tv BBC World News BBC America May 22, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EDT
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and it looks like he's craving italian. there are lots of fiat cars to choose from, like the four-door 500l... which is surprisingly big. [godzilla choking] check out the whole fiat family at hello. you're watching "gmt" on bbc world news. i'm tim willcox. a coup in thailand. two days after imposing martial law and after months of political protest, the military announces it's taking control of government. another terror attack in china as explosives hurled from two cars rammed a crowded market in the chinese area of xinjiang leaving 30 dead. this man is accused of
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abducting and marrying a teenager for ten years. it's the battle for the big mac. fast food workers say they deserve higher wages. they're expected to approve a $9.5 million pay pact for the boss of the food giant. hello. it is midday here in london. 7:00 a.m. washington, 6:00 p.m. bangkok where two days after imposing martial law, the army has carried out a coup. in the statement broadcast, the country's army chief general announced the military had seized power to restore stability and power after six months of deadlock and turmoil. following two days of meetings
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between the country's rival political leaders that failed to make progress. martial law was declared by the military on tuesday. they insisted then this was not a coup just necessary to peace and order. there's been 18 successful or attempted in thailand since 1932. with me the bbc world services editor michael. history is repeating itself in 2006 when the army took over when shinawatra was in power. >> indeed. it dates back to eight years ago. essentially two broad camps of opposing political groups. one based around shinawatra and the political parties and the other around the elite in
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bangkok, classes around the royal family and military who don't like the fact thaksin still has influence in thailand and parties have been winning elections. they want reforms. >> what is going to happen next? do we have any idea how long the army will be in control? they talk about restoring stability. what are they proposing to do? >> at the moment it's still early. we're not quite clear what they're intending to do. they've announced in the last hour indeed they're take over the government. they have said they're going to try to break up the protest camps which have gathered in bangkok. there's one antigovernment protest in the center of the city. one just outside the pro government camp. obviously the government is fearful of the army who's fearful rival groups of protestors could perhaps take to the streets. there could be conflict. that's something they obviously
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want to avoid immediately. >> okay, michael stay with us. let's go to our correspondent jonah fisher on the phone from the army compound where in fact political leaders were talking earlier today before the army announced they were staging the coup. what is the situation there at the moment? have the political protest camps actually dissolved away or are they determined to carry on with demonstrations? >> i'm at the army camp where the journalists have been forced to leave by soldiers here. what we're hearing from across bangkok is that the red shirt camp on the out skirts of bangkok, soldiers have gone in to begin clearing that camp. certainly soldiers are present there now. there are also reports that a request has been made, pdrc in the center of bangkok,
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antigovernment movement, that the army is asked to go in and clear there. instructions have been given from the stage for people not to resist the army a attempting to clear the camp. things are moving swiftly after the declaration that the army was taking over full control. we still don't know exactly what has happened to the protest leaders. they were all in the same room here at the army club attending talks over the last couple of days. then the mood changed sharply. they were all taken out in a convoy surrounded by military vehicles. we don't know exactly what happened to them now, whether they're taken to an army compound where they're detained or indeed if they're still detained. lots happening here. it's a fluent situation. there's lots of military. >> this is the 18th coup since
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1932. last one in 2006 when shinawatra was removed from power. what's the normal streets, people not caught up in the demonstrations? >> i can tell you what was the situation was under martial law. it has continued as usual. i've been in the army club all day as the coup has been announced. it will be interesting to see if there's a change on the streets of bangkok this evening. up to now, a military hand in imposing control firstly on martial law has been relatively light on the main population. obviously now they are moving out, acting against the demonstrating groups in bangkok to try and prevent or preempt indeed any move by them. that mood may well have changed. >> just looking back at previous coups, what time frame
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potentially could we be looking at here? >> reporter: look at the last coup in 2006. it took an appointed government and then several years in which time before elections were held. that is a possible time frame. interesting in the announcement made by the general a short while ago on national tv. he talked about need for reforms. that's what the antigovernment demonstrators have been calling for the last six or seven months. they want changes in the system, specifically that reduce the influence of the former prime minister thaksin shinawatra. changes they see as being badly needed. as yet to explain properly what they want. in stating there's going to be a need for reform, it certainly suggests this isn't going to be a coup declared and then an
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election within a couple of months. it suggests the army sees this as taking control and then having a fresh look at the political system, how politics works here, and maybe drafting a new constitution. >> jonah fisher, thanks very much. let's go on the phone to somebody else in bangkok. a democratic party politician, former people's alliance activists, also foreign minister of thailand from 2008 to 2011. what is your reaction to today's coup? >> i think we are not for military take over of government. it's a question -- we can understand why the army has taken over the reign of the government because there has been an impasse.
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the opposing forces have not resulted in a compromise. >> so you think it's a necessary evil then? take the army at face value when it says it's done this to restore order and stability even though dramatically it doesn't go along with your principles? >> right. i would like to draw to the situatio situation. that led to opposition on the street and the military intervention finally. i think the military intends to restore peace. i think to carry out a reform process, in order to make assurances that the institution of thailand are really -- we will not return to liberal
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authoritarian majority rule as the past few years. >> as a democrat yourself, do you think the army is in a position to do that even though it is unelected and effectively opposing its will on society? >> it depends -- they will work the next few weeks. first on the substance of the reform. i think what type of -- i think the idea is about the reform has been in the air on the table on paper for the past one or two years. it's a question of the army trying to put everything on a piece of paper like the road map of thailand and have some sort of agreement or consensus by the people. >> are you aware if any of demonstration leaders or any of the politicians taking part in those talks today are under
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arrest now? >> yes. we are fully aware. i think seven major groups are under detention. >> and you -- in your support for army doing this, do you support the fact that democratic elected leaders have been detained? >> i think -- i said i didn't understand why the army has taken over the first point. this has been mentioned by politicians around the world. i think that what has happened in thailand under the government and proxy government was abuse of the democratic institutions and the rule of law and so on. so i think we need election,
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have majority -- this happened in syria, russia and ukraine. i think people are coming out against this type of politics. >> just a final thought. you of course are antigovernment. you have been calling for shinawatra to stand down. you want to impose your own political party. what do you think this does for thailand's international reputation? >> well, i think it will be political -- i think the army has announced this afternoon at 5:00 on the internet their commitment will be there. all the foreigners coming in and out of thailand will be protected. the track record for thailand, we honor international commitments. we respect foreigners.
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>> okay. thank you very much indeed for joining us. >> thank you. if you're just joining us, that was a member of the antigovernment protest movement, former foreign minister. if you are joining us, there's been a military coup in thailand announced in the last couple of hours. two days after the army imposed martial law. these are the pictures live from bangkok today. many more military on the streets. political leaderers as and prot leaders have been called today. the mood and atmosphere changed. several leaders were take an way into custody by the army followed quickly by a statement on national television in which general said military were taking control to restore order and stability following months
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of political protests resulting in the deaths of several people in the past few months top. catch up with michael along side me again. just listening to that opposition member there. what is your take about how ordinary ties will react to that? it was interesting. he was saying that actually this was almost a necessary evil to try to break this in the political deadlock. >> when you say ordinary ties, it depends which ordinary ties you're talking to. the speaker we've just heard comes from a particular point of view. for the last six months the democratic party, the opponents, opposition on the streets of bangkok have been wanting the coup and government to step down. that's what they've got now. they've got the government swept away by the army. they'll be relatively pleased with the position. of course government supporters and their supporters have been are camped outside bangkok. they're angry with this.
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they'll see this as an illegal coup which it is certainly a coup. they'll see their elected government in the election now swept from power. they'll be angry about this. it's difficult to see how these two groups come together. it's difficult to see how the program supporters are going to be happy with what's happened. >> michael, thank you very much indeed. if you go to the website,, we've got a live page bringing you all the latest updates with what is happening in thailand. a lot of analysis there on the events that led to this, the 18th coup in the country since 1932. you're watching "gmt." more than 30 people have been killed, nearly 100 injured in xinjiang. two cars rammed a busy marketplace followed by
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attackers throwing explosives into the crowd. the government called it a violent terrorist incident. the attack happened in the regional capital. xinjiang borders asia. it's home to the country's weeger community. they are ethnically turkish muz lips and make up 45% of the population there. ethnic tensions have been increasing in xinjiang. china says it's pouring money into xinjiang to improve people's form of living. with me is bbc china editor. beijing kuaccuses weegers of beg behind events like this. what exactly are they fighting
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for? >> it's hard to say exactly because of course they're very severely repressed. there are no political organizations in xinjiang that are allowed to articulate a separate position. speaking vpsfa] many of them would feel they're religiously depressed. they're discriminated against across china. that would be repressive policies china is putting in place to control what is escalating violence. it's meaningful to handle the violence. there are some weegers that would like independence. others would simply like to practice religion and culture in a way that's free and open. >> are they linked to a larger islamic network? >> this is the big question.
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it's very difficult to determine to what extent we're seeing in terms of escalation of attacks. this, today's attack, was in the capital of xinjiang. we have seen an attack in beijing last october, an attack in the southwest of china. there's an eastward move to target officials rather than police only. the intention of the people carrying out attacks is clearly to cause maximum visibility, distress and instability. to what extent they're organized from outside is hard. china says they're organized from beyond the borders m. other observers say actually to a certain extent, problems you see are emerging from your own policies. >> in zxinjiang do they represet
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a majority? >> they are now the minority in terms of demographic inside xinjiang. a substantial 45% of the population in xinjiang. there issues are not just religious. because of migration in xinjiang the dominant language and culture is difficult for weegers to actually develop economic interest. the president of china was in xinjiang last month. one of the issues he was trying to address was a double edged strategy. on the one hand integrating and developing the weeger community more effectively and on the other hand cracking down in a targeted way on those determined to cause trouble. >> thank you very much indeed. just to remind you of our breaking story this hour.
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this has been a military coup in thailand in the last couple of hours. the general went on national television saying the army was taking over to restore order and stability to the country following months of political protests and deadlock. it comes two days after martial law was imposed by the military. the military has now set a curfew around the country from 10:00 at night until 5:00 a.m. in the morning. a curfew effectively from dusk until dawn imposed until further notice by the thai military. we have core spoend erespondent country. let's move onto other stories making headlines. reports from ukraine say at least 12 have been killed in clashes with pro-russian separatists in the east of the country.
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journalists with the ap news agency counted 11 bodies at the check point. the spokesman for the defense minister confirmed eight soldiers were killed in clashes. another was killed in the region. ukraine is due to hold a presidential election this sunday. russia's president vladimir putin has promised to pull back troops from the ukrainian border to create favorable conditions for elections. there's a new warning that could reinforce the position of hard liners. it's come from the russian oil tycoon. after spending ten years in the russian camp, he lives in switzerland. we asked him about the crisis in ukraine and whether he thought the country was heading towards civil war. >> without any doubt the situation can be described as a
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slow going civil war. >> what can the west do to best influence president putin? >> the situation as it exists today from the point of view of the successionists, it's controlled by yanukovych and his family. it's them dictate the conditions. it's not putin. i'll give you further example. recently putin declared he was discouraging people in donetsk and luhansk to have the referendum. he wanted it deferred until later. he wanted to also have the elections handled and organized properly. immediately in the social networks of russia, nationalists started calling him traitor. >> this is driven by the russian people from what you're saying?
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>> he brought out of the midst of the russian people forces now pushing him himself. it's true inside any nation, you can find the feelings that are not nice. >> you've written about the problems of prisoners in russia and describe how it looks likely we'll find ourselves living in a bureaucratic police state with absolute power in the hands of bureaucracy. are you suggesting that's what we could see in russia? >> as horrible as it might be, my country has already passed this stage. the situation in which my country currently finds itself is pretty much what you've just described. that is not to suggest that the situation cannot deteriorate further. as any autocratic feel, as time goes by and regime grows older
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and less flexible, he wants more and more manifestations of power and being able to control the people. >> let's just take you back to those developing events in thailand. the military staging a coup in the last couple of hours. let's bring you recent pictures to come in. what we're seeing here is the opposition leader, leader of the antigovernment protest being escort ed from the talk at the army compound in bangkok today, put into a minibus. that's a car there and driven away. we've been speaking to politicians in the last couple of hours. their understand as good all people engaged in talks today
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are now under arrest. the general, the chief of the army going on national television saying the army had taken control to restore order and stability in thailand. a big military presence on the streets of bangkok today. this may be the minivan with thaugsuban being taken away. a time of uncertainty following the months of political protest and indeed bloodshed. the reaction from the various demonstrators not clear. we are hearing that the army has already moved in to try and break up some of those protests camps. of course the protest camps made up of people opposed to
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government of yingluck shin watt ra supporters as well. largely in the country side. the sister of thaksin shin watt ra a. more to come on this story in the next edition of "gmt." i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now. (anncr vo) innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. ♪
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♪fame . i'm tim willcox. in this half hour, a military coup in thailand. two days after the army imposed martial law following months of protests. how to keep russia on side after crisis in ukraine. we speak to europe's energy commissioner about gas supplies to europe. also on the program, aaron is back. somewhere in the world it's time for that first pint. >> absolutely tim. talking beer. in particular the world's biggest brewer. their numbers are up because of the emerging markets drinking
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more of the stuff and not any old beer. they're drinking the expensive brands. we're going to take a look how china and africa are propping up the the profits. hello. welcome back to the program. our breaking news this hour. in thailand there's been another military coup, two days after the army imposed martial law. the army has carried out the 18th coup since 1832 taking control of thailand's government. in the statement broadcast on television, the chief general chan-ocha announced the military had seized order after months of turmoil. the military announced the nationwide curfew from dusk until dawn.
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>> the peace and order maintenance command which includes the the royal thai army, police have announced it's necessary3p@@@@úe to take cont starting 16:30. >> well that statement by general chan-ocha in the last couple of hours. let's speak to the former deputy secretary general to the thai prime minister and acting government spokesman. why did the army carry out this coup? >> well the real reason is still unknown. of course something must have went wrong in the negotiation yesterday. i think the negotiation could be
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one of the main reasons of this action. >> and do you support what the army has done to break this deadlock, or do you think it is something which lacks obviously any democratic legitimacy and is wrong for thailand? >> well, we think that the peaceful solution is the best for thailand. of course we also very much want that peaceful solution to be under democratic rule. perhaps the military two goals may not be the same time. it remains to be seen if military can deliver a peaceful solution and return thailand to democracy. >> but sir, you seem quite relaxed about this imposition of not only martial law but a coup. what will supporters of yingluck
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shinawatra feel about this? >> i think yingluck administration made it clear they want to move ahead with elections regardless of opposition, regardless of difficulties. the more they did it, the more trouble thailand in the last few weeks. this is why it could contribute to aggressive action. it remains to be scene. in the future, anymore compromises can be made if any possibility. >> in what way though will the army be able to restore order and stability by putting
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democr democratically elected leaders under arrest? >> this is a difficult period thailand is going through. although we have had many elected administrations and governments, many of them failed to deliver what they're promised. that is perhaps creating opportunity for other interventions. in general, people want democracy, want the country to be under democratic rules. from time to time they turn around and support the military. indeed a very complex situation. they must walk the line between acceptance and pushing for the country to return to democracy on the other hand. to maintain peace and stability, trying to prevent confrontation between fighting political
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groups. >> what does this do for thailand's international reputation? >> i think the national community will will increasingly become more worried about the thailand future. it's up to the leader in thailand now to reassure those people in the national community that we'll return back to the democracy as soon as possible. >> all right. former deputy secretary general to the prime minister. thank you very much indeed. just another line coming out of thailand from the army spokesman that all radio and tv stations there must stop normal programs and broadcasts, only army material. that's in the last couple of moments. also announcements of curfew
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dusk until dawn until further notice. it follows that tv announcement by general chan-ocha that the army was taking over to restore order and stability following months of political protests. our correspondent jonah fisher was following talks at army compound that turned with the arrests of those in the talk as and announcement of a coup. jonah, just bring us up to speed with the latest developments so far. where are you? >> reporter: we've been forced out of the army club behind me. we're just outside on the road. i'm talking to you by my mobile phone. we're hearing the soldiers have moved to consolidate their position, moving in on the red shirt camp on the outskirts of
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bangkok and moving towards the antigovernment demonstrators we've seen in the center of town. as you mentioned, a curfew has been declared from 10:00 p.m. tonight until 5:00 in the morning. efforts are obviously made by the military to insure there won't be response to their announcement. there's no doubt people that voted for what's still the elected government here will feel frustrated and annoyed by what happened this afternoon. most are expecting the red shirt movement. the broad protest movement. they're extremely concerned about the possibility of confrontation. >> do we know if protest leaders are under arrest? have we had reaction?
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>> it's not clear. this afternoon i saw as the talks were chaotically brought to an end with the military swarming the army club, roads being blocked, what we saw were mini buses which we're told were full of various different protest leaders being spirited away, surrounded by soldiers. now there have been reports in the local media that they have been detained. we're waiting to find out what has happened. obviously if you're planning a coup and you manage to get all the political figures in one room at the same time for talks, that's good planning on your part. >> yeah. do we have any idea jonah how long the army intends to keep this coup going? >> no. though the fact they're talking about need for stability and reform suggests they're not going to quit timetable to
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elections. they're seeing as what the antigovernment demonstrated. there's been appointed government place in place for a period of time. some sort of lelectoral reform e brought in. i think that may be what happened again here. >> jonah fisher on your phone outside the army club in bangkok. thank you for that update. if you go to there's a live page running which brings you the latest updates from jonah and correspondents in the area. it's a deal worth $400 billion more or less. with russia strengthening ties to the east, what does the agreement to supply natural gas to china mean for europe? there's concern it's likely to concern the cost of gas for
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europe. what will it take for russia to turn off the tap? let's look at the energy supplies. you see it's the largest transport corridor of gas to europe. it flows to europe through ukraine. they account for slightly less of half the total gas imports from russia to europe including north africa, iran as well as natural liquified gas as well. we have the eu energy commissioner joining us now from brussels. thank you for joining us on the program. i know you've been holding talks about gas supplies. if if we look at the deal signed yesterday, can does that reduce the leverage over russia and
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supplies? >> i think it's acceptable. let me say in our eu on the way to diversify supplier roots and come to internal market to come to competition and to come to market based. russia is doing the same. having more than just one region buying gas. i'm sure for a long term europe will be the most relevant market for russia. these good conditions, fair prices. we have no problem with development between russia and china. >> turning to ukraine and the strained relations between receive and moscow, do you think it is right that russia wants
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that bill owed by ukraine, $3.5 billion, to be repaid now? that is acceptable isn't it? >> yes, i think contracts have been to be accepted from all parties. they are negotiating and moderating the process. there's some money for ukraine to pay open bills. to avoid any interpretation of gas deliveries, ukraine is relevant as buying and consuming gas. but for us, it's more relevant. so we have to avoid any crisis, any problems in the gas
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situation with ukraine and russia. >> is it fair russia charges ukraine the highest price of any european country in europe because of the crisis which exists between the two countries? >> good question. in general, february and march ukraine has to pay $268 per 1,000 cubic meter. russians are saying price will be $485. this is the highest price global wide. we're waiting on a market based balanced fair price. i'm quite optimistic to find this fair price between 300 and $400. >> okay. i'm sorry. we're out of time commissioner. thank you very much indeed for
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joining us there live from brussels. now, i just had aaron making faces at me and mouthing things which i can't understand. what are you talking about? >> we're talking about the growing problem of the income gap in the united states. that's what i'm going to talk about. it's hopeless. if i were deaf i don't think i'd be able to read anything you told me. >> great to see you. we'll talk about beer too, something close to your heart later on. mcdonald's is holding the annual general meeting in chicago as the busy struggles with sagging sales and higher beef prices. fast food workers were arrested outside mcdonald headquarters as shareholders vote on pay pacts of the mcdonald's top executives. fast food workers want paid doubled to $15 an hour. here's the problem.
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compare to mcdonald's to chief executive, $9.5 million pay pact likely to approved today by shareholders. a study in the u.s. showed the ratio of ceo to worker pay in the fast food industry was a staggering 1000 to 1. better pay is become a rallying cry for millions of fast food workers. there are many arguments against increasing the minimum wage as the social foundation net work brain thinker explained earlier. >> you're likely to see increase in unemployment. one study shows if we increase the national minimum wage up to living wage 7.65, you'll see increase of unemployment of 4%. there's a straight forward trade off if you regulate high wages.
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in the think tank, we've done work. you need to invest in skills of people. many have pretty low skills. allow the firm to pay them high wages. >> okay. there you go. there is one side of the argument. that? james is president of international union of crop workers. james, great to have you on the program. not sure if if you could hear our previous guest, but doesn't he have a point. i'll let you put that in. if you regulate higher wages we'll see higher unemployment. that's certainly something the u.s. can't afford at the moment. >> i think we're looking at awfully low wages to begin with in the fast food industry and other industries in america way below live able wage. i'm not too concerned about the previous speaker's claims. i'm much more interested in seeing people live with the dignified jobs, full time
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employment and good wages. it's good for workers, economy and country. >> okay. so i can only imagine it doesn't help the argument, certainly for workers, when they see headline numbers of let's talk about the ceo of mcdonald's who is likely to get the $9.5 million pay pact approved today. the average worker for a fast woodworker around 18,000. >> it gets worst. the problem is companies like wal-mart and mcdonald's get quite a bit of subsidy through federal and local government no maintain operations everywhere. not only do we have a low wage worker who's wages are not going back into circulation in the economy, we have subsidies as well to maintain low wages.
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the taxpayer in the working population loses twice in this situation. >> briefly, do you think companies like mcdonald's, can they afford $15 an hour? >> i think we should give it a try. that's awfully low. the previous speaker talked about the efficiency. every time i go to mcdonald's, people are whipping out meals in fast order. i don't see anybody standing around. i think they earn their wages. i also think two-thirds of the people in that work force are women. it would be very good to raise the wages of working women across the united states. they long deserve a raise and need it much more than the folks at the top of the food chain. >> james, going to leave it there. good luck with the battle. appreciate your time. thanks for joining us. let's talk about the giant, the brewing company. it made $6.5 million before tax.
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this is for the year to march. it's up around 1% on the previous year. sab owns 200 beer brands and operates in 75 countries. gross continues to be strong in the emerging markets. the the likes of africa and latin america. profits are hit by a sharp decline in the strength value of many emerging market current cc. we had that explained why it was. >> revenue is growing. part of that is a result of growth and volumes. it's also a result of mixed changes in a number of markets which allows us to sell more premium brands in territories which is positive for margin. against that we have strong cost control. this helps to expand the margin to 90 obbasis points.
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>> that does make you thirsty. i always associate you with wine. >> maybe. don't give my secret away. bye bye. >> thank you very much aaron. if you're just joining us here on bbc world news on "gmt," our breaking story this hour. there has been a military coup in thailand. more on that coming up in a few moments time. it follows the imposition of martial law two days ago.
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i'm tim willcox. our main story this hour. thailand's armed forces have announced they are taking control of the country immediately after military talks designed to bridge the gap between the country's political opponents broke down. 25-year-old woman reported missing a decade ago told police she was drugged and kidnapped from the family home at the age of 15. the woman who's originally from mexico has been reunited with her family in southern california. paulal paul adams reports. >> a couple neighbors knew as laura and thomas lived an unremarkable life. this man, garcia, 41 years old is accused of kidnapping, rape and false imprisonment. ten years ago he and the girl lived with her mother over 30 kilometers away. garcia and the mother were in a relationship. police say there was a fight.
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garcia drugged and kidnapped the 15-year-old daughter, the start of the decade long appeal. >> there were sexual assaults. on two occasions she tried to escape. he caught her and beat her. he told her her family isn't looking for her. she has nowhere to go. she doesn't speak english. >> the young woman hasn't been identified but last night spoke for the first time. >> i was very afraid about everything. i was alone. i think i was alone. my family was with me. >> for years, the couple appeared to live a happy, hardworking life. garcia on the left and his alleged victim on the right pictured this church with a daughter born two years ago. there were signs too. >> we would have conversations. she step out and goes back in
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her house as if he doesn't let her socialize . in another way they act like a normal couple. they kiss in front of people. it's weird and crazy to me. >> the girl contacted her sister on facebook and learned her family had never given up on her. >> paul adams reports. that's it for "gmt" today. bye bye. (vo) celebrate this memorial day with up to 40% off hotels at travelocity. plus, enter promo code memorial50 for an additional $50 off. (gnome) go and smell the roses.
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7:59 am
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narrator: the ood. they came from a distant world. they voyaged across the stars. all with one purpose -- do you take milk and sugar? to serve. oh, that's good. that's excellent. i like it, sir. "buy one now." direct, straight to the point. man: we play that across the tri-galactic for two weeks, then introduce this -- narrator: now, only 50 credits. 50? we're reducing the price to 50 credits? man: sales are down, we've got to reposition ourselves -- so get going. idiot! bleeding us dry. you, there, get me last month's military export figures.
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