tv BBC World News BBC America March 7, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EST
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russian population. ukraine will head to the olympics. katanga found guilty of murder and pillage. and the court in pretoria hears testimony about another alleged shooting incident. that on the fifth day of his murder trial. hello, everyone. we start on the ukraine crisis. ukraine's athletes just decided they will take part in the sochi paraolympics. there they are, deciding to boycott the games.
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well, the u.s. and france have said they won't be sending any politicians at all to the paraolympics. and in moscow, members of the upper house of parliament, there they are, have demonstrated their unwaivering support for president putin. they underline their support for crimea to join russia. he said he is now ready for talking to russia. but moscow must pull their troops back in crimea. let's get the latest from nick childs. >> and unscheduled event ahead of the paraolympics in sochi. it is expressing its unhappiness with events back home. will this and a boycott and maybe athletes took take a shine
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off sochi to influence putin. for now they are taking to make a point. it sounds like another difficult hour-long phone conversation. according to the white house, president obama told mr. putin again that russia's actions are in violation of ukraine's sovereignty. but there is a way to solve the situation with direct talks and international monitors. still, he said, russian-american relations should not be sacrificed on an issue like ukraine. on thursday, in brussels, an emergency session risk being outpaced by events on the ground in crimea as the parliament there looks to move towards russia. is there enough unity to follow
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through with tougher sanctions on russia if the situation escalates further and what effect would they have anyway. it all looks calm. the fear must be that it appeals to talk to russia are going nowhere. and the grip of russia and pro-russian is going no further. >> it is eastern ukraine, not crimea. this is donetsk a top one of the buildings, the ukrainian flag. before that the the russian flag, then the ukrainian flag, then the russian flag. there's concern there may be a referendum here. that would be more problematic. skwraeupl republicjames reynold
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donetsk. >> this has been the center of protest and counter-protest in recent days. pro-russian demonstrators came here and swept their way in and raised the russian flag. but they have been conclude out. the building retaken by ukraine's authorities. as you can tell by this line standing and guarding the building. it is two offices deep. just as a precaution, have a look there. there are two trucks guarding the entrance. the deputy mayor of the city told the bbc he thinks a referendum may be a chance to caulk tensions to give a chance to decide its own status. there is a lot of skepticism. but for now these offices have their orders. they won't let anyone through.
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>> they are sending an unarmed team from 23 states. sit trying to enter crimea having been turned back yesterday. well, let's go to moscow to richard galpin and ben brown who joins me from sevastopol in the crimea. richard, first of all, this idea that there can be negotiations, do you think this will have any attraction at all in moscow at the moment? >> well, it's definitely a tough one, nik. we know the enter eupl prime minister in the ukraine has held talks previously with his counter parks here on the phone about a week ago. and since then we do also know vladimir putin told his ministers to get in touch with the ministers in ukraine. however, having said that, the
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russian authorities does not recognize the authorities in ukraine. so we have to wait and see if this will go ahead. and of course he has put forward it seems a number of conditions that russia should withdraw its troops from crimea. it is certainly at the moment on the surface doesn't look like it will will happen any time soon. >> richard, when we look at the images of the crimean delegation many canning up from similar for poll, they are in the parliament close to where you are. russia believes they're on a role at the moment. >> absolutely. moscow has set the pace of events. generally seems to be one, two, or even three steps ahead of the rest of the international community. we now see clear choreography how things clear out. the parliament will will recognize or support their bid
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for independence. in the meantime, we understand parliamentarians are looking at legislation to make it easier or quicker for russia legally russia thinks to be able to absorb new territory into the federation. so everything could be lined up ready for when that vote take place on the 16th. >> richard, i should say the images we saw were from yesterday in simferopol. now to ben brown. ben, just putting the same question i put to richard. it does appear the russians are on a role here. they said having been in donetsk we can't roll them back at the moment. >> yeah. i think that's absolutely true. if you want any idea about russian military controlling, we had a russian helicopter fly past us. we have a couple russian navy
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warships out at sea as well just underlining the message that dates back to crimea very much in russian hands at the moment. interesting. i have been announced headquarters. there was a small demonstrations there. they want to vote in this referendum. they're delighted they're getting the chance to vote. they're not in any doubt at all that they will become part of the russian federation. it can get quite ugly. a couple of young mothers came with their babies to say actually there is another point of view. we're not sure we agree with you. they were chased away. they were putting their hands in our camera lens stopping us from filming it. >> talking to our correspondent
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in kiev, there seems to be an unspoken view that crimea may have to go in order to create stability in the rest of ukraine. your view? >> well, that's obviously a point of view there. from the russian point of view where we are, they are absolutely adamant that the new government is illegal. it is unconstitutional. it was a coup d'etat. they talk all the time about the fascists. they say their slogan as they demonstrate at places like sevastopol is the fascist will not come. that is throwing back to when this city was under siege in the second world war. there is that kind of siege mentality here. that's why they are so pleased they have this referendum when they believe they will have the freedom to express their views. they make up 58% of the population. they believe they will win that
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referendum. >> both of you, thank you very much indeed underlining this is fast moving as it has been in the last few weeks. >> let's move to the international criminal court in the hague. they are fining the former warlord guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity for his role in a village mass ter. the charges stem from bun one attack in the democratic republic of the cob going in central africa in february 2003. around 200 people were killed in the village in the district of ituri in the east of the country. katanga's trial has been going on since 2009. one of the accused has been found acquitted. he was acquitted of charges of rape, sexual slavery and
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recruiting child soldiers. let's go to maude julian. what's going to be the reaction there, maude? >> reporter: well, i've been speaking to some of the people in ituri at that time. one child soldier was involved. what he has been saying is some of the victims will welcome the conviction. there are questions raised a as to why he hasn't been convicted for sexual violence. and why the government who are supporting these groups are not being brought to justice. >> is the credibility of the international criminal court where you are? in so many parts of africa
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there's total disrespect for the process and what it leads to? >> there is a lot of skepticism from people in that area. they are actually generals today. military leaders in uganda has not been investigated and should be in fact, also appearing in front of the international criminal court. >> all right. maude, thanks very much indeed for joining me. >> let's stay in africa but to the oscar pistorius murder trial. he is accused of killing his girlfriend last year. he denies intentionally killing her saying he mistook the model for an intruder.
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there's been new evidence of another alleged incident involving shooting, karen. >> yes, nik. another firearms related charges in addition to the murder charge. we have heard from an ex-girlfriend of his. they started going out in 2011. samantha taylor, who has been describing the events of a day when she was in a car with oscar pistorius. he had left his gun on the back seat. the car was pulled over. and his friend was driving. and he said that -- she said the policeman handled the gun and said it shouldn't be on the back seat. and that made oscar pistorius a bit angry. it was alleged he fired it through the sunroof into the sky. it's part of the prosecution trying to build a pitting of oscar pistorius as one who can't
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be trusted around guns, an angry man and reckless man. estelle is an advocate here in south africa. what is the state prosecutor doing this week by bringing the witnesses we have seen so far? >> what evidence led up to this issue with the neighbors. and that would be an intention to murder. on the other hand, there are other charges pertaining to the firearms. if those charges are introduced into the charge sheet, the prosecution would have the vehicle on platform to introduce the amount of character we have
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been hearing. but it is not admissible. >> so the restaurant gun going off in a restaurant. shooting the through the sunroof of a car. this is all character evidence. >> if the charges were formulated that evidence would be brought in admissible. the court cannot make a finding. you're a certain type of person. each and every element must be proved. there's no onus on the accused. >> briefly, estelle, what does barry roux have to do for this evidence. >> he's got no onus to prove or
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disprove to the extent that there's innocence. >> thanks so much for the moment. we will keep you up to date. we'll be updating you on all the developments after the court has lunch. >> thanks, karen, outside the court and andrew harding, our africa correspondent inside the court. you can follow him at #andrewh. still to come, when the justice system in china breaks down, angry citizens are taking their cases straight to beijing and its leaders. we meet some of them. but it's our job to find them. the answers. the solutions. the innovations. all waiting to help us build something better. something more amazing. a safer, cleaner, brighter future. at boeing, that's what building something better is all about.
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supporting separatists. ukraine will present in the sochi winter games. many foreign dignitaries are already boycotting in protest. breaking news just coming from malaysia. a court overturned the acquittal of ibrahim on charges of sod my. he has been sentenced to five years in jail. lawyers for the former deputy prime minister said he will appeal. he has always denied the charges. he claimed politically motivated. he hoped to contest local elections next month. china's annual legislative session is under way. security is tight.
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as martin patience reports, it is a system rife with abuse. >> reporter: on this narrow beijing alleyway and you see victims of china's corrupt system. these are petitioners clutching at catalog of complaints, accusations and grievance. and they flock to beijing to appeal to china's rulers. >> as you can see here, this is a scene of utter desperation. people come from across china have lost all faith in the courts. they come to the capital to see justice. the anger and the brief is off rife here. what kind of society do we live in, cries this man.
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marginalized they live in squalor. they fear they will be snatched off the streets by government thugs and sent back home. one of the petitioners shows me pictures of her father, savagely beaten over a land dispute. he later died of injuries. his attacker a former policeman who was never charged. >> translator: my father died without closing his eyes. before passing away he said he would keep his eyes open until he received justice. he was watching out for his attacker. >> on five separate trips she has filed her case here at the central petitioning office. she heard nothing from officials. instead, she's been beaten and detained by government-hired thugs. >> translator: astonishingly,
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despite all these been through she still believes she will get justice. most cases are never resolved. if there's no hope here, the government fears what these desperate people might do. martin patience, bbc news, beijing. so the petitioners for the parliament in china. but the big business ramifications which the parliamentarians first default aaron. >> absolutely. thanks very much for that. hello there. this story of markets around the world possibly not big news. in china it is. for the very first time the government has allowed a chinese company to default on its bond payments, debt payments without intervening or bailing them out. solar energy already warned
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investors it would be unable to make interest payments on its bond. in this case it highlights the rising credit risk in china. a massive runup have threatened the solvensy of many borrowers. many believe a precedent setting default could herald the end of an era of risk-free credit in china. we'll have more on "gmt" on that one. "newsweek" magazine, a prominent brand name in the news business for many decades is going back into print after disappearing last year. the company's parent company, ibt media, said it will position itself as a high-end product with high-end journalism. a high price tag. it will cost nearly 8 bucks a copy in the united states.
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annual subscription including paper and unlimited access to its website will cost around $150 in the united states. some five times more than the cost for "time." a turbulent few years for the magazine. they slip to $1.5 million by 2010. follow me on twitter. you can tweet me @bbcaaron. more on "gmt" coming up very soon. >> remember when "newsweek" was sold off for a dollar. >> pittance. interesting to see if they can make some money. that's the key. >> indeed. do casinos have a duty to turn away pate trons who are too drunk to know what they are
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doing? january 30th mark john ton played for 17 straight hours. he was loaned hundreds of thousands of dollars by the casino. later he woke up in his hotel room with no memory of events and half a million dollars later. the casino has not commented. humans. even when we cross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. namely, other humans. which is why, at liberty mutual insurance, auto policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what else comes standard at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? activia tummies, happy people when you feel good inside. you live life with a smile. but when you feel bloated, with discomfort, gas, not to mention the rumbling... you feel totally knocked out.
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and another alleged shooting incident in the fifth day of the murder trial. and katanga was found guilty of murder and pillage by the international criminal court. >> had i been at any other casino, they would have stopped me. >> this man sues a casino in las vegas. it cost him half a million dollars in gambling losses. hello, everyone. we start on the ukraine crisis. the latest developments. because ukraine's at let's just decided they will take part in the sochi paralympic games. but they warn they will pull out if russian troops invade ukraine. the team is already in sochi. here they are deciding to boycott the games would have
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taken the shine off one of president putin's set pieces. the u.s. and france have decided they won't be sending any politicians at all to the games which will open this evening. in moscow, meanwhile, members of the upper house of parliament have demonstrated their unwaivering support for president putin. here they were greeting parliamentarians from simferopol if it votes to join russia in a referendum just nine days from now. meanwhile, ukraine's interim p.m. said he is ready to talk to russia but they must pull their troops back to bare racks in crimea. >> unscheduled event ahead of the paralympics in sochi, a flagship occasion for president putin. ukraine's paralympics team expressing its unhappiness with events back home. but will this and a boycott by
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dignitaries and athletes too take enough of a shine off to influence mr. putin. for now this team is staying to make a point. still no meeting of minds between the u.s. and russian leaders in what sounds like another difficult hour-long phone conversation. there is a way to solve the situation diplomatically with direct talks and international monitors. however, a rebuff, it seems, from mr. putin. ukraine's new leaders imposed absolutely illegitimate decisions on eastern and southern ukraine and crimea. still, he said, russian-american relations should not be sacrifice odd an issue like ukraine. on thursday, european union leaders in brussels in emergency session risk being outpaced by events on the ground in crimea as the although pro russian
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parliament there moved to join russia. for all the sessions of support for authorities, is there enough unity here to follow through with tougher sanctions on russia if the situation escalates further and what effect do they have anyway? it all looks calm now at what was the epicenter of ukraine's revolution in kiev. but for the new government here the fear must be that its appeals to talk to russia are going nowhere. and all the time the grip of russia and pro-russian forces in crimea looks ever firmer. nick childs, "bbc world news". now to the eastern ukraine. there's the russian flag where the flags keep changing between the russian flag and the ukrainian flag. it's on government buildings in another flashpoint city. where is it? it's in eastern ukraine. and there's the flag which is currently on the top of the government building. and donetsk has become an important symbol of the pressure
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there is between ethnic russians and ukrainians about who is in control and who will control this part of ukraine. the bbc's james reynolds is there. >> this is the main government headquarters in donetsk. and this building has been the center of protests and counterprotests in recent days. pro-russian demonstrators came here and they swept their way in. they even raised the russian flag. but they have now been kicked out. the building has been retaken by ukraine's authorities. as you can tell by this line of riot police standing and guarding the building. the line is reasonably thinly spaced at the moment. but it is two offices deep. there aren't any pro-russian demonstrators here at the moment. just as a precaution, have a look and you'll see two trucks guarding the entrance. the deputy mayor of this city told the bbc he thinks a
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referendum may be a chance to calm tensions to give a chance to decide its own statutes. there is still a lot of skepticism by the aims of the authorities in kiev. for now these offices have their orders. they won't let anyone through. >> that's the scene in eastern ukraine. let's now go to the capital in the north of the country to kiev and the bbc's sarah rainsford. you get the idea the russians are on a role and believe they got what they wanted for the moment. is that beginning to be the feeling in kiev certainly when it comes to crimea? >> reporter: well, it is certainly not what you will hear from the politicians. they are adamant that crimea is, was and will be. that's what the prime minister has been saying. and has been repeated very recently. amongst the people here, i think it's creeping in. a sense that a part of the territory, as one man said
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yesterday, has been snatched away, stolen. if the politicians can't move faster and take more firm action, that will become a permanent reality. so, yes, i think a good deal of depression really amongst some of the people i've been speaking to here in ukraine and kiev about what's happening in the crimea and the possible loss of their territory. because right along ukraine here in kiev has been stressing this is a united country. it's the slogan on every single tv channel. one country in the corner of all the flags flying. whether you speak russian, ukrainian, this is one nation and should stay that way. but certainly as i say a degree of depression, a bit of gloom about what's happening in crimea. >> we have seen the interim prime minister in brussels making very clear the russians
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should pull back to bases, then the possibility of negotiations opening that door. realistically, what kind of door could that be opening if the russians are interested at all? >> well, talking to people here, people are saying it's possible there could be more autonomy without full independence or without losing crimea altogether to russia. so that's one area. and the government has talked about that too. the area for negotiations, the dialogue to speak about the rights of ethnic russians and how they can be guaranteed to convince those on the ground, the pro-russian politicians and people in the crimea that the government here in kiev is no threat to them. so if there are to be a dialogue, i'm sure that's what it would focus on. i'm not sure that the prime minister was clear he would only have talks if the russians moved out. the government has been saying they're preparing to talk to the russian authorities, the prime
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minister, the interim prime minister has requested a second conversation. so they are talking now. there is a direct line of communication. the question is whether that can persuade russian forces on the ground, russian politicians to do what ukraine is asking of them, which is to remove their troops back to their bates. >> sarahford in kiev, the ukrainian capital. what about in sochi where in a few hours the paraolympics will open. the ukrainians said they will attend the games as long as russian troops do not further move into their country. let's go live to sochi. what's the mood there given ukraine has said at least, or the team have said, they will stay on for the moment? >> reporter: yes. it was a difficult decision for the ukrainian delegation as to
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the president of the committee. it was after he medicine russian president putin. he said there were no guarantees. they will take steps to ensure that there will be no conflict in ukraine during the paraolympics. >> it's so tragic in many ways that those who have labored so hard against affirmities of being disabled and handicapped and so in that it has become a political set of games, the paraolympics. what's the audit of who is not now coming? >> it was really there was also one of the sportsman taking place in the press conference. i asked was he hostage, the whole team, before the decision
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taken part in paraolympics. he said it was difficult but we could understand if there was no opportunity for us to take part in sochi in the paraolympics. they will go back to ukraine. now they say but they want to take part here for peace. we want to show that we are strong, that we are independence. . >> any signals from which other vips, other world leaders might show up. they tend to persuade others just to make a point. >> no. you mean the opening ceremony. there will be no official delegations from the united states, from great britain and also from some other countries. we don't know exactly who they will be. but also i would also add during the opening ceremony there will be no actions from the ukrainian
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team. they will not show anything here. but also he said to me he fears that during the events sporting events some athletes may take anything, any actions, and he fears that. because the paralympic committee of course will not be able to just listen to such action, political motives or something like that. >> rafael, thanks for joining me. the fifth day of the oscar pistorius murder trial is well under way in pretoria in south africa. he is accused of killing his girlfriend reeva steenkamp last year. the double amputee denies intentionally kill her, saying he mistake the 29-year-old model for an intruder. his former girlfriend, samantha taylor, has been testifying in court and she has been describing how he fired a gun out of the sunroof of a car during the time they were together as a couple.
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>> i can clearly say that he shot through the sunroof of a car. >> but you do not know, you just understand it. you don't know where it was, but it was not too far? >> it was on our journey from the ball river to signing his papers at his friend's house, to going to dinner for burgers. it was during that time. i can't recall the exact location where it happened. >> samantha taylor, although we didn't see her because she opted not to be seen on camera at the trial. let's go to karen, my colleague outside the court. what's the impression being left from's proceedings, karen? >> reporter: people, have been gripped by what samantha taylor has been describing talking about that incident in which she was traveling in a car with him
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when he is alleged to have discharged a gun into the air in anger. and it's part of the prosecution's tactics of bringing witnesses like samantha taylor, character witnesses in essence. they will give evidence on the separate charges, these firearms charges. in south african law, character witnesses are in admissible in a criminal trial. this is where getting the witnesses into the main murder trial if you like so they can ask an ex girlfriend like samantha taylor, about his behavior, his character. what comes across is that of an angry man who is liable to fire shots into the air. just before the court adjourned for lunch there was fascinating new evidence from samantha taylor. she had been questioned a lot about their arrangements together, how often she spent the night, whether he carried a gun at all times.
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and she described one incident one night where she was woken by oscar pistorius in the night asking if she had heard a suspicious sound. that was right at the end of her evidence in which she had broken down several times. the prosecution will seize on that to say if oscar pistorius hears strange noises in the night, in this case he woke his girlfriend and asked what was going on. did they hear the sound too. if she does that, why did he not do it in the case of reeva steenkamp? >> thank you for the update from pretoria on the fifth day of the trial. stay with us here on "bbc world news". i'm nik gowing. the murder of a black teenager 21 years ago in london continues to cause controversy in examining the record of the police here in britain. rn the page on your cup of joe? gevalia, or a cup of johan, is like losing yourself in a great book. may i read something?
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you're with "bbc world". ukraine tells russia to withdraw troops and is prepared to open negotiations. that's after moscow confirms it would welcome crimea to the federation. ukraine will compete in the sochi winter games as long as troops don't invade the country. many are boycotting in protest. judges found a former warlord guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanitity for a role in a village massacre in 2003. the charges stem from one attack in central africa in february 2003. around 200 people were killed in a village in the district of ituri.
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he was arrested four years later and flown to the hague. katanga's trial began in 2013. he was found guilty of an accessory to war crimes and crimes against humanity, including murder and pillage. but he was acquitted of charges and rape, sexual slavery and recruiting child soldiers. it has taken an awfully long time to get to the criminal court. >> people have been raising that issue, that this trial has been going for a very long time. that kaops one of the reasons the judge dissented. it might have compromised the ability to fully accuse.
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the news has been welcomed by many people. there is a bit of surprise that he was not found guilty for the crimes which he was accused. the relevance is a significant move towards those who are being accused of committing crimes being held accountable. >> but it's 11 years on. do people remember what was happening there? >> for many of the relatives of the victims it will never be taopg a time to get justice. yes, there is a sizable number of people that still remember. for those who might not have been directly affected by it, the significance of it rings really loud. >> what about the credibility of the international criminal court across africa given that many countries have leaders and others who have been summonsed to appear. >> it continues to take quite a bit of a hit from various
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directions. and perhaps in this particular case there will be critics for the icc. that was 2-1. and a descending judge, a judge challenged the change. because they changed the characterization of katanga. so basically initially he was charged as a perpetrator of crimes. later it was changed and he was charged as an accessory. the descending judge said that affected his ability to defend himself fully. this will dent the credibility of the icc even further. >> alex, thanks for joining me. now, to here in the uk. there's been another twist in a high profile murder case which led to a wholesale rethink in relations with black and other ethnic minority groups. nearly 21 years ago, teenager
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steven lawrence was murdered at a bus stop in south london. the investigation into the case was so badly handled a public inquiry concluded police were institutionally racist. that's following allegations that corruption may also have is played a part. well, here is an idea of the headlines here in britain in the daily mail. lies, spies, cover-ups and corruption. sickening extent of stephen's is exposed. i asked the solicitor representing stephen's mother baroness lawrence the institutional failings of london police. >> what we have discovered is during the first investigation into stephen lawrence's murder when there were so many failures they were e down to, according to the inquiry that happened a few years ago, we now suspect
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that it was corruption that played a part in that. because an officer, a named officer in the report was seen to be corrupt and was praoeugt in a corrupt way. we don't know how he corrupted the investigation. that's got to come out in terms of an investigation in the future. >> also, though, the issue of spying on the family, not actually looking at the case itself. >> back if the beginning when i was involved when the murder first happened the police were looking at what was coming to the family home, asking questions about them. the family was saying why are you looking at us when you should be looking for the killers. they thought that was because they were black they were somehow suspected of murder. we know there were perhaps police officers who were asked to target the family their supporters and campaigners and pass information back to the police in the higher echelons of
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the police service. >> has anything changed? >> very little has changed. and the question we get as each commissioner comes into london and up and down the country in the uk, you have offices saying we're not institutions. more things have changed. but we now know -- let's not forget in 2012, only a couple years ago, they told the family there was no corruption. this says it was misleading reassurance to the family. so this is not historic. this is happening now. what it suggests is as an organization, as an institution, systems are in place which means corruption is rife. that's not just a few bad a apples. >> what about the london metropolitan police, the chief inspectors made clear that
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something very wrong is taking place with a number of cases like the newspaper who pushed over. it took four years. police had had no pay vast amounts of money for excessive force. anything being done correctly with the police? >> what you have is a siege mentality within the police service. when they get attacked, the police become introverted and start to defend themselves. they need to say, yes, we have made mistakes. we want to learn from them. we want people to help us. >> do you think that's going to happen? >> no. i think it's going to take a lot more. to california. a gambler who lost half a million dollars in las vegas claims he made them so drunk he couldn't remember the episode. he told his story to abc news. >> had i been at any other casino, they would have stopped
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me. >> mark johnson has been a high roller in decades. but the oxnard businessman said they broke the law by keeping the drinks flowing and allowing him to play drunk losing half a million dollars. >> imagine a drunk man walking down the street. is it legal for someone to walk out and reach in his pocket and take his money? no. >> he is suing the casino. blackout drunk, according to court documents. that bars them from allowing them to gamble. he said he had drinks before, during, and after his flight and even more at dinner. >> airport, getting on the plane, getting in the limo. i really don't remember anything after triple georges. >> he said he can't remember the next 44 hours. he played blackjack 24 hours straight. the casino let him take out four
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hello. you're watching "gmt" on "bbc world news". i'm david eades. our top stories. growing condemnation for its nearest neighbors from actions in crimea. yet in the crimean capital, celebrations among ethnic russians are the pros spent of leaving ukraine and rejoining russia. at the sochi paraolympics, ukraine's team say they are staying put in support of their country.
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