tv [untitled] March 10, 2025 1:00pm-1:31pm AST
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to stop in your own adventure now counter and there are some of the media stories a critical look at the global news media on how to 0 government shut off access to social media. the, [000:00:00;00] the towel on elizabeth put on and this is the new zone life from door ha, coming off in the next 16 minutes is wrong. cuts power to a key dissemination, sonton, gaza, which provides drinking water, has more than half a 1000000 people. so reinforces repel. an oven ice attack in damascus and say they've completed obligations against fights as loyal to ally to president special
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at s plus i government will keep our terrace on until the americans show us respect. not connie's name canada is next prime minister and boss to win the trade war against optics from travelers as to i need across the gym and a as an airport workers try expressions to ground thousands of flights and i'm trying to how much was sport in just donation of white board cricket continues, they beat new zealand to him to change his trophy for the time the is around has caught all thought tricity to a vital diesel, the nation cloud, supplying drinking water to around half a 1000000 people in central and southern gaza. i'm off has cool to move cheap and unacceptable blackmail the facility in the
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a that all baldes now relying on generations and solar panels and functioning at reduced capacity is fee of the panel cut could also affect water pumps and sanitation. the move comes as well as the blockade of food medicine, fuel and shown to going into gaza and to a 2nd week that's bringing i corresponding 10 delicate issues. joining us live from the plant in that i bought a hen tell us more about how the caching off of the main power suppliers of gases, only dissemination planned is going to impact what your supplies the it's going to simply risk more than 500000 tullison use the, our current sweets, but be drinking from this water to leave them with no other choice than drinking unhealthy or on lead water. and in casa, we know there's no,
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it's any substitute. we know that there is no bottled water, for example, nothing's coming through the process. and we also know that silas simeon, terence, is that it's but it's, it's very important for policy in karen's to give their children to drink capable water because there was a pole view outbreak during the war. the palestinians have been living through horrifying 50 once during the war without food, without water and no effects. the facts during the fact that there is a few, sorry about the hottest users who live in the same exact condition for 9 days, no fuel, no food, no medicine shelter has been entering the cloudless trip. and now this bite tubs at the destination plant is no longer going to produce 17000 cubic meters of water. it's going to be reduced to only 2000 cubic meters of water. now this is in the nation, not just currency works,
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gone generators and also solar panels. but we also know that there is no, no, you're coming in because actually there's no fuel coming in. if it got to put more than 9 days now, but the solution that has a story, so as soon as the storage of fuel is going to end, business leasing when reduce its capacity and will only work on solar panels. how does one use our feeling very anxious and stress and the locate is type thing and the pressure is also tied up and liquidity joining us live from that on board on central guy. so thank you and well, president from special envoy, adam bo, of us as direct talks with him, also have been helpful and that something could come together on garza, within weeks, a him, off. the officials as the booth is open to hand and go to the american is where the captive as part of talks to end the war, as well as sending delegates to cut their own monday for discussions on the sci fi at once phase one of the agreement to be extended, but time also has rejected that proposal,
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cooling for an immediate stop of the 2nd phase. let's bring in our cost fund and stephanie decker, whose live in don't. huh. so what did they expect to, to be discussing here in doha, stephanie, they're going to be discussing the next steps also is very secretive. these talks here in color as capital. we do know from these really prime minister's office that a delegation comprised of a senior member of the shouldn't batch the internal security forces. also israel's main hostage negotiator and a senior political advisor to benjamin netanyahu will be here. they may already be here to talk with a guitar is about what to do next. you were talking there about the complications about phase one and phase 2. what does this mean? well, phase one essentially ended just over a week ago. what phase 2 would mean is that it means a full sufficient and agreeing to the war, the release of 2 hostages alive, all the captives to be released alive and for real tools to take place about the
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next day. why doesn't that send you out? who don't want that because his political survival depends on those right wing members of his cabinet to have threatened to collapse the government. if he goes ahead with that, she promised them a resumption of war officer, phase one. now there are unconfirmed reports that the americans have agreed with him to us, and these are unconfirmed reports to extend the ceasefire throughout the period of time and on. and also through these rated holidays, passover for the exchange of a certain number of hostages. he mentioned there will show an american is really to have an interim period if you will. all of this is on the table of the message from the americans. and very interesting the also in these really media playing off how smart culture has been by going straight to the americans when that town yahoo was dragging his feet. you've been hearing from our goals or reporters there, blockading. the goal is this trip again, not allowing in fuel medical supplies age now will. so cutting off the main power line to the side of the nation plot. because trump once a deal,
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and he's the only one who really can pressure these ready to go back to the table, whether we're going to hear uh, if anything gets agreed upon here, we're gonna have to wait and see. interestingly, we're gonna have to look if the us special envoy to the middle east stephen would call. if he comes to colorado between the lines, people will tell you that that means that some kind of a deal would have been reached. stephanie dec i was of what we know so fond joining us live from right here and, or how. thank you, stephanie. well, let's bring in danbury these before regional editor of associated press and the middle east and also of asked questions. laser stop sack new special. he's joining us live from tennessee. thank you for your time then. so as we'll be in here and donald trump's on wait for his way to captives has said that direct talks with him off on beverly is have been very helpful. do you think it worries that is really government that the us is hold him direct talks with him off for the 1st time. couldn't change the dynamic and she's fine negotiations. a look. it probably does not mean to us. it's not
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a policy of not dealing with terrorist groups. mazda is defined as a terrorist group. it was always a little bit funny because they were in direct dealings with us finally by the us, but also by israel itself. and not only now and then also going back decades more over trump, himself negotiated what someone say, the surrender deal and fell down. someone say, is there a service also, the principal, i think, is a little bit fuzzy and, and at the end of the day in director of direct dealings, i think our question of niceties and politics and norms, all things that the trump administration throws out the window because they prefer outcomes and practicalities and real halter outcome. do we know what the trump administration's desired outcome is? now again, be annoy, has said that you know how mos also to seed political power. lay down there. so for 5 to 10 years since this is something that israel has been asking for,
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will it add pressure on his riley negotiations to move on to phase 2 of the seas 5 in the, you know, no one really knows what outcome the americans want because it depends on the one man, and it's rather startling that the world has come to this. but here we are. so remember israel scientists deal by which israel's obligated to end the war and pull out of gauze and exchange for all the us by the end of phase 2. and there is a timeline there and from us, whatever you can say office. and i said many unpleasant things about on us is willing to see through with the deal and isn't it was the one that was walked away from the army is that isn't it was compelled to do the deal. but donald trump in israel currently is being added on from the right, by the same donald trump. so we, we don't really know, but what is clear enough to know how does this, your correspondence a very difficult political situation domestically. whereby if the deal that e sign goes through almost implicitly remains at least for now, empowering does the word this government quite likely would fall. and this is
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a person who is quite passionate about staying power to the point. that's where we are and much depends on what trumps decides in saying that maybe now things change from the time you know is indeed it looks like implementing the deal will lead to almost being removed from power because even though 70 percent of this really is maybe more my, all the calls that i've seen and also my experience and talking to people want to deal implemented because they want to prioritize the return of the hostages. then frankly, carter more also maybe more. he said he was maybe 100 percent, including these early arabs, most of them, one of them must go. so this is a contradiction and much depends on whether these reports that we're hearing and you just reference that. how about being willing to somehow step aside, are genuine and are not seen as a trick? i think much, much can be achieved if the,
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our world that started to go down this path. and then in the plans that we saw promoted by cc was solving all nations. us here was, it was about 2 weeks ago. if they really go down this path and make clear, the great things always call sending people with the a profound and guidance of the our world is almost truly steps aside. we see 1000 is already speaking of one authority and one force of arms. they want this, i think the world has a tremendous role to play in coming up with an elegant solution and enables everyone to end the month. all right, that is danberry. joining us live from tennessee. thank you very much for your time . i think the story is defense, ministry has announced a military operation to combat remnants of the acid regime and the northwest has ended that comes off to security forces repels
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a night time attack on the check point in the capital of damascus. securities also has told alger 0 to $5.00 is loyal to ally to president bashar assad were arrested . that were targeting a check point near security, building in the mazda and neighborhood. well, that attack and the capital follows days of fighting in north west and sylvia. hundreds of security personnel fonts was loyal to the top of regime and civilians have been told. the government has reinforced secuity in cities like latasha and thought tools for my assets strongholds along the mediterranean coast. so we and government funds as well ambushed in the region earlier this week, president talking about shadow has announced an independent committee will investigate that violence. that's bringing a correspondent dress instead of bod. he is alive for us in the syrian capital. i believe you're still at the scene of the overnight attack and damascus rest. so
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what are you in learning about what happened? well indeed, so usually it's thursday on the i've seen crashes focusing on the cost of what areas of syria, but they are quite early in the morning. there has been an attack on a check for himself, the security forces, and the building right behind me, which is the 4 digit code intelligence building here. and that has been engagements with the attackers and between the security forces here. so just to give you this seconds or few, when what exactly has has, has happened here is that the attackers, they have parked the car over that seats, and then the world with this public parking and why it here, they stopped to check the weapons that they have made everything ready and then they started to walk and one of them who didn't need a handle to the check point of the security forces. right?
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so after that that the security forces then responded by fighting back. and after the 10 spy, you win and collections here, then the attackers started to beat through but one of the security 1st level here, god injure. and here is 5, d is your continued changing the attack of the perpetrators that went to office of them. that's bloodstain, that being told that's actually from that security uh the security personnel. and you can see still the, the, the, the boss, things here and the keys. if you don't do the cheese and pistols, then the, the class is quoting you, but they say that the descriptive will start seeing that while we're right at the end, it is of the part here. what? so again, they arrested 2 of them, but the others managed to escape. so it was quite an intense week attack that has happened in the heart of damascus because mazda is
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a. 2 loan this week in the capital, it is either one of the higher class neighbors here. and now the security forces are using these build a particular building as a ministry headquarter. and of course they're saying that the investigation is still on the way it's not, could be whether there was of them this or of the over jeans or some type of the attack. these did security forces here, right? so thank you very much for that as well. so the very nations joining us live from the civilian capital of joining us on such as avalon, high, ashen, and professor of international relations at casa university. thank you very much for your time. so, so he has defense ministry has come off instead of the last hour or so is that after a very few, a very eventful few days in the northwest, very violent, that the situation is now under control. but does that mean the end of the switch, do you think posed by the remnants of the side where shame and the out of watts and
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the northwest that supported them? i do not think so. i think maybe this is the start. if it was a one time shot that would be over, but these people, the where the advantage never to syria the took all the privileges and now the most, everything. and they don't want. and as long as country a moderate, as long as the government total and in syria. so they're trying with the support to view it on maybe to gain some of the power of the account to the will be thinking about maybe have the their own state. because they don't have to have a lot of talk among different players in that age. and that seems to be the model to see of countries. that's of course not something that the transitional government at least says that it can. and now again, they say that the ministry switch is over, but do you think that the transitional government will try to bring the people that were behind this rebellion? if you can pull of that into the fold,
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is that something i think you will be able to try to have an older issue? yeah. what do you have to take into consideration senior government? it's week. it doesn't have a lot of experience military experience. most of the, the people are not 12 at trade and they're dealing with people who are well trained and they have a lot of an issue in a lot of military equipment. so this supported by other actors and also the attendant factors and a series of fragile and 90 percent of the people under poverty. they have lots of problems and they don't to have a lot of simple. it's also take into consideration another huge and the fact that which is is right the supporting the new rules in this area along with them to that you'll work in the golan heis as the they have the position stance very clear. did the want a moderate the government, a mother at this time? the government in syria and they're trying to play
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a role. maybe it was starting to see the war and syria did the wanted see that support coming different turkey. they have not happy with their needs, but those have been use here. yeah. there's no shortage of great challenges facing this new transitional government. just how much does what's happened over the last few days, highlight the need for the international community to support sylvia and also seriously look at and lifting the sanctions that will allow the government to address some of those challenges. including having largest security force that's better equipped to deal with security and challenges. lead time that we take a lot of that will take a long time because you have to look at different the front of the military, the training and the support. and the do a lot of him for the syrian government to see it as a future for the people. and i think the cmt will have to get you not to have different, not to be the experience of libya, and be sure that to be this the experience if you're under there should be aware of having an out of spring that a piece for the transfer to father, people can build their own state, a non high option,
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and thank you very much for your analysis. it's the full central back government. connie has become canada, is new prime minister designate as hostile, nearly a decade under the leadership of just intruder. he's taking over at a turbulent time in 1st place. the next prime minister of canada, mar, harness, attacking fat with little or no political experience. connie, for many headed, the bank of england and the bank of canada fuel now and leave the country is response to us president donald trump trade war and threats to amex, canada. the americans want our resorts is or water or land our country. think about it. if they, if they succeeded,
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they would destroy our way of life. when connie is expected to cool an early election and he will face a stiff challenge from the opposition conservatives, levine leading the poles st bus stop. he looks at connie's rise from a banker to prime minister designate today's market. carney level and economist and bank are a former executive for goldman sachs, the former governor of the bank of canada. and the bank of england is canada's new prime minister. and throughout his election campaign, he said his experience as the 1st person to serve as the governor of 2 central banks meant, he was the best candidate to deal with us president donald trump and any trade war with the united states. and in a sense, we will never, ever be part of the united states in any way, shape or form. we have to recognize that donald trump today is different than the donald trump of several years ago. and then his objective was to take more of our
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market now. he wants to take our country. as soon as justin crudo announced who was stepping down in january, carney became a favorite to replace him during his campaign. courtney said he push dollar for dollar retaliatory terrace against the united states, and promised to grow the canadian economy. which under to do carnie said was not good enough. the election of a relative political outside or could mean a fresh start for the liberal party, which saw its popularity did under to go. but rise since trump threatened terrace and made repeated taunts. he would annex canada people who carnies leadership has been described as common, decisive, especially during the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. even conservative rivals credited carney as being a steady hand bolstering his reputation as a financial statesman. his critics set his background in high finance, may be at odds with the concerns of every to canadians with carney enjoys brought support and his supporters say his expertise is exactly what the country needs
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right now is in the thriving elders here. matthew would like canada, china as also grappling with us tire. it's considered a balance of 20 percent american levy on its goods as played out behind the scenes at the national people's congress. the annual meeting of the countries talked political advisory body ended early on monday. foreign minister warnky spoke about the trump administration's foreign policy, saying major pals shouldn't believe the week. he also confirmed beatings planned to counter us tariffs, target chang, of standing by and shanghai. but 1st let's just go to katrina you. she's joining us live from badging. so what come of this annual meeting katrina, which took place or a much under the shadow. those terrace. well we've had the 2 sessions this past week aging. but the 1st of those meetings has been your said, the chinese people's political consultative conference. and while the closing
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ceremony was presided over by chinese presidency didn't pay. this meeting is not about the political leads making national laws that are impacting the country. this is really about ordinary people of the past week 2000 groceries representatives mentions aging to discuss ways that chinese society essentially can be improved. and now there was thousands of proposals that have been made over the past few days . but you really, if you step back and look at them, many of them reflect a population struggling to cope with the slowing economy, as well as shifting demographics. many proposals, for example. what related to china is rapidly aging population by the 2040, about 6030 percent of the population will be over the age of 60. so many proposals were around having best at age cast facilities all across the country. financial support for a grown adults taking care of elderly, perhaps a multiple parents will aging and also data pensions, better allowances pulled elderly themselves. another area that was discussed at
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length is the development of rural areas of china, obviously has advanced over the past few decades very, very quickly. that has the huge divide in the development between cities and the countryside. so many proposals were related to improving village circle village economies, increasing infrastructure transport festering roads so that these villages would have more towards more income. and finally, about a i that's been huge topics the past few days. there's a lot of excitement in china because of the i checkbook deep seed. and while there's been a lot of proposals to implement deep sake, or do you think related technologies in public sector and the type of tech that is also a lot of concerned about the lack of regulation. and the way people can take advantage of a i. so that was also a big push for bull. god roles as artificial intelligence develops in china. this is katrina, you're joining us live from badging that spring. and tony chang. he is live in shanghai and tony, you have been talking to people to businesses about the impact for the tower. as we mentioned earlier having,
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what are they telling you of the well here in shanghai, there is some concern. this is the financial house of china. the city that has really been built over the ages on, on its international business, international trade. i think the bank is here in the, in the city itself, looking at projections over the next 6 months, the next 12 months. and there is concerned that these terrorists could be the opening shots in a why the trade well, and that really wouldn't be a problem of the foot. so for china, i think the, the response who's seen from government has been a relatively muted and have been some targeted reciprocal terrace. but i think there is still a hope that something kind of trade agreement can be reached with donald trump. we also spent the previous couple of days in judge young, which is the manufacturing hot land of china. and the fact is the thing that they've either been aware of the don't challenge is coming to pass. so they've been
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looking to other market sales with the ones that do a lot of business with china. so the business is still coming and the production process is going on at the moment, a full steam of the box supplying a factory for an eastern china. the production line, making exercise, treadmills is in full flow, a 3rd of its output go straight to the us market, about a $150000.00 units a year. and despite the new terrace, old is have the truck, shawn woman does the need to take needs and the entire supply chain or the product, like the ones we produce. and we have some technical requirements for the time being. no other country region can replace products. they didn't china, the delay to states both that goes to decline. part of that is due to the long chinese new year holiday. but tariffs are an increasing concern to the government
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despite its defiant statements at the national people's congress this week. yeah, for you know, country you should expect to suppress and contain china on one end while maintaining good relations with china on the other. the small commodities market and he was the largest of its kind in the world. probably point 5000000 square meters of market space did $70000000000.00 worth of business last year. now the trade is it worth, so you can thank you. i'm concerned about the tower because america is still the largest consumer market for our policy celebration products this year. since it shows on the additional tariffs move increase the price of goods for customers, which will make it difficult for us to explore some more goods abroad. in china still has one big advantage. many of these products a significantly cheaper than the competition manufactured elsewhere, even with the extra cost. and the old is still flooding in tariff containers
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here. still filling up with goods, a lot of which of them for the united states, the manufacturers in china say these kinds of things. just tell them to find in the us. and if you could kindly call me back, it is on price with the trump administration. suddenly pausing tariffs on mexico and canada, who knows what the policy will be and the shipment arrives. tony chung out is there a judge young, easton, china to the head on the news hour. we look ahead to key to what's in saudi arabia between american and ukrainian officials as negotiate, has looked to establish a framework for peace with russia. and the final countdown deflating one of sports all time. great white horses with guns on us here with that story.
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the had a lot of the weather has been launching the find while i settled and warm across much of europe over the weekend. but things all set to change. it's going to turn cold. the add more unsettled thanks to a number of trouble. some lows working a way in from the south west pushing across from the central parts of europe, bringing snow to the outs and west of weather to places like australia on monday remains launched it. i'm settled as well for the south of this across the mediterranean, with some heavier rain moving into central parts of it to me. and it remains a very wet and when the story was unsettled, sees coastal areas for much of portugal, and for spain. we'll see some spits and spots of rain across england and wales. we have got some lots out in the northeast of england for some fog on monday, but that does clear up by tuesday they will be some brighter, spelled a coming in. and you can see the balkans will see those nasty conditions,
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places like bosnia and herzegovina as well as montenegro as that. heavy rain pushes its way further east. nothing's offset to cool down across more western areas. but the she, it is still clinging on out east for cases like ukraine keep, we'll see some pleasant days ahead. head of rain on wednesday. the, this is took a, took a, a is the 1st country to develop a national, sustainable tourism program in collaboration with the global, sustainable tourism cubs. village life here retains its job. every meal is like a feast from the farm to the table. hundreds of excavations and restoration works. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things come and discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties, economic collapse, the east diploma,
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