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tv   BBC World News  BBC America  June 5, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EDT

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if you have persistent diarrhea, contact your doctor right away. other serious stomach conditions may exist. avoid if you take clopidogrel. for 24 hour support, automatic refills, and free home delivery, enroll at it's the nexium you know, now delivered. . hello. you're watching "gmt" on bbc world news. i'm tim willcox. our top stories. america defends the deal of the release of a u.s. soldier from taliban. chuck hagel says time was running out. >> it was our judgment based on information we had that his life, his health were in peril. more condemnation of russia at g7 will threat of more sanctions change the course?
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veterans gatherer in northern france to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the d-day. we are waiting, watching some biting their nails. within the hour, will europe's central bank take battle stations and deliver an action plan to reduce the slumping economy? in 45 minutes we'll find out what the bank says and discuss if measures will be successful. hello. it is midday here in london. 7:00 a.m. washington, in haley, idaho, the hometown of sergeant bowe bergdahl, the u.s. servicemen released in the taliban swap. it has now cancelled the home coming ceremony.
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many believe bergdahl was a desserter that left the post in afghanistan and cost americans their lives. speaking exclusively to bbc katty kay, chuck hagel has defended the decision to release the five from guantanamo bay without first going to congress. >> the president feels strongly about this. i feel strongly about it. i've been to war. i know something about this. this was the right decision for the right reasons. we don't leave our people behind. how circumstances, why the disappearance, the army has already address had the. these are strong people. they're thankful their son is safe. they're prepared to get him put back together. >> american senators were briefed last night. many are not convinced.
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what was the urgency in doing this deal? what specifically made you do it without going to congress saying we want to give you a heads up here? >> obviously i can't get into the specifics of the detail, intelligence information. we are doing that so you're aware of it. we had three hearings yet -- not hearings but briefings. to all members of the senate to staff member, senior staff members. we'll follow on with this next week when all members are back. we're being completely transparent and where we need to be. >> he's out now -- do we know the health issue? >> yes, we'll get to all those questions. i'm going to answer your bigger question. there's a lot of classified information in how we got him out, when we got him out, methods used. these are important classified documents. we're sharing these things by
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the way in classified forms with appropriate committees. to your bigger question, why now? it was our judgment based on the information that we had that his life, his health were in peril. >> imminently? >> you say imminently, it's easy for us to sit here and look behind and say well 24 hours, 48 hours -- it was our judgment and it was unanimous by the way i might add. it was the secretary of defense, secretary of state, chairman of joint chief of staff, director of intelligence, attorney general. we all came to the same conclusion. we didn't want to take chances here. >> defense secretary speaking to katty kay. let's go to jonathan marcus. how much pressure is building on the administration over this deal? >> there's pressure to put out in the public domain why they took this position now, what potential risks are, and the great unknowns in this. the exact circumstances about
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sergeant bergdahl 's disappearance in the first place. they're promising a full inquiry into circumstances, making a clear distinction between the one hand getting him back and then investigating what actually happened. clearly in terms of that investigation, not having had the man himself there to question. it has always been a difficult problem. >> it would be doubly embarrassing if this ended up in a court marshal with this soldier charged with desertion. >> that would be embarrassing. clearly he has been in captivity a good length of time. it may be decided that's punishment enough. we don't know if there are medical, psychological issues involved. clearly the concerns on capitol hill are in part about their prerogatives and whether they should have been notified in the allotted period. that's caused anger. obviously too there's concern in many quarters about the release
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of taliban figures into the custody. it's not entirely clear what the circumstances of their future of captivity -- captivity is the wrong word, but future circumstances will be. there's a lot of concern as to what they may contribute in future to taliban activities. >> president obama said it was a sacred duty of america to return servicemen from overseas held captive. is this a president in recent times? >> this goes back a long way in the history of the u.s. military. chuck hagel is a former sergeant in the military. u.s. doesn't leave people behind. there are branches looking for servicemen from the vietnam, korean war and conflicts before that. this is a very important issue this the american military. of course the exact circumstances of this particular soldier's disappearance, well that is in a sense an important
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but separate issue. >> okay jonathan. thank you very much. well, chuck hagel also spoke about ukraine on the same day president obama met six fellow heads of state. president putin is the one leader not invited to that summit which was the g 8. the u.s. secretary says it has ignited. >> a senior team in ukraine this week working with administer of defense and his people on how we can help continue to build their capacity, train, cooperate, assist, economic assistance. there are many channels of assistance we'll provide, continue to provide. that's also in coalition with our european partners. >> countries are particularly nervous about the russian
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threat. can you guarantee to nato members in the east of europe that you would defend under article five every single inch of nato territory? >> we have reassured and committed to that. we are very responsible members of nato, the united states of america. we are committed to our 27 allies in nato. article 5 is not just a piece of paper. i said that once again in the last two days in brussels. the president made it clear. secretary kerry made it clear. our actions over the last few months have also had on that point. >> you would go to war with russia? >> that's a hypothetical two miles in. the bigger point is article five of the treaty is very clear.
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if any of those members of nato are violated or invaded, then all of nato, all of the 27 other members have a responsibility to come to the defense of our partners. >> chuck hagel there. now the g7 summit is happening in brussels. matthew price joins me from there. daniel live in moscow. coming to you first, that's changed now to brussels. the threat of further sanctions, do we have anything specific? >> well if they did impose further sanctions against russia, they move to what is termed in this city as phase three sanctions, moving beyond the individuals sanctioned up to this stage and targeting the russian economy. i don't think we're anywhere close to that point at the
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moment. if anything we're further from it where we were a couple of months ago. there's a sense among the leaders of the g7 that they see a some positive signs emerging from the russians. some partial withdrawal of troops from the border with ukraine. no explicit condemnation of the elections held ten or so days ago in ukraine for the next president. indeed even on french television last night from the russian president vladimir putin, he didn't dismiss the possibility that the world war ii commemorations to be held in western france tomorrow that he might meet the president elect of ukraine. so it looks as though from a g7 perspective things are moving in the right direction. sanctions are still there. they really hope in bilateral meetings this afternoon and
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evening in paris between putin and britain's cameron and france's president, they hope to persuade him to move forward. >> is there any suggestion that is going to happen? president obama is not going to speak to putin later today. several other european leaders are. >> yes, the presence of president putin in western europe when the g7 summit is taking place, without him the g 8 have been trimmed back to g7. obviously many symbolic. he'll meet many leaders including british prime minister cameron. although he didn't rule meeting the ukrainian president poroshenko, when he was asked whether he supported him, he left a bit of wiggle room. he said we support the will of the ukrainian people and will work with the ukrainian authorities. in there there's the group of
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people in eastern ukraine who have expressed the desire to join russia, not necessarily the majority in those regions. certainly a significant minority in those regions. russia has done little to discourage them from aspirations and also nato complaining they've done little to stop weaponry, vehicles and personnel coming through the leaky border. that's the bit western leader. whether he can give guarantee to make that border more secure and secondly if he'll try to discourage those in eastern ukraine that say they'd like to join russia. >> and briefly, several european countries are compromised with russia, not in terms of energy but the french warship. the training of russian seamen which is a contract they don't
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want to lose. >> i think therein lies the problem for european countries involved in this. america -- united states and canada removed geographically and economically. u.s. trade with russia say percentage of gdp, far less than over man trade. angela merkel here october. all along she's been adamant there needs to be a process engaging the russians all along. she still wants to maintain that approach at the moment. she believes ultimately that it will bear fruit. obviously as daniel is saying, not all signs are positive. at the moment of the g7 they're latching on to positives rather than negatives. >> thank you very much indeed. now wherever the g7 talks may lead, it is already too late to hope the slide towards civil war in ukraine, the eastern
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region of donetsk which declared itself a people's republic. we have spoken to the man who appointed himself chairman to find out how far the area is from reconciliation with kiev. >> translator: the worst thing is that people are becoming used to war. despite what the media are saying, especially the ukrainian media, this is now a full scale civil war. innocent civilians are being killed. these deaths are no longer creating such a shock as the first victims did. the fact that ukraine has held a presidential election and poroshenko has won it, that doesn't change the situation. we think he's the one giving the orders now. they want to get all the dirty work done before his inauguration to make him look whiter than white. will they succeed? we'll see. we're not going anywhere. this is our home. >> so you're saying there's no
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way back to a united ukraine for donetsk? >> translator: we have passed the point of no return. if there had been no aggression by kiev, no victims, then we could have held a referendum about being part of a federal ukraine. now anyone who suggests being part of a united ukraine would be seen as a criminal. the state of ukraine doesn't exist anymore. >> do you exclude having talks with the new president? >> translator: talks isn't the right word. dialogue is possible. we view russia in that role. there are two questions we could discuss. first exchange of prisoners and second withdraw of all ukrainian military units from our territory. >> how important is assistance from russia?
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there are reports of volunteers from the russian federation to fight on your side in ukraine. >> translator: the volunteers keep coming. there are more from russia because we and the russians are one people. we were born in the same country, soviet union. we grew up with the same ideals and have the same heroes. our fathers and grandfathers defeated the nazis. you're watching "gmt" on bbc world news. stay with us. still to come, we take you to the small canadian town where the hunt is on for the man that shot down three policemen.
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listen up, thunder dragons, it's time to get a hotel. hey, razor. check this out. we can save big with priceline express deals. hey you know what man, these guys aint no dragons. they're cool. these deals are legit. yeah, we're cool. she's cool. we're cool. priceline express deals are totally legit. check this, thousands of people book them everyday and score killer deals. now, priceline is piling on even more savings with its summer sale. so grab your giant beach towel and enter code summer14. look at me enjoying the deals. ♪ 800,000 hours of supercomputing time, 3 million lines of code, 40,000 sets of eyes, or a million sleepless nights. whether it's building the world's most advanced satellite, the space station, or the next leap in unmanned systems. at boeing, one thing never changes. our passion to make it real.
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♪ a gunman shot dead three police officers in south eastern canada. another two officers were wounded. the man they're hunting is armed
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and dangerous. >> the patrol car with shattered windows, crime scene tape, evidence of say of monkton after they came under fire. there were reports of a man wearing camouflage clothing. streets are closed and people are urged to stay inside as police search for the gunman. >> three officers were shot and killed. two other officers were also injured, but they're life is not a threat at this time. >> one eyewitness reported seeing a man standing in the street pointing a weapon at police cars and heard a burst of automatic gunfire. police are looking for a 24-year-old suspect who they believe is in the area. the canadian police have been brought in from across the
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region to assist. mo moncton is a city of 70,000 people. the mayor has spoken of the community's shock. >> we as a city must pull together as a family to support those who have suffered losses in this terrible tragedy. >> police have set up roadblocks in parts of the city as they continue their search for the gunman. to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the d-day is drawing thousands of visitors to the beaches in normandy in france including some of the few survivors of the largest sea born invasion ever mounted. we are speaking to some of them. >> the high banks of normandy have stories to tell.
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now europe and her allies are gathering to remember one summer's day and the men who still lie in this lush country side. my journey through the battlefield began in the hill top village of rawville along the shady wall of churchyard, graves of those that landed here to seize bridges, strong points head of the main force. this 29-year-old is said to be the first casualty. his daughter was born to weeks after he died. a mile downhill, pegasus bridge still owned by the family who tended the wounded that night and have welcomed veterans ever since. >> i was born into it. i'm part of history. it's a mission. >> it's a mission you take very seriously? >> i feel that it's absolutely
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vital. >> outside the group swap d-day stories and remembered absent friends. >> i was 20 the next day. in the navy you didn't get until you were 20. >> fascinating commemoration isn't it? they never came back to the white cliffs did they? >> i'm representing my grandad. he passed away two years september. i'm wearing his honors and medals to honor him. >> world leaders take center stage today. there's no doubting who the vips are. >> we were brothers. you know where the phrase comes from? the first one to praise that.
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it's true. >> every beach, every site of remembrance will host a ceremony. will will be held when the normandy veterans host their last formal parade here. >> i lost six good comrades in normandy. i come back here every year to pay my respects along with my comrades. >> those that became heroes never came back. >> the main ceremonies are tomorrow attended by president obama and other world leaders. today prince charles has been talking to veterans in france.
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he was there with his wife camilla close to pegasus bridge in the glory sunshine as you see there. he also paid respects to men and women who died. d-day, the beaches where thousands of troops were killed as they met such stiff resistance from german forces. as robert was saying in the report there, this event tomorrow likely to be the last time a major anniversary marked by large numbers of veterans, most of whom are now in their 90s. prince charles and camilla at pegasus bridge. a key early objective of the invasion force. after laying wreaths and paying respects and speaking to veterans, prince charles watch aid parachute drop by soldiers
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from the allied nation, recreation of events 70 years ago. the main ceremonies will be taking place tomorrow attended by queen elizabeth, french and american presidents and other world leaders. president putin also attending those d-day commemoration tomorrow as well. here in london, a fire alert that led to the evacuation of people working at the tallest building in western europe. that's following reports of smoke coming from the basement of the building roughly 300 meters tall. 50 firefighters are on the scene. they don't have evidence yet of a fire. you're watching "gmt" on bbc world news. coming up in the next half of the program, in just a week's time, many of us will begin a month of endurance suffering the effects of very early mornings or extremely late nights.
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to catch the action in brazil of the world cup. the home team are the hot favorites this this year. we'll look at the huge pressure on the team. stay with us for more on that. the eyes may be the windows to the soul. but in the case of the lexus ls... ...which eyes? eyes that pivot with the road... ...that can see what light misses...
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coming up this half hour, one week to go before kickoff in the world cup. more an area in brazil over the cost of staging it. more wealthy chinese tourists are abandoning beaching at home for exotic destinations abroad. aaron is back and the beautiful game is getting richer. >> they say the rich get richer. it certainly is the case in football. european clubs have reported record revenues of over $27 billion. now with new tv deals in place,
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we ask where the football is a game of golden balls. in exactly a week's time, brazil will kick off the world cup on home soil as overwhelming favorites to lift the trophy again. there are distractions including antiworld protests over the cost of staging it and falling att d attendan attendance. >> brazil's national squad, players on multimillion planned contracts planning their assault on the record sixth world cup. here on the hills they're not immuned to the protests and discontent and the vast amounts of money spent on the tournament.
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>> the protests represent us. most the brazilian players come from difficult living conditions. we want better things for the down. i with more than a thousand local journalists watching their every move, keeping themselves focused won't be easy for he and his teammates. carlos alberto arguably brazil's greatest. >> this is the best ever. >> he says if today's team is to imlate those, the players will have to cope with pressure when nothing less than another title will do. >> the pressure is always. twice the best is first place. the second place and last is the same. >> it's a lot to expect when you consider the actual state of the game in brazil. despite the dominance of the
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national team, the club game is weak and in financial trouble. there are nearly 10,000 people inside the stadium. >> most top players are based a broad. tv companies schedule around soap operas. we'll see what this team does this year though. i suspect if they manage to pull off a victory people will feel good about football again. >> football is in the blood here. while everyone wants another brazilian world cup win, that might mask the growing disconnect between these players and those that run the game. bbc news. with me is eric from bbc brazil. do you get a sense the
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excitement about this world cup is starting to build now with a week to go? >> it's indeed a little late for that. it has been starting. indeed, this is no scientific proof of anything. if you look at social media in the last few days, there's been a surge in the hashtag that says there will be a world cup as opposed to the hashtag that was popular before that. there is an excitement. people are very late as well starting to paint their streets and put the brazilian colors out and starting to get into the world cup spirit. >> i think yesterday it was said she wouldn't tolerate demonstrations and protests once it starts. that puts her in a difficult position in terms of policing. >> she isn't saying there can't be protesting. there can't be in the stadium and around where heavy police
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force. five states have accepted reinforcement from federal troops, army and so on. there will be a very heavy policing to avoid. these protests, when they happen, they will spread to the world cup venues. >> the actual demonstrators themselves, what sort of majority do they command in brazil about this cost of this? does it not matter as long as brazil wins? >> this is hard to predict at this point. we'll see when the world cup progresses. if brazil does well, if the team is playing nice football. this is the number one priority for brazil. number two, winning. we'll see how much public support there will be behind. there are obviously other things at lay here. there's a presidential election at the end of the year. there's a lot of political pressure for protests to keep on
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happening. we'll have to wait on that. >> there's a lot of pressure to make sure the infrastructure works with hundreds of thousands of people coming. >> indeed. this is one of the reasons people were protesting so badly in the last few days, since june actually. there have been so many infrastructures promised and not completed yet. the president promises air force will be running. there will be transport links to the stadiums. we'll have to see. >> are you going? >> i'm going sunday. i'm flying out sunday. >> all right. thanks. nice to speak to you. if you have questions about the world cup, join the discussion on twitter with our correspondent. he'll be answering your questions on twitter from 15:30
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"gmt" today. @wy @wyredavis. an inquiry into 800 children found in a mass grave. it was discovered nearly 40 years ago and thought to date from the irish famine. the deaths happened between the 1920s and 1960s when the home for unmarried mothers was opened. >> reporter: the virgin mary looks down on the spot where the mass grave was found, on the grounds for a former home for unmarried mothers. run by nuns that belong to the catholic church. the grave was originally found 40 years ago. people were told it contains the remains of those that died during the great famine. these men remember the day they made the great discovery. >> cracked it open, and there it was. skulls piled up on top of each
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other. maybe eight or nine feet deep. >> it's hard to describe. at the time we didn't realize the magnitude of what was going on. we were kids. >> new research by a local historian has found the grave in fact contained the bodies of almost 800 babies and children who were buried inside a septic tank. the children were aged between two days and nine years old. they died between 1925 and 196. death records show most died of sickness or disease. >> we can't judge the past from our point of view and lens. all we can do is mark it appropriately and make sure there's a suitable place for people to come remember the babies that died here. >> this is the latest in a string of troubling abuse allegations against the catholic
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church. campaigners are calling for a full public inquiry. the government says they're taking the allegations over this case very seriously. >> what government is doing here is establishing the facts with a view toward as insuring we can get to the bottom of this issue. it's a matter of great public upset. >> the local community is now trying to raise funds for a permanent memorial. bbc news. once one of our last refugees from modern life, blizzard of alerts, updates and message a messages. >> the service has been patchy and pricey. that could change with technology allows devices on board to communicate with mobile phones on the ground as well as satellites in space. you get satellite communication
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companies that are confident they'll have tweets from 30,000 feet. they've announced a nine figure investment. people want to keep in touch with everyone on the ground. describe the technology and how this will work. >> we have internet on our planes today. the way that works, the plane bounces a signal to the satellite. lots do that. it comes down to a single antenna on the ground. what happens here in europe, the planes would look down towards the cell that would be notifyed and pick up the signal. the advantage is you can build capacity much greater than a traditional satellite only connection. that means the tariffs they pay should come down as well. we see this introduced in the
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united states. go go is a company that does it and at&t as well. people pay much more for an hour of surfing than people in europe. >> so the technology already exists on the ground. >> they need to put something on the mass to look up. at the moment what happens is that the cell towers across europe are looking down on mobile phones. this allows governments to do in the future, have a separate resilient service they can use with hybrid devices that can link into normal cell phone networks and also look up as well. there will be a satellite put in place to complement and augment the system. you imagine if there were a big storm or something like that,
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part of europe got damaged by flood waters, maybe the local cell network was knocked out, maybe they could get merchaemer services. we're looking to enable better connections wherever we are whatever time day or night. >> this is great for people that constantly want to be in touch. are there health issues? you're in a metal tube with these connections pinging around. >> that's less of an issue. we've gotten to the stage of our lives we like to escape just a little bit, for a small segment of the day from the always-on society. you'll have people in front of you on the bus or train furiously texting away, watching a movie on their smart phone. you won't be able to escape.
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that's the way it's going i'm afraid. >> you and me together would rather we didn't have it. thank you very much indeed jonathan. stay with us on bbc world news. still to come, we look at one of china's biggest exports, it's people. why chinese tourists are spending more than ever. how many countries are cashing in. 00,000 parts, ♪ 800,000 hours of supercomputing time, 3 million lines of code, 40,000 sets of eyes, or a million sleepless nights. whether it's building the world's most advanced satellite, the space station, or the next leap in unmanned systems. at boeing, one thing never changes. our passion to make it real. ♪
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side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. if you have persistent diarrhea, contact your doctor right away. other serious stomach conditions may exist. avoid if you take clopidogrel. for 24 hour support, automatic refills, and free home delivery, enroll at it's the nexium you know, now delivered. you're watching "gmt." i'm tim willcox. chuck hagel told the bbc any delay in releasing sergeant bowe bergdahl from captivity could have put his life at risk. the leaders of the g7 are meeting in brussels after
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warning further sanctions on russia if it continues to destabilize eastern ukraine. a week to go until the world cup. aaron, you're talking football. >> waiting for this important announcement from the european central bank about a minute or so away. let me start with this. thanks very much tim. hello there. let's start with football mania. it may be taking off as we count down the kickoff to the world cup. as the football season comes to a close, we can see a if it pays to play the beautiful again. yes, it does. the total market saw this, a climb to record $27.1 billion. this is the 2012-2013 football season. the uk premiere league clubs generated highest revenues of
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any other, $4.2 billion. next germany's league with $2.9 billion. spain's league was third with $2.7 billion. you may be asking where these impressive revenues -- you're probably asking what is all this money spent on. it's spent on wages. overall players wages rose a staggering 8% last year. can football really generate further rises in revenues? senior consultant for sports business certainly thinks that's t the case. >> largely driven by the increase in broadcast, that's the increased competition for domestic rights with teams entering the market and competing with sky. also growth and overseas tv
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rights where companies across the world are competing to show games in their territories. also commercial growth with clubs qualifying for the champions league. commercial brands around the world. >> we've got it. breaking news, the european central bank has released the slowing growth and looming inflation. it cut the rate to borrow money. a quarter of 1%, they've cut to 0.15%. they cut it ten basis points. also introduced a negative deposit rate. banks will effectively be charged for holding onto their money. ecb will charge banks for
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holding onto money. they'll force banks to lend out to businesses and individuals to try to stimulate growth. lots to talk about. joined now from cmc market. great to have you on the program. you and i we've been talking about this. we've been it watching a long time. talking about taking action in what seems like eternity. is it the right something? >> i think it's probably the right step in the election direction. it was largely anticipated by the market. we've seen the euro drop 25 pits here. that's not a massive move in the context of 400 we've seen drop from 140 against the u.s. dollar to 136 against the u.s. dollar in the last month in anticipation of this. i think it's moving in the right direction. largely expected by the market. they had to do something because the ecb have a mandate to keep 2% price inflation in the zone. right now it's hovering around 1.5%. >> is it not one of the biggest problems for europe, unemployment. huge jobless numbers in certain
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parts of the euro region. to get jobs, don't we basically need bank tops lend to businesses, small, medium businesses so those can informs and create jobs. more comes out in 45 minutes from the bank's press conference. does that help this picture? >> the big thing here is negative deposit rate. the banks have to pay money to hold deposits overnight. banks are not going to want to do that. banks can instead of holding that a money lend it and hopefully boost the economy. the problem is there's always a supply understand equation. that helps supply from the bank. you need demand from the economy. with record high unemployment rates that is demand for the loan in the first place is not there. >> will you break it down.
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we may have viewers watching from around the world that go, why should i care? explain what this means to people not just in europe. >> if you're an investor in the market, markets of worldwide stocks yields which affects your mortgage rates. these are pricing in the easing action from the ecb. it's not just ebc. federal reserve, bank of england and bank of china promising this which keeps rates low which affects your investment in the stock market. >> get back and start going through numbers. talk to you later on. thanks. i'm going to have more on this in 45 minutes. 1:30 p.m. our time. british time here on world business report we're going live to that press conference. and see basically what the big boss of the central bank has to
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say. let me touch on other stories making headlines. britain's fraud office is examining information into a global information into possible manipulation. there's allegations of manipulation in the $5 trillion a day investigation. we'll keep a look on that one for you. the long running mining strike in south africa could extend to gold miners. today the association of mine workers in the construction union, amcu is asking court for permission to widen the strike to the gold industry. the strike has so far of course caused the biggest slump in mining output since 1967. ministers in the south african government are hopeful an end to the strike is in sight. general motors launch a recall of 2.6 million cars earlier this year.
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why it took the company so long to act over the ignition switch fault in cars including the chevy cobalt. gm admits it caused at least 13 deaths. those suing the auto giant claim the death toll is at least 60. you can tweet me at bbc aaron. that's it with business. tim, back to you. >> thanks very much indeed. 20 ee 20 year ago few chine people were able to tour the world. what is driving the rapid rise? how are companies cashing in? linda has been to the island. >> enjoying the sun, braving the crowds. the hawaii of china benefitted from the growing middle class,
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beaches full of tourists. >> translator: they've been everywhere domestically. they've been to hong kong, japan and korea. in new destinations, people want to travel. >> they have. nearly a million over seas trips were taken last year. by 2020 the number of trips is expected to nearly double to 200 million per year. they spent more than any other travelers about $100 billion. this figure is expected to triple. this explosive growth in tourism happened quickly. 20 years ago this kind of place would be where you would find chinese tourists because the government tightly controlled
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the movement of people overseas. now it's all changed. that means other countries and businesses are keen to compete with china to cash in on tourist. >> we launched three years ago a program which is welcome in chinese. that's really tailors products and services to make it a welcome experience. it means having somebody that speaks chinese at the front desk, materials in the room that are chinese. tea kettles and flippers. >> a chinese love story told in a broadway style. this is china's attempt to appeal to travelers. will the fairytale ending be enough to keep the audience coming back for more? bbc news. quick reminder of our main
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story on "gmt" today. pressure mounting on the obama administration to justify why sergeant bowe bergdahl was released in a prisoner swap deal without consultation with the u.s. congress. that's it so far from me tim willcox and the team. bye bye for now. (mother vo) when i was pregnant... i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now. (anncr vo) innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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8:00 am
[ gasp ] river. follow that ship. has doctor song explained what we're dealing with? [ static crackles ] doctor. what's it going to do to me? amy, not the eyes. look at the angel, but don't look at the eyes. octavian: the angel, as far as we know, is still trapped in the ship. our mission is to get inside and neutralize it. the doctor: don't you see? all that radiation spilling out of the drive burn. the crash of the byzantium wasn't an accident, it was a rescue mission for the angels. we're in the middle of an army -- the statues are advancing on all sides. river: there's no way up, no way back, no way out. i'm about to do something incredibly stupid and dangerous -- when i do...jump!


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