tv [untitled] March 7, 2025 8:00pm-8:31pm AST
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orders last more than $27000.00 order jobs in the final year of buying a. these are also high paying jobs. these are very prime jobs. the i s and manufacturing survey as the s and b manufacturing survey have also confirmed that our administration is designing over a brand new domestic manufacturing. go after major collapse under vide newest and collapse. only did it keep adding new government jobs which are not the jobs you while we're trying to shake government and a lot of the private sector as what we've been doing under the final 2 years of buy . one and every 4 jobs created in america was a government job. that's a tremendous percentage. but under the 1st of all, not the president trump, which we haven't even gotten started yet. and incredible 93 percent of all job games were in the private sector. so that's just, that's just it just became a big games for native born americans for the 1st time in
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15 months. the job games for native born americans for american people. people born in america exceeded john gauge for migrating foreign born workers. this is the 1st time this happened in more than 15 months. employment for native one workers went up by 284000 well far, and one work is went down by 87000. now, you know, you've heard the same staff where foreign workers were taking up all the jobs are almost all the jobs. and so in cases literally all the jobs. and now it's 284000 native born jobs here. people born in our country, 284000. well, foreign born workers went down by 87000 for something that's happened a long time. so these are incredible numbers and they're very, very early and yet over here for
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a 5 weeks. but we have been talking about that since the big when in november, november 5th. so a lot of these people uh they listen to speak and they say, well, i'm going to gear up and they gearing up. and so they've been gearing up. they've had a long time, such as such as 5 weeks is 5 weeks, less than few months. and the they are, you know, they put it into effect pretty quickly. that cost what i said i'm, what i'm saying is that and so with that i'd like to ask a highly respected gentleman. kevin has been with us for a long time and he's been right about a lot. we have the greatest economy in history and the 1st year, and kevin was a big part of it. so kevin, could you maybe give a little description, please? yeah, thank you very much, mr. trump. i think the 3 things that you have besides started the campaign is you wanted to create domestic high paying manufacturing jobs. the wanted to end ways with government spending and reduce the product as government workers. in fact, at least to visit the private copy where they could be worth productive and to
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create jobs for americans. a lot of people said that if you do permanent illegals, the employment would go down because no one, no americans would take those jobs. so if you look 280000 american board folks were hired, manufactory jobs are going up, and this is just out of the expectation of your future policies. really, sir, it's in april when you're receptacle trade act is expected to happen at the task that's haven't passed yet. so people are clearly expecting the golden age. and if you want to forecast the future numbers, everybody, just keep in mind the present truck has already gotten this 1.7 trillion incidence of new factories. and those have even have to get on to the numbers. and so i spent is this is going to be a glimpse of the goal is to conser. thank you very much. one other thing uh, in canada, you know, we find that to visualize us over 200 percent for jerry products. you know about that. and when i left, we are then well taken care of, but under buying them, they just kept raising it very difficult to deal with the canadian,
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a representatives, 250 presents for their products terrace. so where do you hear that? you don't hear that they have a tremendously high tariff, give me the exact numbers a little while coming out or lumber. so they shall or some of that right, a tremendous gap. they make it impossible for us to sell them lover or dairy products into canada. but our numbers are a tiny fraction of that almost non existent. and what we're doing is break up of ours from the environmental nonsense that they put on and where you just shut down entry. and we have to cut down trees in order the firewalls and strays yourselves, but we're gonna bring it up on an emergency basis. because a candidate has been ripping us off a years on terrace for a lover and for dairy products. 250 percent. nobody ever talks about the 250 percent tariff,
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which is taking advantage of our farmers. so that's not going to happen anymore. we're going to be, they'll be met with the exact same care unless they dropped it. and that's what reciprocal means that we may do it as early as today, or we'll wait till monday or tuesday. but that's what we're going to do. what a judge has and saying, it's not fair, never has been fair. and they've treated the farmers manually looked our countries been ripped off by everybody that, that stuff. so i added stuff in these my 1st term and we're going to really stop it now because this is, this has been very unfair. our company from our country, from an economic standpoint and financial standpoint and a great standpoint has been absolutely ripped off by almost every country in the world, canada. busy mexico and then you just go right down the line in the judges as massive tariffs mass. if you can't even sell anything to india, it's almost,
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it's almost respect as a it is restrictive. you know, we do very little business inside. they've agreed by the way, they want to come way down now because somebody's finally exposing that for what they've done and same thing with china. same thing with a lot of other countries in the us been a terrible abuser of this country. i mean, the was formulated in order to take advantage of the united states and they have taken it, but they're not taking advantage when i'm a judge. so sometimes you'll hear some negative things as always from outside countries. america will be very strong. and you know, if i'm a foreign country, they didn't do fine, but they can't do like they used to do because we're going to bring back our businesses in this country. we need it from a job standpoint. we need it from even just a psychological standpoint. and take it as 90000 factories a guy since the beginning of the afternoon. so we're not going to have that and we're going to see a building back now we have, we've already had the 5 major automobile companies. the 1st time you've heard this
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a long time since my 1st term action where we were really rocking and rolling and then by came in and he stopped. everything's like such as stupid thing to not even believable thing. but we have many uh, auto flash sale coming in. we a big jump. plaza is the best, the biggest ship company in the world, most of the most powerful, probably one of the most powerful companies in the world. we use that kevin, and he's coming in and they're building a one of the largest church chip plans. and noel, that'll be done in arizona, mostly in arizona. and that'll give us a big percentage at one plant will give us a big percentage of the chip market. something we have very little of, you know, we use of intel and it was run by a man named heavy grow. and andy grove was a tough, smart guy i used to read about and when i was a young man and he did an incredible job, you really dominated the chip is as and then he died. and i guess i had
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a series of people that didn't know what the hell they were doing and we gradually lost the chip business. and now it's almost exclusively in taiwan. they spell it from us, they took it from us, and i don't blame them. i give them credit, i blame the people that were sitting in the seat. that because they allow that to happen. we've had a project, is that so easily? but so we had the jump business and now it's all into one, almost as a little bit in south korea, but mostly into iowa. and it's very important that everything you do everything you touch has now vouchers of the brake of a car, cars of chips all over the place. i was reading an article the other day when they talked about the rage of a car loaded up like jim. so who takes that a break as and ship it, but it's all about ship. so that was a big thing and it will be investing hundreds of billions of dollars in this country and will be taken back a big, big portion of the, of that industry. and we have others coming in june, but a lot of car manufacturers are coming in and they're coming in fast. so one of the
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reasons you see these numbers that i get, kevin said, and i said it a little bit. but the fact that they know i won the election, so after i was president elect, as of there is going to do what i said, because i do what i say. and so these numbers really reflect a lot of a lot of things that took place and still have it. all right, so kevin, thank you very much. great job. any questions or the large girlfriends and on what? no, i think the labor market is going to be fantastic, but it's going to have high paying manufacturing jobs as opposed to government years. we have too many people in government to just do that. we have many, many to many. this is for 40 years now this isn't just now this build up and got worse and worse and they just higher, more and more. if you look at the department of education,
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it seems like so many buildings. i, i right by us department of education. they're all over the place, and we don't even want it. we want the education to be given by the states that will be much better. it'll be, it'll move us to the top of the list from the bottom of the list and actually save as much. but not as too important, even talk about them. it will save us a lot of money. but we don't want that. we want a education to be given. so you go to iowa and indiana, idaho. and all these places are so well run. they're going to be producing education that will be the equivalent of like denmark is one in norway, sweden, actually china is one of the better in terms of education. and so we can't blame size anymore. you know, china is 1400000 people, but they're very high and that is the one thing we're doing well. we're number one on the list is cost per pupil. we spend more money than any other country in the
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world by far. so i jokingly say one thing we do well, honors the costs, we spend more money and yet we're for the bottom of those young services areas. because these taxes are you good? how are you? there is a positive well, so far, peters as have been very much because these numbers are coming out. we're, we're here for just a little over 4 weeks. and these are fantastic numbers. you. i was watching some of the reports this morning, very surprised. that could be some disturbance, a little bit of the service. i saw a little bit of that because i have respect for a lot of companies and i gave them a little bit of a one month retreat because it was a it was unfair, although i'm sure they'll take advantage of it. i see they're driving a lot cars into the us to try and avoid the deaths and taken advantage of it
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a little bit. but they were, they called me, they asked me, they said they have a little bit of help. and i decided, you know, the american companies, yours mc and i let them have that. but this really kicks in, the reciprocal is, you know, kicks in on, let's say, i guess the 2nd. and i wanted to be the 1st so badly just didn't want to be on april fools day. so i made it the 2nd that's going to cost a lot of money that $1.00 day is going to cost a lot of money, but that's okay. but i, i don't see it, i don't see anything. i see good reports. i think i think we're good numbers from the beginning. no global. this won't love this because this brings jobs back to america. so if they're coming back to america, maybe you'll lose solving other parts of the world. but the other parts of the world have done very well and they'll continue to do very well. but i think the united states is going to be doing record is will bring a lot of those 90000 factories that have been lost over the last number of years.
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it's been, it's hard to believe 90, so they go with 90000 is 90000 plants and factories and gonna bring back many of those lessons. one day zeros are on the next day. they're all right now the market is, you know, well versed ability are always be changes and adjustments and you know, you can just, uh, i could have 1st installed the american car companies. no, i'm not going to give you anything. and then you wouldn't have had to say, well, they're getting a little extra and it just a little bit of a one month reprieve. they're very happy about what's happening. they won't have to go across borders and you see the zig zag and you have a vendor made in cavity. you have something else made in mexico. we don't want that we want to made here. but zillow is, be a, some modifications, and have you have a wall in front of you, sometimes you have to go around the wall instead of through it. but i think very little, the very low on occasion. if we can do something,
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we want to help companies, we want to help companies create jobs. so i sort of left that and you wouldn't have had a minor g h. a said i, i was asked by the major, the real majors. they majors if they could do this, and i said, yeah, do it. i want you to produce a lot of jobs and numerous of the people actually, all of the people i spoke to them already been very much on the way to review. and that's why you have auto jobs, acreage, and the man, i don't know, sean said, i don't know, but, and i did great as you know with you, i don't work is with the teams just with unions, isaac fantastically well, best numbers ever via republican, but, and i have a lot of respect for those people, but sean said who, i don't know, but wasn't a supporter, although the other workers were fixing the orders. i watched him last night and he said donald trump is absolutely right on doris. he said that what he's doing,
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my job is an incredible thing. and it's about time somebody has the guts to do it. because we're going to save order manufacturing. and i said to people, when i was campaigning, you're gonna have so many auto jobs. you're not gonna believe what's gonna happen. we're going to load up michigan. i won the state of michigan as you know. and part of the reason i was, is i got a lot of harder work is in voting for me, detroit, etc. but i think people are going to be very surprised. yes. satisfactory. how is now your interest in congress? the hobbies just because it's hundreds of millions of dollars, that is just a waste of money that some people have already taken the money and use it actually is very hard to qualify because they go by race, they go by gender, they go by all, all sorts of things, nobody's ever seen. anything like it,
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you won't be able to find those people. so i don't even think anybody can qualify. they have so many different categories in order to qualify. you have to have so many of a certain race gender, sir, this is alice. i don't think i can qualify, but they take the money, the better qualified because of you watching on. but it's a tremendous waste of money. i didn't give the great to greatest chip company in the world. what are the greatest companies? i didn't give them $0.10. they came here because a task because they didn't want to pay the task. and they also came here because they liked the results of the election because they know that i'm very pro business and pro jobs that are pro business. that's a business 2nd for business because of jobs because business is producing the jobs . the great guns, i believe i believe them, i think so. we do it very well with russia,
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but right now they're bombing to hell. as you granted, he said i'm, i'm finding it more difficult, frankly, to deal with ukraine and they don't have the cards. they don't have the cards as you know, a meeting and saudi arabia on sometime next week or us and we're talking but i find that in terms of getting a final settlement, it may be easier dealing with. busy which is surprising because they have all the cars in minutes and they're bombing the hell out of her right now. and i put a statement is very strong statement can do that. she can do that, try and we're trying to help them. and you great as you get on the. busy and get a job done, michael, did you come up here? i see michael back here. i'm glad he's travelling all over the world. i just saw him come in the door. could you give a little definition of what's going on, please? sure. when the president has been crystal clear and he's been cleared a whole science, the fighting has to stop. both sides need to get
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a get to the table. we had a good engagement at both leaders upset only president trump could do so, and only he has been able to do so. we had an initial gauge meant with the russians, the ukrainians had a great opportunity to find our economies together through that mineral deal. unfortunately, but didn't go so well. uh, but we think we're going to get things back on track. secretary rubio, myself and ukrainian delegation will be meeting in saudi arabia next week to get these thoughts back on track, get the ceasefire in place. and dr. diesel both parties, when i said, i think if i was in president, this war would have had no chance of settlement 0 jazz. but i think we're going to get this settled and stopped. we got to stop there losing on average to thousands
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of years. oh, it has a lot of so just to repeat, it is just a advantage right now and those are a no, i actually think he's doing what anybody else we do. i think he's so i think he wants to get it stopped and settled and i think he's heading. i'm harder than that . he's been in a n a. they probably anybody in that position would be doing that right now. he wants to get it ended, and i think you brain was together, it ended, but i don't see. it's crazy that they're taking tremendous punishment. i don't quite get it. but i suspect michael, he probably wants to get it and he does a surprise and the russians are taking incredible losses on the front as the president the this is a meat grinder of people of material of, of national treasure and no one else has any solutions except to let this war
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continue forever, but i'll add the present as had a multiple conversations and a visit from president cronan of france, prime minister, storm, or the united kingdom. we have the nato secretary general coming next week. we have this meeting with you with ukrainians. we've had it with the russians, all of this in the president's 1st month at his leadership. we. busy engage in the shuttle diplomacy and we'll, we'll continue to use his leadership and went leverage. we have to get both sides of the peace table is not going to be easy. the present drug portion of that and it would have never happened to our residents, but it did happen. so lot of other things should have happened to we shouldn't have 21000000 people pouring into our country to open board as many of the home or criminals. very bad travels and learning matters. thousands of murders. many hills are far more than one person and they're roaming our sweets. but tom homan and christy normally doing an incredible job and we're getting about a year and we'll get them out, we'll get them all out. but all these things shouldn't have happened. we wouldn't,
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we shouldn't have inflation. we shouldn't have desirable inflation where the prices have gone out. okay, days. so we're doing uh, when doing a good job is to assistance g re, social media. the question is how to use, right? that's right. wow. that's impressive. when creating months. yeah, that's the question. because i have to know that they want to settle. i don't know that they want to, so they don't want to settle. we're out of there because we want them to settle and i'm doing it to stop death. more important than anything else. secondarily way down, the line is the money. so we're going for $350000000000.00 and europe is in for a $100000000000.00. they shouldn't be into the same or more than us. and you know, i watched over the last week or so what's going on and you have to say you could
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end up in world war 3, we don't get it. so this could really end up in a world was me, we got to get it. so i saw the hostages, the other day they came in, people that were not young, some young and some older, much older and they gave it was hard for them to do it. actually they gave statements as to what happened. that was asking what happened was i said, did you see any body in there that was kind of like out of the hundreds of people that you were seeing home us did some of them we can do and say, don't worry, you're going to be ok or give you a piece of bread or? no, i said were there any people that were like tied our shots. the edge was nobody. there was nobody just the office to be slapped and punched. one man broke is rivers
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you couldn't breathe for a month. it was brutal. i was so surprised he did think there'd be a couple of people that would be kind that would say you're going to be ok but they had none of that is pretty amazing bright. these are times versus going to 0, not to not do unless he was like a child who's been good. good. thank you. thank you. i like use just one piece. why don't you think any other european countries or offer it seems like no one's come to the table for peace except for you. yeah, it's a very good question. sometimes questions are answerable, they're very unusual position. they don't know how to handle or i think i do know how to handle it just by to rush your rush. you're right jokes. i've always had
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a good relationship with foot and you know, it was in the war. it was and, and i think he's going to be more generous that he has to be. and that's pretty good. that means a lot of good things, because frankly, you could have had a great deal of you if this war never started. you could have made a great deal. i don't know that anything would have had to be given that this was not aware that was going to start right. and it didn't start for 4 years. it. yeah . so there's a lot of we know that well, for 4 years it is, i used to speak to vladimir about it. i used to speak to him about it at length. it was the apple of his that, but there was no way he was going. and i didn't know what to do, you know, they were going to be caustic watches, but it did start. i mean, think of think of what happened is lation. you have the world when you granted pressure that wouldn't have happened october 7th, would have never happened. israel that don't money ran it,
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don't mind. read was the stones all broke and now they have a lot of life. but then that's going to be the next thing you'll be talking about is around what's gonna happen with the red. and there'll be some interesting days ahead. that's all i can tell you know, with the file structures with iran, that's going to be an interesting time. and we'll see what happens. but we're down to the final moments where it final moments get, let them have a nuclear weapon. i would, i think that i would have had to deal with it one month after the regulations of 2020 they were all set to make is you know what i last i saw this person who was a stupid person, very simply person and they said, let's sound like a deal and they were right. he took the sanctions off, they became rich under by. they went from having no money to having $300000000000.00 are all in issuance. as oil goes up fast, it's a nice,
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nice living. if you have a nice though, and they do, they have a lot of and i sounds right. so anyways, you know it's, it's going to be a big thing. it's an interesting time in the history of the world. but we have a situation where the read that something is going to happen versus diverse. so you'll be talking about that pretty soon, i guess, and hopefully we can have a a, b, c. oh yeah, i'm. 3 i'm not speaking at a strength or weakness, i'm just saying i'd rather see a peace deal than the other, but the other will solve the problem. your allies. part of your issue? part of the? no, i haven't even heard of the mr. president while she's, i haven't heard that 1st and the reason for that was i
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mean this is c t's. right? so before i even think about that, i want to show or get it finished because if i'm not here, nobody's going to settlement and present. my crown is that every president, everybody said that the problem is, is a process we're pushing. very good. that's all i'm thinking about now. as far as the question about security later, that's easy by our partners getting it started. we got to get them. we're losing 2000 human beings every week. more than that, actually. 2000 nice young, although they're getting older because they're dressing much older than in the case of one country, much older because
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a lot of the young people have been killed. so very sad, and i'd like to see if i could step that said i'd like to also see if we could stop making these massive payments from the united states and then finally gave away money like it was like, it was water with no other they got nothing for your, your did it in the form of a lot. they get their money back. we are. so that's how we came up with the rarer deal. but we started, you know, behind the 8 ball that it's, he could have gone to europe. he goes a combined, you're going to put up money with us. you've got to put up money with us. but he never did that. they just kept handing money out because he was grossly incompetent . all right, thank you very much. that was a little trump is speaking at the white house in washington dc. he reiterated that he believes flooded me and put him when he says that he wants peace. but did reiterate that he is pulling the hell out of you crying at the moment. he did
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significantly also say that, so that with frankly finding it more difficult and dealing with you crying, even though that they don't have any cods. ellen fisher has been standing by at the white house listening to donald trump speaking there, who ellen crystal, can you just give us an up some of what we heard was a really anything new from donald trump that as well. i think the thing that we can send most people in can send the international community is what he said about iran saying that we have in the final days of the interesting things are going to happen . we would like a peace deal, but that may not happen that will sadly. yeah. some level of concern, particularly as the reports circulating in the us media today, saying that donald trump has written the letter to run supreme leader asking if that can be some level of negotiation. but that letter has not yet been said. what he means by we, i'm the final days of dealing with around isn't entirely clear. but of course, people will say that me suggest that there's some level of military action which
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would be surprising given the donald trump campaign very strongly on making sure that the us was not involved in any ford. and was his comments about ukraine and texting but not really surprising given what happened to it exactly a week ago with lot of them is landscape saying that you was finding it much harder to deal with the ukrainians, but there is going to be these peace talks in saudi arabia at lee next week. and also seeing that he'd sent out a very strong statement about russia continuing to power and ukraine is, it has been over the last few hours. some people here would suggest that part of the reason for that is that the us of paused intelligence cooperation with ukrainians. which means that they're less able to participate this sort of action from russia. but it should be said that in the strong statement, donald trump said he was considering sanctions, including banking restrictions on titus on russia. if they didn't get to the.
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