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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2025 10:30am-10:58am AST

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lots of spring warms, coming through, and dry skies extending to get across central and eastern areas that strikes the high pressure, which is in charge except full in the south west. we've got more nasty weather to come across the iberian potentially. if we take a closer look, what warnings out amber on sundays, the southern pots of spain, portugal when also see the heavy rain rough seas, and a bit of a wintry mix coming into eastern areas. you've also got some warnings out for southern parts of friends and eventually the north west of italy has that what and when the weather pushes its way further. as you can see, there's more coming in on monday. now it is a lot cold across the iberian financial, the temperature down on sunday, that will be some improvements to come in lisbon and that matches up, which is what's happening across much of europe. we're about 10 degrees above the average stretching from the balkans to the baltic states 5 degrees or for the northwest. and that's not going to last is still got lots of lovely sunshine and
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wants to come. but monday you can see the temperature functions come down in london for example. it will be 8 degrees cooler in cloud. you on tuesday the i have the right to boycott. anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that 3 pod series explodes, the implications of us and people who called lowest the freedom of speech and 1st amendment by how many words, what i have succeeds in this legislation, thing use it to flush receipts of anyone who supports black was or is involved in protesting for environmental reasons. and it's like 10 word pod 3. the template on our tuesday of the board and gaza is opened. 30000 children. we 15000. you have lost both parents. these children are the strongest of survivors. we see them, we the resilience,
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they carry and bright possibilities they deserve. just like every child in the long spell, the sun olsen, which human appeals and create a brighter future because as children give mercy, now the watching out as they are with me, elizabeth put on them and go ha, i've a mind to of on top stories to sell a team of his writing negotiations is due to travel to a customer on monday is media has tried to revive, does the sci fi tools families have captive supporting on the as ready government to stop the 2nd phase of the story as defense, ministry use as
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a re gain control of areas in the northwest that came under attack by fighters. loyalty to pose liter, special assets. the violence was the most serious challenge to the transitional government authorities and sipped of power in december and russian strikes and ukraine's eastern don. yes and concave regions have killed at least 14 people. moscow says its forces have retaken at 3 villages. that ukrainian forces seized and bushes co screenshots pockets donnen. i've gone astonished losing to combine $3000000.00 a day following the closure of the total come border crossing focused on closed it off to accusing ask on soldiers of building a board post on its tower tree, the governing tabano and coupled denies. this already has that up to somebody's one of thousands of truck drivers stranded at the border. he explains how he surviving . how is it belie, i'm in a said fundraising. it was filled out. if one of the rescue is a, a lot of that she knew i sending it out, all i have to do to buy bonus wiley,
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have it's, lemme move that they've given that i've been using this bill. so should i the bottom of my duty or do or direct me to fill out them with the num, the nose. i'm not the photo that i'm so you them go did that. they would have to take the pods that it must be as well as the color while i'm your new door a more data already or that kind of gave us the advantage. you'd be a guy, vision, i move in, but not a mind. could you advise? so their customers get dentist to adjust that. is that that is it's kind of cut out general the civic going to another, the degree of wording, style boot. i'm stuff you know, to some kids and some mind they got ok. my will, but she will but she knew of us off on quarterly. oh, that's what i said. the most gets that out until monday, i will move to sort of get this over to you at all, but like all of that, so i don't want to load them a lot. is that i did want to get the money to tell them the more that you get a bundle if i get enough is on the region. but i didn't look at how much you cared
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when they get nothing is on the inside. yvonne yvonne cut, i'm all this you busted by the amount of i just thought, oh, i just found a lot of i'm good. i was in my own order. they should have gotten what is this ok mother instead of god, the federal offload should have gotten them and i don't know. i said i'm going to them or they can go and try to, but i was, it would be minus others have some fear that lucy was wound bottles, month, one of the 1st that you that part of the for allow that article that live today. it's a give on those, so i lot them nice that on sports a lot of them with the body of the say we the muscle, that's what that was toward the fun. that's how i was my god. i was my mind, the document, obviously the last thing in the told me like you started on one is time capacity got it was kind of a stand of that i suppose not on top of the get to accomplish all i need. well, how to get to the must be a lot if these people are still monday. oh, i thought i them up as also as you know, what are the set of comes down to to buy some that impacts on has set a deadline for thousands of ass, got nationals to leave by the end of the month as part of of a patrick ation plan,
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millions of ass god migrants live in pockets on many fled off to this how the bonds return to power in 2021. that you, one is concerned about the multi phase plan, which includes some people the ways in promised relocation to the us and all the countries the interior ministry was mass deportations will begin after the end of the month. and the, as the goal is the executive director of center for research and security studies. and he's joining his life from his mom about thank you very much for your time mister. go. so firstly, as lama by ordering alaska and migrants leave pockets done by the end of march despite the columbine urging the government to slow down the repack creation. could this impact across the board attentions we've seen over the past week a yeah, i think this is the, on the so going to aggravate the situation for the thought of on the, on the bottom and find themselves under extreme pressure. this is economic and diversity. and the drying up all flops,
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international humanitarian assistance that is pinching the of one government right now. and they feel that if up or a 1000000 people are deported 2 by fours. my pockets on then a total on the add to the social economic pressures. and that's why attentions have never been so high and into by that time history of the they were very high points about as far as terrorism is concerned. but right now, this didn't was for the most a 1000000 people that are being threatened with, with explosion from boxed on. and that is going to, for the details with the situation the wants of my next question about just how serious what's happening in political is in the context, the overall context of security between the 2 countries. the guns have been silent, i believe since thursday. but what about the source of new hostilities as long as there's no last thing solution to this dispute?
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a while. uh, i must, uh, underline that top trade by dr. k. drawings, if trade refugees and a contentious border. i have always been used by both sides as a political weapon and this is what has basically led to these tensions. and right now i think that is practically a break up into by that time relationship with no form of contracts between the 2 countries. and the primary reason for this is what focused on me. well, for sure to say the cross border terrorism as coming from various entities such as the t t p r u s. k fee and off is included behind the group. they are all basically sheltering enough. gone is gone and this progress on has been presenting evidence also on this to the i've gone government, but uh, the primary reason that has led to the breakup and to the is unusual intentions is
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the outline. government's reluctance to go off to these globes or replace editing them in from their activities inside inside focused on the they shouldn't or they have. they planned a total of them inside focused on that now as a committed and it is growing synergy of action between various groups for an inhibitor, preston flies, but as below just on their on most of them are related to, to their headquarters shelters inside of gone as long as you say that they're reluctant to go after these groups, are they on willing or are they unable to you yourself have talked about the many challenges facing the power by the government and have got a son of what it's both the unwillingness as well as the capacity issues and really, and that's because the fun, valuable on say that these people have been bought, knows up in the edge high. the guest of the us led down very natural forces,
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enough con hassan for over 20 years. and they cannot simply go after them and any of them. and they fear that if they do so, these people, these fight is called joining the dyess, your eyes k b. and the 2nd reason is the incapacity because the country has the most from long years of war, civil war. and i personally also believe that the bond don't have the capacity to go off to these people and more so even if they had the capacity, the problem would be that's 20 years of the us there to force it. and i want his time to go to break the tale bond to non state active. so how can a small army of people, which is strange, see because gosh, strapped, which has a little the resources be able to basically get to hand to get a grip on people who get disenfranchised this, this engendered and, and walk over to the enemy. that is the escape po dyess,
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which the us and other intelligence agencies have sounded as the the biggest threat, including of course, that they didn't get valuable and focused on, which is the prime enemy of focus on getting out a tax number for tax in the last 12 months or so in the as goals. thank you so much for your expertise on those. we really appreciate it. i a white glove. it's hold on 12 many a new glad you. it said you to enter. china is job market. this is bots, there isn't enough. look. jessica washington reports from shanghai on the challenges. young people face and trying to find employment in cities around china . so there's like these attractive visitors from all over the country. so we mainly want to hire college students who just graduated so we can better train them if he's older, his family may affect his work. one of the 2 of hunters is to june. the 21 year old
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computer science graduate is staying with his uncle. well, he looks for jobs in the cafeteria, the thing, and i have applied for 30 or 40 jobs in the past of 6 months. i found some work in my home time. i worked in the supermarket and as a security guard millions of young people like chin navigating a challenging joke. market suspect is like the property set to slow down weak consumers spending and, and then choose to pay to decline in exports way on the economy. you see the job market is getting increasingly competitive for graduates within 12000000 young people are sent to graduate this year. that's an increase of more than $430000.00 compared to last year. official numbers point we use unemployment rate of around 15 percent. the experts say the real number is likely higher and the data doesn't to count for young people who are under employed with a real estate set that down,
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that is construction down infrastructure down and new technologies, not absolving. last large numbers, you have a large body of people who simply can't find jobs at the moment. and you agreed in a meeting with an uncertain joke. market competition is increasing for jobs in the civil service, which is seen as a stable cuz we have costs offering job security and hook psych subsidized housing agency. within $3000000.00 candidates took the civil service exam late last year. an increase of more than $400000.00 compared to the previous year. despite the challenges to the says he's optimistic about his prospects, who are more opportunities in big cities. if you have a better job, you can also find a girlfriend. i have confidence. i can do it. it's his 1st time visiting a jump. this did likely won't be his last. jessica washington oh to 0, shanghai canada is governing liberal party is electing
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a new leader succeed justin. true to standing up to us president donald trump will be on high on the agenda for whoever takes charge. she have a time see reports from also on the candidates. a justin judo, resigned in january. this country deserves a real choice in the next election. after 9 years of office, the prime minister had become unpopular and been under pressure to go for some time . in the capitalist for his departure was the resignation of his deputy prime minister in finance minister chris your freedoms. in december. he's the one of the 2 front brothers and the liberal party leadership election idea. some people are really scared of canada fighting back the favorite though is not coming from a governor of the bank of canada, a governor of the bank of england and economic adviser to adjust intruder. i'm here to build the strongest economy for all canadians. the 2 of them are
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essentially trading on their credentials. chrissy or friesland is arguing that she negotiated the canada, us mexico free trade agreement, that she is an experience negotiator tried and tested in the political arena. mark carney, essentially a central banker. he is selling his credentials as someone who understands how economies work, but he has never had any direct experience in politics. well, good morning. freedom says you look out for the middle call from tame the cost of living. however, she's also bedrooms, has been 2 percent of canada's gdp on defense by 2027. she's a foreign policy hawk, often attracting russian president vladimir fusion and a storage supporter of israel county is a relatively little about foreign policy. he says he also intends to meet the 2 percent defense spending go. but 3 years later in 2030,
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his main focus is presenting himself as fiscally conservative, but certainly liberal, the man who guided the bank of canada through the 2008 financial crisis. the bank of england through breakfast and they're going to handle the potential economic crisis kind of the faces. now over the last several weeks, very. ready main question facing liberal policy voters is who has the best strategy to come from donald trump? christ you a free them to is offering robust confrontation. mount com, a. the com application of kind of this economic leverage. she advertised c l g 0, also a flooding and 100 kilometer an hour. when's have hit the australian stays of queensland . the storm is the remnants of a side clone that's been downgraded to a tropical storm. the system is slowly crossing the mainland damaging homes and approaching trees and southeast in queensland, $320000.00 homes without power. the state premier says it's the worst ever loss of power. they are caused by a natural disaster. the situation in queens and northern yusef wells remains
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very serious to do less flooding and heavy winds. heavy wind full damaging wind gusts and coastal surf impacts are expected to continue the coming dies. i urge everyone to continue to listen carefully to the emergency or authorities. tragically last night it was confirmed, the 61 year old man has died in flood waters new dar ago in yusef wells out thoughts with these loved ones and the community at this hot breaking tom thousands of people joining an annual march for women's rights. an argentine is capital since taking office presidents, how the internet has dismantled the government institutions designed to protect women against violence. he now plans to remove the crime of fem aside from the penal code. today's ability reports from the website is of the like every
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year in march, 8th, thousands of women take to the streets of window cited for this year. they say there's another reason to protest against what they see over a tax on women rights. my president, have you had really, really in a context where women rights are going backwards with the rights that have been one are under attack? that's why we have to renovate it. we're efforts to mobilize and shed light on this injustice. since taking office has implemented one of the toughest of daily plans, argentine has recent history to fighting place and the government has also shut down the women affairs ministry. we do spending for abortions and other crucial programs to fight teenage pregnancy. the government says it also wants to remove the word from aside from the penal code, violate that government's daughter was killed last year. the only way is to fight on the street and get together so they cannot run us over. it's terrible if they
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remove the word finish side with all the significance it has in this country. in the united states that they have been taking care of. everything on the sea below demonstrations happened across the region, mexico t their present and others women won their voices, hired on a promise to victory. the united states has also empowered conservative politicians to speak against the rights that many women believe have already been one we women still have to defend our rights. we're going through a wave of conservatism there after our rights march. the 8th is a day to commemorate hard for that is for quantity over the past. it's also
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a reminder that women in the region are defiant and will not be silent. city, so we'll just see that when the site is booed, tom has dante constructing a new city on its border with india as a tiny hemingway and kingdom tries to diversify its economy. the prime minister says it will stop what he describes as an x, a central brain train. the ambitious get us through mindfulness that he could ultimately see baton this population triple to 3000000 people. then in smith reports from gulf is for 21 days, thousands of boots in the ease of praying this ceremony for the well being peace and prosperity of any one involved with the gallows. mindfulness city with gmc boot tiny staking its future liability on a mega project. designating 2 and a half 1000 square kilometers of land on the border with the india special administrative region we're trying to offer. one of the green is this is one of the
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clean is safe is this is not all investment and boxes will be on invitation. and we can afford to be choosy here because we are not up against any timeframe. this is for next generational project. the government is upgrading a central infrastructure including this border crossing and they'll be a new international airport, only indian side of the board. and there's no apparent upgrading, work going on. and most of the materials and labor to construct the mindfulness city will need to come kind of makes us more balance that yes, we have one or nice is it taken? and we'll try to do our best of them. this one, a living blind. some very good cricket understand these conditions pretty well. but, you know, i think we've, we've also been planned decent, admittedly, obviously is a lot of different conditions. but i think obviously having to run against india here a few days ago will definitely help us out understanding the conditions
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a little bit a now to move this appointment for know about the joke of a to as long as he's opening my to the indian wells mazda is $24.00 time grand slam champion who's beaten and reset the bible, tick van defense slope, who only goes to enter the tournament after another plat pulled out it follows. he's opening round, defeating costs all last months, and he's retirement from the australian open. semi final in january, why it's only the 2nd time since 2008 that duel coverage has last 3 straight matches. his last victory was more than 7 months ago when he took the gold medal at the piracy lympics. and he hasn't won a grand slam since 2023 when he won 3 of the full major steel straight in front. and us opens. of course i had an incredible career in being consistent so many years of you, so you have high expectations of yourself and things that different obviously for me, the last couple of years struggling to, to play on the desired level. it's
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a challenge, it's a struggle for me. so it is what it is. i guess nothing can prepare you for, for that moment in a sense, you know, yes, experience it and try to deal with it as the with a number one i didn't know so blank as trying to began her phone since losing bills straightened open. fine on january, she suffered any exhibits in cassandra by but she's also winning thoughts of the indian wells between american mccartney kessler in states set to teeth cocoa gulf is also through. she was taken to reset by depends, we'll go to g mail, the american one. it's on tie breaks the claim, assessed when cecile spinning open. so now face money as a cutting, livable manager on a slot that has criticize the energy levels of his team. despite them opening up a 16 point lead at the top of the premier league to 2nd half penalties from a fellow help livable to 31. when it gets saw something slots had gone into the
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break and sealed a gold down. and the deluxe manage it made $300.00 times subsistence were far, far, far too low. and that is what i have to change. and that's why we made fee substitutions. just to cool apart from me and quality also create something because the 9 often times when you take 3 out the other ways or like something else should happen. stuff car, it has become just the 26 plan. it's a school 25000 points in the m b a. he got the with the trademarks, 3 points as he helped the golden state warriors beat the detroit pistons. he's just 7 soldiers making 4003 pointers, which no one has ever done before. far as the repair antoine diploma suffered what could have been a serious knee injury injuring his team 6 nations. when over orland coupon had to
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leave the pitch often iris flat fell on his leg. frost, now $1.00 to $2.00 arlin pay is to appear before the splinter a commission. frost one, the dublin concepts of 42 to 27th to move top of the championship table and reading to the front champion today until the top. i had to recover from the big trash to claim his latest victory sylvania and was able to pick himself up and secure a victory and the todd young k race in it to me. and that it was full for me, a $100.00 and his son. and thank you very much for that. and that set for me, elizabeth, put on him, put his news out. but stay with us because we are back in just a few minutes for the, for the license developments. thank you for watching the unit dog chrome with no electricity. fox. my id shows us how she makes anything she's displaced from cartoon,
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has been missing since the weekend. she's been shoved, cutting with has 7 children, you know, score. she says her date of income is 5000, so then he's pounds. that's just to us dollars. this is denise that custom says more than 70 percent of the people just based by the conflict women and children. most of them are really unhappy with those or are raising their children alone. aside from displacement on video, human rights organizations say they've, but i just did in those cases of obstruction and sexual abuse again. so these women, local assistance committees organize web shops for hundreds of women and girls, willing to acquire all types of skills that are on is hospitalization. but these women are showing simians, and the local community is not just trying to help. in depth analysis of the day sidelines is leveled on this on a capable of keeping the peace, both internally and externally informed opinion of the united states. investing in
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the redevelopment of jobs, i think could be a great idea. but again, if you propose to remove the people who actually live critical debate is the freezing of us a id in line with these goals inside story on our josie era. a sense of belonging. we always look for ways to be together. and the every day heroes keeping communities together. this is transforming every day in the 1st part of the new jersey with visits is stuff a lot, but in mexico city, where the locals are turning a notorious municipality into an urban utopia. a sense of community on a jersey or the
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benjamin netanyahu is doing everything to, to neglect them in gaza, on the growing domestic pressure. that is where any government agrees to join talks and come through about the balance to 6, finding the relevant. this is allen to the on life from don't have also coming up funeral. so members of syria security forces, the defense ministry says it's re taking control of northwest areas from s.


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