tv BBC World News BBC America June 20, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EDT
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there's a biological or chemicalchemical threat. who is china's new best friend? >> today that would be greece. he's in agethens talking trade d investment the. could chinese money build airports to help them emerge from this economic problem? hello. it is midday london, 3:00 p.m. in kiev where ukraine's new president poroshenko has produced a 14 point peace plan which he hopes brings an end to fighting with pro russian separatists in the east. the plan includes a buffer zone if exchange for amnesty for those that committed minor
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crimes. next week he's planning to sine t -- to sign the deal. violence was triggered by russia's annexation in march over the overthrow of yanukovych. the 14 point peace plan includes that amnesty for rebels that committed minor crimes. a guaranteed corridor for russian and ukrainians to leave the conflict zone and a ten kilometer buffer zone created along the russia ukraine border. >> many rebel leaders have rejected the temporary cease fire announced earlier this week. we'll get more details in a moment. first daniel sanford has been to the luhansk region where the fighting has turn into a war zone. >> reporter: homes destroyed by
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shells fired by the ukrainian army. as it takes on pro russian rebels deep in their own territory, this part of the small town is now abandoned. it is simply too dangerous. half an hour's drive north on one of the main roads out of the city heading towards the russian border, there's been heavy fighting here in recent days. it is eerily quiet in this town at the moment. you can see the results of the fighting at the end of the street there. that there is the position of the slowly advancing ukrainian army. local people told us the fighting had become much fiercer in recent days and some villages had been killed. slowly civilian death toll is rising in what has become a small war.
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>> translator: here it's been going on since friday. before then there were exchanges of fire but nothing on the scale. it's happening everyday. >> reporter: we found the main road had been blocked. rebels crashed down the foot bridge on the highway, another preparation for war. it's a dramatic way for soldiers of the self-declared people's republic to build their own defenses. this week the fighters on the two sides have been exchanging bodies after the battle intensified. two journalists were also killed. at the scene of that shelling we found him, 24 years old, only a few weeks into the fighting. the pro russian rebel seemed like a hardened soldier. >> translator: we will defend
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our towns to the last man. we won't let them advance a single meter. >> reporter: in sloviansk, conditions deteriorate by the day. some are have escaped to donetsk where i found her in a dormitory. she said many have remained behind. >> translator: everybody is saying we're going to die here. they shouldn't be dying. they should all leave. >> the ukrainian government offered a cease fire to allow the gunmen to give up weapons. there's no sign of that. eastern ukraine is sliding into a bitter war. bbc news luhansk. >> let's get the latest from david stern, our correspondent in kiev. picking up on daniel 's last line in the report, are you getting any sense the pro russian forces are actually moving back towards russia or
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not? >> well tim what we're getting here in kiev is just the opposite. there seems to be the fighting as daniel pointed out which continues. we're getting reports today another convoy, the ukrainian authorities, defense minister said another convoy of heavy military hardware has cross into ukraine from russia that included what he described ten multiple rocket launchers. this is unverified information. obviously it points to at least the situation continuing if not escalating the question. even if the government introduces this unilateral cease fire which is part of the cease fire which president poroshenko mentioned, he outlined it. earlier we were expecting the details. even if they introduce this unilateral cease fire, what will fighter do eers do. they will not lay down arms and
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will not stop fighting. >> we have amnesty for crimes. what else is included in this 14 point plan? >> well obviously there will be peace talks. although it's a question of whom he will be speaking to. there are other elements such as increased autonomy or decentralization going to the regions of ukraine. one of the points that many have been asking for. also protections for the russian language. now the question is how these are going to be implemented over what time span, what the details are, and ultimately how this will be accepted not by the fighters in the east. these include a number of russians, ethnic russians from russia but also how the population at large will receive it. >> thanks david stern. let's speak to the editor of the
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global news. the test is going to be if russia agrees whether it can control pro russian separatists in the east of the country. >> this is one test. the second test with president putin has a lot of control over separatists. he has to convince them to basically give up what they were fighting for for the past several months to lay down their arms and for many of them to actually cross the border into russia. the peace plan from the viewpoint of separatist sounds very much like result mate em. it doesn't talk about the self-republic of luhansk. it's a blunt language. give up arm, leave the country, leave the place. if you don't want to be part of the process, you will be eliminated. i think what's on the ground happening and important is strengthening of the border.
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the ukrainian defense minister spoke to kiev and basically said that we're succeeding in closing the borders. the infiltration of weapons in particularly heavy armor reported by david which we still have to verify whether it crossed the border or local stock looks like it probably did cross the border. has to be verified as i said. i think if ukraine manages to prevent that kind of flow of military traffic across the border into ukraine, i think it will squeeze the rebels into a smaller pocket and probably will be very bloody and messy. >> add to that the fact that president poroshenko says he's going to sign the eu deal which sparked this crisis last november. that is going to enrage further those people in the east of the country who are going to have to see factory closures and job losses. >> i'm not sure this is in the
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plan. i think actually there was a lot of propaganda about how bad european union will be for the eastern parts of the country. yes, there are factories dependent on russian goods and supplies and exports. i think those factories are not working now or there's no electricity to supply then. borders are closed. the situation now is a different league from what it was say in november when the plan originally was to be signed. i think we also shouldn't forget actually the previous government of yanukovych was working very hard to reach that deal. it was under a lot of pressure and offers of financial help from russia at the last moment. at this stage i think probably the priority is not really what will be the effect of the association agreement with eu. what will happen on the ground and the death toll which is rising so far the civilian deaths it appears are not big.
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the ukrainian army says it's restraining because it wants to avoid more civilian deaths. obviously the situation is very, very difficult to contain. there's very, very heavy shelling that i just heard taking place in a couple of areas in that region. 12 ukrainian soldiers were killed. an unknown number of rebels have been killed. we're talking about serious casualties and searcy ville yans in the area a. a car bomb has killed 34 in the government controlled village. another 100 were would nded. it's not clear who carried out the attack. the head of the company at the heart of the south korea ferry disaster appeared in the preliminary court hearing with four managers. they're charged with
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professional negligence following the death of more than 300 when the ship sank in april. the company was accused of overloading the ship with cargo knowing it made it top heavy and unstable. tens of thousands this hong kong have voted in a referendum. they want a vote to say which candidates would be in the next executive. the vote raise add ladies' room in beijing. the online voting system is under cyber attack now. pope francis has come out strongly against relaxation of antidrugs laws. he told members of the drug enforcement in rome attempts to legalize recreational drugs failed to produce the desired effect. being forced out of you're home, even your country is often tragedy caused by war and persecution.
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last year the number displaced surpassed 50 million for the first time since world war ii. many people who head to europe are escaping conflicts in syria and africa. their route takes them across the mediterranean in boats that are often overcrowded and barely seaworthy. our europe correspondent has been on board the navy ship to find out what happens when a boat is intercepted. >> this is the bridge of one of the ships in the italian fleet patrolling this part of the mediterranean. the moment they get the order for charge of the fleet, they'll head off as quick as possible to any migrant vessel they can find. the captain has a lot of equipment at his disposal if he wants to. he can send out held continuers
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and also order any merchant ship in the area to come out and assist in the search and rescue. descending into the bows of the ship now. these are some of the cabins. they can sleep up to 200 on this ship. when the migrants are on board, they often have many hundreds more than that. now when they do bring migrants on board, they take great precautions. they lock down the ship as if there's some sort of biological or chemical threat. everybody that goes to deal with the people coming a board is taken through this area the decontamination zone. they're taking abundant precautions. up there is where they bring
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them a board. they use two of these launch boats, dingys to bring the migrants from their vessel a board this ship. the moment they get a board, they're give a quick health inspection and then brought to this area. men, women, children are separated. if they have health problems they stay here. this is a small doctor's area. then they're taken to the flight deck. this is where photographs are taken, names and ages are recorded. they'll either stay out here on the flight deck or get more shelter inside the ship in one of the hangers the next few hours until they're taken to shore. >> matthew is still on that boat. the navy is intercepting a group of migrants. to keep up what is happening on that boat, matthew has pictures and updates on his twitter account. follow developments there. he'll speak to us live
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throughout the day here on bbc world news. stay with us here on "gmt" though because still to come, an explosive spin on the big bang theory. blowing the top off a mountain to make way for the world's largest telescope. [ male announcer ] it's one of the most amazing things we build and it doesn't even fly. we build it in classrooms and exhibit halls, mentoring tomorrow's innovators. we build it raising roofs, preserving habitats and serving america's veterans.
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every day, thousands of boeing volunteers help make their communities the best they can be. building something better for all of us. ♪ building something better for all of us. hey, razor. check this out. it's time to get a hotel. we can save big with priceline express deals. hey you know what man, these guys aint no dragons. they're cool. these deals are legit. yeah, we're cool. she's cool. we're cool. still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories.
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now as iraqi government forces continue to try and take control from sunni isis fighters, there's been criticism of prime minister maliki from the cleric in the country. he called for an effective new government for all iraqis. it comes after washington says it will deploy 300 military advisors to iraq. president obama pledged targeted measures to help the iraqi government as isis militants take over a large part of the
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country. the a battle between sunni militants and government forces over the airport in the strategic town of tal afar continues. there's more fierce fighting for control over iraq's biggest oil refinery in baiji. paul adams has this report. >> 150 miles north of baghdad, more fighting for the key oil refinery at baiji. a local army commander was quoted saying a new attack was launched last night. more than a week of fighting here has led to shortages already. in the north, kurdish troops are patrolling their own front lines looking for isis fighters. they used this to expand territory under their control. part of a complex three way battle now underway across northern iraq. out at sea, american fire power at the ready. president obama has made it clear he does not tend to strike
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just yet. he's sending military advisors to help deal with the threat posed by isis. for now he's concentrating on diplomatic fire power not brute force. the mime minister maliki is seen as part of the problem. when secretary of state john kerry arrives in baghdad in coming days, he'll ask or maliki to share or relinquish power. >> i think some other form of compromise with kurdish, a government able to have dialogue with all groups. >> maliki will be in no mood to step a side even as the fighting rages. the diplomatic war is just beginning. paul adams, bbc news. >> let's go to john simpson joining us live from baghdad. america is saying maliki is part
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of the problem. it also sounds today as if the most senior cleric in iraq considers him that as well. >> reporter: yes. he didn't say so as many words but clearly he was giving a very, very sturdy nudge to mr. maliki to do something. he has played an important part in this particular crisis. he was the one that encouraged shiite volunteers to head up and take on isis in the north and northwest of the country. their arrival stabilize the situation. now he's moving into the political aspect saying we've got to have a government in this country. we had elections in april that haven't produced the government yet. you've got to do something about this.
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that of course combined with president obama's criticisms of mr. maliki makes it all pretty clear that both inside and outside the country mr. maliki is under pressure either to form a new government or stand a a side. he ain't going to do that, so the guess is that he will form a more inclusive sort of government. >> is there a sense also he's using this crisis to try to rally and build support around him? is he surrounded by colleagues that would try and topple him? >> well there's certainly colleagues if you can call them that who would like to topple him starting to emerge making themselves known. i think it's a little unfair to say he's using this crisis for his own end. he's only decembsperate to hold everything together.
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last week i was told his cabinet was in the state of panic. isis might even come down to baghdad and take it over. people don't think that now. it's clearly americans don't think that. president obama made it sort of clear yesterday. i thought he made it clear that there wouldn't be bombing until the political situation here has been improved in some way. that sunnis would feel a little bit more that they could trust their own government. nevertheless we're not going to get any bombing until presumably there's some sort of change. the key thing that iraq wants, the iraqi government wants which is american missiles aimed at isis fighters won't happen until there's some sort of change. that i think is a safe confusion. >> very briefly john. american military advisors, more
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sent in. how will that work on the ground given that we understand there are iranian military advisors on the ground as well? >> john, i'm sorry. i think we lost communication. john simpson, our world affairs editor in baghdad. now this has james bond written all over it. astronomers and engineers have blown off the top of a mountain the to start bidding a massive telescope large enough to give acs us a look at the first stars created. >> an explosive start to the construction of a telescope that will revolutionize astronomy. in an instant the top of this 10,000 hifoot high mountain is demolished.
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located in the chile desert, this animation show what is the giant structure will look like. the whole thing is bigger than a football stadium. at its heart lies a mirror measures 130 feet across letting us look deeper than ever before. at the moment this fuzzy snapshot of deep space is the best most ground telephones combine even images with definition. the new telescope brings stars and galaxies into focus transforming our view of the universe. >> the telescope will be able to see back as far as we can go in the observable universe and look at the very first stars that formed when the universe started. >> this will cost just under a billion pounds.
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a stro astronomers say it will be worth it. coming up the next half hour, england fans are hoping fair miracle to stay in the world cup after the 2-1 win. we'll be live looking over the beach in rio with the latest. th? ♪ ♪ ♪ woooooah. ♪ [ male announcer ] you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen. zillow. i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program
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one day you realize that what matters is not the size of your car. it's the size of your yacht. ♪ welcome to "gmt" on bbc world news. i'm tim willcox. coming up in this half hour. thousands escape the fighting in iraq. u.n. warns there are more refugees in the world today than any time since the world war ii. hopes to stay in the brazil cup hangs on the wire. also on the program, aaron is back looking at young people hoping to become the world's next billionaires. >> it's the next generation.
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today we head to new york city with the gap between rich and poor that seems to be widening. we look at teenagers computer coding to make a fortune in the future. the united nations is expecting a sharp rise in the number of people forced to flee their homes. already at a record level since world war ii. with no sign of wars easing, aid agencies phase dramatic challenges. conflict across iraq, syria and south sudan and central african republic fuel the refugee crisis. we report from genie -- geneva. >> 2.5 million have fled their country. this will never be home.
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6.5 million are displaced inside syria short of food, shelter, medical care and aid agencies scarcely reach them. around the world, war and persecution have driven over 51 million people from their homes. the highest figure since the world war ii. >> it's quality of change we're witnessing. the world is becoming more violent and more people are being forced to flee. the capacity to solve this problem humanitarian point of view doesn't simply exist. >> u.n. aid agencies are impatient as what they see as paralysis within the u.n. security council designed to resolve conflict. it seems to be doing anything but. hundreds of thousands of refugees have been living here
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years. 32,000 flee their homes everyday from central republic, south sudan, somalia and syria. their lives are on hold until they can go home. among that figure of 5 1 million displaced the latest from iraq haven't been included yet. bbc news geneva. in several countries including iraq and syria, the director of the company working with them joins me now. the figures from iraq aren't included. it is the region so volatile, syria and iraq? >> yes. you've heard these are the highest figures since world war ii. there's one reason. it's the dramatic upsurge of conflict in that region em compasses syria and iraq. it's no surprise when you get
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this level of conflict, movements of people across borders and internally is huge. that's the focus of the work of the world food program and our sister agencies, united nations refugee agency in that region. iraq is the newest part of that, something that hasn't been counted in figures shared today. >> what sort of access are you getting in syria and parts of iraq to distribute food? >> it varies on a monthly basis. our goal is to feed a little over 4 million people every month in syria. we fed more each month earlier this year. numbers dipped recently. we had more obstacles on the ground. in iraq there are obviously areas we as an agency are not welcome. we're not welcome in areas controlled by isis. we're able to assist refugees when they move to other areas such as the kurdish areas. in some cases it's one of the
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bitter ironies of this. we are actually seeing a number of iraqis moving from iraq into syria which is a country where normally people are fleeing. >> when it comes to accomodation, you work along side the u.n. in parter ship with them. as people are moving around, how difficult is it to get intelligence to where you need to set up camp? >> it's difficult to deal with mobile populations. it's obviously much easier when they move to a camp situation which is managed by the united nations refugee agency where we can set up a system for meeting food and nutritional needs. when you've got a mobile population or indeed population that is settled amongst the host community. we should remember it's not always camps where refugees live. if you take lebanon at the moment, about a quarter of lebanese population is syrian refugees. most are living within the community. reaching them but also meeting
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the needs of the local communities who are often quite in poverty themselves is a huge challenge. >> the requirement or aim is not to set up fixed camps for a long period of time for refugees because you are trying to encourage them to revert to a life of normality as quick as possible. >> if a political solution could be found in any places people would move back at their own accord. there's a misunderstanding that refugees want to stay in camps. if you talk to any refugee as i have done in camps, the thing they want most is they want to get home. they want to get back to villages and back to work. you don't want to be a doctor stuck in a refugee camp or r architect or teacher. you want to be back at your medical practice, architectural practice or in schools where you can contribute. most want to do that. >> thanks for joining us on "gmt." now, england's world cup,
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hopes are hanging by a thread today after losing 2-1 to uruguay. let's get a look at the latest with john joining us live from rio. it's inevitable they're not going to get through. >> reporter: well, it seems highly unlikely tim after yesterday's kind of rather lack of performance by england. i was at that game. it just didn't ever feel like england was going to break through. when uruguay had the chance, boy did they take them. suarez was the first to score. he scored the first goal, really good peel from the defender, made space for the header
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leaving him with no chance. in the second half, wayne finally scored his first goal in a world cup and put a ball away from johnson. it was 1-1. maybe this was the feeling it might be the moment for england to do it and actually win the match. it wasn't to be. it was an old piece of football. lewis suarez got on the end and hit the ball so emphatically you felt the net was going to burst. that was that. if they're going to support the italians as never before hoping italy wins the last two group matches and then costa rica gets dusted up in the england final group match. will that happen? who knows. it seems unlikely. after the game, england fans
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were downcast. >> so excite when we got that one goal in. it was taken away so quickly. >> to be fair as well, we deserved it. >> translator: the match was very moving. we were suffering watching uruguay. finally we always win with much heart. >> translator: he's all force. suarez is a beast. he pushes and pushes. he's the best uruguay has. >> reporter: it was a case of england beaten by uruguay. such a controversial figure and charismatic footballer on the pitch. i should say there was trouble last night. some protestors dressed in black attacked a bank then moved onto
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a mercedes benz car showroom doing a lot of damage there and also attacking a turnstile. these were broadly speaking isolated incidents. in terms of violence or whatever, there has been very little so far. just looking ahead to today's football, there's the italy costa rica game where all eyes will be on the lunchtime kickoff in rio. if costa rica gets a draw against italy, england are out of the world cup. that would be their worst performance in 56 years of not get through to out of the group stage. from here in rio, back to you in the studio. >> thanks very much indeed from rio. for more on the world cup, go to bbc sports website. catch up on latest news, have a look at group tables and follow the problem of your favorite.
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you can join the discussion on twitter. @bbc jonsopel. >> you can follow him doing all of that. stay with us here on bbc world news. still to come. we look back at what helped the 1950s trend of jet setting take off. [ male announcer ] it's one of the most amazing things we build and it doesn't even fly. we build it in classrooms and exhibit halls, mentoring tomorrow's innovators. we build it raising roofs, preserving habitats and serving america's veterans. every day, thousands of boeing volunteers help make their communities the best they can be. building something better for all of us.
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to publish a peace plan to try and end the fighting in the east of the country. amid continued fighting in iraq, the country's cleric calls for a more inclusive government to be formed. time to catch up with business news. aaron, what have you got? >> the chinese premiere on his grand tour. today it's all about greece. hello there. china and greece are forging deeper trade ties in shipping, energy transport and infrastructure. the premiere is on a visit to greece where the two countries signed investment is worth $5 billion. china said it's willing to buy greek bonds, basically greek debt showing support for a financially stricken nation. greece wants to become china's gate way to europe.
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so where will they tie up? >> greece and china have common interests, shipping. greece using chinese shipyards to build vessels. on top of that they borrow from chinese banks to finance the ships. cozy relationship. greece's ports are in focus. the premiere has been to the biggest port where china expr s expressed snapping up interesting in the stakes of the port. that's part of the privatization plan. also there's tourism. the premiere is visiting the sun baked island. the greek a lands have become a popular destination for the cash rich chinese holiday makers. let's get more and go straight over to mark in athens. great to have you with us. you know, i'm curious to know this. you're right there on the ground. how do the greeks feel about this potential billions of chinese investment? i'm wondering are they all loved
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up or is there existence? >> it depends who you ask aaron. these two countries are on opposite ends of the economic spectrum. greece is under pressure to get on and speed this up. that's left the field open to the chinese and emerging economies of east. greek government has been delighted china came in to sign deals. exports of oil and marble, raising money for the greek government. you do find protestors and opponents on the left largely who say actually we are selling off the family silver too cheaply under pressure from our western creditors. western companies should be coming here giving a better price. you find unionists that say the
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daily work conditions since chinese took over have deteriorated. they banned globalization. you do find opposition even though the greek government is delighted. >> interesting to note. also interesting is greece saying it wants to be china's gate way to europe. here's the problem, others want to be the gate way. if anybody feeds it, it's greece. >> greece needs it and can do it. with ambitions to become the main mediterranean port, they are a key asset, hub for china. since requiring parts of the terminal, it has cut the time it takes to transport chinese goods to europe by over a week. that is why it's almost a win/win situation for these countries. greece gets badly needed money from chinese. china gets the foothold to
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greece. they're going to meet this afternoon. if the chinese company wins to big the second biggest airport that will be a bonus for both countries. even though there are groanings for both country, it's a successful trip. >> we'll keep a look at it soon. thanks. >> mark from the cloudy athens for once. over the coming weeks, every friday here, we're going to look at the next generation of billionaires around the country, where they come from and why some come from the least expected backgrounds. we'll meet one hoping to make it big not wall street but the world of technology. >> it's a hot sunday afternoon in new york. instead of enjoying sun, these girls spend their weekend by the glare of their computer screens. >> i'm ready.
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>> this is a hackathon. a competition where students use code to build a computer program. >> we really thought of an app called counselling kiosk. >> 12-year-old johnson and her team wrote the computer language that make this is program work. >> coding is very interesting because some people have a love for different languages. coding is like my different language. people may be french and may like to speak french. i'm english and i love codeing. it's something different not a lot of people get the chance to learn about. >> often people come here to wall street to make their fortunes. increasingly many are making it be with this, through apps and other digital tools. now some believe technology is the best new path to prosperity in america.
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>> the country is about equal opportunity not equal outcomes. as long as everyone has a chance. if technology if you master the art of programming you can make a fortune. could be a billion, couple hundred million or ten million. it is your fastest route to wealth if you consider yourself disadvantage ed from the the beginning. >> nurturing her passion is not easy. it's more than an hour's drive to get to any coding event. it's a sacrifice her mom is willing to make. >> at this age there were no other programs that i knew gave her the opportunity to even learn unless she did it on her own. it's best she's in a classroom setting with people that do this everyday. this is their profession. i think it does give advantage and shortens the gap just a little bit. >> it's that inequality gap that
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has many worrying about america's future. not mia. she's got a possible billion dollars ticket in her back pocket she can code. bbc news new york. >> got to take your hat off to her. the world needs more coders. let's touch on other business stories. britain's banking group has sold off more than expected. the following strong demand from investors happened in early trade. shares jumped 12% from the official price. the french government meet the bosses of ge and siemens and mitsubishi today about the bid. the bid was revised after france said it would veto any deal that did not protect local jobs and interests. lots going on. follow me on twitter.
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tweet me @bbc aaron. it's friday. hoo ra. >> off to the weekend. >> thanks very much. now unless you have got a private jet which neither aaron nor i have, there's littlero glamorous about flying today. >> the jet in the 1950 others opened the world to affordable travel and cut flying times across the atlantic. leading the charge was jet set. celebrities like elizabeth taylor and ordinary americans on board ushering in the age of mass tourism. >> there was no one more jet savvy than frank say gnat ra's
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who song was come fly with me. the jet set is a term used with the arrival of the jet starting in 1958 of the people who flew on these jets and noted a class of people that were glamorous international, adventurous. it was a very, very positive connotation and exotic. the jet was the new plane. suddenly the jet set took to the air because they could go to more places more quickly. everything trickled down to the american public. americans took to travel like dust to water. >> this is the key that unlocks the door to a new age. the jet clipper bringing the far ends of the world within reach of us all. >> the introduction of the 707
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was a remarkable innovation and revolution. as important as the invention of the personal computers. you could expand your horizons in ways you never dreamed possible by being able to get on one of these jet planes and fly to europe in six or seven hours when years before it was a 15 hour ordeal. >> new york to london in the same time it takes you to go and see a baseball double header. >> it was very cheap relatively speaking for a trip to europe. it was $500 in economy round trip and $1,000 first class. today first class is $20,000. the real bargain for the american public and traveling public in general was europe itself which was still in the post war dull drums. everything even in the lowest form back in the 60s was more like what would be considered
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business class today. the seats were wide, comfortable, served drinks and delicious food. you dressed up to go on a plane. it was a special occasion. today you can fly cheaply, but you fly badly. >> wouldn't it be nice to fly like that now? the oscar nominated song writer has died at 75. he wrote many hits including "will you love me tomorrow?" ♪ >> he's known for songs such as "crying in the rain" and "some kind of wonderful ". he wrote more than 40 top 50
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hits. a photograph posted on twitter says there are no words. on that note, that is it from me tim willcox and the team. bye bye for now. (mother vo) when i was pregnant... i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program
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still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. and it doesn't even fly. we build it in classrooms and exhibit halls, mentoring tomorrow's innovators. we build it raising roofs, preserving habitats and serving america's veterans. every day, thousands of boeing volunteers help make their communities the best they can be. building something better for all of us. ♪
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my time is running out. kovarian: you understand what this is, don't you? melody pond, the woman who kills the doctor. how do you know who i am?! i made you what you are. [ tearfully ] one last trip, eh? whatever happens now, you do not interfere. [ blast ] the doctor: a robot worked by tiny people. access personal records: the doctor. records available. who wants me dead? the silence. the silence is not a species, it is a religious order or movement. their core belief is that silence will fall when the question is asked. what question? the first question, the oldest question in the universe, hidden in plain sight.
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