that any lasting piece still must include ukraine suffering today. he said that was extremely important. 3rd point of this plan was to keep boosting ukraine's own defense capabilities. obviously, by providing military aid and financial hardware. and his 4th and final point was to further the coalition of the willing to try and find as much support in europe and beyond, to guarantee long term pace for you crime. but also if the europe as well. he also went on to say that not every nation in europe will be able or willing to
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contribute to this, but that comp stop us from moving forward, especially in the short to me. also it spoke briefly about donald trump in the us off to that to mulch was amazing that let me ask you heads with donald trump in the white house as well. he said that he can get a positive outcome from the united states with this plan would join now by out diplomatic. it is a james base is obviously been standing by watching and listening very closely to what test i'm had to say the terms. can you just run this through exactly what you might of, of us down this comments? well, he has a plan. he has a plan that he hasn't yet sold to the americans. it appears he's told trump that he's coming up with a plan and he's going to discuss it with the nations here. of course the us boss and at this meeting, he's got to sell this to the us. and if this is going to be
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a coalition of the willing, but it's going to step in, as he says off to 6 far, then it's also got another participant is going to have to agree to it, which i would suggest is somewhat unlikely given that comments so far, and that is russia, russia has said all along, but it wouldn't allow that to be any nato troops in it's folder near a former from line policing, any c spa. so there are big problems going ahead, i think with this plan. but let me just run through it again and he says that in order to strength and ukraine, they will keep the military aid on the economic pressure on russia. until there is a cease fox. he said, the aim is to, to keep the salt from tea and the security of ukraine. remember, you see the, what use the words and such as all the other countries, the sovereignty and territorial integrity with a drop that would cause that means, and everyone exception. now that ukraine, after it was invited 3 years ago,
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is going to need to lose some land to give up. some of it's tara treat to the country that invaded is russia a c said that kind of missions, toners and the winning boots on the ground. and claims the us, the u. k. sorry, is prepared to deliver and he said we should be prepared to leave. i think we should just stop for a moment that we talked about the u. k, leading the u. k. as a military of just over a 100 seat styles and strong that says almost half the size. it was some 40 years ago, the us, the u. k. maybe within nato, a reasonably big military pilot, and nothing like the us or turkey, but it's still some would question whether it has the capability to lead this sort of operation. we understand the from is also offering to help the other countries that are much less willing. i may not be part of the condition of the winning. what
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will be the attitude of germany? we have a shots, the chancellor here at the meeting today representing jeremy of course he is not going to be the johnson for much longer as the coalition negotiations continue here . so i'm gonna plan from the u. k. a plan, the other countries now and as we go through all of the different countries of the 10 digit listen to them. all the leaders speaking to that price. because each of these leaders is accompanied by a small group of journalists and each will give a little brief thanks to them. we perhaps can get some idea of how many countries are willing to join such a condition. and i think we'll get an even bigger picture when on says say the 27 countries of your opinion meet for us. another summit is going to take place. and that's, i think we're going to be where we're gonna start to see some of the problems. because for the you to get involved, they need to have some degree of unity. we already know hungry is completely
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against these ideas. so back here i think is pretty light needs to follow with behind hungry and even those that support the idea of supporting ukraine may not be quite the key to put the troops on the ground. so even though there's a plan, i think lots of doubts about whether that plan can go anywhere. thank you so much, james, who are running us through all of that this time space for us in london. that's what we're doing now. if i've been a good one who is upon the prison strategic intelligence and investment advisory firm, who joins us from london also. thank you very much for being with us. uh, 1st of all, we heard that 2nd some of the as a cross roads. this is a crossroads in history. now is not the time for more tool kit is a time to ask. what do you make of the plan that he's put fluids to get europe and the u. k to 2 x and the very soft principles and they are just principals at this stage. just so a lot of fun. given the 5 timeline that we're working on,
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um it's a, i think it's quite impressive what they've managed to pull together. of course, the devil as you across one of the saying is the devil is going to be in the detail . so this talk of a coalition of the willing to support, to support ukraine and defend ukraine solvency to maintain the seatbar is going to, is going to be extremely difficult. as is continued funding. if you crane maintaining sanctions on russia, perhaps that's going to be there's a real danger handle. the european coalition could split as a result of some of these commitments. but european countries will make this will has to be run up the flagpole to donald trump. uh to say what he makes it. what do you think his reaction will be? you're absolutely right. this is a proposal for the americans, not for the russians or for the ukrainians, but i think it's, it's a good start. i think the white house will be pleased to see have the european is rushing around, trying to get something together. of the commitment on
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a weapons is very, very important, and i think the americans will conceive that you'd be great and we'll have to be part of the talks sooner or later. so the storm is main thing in the white house when well, my phone's mixing into what i was going well. so hopefully this sign of action will create that sort of diplomatic pause to see some sort of supplement that will be agreeable to you. crime, it's dumb also talked about the u. k. and you having to put boots on the ground and planes in the, in your it must, through the heavy lifting. what tons of that actually happening. i will play that scenario out. you have british, french is 30 and powerless troops on the ground and there is, for whatever reason, an exchange of fire contact. the danger here is the point of a security guarantee in a deployment is that you have to be, you have to be prepared to stand up against any kind of regression or,
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or be prepared to fight back. and i think it's very unlikely that you're being troops, even a coalition of the willing would be about to do that. doesn't mind. the whole point from the russian perspective is that they don't want to make side trips and you cry . and so, i'm not sure even the russians would agree to that, even if the europeans were prepared for it. and you mentioned the coalition of the willing. we know that not every country in the age you is going to be on board with this plan hungry being the number one, as we heard from out different medicaid is a james buys a little earlier. who else could be very hesitant to go ahead with a plan along these lines? well, there's, there's a whole host of countries, and this is the problem. as soon as you start to get warm and split hungry or flip, i keep being the obvious, obvious ones. it becomes easier and easier um for, for, for the russians and even the white house to, to pay a lot of the countries as well. where in coalition folks now in germany. but what
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that coalition will look like, what they'll be prepared to do is, you know, it remains to be seen. so as i said before, when it comes down to it, you have to be prepared to deploy troops for those troops to be prepared to engage . and i think they'll be many countries, but while generally are supportive of ukraine will not want to put the troops in harm's way. that might, that might be a step to fight so many. we also had stuff to say that he did not accept the the us as an unreliable ally. what did you make of that? there's obviously a message to directly to donald trump, isn't that? yes, i think this is just alyssa king. i wouldn't but thinking of some other large picture on that one. um, but i think he's saying exactly the things that he needs to say to bring the white house in on board. i think my crowd stall, i'm a they realize that your cannot go it alone. the best option for the europeans is to prepare. and also that combined the americans game that will require the
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europeans providing a lot more in terms of money and uh, military equipment. but if you, if you don't present somebody that will bind the americans in new york is not able to do this on that side. and we, we talked about this a few hours ago when we last had you uh, on the program. and, and we heard from james, uh, the basically saying that this going to be another, some of the few more days is going to be more discussions, more tools, maybe another summit to try and bring this plan together. but one advantage that donald trump actually has is that he moves extremely fast in any open to pace to come up with a plan on the fly. and then he runs with it and actually tries to implemented. i mean, how critical is it that the you and the u. k. actually come together as quickly as possible with this plan to, to, to submit it to donald trump and take it further. i think is critical. i think it's very dangerous into mind when there's a lot of dangerous rhetoric in the phase and in europe at the moment. because
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frankly, and i share some of this, these views, the behavior from the white house, the other day was a poor. but we have to accept the reality that where is your opinions and there's no way the way are going to provide a safe or more secure ukraine without america bullshit. and so that, so we do have to accept the position that we're in and the position that ukraine isn't as much as we may not blanket. and so, as far as i can see, bringing the americans in, offering something that from can accept the critical materials deal from ukraine's perspective, crated defense spending. a larger amounts of funds coming from europe to support ukraine. ukraine is in europe. it's not in north america. so the americans do have the point. yeah, that's the best way, but i think you'll be very dangerous for the europeans to think that they could go this alone without the americans. this might sound fish, but many back is of donald. trump basically said this is how he is planned at all. that is the, the missing with the landscape in the white house was, was
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a bit to try and force europe together and to step up and, and do much more than it has been doing, especially when it comes to defense spending. uh, what do you make of, of, of that idea? i think broadly that that's correct. i wouldn't say that trump is a 3 d chess class. trump who said consistently with things 2016 and even since the 19 ages in the 1990s. but europe is a free rider in terms of security and on trade. and he has actually been rather predictable in that sense. and so we shouldn't be prepared for, for this kind of uh, from this kind of action from, from uh, from the americans. i would also say this is more controversial because obviously, morally, peter zalinski said exactly the things that he, bob should have said. they were accurate, but they were provocative to someone like j. d evolves who absolutely hate since
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and in ski and has no interest in ukrainian security. and so, while you guys are lensky and my mind should have known that he was working and to identify snakes and should have been much more careful with his rhetoric though. okay, we'll have to leave it there, but the festival in giving you a thoughts has always been a good win pundit prism the strategic intelligence in london. thanks so much we're ukrainians have been fighting russia for 3 years with this provided launch lead by the united states and europe. but the disastrous public sped that we've been talking about. that's happened between the later and us president donald trump has cost down of america has continued support, sell stratford. since this report from keith sunday worship at the st. below demand cathedral and the ukranian capital built in the mid 19th century. the fresh goes created by all designs from venice. the church was closed with decades on the soviet rule of the 3 years since rush is full scale invasion. people are struggling
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to come to terms with what's happened in the white house between the president and the leader of the most powerful allies. on the years, we had hoped that historic moment would take place the signing of mutually beneficial agreements in washington. unfortunately, temptation prevailed and instead of p, if we got even more and more this time in the political arena and it's the same story, i deeply appreciate everyone who supported us then and continues to support us. now . my husband has been fighting since march 2022, and i still hold on to hope that victoria will come soon. sure. as the president meets your opinion, leaders in london with another major european summit on ukraine scheduled for next week. ukrainians. hope you can come together, provide more weapons and can convince president donald trump to offer the us guarantees of security. your cost so which one was
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a worry that difficult may take over that personal interest without the way you come and goals. we need to understand who we are and who is around us, but oversight. father, alexander, has been a priest at the cathedral since before. russia's antics ation of crimea in 2014, with peace is freedom, and life in slavery is not life. i'll defend is on these things to, i'll defend is they was, is, and will be a for ukrainian independent states of all to the unprecedented diplomatic disaster between president zalinski and president trump in washington. ukrainians find themselves in deeply, uncertain times. they have always known that the face of the country will be determined by the political will, the strength, and the generosity of its allies, the people here or perhaps more acutely aware than ever before. that can no longer be guaranteed child stuff without a 0,
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keith. the to the full of the sod regime in syria last to stand by thousands of syrians have returned to their homes, many of which have been destroyed. but even in the midst of the ruins, families are observing, ramadan and upholding the traditions. personal set of reports from damascus. it's been a bit too sweet, homecoming for many serious fill out the violence and tell us of the civil war. what they found up in the return has been heartbreaking. here in the neighborhood of damascus, the restitution is overwhelmed. these children have come back to the home, which is barely standing. the father of i'm jets, says he knows living here. he's dead just busted, but if that'd be another feature. so what else? his oldest son was killed in 2013 by a battle bomb dropped by the savages family den semester's area for more than
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a decade. oh, well at all, and i'm not going to, we're trying to stay here while being struck by every kind of weapon imaginable. they were experimenting on us with weapons that we had no idea what they were using . they even use chemical weapons surface to surface missiles. everything out of it was why such a month for the stroke 2 weeks ago. she's not paralyzed on one side. i wouldn't miss uniform suspension this document when we 1st moved here, my son fell through the building twice. we would not leave here if we could afford it. no one wants to risk their children's lives, but we have no other option. everyone tells me that i need to go to a physical therapist, but no one helps with anything. a few 100 meters away from it, but i'm just home. another family has also recently turned in this humble kitchen. what's the name of the is that if the media for when the somebody breaks the fast
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or something a month has just returned from work, these 2 fingers were amputated off to be struck by a boom left on his feet by the g. like on the same medium and then the month when we came back, the house was 90 percent destroyed. we put up a tent instead of a wall that has gone in this part of the room and sat in the other room after cleaning it. then we started working from there little by little brick by brick and many others comedies. and now trying to overcome the trauma and most as they have experienced, often alone do a fasting. it's time for the start at objects house. for them, the rest of your company belongs, and out of this city is economy remains buyer with high levels of poverty and unemployment and the psychological tool of years of conflict. and this basement has left many families struggling to call this a in this month diploma. done their pre and for the loved ones who have died as
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they try to hold onto life with a little they have left a. this was said that i'll just sorta damascus for congress. these troops have march through the capital of the democratic republic of congo, and hundreds of soldiers took part in the show of force and can show, so which comes as well on the bank and $23.00 fighters make gains in the countries east. him 23. his cap should the regions to major cities, government and because of the government says more than 7000 people have been killed. a since the offensive started in january more than 300000 unemployed senegalese, uh, applying for seasonal vases to work on spanish funds. the head of the harvest, spain is expanding as migration programs to tackle labor shortages and cub illegal migration bought within the $350.00 spots available competition is this. nicholas hoc reports from the village of south again and send a go. if only there was a well in the village if that again,
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then abdul aziz and joe i would not be trying to go to spain. he sees in his fields on top of possibilities. going to pop water. he says is like magic turning sand into crops. sup, zip a purple sheet. i can grow salads, carrots, beans, and onions. i could in enough to feed my family and not have to go to you. i came up with, hoping to fund a well. and joe, i applied for the seasonal visa scheme to work on farms in spain. the leaders of the 2 countries revived a 2 decade long seasonal work visa scheme. in 2024. to curb the legal migration and to help spain deal with its manpower shortage. a record 47000 mostly africans arrived illegally in spain. last year. many end up working in the fields. keep illegal, labor is paid. a fraction of the wage is given to locals. just one short season
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working the farms in spain would bring enough funds to turn this bearing land into life, bring water here, grow crops, and stop the flow of migration so that people can have opportunities right here on their land. shareef i took part in the scheme. unlike many he returned home with the savings. he bought enough live stock to secure a modest living, but he carries with him the painful memories of back breaking work. picking pears in apricots, fruits, he can't afford to buy or grow. citizens zillow, it's hard work. you sleep little, you will cannot wake you up. a 4 am walking 50 kilometers in a day for a small meal and the manager shouting that you. it doesn't feel right. fucking and die is competing with the young skilled, unemployed graduates clutching their diploma as hoping to find work. they cannot find at home. 300000 applicants vying for just 350 spots. oh,
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i see. and yeah, i called a friend who like him, applied for the scheme. weeks have passed with no news assignments feels familiar. he fears he's been duped and that his application has not been processed with it comes to the realization of having lost the family savings and the possibilities of a new life. nicholas hawk elgin's era taking the catholics visiting from have expressed the concerns of pope francis who is in hospital and has misleading the weekly pre. if the 5th consecutive sunday, the th, your old leader of the roman catholic church has been suffering from pneumonia and 1st longs. the 2 weeks will stop at american national parks has been in the firing line is the trump administration seeks to count government spending. that's right, as concerns the lots of stuff could endanger the nature reserves that it can send
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and some of america's greatest national treasures since and monahan has more these protests there is that you some of the fear for the future of america's national parks, around $1000.00 employees, 5 percent of the workforce were laid off in february as part of a cost cutting campaign by the truck administration. former staff say this was the wrong place to cut corners. people who come to these national parks to work are not making a lot of money. and in fact, most of them are volunteering time beyond their work duties because they care so much about the work they do. so if you're trying to find efficiency in the government, these people who are bleeding, so these clerks or somebody with sufficient governmental use that exist. yosemite national park is famous for its natural beauty. the 3 100000 hector nature reserve, the trucks around $4000000.00 visitors every year. staff help keep people out of danger and maintain facilities that are often difficult to reach,
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to say to absolutely incredible works above protecting the environment, keeping people safe to making the visit or experience what it is. and they said this absolutely despicable that anybody, questions their job performance or suggests that that there's waste your sam as he is also vital for science and conservation. it's home to hundreds of animal species and more than a 1000 different plants, these national parks are one of the treasures of our country, and they sold some species that are on the brink of extinction. and if we don't ask now to save these things, they could disappear forever. several parts of will re scaled back opperation in response to the cost. there's been pressure from some politicians and advocacy groups to reverse them. the trump administration has promised to hire more seasonal workers to fill the gaps. vince and martin l g 0. so well, that's ultimate. tell him a price for the moment so you can always find much more information on our website
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that alex's here don't. com. i will be back in just a moment though with much more of the day's news to stay with us. the examining the impact of today's headlines. setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussion. international filmmakers and world class journal. bring programs to inspire you on edge of the what's it like to be an on documented person in donald trump's american m. o. r. a 100 and documented farm worker lives in a constant state of fear. my needs are greater than the see if i don't go out to work, i won't have anything to feed. my son, being separated from him is her greatest fear. those fears are shared by the estimated 1800000 undocumented persons in california alone. these are the people donald trump, calls dangerous criminals,
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teaching, and helping transform lives. this is messy in action. this is human appeal. the the hello until mccrae. this is the news our line from coming up in the next 16 minutes . a plan to create a coalition of the willing european leaders wrap up in emergency summer's in london . design to boast, the security and help you try and we've agreed that the u. k. from some others will work with you, train on a plan to stop the flight to then we'll discuss that plan with you.
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