tv BBC World News BBC America May 20, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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hello. i'm geeta guru-murthy with bbc world news. our top stories. soldiers? thailand take up positions around the capital after the declaration of marshal law. the army says all sides have to sit down and talk. oscar pistorius is set for 30 days of psychiatric observation. >> out patient to the medical superintendent of the hospital on 26, may 2014 at 9:00 in the morning. half a million in bosnia
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flee flooding. a quarter of the population is clout without clean water. the uk launches the biggest study of the effect of mobile phones on children. hello. the man who imposed marshal law on thailand says it will remain in place until peace and order have been restored. the head of the military forces has called for all sides to talk. he's been meeting government officials to iron out the details. he insists it is not a coup. the military has taken control of radio and television stations. many roads also around the capital are blocked in order to try and control the streets. the army has warned protestors
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it will take action against anyone using weapons and that harms civilians. so far there's no violence. jonathan has the latest. >> reporter: the president of armed troops here makes this feel like a traditional army coup. the army commander promised he's not trying to take over running the country, something the government and supporters have been willing to accept. the question is, what a will the army do now? so far we've seen them push the tv stations and radio stations off air. they've also told protestors they can no longer lead the rally sites. everyone is asking what are they going to do next? marshal law gives them sweeping powers. the longer they are here, the prosecutor pressure to use the powers. a political deadlock, the role
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the army commander has always said the army is not suited to take on. this official office of the prime minister has been the symbolic battlegrounds in this long political war over thailand's future. the past five months it's been occupied by the protest movement. they planned a final assault, desperate last minute push to get the government out of power. today it's occupied by power. they say they're only here to make peace and stability. the government is not here. the camps of the protest movement have not moved. the # government has not left power in this play. it's still in place. if all the military does is enforce security, there remains a political divide. what started asxñññññhb a half
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could very well turn into a complete one. >> jonathan head with that. we'll keep you updated. news from russia. two trains have crashed into each other 60 kilometers outside moscow. it was a freight train and passenger train. there are reports four have been killed and at least 15 are injured. the report is coming in. details of the train crash, the latest information is that four are killed and 15 injured. the south african court ruled the athlete oscar pistorius will undergo a month of psychiatric test as an outpatient before the court trial can continue. the judge explain what had the full psychiatrist would try to establish. >> to acquire whether the accused by reason of mental illness or mental defect was at
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the time of the commission of the offense criminally responsibly responsible for the offenses charged and whether the wrongfulness of his act or acting in accordance with the appreciation of the wrongfulness. >> the words of the judge in the case. milton is in pretoria. thank you explain the huge halt in the proceeding? >> reporter: well this is because the prosecution has put an application for this referral. the prosecutor gerrie nel put the application on the basis of what was said by a defense witness dr. foster who is a renowned psychiatrist. she said that she diagnosed oscar pistorius after he testified in court. that was not so long ago.
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she diagnosed him with something call eed generalizeed anxiety disorder. it was requested the judge give this order that pistorius go for a longer period of observation by an independent psychiatrist. >> it's not the defense that wants this but the prosecution is not wanting him to use the state of defense argument in any potential appeal? >> reporter: very much so. the senior council in oscar pistorius' defense team opposed this application right until the end. and the judge went against his wishes by granting the order. what gerrie nel, the prosecutor explained is that he is trying to avoid this mental illness coming back as a loophole during
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appeal. he's convinced when oscar pistorius is found guilty they may appeal the judgment. it is at that time when they come back and say well, he had this generalized anxiety disorder by the witness. he wants to get it out of the way once and for all so it doesn't come back through the back doors, if you like, during appeal. >> it only matters if oscar pistorius is convicted. we'll wait and see what happens after the adjournment. thank you very much indeed. now india's hindu nationalist bjp says modi will be sworn in as india's new prime minister may 26th. the move follows a resounding victory last week in the general election. mr. modi is going do affirm his new government. aaron is here looking at tax
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evasions. >> the end of the tax evasion scandal between the u.s. and swiss bank. let me explain. guilty, guilty. switzerland credit has agreed to pay u.s. authorities $2.6 billion after admitting to basically helping clients evade tax in america. in return for the guilty plea, it can continue to operate there. as a convicted institution, several pension funds can no longer do business with it. there's questions as to whether the bosses will obtain their jobs. not named in the guilty plea, some are calling for the chief to resign. we have more coming up on "gmt" in just over an hour's time. plus this one. horrible numbers here. modern d modern day slave have i on the
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rise. forced labor means $150 billion in illegal profits are made each and every year. that's three times the previous estimates. now with 21 million affected, the sex trade, agriculture is the worst offending industries. we've spoken to the author and going to run that interview on "gmt" in an hour's time as well. and this one with. wearable camera maker go pro is to offer a piece of the sales. the company sales cameras via special sports shops targeting cyclists. they're also used in sports coverage. $60.6 million in income in 2013. nearly double # earnings in
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2012. the gopro founder stands to make the most money from the sell because he owns 49% of the market. tweet to me @bbc aaron. >> you should stalk me. other news today. bosnia and serbia flooding expected to reach new highs threatening more. it's been turned to a ghost town here. people are forced to leave. this is the picture in much of neighboring bosnia. 100,000 have been moved to safety. 49 have been killed across that region. bosnia foreign minister says a quarter of the population has
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been affected by the flooding. more than a million have no access to the clean water. that's extraordinary. suzanne that is an english teacher in bosnia. tell us what the picture is like where you are. can you hear me? >> yes. >> sorry. yes. tell us what it is like where you are now. >> okay. the situation is getting better. the center of the city is getting dry. the city was completely under water. we are still fighting with the villages around also.
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the border with serbia are under water. people are rescued. the worst situation is in the city they already find 17 people dead. >> do you know how people have lost their lives in this flooding? how much help are you getting now? >> just information on the tv. for now that was the last information that 17 people have lost their life in the flood that affected the area. not all are from -- one is a
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man. i don't remember the name. really it's bad situation here. people are trying to save their homes. >> many thanks indeed for taking the time to speak to us. thank you. the italian navy is trying to rescue hundreds of migrants from the sea near cicilli. rescues have been trying to transfer them to a naval ship. difficulties at sea caused them to suspend overnight. 300 are missing from syria, egypt and bangladesh are on the boat. down to his last $5 billion after the most expensive divorce
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this is bbc world news. i'm geeta guru-murthy with our top stories this hour. soldiers in thailand have taken up positions around the capital after a declaration of martial law. the army insists it's not a coup and all sides have to sit down and talk. at murder trial of oscar pistorius, the judge sends pistorius to 30 days of out patient observation. could it be the most expensive divorce in history? $4.5 billion is awarded to his former wife. his former wife is not the woman in this photo. he owns a french football team
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and is known as a money mining partner. his ex-wife gets half his estimated wealth. is everyone going to be clamoring for geneva nor their next divorce settlement? i thought london was the place to go. >> if you have a lot of money and live in switzerland, the courts have been fair. 50/50 with this woman. she has woken up with a settlement of $4.5 billion. that's more than the swiss bank was fined for encouraging tax evasion, more than the swiss said no for paying for fighter jets to improve the air force. that sum of money and prime real estate here too in the fashion center and in the most expensive
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part of gentlemen kneva. >> why did she deserve so much of his fortune? >> she's been at his side the last 24 years. like many countries, swiss legal system is trying to look at marriage as a partnership in which if only one works in a full-on job. the fertilizer king had a demanding job. his wife was by his side and contributed to that fortune. that's the argument made in these cases. they split it 50/50. we know courts would not be courts and lawyers would not be lawyers without an appeal. he is certainly going to appeal. >> we'll watch this. thanks very much indeed. now a week after +'+'+''kke worst ever mineing disasters,
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trade unions have strikes run by the same company. 301 died in a huge fire and explosion in the coal mine in soma. eight people are held on suspicion of causing death by negligence including the general manager and ceo of the company that owned the mine. >> reporter: this village in western turkey led a modest, quiet life until last week. 11 men who lived here died in the soma mine disaster. many of the children have lost their father, uncle, or brother. every home in this this village is now in grief. although there are survivors. >> he is one of them. he had asked to leave the mine early that day.
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he lost his two younger brothers in the accident. everyday people come to offer their condolences including politicians. he tells them they're forced to do mining. this is slavery he says. he takes me to his brother's grave. one of his brothers was exhumed because he was in second for another miner. now he lay together he tells me. he complains about the lack from the authorities. he also says he will quit mining. he does not know yet how he will survive. having lost two brothers, many other relatives and friends, he just wants to carry on living.
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bbc news. now here if britain, if you're a parent that's certain at some point your child will start to pester you for a mobile phone of his or her own -- i'm sure that's the case around the world. billions around the world have their own hand set. it's not clear if they have effect on the child's developing brain. the british government is launching the world's biggest ever study into mobile phones and teenage mental functions. i'm joined by a doctor who is leading the study. thanks very much for coming in. you're at imperial college in london. tell us what you're doing launching this. >> it will be the largest study many the world. we're going to follow 2,000
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children to investigate if phone use and tablet use might affect their continuing cognitive development. >> we see children on phones the whole time. do we have information about whether it's safe at all? >> there's very little research specifically on children. most studying have been small. >> 300 children? >> yes. that isn't efficient for us to really know conclusively whether or not mobile phones are safe. we have reassuring evidence from adult service that much use has been on brain tumors. less than ten years is safe and not associated with brain cancer. >> we don't even know with adults about long term use of phones. we don't have that information. >> that's right. certainties are long term use in adults and children.
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that's why we're following the 200,000 adults in the next several years. that's up and running. >> if you're parents of children you think oh my gosh, should children be using a phone at all? what's your advice? >> parents should limit use of a mobile phone for essential purposes only and keep voice calls very short. that advice is reasonable. parents should understand that advice is given in the absence of available evidence and not because we have evidence of harmful effects. that's why we need to do the study now so that we've got the evidence base. >> you're approaching schools asking children to come forward whether they use the phone or don't. what are you going to be testing? how are you going to do it? >> a school assessment will be cognitive assessment. we'll have children to do mine games where they remember things, see how quickly they can
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do that. there are questionnaires online to be done by parents and children. those will have smart phone, more than 50% of 11 yee-year-ol have smart phones. >> what about ipad, ipods, computers in general? >> we'll look at all that and how children use them as well. are they using them for gaming. >> is there a danger if not held to your head? >> there will be some exposure to the body even if you're holding it in front of you. obviouslies that is less than what the kind of exposure you would get putting it to the head. certainly if you're going to make a voice call on a phone, if you use a hands free device or speaker mode, you're reducing radio free say. >> a lot of people out there are
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interested. thanks very much indeed. thank you. just to remind you of our top story this hour in thailand. the military have taken over there and imposed martial law. we'll update you in the next few minutes. stay with us. hey, razor. check this out. listen up, thunder dragons, it's time to get a hotel. we can save big on killer hotels with priceline express deals.
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this is a polyester blend! whoa! uh...little help? i got you! unh! it's so beautiful! man: should we call security? no, this is just getting good. the name your price tool, still only from progressive. i'm geeta guru-murthy with bbc world news. our top stories. a passenger train hits a freight train in russia. 60 kilometers from moscow, at least four people are dead. soldiers in thailand take up positions around the capital after a declaration of martial law. army says all sides must sit down and talk. at his murder trial, oscar pistorius is sent to 30 days of psychiatrist evaluation. >> outpatient to the medical
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superintendent of the hospital on 26 may 2014 at 9:00 in the morning. and unveiling a super star witch. angelina jolie talks to us about her latest movie. hello. welcome. there are reports that up to four people have been killed when a freight train crashed into a passenger train near moscow. 15 people were reported to be injured at the train station around 60 kilometers southwest of the capital. the train was on route from moscow to the capital. let's go to moscow. daniel is following the news for us. what details are coming in?
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>> we've seen the first pictures from the scene. what appears to have happened the train started to derail from the 16 wagons that came off the rails. at that point the train from moscow to the capital, a long distance train with passing and derailed wagons have ripped off the sides of two passenger trains carriages. the casualty figures are unconfirmed at the moment. there are reports of three or four dead and 15 injured. the passenger train seems to have stayed on the line. the problem is the train has torn through the side of the train. it's all happened near a town which is southwest of moscow. about 50 to 60 kilometers to the southwest of moss cow. emergency vehicles are on the way to the scene and the first of the emergency teams have arrive there had. >> daniel, when we get more information, we'll come back to
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you. thanks very much. thailand's head of the military says it will remain in place until peace and order have been restored. the general called for all sides to talk after declaring martial law in the early hours of the morning. he's been meeting government officials to iron out the details but insists it's not a coup. our bangkok correspondent reports. >> after seven months of turmoil, thailand's army has a acted. troops appeared early this morning blocking roads occupying television stations and surrounding the major protest site at the government red shirt supporters. the army commander who's repeatedly state had the the military cannot resolve thailand's political deadlock said he was invoking martial law for peace and stability. he urged the groups tohz1nz sto mobilizing but insisted other
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business should continue. this is not yet a coup. the government insists although not consulted it is still in power. why has the army acted now? the antigovernment movement had threatened yet another final push this week in the long campaign to force the cabinet from office. there was an increase likelihood of violence. they promise many such final pushes before. yet despite the forced resignation of yingluck shinawatra weeks ago, they've been unable to unseat the rest of her government. much now depends on the pro government red shirt movement. for weeks they've confined rallies to the outskirts of bangkok avoiding clashes with their r50iivals. they're urging followers not to confront the military a.
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they have always worried it would provoke an angry reaction from the strong holds in the country. we'll have more analysis on thailand's martial law later in the program. stay with us for that if you can. the athlete oscar pistorius will undergo a month of psychiatric treatment before the case can continue. the judge adjourned until next month. she explain what had the psychiatrist would be trying to establish. >> inquire into whether the accused by reason of mental illness or mental defect was at the time of the commission of the offense criminally responsible for offenses charged, whether he was capable of appreciating the wrongful death of act or acting in accordance with appreciation of wrongfulness of his act.
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>> the voice of the judge there. milton told me more from the court in pretoria. >> reporter: she arrived late in the courtroom and started giving the details of the order that she gave last week that oscar pistorius will be sent to a medical observation center for a period of 30 days. she said that center will be a medical hospital or psychiatric hospital as officially known. he will be observed by three psychiatrists and a psychologist. he must report there on the 25th of may from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily as an out patient. >> do we know what the tests will be and why this is happening now at this stage in the trial? >> reporter: this observation is for oscar pistorius to be
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mentally evaluated whether the condition known as generalized anxiety disorder had effect on him when he shot and killed his model girlfriend reeva steenkamp. that's the purpose of the evaluation requested by the prosecutor gerrie nel. that is what we expect for oscar pistorius now. on 26th may he'll report to the psychiatric hospital. that will run 30 days. the court will resume here on the 30th of june at 9:30. >> milton in pretoria. in other news today, china summoned the american ambassador to charge five officials with economic es pe naj.
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the radical islamist preacher has been convicted by a jury in new york of 11 terrorism charges. he could face life in prison. the egyptian born clerk lived in london before being deported to the u.s. he's connected to the involvement of 16 tourists in 9 1 1998 also for assisting the terrorism groups in afghanistan. bjp has started putting together a new government by fully choosing narendra modi. modi will now meet with the president. credit suisse has pleaded guilty to criminal charges more than two decades.
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will it use the u.s. banking license? michelle has more from washington. >> the outcome was a victory for the justice department. this is the biggest bank to pled guilty to tax evasion charges in 20 years. the bank helped american clients dodge u.s. taxes. >> the federal reserve is, community exchange and united states department of justice. the bank went to elaborate lengths to shield itself, employees and tax chiefs it served for their criminal actions. >> as cause of the settlement, the credit giant won't lose banking license this the u.s. it will be reduced $1.8 billion in the second quarter. dougan said in a statement we
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deeply regret the misconduct a -- that led to this settlement. we have seen no material impact in the past a several weeks. mr. dougan apologized in february to the u.s. justice for failing to identify tax dodges. the department now feels it's made big strides in address that. >> they're providing us with a great deal of additional information that will a allow us to determine where the accounts went, how many accounts they had, some of the sizes of the accounts. there's going to be a substantial amount of information we're going to get that will enable us to find out who the account holders are and take the appropriate action. >> there's no question there's a bigger target here. that's the banks. there's been the perception the
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u.s. government failed to crack down on behavior of banks in the last decade because of their role in the financial crisis. with this major guilty plea from a bank, it's clear this is a perception they're trying to alter. now the count down is underway to the european elections later this week. in france, the far right is neck in neck in the poles. the center right party of the former president. unprecedented success in the recent municipal elections. one town was in the east of the country. they want the cradle of the french steel industry. from there, chris reports. >> defined by past glory, the steel plant was the heart and soul. life here was a daily patent of eighth hour shifts. men that poured through the
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gates manufactured the steel. with the furnace down went the town spirit. the workers left told me about the french governments. is it any wonder the town has turned far right? >> few towns were there at the beginning of the dream. the dynamos of this steel and coal community. six years on, it's not the show it was once. people here feel forgotten, ignored, left behind. two-thirds of people here earn so little they're not liable for income tax. the growing number of dependent on a charity food bank. former steelworker comes here every week.
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>> we are suffering, yet we are competing with immigrants. the french need some help too. >> two months ago the town turned to the new mayor who was once a union activist. the polls suggest half the industrial workers in france will vote far right in the upcoming european elections. the vote must send a message, he says, that europe is no longer work. the success is a particular threat to the right unp. most know jobs and growth lie within the european union. tell that to the people. >> people do not understand everything was sold to the concept of competition. we have to be competitive. at what cost socially speaking?
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>> this is a region they once stood for europe. not anymore. the growing voice on the right is french patriotism, a return to old boundaries and old certainties. bbc news. stay with us here on bbc world news. much more to come. what's inside an egyptian money? medical scams reveal the secrets beneath bandages. op! humans. one day we're coming up with the theory of relativity, medical scams reveal the secrets beneath bandages. y? medical scams reveal the secrets beneath bandages. y? medical scams reveal the secrets beneath bandages. uy? medical scams reveal the secrets beneath bandages. my? medical scams reveal the secrets beneath bandages. my? medical scams reveal the secrets beneath bandages. from liberty mutual insurance. total your car and we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. learn about it at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? what are you waiting for?
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let's stay with that story. the thai military has a long reputation of coups. let's get to rachel who worked if thailand many years. is this a coup or not? >> well technically it's not because the current caretaker government is still in place at least for now. of course the army is insisting it's not a coup. when you have the army on the street, television and radio stations closed down, curbs on freedom of speech, the army setting up special council and appointing the head of the military general to its head. senior government agencies called to meetings, it looks and feels a lot like a coup. even if it's not. it could become a former coup if the general decides the caretaker government has to go.
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we'll have to see what his next move will be. >> for those that don't know the country, explain why this matters and how we've got here? >> what we've got here now, the two groups of protestors polarizing thailand for years, one is outskirts of bangkok. one supports the caretaker government and taxing shinawa w. you've got those trying to bring down the government in bangkok. the country did fear a direct and violent confrontation between the two groups. it probably felt it would be called in to sort out the violence further down the road if it didn't act now. it's the lesser of two evils. in the background of all this, it's not so much the protestors on the streets. there's a bigger power struggle between two>
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groups of elite, one centered around tax shin watt and the other senior figures within the palace. >> this matters obviously no country wants instability. it matters in thailand and the region. >> it absolutely does. thailand has a battle of democracy so long and key alley in the united states. it is one of the fastest growing economies in the region. it's important thailand stays stable. it hasn't been for eight years since the last military coup of 2006. the military has tried to move and prevent further bloodshed and impose some kind of omptd having made that move, it's incumbent to chart a course forward. that's not at all clear. it's not a position the general wanted to be in. he's resisted this some time.
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i suspect he wouldn't have done it unless somebody asked him to or at at least the approval was given for this move. he wouldn't do it without that. >> very good speaking to you. thanks. now here in europe, bosnia says more than a quarter of its entire population has been left without clean water following flooding. the prime minister described the damage as terrifying. help is arriving from europe, america, russia. the pictures we've seen are rescue workers by neighboring areas. they airlifted a baby. you can see the baby there being pulled up. they rescued the baby's family which was evacuated later. that's a terrifying site for anyone to watch. let's get more on the situation in the region. >> reporter: it is a scene of
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utter devastation consuming roads, homes, whole villages. here in bosnia, the conditions are presenting formittable challenges. this team swooped in to rescue a frightened elderly woman who's lost her home and all her possessions. it's not just the flooding that is causing alarm. >> the landslides are absolutely destroying the country. we have registered more than 2,000 landslides. if i just tell you we have about 9,400 mine fields which all together have 120 mines on the landslide. >> he went onto compare the damage to the civil war which ended in 1995. officials believe about 1 million people live in the worst affected areas alone.
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communities are being tested, but they are coming together to do what they can for neighbors and survivors n. neighboring serb serbia, the pictures tell a similar story. the prime minister seemed overwhelmed when asked about the cost of the damage. >> we cannot responsibly estimate and make assessment on the damage. i can say millions. >> a large international aid operation is in full swing with help from the european union, united states and russia. challenges are immense with people in desperate need of essentials. officials in bosnia say 1 million people, a quarter of the country's population are without clean water. now she's an award winning
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actress, film director and ambassador. she's also the mother of six can young children, one of which appears in her latest film. she's playing the role of a witch that places a curse on sleeping beauty. we are going to talk about the movie. >> well, well. >> was she one of your favorite characters growing up? she's the bad evil in sleeping beauty isn't she? >> yes. i liked her more than sleeping beauty. i thought sleeping beauty was in that version in the 50s, a very 1950s princess waiting for her prince charming to save her. i thought this was so elegant, powerful, deliciously wicked. >> your humanitarian work is well known.
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you're very dedicated to that. it started back with laura croft in cambodia? >> the first time i was in cambodia, i realized -- we all have that moment in our lives we question how much we know, our education and what we've been told. we realize we have to do our own digging, research and find out what the truth is really for us. at the time there was a lot of violence happening. i did a lot of research. i asked to go. i went and it was the first time i was in that kind of situation. my whole life changed. i realized how sheltered i had been and how fortunate i was and how -- i felt horrible forever having been self-destructive or self-pitying. in comparison to what people really go through, i'm so blessed. i felt a responsibility to be a better person. >> lot of the people want to
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know how you are health wise. are you well? >> that's very nice they would be concerned. i'm very, very well. i feel happy i made the choice i made. i will follow up with the other surgery at some point. my mother had breast and ovarian cancer. i'm happy to start my life now very much having -- i meet so many women. we talk about issues. >> so many people have done what must be a tough decision because of what you've done as well. is that a weight off your shoulders or not? >> i received a letter other day that said she got checked, found out she had it. she's had the surgery, home and happy with her kids. if not just for that one letter, you know, very moving to me. >> that's lovely. thank you very much indeed for talking to me.
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>> thank you. >> looking stunning there talking to the mentioned. for thousands of years, identities have been a mystery. now researchers at the british museum can reveal the description of mummies. they can tell what they ate, how they died. this is a 3d picture of each one. britain's prince charles and his wife had an unusual night out on the tour of canada, event hosted by queen elizabeth impersonator. this was the final event of the royal couple's day. there's the impersonator. the military personnel held across the country to fight many the second world war. not sure what the royal couple main of that. a reminder of our main news.
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martial law will remain in place until peace and order are restored. the army insists it is not a staged coup. this is bbc news. we're back throughout the day on bbc. i'm geeta guru-murthy. [ male announcer ] some come here to build something smarter. ♪ some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster...
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hello. you're watching "gmt" on bbc world news. i'm tim willcox. our top stories. the army takes over in thailand. martial law is destroyed, but they insist it's not a coup. china accuses washington of double standards follows the charging of five officers. the physical devastation caused by floods in bosnia is as bad as it was in the war says the country's foreign minister.
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