tv BBC World News BBC America June 12, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EDT
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hello. you're watching gmt on bbc world news. our top stories, the push toward baghdad as islamic militant leaders talk of a drive to take the capital. spectacular gains, belated resistance for isis forces seeking an islamic state across the region. the leading force, for this man, al baghdadi, what can they do to stop him? celebrity and statesmen join forces as angelina jolie spear heads a move to end sexual violence in conflict. the football world cup kicks
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off in brazil. also coming up in the program, alice has the business news and all eyes on the british chancellor. >> we are expecting to hear a major announcement from george osborn, uk finance minister. he's announcing a crack down on abuses in the foreign exchange market for which the city of london is the main stage. those trios found guilty of manipulation could now be facing jail time. it's midday in london, 7:00 a.m. in washington, 2:00 p.m. in tikrit, once the strong hold of saddam hussein in iraq, now the latest target of islamic militants of isis who say they control it already. they have seized the city of mosul and they have baghdad in their sights as they pursue
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their ambition of an islamic state spreading across the eastern mediterranean. the government of noal mala needs help. first let's get the update for you on the situation. >> reporter: some of the huge numbers of ordinary iraqis who have fled the fighting in what's feared is a fracturing country. they were jamming the crossing point into the safer kurdish region of iraq fearing what the baghdad government might now do to regain the ground it suddenly lost to the militants. to complicate the picture further, kirdish forces say they have takenenen control of kirkuk to expect it from the militants after iraqi forces abandoned posts. the militants' head long advance as their video portrays it may have been halted for now.
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but this audio message from their spokesman implores them to press on to baghdad. that will only add to urgency of international calls on baghdad for an effective response. >> the primary responsibility of tackling the insurgency rests with the iraqi authorities. it is important that their security forces work effectively and there is political unity and consensus about this between shia, sunni, kurds in iraq to mount an effective response to what's happening. >> reporter: already, the militants falugia and parts of ramadi. the group isis grew out of al qaeda in iraq under the man known as al baghdadi. they are now aiming to create a
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single islamic state across syria, iraq and beyond are. the pressure is on the shiite iraqi prime minister but his policieses of excluding sunni in the country are blamed for fuelling the insurgency. the americans are showing no appetite to answer his appeals for u.s. direct military help in the form of air strikes. washingtons has seen iraqi forces collapsing. >> you can expect that we will provide additional assistance to the iraqi government to combat this threat. i'm not in a position to outline it further at this point. >> reporter: there are concerns about the growing humanitarian impact and also the international fall out in a volatile, contested part of the world. nick childs, b bc news. well, it's certainly a driven organization. let's find out about the leader of isis. who is he seasoned what is he
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ever after? let's -- he's clearly a charismatic figure, a driving force. where does he come from? >> he was born in samara. he's in his mid 40st and represents a new pattern in the leadership of al qaeda. he has this religious education and he's always been presenting as a charismatic, now no one knows much information about him. he's representing a new generation of iraqis who adopted this ideology. in 2004-2005 we are talking about an iraqedly come -- this generation who knows the area, has networks are very strong. he represents a new leadership. heaven defines against al
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zawahiri. he's representing the new leadership which is brutal as well. in his own attacks, everywhere in iraq. >> samar aa is where with they have met resistance here. perhaps they will feel confident to push through. >> samara is divided. if we recall back in 2005 it was the triggering point for sectarian violence at that point. now that we started to witness escalation in sectarian violence. this will be a turning point into sectarian violence are. they are now controlling. >> he's not one for videos and putting himself out and about.
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is he an operational leader? >> baghdad is operational. isis specifically. he appeared in the first video. since then they are cautious and they don't appear in videos apart from audio. other affiliated groups have this video going on. it depends on geographical places where they are. it seems isis is learning from their methods. >> of course it's not just iraqi government in baghdad which is concerned about the advance of isis. the areas isis has taken over, mostly tikrit. very close to the northern regions of iraq. they run independently from baghdad.
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let's see what the kurdish community makes of that. thanks for joining us. high representative to the uk. i wonder if we can start with the question of refugees. overnight like that a massive crisis. how will you deal with that. >> it's a very good question. we already have 260,000 syrian refugees in the region. we are struggling to cope. we have been calling on the international community to help. this overnight influx of tens of thousands, possibly hundredses of thousands of are refugees from mosul who had to make the journey on foot in 40-degree heat with children, elderly will and sick people. it's a big humanitarian crisis. we will definitely not manage by ourselves. >> no. you're calling for help from the
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government. the malaki government is calling for helps from the likes of your representatives there looking for the ability to declare a state of emergency. i understand that's fallen by the wayside. could he have got it if parliament had met with a quorum? >> i would have been surprised. unfortunately the prime minister has led a polarized situation --s has created a polarized situation in iraq. in 2010 when he began his second term in office he had the opportunity to create unity in iraq. instead he targeted the sunni arab community leaders,alized kurds from decision making. it's difficult for us to think of giving him sweeping emergency powers. >> there is no sense of clubbing together here to work against isis. >> not in terms of emergency power. this would be a step too far. certainly now we have an
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opportunity for iraq to really come together. everybody has put aside differences. to focus at the enemy. either that's going to happen or we are headed for complete disaster in iraq. >> i understand kirkuk is in kurdish hands now. i don't expect that to change for a long time now. are we looking at the break-up of iraq once and for all? >> who knows where we are heading? this is something that's blown up. >> that would suit you, wouldn't it? >> well, every kurd wants independence in their hearts. it would have suited us maybe a century ago. the question is how to deal with the situation. even if we were to declare independence isis would be on our border. that's what we have to focus on first and foremost. our priority is to protect the kurdish population whether they are in kirkuk, the disputed territory thes or in kurdistan itself.
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that's our priority. >> thank you very much indeed. >> thank you. well, let's have a change of scene now. the opening of of the 2014 world cup in brazil is just hours away now. while fans are gearing up for kickoff the protests, the strikes that marred the lead-up to the tournament some of them go on. workers in two airports on a partial strike over pay. a transport strike in sao paulo where the opening ceremony is taking place. that's been called off at the last minute. the unrest has not deterred fans from across latin america making the journey to brazil to support their team. [ cheers ] >> reporter: if brazilian fans have been slow to get in the mood, their neighbors haven't. latin american supporters are
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here in big numbers. [ chanting ] >> reporter: all the negativity of the last year will be swept aside as the home nation takes center stage. here at sao paulo's barely ready but imposing new stadium. despite the delays and criticism of the pobs in recent months, the brazilian government is putting up a stern defense of how it's organized the tournament. it's come down to the last minute but the stadium is ready and they say the world cup will be a huge success. >> it's moving, changing. that's all well. we are good in celebrate but we are also good in deliver. >> reporter: the stadium worries aside, the big concern is disruption from strikes and protests. these landless activists camped out within sight of the opening venue, one of many groups threatening to demonstrate against excessive spending on the cup. fifa and brazil's government hope those voices will be
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drowned out as fans finally get behind one of the world's great sporting events. bbc news, sao paulo. >> it is the final countdown in brazil. we'll be live in rio in 20 minutes. stay with us for that. don't forget. you can get more on the world cup if you go to the website. we have a feature on whether messesi or reynoldo can become immortals. also the opening match between brazil and croatia. cup. one of the main backers world cup said it hasn't ended its sponsorship. vie is is a says it wants to see what it calls aggressive action from the world governing body fifa. formal investigations are under way. fifa said it doesn't expect to take any decisions until september at the earliest.
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reports from pakistan certainly 16 people have been killed in two u.s. drone strikes. they are the first drone strikes in six months in pakistan. operations were suspended while the government held peace talks with the pakistani taliban. this just days after an attack at the karachi airport which led to the death of nearly 40 people. a little bit of political football here. thailand's government ordered all world cup matches to be shown for free as part of the campaign to return happiness to the thai people. it will cost $30 million in compensation to the government. the private company which bought the broadcast rights. football is popular in thailand though they have never made it to the world cup finals. do stay with us here on gmt. still to come -- joining forceses in the fight to end sexual violence. angelina jolie joins the british foreign secretary to explain how
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from colombia to congo the central african republic to syria, rape is used as a weapon offer war. tens of thousands of men, women and children are sexually abused in conflict zones every year are. it's the third day of a summit in london that aims to stop sexual violence many conflict. angelina jolie and the british foreign secretary william hague are working together to push that issue further into the public consciousness. the bbc's jane hill has been sitting down with the pair of they will to talk about their work. >> my key message is to follow up the summit with action and make sure when we visit them in the field, see the governments, shake their hand now in years to
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come that we are actually doing something on behalf of the people they will meet today and they will hear their stories and come face to face with the victims from their own countries and they will hopefully be forced to act but also really deeply want to and be moved and be committed. >> you want them to know you will hold them to account? >> we will absolutely hold them to account. >> foreign secretary? >> you won't be surprised to hear it's the same message. we work closely. the action that follows is the critical thing. i will also say to them this is the subject that the world didn't want to talk about for a long time. we are having a summit with a huge number of countries, more than half the world will be represented here. there are ministers of justice, foreign ministers, military leaders and so on. we have moved a long way in the last few years. getting the world to talk about what was a taboo subject in most countries. now we have to follow it with
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the action, as angelina says. >> so that's the campaign. there's been a sharpize in the number of sexual assaults in south sudan. fighting between twoeth nick tribes there erupted in december, you may recall. the u.n. says up to 24,000 women there are at risk. karen allen has this. >> reporter: conflict made this woman a refugee in her own land. beneath the surface we find another sinister threat, rape on a massive scale not seen here before. in the world's newest state in the grips of a military rebellion, women are being sexually abused, singled out because of their tribe. tens of thousands are now packed into camps. jane is breaking a tattoo by speaking of sexual assault. she cowered in the grass, clutching her son as her
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sister-in-law was gang raped and shot dead in front of her. >> four of them raped her. the other one finishes, the other one goes into her. she was screaming in a loud voice. she keep on screaming until she loses her voice. she was not able to scream again. >> reporter: 31 women were allegedly raped that day. it happened in a town now virtually deserted apart from pro government soldiers who were blamed for the crime. all sides are accused of sexual violence onnen an alarming scale. >> welcome, everybody. >> reporter: this is bentu fm. when rebel forces seized the radio station the station manager was forced to give up control. protecting civilians is a top priority and a new u.n.en mandate.
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attacks are taking place outside the very camps that a are meant to provide sanctuary. this is an observation tower just on the periphery of the camp. there in the distance there is a cluster of trees. we have had a number of cases reported to us where women claim they were raped by government soldiers. in one case, a woman claims she was held, dragged through growth to a shipping container and raped. >> this is not the international community's problem to fix. this is the south sudanese problem to fix. they have to reconcile, come together, build their country and make sure the population, whoever it is, is safe. >> reporter: there are very real fears that woman could be denied justice for the sake of peace. the authorities have promised action. yet securing the means to survive is likely to take priority. karen allen, bbc news, south sudan. >> children are often witnesses, if not victims themselves to
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sexual violence in conflict. a u.n. force commander in rwanda during the genocide. he's become a very keen advocate for the rights of war affected children. he's founded the child soldiers initiative. he's at the summit and joins me live from there. lieutenant general, thank you very much indeed for joining us. can you hear me okay? >> yeah, i can barely hear you. >> excellent. i'm pleased you can hear me. i want to make the point first of all we heard a report from south sudan. we see africa in particular litters with appalling examples. i can take you back to your time in rwanda. there is no stopping this is the there. >> the scenario in rwanda was beyond description. when we think over 500,000 women were raped and over 75,000
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children. that was a deliberate process in regards to creating horror and ultimately control of the population. so it was very much a weapon of war and the international criminal court. i put a few people behind bars for life because of that. >> these things should not and must not happen. you have also witnessed in south sudan the sheer logistical nightmare of trying to resolve cases where it's happened. trying to help. >> the dimension of linking children with sexual exploitation is the fact that sol socc child soldiers are made up somewhat of girls.
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child soldiers with often pushed as part of the operations that adult rogue elements do. the link between child soldiers, between sexual exploitation is intimate. in fact, we are here to show that one as the other are both weapons of war now. >> we are showing pictures. you met former child soldiers not that long ago. i know you are deeply committed to the cause. do you think there is more chance of rape becoming no longer a tool of war? >> this is the new era we have stumbleded into. this era created new weapons. two of the weapons demonstrating effectiveness by the rogue elements in particular are one
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child soldiers and the continued exploitation and recruitment thereof. they are an element that will push them. child soldiers is one of them. the use of rain -- rape, exploitation of women through this form of torture. call rape what it is -- torture. it's a crime against humanity. this is destroy iing structures. the rogue elements can gain control because of fear and women and girls are the actual prime ary targets of that. those weapons are now of our time. they have to be taken on. >> the message is behind you. time to act. romeo da lair, thanks for joining us on gmt. what a challenge. a mountain to climb.
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thanks for being with us on gmt. coming up shortly, we have been speculating about the stadiums, followed the protests, but the day is upon us. the world cup starts in a matter of hours. we'll have more for you. good job! still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories.
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welcome to gmt on bbc world news. kickoff to karn acarnival or. calamity? the fifa gets under way in brazil. as they prepare to open the show rio's two airports are hit with a strike as workers demand more pay. from crocodile dundee to kylie, is the down under dialect dying out? also, alice has the business news and a potential landmark
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employment case. >> the european court of justice will be hearing a discrimination case today calling for employers across europe to treat obesity as a disability. it could make legal history and set a far-reaching precedent across all e.u. states. hello. the countdown to the 2014 world cup in brazil is on. nearly over actually. in a few hours' time, as many as a billion people are expected to tune in to watch as the hosts play croatia in sao paulo. the drama so far doesn't look like it's letting up as workers at two airports in rio stage a strike and protests are planned across the country are. a metro worker strike planned for sao paulo has been called
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off. fans in brazil and around the world are starting to get into the spirit. peter, sad to say i got a start on the stieks on the airport, not a great start. >> absolutely not. we just heard about the strike last night. a strike by workers at the two airports here in rio. they are demanding better working conditions. they want a world cup bonus they are calling it because of increased traffic in rio. we have seen pictures of airport workers sitting outside, not getting to do much work in the airport today. the strike has started. it's a 24-hour strike. organizers hope it organizers hope it won't disrupt
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much of the operation but it's one of many problems that plagued brazil in the hundred-up to the kickoff. >> greg deick seemed disappointed by the lack of flags out. we are here on the first day, match day. is there a sense building up for the fans that here we go? >> i went around are rio yesterday. i went to a place called little africa. i did see flags not of buildings painted in the brazilian colors but you really don't get a sense here in rio that something this big is about to happen. maybe that's understandable. the real party today is in sao paulo where the kickoff game, the first game of the world cup kicks off between the host brazil and croatia.
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i understand in sao paulo you get more of a sense that something big is coming. this is the home of football actually in brazil. i'm sure when the game kicks off tonight everyone will forget the problems. >> you're looking forward to it? . >> i hope i can catch the game today. yesterday i predicted it wouldn't be ready. there was so much work being done here. i might have been wrong. very few workers. the screen is up. it looks to be a big party brazil. >> >> the price for being there is you have to forecast the results for us this evening. >> reporter: i think this is an easy one. brazil is a formidable team. they will use home advantage. people see them going far. probably not winning the world
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cup but i see them beating croatia three goals to 0. >> confident, peter. thank you very much. i should remind you if you want more on the world cup we have a huge amount for you on the website. we have great features. one about messi or reynoldo. brazil and croatia, it's all there on the website. from the outside looking in, it doesn't get worse than this. another teenage girl has been found hanging from a tree in the northern indian state of at ata pradesh. the assumption is she'd been raped. it brings shame on the community, on the family, hence the killing. the dead teenager came from a lower caste. our reporter is in delhi with
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the latest. perhaps you can give us a picture of what happened on this occasion. >> reporter: the authoritieses are unable to explain the copy cat cases. two weeks ago, two teenaged cousin cousins were first raped and then murderered, their bodies left hanging on a tree. another woman's body was left hanging by a tree. the latest case, what we are hearing from the police that they detained a person for questioning. they are not sure if this is a case of rape. they say the are report is awaited. in the meanwhile, the media is blaming the state government for not doing enough for the security of women. and the safety minister is blaming the media for creating hysteria. what we know is that the girl who was missing since tuesday
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evening, her body was found this morning, left hanging by a tree. now the police are investigating whether it was a case of rape or not. does this happen? we have been shocked. the world was shocked by what they heard. is this something which frankly i wouldn't say is an everyday occurrence. it is a familiar circumstance. >> absolutely. people here are completely outraged at the frequency at which the incidents are happening. the crime against women is on the rise. as we speak, three men have been arrested in delhi for allegedly raping a girl who complained to the police against these men for raping her. so we hear such cases from across the country. for the last two, three years,
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there have been so many cases we have been reporting on each and every one of them. it seems like it has encouraged women to come out in the open and report such cases. it really has not reduced the number of violence against women. some people suggest that the mindset needs to change. in fact, the prime minister of india was speaking yesterday in parliament. he suggested, urged men to respect women. i think that is at the heart of the matter. if you go to a police station, women complain policemen don't take them seriously and complain of harassment at work places. people agree there is a need for men to respect women and there
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is a need for more gender balance especially in rural india. >> thank you very much, indeed. time for the business. alice is here. the chancellor is up tonight. >> the uk chancellor george osborn is expected to announce a crackdown on abuse in the vast foreign exchange market. new rules could mean jail time for traders attempting to rig prices. here is why what london does is important to everyone. foreign exchange or currency trading is the world's biggest financial market worth from $5.2 trillion every day. it's the least regulated of all markets. london dominates the business. 40% of all trades are done here. and the price that's paid for currency by businesses and investors is that each day in what's known as the 4:00 p.m.
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fix based on trades done in a 60-second window at the end of the trading day. traders have been manipulating prices for more than a decade by colluding with each other or pushing through big orders just before the fix. regulators are investigating allegations which involve some of the biggest banks. >> reporter: a new set of storm clouds are gathering over britain's banks. the foreign exchange market which global companies use to move trillions of pounds of goods around the world is under investigation. the allegation is fraud. i now understand the treasuries that put in place new criminal sanctions to clamp down on traders. the health of the important market is at stake. >> item we buy from cars to the petrol in the tanks, food we buy that's imported abroad to almost all the clothes we wear, foreign
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exchange is for all cross border trade. >> reporter: companies buy and sell currency to trade in different countries. they use foreign exchange markets to invest globally. this is materialing in the morning. traders set the price of a certain time of day, what's knowns as the fix. if they rig the price, companies can end up paying an inflated amount and the bank ends up profiting. at the heart of the allegations is a mysterious london 4:00 p.m. fix which sets the benchmark price for foreign currency. at that moment, traders put in a small sample of the orders they have been given. it's essentially unregulated and controlled by the very people who could gain if currency prices go up or down. the opportunity for manipulation is clear. 15 international banks are already being investigated for
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possible wrongdoing. if proved they could be facing billions of pounds of fines. far higher than the manipulation of the key interest rate. >> there is a difference to libor. it was big enough. fx is larger. >> the treasury wants to see new rules and ensure that foreign exchange traders are regulated. the storm clouds over this essential market are just about to disappear. >> an over weight danish citizen may be about to make legal history by falling for employers across europe to treat obesity as a disability in its own right. the european court will hear proceedings brought from a child minder who alleges he was the
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dismissed for being obese. they claim he was unable to perform his duties and needed the help of colleagues to tie children's shoe laces. if he wins obesity would be approached like any disability or impairment. treating an employee less favorably because of their weight. let's talk with the head of employment at irwin mitchell. the rulings of finding throughout the e.u. there could be a far reaching precedent as a result of the case. >> we need to look at how cases are are presented to the european court. not like an appeal within the domestic system. you put specific questions to the court. there are three questions here. it is, this will affect only
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public sector employees. all employers. if it is who bear it is burden of proof of dealing with the case. if the answer is there is a disability. it's all employers. that could have significant impact on visitors. >> many people reading about this case may say the danish gentleman couldn't perform his job are. it had nothing to do with whether it was a disability or not. he couldn't perform the job description. >> they could. so far there haven't been cases in europe, certainly not in the uk which establish that obesity in itself as a disability. there is a uk case which establishes that obesity was a contributing factor. it hasn't been decided yet. the impact which is the answer to the point. the impact is if obesity is a
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disability, employers will have to make reasonable adjustments as the phrase goes or consider making reasonable adjustments to cater to the disability. that could cause disruption. >> and also a cost occurring if people have to drastically change offices across the e.u. in order to accommodate. >> changes aren't particularly expensive but en masse it could be. in an office environment, reinforced furniture or rearranging the lay out of the office to make it easier to get around. it could mean things like having a car parking space closer, whether it's an office or not. also making adjustments to the working duty thes. so leaving out or adjusting duties to make it less walking, climbing or lifting. >> employers across the e.u. will be watching the case with
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keen interest. thank you, tom. back to you, david. >> i'm speechless. that's extraordinary. thanks for being with us on bbc world news. still to. come on gmt, they traveled far and wide. they export the rich vocabulary everywhere they go. is the australian slang dying out? we'll give that question a looking at, mate.
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for the world cup in brazil. well, you wouldn't believe it. aussie slang on the way out? surely not. it is according to the dictionary of contemporary slang which has "crikey" just added to the mix. worries are of the aussie creativity. with me is author kathy lett. >> g' day we should say first. >> g' day, kathy. we have one or two phrases that come up on the screen are. it has to come out of the australian mouth. >> flat out like a lizard drinking. >> what's that? >>very busy. a lizard drinks and it's frenetic. >> we have another. >> go off like a bucket of prawn
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miss the sun. that means you lose your temper. you're going off as badly as a bucket of prawns in the sun. it's lateral thinking. >> and local. one more here. >> dry as a pommie's bath mat. we say where does an englishman hide his money? under the soap. we believe you people don't bathe enough. >> i can't remember the last time i had a bath. that's true. lovely phrases there. we know it's a ripper and all this. why would there be a slight loss the to the edge? what's happening. >> the american culture dominates everything. i hate this. it's like vowel cancer. everything is awesome. the australian vernacular will survive.
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it's dry as an a.a. clinic. we are skeptle call and that seeps into it in everyday life and parliament. our prime minister once described john howards as a shiver looking for a spine to run up. brilliant. he called costello all tip and no iceberg saying it was like beg slogged with a bit of limp lettuce. this is how we talk. it's colorful. >> beautiful in its way. >> it is. >> what do you say to those who father one of the points about australia, it is being successful, professional, middle class world. people travel widely and not just back to the baths for pommies. it is diluting the australia kwan. >> we are aware it's unique and we love it. there will be a resurgence. we use the colorful vernacular. for example, someone who drinks too much beer has a veranda over
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the toy shop. you don't. and we call swimming trunks budgie smugglers which is also visual. and costumes so tight you can detect a man's religion. we do use the colorful phrases. >> the slang is there and there to stay. >> we shorten everything , too. >> if you have a sick day off it's a sicky, mosquito is a mozzie. sunnies are sunglasses. it's too hot to say the full word. in england you have to do open heart surgery to know what's going on in an englishman. in australia we are warm and open. >> you say its as it is. thank you very much. >> huru, mate! >> excellent. thank you. these days the potential of 3-d printing seems limitless.
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get this. an edible raspberry that looks good enough to eat. we went to cambridge to see how it's made and how it tastes. >> reporter: described as a precious jewel in the british crown, the softest of soft fruits the raspberry. once picked many say it's got to be eaten almost immediately to enjoy it at its best. could the delicious british raspberry have met its match because of new technology in cambridge? >> we can make fresh and crispy rasp berries out of juice. we draw it in the shape of a raspberry on the computer. then we press play. >> reporter: like a normal inkjet printer, this one has a print head which moves horizontally, vertically and up and down in height.
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it can be fed a cocktail of natural flavorings or fruit juice from the real thing. it's taken just under a minute to create one are raspberry made of 72 drops of mixture. it is hoped in the future the technology could be extended to make other fruits like oranges. mm. it's definitely got the raspberry texture and having the jelly base helps. perhaps it's not to everyone's taste. alex is a judge on master chef. >> i applaud the science, innovation, the concept and execution. it's a really clever idea. a fun way at the moment of playing with flavors and textures. i can't however see it making its way into my kitchen. >> reporter: if the technology takes off the inventor believes it cheaper the to create
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raspberries like this than to grow them. >> this is being served with meringue and cream and 3-d printed raspberries. it definitely works. >> reporter: bbc news, cambridge. >> amazing. we have heard a lot about the world cup already. not just on earth. it's been taken over by football fever. have a look will be. the astronaut for the international space station certainly getting into the mood there with a game of footy in their weightless environment. kick ups wouldn't be too difficult. whoa, great save! wouldn't you love to have a go at that? brilliant. all gets under way in a couple of hours' time. our top story on gmt, that's the situation in iraq where islamist militants seized a number of cities.
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these are the latest pictures from mosul. that's underle control of the isis militants. you can see in the picture appearing to be isis speaking to a crowd of supporters. a crowd of supporters. thanks for watching. -- captions by vitac -- what if it were more than something to share? what if a photo could build that shelf you've always wanted? or fix a leaky faucet? or even give you your saturday back? the new snapfix app revolutionizes local service.
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