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tv   [untitled]    March 6, 2025 4:30pm-5:00pm AST

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not standard walk. i was taking to the hospital. i am still taking physical therapy and it still hurts. i was injured and should be do a 2nd viewing this. he's fire. beyond rehabilitation, the organization also teaches his children and families about the dangers of unsupported ordinance. an effort to prevent future tragedy, while the war may leave us cars, the children's hold and resilience shining through with the help of organization like best. the realize that healing is possible not only for the body, but for the heart and mind as well. anyway, most of the euro from god and city, palestine for ministers from the gulf corporation council line, saudi arabia for talks focusing on guides of future media incomes just days after our bleed is made in cairo to endorse any gyptian plan for reconstruction of the strip. it count as a controversial proposal by us present donald trump, that leads to forcibly to space palestinians from casa. joining us now to discuss
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this meeting is abdul aziz alhashan who's a senior fellow and director of research at observer research. foundation. middle east is live from re add. thank you very much for your time. so what can we expect from this ministerial meeting today in saudi arabia? more clarification perhaps about that. our plan for guys which was announced a few days ago. yeah. well, good afternoon and thank you very much for having me. i think what we are going to see is more momentum building in the collective air upfront. so we are seeing the nature of no error of responses, which is basically basically a, a multi, multi latter rising quite another response to the trump administration and some of the trunk plans, especially about the riviera, etc. so i think we're going to see this. we came out from the guys from, i'm sorry to hear a plan from the in relief plan held a few days ago. we're going to see this also coming out from the gcc. and we're
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also going to see this perhaps snowball into the organization of slumber cooperation. and so there is this desire to build more of a collective diploma product. uh, push towards uh, making sure that any kind of displacement of palestinians is off the table. it is not entertained level and that not only this, but there are going to be support for putting proposals, board and, and pushing the error proposal for the addition of that proposal that was announced 2 days ago. that part with, with countries like egypt, but also now syria and jordan participating. do you see a growing up consensus that could pressure israel, who do their differing interest, prevents, or unified approach. and well, this is also another thing that they're going to have to are now there are clearly going to have to are about how, you know, what,
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what does this support me and what these uh, kinda are the ramifications to them in the future. so i think the most important thing is that there is going to be a collective bro, but more importantly, i think they're going to try to segue this into the international arena. i think looking, listening to some of the statements that came out from, from the error link summit 2 days ago, it was clear that i think there was going to be a push for an international logging effort to do to, to reject any kind of diplomat of any kind of proposal, displacing palestinians. and trying to diplomatically pressure that thrill even more. right? the issue is i think go on, i'm let, let me ask you because i wanted to pick up on, on the lobbying efforts you were talking about the, i mean,
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these relays have already rejected the plan for guys which was announced in egypt. but prior to this war, israel was also on the path of normalizing relations with some of these countries, notably saudi arabia, the u. e. does these rather they have any influence on the course of the events in saudi arabia an influence on what our leaders might decide ultimately as well. there were no normalization talks uh before october 7th, and that was predicated on 2 things that was predicated on a, uh, is there any concessions towards the palestinians and also on american guarantees to start with your radio? this is, this is undeniable. to what extent were they achievable this is we will never know . but right now this is just become very, very far fetched and the, the knitting yahoo government and the manner in which they are, they are conducting this entire operation has made the, the,
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the likelihood of normalization, unlikely in the very near future. for many reasons. so i'm not extending that, i think that the saudis, especially because they are the ones that you know the is really the government really wants to normalize relations with have a card to play. and that is basically normalization. they understand the normalization. you know, these really government really wants normalization, so by so desperately. and i think this is now the character that they could use. they could say, listen, if normal, if you, you know, if you want to change, if you want to have normalization, then you have to make concessions towards a policy and in a state towards the 2 state solution. the reality is, i think the anything, all government seems to be held in on trying to do everything. it can to avoid this, especially that they feel very emboldened by the trump states. right. so it's very
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difficult to talk even about normalization. now we're not know that prior to or that there is no extra payment to the displacement of palestinians any, any uh, in other in any airport. and we'll leave it at that. thank you so much for talking to us sab device. these are how she and joining us from re i thank you for your time. my pleasure. as ways really forces of the gun tearing down homes in north shops, refugee camp in the occupied westbank, after selecting 17 homes for demolition. they've already destroyed 11 homes since reading the camp nearly a month ago. since that time, the majority of the population of 13000 people have been displaced. israel has been expanding military rates and then also the occupied westbank. displacing more than 40005 simians since january mama, dodgy reports, these displaced palestinians a trying to catch a glimpse of the homes. they were expelled from last month. but they were chased
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away by these really military. one of them is awesome. i will studies his home is among the 17 houses is really on the says it will demolish a suit for living. i have come to the ssl. yeah. and i received a cools 30 minutes ago that the house will be demolished on it. so i came, who was my family to try and get some of our belongings. let me what can i say now? i was late to some families including the customs, managed to enter the come a much different sites. then once they had left behind, these really all me has lead a seat on the north, some refugee camp since mid february, and demolished 11 houses earlier this week. including college upon his house. he was expecting the demolition, but says nothing prepared him for this mode but some below the model in a little bit. it's not the not showing the demotion of homes but destroying us and
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dreams. we didn't have fighters inside, but they still demolished the house that destroying us, a cindy and say the destruction is strategic. things to change the landscape of the refugee camp, known for its type alleyways. this is a drunk shots from the north, some refugee camp. these homes highlighted have now been demolished, more homes that are expected to be destroyed in the coming days. earlier, a call could barely drive through this narrow leeway, but with these homes destroyed, the streets will now be why the palestinians believe this will allow, is rarely forces to rate the camp move freely in the future. instead of safety and security home for many now resembles danger and loss, then hows about the help of the carrier to put in a family's occurring in the cab from the homes. that might not be that the next
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time they're allowed to initially build for palestinians to seek temporary shelter . to know some refugee camp has existed for more than 7 decades on generations have attempted to return to their homes in waters. now israel, but they now find themselves kicked out from the very place they sold the refuge and how many hagey elders, era of them all, and the situation in the occupied westbank. let's speak to the savior applied, who is the political unless he joins us from bethlehem. in the occupied westbank. thank you so much for being with us. what do these latest tax rates demolition say north sham signal about as well as long term strategy in the occupied westbank? are we seeing a shift towards permanent displacement then increase military control? the following, i think it's very clear for it. what's going on over the occupied palestinian
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territory? not just gas but also here in the occupied westbank the prime minister. does that mean it them yeah. who it believes that this is this moment to set the all possible thoughts on the ground. she has the backend of the trump of ministration. whether it's true, we haven't heard many comments of the trump, of ministration about here in the occupied at west spend a he did not a say or he's not to our, the possibility of an execution. and there is a lot of talk about the rumors that next april may be coming as a form of announcement in becoming a few weeks. what's happening in the northern westbound, particularly in refugee, comes it not just into kind of like know, some simple kind of refuge account, but also in jeanine or, and for the, in the case of the boss, it seems to be an attempt to buy insurance in order to a quote unquote, pre em, any top on the refugee issue, you have to link this with desktops on on go. and the closer one book on occupied
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to do something interesting now with thousands of displace palestinians in entire communities devastated what options remain for palestinian to want to remain in their homes but face these relentless, these really operations or i think it what, what's very clear and well, we have been witnessing garza for 17 months and we're witnessing now for a few months as well here in the occupied. it was 5 disappeared sort of fees. it's playing alone. it no one is so jumping in order to stop them that we saw, for example, uptake from yesterday by germany for us at the united kingdom, on the case of a guy said to money turn 8. they did tell me polk, faith concord in jewel when it comes to eastern eastern should allow for too many turn 8. but when it comes to what is for a month, they actually take action on, on the amount to it. and there are many examples that we can give it to people in the occupied plus fund tests. literally nobody talk, it protects them, and the domestic community has continued to fame it on this duty. and let's also is
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set that set the comp. i think something just what the story is doing in dulcie by westbank in the northern areas. and so i feel becomes kind of the to the legislative for the next ation of set the most around. okay. probably jerusalem like here. right? bethlehem for it within our control them, i'd say what about the policy and you know, so here you know this, i know that many palestinians of accused of p o a failing to protect them or push back against the easiest really actions. and i imagine that the p a finds itself in a difficult for to come in today does need, i mean, does it resist an eval, oppressive occupation? and if so, how does it do that or does it corporate with, as well, a lift soul, but the signal for it is about it was supposed to be an interview by the a 5 year verse between the also agreement. the 1993 and the full implementation of the agreement that was supposed to building solutions for any defendant state the
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fund, a site and, and, and provide services to these people. meanwhile, these people and i think process for ongoing what we see 30 years later is that there are no prospects of this solution. and it, many people question it whether what should be a be a politic a future for the palestinian people. so from one side, before i put the ticket for a week and the pet a signal 3 people from the other side, i think we are facing up a huge 46 life is not just the part of fine, but also internationally coming back with a number of 4 formulas, a, for example, in the case of the 2 state solution, people may want to income and up to 6 solution, but the tools think solution in price and think be so you know, q patient, this is something that kind of thing though. so repeat is not able to come back and that the mission of community is not a, a pull the it was supposed to be the tool. and so what role can arabs face planes to 14 palestinians in the occupied westbank, especially after the recent are ministerial meetings?
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i think it's very important for a country and for everyone activity but the opposite. they have shown an extraordinary commitment, at least before monthly commitment over the past few months with what's going on in palestine is not to play the game of fact and melting be occupied palestinian territory. what we have is westbound can, does a thing get the unit, and therefore we should not be talking just about data. but also we should, we should not be wish about give a different a level of order status to augusta and the national court of justice under the united think super solutions agree with the consul. it this, the westbank and us are one single, 3 to unit and i think it's, it's very important to continue to emphasize this now is one of the important developments we've had over the past weeks, except perhaps for the 1st time or the world or the most important powers within that up or, or speaking with one voice,
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they have settled the same principles it to move into a solution. and what's the more important that they face because they main office that they may have a place to start. you, they have place on been something that then yeah, for sure that their conditioning, they engagement to a political solution savvy. thank you so much for talking to us about this. thank you so much for your insight. i get now to baton, which is mining bitcoin to make up for funding tories in revenue. crypto currency has become such an important part of the economy with the countries holdings now worth more than $1000000000.00 spent spring and bernard smith, who joins us from temple in baton. so why has latan gone big for bitcoin? bennett? of the soley pretty much everyone was spoken to from the prime minister down takes immense pride in boots on the philosophy of gross national happiness introduced by the full king in the mid 19 seventies. emphasizing personal
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happiness in general well being over economic gain. but people do have bills to pay on the economy does now need to grow more particularly to accommodate an increasing number of well qualified graduates from boots on schools and universities that or is this levy on tours of a $100.00 a day for foreigners coming in to boot time, there isn't a great desire to reduce not to open the floodgates to tours and because of concerns about sustainability and the environment. in fact, let's talk about him not up to $200.00 day. the government still thinks people will come for that. the countries also limits a didn't because he's mountainous or you can really have lots factors or agriculture. so the current king and the government, i liked it, old, sold a opportunity to invest in big going effectively putting this country at the forefront of what many people called the full industrial revolution in boot time, gold is everywhere. a booty symbol of the everlasting nature of enlightenment. now
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the small himalayan kingdom is investing in the future. it hopes will be blessed with what buck has called digital gold. bitcoin. it's also find the item and supposedly everlasting hundreds of people who have made billions of dollars on the back of bickley. why on government screen law? prime ministers, charing tough guy. he says big coin is a strategic reserve one currently worth more than a $1000000000.00. we have use bitcoin to for how to provide free healthcare environments. but these are my know, the main use of big green has been to finance the salaries of public servants. a futon is built big coin mines that locations across the country with thousands of energy hungry computers solve complex, mathematical puzzles, declaim bit coins. and here's what's powering this modern day. gold rush. hydro
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generated electricity. the government sizes bitcoin operation is carbon neutral, relies only on water from the himalayas is also very profitable with food tons. computers being rewarded with big coins that have current prices at up to millions of dollars a week. futon is a small country, large scale manufacturing, an agriculture on possible. almost all food is imported and options, but economic development are limited. i would be very worried if our government was buying between uh, including and between. but uh, i think the kind of reassurance for us with new citizens is that the government is mining it using the cheap hydro power and the sort of exporting it at a very cheap rate. we are using it to mine betweens, in high mountains of done air. what am i required? the chief executive of food, tons of silver and holding company to is exploring bitcoin and other new technologies is vital to economic development. i think you cannot run away from
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lucky and cannot run away from me. i hope junction in the i will combine the industry of money if i may see and how money flows from one hand to another because it's one of the biggest innovation in the space of money in 4090. from the time, do you remember when money was discovered or invented? will it boots an ease one day be making big calling offerings to buddha? the prime minister thinks the world he's heading and negatively towards using and exchanging bitcoin, just like any other currency. but at smith, i'll just share a simple boot time to the chinese stock market right on thursday. as investors reacted to raging setting a growth target a 5 percent for the year. the announcement was made at the annual gathering of politicians known as the 2 sessions. early of the commerce minister and finance minister spoke to the media about the goals target, which comes to spite and escalating trade war with the us sale ahead on alger 0,
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a contender for sale of the season in the, in a child that's coming up in sports with joe next, the
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of the coming up as far as his jol calling. thank you very much. let me pull goalkeeper allison has pulled up what he's cooling the performance of his life to help his side and a narrow window when of a person's mind in the life of the champions league. p. s g, dominate to this last 16 months. i had 27 shots compared to the full tooth. there was no getting past allison, who made 9 saves to keep p as the outcomes of the typical brooklyn harvey elliott
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liaison. and he scold with his 1st match for the game to snatch victory with 3 minutes left. c, a c 23 matched months coming to an end. the 2nd leg is it on the field on tuesday? i think when we have one of the draw over here, we would have been already the lucky one and i uh, that is great for everyone. i think that they would do much better team today. um, especially in the 1st off they have a lot of open. chances are well for you for big big, big kansas and the 2nd half day were still about to teams. still have a lot of shots on targets. offline. i had to pay most of them match against ben pico with the these $10.00 met and also pal capacity was sent off on twins to minutes. however, mistake out the by been seeker and the 2nd half was punished by the senior guys bonsa, when the, when any support to us and sign in between. so in the victory it's and
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one thing about the other results was confused. so i'm really proud about about the team because they defend really, really good the, the manage the team by the, the, the game. very good and, and all kinds of what i can. it's a simple, it's, it's, it's really kind of flex form aside by munich. sweet fellow jim and team by navy trace and 3 know how retain put buying a heads. html and we'll see all that made it to neal officer mistakes from the labor fusing goalkeeper hanes and go to the 2nd of the match. and the penalties supposed to be schooled old $21.00, so she's taken for buying is onto teams, milan, and the tie was fine or so total martinez going into 2nd in a to know when it was the argentines, 18th champions league goals, which cease and become the cause restful for us. competition. the codes of french club leo has been handed a 9 month touch line by nowadays confrontation with the free porch case manager paula fonseca lost his coolant sundays league when ever pressed screaming in the
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face of the official. he's now been bought from the duck out until november. the league also imposed upon on him entering the dressing room until september fonseca, who's been in charge for just 3 matches, has apologized for his behavior. for both of anybody fee for has raised the prize money for this use. expanded club woke up to a $1000000000.00. 32 teams will compete with the tournament in the usa in june and july. the money will go mainly to the clubs, participating. there's also some, such aside to those who haven't qualified to raise the standards of the game of rules, the competition has been a controversial addition to the calendar, particularly for european clubs, which are concerned about players. what clothes. well, that was one of several announcements made by the fee for council on wednesday, and also set the dates for both the on the $17.00 woke up and the fee for our comp taking place in capital in november and december this year, african and north american countries have been told to bid for the 2031 women's
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world cup, while the 2035 hosting rights we open to nations from africa and europe, out of new women's comp woke up is set to be launched in 2028. a dc for competitions will stimulate growth in spite of athletes, create new rival, raising gauge more and more fans. and of course, crown heroes. the visa women's club work up would be a defining moment in the growth of the women's game. getting the world's top claps the platform, they deserve to compete against the best and put the cob game in the global bond that will just entail philip burrell and james gould has 50000 points in the m b a. then we'll, we'll keep books again as that's compo, has reached a milestone of his own. the greek freak as he's also known as cross the 20000 point
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marks may 32 points that he seems 137 to one or 7. when over the solace metrics, the 0 deanus has become the 52nd player to reach the landmark and the 6 youngest. putting him in a groups of players that includes the brawn, james covey, brian and michael johnson. i represent the people that might not be my not happy though. it might not be that more styling that people are, you know, but a lot of discipline to show up every single you know, night to do that. i think i know that a lot of kids either leave, you know, watch, you know, cartier, which is incredible. play john, what on play top? so we play tonight stuff. good. you know, those 2 breach that have a gift. uh, but as i said, i hope like, uh, the people, you know, watch me and how it got to my twins. i was pointing to understand that uh, i was humbled to name all the keys and tablets became the 1st team to book the best
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source in the playoff. i. b. miami, heat, 112 to one. oh $7.00 for the 12 straight victory. done as mitchell had 26 points, the win please the place in the post season with 20 games left the field from intent as well. number one, and they are me soccer self in an early exit at indian wells. the full time grand slam champion who won this event in 2018 was beaten by camella a sorry, or both players had been out for more than a month with the domino entries. it was the colombian who took victory in straight sets, 646. i will finish with the content of a save of the season in the end a cho annaheim dot scully kind of john gibson. with the 2nd sheila behind the button gloves safe to keep out the vancouver canucks. gibson did the end up leaving the game following collision on his team last. all right, all right, that is all useful. now more with piece i like to fully joe. thank you very much for the best fit for this news. our own challenges here, but do stay with us. i'll be back in just
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a few minutes with more of today's top stories. thanks so much the that we're facing a future that we don't understand. we can't predict fully. everyone has this. nobody knows what would happen. the, i need to stay most of these are really, but i need to do more with mainly i was like, you know what? i don't like myself. i want to change. why am i want to be trustworthy? i want to be responsible for it, but it keep getting inspired to the story is on one of those, bringing the communities to contact me. a great book defies. behind i move forward because on what we need is being able to move forward. and that isn't just
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a matter of science, that's a matter of what do you think about your fellow human beings because it is a matter of democracy. the relationship with nature is bonded in violence, fossil fuel extraction, intensive agriculture over consumption. it becomes quite clear. we need a reset, ohio, the planet excuse how reassessing human kind placed it in the well he's t to tackling climate change. this is a totally different world news piece of will. we me, we have costs with nature, no support from it on out to 0. 5 years out to the virus was this coverage. a quarter of the world's population remains on vaccinated for cove at 19 . this is record right, if i can you one right o g 0 investigates if
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a global pens ethnic treaty can end vaccine and that could see the floss in the curved point. now to 0, the european union holes and imagine c meeting in brussels to bolster its defenses and increase of support for ukraine. and it's 4 with wash, the hello, i'm fully back to where you're watching l g 0 live from doha. also i had the us confirms this house.


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