tv [untitled] March 4, 2025 9:00pm-9:31pm AST
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framework but what does it mean for europe? a quizzical look of us politics. the bottom line, the . ready ready the hello on the side of hire us and this is a news i live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. emergency folks in colorado is our belief, is meet to afford your plans for garza's future inside the strip palestinians for past. for the wes, this is roles total paid on food medicine and the central supplies drying songs. also ahead. there are no winners in a trait. kind of those prime minister hit spike uh,
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heavy terraced employees by donald trump, signer and mexico have also an else who tanya, true moses and your play zones plans to boost defense spending and supports for ukraine. all of us suspense old military aids to keep on far as small with the sports indians. cricketers have clinched a spot in the funnel. the champions trophy they made australia by for a week is fine and the hello and welcome. our lead is on meeting and the adoption capital for summit that's focused on reconstruction of garza. now let me think and kyra was cooled off to you as president donald trump put forward a controversial plan. that was the palestinians, forcibly expelled from the goal,
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is to strip egyptian present of the foot. that is the seated, opened the summits, i'm present, it is counts a plan for the reconstruction of casa, and it's just a bit. i wouldn't do any egypt watching cooperation with the brotherly palestinian states under his international organizations to formulate the comprehensive and complete plan to rebuild. because without displacing the kind of sending people, starting with the emergency leaf natalie recovery operation to see that and culminating with the reconstruction of cause egypt calls for the adoption of this time. i talked with somebody today under the mobilization of regional and international supports for it for the cd. now the folks on the future of gauze that comes as the sci fi looks increasingly santo, the 1st phase of the c spy has expired, and israel has blocked the entry of humanitarian aid into the strip u. n. chief on sonya gutierrez is that the choir assignments in cold for the delivery of aids, to be restored. the release of pharmacy didn't leave. a news must be kept it all.
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it's good the terms of the deal, and also in a dignified way. the box is must name, so what do you main treatments for all those they all the data forward and all of that goes to the effective delivery is live saving gauge must be the move. right? so, um, how much in durham joins us now live, to unpack all of what we've been. harry. throughout this summit there was a break. they went for break to break the phosphor if software amazon tell us of what we've heard so far. well sorry it's the main theme has been that everybody who's there right now is very supportive, obviously of the palestinians in the palestinian cause. but, but the main thing that i think we're going to go, sorry, i'm a boy going straight back to this are of summit because we have saturated the speaking right. no space and lessons be up on your dues with pleasure that i conveyed the settlement of uh the company itself. so think of so the idea as
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the principal, how much instead of man as so many a team of united and then wishes for this summit to be a success in suppressing our appreciation to prison topic. but that has to see the president all a to do that for the concerted efforts and the child for my study and for st. vision of color, denise, and, and cooperation in the face of the developments we are faced with entities and as well as the king. what heavy. yeah, it's a buck writing for the successful presidency of the current summit and on behalf of the so that it does save them, i read out the message of the king to them, your majesty 0, royal highness is excellence, is we end up getting them to kind of detected any attempt to undermine the rights of the person and people by the a set of them and policies, confiscate some of the but a city in lance or i can still forcibly transfer the people. we are
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a today the right of the, but i see that people to of self determination on the stablish spent of the sovereign states on the 1967 photos with a citizen. i'm not that's a captive. the unprecedented stuff, funding the but i see no one has lived and gets us 3, require the international community to stand together to restore normal way of life . and that gets us to reconstruct the same and enables the policy that people to live in dignity on their homeland without any change to the attitudes on the ground . and then within this context to area today and assisted to, to provide global assurances and you end of the loose ends to ensue that the guys us today would know that i'm phone on that grayson once again and tony store and d and for is peace and stability on gets us through with the importance of supporting the policy and the certainty, to show the headset as possibilities, including administering the affairs of this trip and providing the basic services
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to that. so those have been so in conclusion, we hope that this some, it will lead and tens of a with comes to and the look at the start off. it was, comes and consequences of the war and provide you with the attitude where there isn't will enjoy peace ability and prosperity. thank you. in our school. civil was you? how did you get to remember to come out of the a? so did i like cutting, but why is it? oh, my id say you definitely. i thought, was it a showed or how did you, jo, with jelia, or what any of the products or shoulder left for you to you must sit under the age of judy or just the area. a deep overall thing, just shot be a little thought. came out to the left of all this me to the same a show couldn't saw had been janetta. i thought ok, well we've just been hearing from the south, the friends a that's from say,
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so i've been for hong is so old. and they've been discussing over see the reconstruction of goals or in the importance of how much of june of not forcing palestinians out of the homeland what's solid, these role and all of this. what you mentioned, this is a, this is one of the key issues that we're hearing throughout the course of the past few hours and will continue to hear over the course. the next few hours is that this is a red line when it comes to. fortunately, displacing palestinians from cause or you heard it from practically, every speaker who has, who is given a presentation is given a speech in the last few hours. it was made clear by the egyptians before they even held the summit. because this summit is in effect, a response to the proposal. very contentious, controversial proposal made by donald trump last month in which he said that the us would take over garza. and he said that palestinians would be forcibly displaced from cause. i mean, that's essentially what he was and it was such
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a shocking moment when such a proposal was made because we did have these from these out for right, nationalist ministers and these ready government that has been peddling this id from the beginning of the war since october 7 attack in 2023, but to then hear it from the us president. not really change things that it was a shocking moment. sorry and, and what was interesting was that there were members of trump's administration to who not too long after the proposal was initially made. and we have to remember the trump continue to double down on this. but the members of administration, essentially it looked like they may be trying to walk it back or soften the stance over the course of the last few weeks. i suggesting that perhaps trump had stated this or had put this on the table so that he could get a counter proposal from arab countries. now, whether people buy into that or not, there is this meeting that is convening is a very important moment. it's a very strategic moment for air of countries. and everybody who is there is saying that they are speaking in
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a unified voice. that when it comes to the displacement of palestinians, that is a red line that's not going to happen. they are there this evening to propose a plan that would see palestinians in gaza remain and gaza would see the gaza strip reconstructed. would see it rebuilt. and would also try to lay the foundation for some type of tech, the craddick government coming in or administration in the interim. unclear if they're talking about during a ceasefire or in a post of worst scenario that would be made up of independent palestinians. that would lead the way for eventually the palestinian authority to take over. we heard that earlier from president cc, we've heard that suggested from other speakers as well. this is not something that would be easy to do, even if a war weren't going on, even if it was just to cease fire this very fragile at this moment, this would always be a difficult prospect. and one of the key questions is, what is going to be decided when it comes to ruling gaza in a day after scenario? and does this mean that essentially the people that are there are trying to
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sideline from us? and this is something that the palestinian authority, the, the dates tackle in the, the art of summer earlier as well. isn't it? that's right now with our best talked about the fact that there could even be parliamentary and presidential elections in perhaps a year's time. if they can make it work logistically from a security standpoint, that also is a very much a tall order. let's take a listen to a little bit more of what our boss had to say when he gave his remarks. okay. of the out of but let's see me in a zip sion plan for the new construction of guys in presence of our people on that homeland. and it should be endorsed by this summit that many 10 support by the international community. i'm also doing all that is needed for the success of the international confidence on the, the construction of the guys that which would be hosted by egypt and next month. right. as well. uh, more on the shower is uh,
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i'll just areas senior political unless and he joins us now. live from a geneva moore once you've been listening to all of the different speakers from the region of last spring was the savvy conference. but also we heard from the syrian liza on israel's occupation in the garden heights. i thought it was refreshing this time around listening to the syrian president. i think he was the clearest he has ever been since he became president. everyone had the feeling for a good number of weeks now that he's been docking the question of is a document. the question of israel has had gemini, is rounds and aggression in syria. and of course, a girl as rosa, aggression in palestine. and for a long time, he basically either did not say much or say to very little or glossed over the issue of is reading to think is there as aggression is here. this is the 1st time i
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think maybe he felt that he is in his element, syria being part of the league and secret being forced unimportant nationalist divorce. and here we had the new secret press them saying look, or enough is enough, is or as aggression i can see, it has to be called kind the international community needs to put pressure. and the aggression against syria is to of course, twins with the aggression against the board in palestine and has the idea that syria stands for by this time. because by this time is the main cause of full apps . i thought was again, quite refreshing, getting it from the syria presidents who presides over the country. that's basically a fame stage for all practical purposes. so i think that's, i'm not speaking that says that was for a change to been refreshing me on my one. when you see this meeting is taking place, it's an important meeting. it's necessary to show unity,
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but of course this isn't just about gone. so because there has been a regional instability because of the will by is relevant says something about present ogden for to him. c. c. did refer to yes. you're right. in the sense i think his advice is a very important new ones. this is another by this time somebody is right. there is not a stein problem. in them, at least there's an, is there a problem in the religion and all these other countries have suffered in one way or another? especially the ones who are close to is read stuff from is a question is, rose domination is ryan's awards. and mostly all of them, of course, supported by the united states for western powers, for 70 plus decades. so there isn't, is there a problem? another one in the sense that, and that's why i would say the following. and i hope you to be able to follow up. i would if you guys are under what would be a follow up with with the terms i'm using. a friend in the room is
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a white elephant or and when i say, why doesn't, i don't mean drunk when he's a big guy. and the republican party has elephant has its sudden, but i don't mean the american president, when i see the white elephant, the white elephant. it's the concept that means it's all most losing investment. it's a losing bet for those countries we're back to in the united states. and one is red normalize relations, going to continue to bets on the united states to come and save them, or to come and say, face from, i think, called everyone's off. and it's clear today that the elephant, the room is a white elephant. it's the last investment is right. and there's the issue and the united states. and even those countries will need to know if it's fits most like jordan and egypt. they probably want take in 2 or $3000000000.00 a year. i think the country is not to be the countries including iraq and no jeter,
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and everyone else can easily make up the difference. so in short, the out of the country is meeting entitled to they do not need the united states to deal with these rights to tackle the question of palestine and the question of syria and other questions of is or the aggression. they need to stand united and they need to send a clear message to president tom to buy the phrase, the canadian prime minister today. as he cited the wall street journal opinion of the drums, propose that on canada, i would say the same thing on god. so there's a smart american president, but his proposal on guys is very, very dumb and i think and guy it will, it's becoming clear that it is a search. yeah, it's very clear that so that as many have said in the region that that would be an absolute red line. thanks very much. more on the show that in geneva. all right, well as well as booking all food fuel on medicine from entering cause a while,
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the seaside zoo is in limbo view and says that food prices have more than doubled in the strip as a result. rights groups have condemned the decision accusing israel of using salvation as a weapon of war. well, let speak to correspondence or to evelyn zone. he's life for us and con eunice in southern guns. the target, you've obviously yourself experienced the impacts of blockades by israel, not just during this will, but before, but what's the impacts of this latest, okay. especially during the month of ramadan, which is a false thing, month from us, names of the will. so are the implications of the bad of 883 to the gaza strip has have been widely touched by everyone on the ground, including a journalist, doctor's odom, the people who have been absolutely suffering from the solar and prices as a clear result of the bad simply because a commercial goods are absolutely started to run from the markets as people started
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to store whatever they can find in terms of food want to supplies due to their, a very profound police that these sorts of products could absolutely disappear as time passes. and they believe that the, the amount of food that right now are available, the market to be enough for a couple of weeks. and the later they will start feeling the sign of us to, of ation to me again across the entire gone. and so we have been hearing from people about their concerns about what they have been experiencing. they say that their needs huge, by the end of the month of ramadan are doubled up. they are in a very desperate need for a staple. price is in the market, but this is absolutely now available due to the usability bundle, all sorts of humanitarian aid to dollars. uh. and in terms of the humanitarian situation, it's getting much more west. we have been hearing football. so u. n. t. agencies including the w, a child saying that causes barely functional hospitals are struggling to operate in
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light of disagreements, shortages of like staging medicine as a those patients particularly wanted in a very desperate need for a constant of flights of medical late supplies to gaza at the sports with mine and all of us, that is where the military tanks today have attacked the number of empty lenses as they were trying to protect weight patients from garza, especially the vehicles that are affiliated to the palestinian red prisons in salis, i'm absolutely a part of many regulations would made, it seems that the entire causes trip is going to a very critical point and level in which the humanitarian needs escalating. on the same time, the humanitarian needs have been used as a political lead bridge to gain more concessions from how much to accept more pressure on because this trip that has a really facing diet, humanitarian sickness, thoughts of sarah very difficult time, full pa, this thing isn't going so thanks very much the thought of us on
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the now canadian prime minister just intruder has 5 back outs. heavy us towers that came into effect. so it was nights quoting them, completely unjustified. and the stall says a trade will president, donald trump impose 25 percent terrorist on inputs from mexico and canada. canada has responded imposing 25 percent tires of it signed on us goods. and that's was more than a $150000000000.00 in trade. over the next month, the prime minister's office says those measures will remain in place until the us backs down. we'll just intrude. i made his appeal to the us president directly. now i want to speak directly to one specific american donald in the over 8 years. you and i have worked together. we've done big sticks.
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we signed a historic deal that has created record jobs and growth in both of our countries. we've done big things together on the world stage as canada and us have done together for decades for generations. and now we should be working together to ensure even greater prosperity for north americans in a very uncertain and challenging for now it's not in my habit to agree with the wall street journal, but don't they point out that even though you're a very smart guy, this is a very dumb thing to do. in mexico, the president calls us sean bomb announced, denounced rather than move by the white house thing or tiny a tree taxes on us goods will be imposed in one of the cds owners. from this,
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we have decided to respond with tariff and non tariff measures that i will announce next week. it is by no means our intention to start an economic or trade war, which unfortunately and regret debris is the opposite of what we should be doing. we should be integrating our economies more to strengthen our region to on trump has doubled the terrace on china to 20 percent, blaming beijing for failing to calm down on synthetic opioids, including fentanyl, in response china, or announce additional tires of up to 15 percent on inputs of key us agriculture products with $21000000000.00. the country has also expanded restrictions on 25 american companies doing business. the same bus probably has more us president donald trump has often pointed to financial markets as a measure of how his presidency is going. after long threatened terrorists went into effect, global market solve all the tile trading indices,
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showing sharp and wide spread declines, and canada and mexico and china reacted with retaliatory terrace of the roll. the 1st salvo is in a trade war. that is sending shock waves through the global economy. let's meet here. if trump is imposing terrace, we're ready. we're ready with a $155000000000.00 worth of terrace. and we're ready with the 1st crush of tears, which is 30000000000, which is already no use or social history has shown that china in the united states benefit from cooperation, but suffer from confrontation jeep which is do so. however, we will never accept pressure or threats and will firmly safe guard our national sovereignty, security and development interest. this will create hundreds of billions. as rob says, this is about national security emigrants and drugs coming into easily across the us borders and correcting trade and balances. with other countries, critics say it is a shakedown, and excuse me,
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us presidents of misusing emergency powers to please his political bass, analyst warrant that retaliation will target that base. they're going to look for the places that are the biggest pitch points for the president's party. as republican party and so they're looking at, you know, actually how they can hit install aids that are more republican dominated. and that is sadly that this is how trade worst work. trump returned to office, demanding loyalty, seeking retribution, releasing jail supporters and telling allies they have to pay for us protection. it is an approach that has left both friends and foes on set and wondering what comes next? same bus robbie ultra 0 correspondence all following this story in the us, canada, and mexico. john holman, is in mexico city and patsy cole. haines is standing by for us in washington. see dc rather. but 1st, let's go to should have redundancy and also uh she have view of listening in to
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what just intruder had been saying. he said a lot and direct message, not just to the american data, but also to the canadian public as well as american public. i've got messages there to donald trump. clearly was the message from a leader who is given up on negotiating with donald trump. i the us as long as we're aware i know negotiations on the way now on, on the terrace. clearly that message is not meant to to, to, to, to help. and i think it hasn't been for domestic consumption hearing calendar as people riley around the flag as low as, as, as to, to tries to get the country on this. going to trade more funding into that based on one to so the liberal party is probably was an absolutely, it was going to be wiped out and the forthcoming election that now has bodies thing . a huge surge and popularity because yeah, they've vague and told tough style about donald trump. um, so i think what we,
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what we did see some sort of strategy from today was that message to the american people. that seems to be the only strategy now for the canadian government, as they're all in their negotiations with, with, with the u. s. government, which is to how provides the inflation and unemployment or any of the other effects of a tire of that that the america, as a result will cool sandwich. academic pain in the us, the public pressure forces. donald trump, the climbed up, all sort of the fact that you have the wall street indices are all or plumbing drink, hoping that that might have an effect. that's really all they have. they don't feel they have much, much power to advertisers retire as we have provincial government to say, begging to take action. everyone, the premier of the cool treadmills had done for the voluntary the problem you have, as of right. he said he intends to put a 25 percent powerful trustee supply to northern us states. a lot of electricity comes from kind of the true america. however,
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there isn't unity yet on that. there's a lot of other try me as i'm fights and the government's like wait a 2nd that still got to hasty head because you may make things even worse and there's rolled up. so that's still trying to figure out. but that way, the how to either respond, but i think by striking thing, 2 days, that was, he was also what, what do you think is the goal? apparently it doesn't seem to me about fentanyl. it doesn't seem to be about the board of water is donald trump's goal? yeah, i'm should i said without thinking too much i think it is to destroy the canadian economy of amex. kind of there is the $55.00 states. it doesn't have that sort of thing. very often, but that's where we are a power play and relations and kind of the i'm the united states. okay, thank you very much for help and take that from canada. now let's go to proxy call, hey, and who's in washington dc. as he was saying that patsy trump has responded, it seems the on true social. what has he been saying that he has that i'm gonna go ahead and read that too. if you don't mind, he said, please explain to governor trego. obviously, probably a reference to the whole 50 for state concepts that donald trump books talk about
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of canada. that when he puts on over tablets or tariff on the us are reciprocal, terrible, immediately increase like amount. so what does that actually mean? is he going to raise tariffs on canada? we have absolutely no idea. i'm sure i would. we look into his social media to see if you in fact, clarifies that now donald trump and his cabinet members repeatedly have said the terrace, do not impact installation. the vast majority of economists say yes, in fact, it does have a dramatic impact on installation and a dental trip that might have been feeling good about these terms because it didn't have a huge impact. when he did this, the last time he was an office, there a lot of things that are different. one of the thing is that i think is the most important point out. is it his 1st term, those terrace on china? i tried, i'm not necessarily trying to, but in canada and mexico,
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they were targeted. so for example, toys from china were exempt in the last round. they're not likely to be exempt. now, because the executive order will have to see what the trade representative says, but the executive order says it's a blanket. every thing that comes in from char, from canada, and mexico is going to be faced with this tariff. and so what happens is the countries don't pay that amount importers get their stuff into the country. they have to pay that amount to the us government. they can either try to eat the cost, or in the much more likely scenario they raise the prices. this is also different because it's happening at the time when inflation is the number one issue in this country is largely the reason the donald trump kind of elected was the biggest issue to voters in the election. 75 percent of voters told pollsters that they were severely or moderately impacted by badly by installation. so the economy is not doing as well as it was when he did this before. if he does it the way he said it's
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going to have a much bigger impact across the country, and inflation is already too high. american say they can't afford groceries, they can't afford gas, and this is going to make it that much worse. okay, thank you very much. the pop fee. so we have the view, we've had it from canada and from the us. now let's get back from mexico electricity to be precise, to speak to john home, because john makes coast premises and his address, these terrorists live, we'll just, you have to say on she had a real mixture of a, as in motion to redeem a statement that she read that she read out the 1st of which was outraged in a statement last night from the white house. it basically said that the reason for these tyrese's, the mexican government, is allied with drug cartels. now that i think many people in mexico would dispute that there are links between some political actors and organized crime. but that's a fairly big statement to make with nothing on the paper actually pushing it up.
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she said basically that that was slow and that was also displaced because she said the meetings have been going so well between that teams. we've been able to come up with things possible solutions and proposals on both sides. but then there was a sliver of heart that crept in because she said that she was going to have a co with uh, president trump, hopefully on thursday. i'm presumably in that cool. she's going to try and do what she did last time. and that is making a last minute a successful attempt. so at least to postpone these tires from coming in to full us even though. 5 announcement is already been made by the us in february's, i managed to do that by mom. she'd probably be trying to look for at least the same this time round. but the other thing she said was that mexico would announce its own retaliatory tires on sundays. so i think she's waiting for about cooling. the site says she needs to do that. so, and then if not, that'll be a big may think she says in mexico.
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