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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2025 11:30am-12:00pm AST

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falls with a galaxy mindfulness sitting with gmc boot tiny staking its future liability on a mega project designating 2 and a half 1000 square kilometers of land on the border with india, a special administrative region we're trying to offer one of the greenest places. one of the clean is safe is this is not all investment and foxes will be on invitation and we can afford to reduce these here because via not up against any timeframe. this is for next generational project. the government is upgrading a central infrastructure including this border crossing and they'll be a new international airport. only indian side of the board. there's no apparent upgrading, work going on. and most of the materials and labor to construct the mindfulness city will need to come through hip hop. the indian government says it's fast tracking across the border railway that will link some states to boot has been getting cooperation will be essential for landlocked food times. utopian vision for
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the gmc, a promotional video envisages a series of tim, but bridges linking communities, creating a low rise metropolis, or powered by hydro electricity, a 21 year project based on the countries. but as the culture out, it's emphasis on happiness well being and mindfulness. we've got to go out economy . we've got to think outside the box. but we've got to ensure that we are faithful to our values and ideals, and especially the principles of gross national happiness. and in this endeavor, it is his majesty the king stopped at the game for mine from the city whose residence seemed to need the gmc to transform themselves. only 43 percent, se bestcopy, according to the country's last gross and national happened a survey, we have 10 great hopes and prayers that gmc will benefit. not only us who are living in gal us who but our entire nation. the numbers on the international
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airport alone, being so much economic or double up into a country not to mention to high quality instruction and roles and purchase the gmc to cope with this project in mid construction, originally designed as a regional administrative center. building work stopped for 23 months while planned as we published it in 12 months, which would finally open the gmc headquarters. but it's with algebra, gal a food booth time. and that's it for me. elizabeth put on for this call, filed news, boy, cost is coming up next. we know what is happening in our region. we know how to get to places that others tend on fear god, by that on purpose. as far as the
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way that you tell the story is what can make a difference the the spring quarters long hill, the little boy cards or form of expression protected by the 1st amendment. it's never fun to lose a case. i think. but again, as often get emotionally invested there to so i'm certainly very emotionally invested in these cases. i think allen's frustrated i think it's
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a lot of pressure americans on times. they are really needing a lot of money on the table to participate in this lawsuit. i think that so many legislators in the us are afraid to take on the pro israel lobby from police. the judge will see that this is a violation of the 1st amendment, and he will repeal this law in the 1960 for citizens of fort gibson, mississippi, organized a boycott of white businesses to protest ongoing secretary the you have to understand that was the only we're not in positions of power and we're not in positions. leadership. the only thing we have with the dollars the
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and the boy emergency suit all of the boy participants, as well as the in double a c, t, for all the business losses base the state as a result of the board. the and the mississippi supreme court held the support that was a legal under state law. and so the case was all the way up to united states supreme court hope and pray to god the supreme court ruled that the board call was late because i think that's one of the only means with black people have. and i wanted to let people know in the world them know that we will no longer go back to where it was in the past. and the justices hold unanimously that the 1st amendment protects the right to boycott. and what they say is that boycotting is a practice deeply embedded in the american political process is a way in which individual citizens can band together to make their voices
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collectively heard when individually their voices would be lost or silence. html. a safety says that while it is the immediate beneficiary of the fort gibson ruling, the ruling goes beyond that to allow any organization anywhere to use boy cards and select the buying campaigns to support its political grievance. the are appealing, the district court decision in arkansas. and i think that's what appeals parts are for us to correct decisions when district works got it wrong. the . ringback ringback the
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decision isn't a surprise i believe that this bill is gonna continue to, to win in the courts. very well may be that gods chosen and bless us because we protect israel. and so i'm going to continue doing a state level all that i can to, to support that this is my great great grandfather and he was the confederate doesn't my mom is my dad. she was always very conservative. i was raised conservative. and i started moving to the left, over the years as a recovery and conservative. i want to be left alone. you know, you do your job, you get your business own merit. and you get paid for it. and, you know,
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pass some political litmus tests. this is america, the largest lake tours they want to be in your bedroom. they want to be in your business and they call themselves conservative. you know, i don't think they are any better than the i toes. frankly. ringback i just want to be involved in your, in your life and tell you what to do. get you to have it. i don't, i don't get it. the a lot of this is motivated by this evangelical biblical literalism. it's scary. the
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30th chapter was a tool that promised to protect israel against total annihilation by our enemies from the north. the bible is very clear. there is going to be certain things that happen in israel before christ returns. listen to this very closely. the bottom it says when jerusalem is no longer trodden down by the gentiles, then shall the in times be looked $21.00. there will be famines in disease and war and the jewish people are going to go back to their homeland at that point, jesus christ will come back to the year when the king. com. we will all go to help while the earth is burnt with anybody jewish or not yours, that doesn't accept christ. in my opinion, one of going to hell at some point,
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i believe that god is going to open the jewish people's eyes to really who jesus christ. was you have 2 options to know and to serve jesus christ or to know and to serve the end of christ. but you're going to serve one of those 2 who have you chosen? even though the jews are going to burn in all over again because they're not going become christians. these rarely is still the what the support. it just says weird marriage of cynicism, inconvenience between the evangelical right and the lobbying south. because for the state of israel, christians everywhere must be brought to understand that you guys are not merely supporters of israel. you guys are stakeholders by making your voices heard. you guys are going to insure the overwhelming passage of this law. we're putting together an army. absolutely
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does my own or to welcome my dear friend, the 9th and current prime minister of the state of israel. pastor john, thanks to your leadership. now there are millions and millions of developed christian will stand with it as well. so i want to thank you on behalf of all the people of israel, and i want to thank the thousands of you who come to washington from across america to stand with israel, the today, we're filing our appeal, the 8th circuit. this is the final brief that gets filed before oral argument
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was done on the 10 pages left price by the do it the right we're going to submit. ringback the resolution, thank you. likewise, i'm so excited to in the don't think that would be the the power of the seat is cleaning here is the power to outlaw reading criminalized
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boy concert based on nothing more than ideological hostility. so if this taken outlaw b s. boy, us, because it doesn't look the most expensive israel, then it can have the same power to outlaw or cuts the inner rate because it doesn't like the most of the space. then americans across the political spectrum, there's a lot at stake here. it is not just about what is good for israel or good for justice in palestine. the issues here are deeper and run broader. if we're going to go ahead and punish people for not supporting israel, that arkansas must punish people for non supporting planned parenthood and massachusetts in california. and in new york. you know, where do you want this to stop? you may not care about it, but you shouldn't care if it's being used as a hook to legislate in your states and at the federal level against free speech. how many awards would i have to change in this legislation? to use it to condition contract and thereby plus free speech of anyone to say
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it's worth black was or is involved in protesting for environmental reasons. and it's like 10 words. it's a template why people are not more worried about it is just to envision one of these choices, which is a screen for it as will be prepared to defend the good morning. the court. my name is brian house. i represent the arkansas times the amount of subsets nation. i'm going to see that i segregate route up here. when we think about what influence we have over our government in america, there are only a couple of ways that we can do that. one is by voting. another way is with
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a drawing my time and my labor and my money until things change the fee on that i was being treated as a human being. i refuse to pick it up. is the active? no. and if we think about 1955 in the montgomery boycott of the buses, that is a see example. black people decided we're going to walk to work. why should we be paying money to be discriminated in to be marginalized? that way it doesn't make sense. the weighted mandate from the united states supreme court concerning 1st segregation came from a 3 year old protest against the process is official and
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the citizens of montgomery urge to return to the 1st page for muslim. no, no segregated the . so back when i was in college, one of the big issues that i was involved in was boy cutting divestment from apartheid south africa, the 10. if we look back at that period of time, some of the most active places where that was happening were on college campuses including miles. and the idea there was that it was up to the students to put
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pressure on the administration of the school to not have investments in companies that were essentially furthering and enabling the horrible racist apartheid regime in south africa. the looking back on that period from a number of years, most people would say it was not only the right thing to do. it was one of the high points of american engagement in the question of justice where i'm not the doctor trust the masters of the paper off. they're not the states of america or stuff for drugs when, when i know the and so what becomes really deeply important is for people to be able to say, i am going to be active in the political discussion by withdrawing my time and my
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labor. and my money until things change and to have a proliferation of bills that are criminalizing, or penalizing that is really, really troubling and problematic is on closing. or i just wanna say that it's not for nothing, but we say that people vote with their pocketbooks. us are an expression of popular sovereignty either in the bottom is of we, the people in the district court's decision here effectively gives the government an unchecked power to silence. those voice is based on nothing more than viewpoint discrimination. thank you. thank you to both parties for your free thing, an argument, and we'll take the matter of or vice versa . for crazy yesterday describing the kids to their tournaments or tie corner turner and all the time the phone was just kept. you know,
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by reading and making noise and so i like idea what's going on when i pulled over. and that's what i saw it. the federal judge has blocked a texas law. that stops government agencies from doing business with contractors who boy taught. israel is a victory for a former flu or ville i as the speech pathologist, the credit card,
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to how words describe my emotions. but i was in tears. i was that, you know, so i chose, here's the latest very content at the news. when i quite leave so that i can now go back to work and be able to service this chosen otherwise would have have someone available for them being able to go back and make a distress. and that's what i really love of my job. the wood had your company in your door and came into the court room and i just want to say you are all amazing. now we're all strong as one of us. but in such a it's, it's such an amazing, amazing, amazing feeling. so beautiful and the
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you went through a process, a really challenging process. you're solely community members here who saw what you did and who'd say so great. and that should turn into like, i can do it to the i was thinking about, you actually know that there might be someone who, you know, makes their breakfast for just this. i mean, it's such a cool feeling. they're very proud of the fact their mom was able to voice her opinions and i'm stand up for principles and values to me. i know you were standing up. oh so i was in the on the controller,
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our job better kind of look for all and shot along the this is how i'm doing fine. brian, how are you? i just wanted to call to congratulate you on uh, thrilling this morning. thanks. right. yes. the great privilege of this job is going to represent people who really stick by their principles even when it gets to the circuit court of appeals in st. louis, today throughout the arkansas is misguided more kind of bill we want the, i was really pleased. it just confirms that we still have a 1st amendment stuff in a row. it was incumbent
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upon us as journalist to protect the right. okay, cooperate. you want one with me? yeah. just as you know, just yeah. after all the briefing was done, the oral arguments were made. we all went home, jury down our lives. and then finally we had a really we seemed to have prevailed in everything that we want. we want so i had not been paid for about a year. once that ruling came out a couple of days later, i got a check in the mail, which is great. its so utterly clear that what that is doing is right. so it's really validating to get support from the court. i think the lawsuit,
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it's giving us a lot more to connect about. we haven't always been super, super close, but politics, injustice quite as this venue where we get to collaborate and that has really strengthened our relationship and our connection. the thank you. so we've got a great ruling from the district court in arizona. the district judge there recognizes that the fundamental purpose of these laws is to suppress expression if the government doesn't like. and that's exactly what makes the spells on constitution. and i think sooner or later, we will ultimately realize the truth as during everybody in the face, which is that these anti bully cod certification forms belonging to that's been a history. the
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point i want to close the saying is, the protection of person enterprise will not fortunately be decided by federal courts. even the federal supreme court will not alternately decide whether these rights are protected rights are trained in the parts of the people. and it's only by exercising and advocating for these rights stay in a day out that they will be maintained. and if people do that, the no courts, no congress, a new president can ever take them away. the we can hold the,
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the, the impact of shifting power dynamics. all you have to do is flip a switch and he has a thorough tearing state divided opinion. you can listen to a person's words, but you should judge that by there are international conflicts is very easy to take what you any t of any weakness to their workshops and the urgency of time and action which stopped pretending to be kind of confidence, a leak and the wheel alignment act takes on the big issues. what else is 0? can a we're aware of so many of the problems that we're facing globally. and we're also aware of so many of the solutions for which is not implementing that. so the
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question is not so much what needs to be done, but why are we doing it? and the vision of the i, the cheese, the end of development goals, is that we want to bring the power in the development to all global challenges. the end of development goals, so id, jeez, creates it in response to the you and sustainable development goals. adults in 2015 targets where they seem to time attraction conservation education to neighbors. if you approve, taught to implement frustrating lead. federal progress made a relationship with nature is one of the imbalance, fossil fuel extraction, intensive agriculture, over consumption. it becomes quite clear. we need a reset, ohio, the planet excuse how reassessing human kind place within the well is key to tackling climate change. this is a totally different world views if the world is we me,
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we are house with nature no support from it on which is 0. the . ready benjamin netanyahu is doing everything to, to neglect them and gaza, and the growing domestic pressure. that is why he got one degrees to join to some cut that are about the gone to cease finding. the bottom of this is algebra live some to how is so coming up, funerals for members of syria security faces. the defense ministry says it's re


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