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tv   BBC World News  BBC America  May 19, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EDT

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and it looks like he's craving italian. there are lots of fiat cars to choose from, like the four-door 500l... which is surprisingly big. [godzilla choking] check out the whole fiat family at hello. you're watching "gmt" on bbc world news. i'm tim willcox. our top stories. a race against time. authorities in serbia scramble to build more defense systems for did deadly floods. only their way home. thousands of nationals from vietnam after the deadly attack in the territorial dispute. we face one of the worst famines in the history unless the conflict is ended.
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we speak to the leader about this crisis. >> we hope to stop the be fi fights. aaron is here with the trade deal. >> absolutely tim. two huge trade pacts discussed around the world. we're told they could generate hundreds of billions of every year for each economy. but really we're going to find out. what are the real benefits for the real people? hello. sit midday here in london. 7:00 a.m. washington, 1:00 p.m. where the country is reeling from the worst flooding in bosnia and serbia more than a century. there are warnings it could get
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worse. rescue helicopters have been evacuating people. authorities are calling for more supplies of food, clothing, bottled water. you can see here, this flows from croatia into serbia. it burst banks after rain fell in three days. authorities are trying to protect a power plant that supplies half of serbia with electricity from the rising waters. 35 have died, and thousands have lost their homes. it's fear had the figure will rise. our balkan correspondent has this report. >> the western balkans under water. the worst floods the region has seen in living memory. it's forced tens of thousands from their homes. three months worth of rain fell in just three days last week.
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this is the result. international aid is coming in for people without power and fresh water. >> my house has been flooded up to the roof. it's an old house. we'll really need help. >> in serbia, at least the flood water has been receding as fears of it being too late. many are still cut off to food and water supplies. >> the town is underwater. the boat is the sensible way getting around a lot of town now. some still remain. rescue workers are bringing in emergency supplies for them and also the hundreds upon hundreds ation here. >> agriculture has been hit badly. officials say it might take five years to recover. livestock have been left to fend
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for themselves and for the many uninsured farmers, it's a disaster. the aid effort flies a multitude of flags. rescue helicopters from the european union, united states and russia. sandbags remain in place with concerns river levels may rise later in the week. at least the rain has $stopped. there will be fresh challenges= once the water resooeds. this is one of the worst affected areas. we are joined on the line. the sun was shining earlier today. are you still prepared for a rise in flood waters? >> yeah. the weather is nice and beautiful, around 35 degrees. water is too high.
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the river 800 centimeters. two days ago it was 900. this situation is out of control because we have experience of controlling water. this region is the network in the region. >> and in terms of number of people who have been evacuated, have you reached everyone? do you think more people may be found to have died in this flooding, the worst in 120 years? >> the problem in this region we have around a thousand, 500 people from the small villages
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close to the river. this is ideal to remove people to better control river, to save the people on the side of the river. this city is 100,000 habitants close to the water. we made the decision to help people in the highest part of the city. >> all right. if i may just interrupt. we're running out of time. what is the situation with the power plant at the moment? that supplies so much electricity doesn't it? >> we don't have the problem with electricity in this region. in the mountain part of serbia it's a different kind of river. here the river is flood area. >> all right. thank you very much indeed for joining us on "gmt."
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two of four ships evacuating chinese workers are now returning home carrying 2,000 total according to chinese state media. the ships sent from china are are picking up workers from the industrial port complex from one of the sites hit hardest by the violence triggered by dispute of the two countries. the workers have been evacuate by air. >> these workers were among the walking wounded flown back to china. >> i feel secure now, said this man. i no longer feel afraid. >> more evacuees leaving by ship today. they were among workers targeted during antichinese violence that flaired flared across vietnam.
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here on the horizon is what fuelled the violence. china fuelled a billion oil rig in waters claimed by both countries. the rig is to the west of the islands disputed between china and vietnam. china claims almost all of the south china sea. vietnam claims a large part of the same area. tensions on land and at sea are now running high. a chinese coast guard vessel is seen colliding with a vietnamese ship. this serious accident could trigger a conflict. bbc news beijing. in other news, two chinese workers have been kidnapped by antimining activists. a statement from the mining company said the men working for
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the sub contractor were taken from a region in the north of the country. police have tried to free workers. vladimir putin is ordering troops stationed near borders of ukraine to withdraw to permanent bases. russia has made similar statements in the past but have had no major troop movement. there's continuing violence in ukraine with forces loyal to the government in kiev taking on pro russian separatists. south korea's president has announced plans to break up the country's coast guard in the wake of last month's ferry disaster. more than 300 people, many skill children, died when the ferry sank. in an emotional televised address, mr. park apologized and said the new safety agency would
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handle rescue missions. >> the tearful president park with the name of passengers and crew who died trying to save others in the ferry disaster. this was her most formal apology today in a televised address. >> i could not sleep properly in the last few days in anguish thinking of students. the responsibility of not dealing with this incident is placed on me. helleicopters and boats that ca to the aid were to rescue only over a third of those on board. 339 were children and their teachers on a school trip. last week, the captain accused of escaping from the doomed vessel before the passengers was
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charged with manslaughter along with three other crew members. amid the outpouring of grief over the tragedy, the coast guard has been in the spotlight too. today the president said it had been a failure in the initial stages and would now be broken up in the rescue duties transferred to a national safety agency. >> the commissioner general of the coast guard said they humbly embrace the nation and president's opinion and would do their best until they found the very last missing passenger. >> 18 people are still missing. relatives have expressed concern the continuing search operation could be affected by the dispanding of the coast guard. the president acknowledged wider issues of public safety are a major issue in south korea. bbc news. >> stay with us here on bbc world news. still to come, we meet the students in syria who have to
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travel through a war zone just to sit through exams. are the largest targets in the world, for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world. but systems policed by hp's cyber security team are constantly monitored for threats. outside and in.
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in syria, thousands of schools have been shut down by the war and millions of children are displaced. against all odds, some students are still sitting through state exams did despite dangers of just getting to school. our chief correspondent getting rare access to the camp near demascus where she met school children who had to escape the war zone so they could sit through exams. >> the refugee camp for palestinians now a symbol of suffering. it's been besieged by government forces nearly a year and torn by the fights against rebel groups. on this day there's a moment of calm, an agreement to allow students out.
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for just two weeks, as schools across syria hold final tests, it's been a walk to a war zone. we heard gunfire before their journey started. >> students going to sit through exams may seem a simple thing. here it took weeks of negotiations, days of delay, and huge security concerns. that's what life is like when you live under siege. on our last visit we saw how desperate conditions are. thousands of families trapped inside depend on food aid. they're only getting a quart over what they need to survive because the situation is so volatile. no wonder there's such relief when the students finally
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emerge. he snuck outside and hasn't seen his daughter layla for ten months. he tells me, my happiness is so big i can spread it around the world. buses organized by the u.n. agency for palestinian refugees take the students away. they call the parents they left behind and try to remember the streets they haven't seen for months. when we arrive at the schools which now serve as shelters, there are more tearful reunions. >> we are hoping that it will be opened. to have more movement of people in and out so we can feel we have the choice to leave.
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>> but exams aren't the only thing on the minds of students who have escaped from a living -- >> we have to eat food no one can eat, grass, spices. life is difficult inside. you can't understand it until you live there. >> i was outside the house when i came home. a rocket had landed. my mother and two sisters were killed. my other two sisters were killed. it's not a life, but we say thank god. >> everyday we went to school, put our hands on our hearts because so many had died. we insist we had to go to school. we had to continue. if we lose our future, no one can help us. it's straight to revision for their exams. they know how much they matter.
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but when they're over, it's back to where their lives and future is not in their hands. bbc news demascus. political instability, clashes between militia groups and government forces have been a consistent reality of life in libya since the downfall. the violence over the weekend may have pushed to a new level further destabilizing the country. the attacks were carried out by a group ally to a retired journal haftar. the government described it@d÷@a coup. it's not sure who has the control at the moment. let's go to mary fitzgerald, a freelance journalist joining us
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from there. 9$áóbrp,áútòfuent? >> well the mood in tripoli is calm but tense. there's quite a bit of apprehension as to what may unfold later in the day. for now, there have beenñooç no clashes today as fighting happened in several parts of the city yesterday. in relation to congress, it's not sitting today. congress members i spoke to earlier this morning say they expect to vote on the prime minister cabinet to get the vote of confidence tomorrow as planned. that's the state of play right now. indeed, photographs have emerged of that prime minister at the opening of the construction exhibition here in tripoli just a couple of hours ago. for now, despite the call yesterday by the militia who stormed the parliament, they're called for the parole management to be resolved.
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for now, congress is saying it's still very much in place. the government indeed yesterday, the government minister said the government is still in control. >> what sort of support without a militia has the general had to have? >> it's very difficult to pin down the support. in february, announcement calls for the government of congress in order to as he put it, rescue the country. it was largely greeted by ridicule. he then left for eastern libya and spent last several months trying to drum up support in libya reaching out to tribal militias against the islamist militias dominant in the region. he's trying to build up support networks to give him some type of momentum. his operations in benghazi, he's
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withdrawn from the city. there's a question of what his next move would be. >> thank you very much for your update on the ground in tripoli. let's speak to the former ambassador to libya joining us now. how dangerous is the situation now compared to all the instability we've seen in the last few months? >> it's got worse. there's no doubt. the instability we've seen over the period of months or more now has been the weakness of the government, inability of the government to implement decisions, sometimes even take decisions. in the last few days it's definitely got worse. the fighting was severe yesterday. there's been fighting on that scale in eastern libya but not before recently in tripoli. it's a shussuring to hear thing
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today are calm. it's the intention of the congress to approve the new prime minister and his government tomorrow. whether they'll be able to do that remains to be seen. >> is there a way to change the process? >> the process is supposed to be working in addition to congress in tripoli. it was properly elected. the mandate has expired in february. many think that's wrong. it's still there. a committee of 60 were elected who's task is to draw up a constitution. currently in central eastern libya, some are saying they should take over as it has government. they were elected for this
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constitutional purpose. >> the responsibility of the west in this. has the west got more of a responsibility to try and help and maintain security at the moment? >> no. the responsibility rests with libya libyans. the activities, intervention of the west and not only the west but arab countries in 2011 was completed. that's what the prime minister cameron made it clear in september of that year i think it was when that job was finished. i think that's the right approach. i don't think we should claim or feel we have a responsibility for what's happening now. we should be ready to help. we are ready to help. we're doing a certain amount already, for example training libyan soldiers for the new libyan army.
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we and other countries like italy and america are doing that. unfortunately the libyan system is so fragile at the moment. they've been unable to two it. >> all right. thank you very much for joining us on the program. now the start of the year, a safe baby hatch was opened in the southern chinese city giving desperate parents a place to anonymously abandon children they couldn't care for. the government had to close the site after it was overwhelmed with over 200 children. >> if all had gone according to planned a few weeks ago, these parents would have given away their only child. she was born with serious leg and spine deformities. a large hole in her mouth makes swallowing difficult. everyday she grows thinner. with no money and government health care, this family faced a
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heart wrenching choice. hang onto their daughter or hand her over to the state where she'd receive treatment. they decided to take her to an orphanage. >> no one wants to abandon your child. if we gave her away, she'd have a slim chance at life. >> i wanted to look after her myself. my husband asked what if our daughter dies because we can't take care of her. >> fate intervened. the local children's home stopped accepting new babies hours before the family arrived. she stayed in her mother's arms. she's far from a cure. the children living here fact a far different set of circumstances. local orphanages send most serious cases here. this boy is recovering from a liver transplant. these children are the lucky
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ones. they have top notch care funded by charitable donations. these kids have lost a lot too. many will not know their biological parents or what homes they were born in. most are abandoned listing only their birthday. stay with us. we'll be back in a few minutes time. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now.
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chop. and drop your insurance rates. if you want to save hundreds, talk to farmers. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum ♪ [announcer] the more you know, the more you could save. farmers could help you save hundreds on your auto insurance. call your local agent or 1-800-470-8496 today. i'm tim willcox. coming up this half hour, facing one of the worst famines in its history. we hear from south sudan's president and his bitter political rival a. we meet the crimean artist using sand to express her opposition. also on the program, aaron is back.
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>> as those russian and europe relatio relations sour, russia is dependent on oil and gas. as putin arrives in beijing, we ask the question, is russia putting all eggs in one basket? hello. south sudan is the world's newest nation. it's already a country blighted by huge suffering that may be about to get worse. what started as a political squabble between the president and his deputy has escalated into six months of civil war leading to more than a million people displaced. a second cease fire between the rivals and armed followers has failed for which each side has blamed the other. aid agencies predict the worst famine will take hold if the
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fighting doesn't stop. we're going to talk to stephen who sat down with both. before we hear his assessment of the situation, let's hear what the president told stephabout t prospects of the country's worst fighting. >> we have the fighting. we also have a massive humanitarian crisis developing in south sudan? >> i agree. >> i spoke to the director of the world food program yesterday. he said it's no longer a question of whether people die of hunger in south sudan, it's a question of how many. he is concern had the your government doesn't understand how serious the situation is. >> no, we understand. we understand. it is not our -- it is a man made disaster. this is why we want the war to stop so we can allow the
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humanitarian access to everybody in the country. it would make it worse to understand that the civil population is going to face one of the worst famines that's ever been in south sudan. this is the time coming. >> he's speaking to stephen there. stephen is with me now. u.n. has been warning about the risk for months now. can any side be blamed for the serious fire? >> we have to blame both sides in this. it's interesting. the president said to me, this is a man made humanitarian crisis. he used this word famine which is a controversial word to use. man made, rh7p7p in the end what we are witnessing is a brutal power struggle between the president and his form her vice president. neither is prepared to give
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ground now. we had ten days ago the signing of a cease fire agreement. it has been monitored closely since. every day there are serious violations. particularly north of the country, the oil rich north of south sudan. i asked the president should we take this cease fire seriously at all. >> decision was ninth of this month. on the 11th he violated it attacking our forces. >> you think he is actually constructing his forces to continue defenses? >> definitely. because he did not give them orders to stop fighting after signing. >> are you saying to me that the cease fire is effectively
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finished? no, it is not finished on my side. my forces are observing the cease fire distristrictly accoro orders. >> are both men totally in control of the people who claim they're fighting for them? >> they both say they are. it's interesting comparing and contrasting. i got the chance to speak to both within days. they both accuse the other of not being truly in control of men fighting in their name. you're right. fighting has become tribal. it's poisoned the situation in south sudan. the majority are by in large fighting along side the armed forces. newer are fighting with their leader. it's not quite that simple.
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in essence, we have a terrible tribal conflict. fighting along side the armed forces and also forces that come in as well. because in his view the president is dependant on candidates, he has lost legitimacy inside his country. >> it's not legitimacy. in that election i was running with -- probably did more to insure he gets elected. if he turns against his own population, why would he become -- why would he return legitimacy? on what basis? he's destroying and dividing south sudan. he's discrediting the whole
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nation. >> this is such a belighted country. it's described like two bold men fighting over a cone. what hope is there of resolving this conflict between these two men who were political allies and now rivals? >> very little hope is the miserable answer. it's important to remember it's less than three years since these two stood on the same podiums using the words about bidding a prosperous future. the two are fighting it out leaving the country to what can be described as a catastrophe. the people of south sudan if they do not find a way out of this crisis, face a massive humanitarian crisis. the whole world knows it. whether it can be stopped is a difficult question to answer.
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>> we'll come to that in a moment. stephen, thank you very much. you can see that full interview on bbc world news at the times on your screen now. where are they? 14:30 and 2030 today. we speak to the advisor at the refugee council. you're appealing for hundreds of millions of pounds. how serious is the situation? what will happen if you don't get it? >> this is this most serious situation south sudan has been in. we're talking about a possible hunger deficiency worst than the one we saw ethiopia had theirs in the 80s.
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if we don't get the money now, we're talking 5 million people might die. >> more than a million displaced at moment. are you aware of where they are or are there still parts of the country where people have fled? you don't know what sort of conditions they're in. >> well we are aware of what conditions they are in. many are in very remote areas where it's hard to reach. you know, south sudan hardly have any good roads. when rainy season comes, it will be very difficult to reach these people. they're in hiding. 300,000 have fled the country. they're scattered and hard to reach, most of them. >> we're seeing terrible pictures of children malnourished children. how concerned are you about the young and the old there?
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>> we are very concerned. i have children and pregnant women already malnourished that are hungry. they can't get food everyday. this is a disaster. a huge, huge disaster for such a young nation trying to build up a new country. >> okay. thank you very much indeed. time for us to catch up with business news. eggs and pastries? >> yeah. trade. that's what we're talking about. big trade talk around the world. will we get further with them? that's the question. hey tim. ttip talks get underway in arlington, virginia later today. the united states and european union together account for nearly half the world 's wealth.
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this pact could boost that $100 billion a year. there are hurdles. the transatlantic car makers could benefit from harmonizing standards. there are fears changes could basically jeopardize safety. there's opposition from some to a deal on financial services in case it jeopardizes tougher u.s. rules brought in after the financial crisis. certainly lots of hurdles. there's some of them. let's get more on what to expect today. our own michelle live in washington. great to see you. michelle, you and i have talked about this. for normal folk around the world watching this, they go yeah, yeah another big trade talk that goes on and on. why would we care? while i've got you, what a are the real benefits for real
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people? >> reporter: well, i mean look. if you look at trade between europe and u.s. at the moment, it's pretty low. yes they're going to try to make them lower and lower custom duties which should make it easier for small and medium companies that struggle with those costs. the big thing is regulations, trying to make rules simpler. this should make it cheaper for them to do business. the thinking is that will make it cheaper for consumers to buy goods. that could benefit according to some studies. it could increase the american family $100,000. that's the thinking behinduo th. that would mean more growth and more jobs toç benefit both sde
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of the atlantic. i was speaking to one company and she said her company could save $500 million over years. that's more money to put back in the business and create more jobs. there are skeptics that question numbers thrown about. >> brooiefly, isn't hit easier r one company to do business with another? that's the complication, getting everyone to agree? >> reporter: that's right. you have different areas.if you look at every industry. chemicals used in everyday products. it's so huge. every industry has an opinion. the farming industry, huge export of agriculture products
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in u.s. where this gets tricky, on one hand we're talking rules and regulations. this can be about cultural beliefs, ways of life. that makes negotiations so tricky and difficult. it's going to play out this next week. it's the fifth round. the hope had been to try and complete the negotiations and have a deal by 2015. many believe it's now slipping to 2016. >> michelle live from washington. thank you. rejected once again. astrazeneca board rejected the bid from u.s. rival pfizer. s astra -- astrazeneca says the
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bid falls short of the company. pfizer says that's it. no more. this is the final offer. they're not going with a hostile bid. the chief business editor spoke to the chairman earlier and started by asking whether the latest offer was closer to the offer the board would exempt? >> it's closer. the frame of reference is 10% or more versus the 53/50 offer. it's been a modest adjustment to that. we're closer on that point. we have greater interests. we are closer. they decided tonight to come out with their last and final offer. primarily this is about how do we deliver drugs to the market in the most efficient way. we are the opinion that is the best way to build shareholder value. it's the best way to really do
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good for our customers patience and government. if that is jeopardized, we have an issue with that. we were on talks on how best to make sure that didn't happen. now we have the execution risk which is a long while including protection both for our own company, risk for itself and also shareholders in that point of view. finally we look at view of this and weigh in of course very strongly to top the value of the offer and decide not to recommend it. >> is it dead? i don't know. we'll keep it cross that. let's talk about this. russian president vladimir putin visiting china this week. he's there to boost economic ties with beijing at the time of growing tensions with europe. the biggest deal on the table for moss cow, it's the deal to
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pump gas to china. moscow correspondents look at how department ent russiendent s of oil and gas. he's going to do it from his own kitchen. >> many economists tell you the recipe for a strong, stable economy is simple. make sure you don't put all your eggs in one basket. in other words, diversity is the key. having an economy that's based on lots of different things. for example, manufacturing and agriculture and farming. maybe new technologies,it and software. for some countries, tourism is a very important source of income. but diversity isn't something the russian economy is known for. russia has placed all its economic eggs in one basket. it's heavily reliant on one
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thing, exporting energy, selling oil and gas. most of that has been going to europe. in fact its gas sales to europe generating 80% of the revenue of the russian energy giant. now there's a problem. tension over ukraine means friction with russia's main customer. european governments already looking to reduce depend say. if president putin can clinch the energy deal with beijing this week, russian gas could be heading to china. it's an agreement the two countries have been talking about for years but have been unable that would be good for china. it has an appetite to feed the
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growing economy. it would be for russia to say, you don't want our energy? that's fine. someone else will buy it. >> russians are scrambling to finalize the deal with china. they know cracks have emerged with the relationship in the west. >> we don't have it here on the bbc. this is the real story. these are real eggs. >> we have mangos last week. >> i think you can do it. >> i need a suit cleaned. go on. the hard boiled egg trick. you like that? that's it with the business. >> thanks aaron. don't tell us our business coverage isn't interesting. stay with us here on bbc world news. still to come, the shifting
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sounds of crimea. we'll take a look at how one artist is expressing her feels about the future of her land. [ male announcer ] applebee's believes better choices for lunch,
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welcome back to "gmt." i'm tim willcox. our top stories this hour. a large international aid operation underway in the balkan following the worst flood in the region since modern records began. the first of four ships sent to collect workers from vietnam following antichinese riots is on its way home. ukraine is edging towards the point of no return according to the united nations. fighting continues among security forces in the
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government of kiev and pro russian separatists in the east. many people are finding new ways of expressing their feelings. a sand artist who won with her talent in 2009 has been sharing her work with us. >> as a person of art, i never felt of weapon and war is to talk to each other. never. after everything happened, my only message is love. it will still be the same wherever it is. ukraine, russia, venus, mars, jupiter, or moon. really, for me it will be still one amazing place. my blessed city, the city i'll never give up. i will always be happy here whatever country it is.
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when i look at the events which happened in the rest parts of our ukraine or actually in any place. when i occasionally see the news i get upset. first of all as a mother because i have a son. i can see him in the future whoever he can be. not a person engaged in violence. i'm sure all mothers of ukraine, of russia, of any place don't want to see their sons, their daughters to be engaged in cruelty and to be killed. >> i'm trying not to watch the news. i want to know what's going on. we are people not monkeys. we are people not dogs. we are given the greatest
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treasure of language. we always should speak. we are all brothers and sisters. for me, it's things like this that are horrible. beautiful ukrainians on which i create sand with very interesting on which i create mission. we have an amazing russian heritage which i create the sand animation. i'm trying to show the diversity of us. we should look at each other very attentively and understand each of us is a person who carries the great heritage. >> showing us her sand paintings there. you're watching "gmt." a reminder of our top story. we've seen the worst flooding in
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bosnia and serbia for more than a century. there's warnings it could get worse. the rescue helicopters from have been rescuing people. that's it from us today from me, tim willcox, and the team. ♪ "first day of my life" by bright eyes ♪ you're not just looking for a house.
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and it looks like he's craving italian. there are lots of fiat cars to choose from, like the four-door 500l... which is surprisingly big. [godzilla choking] check out the whole fiat family at
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[ enengines ] the doctor: cardiff! cardiff?! ah! but, thing about cardiff -- it's built on a rift in time and space, just like california on the san andreas fault, but the rift bleeds energy. every now and then, i need to open up the engines, soak up the energy, and use it as fuel. so it's a pit stop. exactly. should only take 20 seconds. the rift's been active. wait a minute! they had an earthquake in cardiff a couple of years ago -- was that you? bit of trouble with the slitheen. [ "torchwood" theme plays ] long time ago. lifetimes. i was a different man


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