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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2025 6:00pm-6:31pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the . ready ready ready the hello and welcome. i'm sort of hide us and this is a news life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. leaders from across the arab world, hold folks in cairo, looking to lay out the plans for garza's future in inside the strip palestinians for past the was israel's side, so brocade on food medicine and just central supplies,
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drugs on donald trump's trade war incense suffice, mexico, canada and china, it's highly ates heavy tarts imposed by the white house. and your plays don't plans to face defense spending and support to ukraine also with us to spend a minute 38 to keep on far as small with the sports and the are taken on australia . on the last 4 of crickets at champions trophy, i'll surely have said india, a victory target of 265 in due by the hello and welcome arab leaders are in cairo for an emergency summit to discuss the egypt scholars the reconstruction proposal. now the meeting was cooled off to you as president donald trump put forward a plan that would c palestinians forcibly displace from the strip egyptian
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president. i've been fight that has c c. open the summits in cold, full, and independent committees. the government goes up for an interior in periods of time. how many that missile advocate egypt has always worked in cooperation with our brothers and palestine at the thoughts forming an administrative commission from professional independent palestinian technocrats because take the reins of affairs of highway. and because of this commission will be responsible for overseeing the relief a whole, so for a permanent and in 3rd period of time to pay for the weight for the time of the promise to me and move forward. to administer garza, that is how much i'm joe. joins me now here on site. it's on top corner of what we've been hearing so far. um, how much who has been speaking already and what have saved been saying just out of the most prominent speaker, obviously so far has been a different program just for to has ccn in his opening remarks. he talked about this being a very complicated regional crisis that is being faced right now that the people
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that have gathered the countries that have gathered there in cairo are gathered by a painful realities at their grave threats. they're facing many err upstage. these are the history will pause to record what happened in gaza and the egypt will continue to support the palestinian people as it has historically now. well, not all the details have emerged yet with regards to what is in this plan. there's been a lot of speculation over the course of the past few days. there been a lot of leaks in different media reports as to what this plan might comprise. and we got some hints as to what we will see later on in the evening. emerging from the details of this proposal, 5 egypt, one of the most important things that present as the said was that essentially palestinian technocrats in this plan would be taking the reins for the interim period of time in gaza until the power steering authority would take control and that jails. what we've seen is some of the reports that emerge over the course of the past few days. reports that suggested that there would be a committee, potentially a technocrat, independent people in a pop made up
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a palestinians that would be running the gaza strip, potentially for 6 months in preparation for the return of the palestinian authority . and also president of cc said that there would be a reconstruction conference that would be happening in cairo next month. and that's really important because up until now, we've wondered if this conference was going to focus more on reconstruction. some of the reporting suggesting that there would be a proposal that would reconstruction would take up to $53000000000.00. it would be happening in either 2 or 3 phases over the course of the next several months potentially years. or if it would be focusing more on, perhaps the political will power of what to do in gaza over of course, of the coming years. it seems now we're going to be hearing that this plan is going to be comprising bits of both. beyond that, we also heard from the you and secretary general antonio gutierrez before and he said essentially that reconstruction requires governance and security. and he said that it has to be forging a political solution for gaza in order for any of this to work going forward. okay,
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thanks very much and how much i'm june bed. let's go back to the are of some that we're hearing from the jordan. lisa, the monica behind the or a 7 see president of the for the has see see or measures to seal. royal highness is, or excellence is, may god's peace and blessings be upon you. on high extent, thanks to the legal 5 states and our brothers in egypt. however, and by rain for they concerted efforts, photos advising this, some of my fellow lead to us today we are required to emphasize 4 key points. first, our total rejection of the possible transfer of the palestinians and at 8 today, some of our support to a clear plan for the construction of the guys within a specific time table which can be presented to the
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effective and active squared plus notice in order to bring it into action by the 2nd to support the efforts of dependency know, authority and the quest for the form to the best interest of our palestinians. brothers, the, in the viable, workable manner for the administration of guys and bring it into connection with westbank and providing all the basic services and provide the required and necessary security. it said the necessity to put an end to the grape escalation in the west bank, namely in the holy month of from done to prevent the situation from being exacerbated or provide an opportunity for the advocates. and that it's that a government to see what the a so for the, for the rate today that the 2 state solution is the only means for i'd saving to
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adjust on lasting piece which got into base tablets meant of the independence solver. instead of seeing you on the state, on the palestinian homes soluble with east jerusalem had its capital, then provides a collective and comprehensive political horizon photo stability. and that he's and then to his theater, the peoples of cities and away from further conflicts. and he would like to reiterate that it is important to have the ceasefire and guys been paid and continued and old. the phases of the agreement be put into implementation. we also emphasize and reiterate that. what is the extent of this a decision to deny the delivery of the human to tell you underneath a, until gaz which is in violation of the international load. what are the items of the dogs and will continue to exhibit all efforts as possible in support of our
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been better cigna and brothers and provide the relief aid aid to guys and over see and save god. the mostly man is tim. hold aside saying guys, well west bank and tourism and also do all it needed to preserve peace and stability. and the agent now hi, give the floor to his excellency presented to my move out best the president of the state of palestine to deliver his most of the ladies. i'm going to see the name of a lot, even if it's in the most for an eel, royal majesty king how much that is. uh the uh, lease, uh the president of the summit. president the cc. oh, really online and it says, your excellence sees the secretaries in the legal 5 states. ladies and gentlemen, may god speak some of this and be with you today. well,
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i'd gather then this extraordinary summit as we are faced with great challenges, was threatening the police to no cause. namely the calls for possibly tons fading our people from their homeland, which are totally and categorically predicted. and with thank old the out of and the european states who had taken the initiative and were quick to reject this in responsible and even humane called. we also need to right that would rejection of these of aly practices, to mandate id, ality, walk you pace, and westbank and tourism. with the purpose of undermining the 2 state solution and to repeating the entire city and colors. in this context, we commend the ada. the exemption plan for the construction of jazz in
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presence of the palestinians on their homeland. and we call on president trump to support the efforts of what are you going to set up for them on this basis rather than any other basis. and he will also thank president trump and his efforts for a tv that sees funding and gas and his and diverse for ad saving the piece between the sign and is right. and then tired asian. and here, we also emphasize our deep thanks to egypt and cut out are the 2 are states who have been actively and effectively part of the ceasefire established on the basis of the 2 state solution. which solution is supported by the global community for the
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establishment of the southern in tennessee, in those days on the border of the 4th of june. 1967 to code live side by side with the state of israel in peace and security. heads of the negations, heads of states. today we are presenting the palestinian vision at up to the challenges which you are all working towards. i didn't get out and he is the main main points. first, the state of palestine ends will undertake its efforts and guides us trip through it's the government and institutions and work commission has been form it for this particular purpose. and we'll take that phase of guys this trip off the at east truck setting and you only for me, the cut and kate goes and gets us to it. but and having them receiving the proper training in egypt and jordan. second,
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these have some plan. the zips in the out of the listing in egypt and then for the new construction of guys in presence of our people on that homeland and it should be endorsed by this summit. how many totes that support by the international community. i'm also doing all that is needed for the success of the international conference on the, the construction of the guys that which would be hosted by egypt and next month. we should also work continue to work, to support the presence and the efforts of the underway. so to provide the necessity mechanisms for the, at a form in the industry to use and then service and legal interest to you since in co producing with the world bank and other global organizations in order to
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maintain the best practices that enforce transparency and accountability for us we emphasize that the ada is let me commit historian, commission b, as it is directed to carry out communication and coal on various wireless capital cities, including the united states capital in order to demonstrate and explained that he kind of struck some plan and presence of that palestinians on that homeland rates or anything that the palestinian authority will undertake the security political and social responsibilities in gaz and on to work towards for the total with all of these regular toothpaste and forces. and the law long lasting ceasefire beam and paint and gas and the unit of that. so the violations of is a west bank and use that as a be brought to an end. and also heading towards the international conference
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on peace conference and next doing for the implementation of the 2 state solution based on the internet. so that is 0 since the piece initiatives and amanda are conducive to establishing peace and stability and security and very too fast to double our efforts for the you. and if you for that you can send the asian and unity among the palestinians. the fax is on the basis of the fact that the penicillin authority is a sold and law for the representative of the palestinian people. and to adopt a political agenda, dental, or the internet. some of the agreements and internet service solutions. and based on the principle of one road, one day team and one law for our and both guides us to the west bank and added to it. this particular point has been the focus of
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a 2 of our discussions with hot mess in order to maintain our national unity. however, unfortunately, till this day we have not received, we have not received any tangible results. we are prepared to have dental elections and that may get once conditions permit bose and gaz of westbank. and he stood as an old elections has been the best covered gaz, westbank and jerusalem. the last of which is the same was denied, but yeah, it is right in where we were not able to have the elections had entered as. and we also call on all the parties involved to pay the way to achieve the se, in the context of the challenges facing the region, we are working about 3 goodness, the struck settings for the state. that is
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a 2. since i'm paying a new blood's and the blessing i know 30, i'm also convening the palestinian, sent that out of counsel in the coming days. and within this context, we, it is all to create a position for a deputy of the head of the but a scene on the 30th and to take that so. so the legal steps for the say, this is based on our key in this, on the unity of side movement as that is that we handed down on den that a part of don't own all those terminate to then to take. then it says city legal measures through this, and in conclusion, i extend all tanks and our appreciation to the monarch off by right into the had been a, is
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a adult studies and president tablets that has easy and the public of egypt for hosting this extra and then of the summit, i also think my fellow heads of state for the continued support to our people, hoping this summit would be a success. thank you. basically would eliminate the clock empty, funded for i think the president of the state of palestine that i called the uh the, the, the living and i've been, i have the phone to deliver his address. i used to movie up must a lot of be up a funny copy for doctor visits as well as how does that? what's the other? all right, so let's go back to him how much i was in his minds, hey, with me on set. so we've been listening obviously to the king of georgian king on solar, and then that was the policy noun for it to be the maximum of the bus. anything particular stand out for you? it was interesting. they both spoke about the 2 state solution as well. doesn't i,
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did they talked about the important etc of the 2 state solution and trying to get this process back on track. and that's really the only way. essentially, they're saying that there can be a lasting piece going forward beyond that. one of the more interesting things we've heard from, if not all the most of the speakers thus far, is this stressing of what is going on right now and how much the situation is deteriorated in the occupied westbank. clearly, the egyptians and the other leaders that are there at this summit want to bring to the world attention. how important it is that the situation get under control in the occupied west bank and how much more dangerous the overall situation. it as a result of the fact that he's real has continued these raids that they sent him tank since he occupied westbank for the 1st time in over 2 decades of their air strikes that are going on. that over 40000 people have been displaced in a matter of weeks. that's something we've heard from the terrace or something we heard from cc or something we heard from the jordanian king and or something we heard obviously from my, from, with our best. now beyond that, i present our best also said, of course the israel's, undermining the 2 state solution. he called on us president donald trump,
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to support efforts at reconstruction. he also thinks president trump for effectively achieving the science fire. and gotcha, that was an interesting thing. clearly there is a lot of it seems that we're hearing some flattery of trump right now. and a lot of the analysts believe that this is because everybody wants to make sure that they try and stay on trumps. good side before this proposal is made public before he gets a chance to react to that. but this is interesting that we're hearing a lot of the leaders already mentioning trump before we've heard any kind of reaction from for any people in the trump administration. also beyond that, i just wanted to mention that the policy, the president said that right now, country should redouble their efforts to try and re unify all the palestinian factions so that there can be this again, pathway towards trying to achieve a palestinian state or 2 state solution going for that of course not least. so the question that many austin who will govern goals are of course moving forward. and in fact more wanda shara, who's out, is there a senior, please cool,
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unless he's joining us live now from geneva, moran, you've been listening to all of the speeches since a sausage mood. i've boss the talking about the policy and as far as he's saying that it's one rule, one law full, he said and goes the westbank and elsewhere of course, referring to occupies east jerusalem. there is nothing wrong with that, but i must be brutally frank here in evaluating, judging idolizing the thought of sydney and presidents. uh, presentations on our ability got this ready historical the strategic dramatic juncture in palestinian life. the fact that he is the fact that he is exposing the kind of sitting in depth to long 3 in data league
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instead of having taken care of it is really disappointing. i think out of that or that about a student leadership, including our past, have us have the right of disappointing. nothing so much in house, much the sacrifice and they did part of how much of a uh, giving uh to find a spot. and then they are working diligently, but disappointing the sense that after the years and years of division, they couldn't come together and unite, even after 16 months of genocide. it's very simple and i'm really starting to repeat that one of the most. but now thing i mean, and that is going to be they are strong in their unity, weak in their division. and they have been divided and they remain divided. the senior person just shared with us and his old age, honestly, that he just couldn't come to terms yet what, how much i thought is incredibly disappointing to the palestinian people. who does that much better at this point in time,
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the division is over. who's going to manage the 1st of the guys up and how much is already set that they accept? so i'm sort of at the bottom picking up and i think they've got a government, which is by the way, it's been just proposed by the education presidents. and i think the part of study is a product that needs to be used for the time being to get along with that. get on board with that in order to continue the dialogue would have asked about that day after the 6th, across the government. otherwise, continuously focusing on winding, i bought that a student, the vision is really not is not good for spice type of quotes that you were saying about those divisions. this comes as a policy and in the forward to view them a hold on boss had come under criticism with what was going on in occupied westbank . just before these riley's had salted the res, where many people people are all they've been killed in jeanine refuge account. number one, when you look at this arab summit, they're discussing,
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obviously it seems this egyptian plan. the details are still to be fleshed out, all of this as a blockade is happening and goes a bias ro i'm really that's the most critical thing and needs it's the right now. yes, there is no doubt and. busy you know, we, we can, we can project all kinds of optimism and hope in an hour, but wishes and so forth. but we would be footing ourselves and footing our viewers around the world. and, and, and i'm at least noticed, and by this time we're going to have to be more brutally frank with each other here as we speak. and how's the rest of us the less than that this out of this kind of somebody is terribly important that i think the egyptian position is going to be key. and, and i'm really delighted to hear uh, the egyptian president towards a rating. the important fundamentals if you would of a solution to that, but i see an issue. unfortunately, i'm here to what i have to be brutally honest. we all know that this was going to
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reject. this is red, is been rejected, which means we're gonna have to start thinking about the day after the summit. and that's why it's not just about projecting an image of unity. it's much more about actually uniting with a common strategy. because one position paper that wouldn't be then directed by his right or the united states is not, there's not enough because we know this is a truck to conflict with is or being, or playing the hedge him on at this point in time. they are, as you stated, they are doing the or committing a mini general, sorry thing in the west bank already with, with tens of thousands of displaced by the city is the we invading at a city and said, these are refugee camps and then okay, pad, $3030.00 is in the west bank, they're doing something similar in syria, the or the north of swipe, that which means like the north of
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a south of syria invading and i'm kidding, and a rabbit jing and so on, so forth. and of course stop on the occupying part of lab and on. so we're talking about re and head jim on is read occupying and brutalizing, but a stadiums and various countries. and the other big needs to take a stand and they need to for the event that you might or what a promise, a strategy weird by moving forward. so would you need the egypt cut out on other companies or been involved? they need to prepare what it is for. it is radiate rejection and is really had gemini supported by the united states. so, nice works of compliments to present top might be, you know, might take them, you know, a few steps forward. but this is, this is a 1000 miles journey. and the merc moran will be obviously coming back to you on more of this. but very quickly there is also this to us of the
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2nd phase rather of the sci fi deal that still hasn't been implemented. so while this meeting is happening in the arab summit and the are of some of the stories being held in cairo, we still don't know what's going to happen with phase 2 as well. it's not just, it's not being implemented. it's not being implemented by one party is right, it's being criticized and content by the other party, in this case, come us to the knowledge unconsciousness of the mediators including the united states. i mean that's not for each other is there it is not just by they thing international law is ryan is invited think it's have nationally signed the agreement because this is the rational agreement, the ceasefire agreement. it has been mediated by 3 countries, including the united states, egypt cuts are and they are responsible in fact for it's implementation. and now is there a violent you violate at will? and that's got the stall fig. get this topic for setting president, that is what it can do, whatever it was, not only by occupying and ravaging, updated stories,
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including the student that authorities. but they also could walk away from international agreements and international law in full view of the out of lead. there's meeting and title, they need to be that con, pass or to the out of the nation today to the people as, as they struggled forward to try to put an end to israel's aggression. i guess the kind of thing is on other people. okay, thanks very much. so i'm are on the shower the on the slates. this with the arab summit now is ro, is booking all food fuel on medicine from entering goals or as we were just mentioning that while the sci fi deal is still in limbo view and says, food prices have more than doubled in the strip as a result right groups have condemned the decision accusing israel of using starvation as a weapon of war rights. well, let speak now to correspondence or to of what was the one who's my for us in hon.
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unice since southern gaza. um, you, as well as everyone and goals that has really felt the impacts of this located not just throughout the world, but also now as the sci fi isn't in by as well. so are the, is rarely decisions about in the industry of all sorts of humanitarian aid and commercial goods to the cause of spray pad late the vulnerability of the palestinian community as its break significant for precautions on the humanitarian situation. we have been reporting about the spot today. we have taken a closer look on tell us that your market setup widely busy with posted in buyers will try to afford the basics. mississippi's from what has been left in terms of products in these already bought to markets. i have been told by a palestinian father full who had just boats about give a slow he should just consume saying that he is not just quite sure how long this
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bible the flower would last. but he had to get something before its old gun. and then another woman had told us that her main concern is not just about the return of his tall day shift. spot is, the crisis will deepen the young derek capacity and the ability to undo which could be a sign of the lesson of fee that palestinians have been really going through the following . the is fairly decisions about the entry of humanitarian aid supplies to because of strep palestinian space. basically you rely on all sorts of external aids to the basic items. and now for them, the spam is considered to be caught in the lifeline that they have been depending on since the only set of the is by the military campaign. and guys of sat around we have been cher, hearing beecham, sons of people. they said that prices have been sol rings. the believe that products will be run out for markets within a very short time. if the decision will continue to take place without significant change over sit back by the,
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by the side in order to help civilians to cope with the situation and not to be the problems of the conflict of the political demands of both conflicting parties. okay, thanks very much to have. i was on that now published indians, how strongly condemned to us present donald trump threats to take over the ship, unfortunately, expelled palestinians from the land as well as some people and goals that have been saying head of they are of summit this out the door will be a home not feeling the my message to the arab nations is that they already know the panelists to need. people have always been very few changes suffering and displaced over the past 2 years. and for a very long time, we appealed to them to consider all of that to remain that, that the palestinian people are afflicted and that they need to stay in united to alleviate the suffering people come in and do a lot. i appeal to the error of nations to reject trumps evacuation plan and to rebuild the gaza strip as soon as possible. i never was in the heart of god from


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