tv BBC World News BBC America April 8, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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this is bbc america and now live from london. welcome to bbc world tv news. this is geeta welcoming you to our special coverage or continuing coverage of the oscar pistorius trial, the athlete back in court for a second day of testimony. he is on trial for the murder of his girlfriend. he denies that charge and has been describing that relationship with reeva steenkamp. returning to the courtroom now. >> in the chamber i said to him
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what if somebody got it. i said take your firearm back and gave it under the table. i'm going to keep the firearm with me. i handed him his firearm back. at this point, people started talking again in the restaurant. people thought this was an explosion in the kitchen of some sort. i actually didn't believe what had happened. darr i don't know what i was thinking. i should have -- i believe at that point we really both were to blame. i made mistake for asking for a firearm in a restaurant and he made the mistake of giving me a
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firearm that was loaded. i believed people hadn't got hurt but angry at him. he told me not to say anything. couple of minutes passed and mr. lufas came to our table and asked what happened. >> just before, did you say anything about the media? >> not at that point. i said -- i was -- i didn't speak much to be honest. then i sat there -- i said to darren, does he realize how stupid this was and i couldn't afford for it to get out -- if it got out people would be talking about it. it would get misinterpreted in the worst way possible.
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it would look like a kill incident. i didn't mean for it to happen. i said to him, do you understand the severity of what's happened? he carried on saying to me he would take the blame. he said to me he would say it fell on the floor. he was coming up with excuses. mr. lucas came to our table and asked if we knew what had happened. darren told him the story about the firearm getting hooked on his pants. i immediately said to mr. lucas i'm sorry, it's my fault. i'll pay for damages. on many occasions until the time we left. i didn't want to elaborate or talk about it. i said it's my fault.
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i'll pay for damages. i'm sorry about what happened. there was relief no one got injured or worse. i asked for the bill. the bill came. i paid with my credit card. upon playing i said to mr. lucas, i said i was sorry and i paid. before we got the bill, mr. lucas came over with a friend of his and she had obviously heard from her husband what had happened. she came over and was in a jerking manner jerking with darren. i think at this point she believed it was darren's fault it got hooked on his pants. darren had told mr. lucas it got hooked on his pants. that's the story he told to his wife. she came over to the table and
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said to the manner of you're crazy. someone could have got hurt. she came and slaped him on the back of his head. i was watching across the table. someone could have really got hurt. it wasn't a matter to be jerking about. i realized how foolish it was for me to take the firearm of him. we left the restaurant. i left in one car. i briefly spoke to kevin. a piece of tile had broken off and cut his leg. there was a small trickle of blood going down his leg. i asked if he was okay and apologized for what had happened. and then we left. >> count four is that you possessed 38.38 round of
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ammunition. >> i understand the charge my lady. i've never owned .38 caliber firearm. i've never purchased .38 caliber ammunition. that ammunition was my fathers for a firearm he had registered in his name. he simply at it at my house for safekeeping. it wasn't mine, wasn't in my possession. my understanding of the law it's your ammunition. you're allowed to give to somebody for safekeeping. it doesn't have to be in your safe. >> did you ever intend to use the ammunition? >> no my lady. i didn't have a firearm in my possession. i had no way. the firearm i had in my name cannot use that ammunition.
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>> mr. pistorius, i'm take you now to the events of 13th of february. we know in the fact that you arrived just after 6:00. >> that's correct. that's correct my lady. >> could you tell the court about the events that day? and also that evening. >> that day i had been working in my house in pretoria. reeva sent over. i had to leave pretoria early to skip the traffic. i couldn't be late for this meeting. there were many people involved. i got to johannesburg an hour before my meeting and met up
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with my i friend. we met for a short time, had a cup of coffee. then i had to be at the meeting. i was late for the bus that day. i didn't have any plans for the afternoon, but i wasn't going to train because i had a shoulder injury. i thought reeva was going to come back to johannesburg. the plan was she was going to come back on the 13th. i thought maybe after the meeting i'd give her a call and see if she was doing anything. my meeting ended at 12:00. our agent brokering the purchase of my home, met briefly with him. i'm not sure for what reason. to get photos or sign papers. i can remember from the message
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i sent reeva. from there i went to see my friend. i was chatting with him for a while. he was at work. i was asking him what his plans were the rest of the day. he suggested or said to me he was meeting another mutual friend of ours for dinner and asked if i wanted to join him. at some point his girlfriend arrived. she's a very close friend of reevas. she asked what i was up to for the rest of the day and i informed her about possibly having a dinner. she said she was in a mood to watch a movie in johannesburg. she said she would phone reeva and ask if she wanted to come. we were chatting informally at his work.
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i phoned reeva through a text that went back and forth. she said to me she was going to finish her washing and planning to come back to johannesburg. she asked after my day if i wanted to spend time with my sister at home. i can't remember the exact words in messages. i said to her i don't mind her pla plans. if she wants to stay she can stay. i don't mind if she wants to come back. when i was away, sam asked if she wanted to watch a movie. sam said to me reeva said to her she didn't want to come back. she was thinking of staying the night again at my house in pretoria. then i decided i was too tired and didn't want to stay in johannesburg and go to dinner
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with justin and our mutual friend that i would rather return home. in the process reeva asked if i'd like her to cook us dinner. she then from the telephone c e correspondence messaged my friend and said she wasn't going to come back to johannesburg. she left and went to go get dinner. she left to get food for dinner. i arrived home shortly after 6:00. i parked my car in the driveway and walked to the front door. i got to the front door. it was locked and the dogs were running around the house. i knocked on the door and -- >> slow down. you're rushing too much.
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>> i'm sorry my lady. >> i arrived home and reeva was preparing dinner in the kitchen. i chatted with her for a short time. i went upstairs. i wanted to get out of the clothes i had been the in for the day. i went upstairs and got changed and showered. i changed into my pajamas. then i think around 7:00 i went downstairs. >> before we get there, can we first deal with your ipad. did you have access to your ipad that evening? >> i did my lady.
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>> when was that? >> i had access to it the entire day. >> i'm talking after arriving back at your house. >> from the time i arrived home, reeva was preparing dinner. i was talking on my ipad. i was surfing the net. i was looking at cars that i had wanted to get around to during the day to have a look at. when i went upstairs, i was drawing the bath down, i was on my ipad, lie on the bed and took off my suit. i sat in the bath a while. i can't remember if i was on it then. a short time after i was on it. we went down to dinner and i was on it.
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my lady i'll come back to the specific exhibit. i don't want to waste time. during the lunch adjournment we'll try to locate it in the witness file. mr. pistorius, i'll come back later to your surfing on the web and what you accessed and did not access. the exhibit is not available now. let's move on from there. i'll get to that once we've located the exhibit. what time did you eat? >> i started dinner -- we start dinner shortly after 7:00 my lady.
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7:00 p.m. >> we'll come back to that. we know once we go to the website activity we'll see there was open from 7:00 to 8:00. >> that's correct my lady. >> is that the time you were having dinner? >> that's correct. >> and after dinner. >> we sat at the table and chatted about my day and reeva's contract she was in the process of signing with a new management company. she lhad it up on her computer. >> can you speak up. slow down mr. pistorius. >> we sat at the table after dinner. reeva had her work she was busy with during the day on the table. she asked me to go through one of her contracts, the contract she had been working on during
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the day which she was in the process of finalizing and about to sign. i went through the contract and made changes for her on things i didn't think were applicable or things that would be binding in a negative day. usually we would watch tv downstairs. we decided to go upstairs. i helped her with the plates. we were taking the plates off from the table, reeva asked if i'd like anything to drink. anything more to drink. i can't remember if if asked he for coffee or tea or what it was. i said yes and i went back
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it was a very humid evening. they had been working on my house for some time. the air conditioning was one of the things they needed to fix. there was some fault with it. at the time the air conditioner wasn't working. c . >> can i stop you. you mentioned your room. which room? >> my bedroom my lady. my bedroom is on the first floor. >> you said the air conditioner wasn't working and it was humid evening. you spoke about opening the doors. >> i opened the doors of the balcony from my main room. there's a small balcony. i opened sliding doors onto the
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balancon balcony. i placed -- there's two fans. a steel tripod fan and small plastic floor fan. i placed the tripod plan further back with onecony and the othere the slideiing door. i placed the other two legs of the larger tripod standing fan. i then closed the doors until they were more in less in line with the fans because at night there's a light on the balcony that attracts insects. they come into my room. i was trying to get the humid warm air out of the room. by having the fans they cooled the air from outside into the
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room. i drew the blinds and curtains so no bugs could come in from the outside. i had the drapes around the side of the standing fan. >> could you explain the blinds and curtains? >> the blinds are behind the curtains. they hang from the same rails. they are chevron material. the curtains are -- i'm not sure what material. they're very heavy. they've got a black lining on the outside of the curtain so they don't allow light to come in. >> if you're inside your bedroom and you close the blinds and curtains and switch off the lights. >> my room, when i put curtains up in my home when i moved in 2008, i got all curtains and blinds down. in my room i got black done on
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my curtains because of the hours i travel. i am sometimes home half a day. i'm not always usual. i got the curtains with this material, fabric. if curtains are drawn, you can't see anything in the room. during the day you can barely see if they're drawn. what you can see is along the walls, you can see -- not along the walls i beg your pardon. along the top of the rails you can see a bit of light coming in. it's virtually pitch black even in the day if the curtains are are drawn. >> with the fans outside the tripod and smaller fan? >> that's correct my lady. i had the curtains around the
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fans. i don't think at that time i left the blinds where they were. i drew the curtains to hang over the fans so that no insects could come in. you could see a bit of light through where the top fan was, but very little in the room. but at that point the bedside lamp, bedside table lamp light was on. one of the lights in the room was on. i don't recall if it was the bedside lamp, but another light in the room was on. at that point reeva came into the room and -- i took my drink and put it down on the bedside table.
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i walked behind reeva when she came in the room. i closed the bedroom door and locked the bedroom door as i do every night. i put between the glass and door. if you lay the bed down, it's about two centimeters short of being at the door. the reason i put it there because the lock mechanism on the door wasn't strong. the doors were made in the house out of wood that was very hard be but very brittle. i had problems with some of the latches and locks before. it was a concern of mine just locking the door with the gaps between the doors increased. the lock barely caught the door. i put the cricket down on the floor in side the bedroom so if
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something happened a person wouldn't be able to come into the bedroom. the the door would be blocked by the cricket. that's something i did every night when i stayed home. >> does it have an alarm system many? >> the house does have an alarm system my lady. when i moved in i spent quite pay bit of money putting in an alarm system. i put inside and outside beams on. the alarm system doesn't have door monitors. the outside sensors are battery operated. they don't work with wiring, so when they painted the the house in 2010 they had taken all the eyes off the outside walls and
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painted the home. they were in the process of repainting. there were troubles with the alarm. if you take one of the outside sensors off the wall before you activate it, it doesn't have a memory to remember what was in its scope the previous time it was activated. . you are feeling exhilarated with front-wheel drive. you are feeling powerful with a 4-cylinder engine. [ male announcer ] open your eyes... to the 6-cylinder, 8-speed lexus gs. with more standard horsepower than any of its german competitors. this is a wake-up call. ♪ this is a wake-up call. maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national.
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couldn't lie on my right shoulder. for a couple of weeks i had been sleeping on the left-hand side of the bed. it wasn't long after that that i started falling a sleep and getting tired. . it was extremely warm inside the room. reeva was still sitting up in bed. she was lying with her back against the head board. i was lying with my head on her stomach watching something on tv. i don't remember what it was. she was showing me photos every now and then. she was saying what do you think of this? do you like this car? she showed me a picture of a car she really liked. we had a short conversation
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about it. i was getting increasingly tired. i said to her, do you want me to close the doors or could you close them when you fall a sleep? when you fall a sleep, will you close the doors and bring in the fans? she said to me that she would. then i fell a sleep. >> if we can first stop there mr. pistorius. it was not valentine's thursday, it was the next day valentine's day? >> correct mela my lady. >> any valentine's gift for the next day? >> i had bought reeva a bracelet from a designer she liked earlier in the year. i had made plans for the 14th -- >> can you speak up? >> i hadn't made any plans on the 14th.
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i had a dentist appointment on the 14th. our plans were i meet her in johannesburg in a jewelry store i had got the bracelet from. the bracelet had a couple of trinkets or charms on it. there were two bracelets i bought her. i said to her, we both kind of made a thing about not making a big thing out of valentine's day. we were just going to have dinner. for us that was a nice evening just being alone and at home making dinner. >> did she buy you something? reeva buy you something for valentine's day? >> i got home on the evening --
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early evening on the 13th, and there was a wrapped present on the kitchen counter with a card. when i walked in the kitchen and made as if i was going to open it -- it had red, pink, white wrapping paper. reeva told me she would like me to open it the next day. so i didn't open it ch. on the 8th of august last year on reeva's birthday i opened her valentine's gift to me. it was a photo framed she had got made.
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four photos of her and i. the card that she wrote. >> mr. pistorius, returning now to you're in bed now falling a sleep. you were now without your prosthetics. prosthetic legs. >> that's correct, my lady. >> did you wear any clothes? >> i had a pair of training shorts on. basketball shorts on. i had a gray vest. when i took off my prosthetic legs to climb into bed, i had taken my vest off and placed it on my prosthetic legs.
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i'm geeta. we've been bringing you special coverage here on the bbc of the oscar pistorius trial. the court is adjourning for five minutes. we've been hearing quite emotional evidence from oscar pistorius about the day, run up to the killing of reeva steenkamp. describing there an evening at home with his girlfriend having dinner, how they were then in the bedroom. it was the day before valentine's day. he described a valentine's gift he bought for her and one she bought for him which he actually opened last year after the shooting. getting very emotional again at the end. we've been hearing the defense lawyer questions oscar
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pistorius. it started with oscar reading out a number of whatsapp messages the couple sent each other. in great detail, relationship details coming out. a lot of very loving messages between the two of them but also interesting messages from reeva which at times she said i'm scared of you at times because she was worried about the jealousy and possessiveness of oscar pistorius. details a number of conversations that they had for example, in one text message she had to ask for permission to wear a leopard print dress. the pair had been dating three months when reeva was shot. the defense lawyer was clearly trying to establish it was a loving relationship although
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clearly there was tension. oscar explained they had both come out of difficult relationships and there were issues between them. but we will come back to that trial, the oscar pistorius trial. it will resume in a few minutes and we'll return to south africa as soon as we can. we're going to bring you a quick look at other news here on bbc world. russia has warned ukraine to stop military preparations in the south and east of the country saying they could stop a civil war. dozens have been arrested after prorussian activists fled for independence in part as of ukraine. there's been a wave of pro russian demonstrations. nato said today russia would be committing what it calls a
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historic mistake if it intervened. the authorities have arrested about 17 peep. the president says it's terrorists and criminals. russia has warn add ukraine to stop military activity. steve rosen berg has been monitoring events for us today. >> reporter: talks have been going on throughout the night between pro russian activists that seized the building here. there will be no attempt to reclaim the building by force as long as the activists barricaded inside agree to give up weapons they have. meanwhile the war of words between east and west over ukraine continues. a spokesman for the white house in washington warned of covertly
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moving into eastern ukraine and claimed strong evidence to suggest some of the pro russia activists here in eastern ukraine have been paid and were not local. russia disputes that, rejects accusations it's orchestrating instability here in eastern ukraine and fanning flames of sentiment and accused the west of being responsible for the instability that is here because the west forced ukraine to choose between east and west. >> steve rosenberg there for the latest developments in ukraine causing trouble in parliament. deputies in ukraine's parliament ended up in a brawl. the disagreement broke out when deputies from the far right were accused of playing into russia's hands by adopting extreme tactics. the disagreement as you see turned into quite a brawl. now teams searching for the
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missing malaysian plane have not picked up anymore signals which could be taken from the black box detech tomorrow. two signals were heard over the weekend. they're looking for more contact before deploying underwater search crafts. >> now they're looking for the underwater beacon. we're searching for debris that may be out there. we continue to be optimistic that the longer this goes, the harder it gets. we've already eliminated a lot of the area. we're continuing to search as a signed everyday. the model peaches geldof has died suddenly at 25. her death is described as unexplained. she's daughter of singer geldof. her mother died of heroin overdose 14 years ago.
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>> born into fame, no stranger to tragedy, peach es geldof, daughter and sister, wife, mother now dead at just 25. a private ambulance leaving her home monday evening. police have been call there had earlier in the day. her death they say was not suspicious. it was sudden and unexplained. her father bob geldof issued a statement. in it he said she was the wildest, funny yesz, cleverest, wittiest and most bonkers of all of us. writing was destroys me a fresh. what a beautiful child. how is this possible we will not see her again? born in 19 peaches honey blossom was the second daughter of bob geldof and paula yates.
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her parent's zwors and her mother's heroin overdose when peaches was 11. in later life she forged a music career, married twice, had two sons. the teenage wild child becoming a champion of mother hood. her husband tom said my beloved wife peaches was adored by myself and her two sons. i shall bring her up in their hearts everyday. we shall love her forever. her last message, a photo of social media. the caption said me and my mom. >> remembering the daughter of bob geldof and paula yates. straight back now to the trial of oscar pistorius. the trial has resumed. oscar pistorius continuing to give evidence about the run up to the shooting of his
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girlfrien girlfriend. may we have the court report the exact length it was measured. this will be the second part of evidence as well. i also part the second part, adopted the adjournment, the remaining clothing in the demonstrations. >> mr. pistorius, we start at the point you said you fell a sleep. can you take it then from there?
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what time was it more less when you fell a sleep? >> it was about 9:00, just after 9:00 p.m. my lady. >> about? can i just ask you to raise your voice a bit? >> between 9:00 and 10:00 p.m. my lady. >> can you go from there. did you wake up again later on? >> i woke up my lady in the early hours of the 14th of february. it was extremely warm in my room. i sat up in bed.
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i noticed the fans were still running and that the door was still open. although the lights had been switched off. reeva was still a wake obviously not sleeping. she rolled over to me and said can't you sleep? i said no, i can't. i got out of my side of the bed. i walked around the bed, the foot of the bed. i was holding onto the foot of my bed with my left hand. i got to the fans where the fans were. i took the small fan, floor fan. i placed it pretty much just inside the room.
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i took the bigger tripod fan and took it by the part just underneath the fan and placed it in the bedroom. the fans were still running at the time. i then proceeded to close the sliding doors and lock them. i then drew the curtains. >> and the blinds? >> i don't remember. i just remember closing. i grabbed and closed. it was dark at the time. i probably closed both of them. i remember closing the curtains.
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i came into the room at this point. the the only bit of light that was in the room was a little l.e.d. light from the amplifier where the tv cabinet was. a little blue l.e.d. light. i could see a pair of jeans that were on the floor of reeva's jeans. i picked the jeans up and was going to place them over the amplifier over the light.
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at this point i heard a window open in the bathroom. sounded like the window sliding open. i could hear the window hit the frame as if it had got to the point it can't slide anymore. >> is the wooden frame window? >> all frames in my house are wooden frames. >> the window is referred to in the evidence of the photographer? >> that is correct my lady.
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>> what did you think at the time mr. pistorius? >> my lady, that's the moment everything changed. i thought there was a burglar gaining entrance to my home. i was on the side of the room you actually cross the passage which leads to the bathroom. i think initially i just froze. i didn't know what to do. i heard a noise that sounded like someboclimbing into the ba. there's no door -- there's a passage way. there's a toilet door but no barrier between me and the
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bathroom. it's one room. i thought that somebody -- if they were at the window to where the passage entrance was could be three to four meters. they could be there at any moment. the first thing that ran through my mind was i needed to arm myself. i needed to protect reeva and i. i needed to get my gun. then i was looking down the passage. i was scared the person was going to come out. people were going to come out at that point. i rushed as quick as i could.
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i couldn't see anything in the room. i ran with my hand out in front of me. when i got to my bed i made my way along the side of my bed. i grabbed my firearm from underneath the bed. it had a canvas holster on it. i immediately took it off the holster. i wanted to put myself between -- get back to where the passage was to get between the person who had gained access to my house and reeva. when i got just before the passage wall i remember slowing down because i was thinking this person during the time i left to where i got my firearm could have possibly already been in
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the passage, closet passage. so i slowed down and had my firearm extended in front of me. just as i left my bed. i whispered for reeva to get down and phone the police. as i entered where the passage is where the closet is to where i entered the passage where the closet is to the bathroom, it was at that point i was overcome with fear. i started screaming and shouting for the burglar or intruders to get out of my house. i shouted for reeva to get on
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the floor. i shouted for her to call the police. i shouted for the person to get out. i slowly made my way down the passage. i was fearful the persons could come at me any time. i didn't have my legs on. just before i got to the wall in the bathroom i startopped shout. i thought the person would know
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where i was and i could get shot. just before i got to the passage of the bathroom, i heard a door slam which could have only been the toilet door. i couldn't see into the bathroom at this point. i could hear the door slam. for me it was concern there was a person or people inside the bathroom at the time. >> mr. pistorius, if i may stop you. you spoke about the passage.
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hello you're watching gmt on bbc world news. our top stories. yes we had our problems but were in love and planned our life together. the words of oscar pistorius as he relives the night he shot his girlfriend reeva steenkamp february 14 of last year. >> i think i was maybe into her more than she was at times with me. i let her take her space. ukrainian deputies brawl in
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