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tv   BBC World News  BBC America  May 26, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EDT

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no... try it, and see what your good driving can save you. you don't even have to switch. unless you're scared. i'm not scared, it's... you know we can still see you. no, you can't. pretty sure we can... try snapshot today -- no pressure. . hello. you're watching "gmt" on bbc world news. i'm tim willcox. the great european revolt. the parties ride a wave of public anger across the eu. here in brussels. politicians are trying to decide how to deal with that anger. do they row back or press ahead with the european project? jews killed in the holocaust and terrorist attacks, pope
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francis makes a tour to the east. we'll take stock of the chocolate king who's now the ukrainian president. the businessman who made a billion from chocolate looks to see if he can make anything from the busted economy. hello. it is midday here in london, 7:00 a.m. washington, 1:00 p.m. brussels where a eurosceptic irk forced politicians to come to terms with a political landscape. france, austria, britain, antieu parties and antii accomplishment parties from the far right and left celebrated stunning gains, in some gains pushing parties to first place. le pen made huge gains becoming the biggest french party in
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brussels. in britain, the uk independence party trumps labour parties to the top spot in europe. overall, the pro european starters still on top. let's go to denmark. what a different landscape today. >> it is a different landscape tim. it has been a night for the insurgents. talking to people here inside the european parliament this morning, a lot of them are pointing out it's still the centers who have the majority. they're unlikely to give powers. it's not clear how yet european policy and way eu was run, if that will actually change as a result of this upheaval. this report from around europe
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from ben. >> victory for le pen and first for the national. one of four votes cast went to the antiimmigrant, far right party. i huge jump in support. she said the sovereign people had spoken loudly and wanted to be masters of share own destiny. it was a vote against the unpopular socialist president. it was a vote against the eu membership too, particularly immigration. the anti-eu danish people's party came in denmark on promise of taking powers back from brussels. when meps next meet, more than ever will be critics of the election they've been elected to. the right and left parties will
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have a majority here. meps will be a noisy block of descent. they don't just come from the right. in greece, the radical left
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party topped the poll. the country has been hardest hit by austerity. it won by opposing the cuts. the it's a gloomy atmosphere at the headquarters of the two main stream parties particularly for socialists that took 40% of the vote and lost another three or four seats. a disastrous night after the disastrous elections just a couple of months ago. we've been hearing in the last few minutes from a former minister from the overseas department who's been in a meeting with the president to give his first reaction to this result. he said he was taking it in stock. he says he's aware of the country. he's sticking to his political line. we expect to get response from him this evening in the next 48 hours. the paper of record in france has also been giving its first reaction looking at the scale of
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the vote. the international finishing top in 70% of departments around the country. the working class vote have taken under 35 vote. 30% of the under 35 vote. what they're saying is this is much more worrying than the situation in the country in 2002 when le pen's father won through to the second round of the presidential election. they give three reasons. first of all there's been no popular insurgency to the results. no protest in france, no anger on the street. the second reason is really the main party in power, the socialist party is transfixed by the scale of the crisis. it doesn't react. it's frozen. and next how can he react when he's clearly fragile. they have three election they built on the last one. she took 18% of the vote in the
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presidential election. they took 12 town halls in the municipal election. now this finishing top of the polls first time ahead of the two main stream parties. it is in the words of politicians a political earthquake here. the concern is that people give a shrug to it today and take it in their stride. >> let's go now to london. rob watson, our political correspondent. are people shrugging off results there? we've heard david cameron talking about what people are telling him. >> politicians not shrugging it off at all here. although the performance was in a way expected, the shock is the way it happened and votes being counted. the small party has won the
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election. the uk discussion being digested. the main stream politicians and commentators are asking the same question. this is beyond britain and around europe. that is this a protest vote? is it people angry at europe? angry at the recession? angry at main stream politicians and they will come back to main stream? is it national election or something more profound as septics themselves like to say and it is in fact the beginning of the end of the eu dream of closer integration? >> can we pick that up with you, that point? do you think the anger is more about things that may change like the state of the economy which in france you have a lot of difficulties there. or is it the basic principles of the union like the freedom of movement of workers? >> let me separate that
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question. part is austerity, unemployment over 11%, over 20% for those over 35. it's also about the recovery, lack of any recovery. three consecutive quarters of almost zero growth. zero growth first quarter this year. it's also a lack of trust in the president. the inability to do something about it. in terms of their attitude towards europe. a week ago, 72% of the people in france said they're in favor of belonging to europe. only 39% of the people think the eu is a good thing. there is this attitude that yes, we want to be part of it. we want it to be very different. we want europe concentrating on the core issues. we certainly want europe focussing on the biggest problem of all. for french, that is immigration. >> in paris, rob watson in london. thank you both.
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we're going to speak about the big picture in brussels. let me speak to the chief for the financial times. a slap in the face for the elite. they expected it. do you think they'll change? >> i think they have to. you've heard main stream leaders and the language from pop list. they finished as the largest group here in parliament. they lost 60 seats. a whopping hit for them. i think there's a realization this morning even though polls were showing this was coming, the stark reality that these are the fourth and fifth largest groups in the parliament. it's going to have to change. >> but how? what policies are we talking about changing? matters like the freedom of movement? >> it's a little of everything. you've heard the issue debate. merkel is forced to address these issues as well. you hear they only got 30% of
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parliament. main stream still has the mass majority. people forget the effect these guys have on home politics. we've seen in the uk, they forced cameron -- the man that said i'm not going to bang on about europe is forced to bang on about europe. and in the netherlands, the policy proposal of things in the netherlands. and the fins are the same. what happens is these guys get soap boxes in brussels and are able to project back to capitals. those ministers are still a coequal branch in terms of deciding. i think they'll have the hot breath on their back shoulder about pop lists gaining on them. migration and the whole idea of ever closer europe. >> those ministers are in town
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and will be here for dinner tomorrow night. i would love to be a fly on the wall. >> wouldn't we all. this is a debate we'll have. are these parties chosen in brussels -- they have leaders. long time prime minister, back town guy, is he the face they want? we have david cameron arguing against him. other leaders are against him as well. the prime minister of hungary has said i don't want him to be president. will prime ministers get together and say look, it's our prerogative to choose these? we have the right of initiative, get to nominate the guy. that's the fight that starts tuesday night. they're not going to pick a name tuesday night. we'll see in several weeks the
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high profile pogsz. >> thanks. a lot to talk about the direction of eu, policies of eu and face as at the top of the eu. much more to talk about in the coming weeks and months. >> thank you very much indeed from brussels. you're watching "gmt" on bbc world news. news just getting out of donetsk in the east of ukraine. gunfire reported at the airport there. the main airport actually hit by explosions and heavy shooting as armed rebels seize the facility. that's on the press news agency. thick black smoke seen rising from the airport. fighter jets overhead as well. one russian tv station is saying that ukrainian military helicopters have opened fire on the airport. also the tv station adding that machine gunfire could be heard
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from the ground as well and smoke billowing from inside. we have correspondents in the area as well. we'll try to speak to them as soon as we can. in other news. the railway officials in india say 40 have been killed and dozens injured in the train crash in the state of outtar pradesh. rescue prs are trying to free people trapped inside. president barack obama made a surprise visit to troops in afghanistan. this is ahead of plans to withdraw combat forces by the end of the year. this comes before memorial day when americans commemorate troops that died in service. oscar pistorius has arrived at a hospital in pretoria to start a 30 day psychiatric assess president. the judge in the murder trial ordered the parra olympian to have tests on his psychiatric
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state. his attorney claims he had an anxiety disorder. he denies murder. stay with us on bbc world news. still to come, we are live where pope francis has been visiting the most important holy sites of muslims and jews on the final day of his tour.
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♪ show 'em the curve. it's beautiful. it's more than that...'s perfect. introducing curved ultra high definition television from samsung. captain: and here's a tip. bellman: thanks, captain obvious. when you save money on hotel rooms, it's just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins...
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. hello. pope francis is on his third and final day of his middle east tour. he's been visiting israel's national holocaust memorial and also been to the most important holy sites for muslims and jews including the western wall and al-aqsa mosque. the pope called for christians, muslims and jews to work together for justice and peace. let's go to jerusalem now. a religious but also a political
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visit. >> reporter: that's right. the pope says intentions were purely religious. he's thrown himself into matters political. particularity the highlight of his trip t surprise invitation he made to his open air mass in bethlehem to israeli and palestinian presidents to come visit him at the vatican, to make what he called a heart felt prayer for peace. this coming a month after peace talks broke down. in the last few hours the pope has been meeting political leaders in israel. he went to see mr. peres himself. afterwards, mr. peres who accepted the invitation talked about how the pope's visit could revitalize efforts. putting a high value on this visit by the pope. it has different aspects too about church, unity and
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interreligious dialogue. my colleague has been looking at the implications of the pope's trip. >> reporter: the final day of the pope's visit to the holy land and this was israel's day. he visited its most sacred places including here, the holocaust memorial yad vashem. pope francis placed a wreath within ashes of some of those that perished in camps. >> translator: never again lord, never again. >> israel's prime minister announced to nazi genocide and said it was unfact able. r2iñvú it remains an open .
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pihaps these quite, solemn moments help the healing. earlier the pope visited the western wall, one of the most holy places and stood along side the rabbi. >> for too many years religion was a source of division. here from, from this site which is sacred to you, to me, millions more around the globe, i call on people of all religions to fight the hatred and antisemitism that is growing. >> like millions of others, the pope left here a message for god. it was written in spanish. the prayer, our father. the pope has placed his prayer in the gap in the western wall. he's visiting today israel's most holiest and secret places. that image, today's image of a solitaire figure standing praying by a wall has been
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overshadowed. this will be the a biding image from the pope's trip, one that has thrilled palestinians and infuriating israelis. the vatican said this was about religion and unavoidable. >> there can be no kind of visit of any sorts to this part of the world without political ramifications. he knew full well all sides will try to make political capital out of it. >> the pope threw himself into one of the world's most difficult problems, middle east peace w. that, he may not achieve much. here he's left a deep impression with christians, jews, muslims alike. >> picking up on the pope going to the separation wall. what's the official israeli government reaction been to that? >> well, i was talking to an
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irali minister a short time ago. they say it's too soon to see what the overall implications could be from the pope's trip. the israeli president has spoken in terms. i was told by vatican officials that this is a pope that believes in the culture of the encounter. these different meetings he's been having, many private with israeli officials. he met the israeli prime minister as well. it may be too soon to see the full implications of this tour. i think people are also looking to see what happens with this prayer meeting that he has called for at the vatican. could this be some sort of break through? certainly when talking to the palestinian christian faithful, a pope enormously popular with them, someone with huge charisma, happy having a common touch. someone to build bridges between
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people with different beliefs coming from different backgrounds. hopes are really still quite high of him. perhaps expectations are too high. >> thank you very much indeed. you're watching "gmt." let's bring you a line from angela merkel in germy following european elections. she is giving a press conference at the moment. we think in berlin. she has said the performance of the right wing and populist in the european parliamentary elections was remarkable and regrettable. that line just said by her in this press conference. she went on also to praise the solid result for conservatives in the eu elections. the rise of antiestablishment and antieu parties right across
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europe. in particular france, denmark, greece, britain. the king of thailand has endorsed the man responsible for the coup. he has been given the right to run the country. the former prime minister yingluck shinawatra has remained home but is on military supervision. >> he had to wait four days for it, but this morning the thailand new military leader got the endorsement from the king. no coup in the country's modern history has succeeded without it. the aging monarch wasn't president at the ceremony nor has he made any comment. the coup leaders want to keep the palace untainted by their take over. the general's next move will be appoint a cabinet and prime minister. the country is in dire need of management after several months
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of turmoil. he'll be challenged by opposition to his rule. today he had a blunt message for those behind anticoup protest in bangkok. >> these protests we've seen do they want to go back to the way we were before? if you want that, i'll have to enforce the law. >> none of the warnings have so far deterred opponents of the coup from demonstrating. in anything, the soldiers struggle to deal with angry crowds. sooner or later, the army may use force and face resistance from outside bangkok. it will not find it easy to run the country. bbc news bangkok. you're watching "gmt." a quick reminder of breaking news. we hope to have more in a moment. armed pro-russian separatists
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have taken over donetsk international airport in eastern ukraine. reports of gunfire and explosions in the area. some reports that ukrainian helicopters are firing on those pro russian separatists firing back with automatic gunfire. more on that in a moment. stay with us. for all kinds of reasons. i go to angie's list to gauge whether or not the projects will be done in a timely fashion and within budget. angie's list members can tell you which provider is the best in town. you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare. now that we're expecting, i like the fact i can go onto angie's list and look for pediatricians. the service providers that i've found on angie's list actually have blown me away. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust.
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american express can help protect you. with intelligent security that learns your spending patterns, and can alert you instantly to an unusual charge. so you can be a member of a more secure world. this is what membership is. this is what membership does. this is "gmt" on bbc world news. i'm tim willcox. coming up this half hour, russia recognizes petro poroshenko as the new president. fighting at the international airport in donetsk in eastern ukraine. also jamie is here with business and a look at this. >> a look through the eyes of a computer, that $100,000 watch
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would look if you try it on. it's used to put us in real or unreal situations. hello. ukraine voted in presidential elections on sunday. not everyone could do so in the eastern regions of luhansk and donetsk. the majority of polling stations were unable to open because of threats from row prussian separatists. it's clear the winner of the election by a landslide is the billionaire chocolate maker petro poroshenko. he is insisting on the return of crimea. there's been fighting at the donetsk international airport. pro russian separatists apparently taking over part of the building with helicopter gun ships. ukrainian gun ships reported to be circling overhead and firing
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down. machine gunfire comes from the ground. one building is believed to be on fire. we'll get more in a meeoment. more of the news of the presidential election. >> petro poroshenko is a familiar face in politics. he always played a supporting role. now the 48-year-old chocolate king appears poised to take over the reigns of power. the results are not final, but he is already outlining his plans. chief on his list, a relations with russia. >> i hope that the world will support us. i hope mostly that the russian federation will support my approach on the decision in the east. >> mr. poroshenko is ukraine's seventh richest person and known as a tough businessman.
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people here on the kiev independence square say he will need all his managing skills to deal with ukraine's problems n. ukraine's east, government forces continue to battle pro russian separatists. the kremlin has warned any further action against the insurgents could be a colossal mistake. in kiev, people were hopeful mr. poroshenko could ignite the country. >> i'm really happy with the result. what i need and what people in this country need is stability. >> others were more cautious. >> translator: of course we'll support this candidate and let him work, but we'll control the process of his work. he has to work indeed but not the same way as previous authorities did.
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>> mr. poroshenko says he will bring peace and prosperity to ukraine. it would appear he has not a moment to lose. david stern, bbc news, kiev. >> we speak to our correspondent along side donetsk international airport in a moment. before that, let's go to moscow and speak to bbc russian service. we have heard russia recognizes the mission. it recognizes the legitimacy of the election as well to establish inclusive dialogue with all citizens. is there wiggle room given the fact 5 million ukrainians couldn't vote? >> well this is very interesting and very special situation for russia. yes, indeed. the foreign minister mr. lavrov said he will respect3@
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mr. poroshenko. at the same time, commentators here in moscow say and point out to the situation in the eastern regions of donetsk and luhansk that didn't vote. they're saying that this raised the question of legitimacy. that is why it's certain space for the russian politicians. if there will be a direct dialogue talks between mr. poroshenko and mr. putin. this definitely will be on the table. this is something russia would probably most likely would play with this fact. of course this is maybe a huge, huge problem for the new ukrainian president. >> yeah. also he's pro eu which won't go down well where you are.
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and once the return of crimea. >> well, the first huge relationship with european union is probably not the biggest problem for moscow because -- well mr. putin at the same time, always saying that they do not want integration of ukraine to northern atlantic institution. they wouldn't be opposed to general trade and development of trade links with europe. at the same time, what they definitely didn't want to see. this is the integration of destruction of nato and close european trade and distance from the union which russia is trying to construct. at the same time, crimea is something which at least for
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moscow doesn't look like moscow is ready for nextgotiations. they claim this is russian territory after the crimean referendum. this is difficult for the ukrainian government and president to deal with. >> okay. thank you very much indeed. just staying with ukraine. that osce observer mission for the elections said it was a genuine lechlkelection. it's talked about legitimacy. despite that and poroshenko's desire to move quickly to negotiate with russia, fighting on the ground still in donetsk. in particular at the international airport. mark joining us on the line from there. what is happening at the moment
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mark? >> caller: fighting broke out 1:00 in afternoon. we were next to the airport armed by pro russian separatist groups. they entered about 3:00 a.m. local time. there were negotiations between them and ukrainian forces. then all of a sudden we heard two fighter jets circling overhead. they were met by fire. shortly after that, three attack helicopters arrived flying low over donetsk airport. there was sustained rounds of the machine gunfire. i'm looking over the airport compound now. i can see smoke billowing out from the airport control tower. the gunfire seems to have subsided. at the moment it's not clear whether ukrainians have retaken control of the air force. >> just looking back at sunday's election, did anyone get to vote
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in your region? >> caller: well in the city, nobody at all. all 483 polling stations due to open could not open. they were occupied by armed groups or forced to close after threat or ballot papers were seized. the election commission simply not working. in the outlying towns, some were able to vote. we went to one in the donetsk city where 50,000 people live. 22 polling stations were able to function separatist groups have not seized that area. the overall turn out was 10%. in the major city, one of the biggest in ukraine, was not able to take part in the election. >> thank you mark for the latest. time to catch up with business news. >> going to stick with ukraine
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actually. we've been hearing the exit polls suggest poroshenko has won that outright victory in the electionses with 55% of the vote. who is it? petro poroshenko is one of the richest men in ukraine. he's not what one would expect. no gas and metals. he is the product of the world of chocolate e aft he bought up cocoa beans and brought them under one roof. he became a chocolate king not just chocolate. car and bus plant, shipyard and five canal television channel, most popular in ukraine. in march 2002, forbes placed him on the list of billionaires,
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$1.3 billion. although his tv stations did appear to back the opposition in that ousting of former president yanukovych, he has russian interest as well. 40% of chocolate sales go to russia. a russian factory was raid aed russian authorities. his economic problems are immense. russia is demanding billions for unpaid natural gas bills. they're demanding exchange for $27 billion in emergency credit to save the country from default. well time to look at problems in a bit more detail. our economics correspondent. tell us more about the problems facing ukraine. they are massive aren't they? >> yechlts s. if you look back, you can get a flavor of how dismal performance has been.
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the economy is 16% smaller than it was in 1992. very striking contrast with what happened over the border in poe land where at the time back in the early 90s, two economies were similar order of magnitude in terms of size. also similar kind of order. today poland is two and a half to three times larger than ukraine on both measures. yes, it's been a truly dismal performance. i suppose the more encouraging thing you can point to is the fact it was a good deal worse at the turn of the century. the economy contracted about half. some of that damage has been repaired. far from all of it. >> he says his first visit is to poland. he looks as though he's looking very much to the west, to europe. he'll meet with the american president there it's thought and also eu leaders. poland is his model, don't you
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think. >> it must be the case. people must look at the better performance the polish economy has enjoyed the last couple of decades. i'm sure mr. poroshenko will be open to the kind of lessons of polish experience. there was a period of quite strongly economic reform in preparation of the union. poland say market economy now. mr. poroshenko is someone with an extensive business background i'm sure. he'll be keen to see what can be learned from poland's much more successful experience. >> thanks for that. now let's talk about augmented reality. this is technology that add as digital to aspects. so far it's used in computer
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games tell porting users to another world. the market is growing. developers are coming up with ways to use it in everyday life. let's look at one pop up boutique shop in london. it's using this technology to sell luxury wristwatches. >> the technology overlays the real world you see with your eyes with digital information. we use it here to allow customers to try on watches. >> yes. what you do first of all is take one of these markers and put it on your wrist. this has a non repeating pattern which tells the software on the ipad where to place the watch on your wrist. >> this circle here, is that important? >> that tells the ipad where to put the face of the watch. we want that to be the most
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natural place. hold that up. there we are. >> i'm getting a good idea of what the styles look like. if i were buying a watch, maybe i want to feel the cold metal on my wrist or warm leather on my wrist. do you think you're getting a convincing enough experience of what the life would be like? >> it's not reality. it can only go so far. technology is in infancy. in the future, it will become visually as convincing as the real world. it's never the same as actually wearing a watch. it's not going to have the weight. >> how do you convey that to the customer? do you tell them to keep that in mind? what reaction are you getting? >> people are interested in the technology. i'm not sure how many watches we've sold with this. as a way of leading forward showing what's capable, it's
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interesting with the watch. technology is impressive but has no bearing on your real life. people can come along and think that's a watch on my wrist. i know what a real watch is like. i finally understand this complicated technology i've been hearing about for years. >> i'm not sure. what do you think tim? >> it looks fun. tie, jackets and suits maybe. it takes a long time to put the tie on. thank you very much indeed. stay with us here on bbc world news. still to come, we find out why "to kill a mocking bird" might disappear from the school all together. ain obvious. captain: and here's a tip. when you save money on hotel rooms, it's just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins...
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hello. you're watching "gmt." i'm tim willcox. our top stories this hour. after a night of success, antiestablishment party elections for the european parliament. governments in britain, france, denmark as well as greece and spain. now." to kill a mocking bird" and "of mice and men" are among the u.s. classics to be dropped in the uk in favor of more british work. it brings strong action from teachers and literary critics. we asked what you thought about the decision. here are some fromd"t4&x@;q aro world. >> jenny says the book educated
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her about racism for the first time. jennifer austin said it would be tragic to deprive students of these fantastic books. richard spencer teaches english and is vice principal of the college. he joins us via skype. isn't it acceptable to try and encourage british school children to read british classics ahead of others? >> in fact it's desirable. we want our students to study the best in the english language. many are from british authors. aren't aren't as well. that denies them access in examination terms to great writers in english from around the world. it is cultural arrogance on behalf of the government. >> and the suggestion -- he doesn't like "of mice and men."
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that was a personal decision. >> that's the story that's going around. there's very much been a personal intervention with the examination boards and this specification only writings from the british isles is largely a result of his desire to get rid of "of mice and men." >> i suppose britain is such a cosmopolitan society now. doesn't education need to reflect that? >> absolutely. i'm married to an american myself. my two daughters who live in this country have american passports. he doesn't want them to study authors from america. it seems to me crazy we live in an international world. one of the great selling points of great britain is the way our language traveled around the globe. to limit what we expose our young people to in text terms is
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one headed and very unfortunate. >> this also used to be a tendency to allow pre20th century literature to dominate. again, do you agree with that? is it important for example should children be taught shax s spear from 16? >> absolutely. i believe the curriculum for noveles novelests, i'm suspicious of any list of prescribed authors handed out by any government. i want to know their motives and who's putting that list together. at the moment, neither of these things are clear. it seems steinbach and williams
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are not in somebody's favor. that seems a great shame. >> that reminds me to dig out my tennessee williams plays. thanks very much. the leader of india's bjp party narendra modi will be sworn in today in delhi. the two leaders are expected to hold talks tuesday. mr. modi led to a landslide victory in the latest election. egyptians are voting for a new president today. there are only two candidates. the former army chief sisi and the leftist. this follows the ousting of the previous president. >> this is alexandria the second largest city. polling stations have opened
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doors. people have started gearing up. now they're going inside to cast their vote and select the next president. today they are choosing between two candidates. what do people think of today? how do you see this day ? he says the elections today mean everything to him. his life and homeland. the egyptian media has been complaining heavily asking the people to go out to polling questions today. some believe these elections does not only lie in the final results but in the turnout. it simply shows how many believe in the credibility of this
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voting process. >> reporting there in alexandria. quick reminder of breaking news this hour. in particular in ukraine and donetsk at the international airport there. fighting reported there. it's calm at the moment. certainly an hour ago, there were fighter jets circling around the international airport as pro russia separatists were firing from the ground. after that, three ukrainian military helicopters came. there was a continued exchange of fire between them and machine guns on the ground. also, smoke reported to be coming from one of the buildings there. also, our other main story. antiestablishment and anti-eu parties have performed across europe in elections. the far right in france got more votes than any other party. the antieuropean uk party won
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the vote in britain. if you want more on those election results and reactions across the 28 country, go online to 2014. that's it from me and the team. people join angie's list for all kinds of reasons. i go to angie's list to gauge whether or not the projects will be done in a timely fashion and within budget. angie's list members can tell you which provider is the best in town. you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare. now that we're expecting, i like the fact i can go onto angie's list and look for pediatricians. the service providers that i've found on angie's list actually have blown me away. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust.
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