tv BBC World News BBC America May 29, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EDT
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hello. you're watching "gmt" on bbc world news. i'm tim willcox. our top stories. the president said the operation to retake eastern ukraine would take just hours. almost a week later t bloody battle continues. today 14 people are killed after rebels shoot down a military helicopter. back to square one as the underwater search for mh 370 reveals nothing. >> no signs of aircraft debris has been found in the underwater
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vehicle since it joined the search effort. the most comprehensive study of expanding waistlines published. nearly a third of people across the world are classified as obese. the debate that split the public health community. >> it's all about e-cigarettes. tobacco companies are pushing the world health organization. now we ask, is this a smoke screen being used by those big companies to cover their falling sales? hello. it is midday here in london. 7:00 a.m. washington, 2:00 p.m. eastern ukraine where fighting between government forces and pro russian rebels continues. in the past few hours, 14 people
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have been killed as another military helicopter was shot down near the town of sloviansk, north of the flash points city donetsk. the scene of the fighting that has left dozens of rebel fighters dead. this despite the president saying this week the bloodshed would end in hours. we are joined from donetsk. sloviansk 50 to 60 miles from you. significant loss of life there mark? >> reporter: a huge blow to the ukrainian military tim. 14 soldiers dead after the helicopter was shot down near sloviansk. one of the 14 was an army general. the president said the helicopter was transporting personnel to a military base for a change of shift when it was shot down by rebels. sloviansk has been the center of heavy fighting in eastern
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ukraine. it fell to ukraine in the beginning. it is one of the areas the president elect is vowing to push forward and try to retake as he pushes on with an antiter operation to dismantle the terrorists and ban it to eastern ukraine. he has likened to somali pirates. >> what are the pro russian rebels still where you are in donetsk -- are they falsifying positions there? >> reporter: well, certainly they attempted to regroup when the ukrainian military launched a huge air assault on the air force monday and tuesday to try to get it back from rebel control. remember abels tried to seize i. we watched as rebel insurgents tried to regroup. the airport itself seems to have been retaken by the military. what has happened now, rebels
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are trying to regroup, launch counter offensives. there are various reports of troop movement on the outskirts. clearly both sides are digging in, vowing to remain tough. you get the sense tim, kiev is beginning to lose patience or has lost patience really. it is saying it must push on. this anti-terror operation must be completed in hours rather than months. you see from what happened today with loss of 14 lives it would be a big challenge to bring these rebels under the ukrainian control and bring this area back under this control of kiev. >> thank you very much indeed. this operation continues. the gamble is presumably how russia reacts if there is more significant loss of life with pro russia militants. >> this has been punitive operation against civilians. russia has nothing to do with
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the increased tension in the east of ukraine. this doesn't supply troops or weapons. the evidence on the ground there's infiltration across the ukrainian border. there's been a lot of talk and rumor about czech fighters engaged on the side of rebels. czech leaders said there could be volunteers. the situation on the ground is tense. they demand access for humanitarian aid. so far there hasn't been talk about peace keepers. yesterday the governor of the area read an appeal to president putin and russian people. he talked about health, assistance. he didn't mention peace keepers. this is on the back of the mind of every politician. >> is there attempt to stop fighters coming across from
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russia into eastern ukraine to engage in these fights? >> there are some attempts. the ukrainian army was not prepared for this. border guards were rather week. it's a huge border and it's porous. there are entrance points. you can if you want infiltrate quite easily and bring heavy weapons as well. a lot of weapons were already there. some appeared to basically be brought in from crimea before the annexation. >> russia has been saying for weeks the military maneuvers on the border were scaled down. battalions were going back to base. was there independent kro corroboration? >> yes. troops had been pulled back. advanced troops and communication units are still there. from the ukrainian perspective, threat is still there. politically it's unlikely this will happen that any kind of
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russian invasion is imminent judging from the language of putin and lavrov. the president elect of ukraine certainly. the key thing now is neutralize the situation. >> nobody quite knows which part of the territory is in control of who. in the mix of all this, the osce observers, who is holding them? >> the mayor of sloviansk said that they've been detained not arrested. if you remember, this is the gentleman who earlier said the previous hostages were not hostages. they were his guests and he had a good time with them because it was his birthday. this shows the level many describe as lawlessness in that part of ukraine. however again, for our viewers
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it's important to know we're talking about pockets within this big area in donetsk region. we're talking pockets of violence and resistance that are dangerous and have military men. sometimes those men are not really under anybody's control. they're all to themselves. >> which makes it more terrifying. thanks very much. it has been nearly three months, and still no one has any idea about what happened to mh 370. the malaysian airliner disappeared with 239 on board and despite the extensive search is yet to be found. an unmanned submarine just finished a search without locating a single piece of the plane. malaysian authorities city think it's in the southern indian ocean. but where?
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>> three months of looking and almost back to square one. the underwater search in the southern indian ocean using this automated submarine lasted six weeks. it was focused on the area where pings or signals had been detected possibly from the plane's black box. nothing was found. that part of the search has now been called off. the transport safety bureau has admitted the search in the vicinity of the acoustic detections can be considered complete. it is professional judgment the area can now be discounted as the final resting place for mh 370. >> it's another blow for the families of the 239 people who were on board. it's a far cry from the optimism the australian prime minister showed last month. >> we have very much narrowed down the search area. we are very confident that the
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signals we are detecting are from the black box on mh 370. >> investigators will continue to scan the ocean floor. commercial contractors will be brought in. the search area is having to be massively extended to an area of over 60,000 square kilometers, roughly half the size of england. the cost too is massive. the australian government recently allocated $80 million u.s. for the search. time and money have failed to solve the mystery of mh 370. they may not even be looking in the right place. bbc news, sydney. >> let's get more on this. he's been watching the story extremely closely. what's going to happen next? >> the search will have to be widened. what we have to bear in mind here is the search areas focused
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on have been something of a best guess. the general area in which the aircraft is thought to have gone down is determined on limited satellite data. assumptions are made about the speed the aircraft was going and how quickly it used up fuel. that's a basic area. on top of that we have underwater pings, sonar signals detected thought to have come from the underwater bea cons. now there's doubt over that. the area surrounding where the pings were detected has been searched. 850 square kilometers. absolutely nothing has been found. >> they can't search the entire ocean, can they? >> no. they can search a large area thoroughly. the problem is it's going to take time. the area looked at now is 60,000 square kilometers as we heard
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there. the way that's going to be looked at is a matting of the seabed which checks depth, terrain and so on. after that, specialist equipment will be moved in. >> is it the special equipment used already? they've got nothing else in their armory which they can bring in now. >> the bluefin-21, the u.s. navy robot used so far, has had problems going to depths. specialist equipment will be brought in. the australian government is going to bring companies who have this kind of kit. it's going to taking time other. the next phase will last up to a year. if nothing is found, it could go on after that. >> $80 million u.s. put forward to the search now, how long is that going to last? >> a third of that takes it up to the end of june.
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after that it's the next stage of the search. obviously if that doesn't find anything and a further search is needed, it could mount up. the air france flight that went down in 2009, it took two years. they found wreckage within a week. you're watching "gmt" bbc world news. the prime minister said it was totally unacceptable that a woman was bludgeoned do today death. parveen was three months pregnant when she was killed for marrying against her family's wishes. a man is accused of raping two teenage cousins and then hung the girls from trees. the girls had been raped and strangled. two police officers are removed from duty for not reporting the
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case. there will be more hospital beds and mid wives in the anticipation of a baby boom. families will now be allowed to have a second baby is just one of the parents is an only child. stay with us on bbc world news. still to come, his election victory was crushing. with low voter turnout, how much support with egypt's next president really have? ahh, nothing like the peace and quiet
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no one ever doubt had the egypt's former army chief sisi would win a landslide victory in this week's presidential election, or the scale of the victory either. he received 90% of the vote. what might have come as a surprise and set back was the turnout. less than half the country took part in the elections, far lower
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than the poll that elected the man he deposed. as head of egypt's military, sisi ordered the armed forces and deposed morsi last july after ma protest. he oversaw a crack down on the muslim brother hood where 16,000 were arrested. in march this year, mr. sisi resigned as army chief so he could run for president. egypt's new presidency say will have to severe economic security and social problems. let's go to cairo and our co correspondent there. how much of a blow is this for his mandate? >> it certainly means he's starting out with the credibility gap. it's not the outcome he wanted or any of the various powerful
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institutions of state that have been backing him. obviously in recent months, basically all the levels of power behind him. he had strong backing from state and mump of the private media. he had a full backing of the ar army which is most powerful. many of the business community and those that previously backed the last in 2011. the script had been written by the powers at be that sisi would be swept to power on a wave of massive turnout and he would be vindicated. his removal of morsi would have been vindicated as choice of the egyptian nation. that's come to part because of the turnout. we don't have final official figures. what we are dealing with are provisional figures. they say he's won more than 90%.
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the turnout is 45-46%. fewer voters came out in this election than in 2011 when they chose mor say. the turnout on that occasion was 52%. there's a few percentage points in it. it's a symbolic defeat if he cannot get more than 52%. itself seems on the basis of figures we have now he will not reach that level. >> given the overthrow of morsi and many involved on the streets, how do they explain this low turnout? >> i think one of the things that has become clear in egypt the last three years is public opinion can turn quickly. we have seen two presidents swept away in years. yes, without a doubt there were millions on the streets last june basically begging for the removal of brother hood and morsi. they had become deeply
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unpopular. his rule was deviecive. there was a great deal at. the chief said he was responding to the will of the people when he removed morsi. critics said he was carrying out a coup. his major battle since then has been to get the elector at to endorse what he approved. perhaps some of his own supporters didn't come out to vote because they thought the victory was guaranteed. certainly the turnout was damaged by a boycott from the muslim brother hood and liberal activists who have been a palled at the deadly crack down that's taken polion mr. sisi's watch.
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>> thank you. the downing of that helicopter killing 14 year the town of sloviansk. now this is a picture that's just come through to us showing the aftermath of that. apparently according to eyewitnesses there were two explosio explosions. we don't see much of the wreckage. we are told this is of that helicopter. 14 people on board including a general in sloviansk which is about 50-60 miles north of the town or city of donetsk which has been the scene of such bitter fighting in last few days which left dozens of pro russia separatists fighters dead. it's been described as a ticking time bomb affecting nations around the globe. now new research found that almost a third of the world's entire population is overweight. >> the study published looked at
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188 countries in 2013 and found what was once affecting rich populations, now two-thirds is found in developing countries. >> reporter: more people around the world are overweight than ever before. not a single country is succeeding in tackling the problem. the stark findings published in the medical journal blamed a lack of this. not enough exercise and easy access to cheap, fatty food is fuelling the problem. the 2.1 billion people around the world are overweight, a third of the world's population. the united states topped the table. perhaps more surprisingly china game second with india third followed by russia, brazil, mexico, egypt, germany, pakistan and indonesia. researchers say this is the most
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comprehensive study of its kind. more women in developing countries were overweight than men because they say multitasking and looking after the family means less time to exercise. rates were higher for men in developed countries. the study called for urgent action to tackle the immediate crisis and help future generations fight what has become one of the most pressing problems of our time. bbc news. >> let's get more with the spokesman for the national obesity forum here in britain. this is going to cause huge problems for health care systems around the world. why is it in china and india more are becoming clinically obese? >> unfortunately there's a lot of western habits taken on by those. it is destroying the culture in
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food. i won't mention the firm. you know who the firm might be. also, it is perceived in those countries that it's sheik to go eat there. they've never had it in their lives. suddenly wonderful stores you can go in and get a quick meal easily. you can say i'm part of the west. >> after the civil war in spain, people treated not obesity but being overweight as a sign of prosperity. people rejoiced in that. is that still? >> it's still in the middle east. dubai has an obesity problem that's spiraling. it's a mixture of lady lifestyles and culture which says if you're fat you're doing well. >> does this need political will from individual governments to tackle the sale of foods which
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are high in sugar and salt. >> it's the only way. there's nothing that can be done without coming from the top. they've made it absolutely specific all governments have to do something about it. the individual is at the mercy of the s. it's only the government a which regulates the system that can solve in the end. it's going to take 15 to 20 years. to change the rates by 2025. >> politicians like targets. it's a long haul. i don't think you can put in a date on it. it depends on how much is done and how quickly. certainly in the you nigunited
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kingdom, but they've been missed. they think if we don't succeed, it's up to them. so on and so on. >> thank you for joining us. stay with us here on "gmt." coming up in the next few minutes, much more from all those stories from around the world. ♪ ♪fame, makes a man take things over♪ ♪fame, lets him loose, hard to swallow♪ ♪fame, puts you there where things are hollow♪ the evolution of luxury continues. the next generation 2015 escalade. ♪fame ♪ show 'em the curve. it's beautiful. it's more than that...'s perfect. introducing curved ultra high definition television
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american express can help protect you. with intelligent security that learns your spending patterns, and can alert you instantly to an unusual charge. so you can be a member of a more secure world. this is what membership is. this is what membership does. welcome to "gmt" on bbc world news. i'm tim willcox. coming up. it's been outlawed since 1996 but female general till mutilation continues. and coming up in the program, aaron is back with apple's biggest ever purchase. aaron? >> whoa tim.
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we're talking about a $3 billion deal as apple snatches beats, the company behind the headphones. beats cofounders are joining the tech giant. we'll ask why the purchase and why does apple want these two? hello. the middle east peace process has stalled again reinforcing how hard it is to get both sides to talk to and trust each other. a new book claims that the cia agent robert aims worked to bring israelis and palestinians together due to his ability to charm. in the good spy, the strong friendships cultivated helped
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save the ground work in the peace accords of 1993. >> so we're standing in national arlington cemetery next to robert ames grave side. it's the only tombstone that identifies someone as a cia officer. ames is completely unknown to most americans. inside the cia he's a hidden legend. i've spent four years writing the good spy, biography of robert ames. he loved the middle east. loved the culculture, learning about the religion. he was an all american boy who had a curiosity about a very foreign place. he threw himself into it and charmed everyone. the heart of the ames story is this fabulous relationship that
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he created with chief body guard, a young man in his late 20s who rose to become arafat virtual intelligence chief. they knew each other's wives, respected each other. over a ten year period from 1969 to 1979, they met in a clandestine fashion. these were the years no american official, no american diplomat could be caught speaking to someone from the plo. a cia officer was exempt from this prohibition. inside the agency they believe the peace process started with ames' cultivation friendship.
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ames was stationed in places like saudi arabia, kuwait. he died in a truck bomb in 1983 in beirut. oddly enough there was no retribution for the security lapses. the u.s. government didn't really know who had done this. another tragic consequence of ames' death in the embassy bombing was that it demoralized u.s. foreign policy in the region. i talked to one officer who when i broached the idea that ames had started the peace process, he says well maybe that's true, but it all came. i argue he showed us the way. his work is unfinished. some day it will come to
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fruition. a petition to help end female genital mutilation in america has passed 100,000 signatures. one survivor claimed change to update statistics on women subjected to it in the united states. let's have a look at fgm in the state. america outlawed it in 1996. in 1997 the u.s. department of health and human services estimated 168,000 girls and women had been or were at risk of being subjected to fgm. since then that number has risen. currently around 228,000 women and girls affected in the united states according to the women's hospital many boston.
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john joins us by skype from atlanta. you suffered yourself. just explain when this was carried out on you. >> i was a week old many my home country. it's a part of our culture when a girl is born. we normally go through when we're a week to a month old. >> i think it happened to your half sister as well. she then died as a result of this operation? >> exactly. not only my half sister but all families here of girls that have bled to death. this happens all the time. you hear about it and see it. it's something that has to end. >> when it happened to you, when you were old enough, did you discuss this with your parents? i wonder if the reasons they gave for wanting it to happen to
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you still applied to lots of parents today? >> when i realize the effects of fgm, my mom had already passed away. it's not something i would discuss with my dad. i think the reason why they did it to me was they thought they were fulfilling parent duties and something they had to do. it's a culture that's been applied over thousands of years. this is something they're very passionate about. this is something that's hard to change their minds. they think this is right for their daughters. this has been a long period of time. >> does that cultural hang over still apply today? how many do you think have fgm imposed on them now in the 21st century is this. >> when we first started the campaign i was under the impression fgm was something
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parents send kids a broad and then bring them back. throughout the campaign we see girls all over the united states that say they have cutters in the united states. girls are cut in communities that perform fgm in our backyard. nobody is saying anything about it or doing anything about it. it's public not only in the united states but africa and in some countries in the middle east. >> is the united states doing enough about this? are there education programs being put out there? >> no. absolutely no. the united states has passed laws, made transporting girls out of the country illegal. all laws they have passed have provision in it for mandatory education. none has been anywhere.
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every time we go to a hospital, they look at us like a freak show. they don't know how to handle fgm. when girls go to officials and tell them i've been cut, they treat it like an issue they don't want to get involved. those are things we have to change. there's no reason you should be in a country like the united states and be at risk at something inhumane as fgm. >> thank you very much indeed for joining us here on "gmt." time for us to move on. aaron, e-cigarettes. it's an issue growing and growing in terms of money. let's talk about e-cigarettes. i think it's fair to say they have split the world's public health community. are they the greatest innovation in public health or a smoke
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screen for boosting flagging cigarette sales? 50 health experts backed by companies like b.a.t. have written asking it to drop regulations of wide size sale. they don't contain most the cancer causing agents found in tobacco but the world health organization currently insists there's no scientific evidence these devices are safe. well we'll research on them which is thin on the ground. we do know e-cigarettes as i mention ready a big business. the global market has been growing rapidly. let me show you numbers. the global sales reached $3 billion last year. $5 billion is exactly what we're expecting that industry to reach this year. that's a steep rise from just
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$20 million the industry made in 2008. it's also estimated the global e-cig lre let market could incr to $10 bmd1$10 billion by 2017. companies are betting heavily on e-cigs. companies are cracking down around the world on ordinary smoke. at b.a.t., british american tobacco, he told me despite the big investment, they see a future in ordinary cigarettes. >> i think combustible cigarettes will be the main stay of the commercial delivery of our business for a long time to come. it's an emerging category. trial rates of e-cigarettes in the u.s. and uk are high. follow up are lower. products are probably not
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performing yet as well as we hope. i'm a believer that as technology and innovation drives change forward, we'll increasely offer products that provide a safer alternative to consumers that provide them the enjoyment that they so well look forward to. >> there you go. the word from british american tobacco. let's talk about two big names in the music industry that are about to become richer. on the left we've got andre young. before known as the rap star dr. dre. right here we've got jimmy, producer of stars from bruce springsteen, lady gaga and from american idol. apple has confirmed it's buying a deal worth $3 billion. both will join the management
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team in the biggest ever take over. what is the logic behind the deal? let's go to california and talk to the veteran apple reporter from "the loop." great to have you on the program. let's starts with the question, what has beats got that apple wanted? >> i think the big thing apple wanted was jimmy. you can't underestimate the power that man has in hollywood. that's what apple needs. >> what does he bring to the table? what does he bring to a tech company like apple? >> he brings access. apple is not just a tech or computer company. they're consumer electronics. they have media. they have music and tv and video. you know, in the last three to five years i think we'll see that expand more. that's what jimmy brings.
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>> interesting. a deal about talent basically. apple has been criticized not coming up with anything new recently. is this part of the story to try to address issues? >> i don't think apple makes moves to address they're very if they wrap that into itunes or continue on as it is. >> i'm glad. i wanted to ask what is the
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future. cds are gone now basically. people are getting tire offhand paying for per song. people love the streaming idea, monthly subscription and listen to as much as you want. is that the future of music? >> streaming has been around years and years. it hasn't been done right. i think apple figures that the combination of jimmy and dre and this music subscription service gives them everything they want to move forward. not just in the music subscription service but doors jimmy can open further down the road. clearly -- apple has 40 million subscribers to itunes radio. there's a lot of interest. >> the question is how do you make a profit? spotify hasn't made a profit
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yet. >> apple has hundreds of millions of devices out there. you have a built-in clientele ready and waiting with credit cards on file. >> yeah. very true. apple knows how to make a profit. thanks for joining us. joining us live from california. now to the capital where president putin has signed a deal with counter parts to create an economic union between the three former soviet countries. moscow says the economic union will create a shared market and basically help to integrate economic policy. the treaty signed by the leaders is due to come into force next year. critics of the kremlin say the project is an a the tempt to recreate part of the old soviet union. ukraine was to be a key member. it pulled out of efforts to join the president who was ousted. we'll have more analysis.
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i'll talk to the former ambassador to russia on world business world coming up in 45 minutes time. follow me on twitter. get me at bbc aaron. that's it with the business news. bet you jim has a harley davidson. >> yeah, a 1200 or whatever. >> see you. thanks very much. >> stay with us on bbc world news. still to come. we delve into the world of mini electronics and one woman's efforts to make technology more exce accessible to the masses. [ salesman ] congrats on the new car.
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[ woman ] thanks. the dealership reviews on made it easy, but... [ man ] we thought it might be a little more tense. you miss the drama? yeah. [ technician ] ask him whatever you want. okay. ♪ do you think my sister's prettier than me? ♪ [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] research, price, find. only helps you get the right car without all the drama.
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only helps you hey, buddy? oh, hey, flo. you want to see something cool? snapshot, from progressive. my insurance company told me not to talk to people like you. you always do what they tell you? no... try it, and see what your good driving can save you. you don't even have to switch. unless you're scared. i'm not scared, it's... you know we can still see you. no, you can't. pretty sure we can... try snapshot today -- no pressure. hello. i'm tim willcox on "gmt."
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our top story this is hour. pro russian rebels in eastern ukraine shoot down a military helicopter near the flash point city of sloviansk killing 14. officials in australia say they no longer believe the missing malaysian airline flight mh 370 is in the area they've been searching the past two months. man up, come back to the u.s. to face justice. that is the u.s. secretary of state uncompromising message to the former contractor edward snowden who's interview aired last night. john kerry calls him a traitor and coward for refusing to return to the u.s. >> a year ago no one had heard of him. last june, snowden gained notoriety after leaking secrets of u.s. surveillance programs. headline after headline followed. revelation america's national security agency had been spying on phone and internet use of
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people including angela merkel. snowden fled the u.s. first to hong kong and then russia where he's been granted temporary asylum. in his first tv interview with america's nbc network, he explained why he shared classified information. >> this needed to be told to the public. the constitution of the united states has been violated on a massive scale. now had the not happened, had the government not gone too far and overreached, we wouldn't be in a situation where whistle employ blowers are necessary. >> he denied he was a traitor and said he misses america. >> i don't think there's been a question i'd like to go home. from day one, i said i'm doing this to serve my country.
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now whether amnes necessita am - amnesty becomes a possible, that's yet to be seen. >> this is a man who has betrayed his country, sitting in russia where he's taking refuge. he should man up and come back to the united states. if he has a complaint about what's the matter with american surveillance, come back and stand in our system of justice and make his case. >> u.s. authorities say edward snowden's leaks revealed sensitive information to terror groups. he says he's standing up for freedom and liberty. his interview reignited the debate he began in america last year. bbc news washington.
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inspired by lego, a small box is snapped together with magnets allowing anyone to create electronic circuits even without engineering experience. we speak about projects done so far. >> here's how to make a simple circuit. start with blue which is power. not understanding technology these days is a form of illiteracy. it's like not being able to read and write. this is a way to allow anyone without a background in engineering whatsoever to understands electronics. lights, sounds, sensors, motors and also more importantly be able to invent with them. you also need one green which is output. and the magnet just snaps. you don't do programming. already there's a circuit. i experienced first hand what
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incredible power you get from being able to use the tools that is electronic in order to executed ideas that you have in your head. i never had to go to an engineer. i did it myself. i'm interested to bring that to other people. again this is power. i'm going to put a speaker. i can replace it with a keyboard. i swap out the keyboard for the sequencer. to see people come up with things we've never even thought of. we've had artists create large scale insulations that are robotic in window displays for example. we've had teachers to teach
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about space and earth and replicate projects at nasa without wiring. we have a wireless model here. we can basically control the motors and robot completely we'reless le wirelessly. we create gender neutral projects that is not demeaning and not compartmentalizing genders and telling them what they should and should not play with. as women in tech, we do stand on the shoulders of giants of women that came before us that fought for our rights to be here. now the best thing we can do is be do the best possible work we can and emerge as leaders and
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