tv [untitled] March 3, 2025 1:30am-2:00am AST
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piece is freedom and life in slavery is not lice. i'll defend is on these things to i'll defend as they was, is, and will be a for ukrainian independent states. all to the unprecedented diplomatic disaster between president zalinski and president trump in washington. ukrainians find themselves in deeply uncertain times. they have always known that the face of the country will be determined by the political will, the strength and the generosity of its allies. but people who are perhaps more acutely aware than ever before that can no longer be guaranteed charles strap it onto a 0. keith calling to these troops of march through the capital of a democratic republic of congo. hundreds of um, soldiers took part in the show of force and kinshasa, which comes as rolanda by $723.00 fighters make gains in the countries east. and $23.00 is comp to the regions to major cities game. and because the government says
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move, and 7000 people have been killed since the offensive began in january. you is that cross country, it has dealt in south korea days off to north korea. tested cruise missiles is up. creating navy says, be mindful of the vessel as a display of a mercury partnership ends at country north koreans. threats in the past, john young has viewed such military deployments as provocative and responded with ms. file tests. talk to is tracing pipe problem says say his condition remain stable and that he remains of mechanical ventilation. the head of the roman catholic church suffered breathing complications and hospital on friday. people have gathered to pray outside the hospice in room, but he's being treated the 9 people have been arrested as a protest against evil and must get a new york city test. the dealership is one of a series of rallies across the u. s. against mosque, who's heading up a government's initiative to slash spending, accounts governments, jobs and holiday was biggest night is half and 97th academy awards
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ceremony have taken place. and los angeles, california, the stall studied events is celebrating some of last is most acclaimed phones and performances lead even of nations as the spanish language musical. a media perez with the teen notes, the highest for a non english language film and our school history. meanwhile, know of alons made by palestinians really connective has been nominated for best documentary as it from me. nora. com. i just wanna website out 0 adults come one use of the hail deposit the to understand the world we must experience life through now. designs witness documentary is done by all the trees and change perspectives on l g 0.
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when you consider a plan, it's by diversity. she range in variety of life that exist on us. and then when you think about the threats to this diversity, what are the images that immediately come to mind? apolo bass stranded on a melting chunk of ok. maybe a last wave of the on this deforest, all perhaps stretches of coal rates bleached and slowly dying. or is images are on the la? they are indeed evidence of biodiversity. but how about this image? a supermarket isles. it seems counterintuitive. supermarkets appear a spaces of such a range and abundance. but look a little closer and you'll soon realize they are in fact, short cases of the staggering impact of global streets. so having on the planet, spite of the city, which is more than you think and valuable in more ways than you know,
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the a science diversity by the, by the bio diversity, by the city. we hear the word, but what is it really me? no, no i don't actually b o you know, they're like, you know, come ok you in a via either view and see i'll come old body a particular the know what, who we kinda to head to the what i know. so you know, some of you have shut off that have me in a split incentive. armina smithhaven. nothing. me, this one. how it will have me if i had the effects us because we also are part of that by our diversity by it. or the city refers to the intricate mission of living things on us animals, plants in 6 micro organisms. but it goes way beyond just the existence of these
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different categories of living. things by diversity is the result of 3 intertwined features. ecosystem diversity, spacings diversity, and genetic diversity to more complexity, variety, and intertwining. the dense of the width of life becomes the more resilience we see in the living world. however, the last is already mounting. in the past, 50 years, wildlife populations have declined by an average 69 percent. it's an alarming statistics that many sides say, is propelling us towards the 6 mass extinction on us. a phase when spc spanish much faster than that can be replaced while the previous 5 mass extinctions that took place of the span of the last 500000000 years came of that as a result of natural causes. what we're seeing now, there is a phase of rapid extinction cools as a result of human activity. and one of the key drive is applied is to be lost.
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industrialized agriculture, industrial agriculture based on chemicals drive time, cluster abuse is a single biggest cause full bite of as the destruction. to bend on a shiva is regarded as one of the world's most for middle environmentalists and food rights advocates. this targeting of divided this d. i live in direct to pick to invited listing. the targeting comes from the red code division of crops for chemical ports, which means you have to grow only more. just because if you create a rate versus kind of a bunch of lines, then or reach the theme has to be exactly the same. that's why you do the po, to be to vegetable diverse these 92 percent. and then this was done, rich destruction, of habitats to rule. but animal feed and biofuel. in addition to the way the fun creates the context for by that was the outside the
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phone, just in the last 30 years, large amount of damage. you've been sick just so with this is the phone. the song by that was the problem by that was to be, but it was just basic by themselves or be killed and outside the file. this system is destroying the habitats that allow why that was due to try and trickling the habitat of animals. also means you emerging infectious diseases. the viruses that will totally be part of the viral, mostly because of the new infectious disease of this animal. they given me, if you want to understand how we go to this place, then you need to take a step back in history. because diversity is not something out global systems of production of very good. that whole setup for agriculture at mass scales, producing enormous volumes of cups that are predictable, consistent and affordable, has seen us forcing nature to operate like a factory technique, food into
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a commodity. there are 2 steps by which food has been converted into a commodity. the 1st was the pre industrial step, which is the colonial stand wetlands like mine were colonized and surrounded the colors was being the property of england and rents what collect $45000000.00 was transferred from india 3 in the 200 years, a pretty sure. but it was the commodities that for girl became create commodities rather than what nourished people. so the change of food as nourishment into food is a colonial commodity for treat. let's do the time is that the last of the 2nd commodification began. when can we go to was introduced in the name of the green ribbon and thoughts systems were transformed to commodity production systems. the green revolution that then don was talking about was one of the most dramatic developments in agriculture, in the 20th century. from the 1940s onwards technology that had already transformed
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food production in industrialized countries, especially the u. s. was exported 1st to mexico and then beyond the western hemisphere in places like seen bob way to keep focused on india and thailand. the impact was tangible within a decorative. so i'll think agricultural technologies being implemented attention was focused on seeds and soil, high yielding crops that were easy to how this was sheets for developed through skilled branding and genetic modification. the slope was also supercharged with modern irrigation systems sprayed with pesticides and enriched with synthetic certain lives. in the initial decades, it was hard to see the green revolution as an a thing, but a success. agricultural production jumped policy more consistent on the price of food packaged in some places, it actually prevented mass starvation. in fact,
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in 1970 the american agronomist to let the green revolution norman bold received the nobel peace prize for his efforts. it is true that the tide of battle against hunger has changed for the better during these past of 3 years. but the nice that shiny green machine was some really big problems when they introduced the see, you know what the goals we thought is something we can bring to lee l. c to the people . but they need the information. we received a letter and we found it very, very complicated, and these are the types of this now populations will have their own data. i'm calling elizabeth pharma and former leader of via campuses and international farm is formed by 182 organizations in 81 countries. she's currently on a farm in rules. and bob way,
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with the internet connection can leg. they want to destroy all that they literally people, whoops, which i was just as a be growing for ages and ages. they will also talk to much of what g, lizzie, must have the use of heavy sized kidney coves that lies into attaching systems because it wouldn't be damaged to the environment the flu. so lucien asked that that necessarily means we are going to reduce the map and see that well we have $200000.00 varieties of rice and media feeding bugs feeding the animals feeding all the humans and then the return it will only go in the commodity. what this does is stop the size of each chair. nothing goes back to this one. and you'll lance us to get this fine. transitioning out through
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production, navigate drawer back to the onset as west by supermarkets and them just having these veracious appetite costa g, a dot us is one of strategy is best known environmental educators who is passionate about regenerated agriculture, feed production and community building. when something gets big, it also means it has to simplify, have listings, but more often, and that's being solved as convenience. and so as a result, food system has gone from hundreds and hundreds of spaces of plants that we down to very few. and whether you talk about that in the realm of fruit or vegetables. 2 to the your average twice for food and you know, there's 3 or 4 apples, there's 4 or 5 pages. even if you're lucky colin is reduced it to you know, just to cut a couple of space. easton tight eyes are equally reduced to just
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a few. so agriculture, just big chain pack and we grab a lot and get it from a place where we can grow it cheaply to a place where we can get the maximum profit. so basically what grinding for flavor anymore. they would grind the transportability and to have that transportability that had to be picked up early. otherwise, if that was so, i couldn't travel the 100, sometimes 1000, sometimes even tens of thousands of kilometers. the system has basically reduced food to an item. and how can we ship that all items by successfully for maximum profit that made spring? if that means the beginning tammy goes to extend the transport lot. all of these things have combined to turn out food into a commodity by system manufacturing states and synthetic fertilizes,
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or at the heart of this commodity based industrialized system. a small group of madness, multinational corporations go to the bank. yeah. can china and b a s s, in effect, own and control costs of what should be a primarily natural agricultural process. because crops are designed to meet certain requirements, a small group of species of selected at the expense of the office. plants are created to be responsive to chemicals, and crucially, the seats are often designed to delete the high you offered for holding the limited number of commons didn't traded on the commercial, proprietary seed market. this whole process has played a key role in destroying pups. spc stipends, according to the u. n. food, an ex cultural organization. 75 percent of the gold script varieties disappeared between $1902000.00. huge wealth of regionally specific, locally adapted crops,
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has been replaced by standardized motor quote to variety. when you ship by the sea to model cultures, you are eating just the same to commodities for calories because calorie became the measure. nothing you know is how many companies controlling the seat and no one aust, latoya be as the most important but anything you pick up in a supermarket has really a process. even your sugar now is not sugar. it's high fructose corn syrup from gm gone. and this was on the one hand lips to the erosion dividing listing, you know, phones having the floors. but he just did do an erosion of body of a seat. you know, the last 20 years as chronic diseases and exposure to the need to the fact that helps against the soul. because the rich of your soul is in diversity,
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does return. your lungs are nutritional that was as a result of speech, you're really not. she go, so then we come to the universe of advert chemicals from pesticides to to decides to said lives is the key ingredient in factory farming is nitrogen said eliza, which requires vast amounts of natural gas and even sometimes cold to produce the problem is the message of this application of nitrogen fertilizer is a decades as damage to include nitrous oxide, pollution. nitrous oxide by the way, is almost $300.00 times more pollutants and carbon dioxide. so it's getting deserted by because we needed the notes and the big personalizes we will not be able to go food. and these things to cooperate sizes are made by the c techniques that may have the same chemicals that we use to kill people in the concentration within adapted to be safe. agent orange is supposed to be put in the viet nam,
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who we can put aside to the same companies that to attacked. it seems to kind of goes and they put people in the country, but then they adapted seats to generate you can do you need to bowl chemicals a good see, let me see and open the front of me is in mind these are a bunch of trying to look with each that is a living economy. when you start to control the see kill released, can you buy the say you buying a system and that system will name that say to the price price with a pre image in the side. so that when this a comes out, this herbicides is but they both have been modified in a way that the, any c to ease you know. and if you want to plan to give the next 2, you have to get it back. and that's a massive shift in history,
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and it will always be sold on as well. we've done research and we've done this for these reasons. and so this is a mock at all because we have value adding and you type in, you pay for it. if you the, i mean digital pharma will then already have the cool thing that the digital, the photo sizes in the seats. so as soon as the carpet say, it's going to be the day. a big way was to petition with each other to try. they'll price now and then same time i'll goes to buy rice of the commodities, which is $4.00 times more. so people hungry because of the data, and they get hungry because of the port riley and the seats in pricing. both a globalized corporate driven agribusiness system or the tragedy of intensive farming is not just the law supply diversity, the designation of swell systems, and the immense amounts of pollution. it's that the food security that was going to
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be the motivation behind all this industrialization isn't secure. in most places west through the scoring today. hope you the low because of most frequent heat waves was air pollution drops and phones. and i recall too much contribution kind of changes also most fundamental climate change model culture system boot collapse with one change in rain with one change in the months with one cycle but the by the sea of the seats, the bedrooms have can see it through the cycling because they love government, so to speak. they bridge dogwood seats. so paula reading is watch with c s photometry salience. because logically, the principle is established tablets. systems are really and want to cash as a matter of a to collapse. and we are following the modem lamps. right? now, this is one of the highest we get into and badly where we just received it very minimal rain pool rolling. it could be a good politically. we have to have something,
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you know, the, the menu. that's the height, big size of the truck, or they did this to tell you nothing one gets made between the 2. you can't use that because the excel, shedding tears because them look, think they have enough to give the affinity is this is a crisis. it's a crisis. the crisis of a world dominated by a limited number of proprietary seeds is not something scientists have taken mildly, seed collections serve as insurance from the dangers of standardized clubs, strains, intensive farming practices any increasing by it is there a mold and 1700 sea gene banks. around the world and the smell bad global seat bolt is arguably the most famous of its been dumped. the noah's ok see that the city all
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the library of life. i'm here in spelled lot in the arctic circle. just 1300 kilometers from the north pole. it's freezing cold, it's remote and while it may not look like it, this place has a repulsive tree that holds more agricultural diversity than anywhere else. one of the seatbelt provides long, 10 storage of duplicates of seeds conserved in gene things around the world. the deposit taking place today is the largest, if the seed volts end in 2008, 170 boxes from 36 different c. thanks around the world i've been added to the collection and that will bring the total number of unique species inside the volt to move in a 1000000. amongst us time deposit is representatives from k live in on south korea. and the 1st us try the cherokee nation. all that happened back in 2020,
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i visited the volt just 2 weeks before cause it looked down again. and i spoke to a grunt of this 10 seat volt coordinator jasmine as, till the last, the last of these farmers variety during the last 200 years. and luckily we have g banks that takes care of these, right, this because then they have g and that we need when we produce these 3 of our i t adapting 2 times and find that the width of the time as drugs you found, deceased. and so on with the us already experience in temperatures that have never existed before in the history of agriculture. it's important to understand that it's how crops on the front lines as genetic by diversity is found out because of the need for stable, predictable, and industrial quantities of produce species, a losing the ability to any self seats on able to adapt to climate change. the need to wait. if we do not have to,
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if we do not have the genetic varieties and genetic diversity within crops, we would not be able to develop agriculture. the time with the same thing. we need more food, new plant diseases, civil are. and then we need new varieties, and without the domestic diversity, we will not be able to produce a fluid and we will actually them as tablets. so this is about the existence of humanity actually in $9091.00, then donna founded the organization that's done. yeah. which works to protect the biological diversity of seats. it's aims of rudely the same as the smell bod see think, but their methods are different. they've done, you collects indigenous varieties and say, some from extinction. in addition, the organization promote so clinic, finding methods and protects from is from dependence on painted seeds. you know, the 2 kinds of seat saving. one days,
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knowing that it's living and must give life every day. it must be accessible to people. if there's a problem, you can only have see if you're going to see the 2 limitations with the idea of the sort of i think in a period of kind of change that you know, with math and it did, it just started the 2nd this package, the big can notes, i see $2000000.00 a $1000000.00 gets applied to each other to exchange. but the package of see what's funny is what you want is the next generation of genetic modification, which is gene editing. you want the next generation of batch and thing with just to general sequence, read it. you don't do anything with the c, the files or the printing, just do the general mac mac and say my 2500 kilometers in pageants. so those packages are fine for that. i've visited lots of say things, it was fine to have the sites. but if you don't know how to jim and i then then
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it's kinda like just having wrinkle, it's thing you've done, haven't wrinkled, flight or flight, but h and every one of those saved banks the most proactive eastern growing of the scenes. because we need to, let's say it's growing size it, they adapting it to a shifting climate. so that's where that whole idea of growing and saving, growing and saving, growing and saving every year. that's the incremental insurance, not just these cases talking to why and hype to the best in fifty's a bite of the city is the natural world safety that to safe god, survival without diversity that can be no adaptation. and without adaptation. extinction is only a matter of time. industrialized intensive agriculture is just one part of the why divided us the crisis. but it is the most significant talk. edits. route is
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a fluid system, one that is destroying the fundamental elements that make it was swell seats and the cycle of life. i think we need to change the language around things because so much of it is around consumption inconvenience. and that becomes nice commodity and becomes an item. it's not at all items, duties at the very heart of the valley, guys, systems and landscapes in our planet. but it also takes out very hot going. so it is the most intimate thing we engage with every day, and we bring it into our bodies. and when we start to think about it with that level of care and concern, then we'll give it the priority that it needs. and we'll craft plan and a future that brings everyone together with st. twice, some pantry and a field fridge. human beings on not necessarily
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a destructive indigenous people have told us that we can be reached and are equals otherwise you would have 80 percent of the items in the list of 25 percent of the land that interested me last week. we need to take a listen from that. you want to bring the seats, listen, i can just you to speak with do advert. actually like in the paper relate to the as a living the we speak with the power the ship test to be we've got to get off the fossil fuels. think to just press the deals with the same key that came from the time of booking lane. and shifts to the part of the city thinking the bite of those 2 of the mines and by the. ready catch is what a great rest of the city or
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connecting communities. what would you like to see happen for a new syria to emerge is no way we could live in a country again where i see it is for displacement is part of our presence. opening up the conversation representation methods, we haven't had the best representation of africans. so for us it's about solving that put into representation boxes with fresh perspectives, from lesser heard voices. the stream explores the key issues of our time on algebra . it's one of the biggest clubs in south america, but it's great as rival is just a few blocks away. a mutual dislike between funds from across devices sustained over generations. most smoking junior support, his opponents of news clip colors in ethics, cute, a rich business. put the funds who make football when i was just the or the shape come model
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the, the subjects as well as the bond of extending the 1st phase of the causes cease fire deal cooling, hit black by the company's pocket. this is all just their life, and also coming up a reckless active collective punishment condemnation. an outrage of the israel blocks away from entering the causes trip for their fears of hunger. i'm stopping we all took trust roots in his.
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