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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2025 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the bright possibilities they deserve. just like every child in the world. spalding, sun, olsen, with human appeals and create a brighter future because as children give mercy, now the us push on ukraine. donald trump says a meeting to discuss a piece framework will be held next week and saudi arabia, the hello, i'm dire in jordan, this is on just a run life from don't lose, have coming up for violence escalates in the western syria. at least 15 people are killed in fighting between security forces, aside know, and we meet the palestinians and gaza,
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injured by unexploded problems on the program in place to help survivors and terrace now delays president. trump gives a one month reprieve to mexico and the united states. as waiting on the conflicts and ben garza and ukraine, washington, we confirmed us on ukrainian officials. we'll meet inside the rate in next week. the discuss a piece framework for ukraine that you as well as a confirmed it's how direct talks with harm us. i'll just here as well as been jordan reports now from washington. dc. diplomacy is usually the job of the us state department, but in the trumpet ministration. the president is in charge of gambling with world war 3. after the now infamous route between president donald trump and ukrainian president of the mirrors, the landscape trump says, efforts to ending the war between ukraine and russia are back on track. in part
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because of a note of apology, zelinski sent in recent days. i think what's going to happen is ukraine wants to make a deal because i don't think they have a choice. trump also confirmed something. once i'm thinkable, the us is holding direct talks with a most a designated foreign terrorist organization. i consider that somebody where we're helping israel for the most part, we had a couple of us. and just as you know, we got a couple of hostages at american house, which is certainly petera, you know, i do. you have to negotiate because there's a difference between negotiating and paying. special envoy stephen woodcock, told reporters outside the oval office engaging with homos is necessary. well i think it's real, it's real. feels this way to is real. feels that they want to save lives. they go by and hopefully that's possible through dialogue. and that's the point we're prepared to have dialogue. but if the dialogue doesn't work,
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then the alternative is not such a good alternative for how much stark choices presented as the only options on the table. for this thing from the nuances of traditional diplomacy, russell and jordan elders era washington will come and talk is on the super on center. that's a global intelligence and security consultants that he says. trump is clearly pushing for diplomacy in ukraine, but that he's doing so at the expense of the ukrainians as the pace of uh, current events really is almost taking place, minute by minute, hour by hour. um, you know, i, i kind of go to sleep thinking, you know, one thing is happening and then i wake up in the morning and its almost a 180 degree reversal. so it's hard to say lot of people chopped us up to trumps. negotiating style, the tactics that he usually takes a maximum list position and then kind of edges back toward the end and whatever concessions are extracted. he says, look, that's because of my, you know, uh,
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agile negotiating skill. i will say, you know, you have to give credit to trump for falling through what he does. uh, you know, freddy. and so we saw that with the withdrawal and they now kind of well holding back intelligency brain, which for someone that so concerned about saving lives, you know, that kind of cuts in the opposite direction. there's going to be many more ukrainians that die as the result of intelligence not being shared. it's really just kind of trial by far, every day is something different. and it's probably one of the most incoherent approaches i've seen to foreign policy in a long time. doesn't mean that it won't be successful, it's just not the traditional style that we're used to with the policy process with vetting, with listening to kind of the outside experts. it's a lot more of it. what, what i call an ad hoc proceed. fly by the cd, your set of hands, trump kind of deciding one thing and then moving forward full speed ahead. meanwhile, european union leaders held emergency tolts and brussels on thursday to discuss
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increasing military budgets to meet the english growing security needs. leaders also discuss support for ukraine. the summit comes as the trump administration pivots away from it to european allies and resets ties with russia. i'll just say with james bases in brussels, i sent us district will not be reaching for most of the leaders of load them is the landscape. this has been one of the ukrainian presidents worst week since the russian invasion with the us separating old military assistance. and it spiteful battlefield intelligence. here though, he's among his strongest supporters and his friends. for the most part great that we are not alone. we feel it anyway knowing. thank you so much for ever seeing here . are aware of how dramatically geo politics is changing. europe faces a clear and present danger. and definitely europe has to be able to protect itself to defend itself, which is lead is arrives some stopping briefly to speak to reporters. no one
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explain why the world has changed. the fee is go well beyond ukraine is the us will the bands and it's traditional role defending europe. yeah, there's another thing they were afraid of for the antagonizing donald trump. that's why no one even mentioned his name a. around the summit table leaders agreed to work on the proposal by the european commission to reorder up with a price tag of about $850000000000.00 us dollars. for me. the most important thing marries to be very frank, to re i'm year i don't think we have a lot of time. uh, so re, i'm a year sprint. sprint, sprint on ukraine and the final conclusions that was strong support for presidency landscape from all the you. nations, apart from one hungry, it's long had a different view from it's european and nato allies. of course hungry is no longer
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alone. its position is very similar to that of the us under the trump administration, j as bai's, which is 0, brussels in syria, at least 15 people have been killed by fight as loyal to allison. and for my president, special alice on fighting is on getting in that talk you talk to some homes because he has been imposed in parts of western syria if they were attacks on security, convoys and checkpoints. in the jump, la area, near la takia authorities said, was a well planned attack on military enforcements have been sent to the area? no, it doesn't long. we the general security forces from a level head into the coastal areas to defeat the remnants of our sites. forces the targeted brothers in the security forces in the takia governor it meanwhile, pro government protest as of gather to the police station in the jump,
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the area, the demanding weapons defined the 1000000 list. so the previous machine actually is restful soto has more from damascus. the photos, the in the morning the security forces were heading to the town of that. you the all squares off the fact you to get someone who was wanted. and while they were conducting the operation, they came on the fire. it was an ambush by the remnants of the old regime and then it followed by several more ambushes. so the avenues that went to rescue the injured security for the members. they also came on the attack. the civilians would try to rescue them. also were attacked by the remnants of the old regime and soon after that, that has been a video released by one of the commander of the old redeem. and seeing that these operations are happening based on the decision that they have made to leave it a quote unquote, the coastal areas off seeing the from the need government,
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they according these minutes of the call. so how did by the deadline, as the cost of c of the documents? so no, we understand that these issues do attacks or the security forces what? 3 plan and they were organized. no, the security forces are deploy, you reinforcements, tremendous the who would you be enforcement from the city of homes, from the, from a n for them. it leads to the region no steel. there are collapse just on go in the laptop here in talk to us and uniforms. the officials you are seeing that they haven't lost a curse the the in the city of patterson, homes and my talk. yeah, i'm on the on friday. that's going to remain in place and they're saying that gradually the things are coming onto the photo. however, as well, we can see that this is perhaps the biggest security challenge that dakota and the administration in city has please. so far seems to for the short list that 3 months
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ago. this is heather, i'll just here to damascus. so run a jury is a distinguished public policy fellow at the american university of barrow t says this will be a constant dilemma for the new syrian government. this is a very typical situation where you have a autocratic or org of dictatorship government that has run a country for decades in serious case 5 decades. 50 years. and once they're over the throne, there are large numbers of they're loyalist. you heard that was done. percent and iraqi had it with people old enough to remember chesko and romania, the lawyer list of the former regime, who are totally in charge of total power over everything. certainly find themselves isolated a and with no power. some of them start organizing in small groups. some of them and just local rebellions and the saw them try to get together and create
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a bigger movement them to try to carve out on a time was region. so it could be any of the goals that this think would be feasible that i don't think it's realistic for them to be able to carve out there on a timeless region like the cards. for instance, i've done northern iraq. but this is just a problem. was a long term dictatorship, entrenched or top receive lots of guns, and people who are loyal to the an old system that made them wealthy and powerful analyses them as marginalized and often poor. the mouse is demanding, the israel fulfill its international obligations that allow food, fuel and medicines into goals that all supplies have been blocked since sunday
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after they are has tonic, eyebrows, whom has worn out from hun you. the mazda is military spokes. person of the has stated that the east valley threats would not succeed with a will ends, as he called israel, to uphold its agreements. he also said that they have proof of life which is rarely captives which could be assigned that 10 mazda tribes suggest that to be 3 tens. paul getting power regarding any potential prison exchange deals that might take place in the future. when in fact i need you escalation will put the lives of the is very the captives at great risk. say you also that they are ready to deal with old scenarios. but this does not mean that negotiations have come to an end. different diplomatic discussions have been made between homeless and israel, by regional mediators, alongside also direct conversations. we come us and the american administration to release more is really capt. it's not all of these developments come in the time when it's ready for
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a minute says it's still pending. the entry of all sorts of humanitarian needs into the gaza strip, excess, exciting, and we did die crisis hospital civilians and all sorts of humanitarian aspects in gaza. has been absolutely due to your rates that we, we have seen prices which are storing and people are struggling to afford the basic humanitarian needs. saying that every day for them right now is the best tool to survive. and they believe that as little as old pushing forward is with costs are going to be shifted the situation older. we get west tower companies in l, just the kind eunice palestine as well. the debris of war continues to threaten lives across gauze, despite the currencies file, unexploded bombs, pose a grave risk to civilians, especially children under zeros honey mach mood reports and a program that's providing hope to young survivors and gauze assistance. this is site, a displaced palestinian in gauze. the young voice survived. israel is 15 months
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long war but could not scale what was left behind. a bulldozer was a cleaning up the area from the rubble so his family could set up at 10 when a large explosion happened in the man again and all of a sudden there was a huge explosion that destroyed the mendoza. we did not know what was going on and just woke up inside the hospital and i lost my left di and i'm worried about my di sides, brother and his ard was also injured. not gotten in, i'm and we were building the tents and as you are waiting for the boat does it just finished removing the rubble. we heard a loud explosion that damaged the boat. those i was hit, tried to hit my leg and my arm with injured and my face was brandish and thank god, i recovered sight. father is desperate for help and he's trying to take sight outside garza for treatment. and then how would that need to be trying to in night to help him get his sites back and get his left eye clean from all of the smoke pieces of shrapnel across garza, children are living with this cars of war,
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not just emotional, but physical for many have lost lambs or suffered severe injuries or from unexploded ordnance left behind in their streets, homes and playgrounds the bumper that we aimed through this project to prevent the dangers of unexploded ordnance particularly for displaced people. returning to their homes, we focus our attention on children, the most vulnerable group, on how to act in case they see or come near these dangerous materials. for children like a 12 year old, i'm a double star. the road to recovery is long. just months ago, he was injured by hitting explosive. why playing outside today? through intensive therapy and education? i haven't his learning to adopt whatever the, how my friends and i were playing. so could and then a seed up if you can. the what got theirs would fly in the area and had thrown what
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looks like a toy on the ground. it was small, but we picked it out and threw it into the fire. it exploded and it was hit in my arm, upper side and stomach. i filled to the ground and could not stand and walk. i was taking to the hospital. i am still taking physical therapy and it still hurts. i was injured in february, the 2nd viewed invest ceasefire beyond rehabilitation. the organization also teaches children and families about the dangers of unsupported ordinance, an effort to prevent future tragedy. while the war may leave us cars, the children's hold and resilience shining through with the help of organization like best. the realize that healing is possible not only for the body, but for the heart than mind as well. anyway, most of the euro from the city palestine. stop us up right here and i'll just here, when we come back, we look at how taiwanda is boosting it. civil defense capabilities as tensions
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continue to grow with china and will tell you why the himalayan kingdom. a futon is betting paige. i'm calling on that stage the the wednesday wasn't a pulling day if you're in nebraska or iowa the would blizzard comes easily to mind . you, i'll remind you this is march and these are the conditions of the central planes. now things may improve if slightly over the next day or so, but this is actually a pretty controlled event, is just these 2 states and one or 2 are the sites. this is the cold strip running from the mountain across towards illinois to the side. it's much warmer to the north, as doctors told us it was in winter, doesn't really tune to exist to any great extent. indeed, even in, for example, nebraska. and i were attempting to rise over the next couple of days. so that
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wasn't becomes that much settled. and that much more, my jumping size is the caribbean, clock looking picture here. the winds, nothing like a strong sling. moving, but light shows through the account of being islands. mexico is nice and warm. are starting the record values in high temperature. want to places just yesterday, but it's just a warm start to spring. i think sunshine predominant the big shaft, the size of the coal. some damage with this size, the flash flood risk is still there in positive equitable may be something that is where they're certainly western brazil and peru. and these are the damaging ones in argentina. and that's the forecasts or friday big thunderstorms. the, the, the,
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there's no limit to have a dream container. stuff in your own adventure, no counter. everything's the log in. you're watching it. i'll just pick your mind about top stories here. this washington that has confirmed that us and your training and officials will meet next week to discuss a piece framework. donald trump says that your plan has no choice but to sign a deal on the russian european union leaders and a beat to boost defense funding to step up the concept of security. they've been
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holding emergency troops in brussels to cement the support for you. and in syria, at least 15 people were killed by fighters, loyal to asked for my president, charlotte, because he has been imposed in thoughts of western syria, but tax against security for sensitivities on very mexico and canada had been given a one month reprieve on tires that came into force earlier this week. yes, president donald trump now says goods that fall under the us, mexico, canada agreement will be temporarily exempted. i'll just say what's due on home and reports from mexico city a month long reprise to mexico. after thursday morning, cool between presidents, cloudy, ashamed. um and donald trump, he suspended the 25 percent tire. so yeah, if you place the mexican impulse or at least those covered by the us, mexico, kind of the free trade do. and i spoke to the president of mexico wonderful woman
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today, and we helped him out with the problem they were having having to do with the task short term terms. and we had a very good conversation. see, choose presidents showing them sit on the cool sheet, highlighted her countries efforts to stop defense, new getting to the us and said, with terrorist, those efforts could suffer. and the lady said, i said to him, builders, we are getting results. president trump, now that you're imposing tears, how are we going to continue cooperating or collaborating of to something that hurts the people of mexico? both infused off to the court about their mutual respect on the we most on the excellent elizabeth dos. i am a donald trump one to come to a different story, at least in the morning when there was no update on the 25 percent power source are leveled on the countries goods turn. so i can confirm that we will continue to be in a trade war that was launched by the united states for the foreseeable future proclamation
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. but by the afternoon, the us will say suspended terraced, the canadian goods included in the us, m. c, a agreement. but in not this doesn't mean that the 25 percent tires are completely off. some canadian, a mix can goods full outside of the us, m. c, a trade agreement. as debate about exactly how many. there's also separate parcel still in a medium that it's huge. come in for much the 12 and finally on april 2nd, we could be here once again, when president trump reciprocal terrace. but you to take effect. let's go at least thinks it will be sped them because it has few times to go to us goods for america to respond to john, home and out to the mexico city. a tropical cycle. i don't know if australia is east coast is bringing torrential rain in the high winds to the city of gold coast 4000000 people along a 400 kilometer stretch of coastline are expected to see the worst of tropical
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cycling. alfred initial full cost of a storm was due to make landfill late on thursday evening. but officials now say the slow moving storm was more likely to make land for late on friday. early saturday, a. taiwan is bolstering its civil defense assets to protect against a possible threat from china and designing to train 400000 volunteers to protect it in the event of an attack, but exports one that those efforts by serious challenges, patrick, fuck reports, not from the time. when a magnitude 7.4, us quake struck taiwan southern wiley and can see a year ago, volunteers played a vital role and relief efforts, distributing aid and repairing damage. so i want the lines on its civil defense forced to respond to disasters, but it increasingly plans to meet on civilians and the events of conflict. don't go the to date, chinese military at cross to intruding into space more frequently than ever. the
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even cutoff and the c internet cables, but see, it won't help us. china is always there, so we must face it. of course, we hope for peace, but we must also demonstrate our determination to defend ourselves on king fun began volunteering 5 years ago when prostrate tensions began. rising training was in formal but over time its become more organized on the form of present sign one, the civil defense force was recognized as part of ty, once resistance capabilities in military re alignments, plan effects, and from kill me. since then, its role has been brought in to include all time preparedness to john i in december, government and civil society groups came together for an exercise of simulating military escalation. so i want to see in a search in chinese military activity nearby and recent months. and the government says it must incorporate civil society in its response. but as already saved the december exercise highlights of the need for better coordination. the experts also
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say in sufficient training and funding constraints means the civil defense force is prepared for potential complex coming. see, it served in the army for 6 years now helps to train volunteers. she says the island is blank, catch up, which one? she says, the tiny don't tie one has been under threat from china for a long time. and i'm actually quite surprised. the discussions on civil defendants have only recently gained more attention. hi. that's how when is military, has around $170000.00 active service men and women, even with the addition of a civil defense force, it's no match for china is $2000000.00 troops. but his vision continues to flex its muscles around the island and questions arise about how much support the us on the present. donald trump pull off the so i one will need to build up its own defenses as much as possible, patrick bulk out a 0. so i pay to but time now which is money going to make up for folding tourism
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revenue, it's using the funds to pay for government spending. but how does the mining process actually look? well, mine is collect and verify bitcoin transactions from the network by using possible computers to solve complex puzzles. the minus to solve the puzzle, gets to add the verified transaction to the block chain. that's a digital ledger, and is rewarded with both newly created bit coins. i'm transaction fees. every transaction is recorded in a public ledger, which is encrypted, which means that no single entity controls bitcoin times holdings are worth more than a $1000000000.00. only 30 percent of g d. p. in 2023. the government sold a $100000000.00 a big claim to fund a 50 percent pay rise for civil servants. i'll just say it was bonus to me. it has been to baton to see why big calling has become such an important part of the economy and boot time. gold is everywhere, a booty symbol of the everlasting nature of enlightenment. now the small emulating
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kingdom is investing in the future. it hope this will be blessed with what buck has called digital gold bitcoin. it's also fine arts and supposedly everlasting hundreds of people who have made billions of dollars on the back of bickley. why on government screen, la? prime ministers chatting, tough guy, he says, big coin is a strategic reserve one currently worth more than a $1000000000.00. we have use bitcoin to for how to provide free healthcare environments. but these are my know, the main use of big green has been to finance the salaries of public servants. a futon is built big coin mines that locations across the country with thousands of energy hungry computers, solve complex mathematical puzzles, to claim big coins. and here's what's powering this martin and a gold rush. hydro generated electricity. the government says it's been going
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operation is carbon neutral, relies only on water from the himalayas is also very profitable with boots on the computers being rewarded with big coins that have current prices at up to millions of dollars a week. futon is a small country, large scale manufacturing, an agriculture on possible. almost all food is imported and options, but economic development are limited. i would be very worried if our government was buying between uh, including and between. but uh, i think the kind of reassurance for us with new citizens is that the government is mining it. you're using the cheap hydro power and you sort of exporting it at a very cheap rate. we are using it to mine betweens, in high mountains of done and what am i required, the chief executive of food tons of silver and holding company to is exploring bitcoin and other new technologies is vital to economic development. i think you cannot run away from lucky and cannot run away from me. i hope junction in the i
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will combine the industry of money if i me see, and how money flows from one hand to another because it's one of the biggest innovation in the space of money in 40 amenities from the time. do you remember when money was discovered or invented? will it boots an ease one day be making big calling offerings to buddha? the prime minister thinks the world he's heading and negatively towards using an exchanging bitcoin. just like any other currency. but smith, i'll just share a simple boot time. a product spacecraft has reached the surface of the moon but its operates the yet to confirm may successful landing is concerned. it may have fallen over on its side. the privately owned defeat, a spacecraft is counting on the ice drill a drone into roses. its mission is to search for the valuable minerals on sunday, another u. s. company became the 1st to successfully put a commercial croft on the sole part of an ex, funding space race with practical purposes as coming back and explain what
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a difference a week makes on the moon. birds closest neighbor now has 2 new landers after 2 missions landed within just 4 days of one another. a 1st in lunar expiration. bill cycle in it. we're on the west coast or led by private sector american space companies. fireflies blue ghost is already begun. it's work, i'm thinking it's intuitive machine. second lander is on the moon, but it's controllers are still assessing exactly where one and whether the craft is standing upright. we think that we've been very successful to this point. however, i do have to tell you that we don't believe we're in the correct attitude on the surface of the moon. yet again, when china successfully landed on the moon in 2013, no country had been there in nearly 40 years. they landed on the near and far.


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