tv [untitled] March 10, 2025 10:30pm-11:01pm AST
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this is what the eastern parts of men she a bridge looks like after battles between the city and his army and the power of military rapids support forces. one of the major bridges invested in east capital for 2. it was on the rest of the control, giving them access to east smiles, one of the capital largest suburbs. it was recently recaptured. bypass to the news army. east lion was one of the cartoons most heavily populated areas. many of its residents flag when it came to our self control. this once bustling market now has little to offer to those who remain. the 2nd one is that when the, when the army came here, i celebrated their arrival. it was like being in the dark and coming to light. the r a stuff used to climb walls and enter homes. they stole tea, flour, sugar and even salt. they left us with nothing. this was once, the area's main hospital. it was destroyed in the early days of the fighting, which began in april 2023. it's left to people struggling to get access to medical
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care with only one smaller hospital left to serve the whole of east miles. her name is mother has been sick for months, but she was only recently able to bring her to the hospital. oh my fiance, but my mother got sick 8 months ago. she's old and fragile, but we couldn't bring her to the hospital when the rest, if we're around, they would stop vehicles and root him. still any little money people carried. so we stayed at home just trying to survive. no thanks to god i know approach which of the hospitals doctors here see keeping the only hospital operational has been a challenge. going with the, with the bodies have been in the work to provide patients with what we can, but sometimes read shortages of supplies would send people out to get supplies from other localities. even of the states putting their lives at risk just so the hospital does not shut down the r a stuff would rate the hospital and detain watkins but we stayed and continued watching. most of the hospital workers are volunteers from what's known as the emergency response rooms or
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e r r as members of the groups the, their role goes beyond providing medical assistance in that guy. i mean, what i prefer, he, i mean we help secure food for those who have stayed behind when they were shortages. we supplied families with water when they couldn't go out. we also helped with the evacuation of those who wanted to leave. we do that because this is the home country and the people needed someone to step out and ensure that lines and not lost the army may be back in control of east nile, but it's recovery will take time. people here say they hope both the government and the e r r s can repair the damage so that the thousands who left can soon return to their normal lives. people morgan ultra 0 east volume. while much more on that and all of our stories on our website, obviously we don't come, don't forget to check that out. much of the content the so it was when i'm just doing the streaming something next bye for now. the,
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the fact of shifting power dynamics, all you have to do is flip switch and he has a thorough tearing state is 1st made in east to take or put you on a t of any weakness there would show up thought takes on the biggest one out here from the full re 8 to the air we breathe. we're constantly absorbing chemical stocks and then plastics that couldn't afford sending us how much of the information we're getting is real science and how much is simply fear mongering amount of these forces. and this is the strength 6 product. i would never allow into my how i avoid all endo cream disruptors. here's how to protect your hormones and take control of your health. stop using traditional launch features. it's full of carson's agenda can on disrupting chemicals different easily, easily. they're all full of pesticides and probably genetically modified,
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toxic chemicals that can be found in your mental product. we're becoming plastic bag with warm water like this could create billions of micro plastic particles in the t since. so the phones that the structure of our sports watches contain forever chemicals as an insane, the high and warm and high level of get the technical in over $144.00, she and at 10 with all the express close. rob did you still want to make me agree? when we scroll through social media, if it was like every day brings a new post revealing how something we use or consume is actually harming us. so today we're looking into the latest research on the health and environmental implications of current consumer trends and breaking down possible practical solutions for those who just want to stay healthy for that. we have joining us today. donna, section, the cover and environmental scientist and micro plastics research are roxanne,
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a food scientist known online, but her account hydroxide and the medical doctor tarik, pasha surgeon, and urologist, who runs nice superhero foods on instagram. thank you all so much for your time. dr . tarik. we have over 1000000 the followers on in the ground where you and your wife post about food being the ultimate medicine. what would you say are some of the most common talk since we may be ingesting with our phones? is there a particular chemical or contaminants that concerns you the most right now? i will certainly 1st i'd like to make one correction the brains behind my superior foods. i give all credit to my wife haley. she's done a tremendous job running the channel. i'm just uh, just a pop up, but uh, i really there now appreciate per fabulous work and i wanna make sure that she gets recognized. let's get right into it. absolutely. i think we can keep it pretty simple. my job is probably more simple than your other guest. it's essentially
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ultra processed foods, i think are absolutely the most dangerous toxic, a product that we can actually consume. and that is, let's step back a 2nd and define what both process food is. it's basically any food that has ingredients, but you can't find in your kitchen, you can't easily go of finding your cupboard or something like that. second definition would be a suit with, with it's in a package that is in a box that has molten ingredients that you can even understand or even know how to pronounce them. and the 3rd thing would be mostly would be fast food. most fast foods are older processed, and this is a massive, massive problem because this is not real food. and essentially the, the main products are the main things that in the arc, that's our seat, all of them we can get into these things, see the oil transfats and sugars, which is a whole topic and itself. and i'm happy to kind of how many into specific questions, right, but the delta, i mean 1st of all, food food using radians,
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that we combine our kitchen and food you the long use of ingredients that we don't understand. that was basically everything. right? yes. unfortunately, our, our kids in our diets are now almost 65 to 70 percent of the food that we consume our calories from ultra processed food. i want to make clear, this is not food. it is some kind of edible substance. there is nothing about it that nourishes us. we are basically becoming sick not from lack of calories. actually we have plenty of calories, but no nourishment, not only do we not have nourishment, this toxic food leads to metabolic dysfunction. now metabolic dysfunction is a fancy word that just says that our bodies, our sales can't process, can't use the energy from this food in an efficient way, much like a car that's given really nasty gas or gas mixed with a bunch of impurities. how do you expect that car to run well or run very long or,
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or break down much sooner than it should? so these, these toxins lead the metal ball at dysfunction which leads to diabetes, fatty liver or liver disease, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, a dimension and much, much more. oh, i'm roxanne as a full scientist, you actually run an account that rationalizes some of the panic. there are several clips there where you are actually talking about the regulations and the fact that people might be exaggerating, in some cases. can you talk us through that? yeah, of course. so i think with any level of like online panic or so in the seeds of, you know, potential problems, there's bound to be some misinformation sprinkled in there that can influence people who are looking for real facts. the concepts that there are hidden chemicals in our food in the us and even in canada is sort of a misconception. i'm talking specifically stuff like food dies and food additives.
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one of the main misconceptions i see is that the, the, you or europe doesn't use any food, dies or additive, and that's why they're healthy there. but our labeling was here actually require from dies and food additives to be disclosed on the label. i think that's why people panic when they see the scary chemical names, but in reality we are just disclosing it to you. and because there's no layman's terms to summarize these in a way that could be potentially helpful. i think consumers see, come muscles and see that as a scary thing, rather than understanding that there's a purpose to these additives. they've been many times well studied and well produced in the level of dosages that they use. and i think to like the european versus us food misconception, run steve in the you, they are not required to disclose what food dies are on the label, so it will just be labeled under and e code. for example,
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at this misconception that read 40 is banned in the you, it's not, it's just called e 129 there, or a lower read e c. and on the flip side, there's also 2 dies that are banned here in the us. that are allowed in the. ready colors like the 153 of the n, c, blue 2 and blue one. so i do think a lot of them is information sort of meant to kind of, i think, distract consumers from sort of these larger macro factors that are the reason why we face so many health problems in the us. mac for factors being things like walkability in cities, food accessibility, and reduction of food deserts, having the time and affordability to cook, healthy meals to learn about how to do healthy food. i think these macro factors are much larger instances of how our health can be. you know, would you say that you were really dr. terracon in the sense that these alter process foods were present to things or so and how much to alter processed
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foods? i do think that foods that are not nutrient, that's our problem. so, but it's, it's not necessarily because of is, how do i explain this? it's not necessarily because that there's like a scary chemical and it, it's more of the fact that a lot of these foods are just not very high in macro nutrients like protein, healthy fat, um vitamins minerals that sort of thing. so again, it's more focusing on a macro level because if we band food dies tomorrow, like and every one of them was gone, it's not like our health would improve overnight. and um, and then of course there is, sorry, go ahead. you don't go ahead and start with me real quickly ultra process to the problem with ultra process foods is the fact of the matter not only that they're nutrient dense, they are concocted in a way to create food addiction. and what ends up happening is we eat and eat and
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eat the end, it overrides our brains satiety signals, and i dare anyone to go right now and eat 10 rib ice steaks. you cannot eat 10 revised steaks or e 24 inches or anything real. our body has a natural compensatory mechanism to allow us to feel satiated to feel nourished. because our body screens out, we're not getting those macro newt nutrients that she was referring to, such as protein and fiber and all these wonderful nutrients that you can. we don't even know like the matrix of an apple, but you can't tell me a pop tart is the same as an apple, the matrix, the beauty, the fiber of how it comes from the tree and is water from the, you know, water from the rain and the sun, these are all things that we have gone away from. we need to return back to to restore help. yeah, i guess i just want to say that i agree with what dr. tarik is saying, however, it does just go back into that macro versus micro level. i mean, if alter process foods don't have a lot of fiber or protein,
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of course the society will not be there as much. but there are large variety of products being produced. protein powder, other things like that, that do increases satiety wellbeing, old to pro, says i think there's a level of nuance and a spectrum to this. that is meant to be addressed in my opinion. um however, of course the whole foods die will always be good. and 10 revised space has hundreds and hundreds of grams of protein. but i would also argue can't eat several skips of protein powder at one sitting due to these macro nutrients. so focusing on the macro is very important in this aspect. and, and what i want to talk about now, because we're going to continue this conversation about everything that we are ingesting and absorbing and, and what is doing to us. and one of the things that kept popping off on these timelines as we're researching for this show is the fact that plastic is everywhere . the recent studies sounded like a plastics in breast milk in human hearts and brain tissue. and obviously we all
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know that water is essential for life, but the water we are consuming may also be coming with more things than we expect our produce. are seen a highly explained what if i told you were not just drinking the water and these bottles, but tiny particles of plastic to researchers have found that one meter of bottled water contains around a quarter of a 1000000 tiny pieces of plastic. see, most of these bottles are made from polyethylene to rest of the lake, also known as p t. and over time, especially when exposed to heat or sunlight, they start breaking down, setting these tiny pieces of plastic right into the water. this plastic is also commonly used for food packaging. so technically we're eating it to we're still learning what micro and nano plastics could do to our health in the long term. but early research suggests they may be linked to cardiovascular issues like strokes, heart attacks that could cause inflammation and disrupt or hormones. so while we
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might not yet fully understand the long term effects of micro plastics, one thing's for sure. we're consuming them everyday. donna, that is the core of your research. how exactly is this? is this happening highways and how are these micro classics basically entering everything and, and, and stain our bodies. yeah, i would say that the answer to this question lies it in the question itself. as you say, plastic is everywhere and everything that we interact with on a daily basis, all the updates or even the clothes that we wear, the personal care products that we put in our scheme. um, even to foods that we eat is wrapped around plastic or stored in plastic containers or yeah, it has to do with plastic. so because we surround there, so it was plastic object. this plastic then breakdowns into mica plastics
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and as it does in, degrades really is a way of it stays for decades or even hundreds of years around. so it will enter the environment as in walter, soil or air. and as it enters the environment is will eventually enter the human foot chain. so that's how we just micro plastics through fluid and through air, through water, through basically everything. um dr. terika from medical perspective i, i just want to understand this correctly. why is the body not eliminating these micro plastics naturally? and what are some of the risks that we know at this stage involved with us, just keeping all this and our bodies? i mean, we were not, we were not involved or we were not created in a way to be able to uh, eliminate my for plastics. again, this is a, a, a, a,
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a creation of this generation or a recent generation which i'm highly against plastic plastic bottles. i recommend stainless steel or glass much, much better for us. and these plastics. unfortunately when they're heated, they are even worse. so you certainly don't want to use of like plastic uh or styrofoam and heat your coffee with these leach into our body. and unfortunately they will reside in our body forever. and it's as the clip show we have quite a bit of micro plastics up to almost a credit card or more in our inside our bodies. and why we think this is important . i can tell you 1st hand, i'm seeing the effects of this, primarily through i believe hormones disruption. i see in my clinic a lot of low testosterone and also problems with for tilly. so do a deal reduction, infertility and low testosterone are ramp it to such an extent that we are now lowering the range of normal. so what it used to be considered normal ranges,
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323521200. now it's 202890 grams per deciliter, so we're actually lower, we're removing the gold, the gold, those so we don't die, diagnose as much low testosterone and also problems with brutality. so this is a major, major problem. this hormone disrupting, our bodies, are beautifully designed with the most intricate hormones system. and that's why i'm such a big proponent about out a blank or plastic as well as again i disagree with the or come to our panel member that dies are important, artificial dice do affect our behavior. and it's not so much that the, uh, the, the toxin is in the dose. if you accumulate a lot over a long period of time, we will start to see, and we are seeing us break down in real time. i see it every day in my clinic. oh donna, you been researching this? why would you say it has taken so long for people to actually wake up to the
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problem that micro plastics were present? as dr. static said it's, it's a quite new research starting the owner been introduced to plastic as a material for a 2 years. and in terms of science, it's quite new. and the market, plastic research itself is like maybe 1520 years, which is also very, very new topic for, for decides. so we're only now discovering all these things, even there is no for example, there is no standard right now in the labs, in the research on how to quantity fi and qualify the micro plastics and we're still working on that. even standard design thing. the research itself, so it's going to take some years for us understand everything. yeah. and we don't have a lot of people who are exposed to plastic for a long, long time because as i said again the material. so it's quite new. uh,
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i'm over the but let me see real quick. so we, it's a very important concept that we need to be head of besides the science due to its nature, which is which i appreciate very much. so science is the backbone of, of medicine, backbone at any inquiry, but lot of times it is delayed 101520 years. we have to be a head of the science. it took the day over 25 years to band, to transmit, and my food expert would. what would certainly agree with me to transfer that are absolutely an abomination to our health heart disease stroke dementia. it took over 25 years of the day to get it out of our food and it's still in our food. if there's less than point 0.5 grams of trans fat in a process, do they don't have to label. they don't have to listed on the label. it'll say 0 trans fat. but in reality there's at least 0.5 grams. you do not have to report it . and over time, this accumulates and causes massive disturbances in our body. and obviously there's
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a lot i was advised out there about what is safe and what is not when it comes to the full rate, but also the products we use every day. how much of it is actually true? because magic scientist jen know markovich helped us set the record straight on a few items. this meant the so pervasive that many international cancer societies now have mis pages to debunk, get the over whelming evidence does not support the idea that anti per sprints, or deodorant causes cancer or that leaving them specifically in anti pers, brands is linked to adverse health outcomes for people who use that, unless they have allergies and that's a different thing. sunscreen is good for you, especially if you're thinking about risk for skin cancer. sunscreen has a health benefit to people in reducing your risk for skin cancer. also array
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of different skin is it conditions associated with sign exposure? there's a misconception that they're unsafe, but this is based off of many misinterpretations of the total evidence which overwhelmingly supports the safety of 5 screens on the markets. this misconception is based off of a misconception about the satellites that are used in fragrance and cosmetics in general, in the risk associated with ballots as a class compared to individual chemicals. so yes, certain validates do have endocrine, for example, disrupting impacts in this case. but it's not the one that is relevant to fragrance, which is that still valid over a low monthly supported to be safe, overwhelmingly not supported to be endocrine disruption or endocrine disrupting in the context of these products. or this is based off of the fallacy that natural equals better. but i mean, you just have to think about this for
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a sac ends. poison ivy is natural. and if you stick that on your skin, maybe not gonna be great news for you, especially if you've already had a reaction to. the reality is natural ingredients in cosmetics are some of the more challenging ingredients when it comes to safety. it's not to say that they don't have a place there great to work with and formulations, but this blanket idea that natural equals better is misplaced, especially considering the ingredient types that have the highest composition of allergens happens to be in the natural category. roxanne, i wanted to bring you back in to ask you about trust. many people have been talking about losing trust in corporations and government. would you say that that lack of trust or at least the questionnaire around the trust is, is justifiable?
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absolutely. i mean, for me personally, i'm a scientist, so i'm always questioning everybody around me. and i personally think there can never be too much concern over us regulations or what companies are doing. since you know, food has to be sold and there is a profit incentive to it. that money is the water is quite a bit. i think a safe system is always a work in progress. and i can acknowledge to that our system has wrong people in the past, and i can completely understand a level of this trust. but in my opinion, i think we do focus on i think the focus in terms of what we put our attention to is again more in that micro rather than the macro. um, i do think a lot of what gets portrayed as what we shouldn't be focusing on is sort of a distraction from these larger goals that would require a lot of systemic change like walkable cities, you know,
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not having to check your bank account every time you go to the doctor, food accessability, that sort of thing. as a more holistic approach, i guess in terms of a stay on that line here because we're almost out of time terms of solutions and action, dr. tarik, if someone wants to take immediate action after watching this episode, what would you recommend as a 1st step towards being how fear and, and trying to stay away from things that harm us. and i would say that's, that's a great question to the very 1st the easiest thing to do is stop all liquids sugar . so that includes putting sugar in your coffee. that includes coke and pop and artificial sweeteners as well. that's a whole another topic and how those are got disrupters and they cause us to crate carbohydrates and actually costs us to gain weight and lead obesity and diabetes. that includes smoothies and juices. i'm not st. purchases, you can't ever have like a 100 percent worst views. they do have some vitamins and minerals in it. if they
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are done in moderation is is ok. but in reality, our biggest, the biggest single thing you can do is cut liquid sugar. the more the better. and the 2nd thing i would add, again, from a macro perspective, as a rock, dr. roxanne was saying, is, is to limit or reduce as much as possible to process foods. these are toxins. and if we stop buying these abominations, these concoctions of it scientifically engineered foods to cause us to, to crave and cause us to overeat, calories and become obese and overlay to have metabolic dysfunction. they will make better food. i promise you can start to see better foods being produced, more and more organic or whole foods less ingredients, one ingredients, foods, all of this is extremely critical. it taking your 1st and taking the 1st steps to better health it. those will be my 2 suggestions. avoiding liquid sugar in all forms, including smoothies and fruit drinks pop, of course, and number 2,
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sting away from ultra process food which are not food. they're just abominations. roxanne, your attempts today. what would you suggest people there? and i think the number one piece of advice when it comes to staying healthy now for correction, i'm up in science is not a nutritionist. i'm also not a doctor. i would recommend going slow. so our medium cycle goes so quick nowadays that we see don't get the stony that if the speed that and i think a convert be very confusing for a consumer. i think just stepping back and focusing on very pare down. it's simple goals like getting enough fiber, we do not get enough fiber here in the us, getting enough protein, making sure you're focusing on vitamins and minerals. and i think if you start there, that is like sort of the most simple as sick and the easiest place to start getting caught up and health trends can often make things more cause more confusing. so
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it's really best to just keep it simple. roxanne, dr. to eric and donna, thank you so much for your time. thank you for joining us here on the stream today . and thank you all for turning in. keep in touch with us online for that you can use the hash tag or the handle angry stream and send those are questions and suggestions take care. and i'll see some infectious disease experts say the next 10 demik is coming to, i mean we're, we're definitely not perfect. and, and i think that's very clear, an organism we know about or a deadly new book called disease x. either way, there's cause for concern the slots in the curve investigate on al jazeera of
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12 to 14 years of july. the caustic ceiling is a hot embrace. and this, the, the, the challenge is the main focus. that means all my information people here due to the future with the hope of the building they worked on the country, people on the 2nd floor with due to the size of the city that mission. the city on i was a 0. the shape come model was for translation and international understanding is inviting
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nominations for its 11th edition, starting january, the fast and ending march the 31st 2025. for more information. please visit the awards official website at w w. w dot h t a dot q a the serious presidency announces a deal to merge the kurdish lab, serial democratic forces within state institutions. this is obviously a license. so coming up, the stage is set in saudi arabia for crunch troops on ending the war between ukraine and russia. a collective publisher in the un was as well as total brocade
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