tv [untitled] March 5, 2025 6:30am-7:01am AST
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of our food supplies and keep our children unhealthy and strong as an example, not long ago. and you can't even believe these numbers 110000 children had autism 110000. and now it's $1.36. there's something wrong $1.36. think of that. so we're going to find out what it is and there's nobody better than bobby and all of the people that are working with you, you have the best to figure out what is going on. okay, but be good luck. it's a very important job. the ministration is also working to protect our children from toxic ideologies in our schools. a few years ago, january little john and her husband discovered that their daughter school had
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secretly socially transitioned the 13 year old little girl. teachers and administrators conspired to deceive january and her husband. while encouraging her daughter to use a new name and pronoun day them pronoun actually all without telling january who is here tonight. it is now a courageous advocate against his form of child abuse. january, thank to the so is like here's why shortly after taking off as i sided executive order banning public schools from indoctrinating our children with trends, gender ideology,
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the to taxpayer funding to any institution that engages in the sexual mutilation of are you the bill permanently? banning and criminalizing sex changes on children and forever ending the live that any child is trapped in the wrong body. this is a big the me to use that you are perfect exactly the way god made you the
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use of our schools and out of our military, and it's already out and it's out of our society. we don't want it. well, this is troubles well. this is bad, it's gone, it's gone. and we feel so much better for adult way. so we feel better service members won't be active. boosting id logs, they will be fighters and warriors. they will fight for our country and be congratulations. that's the . and he's not big into the world movement taken 10. i know what else. i am pleased
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to report that in january the us army had his single best recruiting months and 15 years at all services. professional services. the was just a few months ago where the results were exactly the opposite. we couldn't recruit anywhere we couldn't recruit. now we're having the best results just about that we've ever had what a tremendous turnaround. it's really a beautiful thing to say. people love our country again, it's very simple. they love our country and they love being in our military again. so it's a great thing and thank you very much for the
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young man, jason hardley, who knows the weight of that call of duty. jason's father, grandfather and great grandfather all wore the uniform. jason tragically lost his dad, who is also a los angeles county sheriff's deputy when he was just a boy and now he wants to carry on the family legacy of service. jason is a senior in high school, a 6 letter varsity athlete are really good athlete. they say a bree and student with a 4.46 of school g, p, a. and his grade. his dream is to attend the us military academy at west point. the
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my focus is on building the most powerful military of the future. as a 1st step, i'm asking congress to fund a state of the art golden don't miss of the fed shield to protect our homeland in the us. the wanted to do it long ago. but the technology just wasn't there, not even close, but now we have the technology, it's incredible actually. and other places that they have it, israel has it. other places have it. and the united states should have it too. right? tim? right. i should have it too. so i want to thank you, but it's a very, very important, this is a very dangerous world. we should have it, we want to be protected and we're going to protect our citizens like never before or the booster defense industrial base. we are also going to resurrect the american
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ship building industry, including commercial ship building on the 3rd shift the new office of ship building in the white house it or for special tax incentives to bring this industrious home to america where it belonged. we used to make so many ships. we don't make them anymore very much, but we're going to make them very fast, very soon. we will have a huge impact further and a had so our national security, my administration will be re flaming the panama canal. and we've already started, the company announced they are buying both boards around the panama canal and
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lots of other things having to do with the panama canal and a couple of other canals. the panama canal was built by americans for americans, not for others, but others could use it. but it was built a tremendous cost of american blood and treasure. 38000 workers died. building the panama canal. they died of malaria. they died of state fives, and mosquito is not a nice place to work. they paid them very highly to go there knowing there was a 25 percent chance that they would die is the most expensive project also that was ever built in our country's history. if you bring it up to modern day costs, it was given away by the carter administration for 1 dollar. but that agreement has been violated very severely. we didn't give it to china. we gave it to panama, and we're taking it back. the
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we want to rubio in george. good luck. but now we know who to blame. if anything goes wrong, mark has been amazing and he's going to do a great job. think of it. he got a 100 votes. you know, he was approved was actually 99, but the one hundreds was this gentleman and i feel very certain. so let's just certainly get a 100 votes and i made a very, very happy about that or very concerned about it. but he's already proven. i mean, he's a great gentleman, he's respected by everybody, and we appreciate your voting for marco. he's going to do a fantastic job. the
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and i also have a message tonight for the incredible people of greenland. we strongly support your right to determine your own future. and if you choose, we welcome you into the united states of america. we need greenland for national security and even international security. and we're working with everybody involved to try and get it. but we need it really for international world security. and i think we're going to get it one way or the other. we're going to get it. we will keep you safe. we will make you rich should do gather. we will take greenland to heights like you have never thought possible before. it's a very small population, but very, very large piece of land and very, very important for military security. america is once again standing strong against the forces of radical islamic terrorism. 3 and a half years ago. i sisters gail,
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13 american service members and calculus. others in the, at the day bombing during the disastrous and incompetent withdrawal from afghanistan. not that they were withdrawing it was the way they withdrew. perhaps the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country. tonight and pleased to announce that we have just apprehended the top terrace, responsible for that atrocity. and he is right now on his way here to face the swift sort of american justice. the
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especially the government of pakistan for helping arrest is monster. this was a very momentous day for those 13 families you, i actually got to know very well. most of them whose children were murdered and the many people that were so badly over 42 people, so badly injured on that fateful day in afghanistan. what a horrible day such a incompetence was shown that was put in and so what happened, i guess you said, well maybe this is my chance. that's how bad it was. should it never happened, grossly and competent people? i spoke to many of the parents and loved ones and they're all in our hearts tonight. just spoke to him on the phone. we had a big goal every one of them called and everybody was on the line and they did nothing but dr. with happiness,
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they were very happy as happy as you can be under those circumstances, their child, brother, sister, son, daughter, was killed for no reason whatsoever in the middle east. we're bringing back our hostages from garza, and my 1st term we achieved one of the most groundbreaking piece agreements in generations. the abraham records, the you build on that foundation to create a more peaceful and prosperous future for the entire region. a lot of things are happening in the middle. these people have been talking about that so much lately with everything going on with ukraine and russia. and
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a lot of things are happening in the middle east, a rough neighborhood, actually. i'm also working tirelessly to end the savage conflict in ukraine. millions of ukrainians and russians have been needlessly killed or wounded into a seraphic and brutal conflict. with no end in sight, the united states has said, hundreds of billions of dollars to support you grange defense with no security with the you want to keep it going for 5 years. yeah. yeah. you, you as a full god, this is yes. the
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2000 people to be killed every single week, more than that, the russian young people, the ukrainian young people, they're not americans, but i want it to stop. meanwhile, europe has sadly spent more money buying russian oil and gas that they have spent on defending ukraine by far think of that. they've spent more buying russian oil and gas than they have defended. and we've sped, perhaps $350000000000.00. like taking candy from a baby. that's what happened. and they've spent a $100000000000.00. what a difference that is. and we have a notion separating us and they don't but we're getting along very well with them and lots of good things are happening. but you know, so it's a rise more money and this fights in europe has spent by billions
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and billions of dollars. it's hard to believe that they wouldn't have stopped it and said at some point, come on, let's equalize. you got to be equal to us. that didn't happen earlier today, i received an important letter from president village k of ukraine. the letter res, ukraine is ready to come to the negotiating table as soon as possible to bring last the page closer. nobody wants peace more than the grade and she says, my team and i stand ready to work under president trump's strong leadership to get a piece that last. we do really value how much america is done to help ukraine maintain the sovereignty of independence. regarding the agreement on minerals and security, ukraine is ready to sign it at any time that is convenient for you. i appreciate that is that there's letter just got it a little while ago. simultaneously,
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we've had serious discussions with russia that have received strong signals that they are ready for peace. wouldn't that be beautiful whenever the just stuff is bad there's, it's time to hold the killing. it's time to end essentially as war. if you want to add wars, you have to talk to both sides. nearly 4 years ago, a bit rising tensions. a history teacher name mark fogel, was detained in russia pension for 14 years at a piano college. a rough stuff on the previous administration barely lifted a finger to help him. they knew it was, it isn't but they had no idea where to begin. but last summer i promise is 95 year
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fate would have it. mark fogel was born in a small rural town in butler, pennsylvania. have you heard of it? where his mother has lived for the past 78 years. i just happened to go there last july, 13th for a rally that was not pleasant. and that is where i met his beautiful mom right before i walked on to that stage and i told her i would not forget what you said about her son. and i never did. i never forgot less than 10 minutes later. at that same riley, the gunfire rang out, and a sick and deranged assassin unloaded 8 bullets from his diapers, perch into a crowd of many thousands of people. my life were saved by
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a fraction of an inch. but some were not so lucky. glory. compare it or with a firefight or a veteran, a christian, a husband, a devoted father, and above all a protector. when the sound of gunshots pierced the air was a horrible sound. go renew interestedly. what it was and what to do. he threw himself on top of his wife and daughters and shielded them from the bullets with his own body. glory, what is it really hard? you know the story from there he sacrificed his life to save. there's 2 others very fine people were also seriously hit. but thankfully with the help of 2 great country doctors, he thought they were gone and they were saved. so those doctors ted great talent,
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were joined by gore's wife helen, who was his high school sweetheart. and the 2 beloved daughters alison and kaylee. thank you. the to helen allison and caley, corey's looking down on his 3 beautiful ladies right now. that he is tearing you on . he loves you. he is tearing your glory was taken from us much too soon,
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but his desk today was to leave us all with a shining example of the selfless devotion of a true american patriot edward's love like glories that built our country and his love like yours, that is going to make our country more majestic than ever before. i believe that my life were saved that day, and butler for very good reason. i would say by god to make america great again. i believe the, the thank you very much. the pages of lexington and concord to the heroes of gettysburg and norman dave, from the warriors who across the delaware to the trail blazers,
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who lives the rockies and from the legends. you? sure that's katy. oh, do they asked her not to touch the bone americans? i've always been the people who defied all large, transgendered, all dangers, made the most extraordinary sacrifices and did whatever it took to defend our children, our country, and our freedom. and as we have seen in this chamber tonight, that same strikes, face, love, and spirit is still alive and thriving in the hearts of the american people. despite the best efforts of those who would try to set 0, silence, sprague goes, destroys. americans are today a proud, free sovereign, an independent nation. that will always be free, and we will fight for it till death. we will never let anything happen to our
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beloved country. because we are a country of doors, dreamers, fighters, and survivors. our ancestors gross, a vast ocean strode into the unknown wilderness and carved their fortunes from the rock and soil of a perilous and very dangerous frontier. they chased or dusted, they across a boundless, gotten it. they built, the railroads laid the highways and grace the world with american marbles like the empire state building, the mighty hoover dam, and the towering golden gate bridge. they left the world with electricity, broke free of the force of gravity, fired up the ages of american industry, vanquished the communist, fascist and marks us all over the world. and gave us countless modern wonders golf dirt out of iron, glass and steel. we stand on the shoulders of these pioneers one and build
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a moderate edge. these workers who poured their sweat into these guidelines of our cities. these warriors who shed their blood on fields of battle, gave everything they had for our rights and for our freedom. now it is our time to take up the right just cause of american liberty. and it is our turn to take americans destiny into our own hands and begin the most thrilling days in the history of our country. this will be our greatest sierra, with god's help over the next 4 years, we are going to lead this nation even higher than we are going to forge is a free is most advanced, most dynamic and most dominant civilization ever do exist on the face of this or so we're going to create the highest quality of life, build the safest and wealthiest, and the healthiest and most vital communities anywhere in the world. we're going to
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talk are the vast frontiers of science said we're going to lead humanity into space and plants, the american flag on the planet mars. and even far beyond the do we discover the unstoppable power of the american spirit. and we are going to renew our limited promise of the american dream. every single day we will stand up and we will 555 for the country, our citizens believe the
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my to get ready for an incredible future. because the golden age of america has only just begun, it will be like nothing that has ever been seen before. thank you. god bless you. the lady that i'm ways of holding. we have seen that speaking. we have been listening to you as president on from speaking at congress, his 1st speech to congress,
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just wrapping up the he began by saying america is that he reiterated his slogan, make america race again and losing slaves and breaking news that we can bring you that he revealed that he received the last uh, from the premium president for the move. so let's see. and which means, because the, you can't even present because he is ready to come to the negotiating table in this less of the ukrainian president. also saying that he is ready to sign a deal, a many rules deal these red minerals was billions of dollars when ever the us president is ready. so that use coming into us that the premium presidents are beating that he is ready to sign a red manuals deal. and he says that it's whenever the us president is ready to do that. so i wrote as a new lines coming into us here. and let's get more now from all correspondence, an official who has been at capital hill from for us out of his speech ready at 1st,
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summing up all of these executive orders that the us present has brought in over the last 6 weeks. but then at the end of that, getting that news that we've been waiting to hear relief on ukraine. what's your analysis of that revelation? well, in an hour and 40 minutes, it's the longest speech of its kind in modern history surpasses. bill clinton's one of our stuff to minutes back in 2000. it was more a campaign speech. and you saw that reflected in, in the, in the chamber on one side, republicans were cheating wildly in almost everything he said at the democrats sat there impassively. and in fact, at one point, several of them walked out while holding up their sign. that said false to many of the things that was that emily protest, very edlio and uh, from a congressman from texas, who was the crying. donald trump suggesting he the monday, important thing to point out. donald trump is margin of victory, still the lowest since anyone who.
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