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tv   BBC World News  BBC America  June 13, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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. hello. this this is bbc world news. our top stories. the united nations confirms islamists insurgents in iraq have carried out executions of civilians and iraqi soldiers. the football world cup is underway in brazil as the home side gets off to a winning start in the opening match. sergeant bowe bergdahl, the u.s. soldier held five years by the afghan taliban has arrived back home in texas. star many the wars, hollywood actor harrison ford
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breaks his ankle on the set of the film in the uk. we start this hour with breaking news, disturbing details emerges of the impact of the rapid islamist advance the in iraq. the human rights commission says it has evidence there's executions carried out in the city. the spokesman has confirmed execution of 17 civilians working for police and courts. we hope to join our conscientious respo-- our correspondent there. hundreds of thousands of refugees are trying to find
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shelter. others have decided to return. >> a family looking for somewhere to stay. most fled the city headed to the region in iraq spreading out between the main cities. this is where they run up against the first obstacle. even under ordinary circumstances let alone during the wave of mass displacement, iraqis were not residents of the region and need to apply for residency permit to cross over to the region. many that fail to get the permit end up in this camp. the camp is expanding and could provide shelter up to 12,000 internally displaced people. some stay here because they can't afford to stay elsewhere. >> translator: we did go
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through. over there you need money. it's a tourist area, quite expensive. a bottle of water cost twice as much as it does here. >> aid workers from the charity say some of those that fled are stuck on the road without means of transport. >> there are people who need shelter, need essential basics of water and food. in this stifling heat, it's extremely hot and going to get worse. we're concerned about public health concerns, diseases that spread in summer, hygiene, sanitation. these are huge concerns we're having. >> as local authorities scramble to respond, some are actually going back. they say their city is safe again. others aren't so sure.
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the take over has shaken the entire region. no one knows what's going to happen next. many people can't make up their minds whether to stay here or go back home. bbc news on the outskirts in northern iraq. >> well according to the united nations human rights spokesman, horrific events took place two days ago. let's join our correspondente geneva. what details do they believe took place? >> the human rights office told us they have verified reports. you know there's the united nations assistance mission in iraq. verified reports civilians have been executed apparently by islamist militants two days ago
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when the militants overran the town. 17 civilians in one street alone in mosul. they were apparently working with iraqi police. in another incident, 12 members of the security services also it seems executed by islamist mill tan assistants. the many check points set up in and around mosul by the islamic militant group there is seen to be used identifying anyone detained with the iraqi government. >> it's interesting you say that. some are now returning to mosul because they feel perhaps it is safer than it was. i noticed the u.n. is also saying government forces have committed excesses as well. >> well that's right. during the battle for mosul that
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appears to be over for the time being, the u.n. believes iraqi forces were indiscriminatory were shelling hundreds of people in the last few days in the fighting. i think it's true. there are reports that some people, not that many, are returning to mosul. apparently the electrician tis is back on. water is back on. if you have nowhere to go and no water as we return in the report, you can't can afford to buy a bottle of water, perhaps you'll return home. i wouldn't underestimate the depth of concern about the events that have been taking place in mosul. >> thank you very much indeed. a parliamentary vote to grant powers to nouri maliki was
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delayed thursday when too few mp's turned up. we have more on the mood in baghdad. >> people are frightened with the recent news. militia led more in the area toward the province. it's 60 kilometers from baghdad the city. this has forced people to buy more supplies, stay despite what the government is saying. the situation here is not the same as it was in the last few years. people are remembering what happened during the 2006 and 2008 when the conflict was widespread civil war. some militia a attacks are now
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seen by islamists. they're very scared if this happens again, the country will go through another very massive civil war again. >> so a lot of fear and confusion in baghdad now. what are people saying to you about the future? do they believe iraq will now split? they'll be sectors about isis, sheer led areas? >> in general people are -- we didn't see any kind of that. people start thinking about this issue as what happened in warsaw. we didn't see this kind of people leaving towards the the south for example. to be honest, they're preparing for the worst. the only thing you hear the government, not just the army --
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yesterday what happened is the same in north. fights south towards baghdad. this is what's happening in areas and province. they don't want army anymore. that's why i think some kind of leaders are asking to join the new militia to establish a new one to protect -- it's not about the fight. it's about the city in general. >> he is in baghdad for us. now brazilians have been celebrating after making a winning start to the 2014 world cup. several hundred million people around the world are thought to have tuned in as they beat them
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3-1. brazil's star player responded way low sweeping effort from 25 meters that just evaded the goal keeper. a controversial goal turned the game when brazil was awarded a penalty after fred tumbled in the box. they just beat the keep toer to give brazil the lead. this was an award winning performance. the streets were largely desserted as most stopped to watch the game. this is a picture of children that dressed as you can see in the national colors as they followed the game on a television set. each day of the world cup we'll be bringing you a striking image from the tournament on bbc world news. check out all pictures and other
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information at a remind over what's in store today if you're avid follower of the world cup. proceedings start with mexico playing at 1600 gmt. the clash between spain and netherlands. the repeat in south africa four years ago. that kicks off 1900 "gmt." one nation that's not competing in the world cup is china. that's not stopped hundreds of millions of people. to get around the 11 hour time difference with brazil, football fans are offered a crafty unethical fix to the problem, fake excuses. >> the door may have closed on
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china's football ambitions, once again failing to qualify. that hasn't stopped the country's factories getting in on the world cup action. by some estimates they make around 80% of all tournament related merchandise. not all of this lucrative business is legitimate of course. chinese customs offices recently seized this consignment of knockoff goods including 1,000 counter fit trophies. even the time difference is used for profits. some games kick off at 3:00 from the morning local time, what the die hard chinese fan needs is one of these. all it took is around a quick phone call and $16 u.s., i have
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an infection and day off, allegedly signed by a real doctor at a doctor hospital. remember this? plastic trumpets that provided the sound track to the last world cup? they were made in chinese factories. this year it's the roller, the new official instrument. there's been a snag. fifa has banned the grenade shaped rattles fearing fans may find them too temptingly throwable. what to do now with the unwanted rollers? give them away for free perhaps.
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in fact though, manufactures say the rollers haven't dented sales at all. dealers are shaping or faking their way to to world cup glory. bbc news shanghai. let's speak about sergeant bowe bergdahl, u.s. army sergeant held by the taliban for five years. he's arrived in the united states, taken to army medical center in texas where military says he'll continue the next phase of recovery and reintegration. nik childs has been following this story. i spoke to him earlier. >> this was expected in a way. we knew as he was reintegrated as the american military like to say by bringing him back in society. he spent time in germany at a major medical center. now he's brought to this brook
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medical center center in san antonio, a large medical facili facility. i've been there. they treat the wounded from iraq and afghanistan. they have specialists that do deal with those that have been held captive. the focus seems as far as the process is sergeant bergdahl's welfare. it was known this would be part of the process after time in germany, he would be brought to this facility in san antonio. we had reports physically he was getting better in germany. yesterday it was announced he was on his way. now he's returned. >> this has to be managed really well doesn't it? his release is extremely controversial. his parents have talked about their concerns about how he will cope with coming home. there's a lot really to manage
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here isn't there? his home coming and elation about it and also the other side of the coin, those not happy about the deal cut when he was released. >> absolutely. it was always going to be a long and difficult process any way. the circumstances around it have added to complications. there are questions about whether at some point sergeant bergdahl may face disciplinary proceedings. there are always questions about how he disappeared off the base, whether he wandered off. his unit said he desserted. he was certainly disenchanted with service at the time and disappeared. there's that element of it. we hear he hasn't had direct contact with his family. the reintegration with family is another thing. there's the other controversy, the circumstances under which he was released. there's still concern about
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whether that was the right thing to do as far as the obama administration. critics say this was dealing with terrorists. >> nick childs there. stay with us on bbc news. a star in the wars, harrison ford breaks his ankle in the uk in the latest star wars film. ou? the greater the curvature, the bigger the difference. [sci-fi tractor beam sound] ...sucked me right in... it's beautiful. gotta admit one thing... ...can't beat the view. ♪ introducing the world's first curved ultra high definition television from samsung. still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories.
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auto policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what else comes standard at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? . hello. you're with bbc world news. the latest headlines. the united nations says it has evidence of islamist insurgents in iraq carrying out civilian executions in the city of mosul. the football world cup is underway in brazil. the home side gets off to a winning start in the opening match. russia has denied sending tank across the board tore herd the rebels in ukraine.
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the president complained directly to vladimir putin. a van used has exploded injuring three people. >> tensions simmer in the eastern ukrainian city of donetsk. a van burns outside the headquarters of the pro russian separatist movement. they declared the city independent from ukraine last month. the rebels say the van was deliberately targeted because it's regularly used by this man, a key rebel leader. he was not in it at the time. tensions have also playered between kiev and moscow after the minister accused pro russian rebels of bringing tanks over the border into ukraine. >> translator: according to intelligence and surveillance,
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despite the russian federation statements that it welcomes peace process, we have been observing in the last three days those passing through check points in the area. >> moscow has denied the allegation and accuses the new ukrainian president of not following through with the promise to end the violence in the east of the country. cities like sloviansk have suffered as a result where pro russian separatists have continued to engage in intense fighting with government forces. it seems with no agreement in site, neither side is backing down. bbc news. now the hollywood star harrison ford has been air lifted to a hospital in the uk after being injured while shooting the latest star wars film. the 71-year-old actor injured his actor on set at pine wood
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studios on the outskirts of london thursday. we are at the hospital to give more details. >> after this accident at pine wood, apparently some sort of door fell on his ankle of this 71-year-old man. pretty serious for a 71-year-old man. not clear which door it was the. some reports say it was a carriage door. some reports say it might have been the door of a spaceship. the millennium falcon original. it must have been painful. they decided to call in the ambulance and he was brought back here to the john radcliffe hospital where he spent the night. no fresh bulletin this morning.
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it's potentially a serious incident. ford is 71. he's getting at an age bones are more brittle. we have no exact detail on his health. we know the health and safety executive at pine wood is looking into this. if there are other issues, that will be on the way. >> i can't get ben's name mixed up. ben is doing business for us today. there's a break through about the talks of mining in south africa. >> a big question of whether the end is in sight. thank you. there may be an end in site to the longest strike in mining industry. three firms announced they reached undertaking with union leaders to break a five month deadlock over pay. in the last couple of hours the boss of the union said he will meet with firms to give a
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response today or tomorrow to suggests a deal could finally be imminent. there's been a huge rally, pictures from there. the amc union thursday where workers apeel s s s s apeal ton the deal. labor unrest across the country is pushing south africa towards recession. today the agency advised south africa's credit rating to negative. that of course an indicate international investors are losing confidence in the country. much more a little later. elsewhere online shopping has seen massive growth in recent years. consumers in europe get protection buying over the internet. the eu consumer rights, what does it mean? what are changes? there will be a 14 day cooling off period. you can return any product you've bought online.
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there will be a ban on preticked boxes for example being asked to buy travel insurance when booking a holiday. you'll get a refund for 14 days within obtaining the goods. there will be a ban on surcharges using a credit or debit card. there will be a ban on excessive charges for customer service phone lines. we'll keep an eye on the oil price that's risen strongly after the event in iraq. >> thank you. do you remember the octopus no longer with us. the crown picked for winner at the world cup. from berlin's seal life, she'll make her first prediction between monday's match.
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the sea turtle is off the mark giving the brazil to win the opener against croatia. china's panda picker off to a successful start. she sits next to the box with food raising the brazilian flag.
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. here are our top stories. the united nations confirms islamist insurgents in iraq have carried out summary executions of civilians and iraqi soldiers. the football world cup is underway in brazil as the home side gets off to a winning start in the opening match. thailand's military ruler announces ambitious plans to boost the economy. and the self-styled hub cab artist. we look at the creatures made from plastic scrap off car as.
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welcome. within the last hour, disturbing detail as have been emerging of the human impact of the rapid islamist militant advance in iraq. the united nations human rights commission says the right of summary executions over isis overran the city of mosul may run into the hundreds. the cities are taken in the past few days. the latest results suggests they seized two more towns overnight in the eastern region of diyala. the insurgents have threatened to march onto the capital of baghdad and regions dominated by the muslim majority who they regard as infidels.
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robert coval has reports of 17 executions of people working for police. we are told what she's hearing from the united nations office there. >> the united nations human rights office has just told us that they have verified reports. there's the united nations assistance mission in iraq. they have human rights officer there is. verified reports th s thas that have been executed by islamist militants two days ago when the militants overran the town. 17 civilians in one street alone. they were apparently working with the iraqi police. in another incident, 12 members of the security services also it seems executed by islamist
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militants. what the united nations's particular concern now is the many check points set up in and around mosul by the islamist militant group there seen to be used to identify detained anyone connected with the iraqi government. >> it's interesting you say that. our correspondents say some are returning to mosul because they feel perhaps it's safer than it was. i noticed the united nations is also saying that government forces have also committed excesses as well. >> that's right. the battle appears to be over for the time being. the united nations believes iraqi forces were indiscriminatively shelling in areas. hundreds of people have been killed in the last few days in this fighting.
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it's true. there are some reports that some people, not that many, are returning to mosul because apparently the electricity is back on, water is back on. if you have nowhere to go and no water or as we heard in that report you can't afford to buy a bottle of water, perhaps you'll return home. i wouldn't underestimate the depths of concern of the human rights monitors about the events taking place in mosul. >> imogen in geneva for us. the latest report says people are urged to take up arms and defend their country. thank you for joining us. so this situation is escalating now. we're hearing different elements of different sides. >> indeed the situation is escalating. expect it to escalate.
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i was saying in the last couple of days the incident although huge and significant, what's more significant in my opinion is how this will go, implication of it. on the inside iraq has seen mobilization. this is calling for mobilization and other side, suni tribes and militants have lined isis which created a myth forces are advancing to places where iraqi forces left behind. having that said, we have this for you. regionally there could be implicationses in syria and turkey. >> everyone is watching baghdad. we've seen the insurgents heading this that direction. the iraqi government has been speaking to press today saying we have a plan to defend the capital. what are you hearing about that? >> indeed there's anxiety among people in baghdad.
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they're expecting clashes. it's because of that they'll become an open clash between both parties if it happens. i doubt if isis will launch a major attack because talking about their strategy games, inconventional attacks such as suicide bombs would be benefitting them more than open launch attack because it's what's secured by the army of iraq. i'm talking about that at the moment. they are the major -- they're up to isis, talking about isis, to shake the confidence of people in their own government. they have almost done that. if they keep threatening they will attack, they'll put themselves in the middle. they'll be under the fire of the army. >> the events of this week certainly highlighted the iraqi government. major weaknesses in areas. what do you think the future will hold? are we looking at a split iraq? >> this is a very important
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question, however, we haven't seen any calls for acceseparatif you like. no one is putting this on the table in these areas so far. however, the clashes expected, open clashes expected in iraq. >> already. thanks for coming. from our arabic service experience there. let's move on to one of the other big events in the last 24 hours. brazilians have of course been celebrating after making a winning start in the 2014 world cup. several hundred million people around the world are thought to have tuned in as host beat cr croatia 3-1. brazil's star player responded
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with a low sweeping effort from 25 meters, just evading the goalkeeper. a controversial goal turned the game when brazil were awarded a penalty after fred tumbled in the box. he just beat the keep tore give brazil the lead. oscar finished the award winning performance. despite unrest, by kickoff time t streets were largely desserted as most brazilians stopped to watching the opening game. you can see from the photo here, these children were dressed in national colors as they followed the game on a television set in an alley way. each day on bbc, the world cup is taking place, we'll bring you a striking image. have a look at our conversation on how is this for dedication to your favorite team.
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a dutch fan has driven his 50-year-old pickup truck from san francisco in the u.s. to north eastern brazil. his journey took six months. there's one problem. at the moment he has yet to get a ticket to today's game against spain. bbc has been speaking to him. >> coming from san francisco, traveled over 20,000 kilometers with old nellie. here i am in brazil. beautiful. i made it here for one reason, one reason only, to hopefully dutch, one day we'll win the world cup. let me see if old nellie wants to start today. all right nellie. here we go.
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i mean it's like clock work. 1955. 60 years old. genuinely i left san francisco, said good-bye to friends and family and drove south towards the mexican border. then a lot of people say -- a lot of people say you're crazy. you don't even make mexico with nellie. i'm like okay, okay. we'll see. i'm going to go to see holland play against spain. it's like sweet revenge from the world cup in africa. i don't feel sad that i don't have tickets. i made it. i'm where i wanted to be. i agree you have to be a little crazy. otherwise you wouldn't did you have do stuff like this.
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♪ >> there you go. let's hope he gets a ticket. let's remind you a repeat of the last world cup final between spain and netherlands gets the second day of the world cup underway. that kick off is at 1900 gmt for our international audience. before that, mexico plays cameroon 1600 gmt. later chile and australia at 2200 gmt. the military rule of thailand has announced plans to boost the economy.
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the general who seized power in a coup last month said he'll cut the cost of living and rethink farming subsidies. he's thought to appoint the government in next three months. our correspondent in bangkok says the biggest goal is to reform. the judicial system is broken. this is a very ambitious agenda for what is normally a temporary form of ruling military council. that's what make this is coup different from the last coup eight years ago or even coups before that. they appointed interim governments very quickly, had quick timetables for return to democracy and generally unambitious agendas. this feels different. the military says we got it wrong last time. problems are deep. we are going to face them. it's telling although he's given a date in government, it's still three to four months after the coup before we have a prime
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minister of the cabinet. even at the early stage, the military council are talking about ramping up infrastructure of that. that's the massive amounts of money here. he's also talking about reforming the education curriculum to make it more nationalistic. he's talking about price controls, about revamping subsidies for farmers. these are enormous agendas. he has a problem with the economy. it has slumped because of political turmoil. some feel it was inevitable. this seems to go far beyond what you expect for a temporary military administration for the a general weather. >> what's the reaction to this? >> are people feeling like there would be serious reform or are they bulking at the military leader before the democratic government is elected? >> a lot of ties have welcomed
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this coup because they take up turmoil. many didn't like the government of yingluck shinawatra and her brother. they felt this was one way of breaking the turmoil and starting to fix the problems like corruption. >> jonathan head who i spoke to earlier. sergeant bowe bergdahl, the u.s. army sergeant held in afghanistan five years has arrived in the united states. he's been taken to an army medical center in texas. he'll go through the next phase of recovery and reintegration. stay with us here on world news. still to come. as the final two candidates prepare for the run off in afghanistan's presidential election, we talk politics with one of the country's most fame ousz pop stars and ask what women want from this vote. good job!
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i'm sally with the latest headlines. insurgents in iraq are carrying out executions of civilians and iraqi soldiers in the city of mosul. the football world cup is underway in brazil as the home side get office to a winning start in the opening match. . now former u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton has given an exclusive interview to the bbc news night program. she remained guarded about what she would run for president in 2016. high on the agenda was the escalating violence in iraq. she called on the prime minister to do more what she calls inclusive iraq. kim reports.
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>> she's back in the limelight. hillary clinton is in the attention she launches her new book and tests the waters for a potential presidential run. today in new york she gave the bbc an exclusive interview starting with iraq. barack obama said he's ready to take action to help. echoing the american president mrs. clinton said the iraqis had to up their game as well. >> that is not a role for the united states. there needs to be a number of steps that maliki and his government must take to demonstrate he's committed to inclusive iraq, something he has not done up to date. >> if britain followed the u.s. into the iraq war, the crisis surrounding syria unfolded differently last year when president obama was considering launching military strikes against president assad's government. >> if nothing is done, it will conclude it can use weapons
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again and again and on a larger scale. >> after a heated debate in august, the prime minister lost the vote. it h >> the individual votes were defeated. if you add add up votes that would have been a positive. i don't pretend to understand british parliamentary procedure. it was a defeat for the idea there should be intervention. >> mrs. clinton told bbc the special relationship with uk mattered a great deal to her. she weighed in on the scottish referendum. >> legal process associated with it. we'll see what people decide. i would think it would be a loss for both sides. i don't have a vote. >> finally we asked what
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everybody wants to know. will she or won't she? >> i'm going to be a grandmother in the fall. i don't want to be passing through and looking forward. i want to be in the middle of it. a presidential campaign is 24/7 all consuming. i'm not ready for that. the most important thing i say in the book, not the questions can you run or would you win? what's your vision for america and could you lead it? >> if she does run and win, she'll make history in the u.s. as the first woman president and as the first presidential couple returning to the white house with their roles reversed. bbc news new york. >> now voters in afghanistan head back to the polls saturday for the elections there. it's a straight contest between the former foreign minister and
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former finance minister. what do afghan's women want. we talk to one of the country's most famous pop stars who live miss london but regularly travels home. ♪ >> my name is aryaniah. i was born in afghanistan in kabul. since i was 8 years old i've been living a broad. i've played 70 to 80 concerts around the world. >> translator: two years ago i worked for afghanistan channel 1. i had my own tv show. it was call aed night of music.
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i presented it. ♪ >> translator: things like music and art have progress in afghanistan since the taliban's rule was ended. people accepted women as artists. ten years ago women couldn't appear on stage. it's priceless after so many years the people of afghanistan now have a voice in their country. they can vote to choose their own leader now.
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i have three requests for the future president of afghanistan. my first request is women's rights. rights should be given to women. second request is have afghan stray children that don't have anyone to take care of them. final request is get rid of victorianism. this is what i hope the next president will do. >> the power of art. let's have a look at another form. his creations are beautiful creatures, strange fish, graceful birds. they're made almost entirely from rubbish. this is a self-styled hub cab artist. he began creating sculptures from parts found near his home. now he's a full time artist on the south coast.
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>> if it's a piece i really like i make it expensive. kids won't drive past. they have to pick it up. it seems pointless to be chunking this stuff out when it's all got value still. there's a bend on the road close to where i lived. there's a bump on the bend so hub cabs used to fly off cars and collect there. when i was walking by i would see them regularly. after a while i started thinking about the waste, time and effort that's gone into these thing th. in the sunlight they looked beautiful. i start aed with the idea of
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making something out of them. the idea was to make a suit of armor. the fish got in the way. i see a lot of detail within the hub cabs that remind me of other things. shapes around the eye, fins, tails, all sorts of things. saw, craft knife, i score, bend, cut, drill holes. i use galvanized wire which is from demolition sites so it doesn't rust. make little shapes and fit the bits together like that. when i left i went to india for a year. one of the things that struck me was the fact everybody used and reused things. especially when they were broken, they didn't chunk them
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away and get a new one. they mended it or changed it to something else. i wanted to include that concept in my art. realistically i wouldn't want to get rid of any of them. i have a lot of myself in these things. i have to make a living. i could work on these the rest of my life and not even make a dent in what's out there. >> amazing. he's based in brightton, south of england. last world cup, do you remember paul the octopus? sadly no longer with us. rival claim mants have urged from the animal kingdom to claim his crown for picking winners. naturally an octopus is among the contenders from the german aquarium. she'll make a prediction for
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monday's match. brazil's own big head, sea hurt tuf turtle is giving the nod. china's panda is off to a successful start. she eats from the box with food in the brazilian bag. it's a known fact that 100% of the swordfishes
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hello and welcome to "gmt" on bbc world news. i'm stephen sackur. >> fears grow of an all out war in iraq. president obama comes under pressure to act as the chaos in iraq threatens further destabilization across the middle east. security forces tighten their grip in afghanistan as the country prepares for the second ro round of the presidential election. and brazil gets the ball rolling at the world cup


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