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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2025 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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the the, or the, i'm drilling a hole in a rainy, sorry, ever. both man, i know it's a government, he's living through challenging times 3 decades since the end of the world to this country, a positive piece that is founded together since the late these crises erupted. with the parliament in republic of steps go, one of the following is to autonomous entities, then the state level, police and judiciary from operating on etc. drake, this assault on the countries constitutional order was led by both the and
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certainly the mid around the building. who as long, defied central government and the international mandate, high representative is conviction last month for undermining both this constitution as decent standoff. instead of back down to the escalated, urging both means that the withdrawal from federal institutions, ignoring national prosecutors and dismissing a prison sentence in post post is to it's the latest and some say most serious tests. yes, of the 1995 take peace agreement. the end of the war, but declined to bosnia to a ton of us regions under a single complex system. a system now threatened from we need to understand what's at stake. we turn to a man who was at the negotiating table when taking was signed. iris c logic, full time prime minister of bosnia and herzegovina. as long as the agreement flows
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or with civility and security risk, we also could the bill that involve his will now be coming on the receipt line to talk to the thank ciocca 0 positive today finds itself at this moment in pretty tense political crisis. it's chad power structures and institutions of being challenged from with, even by the last name. sadly, the minute don't take uh how dangerous a moment do you think this is? well, this is certainly the attack on our institutions. there are dangers between being through wars and we have survived. this is not just a random. okay, this is deliberate plans. and it's
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a continuation of a very old project from 1841 the greatest. so it'd be a scenario was 1st introduced to the public and writing great to serbia, meaning that serbia expense westwards and sole source and the 2 grey, she's a boss, me a call. so i said don't the month and my girl. well, that brings me to my next question, which has to do with these motivations. let's be clear festival. exactly what was the dog has done in recent weeks. he's defied the office of the high representative he's been convicted for doing so. that is essentially the most influential individual in boston today, a man named christian schmidt. currently i me guys for an internationally mandated
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dick says the country's lower should not be mandated by non elected pharma. he has also signed local laws in republic. a subscript essentially canceling the jurisdiction of state level institutions like the judiciary and the police. what is he trying to achieve? is this about session? do you believe in terms of that great to serve your idea of some absolute place isabella's possession? it's been planned and unfortunately because of that great, a survey of idea which has a very, very bad idea. we had what we had in boston. i took over, you know, we had the vision, the aggression, it was that idea of the thought, the word so absolutely. but is, yeah, it's been perpetrated is just being organized. it's been uh,
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propagated for very, very long time. so it is historic. is it in any way viable in the present day? can you see any way in which secession can actually come about and who might stand? and it's what? well, that's a one would 6 that invading countries grabbing territories is behind us of the state and age. because bus now has been as 400 sylvie is more than 1000, is a country aubrey of huge po, unwanted. and you, because it's situated between east and west. see. so we developed and this is the civilization force. it's not easy to to
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we are still developing. we're still trying to defend it. we develop boss, ma'am barbara dime, a multi cultural, multi religious, multi confessional society. i sought easy. thanks enough for this. why say, it is an, a civilization successful echo say, so for this to happen in boston, and i said well, you know, is a very unless you're, the result is a metro. so we have this society, you know, it's easy to be an extreme is just take a slogan here and march for regular people. for this, what we have created here. you need patients, careful, planning,
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good neighborhood. and we have developed a society that is able to do it and it's we are not the big country, but this part of them is a big part of that. not only for us, for you or your folks actually wants to be. what we have for the been until that invasion. and that to that, the apartment, that belied idea of concurring excellent. glancing the lesson ethnic cleansing, cleansing people from the territory. and now with that, trying to do is glenda states and institutions from the territory to say. so this is beverly brooks brand process. do you see this as a political process? so do you see in this the real strength of the written to conflict?
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what i see how i solutions react in other quickly to the situation that in the process of doing that, the international community and in europe, the europe has obviously developed heights and sensibility for the balance of wor, usually they know now that the french we are a fringe, although we are in the middle of europe best, we have french country, you know, when with the bank countries that's, that, that's where the danger lies. best way to visualize. and they also coming here may to achieve game year stern words from mock or to the native chief. his message was to the leaders here, get your act together,
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step up to your leadership positions and souls. this was i want to add something. i've had this list, i've been hearing this for decades now. what i would add to this is name the type of data that really set up this all sides. and so it has failed this approach, old site, since page there is a perpetrator. there is a plan behind him. a survey obviously supports space. so just just say who is the type of data? who once will be here? and who has been planning this for a long time? well look, that is the rather bleak backdrop to our why the conversation i want to draw you in to what is really at stake here. potentially the data piece, a coach that was signed almost exactly 30 years ago. the 14th of december 1995 in
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dayton, ohio that brought the boston and we were to an end and have preserved peace to this day. you were at the table throughout you were at the table during the war years as the prime minister of the republic of bosnia herzegovina. you were involved in the negotiations that ended the war and created the dates. and he went on to be the boss and act member of the tripod presidency. following that, the, with the chairman of the presidency, give us a background lesson if you would briefly into what it took to achieve the extraordinary goal of peace in boston. it took a lot because they, uh, the other side had at their disposal in fost are some of the former yugoslav, people's army. so they thought, and they knew we didn't have much,
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they would be uh, they would have the upper hand although people died, a lot of people outside of the country. but we want how does it mean? because we're not defeated. we had to smuggle arms into our own country because we had the you and somebody to go on our backs not always sticks you observed thankfully but we had still have had to smuggle the arms into our own country to defend themselves. and they know the less they will learn the lesson of as you know, they cannot dictate this. what do you consider to be in the greatest achievement in that process towards piece the formation of the dayton peace accords. what was the
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most difficult obstacle to overcome? which said the bridge of such treatment is the cease fire. i need to cease fire agreement but that dayton agreement comprises all the ingredients needed for nothing normal but the state with the protection of override semen rise by notice the rights and so on. the problem is we have never implemented that agreement. that's the downside. but this is fire was a chief and that was an achievement of international diplomacy to i want to talk about the implementation quickly though i spoke to a boss, neck war veteran. recently,
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who said this, we accepted data, and although it was clear that this was in a way, a reward for the aggressive we did. so because we wanted to preserve bosnia and herzegovina within its borders and to end the war, was it a mistake? do you think to have given quite so much to the subsiding this deal? or did the mistake perhaps come later and failing to prevent the spread of nationalism under the terms of the system that came next? well, what was the alternative? most probably and i'm almost sure that the alternative or not upset accepting the disagreement would be frozen on a frozen conflict temporary and the temporary
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can last very, very long as we know. so the frozen conflict, i would have been detrimental to our interests. i think the achievement what the bus and i had to go in there remained benefits. we became a member, full member of the united nations, which is a big offset goal for all those who want to destroy the bus. now single in i think, lives website saved, but that alternative of pros and conflict was not to have thought that we could accept the system that came out of date. and based on the date, nicole says it stood the test of time. do you think decent? do you think it's still the right formula for boston here today? no. i think we could get to
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5 personally would accept any constitution from the european union and swiss belgium. i mean this is a product or more, this is prolong ceasefire. the said it's a purpose and i think if you asked me i would, i would to create a different system of 4 or 5 regions in boston. i had to go in a natural demography economy, regions that will serve the the, the people. unfortunately, i was hoping that some of the citizens this so some very bad political ideas. this is a, we are pretty all bogged down in those political ideas because of the system of consensus because of the veto powers. that each side has you end up with political
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style. i'm it. yeah. but i so think everything is better than more better. what is horrible, no doubt, better than we are. but a system that many people say is broken and let's look at why not just that idea of political stalemate, but also boston who is one of the pushed economists in york and has one of the highest unemployment rates. and a lot of the population does have an enormous amount of faith and there is to to sions 6669 percent of no faith in parliament, 71 percent, no faith in the government. 72 percent in local authorities, 83 percent in political parties. not a lot of faith and confidence in the structures that exist. not true. so that's what it was. so because there was no reason not to develop as a normal country, except for reason the purpose they books everything.
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they all distracted everything, including the toner or upper left to use. that's unacceptable. disagree. 7 disagreement include in alex 9 corporations, which would incorporate the economy of boston have to go to the front, but so there is problem. so the problem is that the people have to have a plan to destroy the boston i took over. now they removed it with the name, so implicitly i took over enough from some of the towns, so they controlled. well, let's explore this idea of constitutional change to be fair. i think it's not just the option to see or the exportation of the system by the perpetrators that holds buzz me back. i'll read you something from the report released by the brussels
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based independent european policy center. they say constitutional reform is absolutely vital, not just to progress on the past to be you membership, but to bring this country into line with simply being a functional democracy. they say this to you is off to the will of the ultimate authority in the country continues to be a foreign official noted, acted by boston and citizens. it continues to be governed along the secretary lines in a country of slight cable than 3000000 people. that's about the size of madrid or berlin . there was 13 parliaments, 5 presidents, and around a $150.00 ministries leaving the perpetrator aside. that is not a recipe for muslims, a governing success. absolutely. i agree. but how can we do it? well, that's my next question. so, so the constitutional change is vital, it's been attempted several times over the years. it's failed every time. honestly, because of this system of consensus. what if, how do you do it?
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well, if the, if these perpetrators could succeed in blocking us from the european union and nato quote, they could succeed the blocking of syrian bust out so far. and especially because outgo suggestion is very complicated, broken down us. absolutely. so we have to to break some ex here to make the so much i so because we have stuff, i mean we have a tip toeing around. you know, all sides please. you know, behave, boys. no, it's no, no, no. it has not worked. it has to work, those must be named and if we can get the, the international community can impose, di, representative, then impose a normal constitution period. so that's what we would like to say.
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how does that gain the support and credit ability among a divided population? well that, what do i do? what population run the referendum and you can see that it's not divided people on these young people, one life. not the result. did you not the desk of c o, graveyards they want to leave and the new, the new generations is obviously ready for that. and i hope and so it'd be a to, and i can see that there is a new generation there that can bring the change because everything starts it from the regime in belgrade in serbia because of this
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expansions, you know, the crazy idea that that can take other people that just always kill expelled people and live happily ever after. this is, this is sick i the, i must say. so i must stop. and there must be, there must be a more forceful approach of the international community if they want to help us run the referendum in boston, you'll see what this is. vince once really help us implement that, that's simple. by talking about all sides, please, you know, be nice. that hasn't worked. as we can see, is european union membership still a valid well and achievable goal? any time short of achieving the sort of standards you're talking about?
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cuz that sounds pretty far off. you membership is desirable, of course, but is it a cheaper well depends. so the european union, what they've already set up and say that constitution the boss there needs where they can help us with this constitution. because because boss now deserves that most now, does not that service once we have now, we deserve some attention. we did not create the barely, we'll say that battling will. those big pieces from the belly will when it went down, it went down on bus. now we have a breathing heavily under it, so we know afraid this. see we have a small country of course we know we, we cannot change everything except the other way around. europe should help us
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and should help this very small. but actually big symbol paradigm of living together in peace. because the real thing love the story really you can see here today. and again, how do in is because you can now go to the southern isa. what are they? genocide, coleman native, top 2, mainly women. i left my where execute as you know, talk to them. you would love to find one with the one word of hate isn't they said that you meant
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that you have a dentist and we have europe has a country as how are insignificant or significant or small that is ready for what you will be a new new and wants to be because that's we have been for centuries and it was also easy. that's why i call it a civilization effort. well, you, you have play the huge, the instrumental part in the latest chapter of that civilization effort. heresy. like each what have you learned in all of these years that you would like to pass on to a new generation of leaders here? now we have the technology we have the opportunity actually to communicate in some clinic globally in one needs. right? that is a great achievement. do we have the content to sense?
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what do we communicate? because as i say today, this new power that we have the, this new technology groups like it's so much ahead of us. people ask us. so they try to go back. they hurried back to the consultant of the place of the old and know only to find it unrecognizable to say so we are all in a bad place and unfortunately is going to get hard and hug. let's see . how can we help us? how can we help this situation here with the global situations?
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to i use a terms that are not very, very preferred these days for zone try to understand, go through because it's all over the internet feel real. it's like, and the russian, as something is happening to us, that we must understand that people are very confused, very concerned. but this is, this is our state of mind right now. we don't know where we are. we don't know how to deal with the situation. we have the unprecedented changes at the pace that the human being is not prepared, biologically,
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talks that we don't have time to internalize what's happening to us. and that is a very dangerous situation. we have the mental indigestion, if you like, everything is, you know, flying by us, the new phenomenon every day. 10200 new thousands of new phenomena. people are confused. so let's, let's look at successful efforts to, to bring together diverse communities. so with some differences, so that sparks. now that's the value of us. lies woods. how does she logics? thank you for. thank you. thank you for the in the last archive of an entire people seized it more chips and the subject
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of these really soon makes a lot of colors, a stream and palestinian film archive exclusive to 1982 look how cute they're beautiful, the white uniform. never before seen images of palestinian life before and after 1948. a battle of the memory history and control of the narrative. a real will coming soon on alger 0. a meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time. in one year we source that change, it became clear at that point that we really were the kind of a new era of know about the slower it's maria, theresa and professor michael wooldridge and explore the pedals and possibilities of artificial intelligence. it changes the way we think, and then the way we act out can protect ourselves. studio b, b, a. i series on
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a jersey it up front has influence over many of its former african colonies may be in decline, but the remains of potency cannot make a culture for a flurry of articles across french speaking africa is kind of paintings. a change that just ears, investigative unit forensically uncovers a murky world of faith journalists false accounts, and forced identities with links to state actors. with vested interests, africa's ghost reporters on a just the, you know, what happens in new york has implications all around the world. it's international perspective with the human touch looming way in and then pulling back out again. this remedy. life is how does it have a for so many people, conflict and poverty have left them with little hope. and they are fighting to civil life. books use accounts can bring lights into their lines together, let spring relief to nearly 1000000 people. indeed, let's share the blessings of ramadan with the those who need it most. bless and be
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bless this remedy every life matches. donate joseph cans without kind of foundation . today the us says it's carried out log scale strikes on tuesday control ever using him and the i'm the ways of helping this is i'll just say a real life unto how roles are coming up 2 weeks without food fuel on medicine. entering garza as well as bouquets makes the living conditions for palestinians even was european leaders of russia's president to prove he serious about.


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