tv BBC World News BBC America May 15, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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. hello. i'm tim willcox with bbc world news. our top stories. yet more bodies recovered following turkey's worst ever mining accident, unions stage a national strike to demand better conditions. angry protests have erupted in this city. 280 omen are confirmed dead with 100 unaccounted for. this is the scene live where president abdullah gul has reported to arrived in the last
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few minutes. >> political violence in thailand as three are killed in an antigovernment protest camp. the dark side of paradise. sex trade taking place in kenya's premiere tourist spot. hello. welcome to bbc world news. this is the scene live at the soma mine in western turkey where workers are still trying to find 150 missing miners. the country's president is visiting the sites. we understand now it is the country's a worst ever industrial accident. he has just arrived apparently. turkey's trade unionses have
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called a one day national strike. it's now known 280 miners died when the huge explosion and fire ripped through the coal %0'j9 three daysa.l3ui of national m have begun. the president is under pressure. antigovernment protests on wednesday in the capital. police fired tear gas and water cannons at 800 protestors there. an electrical fault triggered the explosion. many more than usual werell7 working because of the shift change. the mine is deep. z sure where people may still be trapped.people the explosion cut off power supply. some has now been restored. critically t ventilation system has stopped. pumping in fresh air now but
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oxygen levels have dropped because coal sucks in oxygen. the lack of ventilation means levels of carbon monoxide have been rising. that is potentially toxic. we are in soma. we'll try to catch up in a moment. a little earlier we had an update on the recovery operation from the secretary general from the volunteer search and rescue association in turkey. >> we have to divide the mine two parts, inside and outside. there's a special team formed in 1938 going into the mine with training, capabilities and equipment. they're working day and night to reach all the miners inside the mine. due to the fact there was a fire and then the high level of carbon monoxide and so much time has passed by, it's mostly
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expected at the moment all these lives were lost. it's obviously all families waiting for information about relatives or loved ones. i would say most of them are ready for the worst news that their loved ones have lost their lives. last night there were 80 people at the air vent who wanted to run a away from the smoke. i think the fire got them beforehand. unfortunately they lost their lives at the air vent. all the work at the moment done by the search and rescue teams there is to get into this part of the mine where 80 people are expected to be and try to recover the bodies from there. >> let's get more with the bbc
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turkish service. trade unions national strike could go on some time. a lot of pressure also in this tragedy for the government. >> yes. lots of strikes for today. they're not going to work. they've already started gathering in some places. almost 3,000 have gathered walking to the building of the minister of labor. we're going to see lots of that. they announced protests among 13 cities in turkey. lots of people are expected to protest today. >> of course richard has scene a lot of demonstrations upon his administration in the past year. a damaging photograph has emerged hasn't it? let's see if we can see that now about one of these protestors.
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>> yeah. in the photograph, we can see a protestor held by two soldiers on the ground. the prime minister adviser is kicking that guy. yesterday we called him to confirm if he's the person on the photograph. he said yes it's me on the photograph. we wanted to ask if he was kicking and what happened there. he didn't want to comment further. he said he's going to make a statement today to the press and we can receive the details from his statement. we can say we've confirmed he's the one on the picture. we don't know anything further. >> okay. you know, terrible tragedy for everyone involved here. more than 280 killed.
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150 we understand still missing. what has the response been around turkey on social media for example? >> exactly. on social media people are really hopeful at first that more people were going to be survived. as the time passes, for example, the last 12 hours, no one has been rescued. people are getting more angry and more furious. we can see that from their facebook profiles from twitter, for example they're changing their profile pictures with black pictures or they're sharing the photographs of the dead bodies and for example there was this guy who was rescued from the mine, the worker. he was saying he wanted to take off his boots because he didn't want to carry the dark to the ambulance. this was very emotional for lots
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of people. it was highly shared on social media as well. we can see that people are getting angrier every hour. the photograph of the prime minister's advisor is rising the social media as well. today many unions and many organizations called for protests. we'll see what's going to happen. >> okay. thank you very much indeed. reports from northeast nigeria say there's been another attack by suspected militants of the group boko haram. explosions have been heard in the town of gala. that town you may remember was the scene of a massacre last week. let's get more with our editor of the bbc housing service who joining us from the nigerian capital abuja.
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that massacre last week, 300 dead then. what has happened today? >> today we had reports of explosions near the border of nigeria. witnesses said early in the morning they had the explosion. they are not sure what these are. they're terrified to go out because of what happened last week. there was an attack in the village 12 kilometers. last night the gunmen went in the village and raced down the whole village. all they can see is one or two houses remaining. luckily he said most the people from the village ran away when they heard the gunmen approaching. the gunmen killed two people in the village. >> what about protection for
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these people here? when the school was raided three to four weeks ago and girls were abducted there was criticism the fact that the army was never to be seen. >> indeed. people are complaining despite the emergency in this area, they cannot see military personnel roaming act. these areas they complain roots taken by the militants. they're calling on government to look at routes and put personnel around the area. most villages are not provide by the mill fair. i think in the search of missing girls, we're not hearing enough from the government on what state the government is on the moment. >> thank you very much in deed. just breaking news we're just getting out of sudan.
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a woman has been sentenced to death and 100 lashes after being found guilty of adultery. the woman concerned is marium isaac. she was asked to repent and refused. when asked by the judge if she converted she responded she was a christian. she's the mother of a 5-year-old boy. she's expected to give birth to her second child soon. the punishment would not be in place until she finished breastfeeding her new child after two years of giving birth. you're watching bbc world news. it's time to catch up with aaron. more news on that turkish mining
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disaster. as you've been hearing, trade yuaunions calling for a strike. they say the privatation has led to more disasters. turkey is undergoing some of the fastest energy demand growth in the world. much of that demand is for electricity. coal produce more than a quarter of turkey's electricity. the country wants to become more self-reliant, self-sufficient has prompted huge efforts. coal mining is among the worst in the world. 3000 have died in accidents since 1941. if i break down that down in the last 12 years, nearly 1200 have died. in comparison, the u.s. where
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production has increased 62% in the last 40 years, fatal injuries have decreased 92%. >> thank you indeed. we're going back to soma in western turkey. the president abdullah gul has arrived at the mine where more than 280 have now been confirmed dead in what is the country's worst industrial disaster. another 150 are still missing. president gul arriving at this mine after the arrival yesterday of the turkish prime ministerer do began. when he arrived he was booed by
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relations of the coalminers of not doing enough for the safety mining record around the country. you can't actually see the president in that throng of people at the moment, but he is surrounded by numerous body guards. tight security indeed at the mine given what happened yesterday. and indeed demonstrations and clashes between riot police and protestors in the turkish capital an capital yesterday. there's the mine that goes more than a mile underground. fires were burning today. combination of fire and deadly
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carbon monoxide is hampering the effort. most people we've been speaking to say there's little if no hope of finding any survivors inside this mine. it's been private xized the last ten years or so. cost cutting there has led to a plummeting of cost of producing tons of coal. that's something the chief executive of the company was very proud about recently. as i say, abdullah gul surrounded by very heavy security at this soma mine west part of turkey west of istanbul.
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these are the latest pictures coming in. if we can get a tighter picture of the president, we can return to live pictures in a moment. now deadly violence over taking thailand's crisis. three have been killed in a grenade attack on the protest camp. demonstrators want the senate to remonth move the government and administration. protestors disrupted a meeting looking at organizing new elections. >> they've already stopped one election. now the antigovernment street movement is determined to stop another. they arrived at air force base north of bangkok where a meeting was held to plan a new polling day for july. inside the recently appointed acting prime minister trying to
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persuade election officials that the new election in july is possible. outside the crowd is showing how 8 the government authority is. despite the lines of police, they simply broke through. led as always by the man who's become the face of this campaign to reshape thai politics. heç missed meeting the prime minister by minutes. >> i want to meet him. i want to talk, he said. he went on to insist he has the country's best interest at heart. what his movement is demanding is the overthrow of a government that's won every election in the past 14 years and still popular in much of the country. there have been dire warnings of a violent backlash if he succeeds.
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this perhaps is a fore taste. no one has admitted carrying out the early morning attack on sleeping protestors. they believe it was the secretive armed militants who operate on the fringes of pro government red shirt movement. two grenades were fired then sustained gunfire in the area with plenty of soldiers, another sign of fragility. with the weakened police force, it may never be known who's behind this attack or who proceeded it. there will be more as the movement is given free reign to bring down the government. stay with us here on bbc world news. video can footage emerges of a journalist who's been on a hunger strike more than 100 days
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you're watching bbc world news. i'm tim willcox. the latest headlines. the president abdugul hasap arrn at the scene of the worst mineing accident. 280 men have been recovered. three have been killed in a grenade and antigovernment protest camp in bangkok. now three journalists working for the tv network are due to appear in an egyptian court accused of aiding terrorists and spreading false news. there's concern for the health of one of their colleagues detained with them and on a hunger strike more than 100 days. videos emerged in which he
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speaks about his experiences. >> i have reached 106 days of my hunger strike to hold the egyptian government and general for my responsibility. if anything happens to me, i have requested several medical checkups from independent sources. these have not been provided. i have also haven't gotten medical care here inside. >> abdullah is speaking on that video. he's lost significant amounts of weight given the 100 hunger streak.
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abdullah shamy will not appear in court today. do we know where he is? >> actually tim we have received information from his family. the security forces and authorities have moved him to a prison which is a heavily guarded prison in the complex. he has been sent to solitaire confinement because of his hunger strike. the noise he has caused according to his brother because of the leaked video. so far this is his family's story. we tried to speak with authorities to get a sense of information about where he is being kept, but all attempts have failed so far. >> and worldwide condemnation of the egyptian authorities for imprisonening journalists, what kind of sentence do they face if
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convicted? >> actually tim, if convicted they might receive a long prison sentence like could be extended two to five years according to the legal team they are rejecting all charges. according to them, the court and persecution have failed to prove or provide solid proof of the charges against them. they basically say this whole trial is illegal. >> abdullah, thank you very much for the latest on that course appearance. the town may look like paradise but plays host to a hidden sex child trade. children as young as 12 are in
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sex trade. it's so lucrative for young boys and girls, many drop out of school. >> these girls are not just relaxing on the beach. they're at work. every time a foreign tourist passes by, they look at him with hopes of him wanting to purchase sex. they're 15 and 16. both dropped out of school and got into prostitution several years ago. >> translator: i asked my friend who is work as beach boys to find me a male tourists. when i get a client we strike a deal. say for $60. >> she says in a good month she can get a client everyday. most of her clients are between 50 and 80 years old. it's not just girls. this boy is 17. he offers preferred services to tourists. he says sometimes clients ask
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check out the whole fiat family first the cookie at check-in. then a little time to kick back. earn double hilton honors points with the 2 "x" points package and be one step closer to a weekend break. doubletree by hilton. where the little things mean everything. our top stories. turkey's president gul visits the scene of the country's worst ever mining accident which has claimed more than 280 lives so far. as yet more bodies are recovered, unions stage national strikes to demand better conditions. outrage as the prime minuter is seen kicking a protestor. in a nigerian town, 300 were
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massacred last week. just a week to go before the european elections, could candidates from the left and right come out on top? hello. welcome to bbc world news. let's show you the scene a short time ago at the soma mine in western turkey where president gul has arrive at that time site of what is the country's worst industrial accident. it comes as hope is fading of finding 150 missing miners alive. turkish trade unions have called a national strike. it's now known more than 280 died when the huge explosion ripped through the mine. two days of national mourning has begun.izing the mind.
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the police are firingsñ 787 were working underground, many more than usual because of a shift change. the mine is deep and no one can be sure where people may still beq1 trapped. the explosion cut(ç off the pow supply puts lights and lifts out of action. some power has been restored. critically the ventilation system has stopped. they're pumping in fresh air, but oxygen levels have dropped. freshly exposed coal sucks in oxygen. levels of carbon monoxide have been rising. that extreme are -- that is
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extremely toxic. let's start with abdullah gul. we saw the arrival yesterday. what reception did the president get? >> reporter: when he first came, he didn't face any kind of reaction. it was quiet. relatives were quiet. he went in, visited the mine. as he came out, people started showing some sort of reaction because of their frustration. one of them shouted because you are coming here because of your visit here, because of all the security measures, the rescue operations are getting harmed, being damaged because of this. get out of here, he said. he was clearly very frustrated.
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his friends, maybe relatives, tried to shut him up, the this particular person. he was a protestor against the president. yesterday of course it was much more tense compared to what has happened today. the prime minister compared to the president faced huge reaction. his car was kicked by protest thor ers because they were upset with his visit. as far as we can tell, the president faced some reaction. it wasn't that harsh. >> is there any hope at all that any of these missing miners will be found alive? >> if we are realistic, there is not much hope. it has been over 40 hours since the accident took place. they only had gas masks to protect them from the possible
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carbon monoxide poisoning which was the fact hundreds of people died there according to the energy minister's statements. that gas mask only saved them for 40 minutes. we're talking 40 hours. it is very unrealistic to expect survivors from underground today. if they're realistic, i've spoke ton a father who had a son down under. he was waiting for his son's body. he wanted to see his body and bury it. >> what sort of safety record does this mine have? there's a strike of unions concerned about safeties and inspections across the mining industry. >> reporter: this mine was
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private xized in 2007. this mine doesn't have a good record. there have been fatal accident, of course not comparable to this size. there have been fatal accidents. two weeks ago a understand, inquiry for parliamentary investigation about what's happening in the soma mines was put forward by an opposition. that was rejected by the government. that's another reason people here are frustrated with the government. not only 280 miners have died here. they believe the government has not taken enough precautions against the accident taking
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place. >> thanks indeed. > there's been a lot of controversy not only this but also with government advisors. a picture has emerged. talk us through it. >> yeah. this is the picture of the prime minister's advisor kicking a protestor in soma where the horrible accident happened. two soldiers are holding this protestor down. it was shared on social media, and it emerged very criticisms against the government and against the politicians by the people. >> has he confirmed -- it's obviously him isn't it? >> yes. we called him yesterday. he said it was him on the picture.
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we wanted to ask further questio questions, but he didn't want to comment. he said he would be making a statement about it. we've share had the on social media as well as news. there were reactions from people asking if he hasn't already resigned or if he made a statement when he's going to make a statement. we don't have the answers for that. we are expecting a statement today for the press. >> this is more trouble of course for the process. how do they compare with other protests against him in recent months? >> we cannot say there's no connection. there was harsh responses by the police against the protestors in turkey. we may say that people are already feeling angry with the government. some were feeling angry with the the government and were not pleased with the recent election
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results. we've seen a similar process during the may day in turkey because people were not allowed to gather in the places they want to in the center of the istanbul. so we've seen a similar police reaction. yesterday people gathered again to send their condolences to mine workers. the police reacted again and used tear gas and water against these people. so we're expecting lots of protests today. we're also expecti ining a poli reaction as well. that came family protests. >> thank you very much indeed for joining us. now reports from northeast
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nigeria say there's been another attack by suspected members of the islamic militant group boko haram. explosions have been heard in the town of ngala. the scene of of the massacre last week where 300 were killed. people in the town talked of hearing the blasts early in the morning. >> today we heard explosions in this town near to the border of nigeria. eyewitnesses said in the morning, they heard explosions. they are not sure what they are. they are terrified to go out because of what happened last week. there was another attack in the village about 12 kilometers. last night the gunmen went into the village and raced down almost the whole village. a resident told us all he can
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see is one or two houses remaining. luckily he said most the people from the village ran away when they heard the gunmen approaching. the gunmen killed two people in the village. >> what about protection for these people here? of course when the school was raided three to four weeks ago and girls abducted, there was criticism that the fact the army was never to be seen. >> yeah, indeed. people are complaining that despite the emergency in this area, they cannot see military personnel roaming about. these are areas they complain are routes taken by the government they're calling on government to make sure military personnel are around the area. most are vulnerable. there's no protection provided by military.
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we're not hearing enough of this, enough from the government on that such. >> editor of the bbc housing service in abuja. thailand's army has warned they may use force if violence escalates. those using arms on innocent civilians are urged to stop. the disruption of a meeting is caused to plan new elections. we report now from bangkok. >> thai already start stopped one election. now the antigovernment street movement is determined to stop another. they arrived at an air force base north of bangkok where a meeting was held to plan a polling day for july.
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the officials are trying to persuade that an election day in july is possible. outside people are trying to show how weak the government authority is. despite the lines of police, they simply break through. led as always by the man who's become the face of this campaign to reshape thai politics. he missed meeting the prime minister by minutes. >> i want to meet him. i just want to talk, he said, who went on to insist he does have the country's best interest at heart. what his government is demanding is the overthrow of a government that's won every election for the past 40 years. it's still popular in much of the country. there have been dire warnings of a violent backlash if he succeeds. this perhaps is a fore taste.
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no one admitted carrying out the early morning attack on sleeping protestors. they believe it was the secretive armed militants who operated on the fringes of the pro government red shirt movement. two grenades were fired and then sustained gunfire in an area with plenty of soldiers. another sign of the thailand fragility. with the weakened police force, it may never be known who's behind the this attack or others. there will surely be more while this movement gives free range to bring down the government. bbc news bangkok. in other news. there will be a run off to elect a new president in afghanistan as no candidate won an outright majority. the former prime minister abdullah abdullah won 45% of the
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vote. ghani got 36%. final results to be nounannounc beginning of august. the captain and three crew members are charged with manslaughter. they are accused of banning the ferry as they told others to stay on board. more than 280 people, many pu l pupils from a high school in seoul died when the ship capsized. a jailed journalist who's been on hunger strike more than 100 days has said he'd hold egyptian authorities responsible if his health fails. his current whereabouts is unclear. according to his family, he's now held in solitaire confinement at another prison. you're watching bbc world news.
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stay with us here. still to come, the friends of syria meet in london to discuss the three year conflict of what realistically they can achieve. she's won in a quarter of a million. an afghan teenager celebrating after getting the highest mark. [ male announcer ] legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses.
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hello. you're watching bbc world news. i'm tim willcox. our latest headlines. the president is visiting the scene of the worst ever mining accident. bodies of 280 men have been recovered. 150 are still missing. reports are emerging of a fresh attack by islamist militants in a town where 300 were massacred earlier this this week.
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at least 150,000 dead. millions of child refugees and as much half the population forced from their homes for three years on. no end in site to the conflicts in syria. there's been another meet manage london attended by the secretary of state john mccakerry of frie of syria group. let's get more from bridget. they wanted to add more support to opposition groups but which? >> the friends of syria have always supported the moderate secular opposition, those that turned up peace talks that got nowhere earlier this year. the foreign ministers get together with the big european countries. france, britain, germany, so on. u.s., turkey, countries of the
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gulf. saudi arabia and others. it's always been to provide a demonstration of support for that moderate opposition. demonstration has got worst. they last met in january. it's hard to feel like they're getting much work. peace talks got nowhere. this week there was a resignation. in fight among the different political opposition groups on the ground the moderates have been squeezed. it's not the islamists fighting each other, fighting moderates. while they're distracted they're losing ground to assad who's bombarding rebel parts of the country, taking homes. he's feeling confident after the presidential elections for june 3. the british government may say
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the democracy. the fact remains the humanitarian situation gets worse, continues to deteriorate. all along they said we're not going to arm you. we're scared arms might get to the wrong people. >> is it non lethal aid? >> training, medical supplies, protection against chemical attacks. the deal to get rid of president assad's chemicals is going quite well. he's apparently handed over 90%. just under 10% supposed to be removed by the end of june.ó j that's not bad. now there are new allegations reinforced by claims from the french government yesterday, íttkq) chemicals. perhaps he's
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chlorine in attack his own people. it's difficult to see how this group can make it better. >> thanks indeed. now the count down is on until voting starts in european elections. just a week to go. it's a massive undertaking. we are in the danish capital. first chris morris in the greek capital. >> buffeted by the strongest economic winds in the crisis, greece is still suffering. it's left. >> it's getting worse by the minute. schools, teachers -- >> while the government says a corner has been turned, there
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will be a huge antiestablishment vote from the hard left and today extreme right. it's hard given the economic pain they've lived in last few years. across europe in the political season, where are you on that? there's a case of being forearmed as being forewarned. >> in denmark, people are fed up with the government. that's leading to a support for this. you don't need to speak danish to understand their message. meet the danish people's party. they believe eu rules are eroding traditional danish values. they could win the most votes here. their message seems to resinate. >> i think that's good we are members of this union. i really think that's too much. >> i like it. i'm a fan. there are problems. >> does it have to be so much integration? >> denmark flies the oldest flag
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in the world. it is a proud, small country. at the national public broadcast, their correspondent believes attitudes to the eu are changing. >> there's nobody that wants to leave the european union. from time to time, people would like to leave the union alone. >> many seemed well informed about the european union. they believe it brings economic benefits to the country. there's an increasing concern about the costs of eu membership. the growing number wants this reformed. there from copenhagen. when you come on top of a quarter million people, you know you've done well. when you're a young girl, it's a remarkable achievement. she is celebrating after going to the highest mark in the country's exit exam.
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>> translator: there were 160 multiple choice questions in the exam. i answered them all. i made three mistakes. i remembered i was doubtful about one question. it asked what the chemical formula was for acid. i love math and physics too. my dad used to help me with my questions. i don't believe this has anything to do with luck. i was brought up in an academic family where everyone cares about education. when you see what like is like in other provinces you can see why the exam was difficult for others. many students have no security where they live. they don't have proper books, teachers, access to computers.
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they have nothing. i've chosen to study medicine. if i go far from home, i'll learn more. i'd like to go to university because it's different there. some people won't let their daughters study because of lack of security. if everywhere were safe, no one would have excuse from stopping daughters from studying. it would become an outdated tradition. i don't have special technique for studying. 98% of success depends on how hard you work. 2% depends on your talent. so i always say to others, don't think you are not talented. everything is possible if you
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have strong will. you have to have a goal in life and believe that nothing can stop you from achieving it. >> well done to you. you're watching bbc world news. from me tim willcox and the team in london. how did we do it last time? i don't know... i forget. hello, neighbors. hey, scott... perfect timing. feeding your lawn need not be so difficult. get a load of this bad boy. sweet! this snap spreader system from scotts
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makes caring for your lawn snap-crackin' simple, guaranteed. just take the handy, no-mess bag, then snap, lock, and go. it's a new day for lawn care, feedings never been so easy. to see a demo of the snap spreader, go to feed your lawn. feed it! funny, there was no mention of hail in the weather report... (vo) celebrate this memorial day with up to 40% off hotels at travelocity. (gnome) go and smell the roses. [ woman ] thanks. the dealership reviews on made it easy, but... [ man ] we thought it might be a little more tense. you miss the drama? yeah. [ technician ] ask him whatever you want. okay.
6:59 am
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7:00 am
[ army guy ] he's back! and it looks like he's craving italian. ♪ [ male announcer ] the four-door fiat 500l. it's a lot bigger than you think. [ godzilla choking ] check out the whole fiat family at hello. you're watching "gmt" on bbc world news. our top stories. growing anger in turkey over the mine disaster which has now claimed 280 lives, many more still unaccounted for. . thousands of workers are on strike. there have been clashes and antigovernment demonstrations in istanbul. in the last hour, turkey's president has visited the site of the mine and the hospital where the injure ready being treated. i'm live at the mine
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