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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2025 8:30am-9:00am AST

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and how many words would i have to change in this legislation? thing use it to flush receipts of anyone who supports blank was or is involved in protesting for environmental reasons. and it's like 10 words pod, 3 the template on which is their civilian. some of the hundreds killed in syria won't government forces. bible fights is loyal to that opposed asset ratio. president of that, i'll shut off promises, accountability, anyone attracting civilians to un invoice expresses a lot. so what's the risk of escalation? this is inside the hello. welcome to the program. i'm adrian sending an hundreds killed in syria including civilians. government forces and fights is loyal to ousted president bush
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on either side, the west violence since the regime was toppled in december. the spiral began with attracts on government forces and a former assad stronghold with more people killed. when reinforcements moved in, president offered the i'll shut off, has one, but anyone found to have killed civilians will be held accountable, confused if it imposed. and i've talked to you, i've talked to some job law along the mediterranean coast, the you and special invoice petterson, has called for restraint and an end. anything that could escalate and threaten what he called a credible and inclusive political transition. so how serious is the situation come to violence be contained, and what's the threat? does it present to the new government? we'll discuss all about, but don't guess shortly. but 1st, a report from wilson does out gunfire and bloodshed on the streets of series. the tax on security for members of the l white community target
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hundreds killed, government security forces fighters loyal to the former regime and civilians in a country struggling to find peace. after 14 years of civil war, the violence is being described as the most serious crisis facing the new administration. since bossard on his side was ousted in december, it's centered on the mediterranean coast, a strong hold of the light minority to which the assad family blogs set up on without help before the new bonam. we will continue to pursue the remnants of the fulton regime. those who refused to continue their oppression and tyranny, those who committed crimes against the people, and those who seek to undermine security and civil peace. we will bring them to a c, a court, an embassy by the new government to log members of the military and civil servants to remain in their jobs. but not those suspected of atrocities during the war or opponents of the new government. security reinforcements have been deployed to the area of the this convo will support our brothers in the general security directory
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on the syrian coast. we left the level to support our brothers on the syrian coast . any group that operate outside the law will be dealt with with an iron fist. members of the low it community fighters and their families have taken shelter. it rushes him air base in the port city of la talk you the president shut uh has said, any reprisals against civilians by government forces will be punished. let's say you have several heads up and said he then those who attack on um civilians and punish people for the crimes of others will be held accountable. people living on the coast in the conflict areas, a positive, our responsibility is duty to protect them and save them from the evils of the gangs of the fulton regime. elsewhere in syria, beckers of the government and damascus, held demonstrations wasting their support in their mouth. notice the government and the revolution without hearts and souls, and we call on it to strike with an on 1st. this time forgiveness has ended. the
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violence has prompted international concern. you and envoy gear peterson called for immediate restraint and urged all parties to protect civilians in accordance with the international law. wilson dies ard elda 0 for inside story. well, before we bring it out, panel, let's just show you where all of this has been happening. the fighting has been taking place in the port cities of attack here on top twos on the mediterranean coast baffles of also centered around job law and cutoff the the. so let's bring it, i guess from paris were joined by marie for us. the senior advisor at the european institute of peace. she has more than a decade of experience research and conflicts in the middle east from istanbul, but joined by i'm a cough, the executive director of the on center for strategic studies. he focuses on economic development and local governments and engage the on type is in southern
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took you is hen, couple of a professor of conflict resolution of george mason university. she's also the full, the deputy head of the syrian negotiation commission. i'm to pause in the geneva piece talks. welcome to you all my read. let's start with you. how dangerous a moment is this for syria? does it show that the new government of damascus is struggling to consolidate its grip on power? what is the test? what is happening at the moment and a lot depends on how the government will be able to respond to this challenge. the 1st china is that there is not enough security forces to cover all the country when you're traveling around. so you don't see a check points, you see very few security forces. so that's a 1st issue to respond to the kind of a incidents that spot the volumes that have been happening this past days. and the 2nd issue is that there is a view, a need for full reconciliation efforts for vouch syria involving old apologies,
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involving an old historians in the local level to come to a closer to the terrible crimes that took place during the war. and even before, under the shorter side, a process of peace and reconciliation would be of substance abuse and reconciliation dialogue and also a full process that can guarantee acceptability for the past times because they have intentions between different groups that suffer during the conflict. and this is also a factor in the inductor intentions and in the retardation that can happened when the finance incident breakouts. what fred does best buy? that's close to the new government in syria. and of course they the have to be announced transitional one. well, i mean, this is another challenge uh that is facing the current government and i believe it
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was unexpected. one, it was, uh, it was both spunk, uh, it was not expected to happen at this moment of time. but uh, obviously the security of securing the territory, monopolizing watkins disarming. different numbers of societies that continue to have heavy weaponry, has been the number one agenda of the new government since it took office in on december 8th. since the collapse of the former regime and the liberation of syria, the number one priority has been to monopolize what comes in the hands of the state and to secure a different pockets of insecurities and functions. so it is a challenge of. ready so far it seems that things are handled correctly because um, although many violations of taking place, but as a state continues to correct and continues to a college of those mistakes,
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i acknowledge that there will be accountability to anyone who violates human rights and violates the security of civilians that should not be entangled. this uh, uh, in this process. uh so far it is a charles is a security challenge. uh, but so far the insurgency or if i may quote the remnants or not from a genius or not one group. and that makes it a low risk um, challenging us us and do agree with what you've heard so far. is this an isolated blip and serious transition to the beginning perhaps of something more problematic for the transitional government? i need to start seeing that violence. i've agreed to be very serious, even if one person escaped, that is one person to win. so this acts goes against our principles and values
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for which we do this treat 14 years ago, a gives a sense of precipitation. so we need to solve this problem as soon as possible. so how does this problem get? gets salted at you? i just want to bring up a, something that you treat it on on x, you said what a shame our opposition colleague, who was with us from the beginning of the revolution had her brothers executed in the field. is this the morality of our revolution? you said, what's the difference between us and asset, please stop this killing immediately. we want to build a state of the we're with you and will not remain sided. what we referring to the un. what exactly did you mean different 1st of all, i just want to hit here to make sure that none of the lights are loyalist. we have so many of i would go to each that i liked and there are 2 little bodies shouldn't
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they've been, has, has been together for this 14 years. now there is was think we believe that it started the dots from the lawyers, pushed by many outside spiders. and we need to make sure that we have a problem with the spoilers who they don't want syria to be stupid. that degenerated into much why the spread a flash is insight as of vitamins like what we did see in the last 2 days involving mixture of pretty g loyalties. ok. members from the seat in argue of course we needs, there is the criminal lawyer. this talks and criminal is on one side. but also we have a government government and elements in the city and i was innocent people, an inhabitant of the coastal areas on there. and on the other side, we need to be careful here, please. we need all the effort to ask me about what can we do?
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we need all the efforts and we know that it's been made at the highest level from our government in order to immediately stop the violence of this and the traitors and bring them to justice as soon as possible. also, we've been in contact with both the authorities as well as the shipping so site to google and religious because though they are working hard on the ground in order to cause the situations. so we need a efforts to gather to stop this. if we don't stop, the sick darian is in and this violence, we can not have the bees we want for our celia. so we need to support our government support the civilians. and we need to work all of us in one team that gave the lawyers who are been bushed by the had been really pushed by the spoilers from the outside, who they don't want the best for our celia. how about i sort of,
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you know, being in agreement, the inter and president of the to, i'll shut out, has yet to meet with the senior. all the lights give me to see if it gets confir reach to other minority groups. despite plunging to run the country in an inclusive way, a political dialogue, being the key to unity. why do you think he hasn't done that? would otherwise be part of the transitional government that will be announced and coming weeks i totally a 100 percent of the with my colleague in the force and this is a challenging time for our people. and this is a time for. ready for the leaders to come up for leadership to show in the leads and the different figures, influencers, who can calm things down, who couldn't really speak to the mind, to, to uh, to people. and to make sure that we can get through this challenging time to another phase where all people are included. i, i'm not aware of the, you know,
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speculation and speculation or the particular issues in terms of the upcoming governments. but i certainly believe that only a, an inclusive participatory governance will. and that includes otherwise, of course, and includes all components, all syrians, per se, all citizens of syria to feel an equal share. and perhaps this is one of the underlying issues. and this specific attention is that there has been a feeling of a victimization of an entire community and community that has lost jobs that does not have um and joe is working in them as much as not have the aspect as supporting them. and the unfortunately the because of transitional justice has not started quickly enough at least to catch the. ready perpetrators of the crimes of the past . tensions were high and you know,
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from both sides. trenches were very high out to about unemployment after that poverty after that. a feeling that they have not met the government, that there is no discourse or narrative that has approached different communities. you see all the way to communities like many other syrians don't have a hierarchy and they're really just structure and there is no marriage this, you know, religious, otherwise the council that was recently. and i one thing on social media, it's, it's, it's very difficult to to rain. but there are certainty wise men and women who are influencers, war, intellectuals who lead those communities that need to be spoken to as interlocutors, as people of wisdom. and who are nationalistic or loved their country, like everybody else? and we can build a bridge, is definitely, i mean, our institution and many others have conducted workshops and by laws in with
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the communities. i would say all citizens of the coastal areas to make sure that we have some bridges of understanding that we know each other. we know exactly that. those communities are syrians number one and they deserve to be fully protected and fully given the opportunities of a new life. and the criminals have to be taught. and so we don't call the criminals all. ready rights, or send me or, or any other sect we call them criminals. and that's, i think that's the term that the government needs to begin using. and that's the term that we need to look at them as criminals who are using local communities as hostages. and that those, those communities are serious and they deserve a better future. so i certainly believe that only and inclusive of syria and government will be sustainable perhaps in the near future is may not, unfortunately, but i certainly hope that isn't correct itself as we move forward and that
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the jobs will be provided uh, hopefully even by the private so i'm sorry, i'm sorry to go. i'm sorry to interrupt you. i'm not going up to the spring and marie, who i'm sure will want to comment on, on what she said, mary, despite ej assurances, but that they would be safety out by community in places like real homes and talked to yesterday that they've been subjected to, to violence attacks and to be able to throw a bushel i'll aside has a, as, as i'm a said that been victimized. all that concerns. violet. i mean, it's a, it's a, it's a bit mixed and also the, the situation to differentiate in the home phone in like a wizard, not the last month. and i spoke to many representatives of the city society there. and as he was saying, it's very important to us trust us, knuckle other white square, a supporters of a side and when speaking to otherwise the netflix. yeah. and they where a supportive of the new governments, the west, 40 of, of us, my,
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the shut off the main concern was about the men who had been dismissed from the security forces. and that's part of the issue today because this man has been laid off and they don't have salaries anymore. they cannot provide resources to their families. and they are easy to hire to do anything because they need money. so that's one of the issue. the other issue is addressing the concerns of the other white population for afraid of being the of being persecuted in. that's actually when you speak to people. and when you try to didn't do this here. it's mostly like anticipation and, and rumors the here on social media because that's another problems. there are no reliable media and started on right now. so people go on social media with rumors and these information spread. but there few was not some other relies until this recent days, and there were not many attacks in homes in the center of the country. that's the difference. the sectarian pensions are very high and crimes are happening. a
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routine lead targeting values groups of the, of the population. and so that's very important to address this information rumors to creating and again, to start into a community dialogue, to ease tensions between different groups. i paid the rent invoice as he's alarmed by the violence you officials are called for restraint, a peaceful resolution. iran says that it's concerned about serious vote a tile security situation. the gulf cooperation council has condemned the violence which attained it says at the stabilizing serial. what role is that for the international community now in stopping this bond is, or is it an internal syrian mass that is the international community less interested in syria? now that's a science has gone, have geo political factors shifted to such an extent that syria is being left to sort itself out. yes,
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it says i just want to ensure the older brother and sister in the course, the area like everywhere as an important component of the student population. and so we don't want to exclude them or step back to us as the international community . i knew that only very concerned, especially the national community care about shit and they don't want to have a super duty and insights is yeah, i think now the most important things for our government to give it that they'd like to be given that they'd like to go onto the former, i said elements to get updated arms. and so then we can not, you was they can not just use that in this, in population as a human shift. by hiding them, hiding in the, with the cost is down and villages it is an acceptable and do the results in high goal of collab children that mission and then you guys have to, we need to go to $2.00 and $4.00 and be confirmed that there is lots okayed speech
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on the social media. this is betty damaging for our peace and b building effort. they can not, we need to stop immediately. the page speech and we ask this boilers to stop playing with the lives substituted people that are really getting on a b use to for the beginning as well as findings. and what's required to date is that wisdom is stopping the blood should. and this is what we can do with the help of the nation community. i don't think everyone in board accounts have been with the maximum punishment, but according to the system and glue, we did start digital pollution. we have values, we have ethics and we need to continue all those lawyers. we know that they want the destruction of our cdn and we need to have the wisdom and not to be like them. we are pollution of the syrian people and we need to keep the
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take the other syrians. it is important now to use that wisdom. and i think yesterday the speech of our president was very clear. and hopefully to the day the motor we're getting back also to where we want we want peace, we want a security for everybody. and we want to keep the, we know that every one to the we should, the pain, we have the pain and with fatigues for more. so please, everyone from the international community should help us and support us in this efforts. we cannot leave the sporting, there's destroying ocean. what about russia and israel, a number of people, including former members of the, the, i said, the other side, government sort shelter of the russian advice. and let's talk here, what will russia want to get involved in keeping the piece in this and this coastal region around that space is what, what we're rushes,
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a role in the country be going forward. and a israel also has forces in the country cultural rates or international law. is there any likelihood of israel getting more involved if this violence isn't contained? i mean i, i think a one of the main reserves. ready because of what's happening or those wire uh either. ready or as, or they like and enjoy and center wise. such events unfortunately is right. and you're on and for the broad to say anything is very hypocritical of themselves. but what we are telling what we're facing is syria today is the increased incursion, an occupation by these really forces to the south. but as well as their intervention in, in uh, domestic politics um, in supporting the allegedly supporting tools or otherwise, or curves. any of that, i think the only guarantor for serious stability is a strong state that includes everyone without the intervention of regional actors,
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i think is really that has a lot in terms of its intervention. a lot of influence and us and uh, may even have hands. i mean, god knows, but at least the indicators and from their own statements that they are saying that they will intervene to protect them. is it proves that they, they have a lot of states and this. so the yes i mean is really, is a main challenge and syria is week today is able to respond and we always seek out our friends of in the diplomatic communities to at least ask uh, and requests of israel to stream and to, to back off and to, to stay away from spoiling local stability because this costs lives. okay, this is not a joke because there's not something to meddle with. uh, it once it starts, it spirals and uh its on. ready and it does,
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it has reached as far, but it still contained a bullet and it still uh, we can still make sure that it goes in the right direction. oh, i'm sorry to cut you short, but the time is against us. money, of course, as a disappear, but as people didn't always have seeing now what we saw in iraq with the countries a wash with weapons and with people who know how to use the what, what, what are the challenges here going forward? well, it was 1st of all to gather all the weapons to collect them and make sure that the weapons are under me under the control of the states. that's the 1st thing. the 2nd thing is ensure that these men who have been demobilized, either uh, go back to the city of society or if they meet the trust old can be integrated into new forces, the new army for the country. so that still not to get it for hire, i can say and shoot you a violent incidents. that's the 1st. and the 2nd thing is that although why it's clear against us,
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the should be empowered and should be part of these into the new govern menu. a sorry, cheese local authorities at the local level and should be part of the of the forces that reveals the countries and a 3rd accountability efforts for the events that took place this past days, all the perpetrators from all side to be the comfortable for cheating civilians. and there should be a transferring process for accountability and justice. it should be clear to people how people have been held accountable under which criteria the names and everything, so that they can get everyone the feeling of justice. and we've got about a minute and a half left. i'll give the final word to you, you've, you've said it several times during the program but, but what would be your message now to the, the otherwise i'm not all the white communities in the coastal regions and to the world anxious. the looking on
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a after this erection of violence there's my son due to the civil society of celia. they've been for a few days, they didn't sleep, been working on shipping a piece and they've been sending the goods message that otherwise are not our enemies. they are part of our society and especially the of positions cbs us revisions. and now this is the time to make sure that civil society bought the ship with the government working together. we need to have one army, you have one government, and we need to, we can not at a 4 any, a separate drew's should be with us. because of that, that goes with be with us. celia is not either. celia is not like any other country . we've been always to gather muslim christian. i know what everybody. so we can not. this is o d n a. let's keep it together. we need to be strong. we need to be together. we need
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to start with the transition of justice immediately, which would government is still think about it all the time. this is the time wisdom, wisdom, wisdom. we need to be together to stop the security and isn't in our country. and that's why we must end the discussion today. thanks to you all very for us the i'm a cough and hen couple us and thank you for watching. you can see the program again at any time by going to the website. i will just. com for further discussion, join us on our facebook page. you'll find that at facebook dot com forward slash h a inside story at ega. during the conversation on exxon handled interest at a j. inside story. for me, adrian said again to the team here, thanks for being with us. we'll see you again, bye for now the a relationship with nature, as well as in violence and abuse,
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fossil fuel extraction, intensive agriculture, over consumption. it becomes quite clear. we need a reset, ohio, the planet explores how reassessing human kind place within the well is key to tackling climate change. this is a ton difference will be piece of will leave me. we are house of nature, no support from it. on our $20.00 the colleges when it's one of the biggest clubs in south america. but it's great is rival, is just a few blocks away. a mutual dislike between funds from across device
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sustained over generations. most local junior support, his opponents of these club colors. in an epic feud, a rich business put the funds who make football one, which is the nature provides plenty to take care the giving to the land just equally important. so what we want to do with intention is to offer something back to this lands, or if the simplest things is to, to re wiles. and it's something that we do for the to have it set for this time of the emergency, you know, and global fire diversity. but also as a, it's in the heating and the transformation of the humans who come to point village by bearing witness to the heating, which are the measurements on information of this land. that's here with me for sure. i see the issue and wisdom that so many wisdom traditions and, and digital stations knew that we are the earth, the car is this the madison's here in the madison?
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is this living, breathing minus the is there any is keep up the pressure for the return of old dogs a captive since the government set for told. so i'm extending the cease fire the other on the clock. this is out or in life from the will to come out, funerals to members of serious security forces. the defense ministry says it's really taking control of northwest areas from assigned to wind, crushing attacks on the apartment buildings in east, in the crate. and some of the fits is fighting some.


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