tv [untitled] March 8, 2025 12:30pm-1:00pm AST
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has told residents to expect widespread and ongoing rain. i have a 48 house. the prime minister says this was a red weather event, but as well and the public not to be complacent. he also thank emergency response team. they have responded to the request. i have prepaid of the ration dies and to shout out as well to the extraordinary work of the volunteers, police, and emergency services. there's still more work to be done. emergency all stars the site clean up operations and the 2 states could take weeks sir, clock out to 0 prison. the trump administration has counseling $400000000.00 in federal grounds and contracts to columbia university of us handling the student protests and support of palestinians. custom salumi has moved from new york. it was columbia university students who launched a nationwide protest movement in support of palestine with demonstrations on campus
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last year. since then, the university has taken drastic measures to keep protesters and the general public off the campus, calling and police on more than one occasion to a rest. students 1st for refusing to leave attendant cabinet. and then later, a building that they had occupied the time. and ministration says the school hasn't done enough to crack down on what it described as the persistent harassment of jewish students. and it announced that it would cancel about $400000000.00 in federal grants. while the trump administration says jewish students have faced relentless violence and intimidation and anti semitic harassment, protesters say that they are the ones you've been suspended and in some cases expelled as well as threatened and docs. the university says it's reviewing the announcement and working with the federal government to restore its funding. it has
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some $5000000000.00 in federal grant commitments. and then trump administration says more cods could be conic, but colombia may not be the only school in this position. last month, the us attorney general pam bond to announce the establishment of a federal task force on anti semitism that would be visiting 10 college campuses across the country, including columbia christian salumi. i'll just here on new york as well that set somebody elizabeth put on them for this tough of news of next the stream office of gems. these fascinations of abuse, the industry is closing them home. thank you for watching the
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gen z and alpha are in the spotlight for looking at and t aging treatments earlier than any generation before them. the trend is called predetermination and its premises to slow down the aging process. rather than correcting problems. the laser of these forces and on this episode of the stream, we ask how young is too young to worry about looking at the some things that i do just slide on the aging process as a 14 year old. why does john z looks so much older? than their age and these aging bad un let's go get ready. as i'm 22 older. i am jen z and nobody ever believes me. the 20 year olds look like they're
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in their early forty's because the who cares have you heard of? so for a kids or has anyone spoken to you about aging like milk young people today seem very concerned about growing and looking their age or older. and they're more prone to spending time and money on promised solutions, such as botox and feelers in the us. the number of people age 19 and younger, getting these injections increased by 75 percent between 201920. 22. what does this all mean to these generations and the ones that will come after them? joining us to discuss our doctor, mariani, and ocular plastic surgeon and facial s addition. michelle,
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when it goes to metric chemist and science educator. so ma harun, a therapist and the clinical director of therapy in color and kat, 10 bars and independent journalist who reports on internet culture. thank you all so much for joining us here on the stream. michelle, i wanna start with you. how would you describe the current beauty standards for gen z and also to i think a lot of that has been influenced by beauty filters. a lot of people are seeing skin through tape talking through this screen. so no really saying skin in hudson, which obviously it's going to look very different. a lot of people are expecting that skin to look like how it looks like when it's being filtered. and so i think that's a massive influence on jessie and alpha. uh, dr. mary, i guess you were in a, in a privileged position to see what these standards are translating into along gen z and alpha i've, you've seen changes in the demographics that come to you are your patients getting
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younger and younger? so i have the privilege of seeing patients, not all around the world, but i would say in mind, and there is an increase propensity for the younger people to come in for, for vastness treatments. now the issue of preventative treatment is that if you don't need a treatment then you shouldn't really be happy. and so for instance, i usually use the analogy of grading. yes. would you get your hair dyed for potential gray hair? no, you wait until you have a great here until you actually go into your hair dyes. so i use the same analogy for cosmetic treatments in the u. k. i don't see anybody for a set of reasons that are required for you know, for live sellers for buying a toss in or large leaders to the last years. really prohibit snacks for gmc registered offers me but, but, but they are getting younger and younger are and they,
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i mean at least people that are interested in these treatments. and michelle has already touched on this because it isn't possible to look at the desires and the choices made by genji and also without taking into consideration the environment they're growing up in their environment is of course, digital and social media. these are and digital native, so i want to share this clip we source from take talk and then get you guys to react. there's this trend going around right now where they left their followers, guess their age based on how they look right. and these videos are so brutal because they reveal their age at the end. so they like for example, oh i just turned 21 or just turn 23 and people are the comments are so brutal. they're like, oh my go what? you're not 45. 0, that's because you 45 majorities drop and i'm just like what do people think about me? like, i'm just curious, you know? because if you guess i'm 45, i might start my botox journey. cash. i want to ask you about the impact social media. it has, has on these generations and the way they see themselves. absolutely. i mean,
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i think for starters, people who grow up in this digital generation are bombarded with imagery day and day out. that prevents a very idealized and glamorize standard of living and a standard aesthetic streams. so you see that in videos like these, where people actually are responding very cruelly and very negatively to help people actually authentically look. and this has not only created and maintained an unrealistic standard for how people look, but it's also cultivated a very competitive environment where people are reacting in sort of fear the idea that they could be perceived as older than they actually are. and the idea that, that somehow a negative thing, it's what michelle was saying is that people don't even know what a real skin looks like anymore. um, some are, is it fair to say the gen z actually have aging anxiety?
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you know, that's just a great question. because i feel like this is the tailor's oldest time where every generation has gone through that exact thing of being afraid of what it looks like to be old. i mean, if we go back historically, you know, we hear stories of clear petra and taking the mill fast to stay young. and so i would say that the in the id has been a prevalent from every generation into every generation. i think the face of it just looks a little bit more different in terms of accessibility and knowledge. i think we can all say that at different points, we probably grew up watching nickelodeon and cartoon network. whereas this generation is absorbing information in a different way. so the way that they're understanding their relationship with beauty in aging is similar, but simultaneously looks different. and similar, we keep talking about girls, but boys are also affected by this. absolutely. i think that is a truth that we see that is not talked about enough, but it is
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a more subtle thing because it depends on your algorithm and what it shows you. but from my experience with and you know, the psychological community boys experience body does more feel almost as much as girls experience it. and the way it shows up for them might not necessarily look like their um, aging their skin. but it comes up in the way that their body looks as they are hitting puberty, or my muscles to define these influences have a 6 pack. why don't i have a 6 pack? what am i doing wrong? so that's a lot of a hot apology, please into that as well. and talked about the anxiety being present in almost every generation. and it is very difficult not to compare the current to context with the past. with what we knew. growing up, michelle, i wanna ask you about that, but 1st, take a look at this. i'm a millennial, i'm 40 and i went to a really large school and i remember in middle school,
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that's when we started to get into this stuff in 7th grade to do it. we started with a cover girl compact look smack hers in the glossy roll on the window. smell like cheap strawberries may be, mascara may be and for skincare we just use soap and water may be clear as well. and if we had his that we put rubbing alcohol on that or tooth paste. so it's making me wonder, i'm seeing all these are for girls at 10 years old, putting the red only drunk elephant on their face. if a gen z is looking older than millennials, because they're starting to early, what is gen elsa going to look like when they get 40? because even under metallic just aren't getting on here and being like, go stop putting that on your face. you're going to break out, going to cause damage. so what are they gonna look like, michelle? what are they going to look like? well, i think the whole a fuss about these ingredients being used by younger and younger people. i think,
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well, i'm a millennial i'm of the generation where we were putting lemon juice and toothpaste on out there is i think anything that you buy in a store is going to be safe. so even though are ingredients like rational and chemical explosions, they all sold the anti aging. they're also very useful asked me for a lot of teenagers, it is suitable for the skin. a lot of the treatments are fresh noise and chemical explosions. so i think anything that you buy in the store, it is probably going to be gentler, then lemon juice, but i think the problem is with yeah, they're not really sure how skin should feel that they don't really get. there is one in science where when you feel a rotation you should stop. and i think that's also the case for when we were younger as well, putting on lemon juice. and i think it's really that. and also, i guess my main concern is more about the urban consumption and anxiety around aging, rather than quickly putting on the faces older. it would be nice if they slowed back down a bit as well, like it is a retaining chemical as slowly as they can make your skin more sensitive to the sun
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. and when your skin is younger, they do have stem cells that are still evolving, and people getting some damage before the a team that does contribute most strongly to melanie earth. and if you get a sunburn when you're a bit older, so they, i and i got michelle, i'm sorry to interrupt. i hear what you were saying about like toothpaste. probably more dangerous, but with the fact of the matter is, i feel like they're layering all these things is like all these masks and different things and different products. and every morning the routine gets longer and longer . isn't that slight of danger, isn't worry to it is. yeah, i think a lot of the time when these products tested in terms of air, tennessee, it is usually testing one at a time. and so they won't be in a 20 set routine for example. and we have seen this evolution problem maybe 20 years ago when people did have a 3 step asked me routine. and now we're saying more and more products being put in . and i think it is the same one for social media people. a lot of the time people
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are getting the messages from brands and friends are going to want to sell more products or the more products he has in a routine. then the more people think that the necessary and this openness about the topic on social media has helped increase interest for pretty much everything, including many treatments, but many of questioning the dangers of embarking on such beauty enhancement journeys. so early take a look. are a bunch of gems here is talking about how they feel like they're aging worse than millennials or sometimes even their parents and so much so it is even made it to the new york times. so let's discuss. i feel like there probably a few things that play here, 1st off, this obsession with preventative botox and using filler and all this stuff in your twenties or even in your teeth, it has really got to stop it is aging you. and even though it may look good in a short term, by the time you're in your late twenty's early thirty's, you are likely going to look much older than you really are with botox
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dermatologist or warning that when you freeze these muscles here, it actually causes some of your other muscles to compensate in your face, you can end up getting wrinkles and other areas of your face that you wouldn't ordinarily get and also the skin. it's paralyzed so it becomes weak and overtime it may actually be more or less. dr. miriam, is this accurate and, and do you think there's enough regulation out there to prevent teenagers effectively from getting things that could be harmful, injected into their faces as well? the treatments are not harmful, i do less. i am tossed and injections all day every day. it was injectable sellers, i think the biggest concern is really as we were saying for about how people feel when they look at themselves on social media and the comments they say and they hear. and so one negative call as my social media really always, all the other positive potential uh, you know, responses that might be there. and so that person reading that negative content is
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going to feel like going off. there's something wrong with me, maybe an issue or a licensed agency before all of a sudden becomes more magnified. and that is all. i can see. i spend a lot of time in my office talking to people in explaining that often times that they seen in there. and when they come in to have a treatment plan estimated that feel more confident about who they are and how they present in world outside of themselves. you never have a treatment done because of what somebody else and said to you is because when you look in the near do you see that issue? now i have not completed preventative, adjustable. as i mentioned before, if you have an issue that it's time to have a treatment does last, there is to to the fact that if you were treated for a home in the hospital and as of or, and even are oscillators when you're too young, you don't actually have any finalizing wrinkles at rest, because that's what box item does, is increase my rent clothes that are qualified dynamic business. so if you don't
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have that movement in those finalize the rate most, and there's really no point in having a offline impacts and inject it. now if you do it when you're yeah, and you don't need to have it done, then it's true. imagine your arm is a cost for $6.00 weeks, so you take it off and when you take it off, i'm just going to be so much smaller than the other arm because the muscle has indeed oxer feet, which means it's become sooner when it's become better that takes time again to build up and become thicker again. and the whole weight of that just, you know, pro aging or that proactive way of trying to keep your skin as healthy as possible is to keep the soul and to keep it small. and when we get older, we want that on it. so yes, if your skin is a little bit sooner, it's lost that muscle control than it is going to actually, well not as good when you're in your thirty's, it did in your twins. and similarly, you know, it's not going to essentially other results, but it's true that you can have called a conversation to other muscles. so,
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so when you do free is the muscles, for instance, around it. i have to cross the people start the saying they have the bottom lines or they notice that the they started using your eyes and different ways. and it's not that also without action wasn't there before, that can cause more pronounced and more noticeable because you have the other has been out of. so the uniform a or that harmony that you have in your face when he laughs. and you have those fine lines, the range loss has been slightly distracted. so i do think there should be stronger regulation to answer your 2nd question in the u. k. and then the last name board, certified in the united states as well. there are very, you know, this particular regulations and restrictions for doctors as nurse practitioners and injectors. however, that does not mean that you cannot find people who are willing to treat you unless your age. as i mentioned, i do use the sonata, the reasons and the other individuals, you know,
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for instance i'm why is that the talking to somebody who is way too slowly and is impacting their, their confidence in the classroom because their hands and their process is what he says, you know, there to be sweat and they need somebody and this is causing severe anxiety. but the real medical reason is to have a treatment rather than just have it truly is that i treatment. i mean, the, the injectibles that, you know, the stellar type of things is that i run a gas, it is what i call and injectable treatment where you don't know how long the product is going to stay here by sort of like it implants and says they're meant to last for short periods of time, but they can last for credit for longer periods and time. and sometimes you don't want to be i these types of products into your skin. it's still developing the phase still growing. your body is still changing. absolutely. and you know, there's no learning to navigate the world, right. i'm so sorry to interrupt you. you're still learning to navigate to where
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all the age. i don't know, 131415. uh, i mean, fortunate in some cases i'm, i wonder if, if we can kind of go back to what you start with your answer with in terms of how people feel and the pressure that comes with social media chat. we mentioned this before. the people are only seeing themselves through filters, sometimes they're going with these filters to show doctors and, and, and other professionals to get the help that they think they need to look that way . we're to from here, if social media has that kind of impact also on our health, we're, do you see this trend going? so i think that when it comes to social media and the display of this type of content related to aging related to beauty standards and even related to cosmetic treatments, it's really a wild west. so of course in the u. s, for example,
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when you're going to a med spot, when you're going to a practitioner, there are standards that are supposed to be upheld, but on social media, those standards really get loud. so for example, i've spoken to influencers and young people who have been offered free treatments or heavily reduced treatments. and these are cobra advertisements on platforms like tick tock where they're going and making a video like get ready with me or go get color with me. and what the viewer doesn't know is that this person is getting this treatment for free, or they're getting paid to promote it. and they're not necessarily going to someone who's credentialed. they're not necessarily giving medical advice. but these types of videos and these types of cobra advertisements can really easily go by role and see people's expectations and shape people's preferences and their behavior. so that's one major issue on social media, which doesn't even get into the wider cultural issues. and for young people today, they're often spending hours on social media platforms like tech talk. there's many
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more time consuming tech talk than they are doing any other singular activity besides sleeping. and so when you have that kind of cultural intensity, when you're spending so much time invested in a specific environment, the winds and the content that you're consuming and the comments you're seeing and what you're sort of taking away from those experiences as a really drastic impact on your mindset and your mental health and what you think of as normal. and so yes, you are also seeing a lot of young people take the influencers, who they spend so much time with take the images that they're consuming, constantly being bombarded with on a daily basis. and try to use that to shape their reality without realizing that what they're seeing is not even real. and some are precisely on dice. the access to so much information, feel even more confusing at times and anxiety inducing, 1st generation that is still again figuring out its way in the world. what would
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you say are ways to fight this anxiety in your work? what are some of the areas that you focus to help people that come to you saying, i want to look different. i feel like i'm looking old. what should i do? how do you help people navigate these troubled waters? i think of the age in which they're coming and speaking of health is also very evidence. so for example, if i have someone who's a jonesy or we're dealing with someone who has probably late teens or probably into their twenties as well. and there's some sort of self awareness that's coming in that's causing them to stress. i would always see that the 1st marker of health for anyone is the awareness portion. and if you have awareness to work with, there is an ability to be able to tackle the anxiety through a lot of coping mechanisms and skills and also accepting what reality looks like. and deconstructing what social media has created for us, which is, you know,
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fallacies will, we can go over some of the belief systems that you will hold based off of the influences that you see, that things you need to get done. you know, this, trump influenced is so popular because of the facts you get influenced to do and you've been trends the girl. you might not believe it, but you feel like you must do it because you don't want to have formal. so it's a multi layered sort of system in which we approach this kind of anxiety. and the bigger thing is that when we have someone as young as 10129 coming in or their parents want them in therapy because they have this belief system. because again, you can't run away from social media anymore, right? it is on our phones. children have phones, we have computers uh ipods. and i would say a very stuck here is what is happening inside the homes. you can take away the ipad, you can take away, take talk at the end of the day, but within your house. and this is a generational piece that i'm talking about, right. but it's the, tell us all this time. if your mom talks about her body still
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a certain type of way, and you know when you and your auntie is get together or you're going to school, the message is rezoning, it's difficult to escape. so even before we go to social media and try to regulate and try to define what the reality is, reality does start within the home. and that's a very, very difficult thing to tackle because we all struggle with it at some point or another. we look at ourselves in the mirror and we remember that, you know, lean harder, dicaprio, stop dating people over the age of 25 and it sticks with you and it does something that would say any. nobody wants to be on the cover anyway. but you mentioned something deconstructing what social media has built. that sounds so complicated for these generations. um, michelle, i wanna ask a final question to you. what would you advise, what would you tell these younger people about this particular premise of deconstructing what social media is telling them, but also about how to take care of themselves in terms of skincare and aging. but
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also beyond to i think it's really important to remember to critically think when it comes to consuming content on social media. i think it's a really good idea to think about who is giving this message and what are they trying to get me to do. and if they're trying to get me to do something, who is benefiting? is it benefiting a brand? is it actually benefiting me? if i take this action, so my advice to people when they're looking for skincare advice, is to 1st look at your skin and think about what your par, he's uh, what skin concerns you have. i'm writing down. think about, does this actually address my concerns like has the more, just so that you don't get swept up in the hive and start buying some product or trying to seek some treatment that you don't actually need in the 1st place. so just to keep your parties in check and i think in terms of skincare, really the most important 3 products that between should be using. it's basically
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just cleanliness on screen the moisturizer. they might not even the moisturizer that's getting isn't oily. sand screen is great because of that. so great a propensity of developing military. now if you do have excess sonic storage when you're young, of course is to use the index is lower. the general guideline is if it's below o 3 that you generally dirt. nissan scream, but it is, it is high enough then it's good idea to start getting into that. haven't larry's on screen and he where he says green, then you probably will also want to raise it off with cleanser and then moisturizer if your skin is dry and that will already give you such a headstart in terms of taking care of your skin as he got older cleanser as on the screen and lost her eyes and may be spending less time on social media. michelle, dr. mary, on summer and kat, thank you so much for joining us here on the stream today. and thank you all for tuning and keep this conversation going online. you can use the hash tag or the handle ag stream to get in touch with us. take care and i'll see you soon.
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the kind of is governing body is choosing, i mean, the, the full kind of the vine to replace drops into the as prime minister, but it's happening just as the nation's faces. an unprecedented challenge prevents neighbors and places to alex. so what a very proposing to do about our leadership election on al jazeera we are to see the agencies of legend some clothes for the stories of civilizations that marks history wants. this is where the story of savannah do you have any stories to tell the knowledge in
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[000:00:00;00] the, for the bad keyboard. this is in use our own algae, 0, live from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. government forces in us are loyal as battle for control of neighborhoods in syria is northwest. we'll have an updates from damascus . how much delegation is in egypt for talks on the sci fi with israel as policy me
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