tv [untitled] March 11, 2025 1:00am-1:30am AST
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locked it out with the broken bones, it broke and read so difficult. those conditions from the heart of the story, the cease fire has the mental to improve the humanitarian crisis. the impacts of israel's war is still killing children. the other step forward for syria, a deal is made to incorporate the kurdish lives through in democratic forces as part of states institutions. the hello on the bulk of this is just a lot from to how so coming up, palestinians in gulls, a go hungry chewing our suppressed. so as far as blockade and screwed water and electricity is into, into the strip, continue a cargo ship, carrying over
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a dozen containers of a highly toxic chemical collides with the tank and load it with jet fuel. in the north sea foss ukraine's president arrives and saudi arabia on the eve of ketone street keeps on washington news . posts, judy is a serious government has struck a deal too much. the color sled soon democratic forces into state institutions. it comes off the weeks of negotiations between damascus and s. s d f. lead is implemented, they would mark a significant shift in the countries power dynamics following years of civil war. the us back to s t f controls the northern parts of syria including key oil producing regions us. the larry is controlled by the staff in eastern sylvia burst into celebration.
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following the announcement of the group integrating with the government of damascus, the agreement would bring most of syria under control of the syrian government, a breakthrough for the new administration. so citizen, damascus, explains how significant this move is. the. it's the significance major, major developments for the country. perhaps the most important developments often be full of the shuttle. a sad on december 8th. and the now know that from the sources, united states has pressure of a lot on us. yes. to agree or to sign a deal with the mascot. so it's confirmed that this deal has been, has happened by the pressure, by the pool, by the 1st of the patients by the cottage event of the united states. and also by the acknowledgment off some major regional powers here. and as a result, the sticking point in all of these sit in the equation is now gone. just remember s
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d f was in control of one turned off the whole city and territory starting from the nor the start is more the old way down to 2 to 2 data zoar. so the city is like how 2nd commercial rock got data is, or they all were on the s yes. control, which meant this oil and gas resources. it's and then as us, yeah, it has been simply due as these main ally, the city since 2013 says that they, the s u. f was almost level officially, but practically practically, almost an independent states. having his own revenues, its own military being backed by the united states to mindlessly, i'm definitely running old to see the fees institutions there as well. so after that, many of years past, the f agreeing to merge with the mass cuz it's quite significant. let's take a look at the areas the curtis slides through and democratic forces o s t f,
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control, the stronghold and east and c. i makes up a course of the countries tower tree. in 2017, the s t f, dismantled ice was final stronghold of rock, a c t with us packing us troops to being stationed in the region ever since to help prevent the research its most of serious oil fields in s t f. control for 2011 the country produced 840-0000 barrels a day. the distance dropped to 40000. but 60 are considered us the sds kind of distractions to be terrorist groups because of alleged ties with the codes time workers potty. caroline rose is the direct so all the new lines institute add a serial of she says, the integration of the suit and democratic forces interstate institutions as a turning point in efforts to bring the country together. this is perhaps one of the most landmark moments in serious history at security, political history. and i, i rank it almost just as high as the day. but aside now when it,
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when it came to the opposition offensive that quickly came from the province through alaska. and all the way down to the mass because within a few days, the reason for this, and i think that many other analyst and experts that studies syria, like me, can agree on this. we for years throughout the syria and several, several complex. we've always looked at a map that is fragmented on and it's color coded in different areas. it's rob mentioned in the northeast and the north in the northwest and the south. and this is the day that finally we can see a united syria where it's forces that security services are united, they are integrated. and because of that, i think that we will see stronger state and security institutions as a result. now of course the road ahead is very long, but i think that this certainly is a step in the right direction. and it is
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a step towards not only making serious security and state institution stronger, but also trying to you trying to feel a bit of the ethnic and religious divides that exist within the country. that way we spoke to political atlas burning girl who he says the deal takes a significant amount of pressure off the as the, as an organization for years as the s d f was with some, with some good cause was perceived as the continuation of their treasure. arms a militant group, p k, k, and a large part because the leader of the, the mazda, combining mazda them of the was something of an honory, charlotte, an honorary son of the founder of the p, k. k. of large, on whom, as you mention, as you alluded to a call before laying down arms of the p k. k. the called on his organization to lay down and its arms against the chuck a stage with no conditions, with out any conditions. and there's been some debate since then. it's been almost
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2 weeks is all made is cost or whether it's not only the peak of k, but what they want us to receive as a peak, a syrian branch, the staff should also be laying down its arms against the turkish state. this agreement with the central government and damascus between us to confront the central government in damascus, ledford by a president, shut us a really gets the pressure off. now, the 2 sides of the many sides actually can sit down and actually work on some of the finer details of what the new syria will look like. how to kit will be approaching northern northeastern syria, the israel suspension of a ceasefire with a mass and total blockade on gaza is really more hunger and desperation. after 17
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months of genocide for 9 days, no trunk. so being allowed to bring in food fuel and other life saving agents in the strip, even agency proposed senior refugees as well as soon as the blockade is threatening protest in your lives. and it has been almost 10 days since the state of his way to bind the entry of him into an aide unconscious applied into the depths of treat somehow situation similar to the one which prevailed in october 2023. these decision for it tends to life and survive, and obviously they didn't. garza will have had only a brief respite from 16 months of bits and war. it is critical that the surrounding 2 guys have been to maintain the progress made during the 1st phase of the ceasefire and meet the people's basic neat. lizard was also cut off electricity. the power is one of the causes, main dissemination plans supplying drinking water is about half
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a 1000000 people in central and southern gaza. movers to an international condemnation, the u. k. n gemini, urging israel to restore power immediately. i would just say it was honey, my mood reports from kansas city and how people are being affected by the blockade for the 9th day in a row, a to trucks have not been allowed into the gaza strip. the other side of the border, a full i had been of karma, was silent. crossing many of the critical supplies and ada trucks are start because these really military decided not to allow any of the trucks for the past. ninety's imposing more restrictions, making it difficult for people to sustain their life and to survive. the difficult conditions are created by months and months of devastation and destruction. the blockade on 8 and the restrictions on the crossings have really pushed the population already on a brink of capacity. we really desperate for many of the much needed supplies and aids for them to survive these difficult conditions of use fluids with this thing.
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and if fuel and other critical supplies are running out of the market here, it's just as simple walk into the market. you would realize how depleted it is. as of now with many of the basic supplies are not available or whatever is left is either an affordable. is this too expensive for people or available at a small amount that is not enough to meet and satisfy the greater demands of created by months of devastation. this is already been going on. hand the use of food and other aid as a weapon of work. according to many organizations that describe what's going on as a collective punishment of an entire population, accusing israel of using starvation as a weapon of war against an entire population in the gaza strip. ideally these trucks parked here on our rashid's roads in western ga, the city. the coastal road of garza city would be filled with much needed
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a critical supplies in humanitarian aid, water, fluid, fuel and other basic necessity. but not anymore because they are not allowed to get to the crossings and to bring much needed 8 honeymoon. how does your data from gather city, palestine? nobody's the collision between a cargo ship carrying a toxic chemical and a u. s. navy tank of full of jet fuel is triggering fees of an environmental disaster of the english coast. and major rescue operation is underway. one person is reported missing. the vessels crashed and they will see off the coast of holland and goods. ne wilson has bull are the 1st images of a disaster. it see a distress call picked up by those who could already see the smoke from a series of explosions. so long has collided with tanker stand immaculate in the anchorage. both the vessels are upon the specials to help fire fighting equipment
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or who can assist with search and rescue contact number coast guard on a shuttle of 16. the black cloud since plains giving way to fee is of an environmental catastrophe. stand immaculate, is carrying check a one few which is on fire, on in the water in it immaculate the ship carrying jet fuel. so the u. s. navy was and could about 15 kilometers offshore when it was struck by the portuguese flag, contain the ship. this alone, that contained a ship was carrying 15 containers of the toxic chemical sodium cyanide, logical next steps. when we make sure that everybody was and seeing their safe ad to, to, to base to make sure that we're not having any damage to the environment. ship tracking, showing the moments of impact the coast guard rescue operation,
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bringing the ship's crews to shore. if it's on the way to determine just how the incident happened and watts environmental impact, it may have on the voices, it could. and kerry wilson will just sierra way the best of that of is joins us from the port time of grimsby in the northeast of the u. k. so melina wants the situation now, then we'll see is everyone accounted for the 13, and then the is missing. even that is the crew members from the pool would you be flagged so long? was that so that in just the last few minutes we've led from the coast guard that they have actually ended that search for this crew member tonight, the coast guard has also said that both of these ships remain on fire on coast guard. i coughed out, monitoring the situation, so this one pass and still missing at sea now. so she's 6. people have been rescued
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and they were brought to shore here to grims be where i am. they were given medical checks and initially storage. it said that no one needed hospital treatment, but the latest statement, because god said that one person needed hospital treatment. it is a pretty remarkable outcome, considering what a violent crash that was. then the fidget, showing the claims of smoke and the size that engulf both of those vessels, but as it stands that search for that one missing pass and has been ended so far, you ever later as you speak, we're looking at images. so if that crash side, there's huge plumes of black smoke, as you say, i mean any clarity on how this happens. and of course it's impact told me area we're talking about huge amounts of fuel. i'm toxic chemicals of all the ships is indeed what we know that the american flag vessel carriage, jet fuel for the us navy. and now we also know from the american company that
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manages that ship, that some of that jet fuel has actually leaked. we don't know how much and how widespread we also have let the other ship we've had the portuguese flags also had toxic chemicals on board 15 containers of really toxic chemicals. well, we don't actually know all the stages of those. uh, we don't know whether they have leaked or whether they're still contained within the containers, but certainly if they are released a could pose a threat to the rescue as a could also pose a threat to the wildlife in this area. know this whole coastline has lots of companies of sea buds. it's got a vibrant marine life. lots to see was actually now off show up preparing for nesting season. so there's been a little concern from environmental organizations saying that they don't actually know yet is to audi to say what kind of impacts this will have on the why live here . but it could be quite graves now as to how this happened and how this collision
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happened. well, it is puzzling many experts who say that in the 21st century, all of these modern ships are equipped with systems like on to collision software. they've got re dogs, that even if the ship was on autopilot, they should have been a non bells ringing that something was about to happen done, downing street what told is also monitoring the situation very close the but they would not speculate will be joining to vote to make it pause this condition, really that many thanks. i'm glad of us live as you'd like to stay after my grooms to be no ceasing with the still ahead on al jazeera american markets, take a tumble stop market sell over, run some day off to trump, refuses to rule out a recession. the strike by look isn't jeremy's major appleseed styles as a passenger strand. is the
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file. has it ever been white in brisbin? what is stay in more than half a century? hey, we're, when we kick off the weather report, there is scooping up 275 millimeters of rain. this was all caused by a tropical storm alfred, but now with this breeze off the ocean. here it's pepin, up the rains for the coast of queensland and new south wales state. in addition to all of that moisture that offered injected into the atmosphere, other story is the heats will squeeze at one more hot day in perth, before there was wind. shift around and temperature was lower. speaking about the winds for new zealand, south side and look at his storm system coming in. places like need and could see those winds pushed past 85 kilometers per hour to into an easy i. we go pretty typical stuff for this point in the year. you've got your wet weather across who mantra, island java island. and so the waves,
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a few showers running up and down the philippines. nothing major here and we've got some rain screwing away from japan's regroup. islands that's kicking back wet weather into que issue and should coco islands and then check out what happens on wednesday. those rains ramp up across the yangtze river valley from wu han to shanghai. but i'll put you back to tuesday, and actually for most of japan, not too bad. 14 degrees in tokyo, of the a japanese city, devastated by the 2011 earthquake. and it's often didn't show some survivors believe the $20000.00 souls lost. the natural disaster are ever present at some taxi drivers claim they haven't even given rights to the deceased. i'm theory tale of a traumatized community. witness. so nami goes on out of jersey to the
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b without just say what is their mind about top stories? this, our serious government just struck indeed to match the kurdish last 3 and democratic forces into state institutions. the deal comes off the weeks of negotiations between damascus and s. t. f. leaders. the group controls the northern part of syria including key oil producing regions. israel suspension of the ceasefire is a mass total blockade or cause it was feeling move hung the desperation to 17 months of genocide. for 9 days no trucks are being allowed to bring in live saving
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age. this trip with you. and it's cool to go this route to change. cool. so in that blockade gabrielle is on the centers, the support from you and headquarters, new york in the u. n. is saying the entry of humanitarian aid into gaza must resume and is calling on israel to do just that. this is a little bit more of what was said during the daily briefing for crossings. interguards that have been close for the entry of cargo for 9 consecutive days now . oh sure, it tells us that the cream shall loan crossing also remain close for the collection of cargo for the 9th straight day, which is severely impacting the delivery of humanitarian assistance across the gaza strip. can you tell us, what does these real government allow to get into casa so far? nothing. i mean, there's been no, no goods, uh no goods coming in. uh, no trucks coming in. the secretary general is also deeply concerned about israel's
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decision to cut off the little remaining electricity. going into guys with the secretary general. agree that cutting off the ltd electricity supplies going into guys and now our collective punishment and violations of international law. there is a obligation for israel under international law to provide these basic services and they should do it due to fuel and aid shortages. the u. n. is having to prioritize the little remaining stocks it has left in gaza for as long as israel's blockade of the strip continues. gabriel's on to l, just either at united nations in new york. a protest is on the way new york against the rest of the columbia university students. he lost his protest against this was a long cause because
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he was detained by immigration officers on site. today. he's been moved to a federal trail for migraines to white people. taishan proceedings isn't like pictures, so if that protested a personal social media doesn't, donald trump said more students at columbia and other universities will be posted for anti semitism. while he cooled supporting terrorism. some immigration lawyers say the rest isn't legal. the official, some key of i'm washington not preparing for high stakes talks of saudi arabia and it ended with war and ukraine. ukrainian present modem is lensky arrived in general, monday, easiest places to meet saudi crown. prince mohammad been summoned us special envoy, steve witt. gulf is also that. he's revealed polanski issued a origin the policy to the trump administration for tense meeting. the oval office
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last month was actually what state market rebate was also landed in the pool of stacy. he met with the saudi crown prince issues, a whole talks with ukrainian delegation on tuesday, including negotiating the trump administration's proposed minerals for weapons deal to ends, the war charles drive f as in key if we want ukraine hopes to achieve from the talks in jetta. a soul instead of being described by many as absolutely critical and potentially the beginnings of a long and difficult road towards piece. a lot of analysts will say that zalinski and his team will as an excuse, not participating in these discussions will be keen to show that ukraine is serious about taking on board discussion, sewage, and eventually piece framework. the currently is also key and to get to a listing of these a suspension temporary suspension of us a,
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an access to us intelligence sharing which is also being suspended in the last few days. and there was a general feeling that it is important for the ukrainians to put the bull in, rushes cooled by offering potentially a partial see spot receipts far. that would stop and attract, so strikes deep into each other's respective territory. although fighting on the ground along the front line would continue already, russia has said that it would reject any such proposal. but as i say money, i always say it's important for russia to be pressured by the ukrainians to relieve ukraine from the kind of pressure that it has suffered over the last few weeks by the us. then of course, there is this minerals the us minerals deal, zalinski ukrainian, leda is reiterated that he is prepared to sign that steel. but willie step back from asking for more security guarantees from the us. security guarantees that
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already from the us president said full squarely on the shoulders of europe, just drop it down to 0. keep until 11 is the director of the razor program at the quincy. and since you 1st multiple stake croft, he says the success of chokes and saudi arabia will depend on compromises. and i think it's pretty good if the ukrainian side shows itself really willing to negotiate and compromise. i mean, that's is the main thing that the trump administration wants to find guides if they are willing to make concessions or whether well to be home is if they go on, you know, talking about recovering lost the territories and the need for a, for a just peace insightful but i think that there is an awareness in the trunk of ministration, at least in sections of is that you also do have to keep
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ukraine reasonably strong on the battlefield. so the russia kind of, you know, simply when will russia to mom, the end is russian prepared to compromise. because some things that we discussed at this time both have already, you know, in effect the green button there cuz it wouldn't be a nature membership. so you, craig, i and z ukrainians seem to have recognized that they can't recover that last territories by full so nobody's going to recognize the russian antics ations legally bots. um, you know, the, the, the frontline will be frozen and that states us will be left for future negotiate cation, some like sites will have to promise not to change the line of forced. the stock market says the slid on the 1st day of trading off to us present. donald trump
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refused to rule out a recession. the middle of ongoing trade was all 3 major store indices. were down by an average of almost 3 percent with markets close to monday. trump impose 25 percent power, so good, some canada or mexico last week, but then made sweeping exemptions. days later, he's also double taxed on chinese impulse to 20 percent. the must electric call and make a tesla, has seen is biggest single day drop in market value in 5 years. share price is fell by 15 percent on monday as low as possible in $800000000000.00 in market value since its peak in december. and the open must roll in the trump administration has been blamed in cost for the slumber. but when you use more than half a 1000000 travelers in gym, they have been affected by one day strike of 13 major efforts. only kane has this bell in as
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this was what greeted passages in apples across germany on monday, 5 thousands of cancelled or late flights. and many people having to make alternative arrangements. listen uninstalled for the authorized and i was pushed by we had to leave switzerland today. uh east and then spend the night here in frank. we're waiting now. so check in. it's another apple. it's a shame they cool to strike at such short notice reading this fresh new show on monday. then i understand when they strike and what they want and what they're fighting for. but it's difficult when you're, depending on the flight and you'd have to organize everything as challenging as to buy it. as you can see, there are absolutely no flights either leaving or arriving. that's billings of really planned, add ports. when normally on a weekday like this, more than $50000.00 people would be coming through this terminal instead the only people here aust, off who owns positive the union because full list off to all parts of the union
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were on strike. when they did come inside the terminal, they made the presence felt for them. what matters is how difficult it is to make ends meet. when the cost of living remains high, we ask for 8 percent low rates, but at least 350 years more. and we need that money because from the time of the inflation, we still have a gap that the people lost the money in the time. and we have to fill this gap now . but so far, management has been moved by the unions to months. one economist told me why it's important here is that the state is part of the management, and therefore the wage increases has immense consequences. for 2500000 workers, it means that the financial aspects for the state, for the government, heidi and also, so the impact of the economy in terms of wage increases are high. unless more money
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can be found for the ad for workers strikes like these may happen again, soon. dominate cane al jazeera, a billions for the plant airport. now, green vendors will cost bottles and just a few hours time as the danish tertiary heads for a general election, independence from denmark, handled drums pushed to take control of the island have been king, campaign issues, freeman's main policies, fav independence of denmark. bob differ on timing and can use capital. several people who've been injured and running bottles between police and protests as the on the rest comes off to president. william versa, donated more than a $150000.00 to build a new church. catherine story reports and i re b.
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