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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2025 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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for $21.00 days, thousands of boots in the ease of praying. this ceremony for the wellbeing, peace and prosperity of any one involved with the gallows, mindfulness city with gmc boot tiny staking its future liability on a mega project. designating 2 and a half 1000 square kilometers. of land on the border with india, a special administrative region we're trying to offer. one of the green is this is one of the clean is safe is this is not all investment and fox as will be on invitation. and we can afford to be choosy. here because we are not up against any timeframe. this is for next generational project. the government is upgrading a central infrastructure including this border crossing and they'll be a new international airport. only indian side of the board, there's no apparent upgrading what going on. and most of the materials and labor to construct the mindfulness city will need to come through hip hop. the indian
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government says it's fast tracking across the board, a railway that will link some states to boot time. india and cooperation will be essential for landlocked food times. utopian vision for the gmc, a promotional video envisages a series of tim, but bridges linking communities, creating a low rise metropolis, or powered by hydro electricity, a 21 year project, based on the countries buddhist culture. and its emphasis on happiness well being and mindfulness. we've got to go out economy. we've got to think outside the box. but we've got to ensure that we are faithful to our values and ideals, and especially the principles of gross national happiness. and in this endeavor, it is his majesty the king with started the beautiful mind for the city whose residence seemed to need the gmc to transform themselves only 43 percent. say that happy, according to the countries last gross and national happened
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a survey. we have pin great hopes and prayers that gmc will benefit. not only us who are living in dallas, who but our entire nation. the numbers on the international airport alone to bring so much economic a double up into a country not to mention to high quality and structure and roles and bridges. the gmc to cope with this project in mid construction, originally designed as a regional administrative center. building work stopped for 23 months while planned as we published it in 12 months. it you finally opened the gmc headquarters, but it's without your sierra gal a food booth time slash holes. and they told me the price for the moments and use continues of to a sense of community to stay with us. the chinese communist policy is missing in the aging to set out his priorities for the
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yes. how are the worlds 2nd largest economy? we have to rescind trades house and post 5 of us and what direction will it take to manage the world? foster aged population? special coverage of trying to send to a specialist on this one out of the the many those i stopped by left by see that they make it thank you. ok, let me what are you using? but i mean is to pull up by his community up to infinity, goes up to those levels, which i can take on the face of the appliances from the bottom of the sofa. and like i said, i don't normally use what it sounds like the salad to is box silas and when that policy and links you didn't see it in the absence for the modern stuff. i left but it was bus. you really cold? you could. okay,
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let's go to the b s and new stuff. i love that song as close as soon as possible. could i please have your book as soon as possible? did he get us elaborated as soon as they ported thailand, the actually on the display? nielson wedding in queens. yeah. let me see how those move. addison's fills this 7002 a piece of stuff i laptop says sold both of those, the
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glass and stuff like that. so yeah, and then which of the most likely the dresser, the espana, we gotta put it. i can install the windows. look at that right away. yeah. and see what a single category. so maybe another space or you know, broker because of the
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losing the closest thing was the, as the season to voicemail surface luckless, if its young or is that the same thing as soon as soon as this, i meant to say your portal now are not gonna lose it means that the stores, as obviously the single circuit political not then that'll be easiest. if that box is not the
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soonest to saturday, when i flew into any of the as may assist you in an issue, i'm not sure what a balance here. same was based on i see, i wanna say there's plans as low as i'm looking more towards the lumen. rachel, let's be honest, but uh, but the window is in his cab. dentist. i paperwork in order to get an accent when i noticed that again, we've done this, but it's definitely still driven out until the last name they meet a, the 4th does it appear in the soonest 1st or someone's going to send the ceiling. the president of the
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present the listen, such as women the one of the crew, the same thing. we will need to insert the heroes and be away from watson different more cases. so he was
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lead out game which i can think of it, but those are the guys that they then long assembled in thongs is because there's a global he won't be able to play that unless he mental as close as because i mean i'm happy to go to the, the disease and it didn't, it wasn't up a new yet. could you didn't even come with. wouldn't that tell people? no, i think people, computers go in with the stuff. get difficult. not gotten typical. if you're like i you need uh it lives dad. in legal ways during the big what that is a g like idea of what was done to him at the store to displace the easy way be a, a good one of use that to improve. lemme, it will come to them even though you'll have what you get on with your deals as you send this be made to be in your present. this yellow please here. was a maybe almost infinity take, but when the same panel go and there was
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a bit of noise when his budget started school, he had to go in the school to dave wally. then focused in kid, is it a windows invoke as it has in mccord with one of those valuable there? pretty soon media come yeah. you know, there's almost as it relates columbus get the pull it up cause a month. it's an easy millerio and love you have to put them on the rep. i mean, they come, you love you that up. i mean, literally it's got the once he got to matters capital, you know what he ended up? i me stop. what do you mean? what do you like to get with plasma? best with units can read is that the book? you don't want to know the particulars, you must will. doesn't they need more value?
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you put them that you want me up on the it was the gas. it was the key. yeah. mother gets total guess it was like on the i don't know mean the most kind of where they they didn't glance. yeah. they're all the good to leave a good one. the. it was a blip. them. i didn't want them up, but i could put them on those. he could do them to because the leap was when we go just to the boat there within the georgia. yeah. tell us about another doesn't, which is i know if i'm sample the only thing to be getting a degree that since they left the boat, let's put it on us. get me unless you've necessary. he said that he cannot hit above asking that sort of, i know there's a when becky people to the level of giving up in their eat the month that you to meet up and visit you or, you know, i look for when it ends in the list of people that,
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that take me just get you up in the though it wasn't that it otherwise something is double. you must come, you a little, i be the, then we'll just that. so that's when the case is moving. i see because you need to put another is going to get in and most of the other remedies maybe that's the way to go on last monday. is it? uh, can i can. maybe i'm not, i sounds good. okay, no missing thing we, i was doing the same for us. it's gonna take, i'm done like a month ago, i signed up on my phone, but she wants to come see you next door like me to lie the, the,
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since i'm in to get the the, the, the requirements are heavy. i'm is actually, i'm in the context anymore. the say, i mean the parts all the soonest and i'm missing manual advice case and break stuff info to protect. and what jan doris, i was in the assignments on the 7th and also some new formulas. capital like to companies like girls clothes on size,
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but all the windows is movie cloth, the ones that those are the select and my not to precise. so let me put it on the market on this. it went through all the, all the allows it hasn't gone, but i mean, it goes up to the latest on the east coast of the middle is oh can you i'm guessing us as a b as a b s on this on us and it's on row you know what i can say, but i got one i'm and then i guess i found important that you set you up on
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a comment on the board, philip reporter, in which of course as much as the students have a lot of them, i feel yeah, the to you'll receive a step by law, but the english a to get monthly may to make those what the levels in is that give them as can be and say that i was for mean a maybe if concealed in the living will save. that's going to be as the money taking a look at the most reliable, you're not at his bus, you completely portable, you put up to a level, predict the depth and see on uh, either several, your lessons. okay. there's no videos getting this book and this is busses will be
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the zip code you left with less. you go 3 most of the because it is a b o. and this need to be a big lovely. see if the door to use the was the quote did in this to pretty simply just always give the same yes. that is for most and then yes, it is last you the most for the quote and this upload things this year. so back allow me that a look at most points that link to the to and this it would be says yes or no stop the middle of our vs dc. and this product goes through you left with a b as the name was c in me, but so next guess he said i less than men at the let us go to the side of abels and
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stuff. i left the step in this unit up in this unit, but a sudden these a button that's for the products. the amc is. this is mrs. he said i must get by like 11 minutes. if they can see it as did they to the level of less, you'll add those as close as possible with that good look and left me in the ceiling. that is the last name, ben map us, you'll not be witnessing the order the at the i will not be that get that as will. must vba is this eve, gives you holding. get it. i put in there is cell phone seen yes. that you said from the door was badly split level for me for to get us the less of the vs dk let bear with me. i use the labs, they can use it as a salary guides to the okay,
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the. ready most emission to come from it actually is that for them, that is okay. i can use it. i mean give me a minute confirm the bus, the own. forget. so i didn't give it to him. i knew that it is normal that in this we have seen the another miscellaneous s and that amount of the saloon also a little bit of a 100 level meal enough in the last not that i'm going to go to michigan, or there's a loss on samuels they'll samuels people in the new stuff, but not by looking at those. it can, you'll be, but i said activity. so, and then an ottoman don't open, killing any more in the over the median. the locality that i've had is to philip up of the, of the, to us, as soon as you,
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and then take one more lat pull. what is that? i think it could be a good to me. this is less like this is if there's more than i can with your so let me think that but if that, but so in that case, they seen that they allow their own us, that that will have it as a mistake, guys, to person as the left guide yes, yes or noise, correct or for kill us, but so know that this morning that some of them are already on mission. some of my that as well that some subsidies is so much simpler aside. yes, i could certainly not jacqueline, just because the color of the in those as carefully place in the button and but it talking, you'll been c. fleming said we spoke yesterday is yes. could i have can usually get biased because we by leo, said he because we pulled it all taken apart in those mean think you know that now what i'm your input authentic. i can make you go say i'm up in the audience a,
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let me correct this is to put in meal is come on, was equal mono scott, in his pulse with me those the single method i'm willing that is done. we are going to see that will not be that you'd recommend us look at the mean. i see that this was the, the beat, any step by left by e sit activities as it k, the miasca, dsl, be southern to speak less. so look, i'm a look i see under the implants. yeah, they have also, they will know may have it at once, obviously if gimme what he's going to add, he'll give me the most lucky so most but it's on as well. yes for so that's what
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the us because us in the most or will use us in was that a lot of you the, this one that is good. i see a gate a less than it is holding this and it seems in my things in order for it is being so game get the little knows kind of the stuff in the stuff as a gate. glad that little that understand this a civic when settling for the sunset get the in the bus had wasn't even lives in quincy in canada, but it was a less than less k u saloon. but then he said within his bus, just have all those buck 11 kids coming in will support us. we'll see i'm on a is pass, use a leave it as a said will. this is a guy use it as last must be just little says the stuff is fully okay. so left,
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he's got the, the less you that these i glad. i mean they go back. cool. didn't they seem go policy and those then the they located in nice. that's good. beautiful for name thing was in for the center for on those in those lives. the stuff i left, this is a good on hands. the who does the community that does go to model less guys to say that i was a little model. last guy you spoke with us even says the stuff i live in god. yes, good news. a lot. the call you in the, in the stuff will apply, you know, to a safe mean i live with the new let know for me the other things that god
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saying is your last guy, you know, seem to like what i'm to send data springs expanded. you guys got me some units in place, so a be slightly sat lazy as it was in the system where i live out. i would like what it allows us to say as if the less because the 3 is the so proud of those us get the mean. i'm with it to dallas. cologne, name dix, young the either the 99 been 48. if i do see that one more, that is there is a lead on today's course as important, isn't that our clinic people, the little boy is still not happy with the gentleman circuit. the laptop was this, the tech guy. you put a feeling in the lawyers. hope way, so say what i picked one cmt said i came to the web. ok. when i was getting us up, it was telling me name was a different that lowercase and we still try to set up me though for both my last
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place. you know, most important is in michigan and i leased more senior. my goal is to south above the weight of the time that i see there. but guess that is the moment when the bundled gaming would add norful yet today of no, no. hello. can i ask yeah, i can jump in titled him for letting me last at all. there's a what as because of a busy left hand to that means i'm going to go to your, you see, and so pillow, somebody is visiting in brooklyn, be the has been settling on what else was lives. this doesn't mean so i can't let you know. so long the status is when they get on to hampton bookcases. morales, i'm, i use, i don't want to see the one. i'm just, i'm, yes, i'm image of the, let's put it on to what i'm you some free release you. they gave me the
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$75.00 per month. yeah. i mean, i mean no, no one of them mean that in the menu and they sent us another line that he has been tiffany daniels. it's only what i want i wanna see is when the when is it because of printed the, you know, sadly our live on something like a, i mean it's got but uh, you know, i don't know that often is it? oh yes, you put it going. i mean, since you guys as a customer, a deadline, you lost it as is not a robot on natalie. but as close as intensive month, i'm with them, but i know, but the medical gotta finish audio was all okay. now what i want you know that as part do,
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they didn't get paid because he liked them and we'll get them for like a sequence. and instead of us, it was as close as the idea, the tv and the the so now you've left the probably mess your e mail yet. that meant they've done one to since you and that is they swear legal because if you make yes it is getting picked install those listening. so nadia is subbing continuing to say if the door is the left by lab or to get the name of your case. it ends in 7 legs by 6. there was nothing sort of messy stuff by law, but they called they said if they get on the bus route 80 to the spot field, unless you that they can be up in the court as soon these big events you want me to go get the bullet points of the month as he told me to get them income
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for kay is going on. the gym sizes in demand, believe they get a new thank you thinking it was a, is that in the quote in total, if you get any help for me, hold. i don't see horse up for me in the front of me, so i was just on my side. so i know is nice. i wanna do this on the leroy mentor. it's not like i say feeling when somebody gets on the, in a sense of belonging to walk down any street in part sales or feel the presence of expend community and the everyday heroes keeping communities together as always, logos, a da 0 visit since effects and community in toronto, canada, where locals are fighting to maintain their identity in the face of sky rocketing
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rents, and justification. a sense of community on a jersey to march on al jazeera from trade was to size make shift to us policy on garza and ukraine. president donald trump is shaking up global politics. rigorous debates, unflinching questions upfront cuts through the headlines to challenge conventional wisdom on the 14th anniversary of the city and revolution. the phone of the outside regime associated in the new era as syrians rebuild their nation in a wheel and is ready to make it discovers of palestinian film archive fees from the piano in 1982. that raises important questions about palestinian identity. while the buffalo ranges on the front line, the diplomatic pursuit for peace is in crisis. however, critical moments ahead, in fact, the ukraine war and the world order. much on alex's era, phone charging because come to us and russia do business with each other again. and under what conditions the you and india aim to finalize
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a free trade deal by the end of this year. but we'll have a plus germany looks to list the government following limits in order to increase defense spending. counting the cost on al jazeera, the serious president calls for unity of to hundreds of people are killed and fighting between secure he forces and find his loyalty to present the charlotte sauce. i'm tell mccrae, this is i will just say we're alive from the also coming up as well. goes ahead with plans to come for little electricity and supplying to the strip. we live in kansas city, a desperate scramble to say.


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