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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2025 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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and shrubs and residence, i'll blame you. one of the big binding companies operating nearby on monday is mining companies up simply packed up and gone after they had done leaving behind toxic legacy that continues to impact lives and life. the data is from across the our world hold tools in cairo, looking to lay out supplies for causes future. the uh, onstar to fight us. and this is old, 0 live from the hospital. so coming up on the shores, inside the district palestinians for past the was israel's truthful brocade on food medicine, i'm also central supplies. dr. song donald trump, trade war intensifies mexico, canada and china retaliates
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a heavy terrorist imposed by the white house slash floating in jakarta. thousands of forced to flee is heavy, rain swamped the engine east in the capital. the ro blade is all in cairo for an emergency summit. to discuss egypt scholars a reconstruction proposal, the main thing was hold off to us present. donald trump put forward a plan that would see palestinians forcibly displaced from the strip egyptian present ogden foot. the cc opened the summits and called for an independent committee to govern garza for an entire in period of time. i mean, that's me. so advocate. egypt has always worked in cooperation with our brothers and palestine at the thoughts forming an administrative commission from professional independent, palestinian technocrats because take the reins of affairs of highway. and because
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of this commission will be responsible for overseeing the relief a whole. so for a permanent and in 3rd period of time to pay for the weight for the time of the promise to me and move forward to administer goals that would that be okay, well my, how much on join joins me now. hey on set to unpack all of what's been said you've been listening to all the various leaders. so fall, they have taken a break full ramadan if so, what have people been saying so far? what have the r v t has been saying? it's far beyond what we heard just there, and that sound by from egyptian president of the, for the diocese. a he also said in his address that this was a very complicated regional crisis that was being faced right now. that everybody who's there at this emergency, somebody is gathered by a painful reality. it said that there a grave threats that are facing many arabs, stages of history. we'll pause to record what happened in gaza. and of course, he mentioned that egypt continues to support as it has historically the pallets and the people and the palestinian cause. we also heard from the secretary general antonio gutierrez,
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who was talking about how he was it was very important for this moment, for there to be this plan presented by egypt. and we should stress, we've not yet heard all the details of this plan. we are expecting that in the hours to come will hear precisely what has been allocated when it comes to the reconstruction phase and then what else is being considered when it comes to proposals for a political process going forward when it comes to gaza in a post war scenario, but antonio gutierrez talked about the fact that there also needs to be some type of solution when it comes to the crisis being confronted in the occupied westbank. and here's a little bit more of what the terrace had to say. hey, let's taking this thing. i welcome and strongly endorsed the ad. i believe the initiatives will be like support for the gods as we posted auction. clearly expressed in these summits. and the way i understand is ready to fully quote, but it's in these india of lies. that's what it calls, production requires governors and security arrangements that can help get into your bites that are most stable in future for the policy unions. and these values the
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light and sorry, also we heard from the king of the loved jordan and when he addressed those that are gathered there, he said that there's a necessity right now to try to put an end to the escalation and the occupied was. thank you, said that a 2 state solution is the only means to trying to create elastic piece. this is what we've heard from other speakers in the course of the last couple of hours. beyond that, we've also heard from the policy and president, mike, would that boss and with our bus, one of the more interesting things that he said was upfront, he was thinking us president donald trump, before we'd even heard of any kind of response from, from to what this proposal will be, he was thinking trump for effectively enabling this cease fire when it comes to gaza. he also said that everybody should we double their efforts to ensure that there is unification of palestinian factions and the pleasure that there could be elections next year. if they could get everything, you know, basically sorted out logistics and security and otherwise, let's take a listen to more of what is dropbox that in the out. but let's see me in
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a zip shion plan for the new construction of guys in presence of our people on their homeland. and it should be endorsed by this summit. how many 10 support by the international community. i'm also doing all that is needed for the success of the international confidence on the, the construction of the guys that which would be hosted by egypt and next month. so sorry. what we're hearing right now is a lot of gratitude being express to egypt for holding this emergency or a bleak summit for trying to come up with a plan that would be palatable to potentially of us as real other international actors. and just really stressing the importance of this moment and i should just add very quickly before i, before i let go here. um, one of the things i've heard again and again from analysts over the course of the past few days and also former diplomats. and the reason is the importance of this moment is for the importance of arab countries coming together speaking in
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a unified voice. when it comes to gaza, to essentially counter this planet was put forth by donald trump last month, which would effectively forcibly displace palestinians from gauze. yeah, of course. and thought me see, reminiscent of 1948 of the known as the multiple of the catastrophe. well, joining us here on set is osman i, as ne, is a professor of international relations at the university of castillo. thank you. so for your time, and for joining us here. now, you also have been listening to the are of leaders. how important is it that they come together and be seen to show supports for the palestinians, for the cause and to bring around a permanent into the wall? i think it's very important that i think the business more than have the 400000000 the people are ups who are waiting to see and stop to this genocides and goes on in the west bank. and they are hopeful that they would come up with a solution uh or with their plan to come through the term the plan, which is a 1000000. uh, not sure lot genocide of the dean is investing teams in connecting thing does. so
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if you have very helpful the consensus among data, be those and there is and there's a consensus that there should be a senior. should the team goes up in this team. there should not be the partition that the transfer should not be displaced at the closest among all the leaders. and there's also concerns and then agreement, all of them that the student have for that issue to play a role. there is no mention of how much whatsoever on the meetings and the side line time as and maybe this is some something important we might discuss later. but there is a consensus that's an important to point to deliver to the not the said that the people are standing behind to fill a senior and they want to this to be sore. and they are going back to things that had been saying for a long time, so determination for the police to use that i to of the, to 2 states and the fading go to the international law. and it's a nation of is the issue. and i condition position i security council resolutions.
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okay, we all hearing that. so there you go is i'm just going to have to interrupt because the canadian prime minister that is the king, the closest friends are canadian prime minister, the same time, they're talking about working positively with russia appeasing vladimir putin a lying murderous dictator. like that make sense? canadians are reasonable, and we are polite. we will not back down from a fight. not when our country and the wellbeing of everyone in it is at stake. at the moment the us terrace came into effect in the early hours of this morning. and so did the canadian response. canada will be implementing 25 percent terrace, against a $155000000000.00 worth of american goods. starting with the terrace on $30000000000.00
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worth of goods immediately, and tariffs on the remaining a $125000000000.00 of american products in $21.00 days time. i'll call woodrow and treat most of what fuzzy they presented. what do on the vincent book so, so solves, think on think media all the della and the k, the math chauncey's. come from y'all, the national, geez, i mean again, excuse me, my company, they all did that all the fast. so what do you need yet? you don't pay the owners rule so that site can give you all the match on these the piece. today, we will also be challenging these few legal actions by filing dispute resolution claims at the world trade organization and through the us m c a. but in the meantime, our terrace will remain in place until the us terrace are withdrawn and not a moment sooner. and should these terrace not cease?
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we are in active, an ongoing discussions with provinces and territories to pursue several non tariff measures. measures which will demonstrate that there are no winners in the trade for now, just like i did a month ago, i want to speak 1st directly to the american people. we don't want this. we want to work with you as a friend and ally. and we don't want to see you hurt either, but your government has chosen to do this to you. as of this morning, markets are down and inflation is set to rise dramatically, all across your country. your government has chosen to put american jobs at risk. this is a thousands of work places that succeed because of materials from canada,
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or because of consumers in canada, or both. they've chosen to raise costs for american consumers on every day, a central items like groceries and gas on major purchases, like cars and homes, and everything in between. they've chosen to harm american national security impeding access to the abundant, critical minerals, energy, building materials and fertilizers that we have, and that the united states needs to grow and prosper. they've chosen to launch a trade war that will 1st and foremost harm american families. they've chosen to sabotage their own agenda that was supposed to usher in a new golden age for the united states and they've chosen to
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undermine the incredible. busy we've done together to tackle the scourge that is fentanyl, a drug that must be wiped from the face of the or so on that point. let me be crystal clear. there is absolutely no justification or need whatsoever for these terrace today. now the legal pretext your government is using to bring in these tariffs, is that canada is apparently unwilling to help in the fight against the legal fentanyl. well, that is totally false. so let's look at the facts. our border is already safe and secure. far less than one percent of fentanyl flows and less than one percent of legal crossings into the united states comes from canada. but we act it because we know we can always do better than we responded to concerns
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including from the president by implementing an ambitious $1300000000.00 porter plan. a border plan that includes generational investments in new ai and emerge imaging tools to stop the flow of fentanyl in its tracks. stronger coordination and information sharing with american agencies. along with the deployment of drones, helicopters, an additional personnel to keep our border secure. so a month ago, as part of an agreement with the united states, the pause the terrace, we made further commitments. we appointed kevin brussel as our fentanyl sar, a man who dedicated his multi decade career in law enforcement to combating organized crime networks and drug traffic. we designated 7 drug cartels,
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sick evil groups who cynically profit off the pain and suffering the people on both sides of the border as the terrorist organizations that they are. and just yesterday, we launched a new joint operations partnership supported by a $200000000.00 investment between candidates, security and law enforcement agencies. a partnership that will enhance the coordination of information and intelligence in order to support criminal gangs involved in the legal sentence, trait and critically, our actions are working as the us states, as the u. s. customs and border protection just acknowledged. there was a 97 percent drop in fentanyl seizures from january, compared to december, to a near 0 low of less than half. and now it's ceased in
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january. even with all the further enforcements and actions we've taken at the borders. and so we stepped up. we engaged closely and constructively with the president and his administration. we did everything we promised we'd stop to our word and we did it because we believe in working together to protect our citizens. now i want to speak directly to one specific american donald in the over 8 years. you and i have worked together. we've done big 6 as we signed a historic deal that has created record jobs and growth in both of our countries. we've done big things together on the world stage as canada and us have done
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together for decades for generations. and now we should be working together to ensure even greater prosperity for north americans in a very uncertain and challenging world. now it's not in my habit to agree with the wall street journal, but tongue, they point out that even though you're a very smart guy, this is a very dumb thing to do. we to friends fighting is exactly what our opponents around the world want to see now, to my fellow canadians. i won't sugar coated. this is going to be tough. even though we're all going to pull together because that's what we do. we will use
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every tool at our disposal. so canadian workers and businesses can whether the store from expanding e i benefits and making them more flexible to providing direct supports to businesses. we will be there as needed to help the canada make no mistake, no matter how long this lasts, no matter what the cost, the federal government and other orders of government will be there for you. we will defend canadian jobs. we will take measures to prevent predatory behavior that threatens canadian companies because of the impacts of this trade war. leaving them open to takeovers, we will relentlessly fight to protect our economy. we will stand up for canadians every single 2nd of every single day. because this country is worth fighting for the definitely more distressed. so
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the on the results. okay. you've just been speaking, hearing that from the canadian prime minister, just intruder tool king with a responsive, very personal appeal. it seems to donald trump most of us present because of the terrorists that he is imposing on canada. he looked directly into the camera and referred to donald trump as donald, saying that the 2 friends, fine thing, this doesn't look good for them. he also said that he won't sugar coated. this is going to be tough. that was a dark message to the canadians. he's also saying, but there is absolutely no justification or need whatsoever for these tars today. let's go straight to should have real time. see who is life for us and canada is capital also a very strong message that very clear, he stated, what he said was some thoughts when it comes to a friend to know he's also said that they will have to file
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a dispute. if the stalls go ahead, do you think this is going to be effective? and also what exactly did he say in that life? speech, the why that we so our affective, it's happening to elect donald trump. is what we sold, how effective it was to evaluate bins, lensky last week. yeah, that's not going to go down very well, isn't that? clearly, this is the canadian audience. he said he was, he was talking to the american, or the american audience went on to have a. yeah, what is he's trying to turn on twice as a revolt in the us. but do that. his, his message was very much what we've had consistently of right just to think nation we did everything you told us that a year said that this is an is, is about a national security threat to the us about 10 to know about the boulder we did you know, we spent, we, we'd, we'd have offends and it was on uh we're spending tons of $1000000.00 on
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controlling send to know we, we were, they were apprehensions of nevada have have reduce, you know, with doing what you also have to do. i'm yes, you impose the tires anyway and there is a sense of, of this blind side of the canadians. very thought they were making progress by having negotiations with trump, officials on, on monday, even even as old trump made his old lot see the off the cuff comments. yeah, these are definitely going to add, that was news to the canadians, and you get the sense that even now i'm restored with the sense we're getting from canadian. can i connect you to reporting and better all these any negotiations or any real comb? todd's high level at high levels between the canadian government and donald trump to try and sort this out. a new new message from howard lot mc. mccullough sector has been that donald trump is a and it's decided that goal that's, you know, we can have as many negotiations as we what he's going to decide. and by all accounts, he's busy fashioning his,
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his speech to congress. right now he's already thinking about this as a saturday now, so then there's really much more to do. i'm sorry, we got the right distinct ignition. and then here we go about message to our can 2nd of your suffering. because your government is going to make yourself up because you're gonna have, yeah, because your price is going to go up because of these tyra's and i'm advertising, treat, cataracts, and so on. but throughout all of this there's, there is a real understanding that if canada is only all friends in defense of canada is retiring through tyrus the games, the us. well, it's the canadian consumer who's going to pay the costs of that because prices here will now go up. because of those are tyler to retire. essentially, the heating, the roswell, you know, will be very, is not kind of counterproductive. he did say that, well this means is that markets are down and he also said installation is up. can you give us an idea of what he means and how that's likely to affect your average
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canadian, especially for example, when it, when the mother or family go to a supermarket, full, the shopping little bit, every day, goods, there's something else that he mentions the projections were here and all that kind of that will be functions of recession. we're expecting tens of millions of, of, you know, tens of millions of people that come on the flux, the oldest of, of how long these tires are in face. right. um, but yeah, and inflation despite that, about 2 as 2 now actually trying to get funds of programs to help help canadians afford the cost of living and so much in the way that you knew. but they were during coven. um, so you know, they're expecting executive us, the biggest data, how long does it get lost and what the canadians could actually do in order to try and get rid of these get rid of tires if kaylee this isn't about a few more how that cold is on the boulder, you know, monitoring illegal entry and enter united states or move you know, sense of the offense. and also this is about this is about donald trump's division
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of an american industrial policy of reassuring factories. back to the us from canada. i'm having a new industrial age in the united united states. so i think really, to be honest, what we seem to be hearing from canadian officials, is there any real hope is that the markets funds, wall street functions such an extent and we know donald trump always looks at wall street, isn't all but to of his own the economics to a trip in some ways, but bull street punches and us and inflation increases so much. that's donald trump has to start shifting a little bit on this issue. whether that be removing the tires, crating more exemptions, reducing some tires. yeah, that's, that's by heart because of this. yeah it's, it's the conditions in the us that will change this out. but as, as of now that we're on track for more tariffs next week on, on canadian, still a valid medium, 25 percent. it's never been very clear whether that's on top of the 25 percent out of the announced the announce today, sir. as things stand the more terrace of the company and steal menu number will
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call for all sorts of things. okay, thanks very much advertising. see that on the view from canada? well it's go directly to proxy called in his life for us in washington dc. so we had the canadian prime minister just intruder. it's addressing directly the american public saying that your government has chosen to put the american jobs at risk. and yet the argument that donald trump has put forward in the 1st place when it comes to these tyrese's also creating more job opportunities for americans. i thought that was incredibly interesting and here's why. when the conservative media talks about donald trump, they largely parrot his belief that tears do not raise installation. we don't see a lot of experts on those channels. and on in those newspapers, talking about how tariffs really work, donald trump is said to tears,
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raising inflation is a mess. he believes that the governments of mexico, china and canada seem to pay into the us treasury. so again, let's go back to the basics. what happens is people who import into this country, they pay the customs fee of 25 percent. they almost always pass that along to the consumers know down from did this before and it didn't really cost him any political capital in his 1st term. but times were much different, the inflation is the core focus of the american people. it was the number one issue in the presidential election. 2 thirds of the country at the time said the economy was bad. they pointed to high food prices, high gas prices. so this is going to be a much different scenario if inflation is in fact impacted because even right now, americans are saying is the installation of 3 percent is too high. now eggs is one of the main things that voters will tell you that they were concerned about. 8
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prices jumped dramatically in large parts because of supply chain issues, but mostly because of the birds, there's spreading through the united states. but just to give you a sense, it went up by 53 percent and one year, if there are tears, i imported eggs, they're going to go up even more now, the way the cabinet was responding. hitting red states, the businesses in those states are going to be impacted the most. and again, the farmers are going to be impacted. huge supporters of donald trump. they're already suffering because basically stopped the usa. i. d. food that was of the month, the was a id money that was going to buy food for all over the globe. so they've already heard by that. we're already starting the rumblings on social media that they've had credit their vote for donald trump. the last time china hit back on us agriculture, the u. s. government ended up bailing them out to the tune of $27000000000.00. it's not clear that this congress is going to follow along with that, or if,
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how that could possibly play out. but just to give you a sense of how donald trump is thinking, he set up a social media post, basically tell him that farmers when the retaliatory terrace, cuz these are just the beginning in april, every tariff is going to be met with new tariffs. every type of place in the us is going to be met with retaliatory terrace by the us. he said, big make sure you grow all the food that can be consumed in the united states. again, not how this works, the american consumer cannot possibly absorb all of the agricultural products of this country produces donald trump doesn't seem to understand that. he ended that by saying have fun to the us. farmers. you heard just introduce speak about the wall street journal that called this the dumbest move in history. and now they're saying that's an understatement. but this just, i'll leave you with this last line from them. they said, unbridled tear of man, somewhat disrespectful, was always going to be
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a big economic risk. and here we are. so this is or worried the stock market to where you don't again, 1.5 percent down last year or last year just yesterday now down by more than that right now. so stock market's worried, investors worried business owners are worried and pretty soon it's going to be the consumers. okay, thanks very much. classic whole hand that from the view in the us. let's go back close to also a right now where we can see that just to ensure the canadian prime minister speaking, taking questions from the price will be looking at including looking in the coming day at things we can do around adjusting e i to support the go through this difficult time, but her priority has to be not on figuring out how to manage through these tariffs over the coming days and weeks and months. but on doing everything we can to get them lift it and put an end to this unjustified trade war. that hurts american families and canadian families on it for some reason that the people who the death
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of a pleasure is good. the see a lot and it goes to a sound the, when it goes yes, on the field trip out to the plants and most of them a a, to a mound on equal to assess she'll of a k. well, some of those questions all in french about the canadian prime minister. the justin shrewd, i'm just going to go through some of the things that he has been saying. it was a direct message that was direct to donald trump. but see us present on these types of been slots on canada. of course you don't, mexico, on china as well. he said the canada will be in posing 25 percent terrorist on us imports. he said that the us government has chosen to put the american jobs risky also says there is absolutely no justification or need whatsoever for these tarus today. i think that this is also going to be tough for canadians. he also informed
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them that this will, they will try as much as they can to offer more support to canadian workers as well as businesses. and he's also been saying that he will be meeting with donald trump in the coming days. it's not clear when exactly we're just going to take a listen there and see it may be that he's still speaking in french the oh. i see. okay. yeah, he's still speaking for his let's go to possibly call haven box to possibly we would just speaking earlier on view as a reaction potentially see this process. i was just saying the apartment is to just ensure to it says that he expects to speak with donald trump in the coming days. so what you think he will be able to say to him these, it was a strong message to donald trump to try and reverse these tars? well, donald trump said he would ask them.


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