tv BBC World News BBC America June 25, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EDT
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♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum ♪ [announcer] the more you know, the more you could save. farmers could help you save hundreds on your auto insurance. call your local agent or 1-800-470-8507 today. hello, you're watching "gmt." i'm tim wilcox. our top stories, you haven't done enough. nato tells russia to fulfill its international commitments and discusses military help for ukraine. >> today we will review our relations with russia. and decide what to do next. world cup drama, luis suarez appears to bite an opponent again. fifa launches an investigation. >> alleged suarez fight, big talking point at this world cup. he faces a fifa ban that would
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rule him out of the tournament. the strikes in south africa seem to be finally over. >> finally indeed. after five months and the loss of billions of dollars, the platinum workers signed a deal. they wanted a pay increase. is a 20% pay raise enough to stave off strikes in a few months' time. hello, welcome to the program. the latest on the ukraine cease-fire and nato's warning it russia in a moment. first, let's go live to the british parliament where prime minister david cameron is expected to come up der finder bringing a criminal into downing street. it follows the conviction of his former communications chief for
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phone hacking. this is the speaker john buerka addressing mps at the moment. it claims number ten has been warned about andy coulson, but still failed to vet him thoroughly. the speaker is addressing mps at the moment because andy coulson has been found guilty of one charge of phone hacking. there are other charges which the jury still have to reach a verdict on. we think that john is just explaining that that has to be taken into account. let's listen in. >> thank you, mr. speaker. thank you, mr. speaker. this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others and in addition to my duties in this house, i shall have further such meetings later today. >> andy coulson's conviction
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shows the phone hacking was misld mi misled by him and others. does the prime minister agree with me that our first concern should be to see redress for the victims of phone hacking and also to uphold the democratic principle of a free press? >> i think my honorable friend is absolutely right. the first thing is we should remember the victims, people that had their privacy wrecked and ensure that cannot happen again. we must cherish a free and vibrant press in our country. i take full responsibility for deploying andy coulson. i did so with the assurances i did receive and also the selection received. but i always said if those assurances turned out to be wrong, i would apologize foully and frankly to this house of commons and i do so again today. i am sorry. this was the wrong decision. but i think it is right that we
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have had a public inquiry in this country, and right that we have proper investigations. yesterday, once again showed that no one is above the law in our country. >> mr. speaker. today we know for four years the prime minister handpicked closest adviser was a criminal and brought him to downing street. we now also know that the prime minister willfully ignored multiple warnings about him. on the eighth of july, 2009, the guardian published evidence of phone hacking on an industrial scale while andy coulson was editor of "the news of the world." at that time, andy coulson was his director of communications. what action did he take? >> as i said a moment ago, the assurances i sought and received
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were the same assurances received by the press complaint commission, by select committee of this house, and by police investigations. they were also thoroughly gone into by the inquiry, an inquiry he supported, specifically, and he talks about warnings, specifically on the warning from the guardian, levinson had to say this. the editor of the guardian did not raise the issue with mr. cameron at meetings, in the months after the article was published and the following year. and he says this, he says this, honorable members want to hear, there can be be no criticism of mr. cameron for not raising the issue. we had had an exhaustive inquiry. i know he didn't like the result of the inquiry, but he should accept it. >> mr. speaker, that is a long winded way of saying that when it came to andy coulson, he just didn't want to know the
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evidence. first warning, ignored. let's move on to may 2010. the deputy prime minister warned him in person about his deep concern about andy coulson. he was warned by his deputdeput. what action did he take? >> every single one of these issues was dealt with by the levinson inquiry. >> order, order! order! >> mr. lucas, calm yourself. i'm trying to offer you on a weekly basis therapeutic guidance. but there is a long way to go. there seneeds to be calm on bot sides of the house. the prime minister. >> every single one of these issues was dealt with exhaustively by the levinson inquiry, the terms of reference of the levinson inquire were agreed to by the right honorable gentleman and they were included, i quote, the extent to which there was a failure to act on previous warping iwarnings
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previous misconduct. that's that levinson looked into. he looked into all the questions about the warnings i was given and the response i gave and he made no criticism of my conduct. now, i know the right honorable gentleman was disappointed by the levinson inquiry, but he called for it, it took place and he should heed what it said. >> no, mr. speaker. this is about his character, his judgment, and the warning he ignored including from the deputy prime minister. warning number two ignored. then in september 2010, the new york times published a front page investigation detailing andy coulson's extensive knowledge of phone hacking, including one former editor, who said i've been to dozens if not hundreds of meetings with andy when the subject came up. what action did he take? >> all of these issues, every single warning, was dealt with by the levinson inquiry. an inquiry he called for, and inquiry whose terms of reference
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he agreed, and i know he can't bear it, but levinson made no criticism of my conduct in this regard whatsoever. now, you cannot call for a judgment inquiry, participate in a judgment inquiry, write the terms of a reference jump inquiry and ignore what it has to say. i have to say, mr. speaker, all of the questions he's raising today are not new. they're the questions dealt with by the levinson inquiry. i know. >> the prime minister is offering an answer. and it must be heard. order! it must be heard by the house. both sides must be heard by the house. and that will happen as it always does, however long this session has to be run. let us be absolutely clear. the prime minister. >> i can quite understand why he doesn't want to listen to an eight-month long inquiry that cost 5 million pounds, that interviewed people under oath
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that was led by a judge, but that's what he asked for. that's what was delivered and it did not criticize my conduct in this regard at all. so instead of casting aspersions about that, he should accept the inquiry he supported. >> no answer on any of the questions. no answer on why he didn't act on the guardian, why he didn't act on the deputy prime minister, why he didn't act on the new york times. let's come to vetting, mr. speaker. amidst all of the warnings, the very least -- >> i apologize for interrupting the right honorable gentleman. the usual rantings from the usual suspects. >> amidst all of the warnings, the very least he should have done is insisted immediately on coming to office so andy coulson
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showed the highest level of security vetting as his six predecessors over the previous 14 years have had. why didn't he insist on it? >> again, levinson in his inquiry looked directly into this issue and -- >> mr. speaker. >> this is what he found. when this is what he found. levinson concluded this. level of security clearance was not the decision of either mr. cameron or mr. coulson, it was the decision of the civil service. and those are and those are the correct -- and those are the correct procedures. and those are the correct procedures. but if the leader of the opposition's contention, if the leader of the opposition's contention is that direct vetting would have got to the bottom of mr. coulson's conduct at the news of the world, then he should be very clear about
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that levinson found and he found this. he found this. the process of considering mr. coulson for status would not have involved a detailed investigation of phone hacking at the news of the world. that undermines the entire case that they have been trying to make all morning. i know you don't agree with it. i know he's so desperate not to talk about the economy, not to talk about unemployment, not to talk about the deficit, but you can't rerun an inquiry that already has taken place. >> now it is clear from the prime minister, now it is clear from the -- i'll tell them, it is failing to stand up to do the right thing. now we know, now we know the rule of this prime minister is the buck doesn't stop here. and he blames the civil service. now, on the civil service, can
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he assure -- >> sometimes one has to repeat the things because people don't get it first time. if there is quiet, we will continue. if people try to shout our people down against the principles of british democracy, they will be stopped in their tracks. it is very simple and i would have thought pretty clear. ed miliband, on the civil service. >> can he assure the house that at no time did any senior civil servant raise concerns about he or his office about hiring andy coulson. >> on the issue of vetting, on the issue of vetting, he was absolutely clear that the decision of vetting is for the permanent secretary of number ten, sir jeremy hayward, someone when served labor government with impeccable service and coalition governments led by conservative prime minister. what the right honorable gentleman is trying to do is go
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through all of the old questions that were answered by the levinson inquiry. he didn't like the answer because he wanted to try and move some cooked up conspiracy between the conservatives and news international. he cannot manage to do it because the levinson inquiry can't find it. he asked a minute ago what is weak. i'll tell you what is weak. attacking murdoch and standing up with a copy of the sun newspaper only to apologize a few hours later. >> mr. speaker, mr. speaker, he was asked whether he was raised concerns about he or his office with andy coulson. he was not asked that question. there is a very important question which the whole country will want an answer to about
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whether -- about whether senior civil servants raised concerns about him or his office about andy coulson. the truth about this is the charge against the prime minister is not one of ignorance, it is willful negligence. at the heart of this scandal, thousands of innocent victims of phone hacking, he didn't stand up for. the prime minister will always be remembered as being the first ever occupant of his office who brought a criminal into the heart of downing street. >> he brought up the issue of the warning from the guardian, i totally disproved him using the evidence. he brought up the idea of direct vetting, i have totally disproved him by using the evidence. he cannot bear the fact that an eight-month inquiry that he hoped was going to pin the blame on me found that i had behaved correctly throughout. that is the case. all of these issues were
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examined, all of these issues were examined by the levinson inquiry. if he wants the debate, the calls we make and the leadership we give, i'm happy to anytime. it is leadership that has this economy moving. it is leadership that has got our deficit down. it is leadership that is putting britain back to work. and it is the total absence of leadership from the labor party that shows they have nothing to say about britain's economic future. >> mr. barry. not here. mr. cluey. >> thank you very much, mr. speaker. >> that's where we leave the british parliament, heated exchanges between the leader of the labor party, the opposition
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party, and david cameron. ed miliband wanting to accuse the prime minister of failing to vet thoroughly andy coulson, former communications director, former editor of rupert murdoch's news of the world newspaper, a man who yesterday was found guilty of phone hacking. the prime minister david cameron answering practically every question with a response citing the leveson inquiry, a inquiry called for by the opposition in britain, led by lord leveson, a judge, lasted eight months, cost 7, $8 million. and the prime minister refusing every single point made by ed miliband about why he should be culpable and apologize, which he has done, for not overhiring andy coulson but ed miliband wanting to push this point that why didn't the prime minister, having been warned, he said, by several people, including news editors from the royal household, that andy coulson,
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why wasn't andy coulson positively vetted to the highest level. you can see more of those exchanges on the website. now, ukraine appears to be at a tipping point, a cease-fire. unilaterally declared by the president last week and on monday, the pro russian rebels appeared to agree to honor it. on tuesday, a military helicopter was shot down killing nine people. the international effort to stop the fighting continues in brussels where nato foreign ministers are meeting to discuss the crisis. in a moment, we'll be speaking to the ukrainian ambassador to britain. here is emily buchanan. >> reporter: foreign ministers in brussels, behind the smiles no doubt about their main concern. the question of tougher sanctions against russia. the secretary-general of nato said he saw no sign that moscow was respecting its international commitments, and he announced new measures to support
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ukraine's armed forces. >> translator: nato nations will be continuing their support for ukraine's efforts to create a strong armed force and reform its security sector. so that ukraine is able to defend its sovereignty, its unity and democracy. >> reporter: hopes that the ukrainian peace plan would stop the violence appear to have been short lived. >> president poroshenko presented a very good plan, a very wise peace plan, including for dialogue in eastern ukraine. but while there have been welcome words from russia about that, we have not seen yet the actions so go with that. >> reporter: the ukrainian military guarding checkpoints in slovyansk accused rebels of breaking the cease-fire many times. on tuesday, they say pro russian
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separatists nearby shot down a helicopter, killing all nine people on board. >> translator: this peace didn't bring any results. we gave the guards on the other side time to reinforce their positions and bring in ammunition. they didn't accept our president's plan. >> reporter: moscow claims to support the ukrainian peace plan and the parliament just voted to withdraw the viright given to putin. only one senator voted against. on the trip to vienna, president putin called for more talks with ukraine. this is a crucial week for him, he needs to be conciliatory if russia is to avoid stiffer european sanctions. emily buchanan, bbc news. well, this friday sees ukraine finally signing a controversial deal with the eu, same deal that when rejected e
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president yanukovych led to the crisis that unseated him. with me in the studio is the ukrainian ambassador to britain, vladimir kandogi. looking at that nato meeting in brussels, what does ukraine want to see the international gh community do to stabilize the situation in the east of the country? >> there is a meeting in brussels, in nato. what you would like to see this committee doing is mobilize themselves, to put pressure on russia, political pressure, economic pressure, to support peace plan by president pour schenc poroshenko and to stop the fighting. >> a day after yesterday, the
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helicopter was shot down killing nine people. >> we would like to see monitors there. it has always the position of ukraine to see as many monitors as possible. unfortunately the -- those terrorists, they are not complying with the agreements and they're capturing, taking hostages. that has to be stopped. >> do you see president putin as an honest broker in this? >> i don't think we're talking about putin as a broker. we certainly know that putin has leverage on the people that are fighting in ukraine. >> do you think he genuinely is insisting those groups disband? >> have to wait and see. we all hope there is a genuine desire in russia to stop the fighting, but the facts should tell us whether or not he is genuine. >> coming to this eu deal, deal that led to the revolution that
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toppled president yanukovych, it will lead to brutal austerity measures, isn't it? >> i wouldn't call it brutal. they will lead to some austerity, very important austerity measures that we need to do anyway. so in a short-term, we might see some varying, but in the long run, certainly there will be huge positive -- >> you say that, the idea is to try and sort of grow your economy, such as we saw in poland. but it is based on the greek model, isn't it? it is austerity measures. it will lead to job losses. how many job losses do you think this job will lead to? >> i don't -- i don't think we have the model -- greek mottle. this is an agreement we worked together with the european union for many years and it takes into account particular situations in ukraine. how many jobs we will lose, i don't want to -- i don't know,
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actually. but we will also gain some jobs. >> eventually, but you'll see some factories close as well. in particular, perhaps, in the east of the country, which isn't behind this deal anyway. >> no. let's see. the east now is in a particular position which we discussed. we all hope it is ukraine that is signing this agreement. and we know from history and from examples and other countries that have signed, similar or look alike agreements, they advanced in the economic growth. what is important is the economic transformation is bringing ukrainian economy closer to the european standards and it is something that will give us more jobs, more economic growth. >> your prime minister said it was committing political suicide, the reforms it immediate needed. >> it was said at the beginning but i think the government is
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doing pretty well. and yesterday, he said that he's prepared to talk to russians about consequences if at all of this agreement. >> all right, i'll leave it there. thank you very much. one other line coming from brussels, from that nato meeting with foreign ministers, saying it wouldn't be business as usual with russia. we'll keep keclose to the breems in brussels. the world cup, an incident where it is alleged that luis suarez appeared to bite a defender on the shoulder. fifa has begun disciplinary proceedings and is reviewing all footage from the game between italy and uruguay. let's go straight to ben brown who joins us from rio. just the latest really in a chapter of allegations and complaints about luis suarez.
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>> there are some amusing comments being made on twitter and elsewhere. similar to that it is the big talking point here. he's been banned previously in his time at liverpool. so he's got form. fifa is about to investigate this, through the disciplinary committee. let's talk to richard conway who is here with me in rio. what kind of ban could he face? >> i think when looking at this, there are a number of benchmarks the disciplinary committee will look to if this charge is upheld by them. minimum six game suspension in place for spitting suspension. this is worse. you look at the fact that they put in a ten-game ban for suarez, that's the kind of level they're looking at initially on this. but who knows what it could be
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beyond that. >> thank you very much indeed. if he is found guilty, it looks like luis suarez's world cup is over. >> thank you very much, ben brown in rio. stay with us for the next half of "gmt." we'll lo listen up, thunder dragons, it's time to get a hotel. hey, razor. check this out. we can save big with priceline express deals. hey you know what man, these guys aint no dragons. they're cool. these deals are legit. yeah, we're cool. she's cool. we're cool. priceline express deals are totally legit. check this, thousands of people book them everyday and score killer deals. now, priceline is piling on even more savings with its summer sale. so grab your giant beach towel and enter code summer14. look at me enjoying the deals.
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>> this close, tim. after months of talks, alitalia secured an investment from etihad. they're taking on a 49% stake in the italian counterpart. the question is what did italians have to make to get their hands on that middle east money. hello. iraq's prime minister nuri al maliki made his strongest statement so far against calls to form a unity government. he said such a move would amount to a coup against the constitution and an attempt to end democracy. the country continues to be in crisis as sunni insurgents occupy much of the north and west. this is what maliki had to say. >> translator: you know very well iraq faces a fierce
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terrorist onabsolute th slaught transcends frontiers and threatens our independence and stability. what makes this attack by these terrorist organizations even more serious is that it has started from the province of nineveh, and it aims to stretch to all parts of iraq. this aggression is supported on all fronts by neighboring countries to iraq. >> nuri al maliki speaking on tv. let's speak to richard galpin. making it pretty clear he's not going to bow to all this international pressure to do what they want. >> yes. i think, you know, essentially he's rejecting this idea of a national salvation government because he says his party won by far the most votes in the election in april and therefore by the constitution he has the right to try to push ahead and form a government. i think to be fair, the international community is not
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talking about a national unity government. it is talking about a government far more representative than the previous one of the minority communities, ie the sunni community, it is the sunni militants who have risen up with isis and launched this offensive because there is many grievances they have against the government. i think it is possible there will still be a broader government. it is very up up to mr. maliki, assuming he remains the leader. and if he's replaced. but he can bring in other politicians, representing the minority sunnis and, of course, the minority kurdish community without having some kind of emergency national salvation, national unity government, the phrase he was talking about. >> on another point, u.s. military advisers begin work today outline what they're going to be doing in baghdad and elsewhe
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elsewhere. >> well, president obama said, it is going to be about 300 special forces, advisers, coming in. about half have arrived in the area. firstly they are setting up joint operation centers. they set one up already apparently agreed to here in baghdad with the iraqi army. they do the same thing up in the north in erbil and send something special forces to the front lines so they can see for themselves how iraqi army is fighting, what help it needs. they're in an advisory capacity. they're also going to be assessing the strength and weaknesses of the iraqi soldiers, what assistance the americans can bring in. i think also crucially that they're going to be doing is gathering intelligence because the americans have said very cheerily that one of the reasons they don't want to get involved in air strikes at the moment is because they do not have sufficient intelligence on the ground to understand exactly
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which targets they should be hitting. they don't want to cause civilian casualties or hit the wrong side. these people will be be out there gathering intelligence, and therefore can over a period of time build up the intelligence picture so they can then help call in strikes, air strikes if president obama makes that decision that the americans will do that. >> thank you very much indeed. isis led rebels continue to take over large waves of the country. how did the group rise to such terrifying power? a senior iraqi official told the bbc that isis is believed to have $2 billion in cash and assets making it one of the richest jihadi organizations every seen. much of the money comes from syria where it is in control of the city of raqqa in the north and several refineries. and it claims the takeover of iraq's biggest oil refinery in baiji to keep control of the conquered areas.
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let's talk to raffaele pantucci. author on jihadist issues. $2 million. a lot of money. not just in cash but assets as well. talk us through them. >> i think this is an organization operate fog some time. before isis, it used to be isi, an organization based in iraq, in the sunni parts of the country. it used to run a lot of extortion rackets, criminal protection networks and blackmail and kidnapping operations in that part of the country. as we have seen it go into syria, it has taken over big chunks, parts of the country. i'm not sure it totally controls all of the territory. but in the territory, there are cities where it continues to do these sorts of criminal activity, as well as some of the oil installations and refineries. >> i think they have taken cash
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from the bank. if they take the refineries, they have to sell this oil, haven't they, to make the money. is there any pressure on the international community to p prevent these sales. >> i think there may be an effort to try to do that. but the logistics is probably more complicated than we think. when the organization was controlling sort of parts of the oil infrastructure in syria, there were reports emerging that some of the oil was being sold to the syrian government, an extraordinary pracaradoxical th itself. they take control of the refineries. if they put the oil into, you know, barrels, on to trucks and drive it across the border and sell it to markets in turkey, that's a very difficult transaction for the international community to do something about. >> and this is -- they describe themselves as a revolution
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ratheren th than an army. are they paying their fighters? are they paying the men and women who are working alongside them? >> i think we are finding reports they seem to be paying some of their fighters as well. they recruit people and give them some cash. there is an interesting element to add to that, we look at the foreigners going over there, particularly european, we had reports before europeans pay their way to go to training camps run by the organization, you have to arrive and have enough money to cover the cost. now that the organization seems to be increasingly liquid there is a question about whether they will require that from the foreign recruits. >> thank you very much indeed for joining us on the program. trial of andy coulson and others on the phone hacking trial. it is just discharged, just discharged the jury after failing to reach a verdict on two remaining counts. that was paying for a royal
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telephone directory and paying a public official. we also can say that a decision is going to be taken on monday on whether there will be a retrial of andy coulson over those alleged illegal payments. the jury discharged after failing to reach a verdict on the remaining counts against andy coulson. andy coulson, former editor of rupp rupert murdoch's the world newspaper. now, 60 years ago today, a dramatic episode unfolded in newly independent burma. it is a story only now being told. on june 25th, 1954, three ethnic rebels seized control of a
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plane. they wanted to use it to smuggle weapons. but the hijack didn't go to plan. for years, strict sens censorsh meant the events of that day couldn't be be told or shown on film. but that is changing. he's talking to jonah fisher. >> reporter: his commander refused to approve the plan, one of them called him a fool. 60 years ago, he defied them all and marched in the cockpit of a passenger plane. >> translator: i said to the pilot, this is your ralast warning. if you don't obey my instructions, this grenade will explode in seven seconds. i removed the pin and showed it to him. i started counting. and had i got to three, he asked me to stop. >> reporter: his plan was to steal the plane and use it to transport weapons for the rebel
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group who were fighting to break away from the burmese state. these were the rubbles who were supposed to be waiting for the hijacked plane on the ground. >> reporter: i asked the pilot to fly to the rendezvous in our territory but we couldn't find the spot. the other fighters were supposed to arrange a temporary landing ground and mark it with a big sheet of paper. but we couldn't find them. >> reporter: so the mission ended in glorious failure with the plane landing on a beach and the hijackers disappearing into the bush with money they stole. it was front page news at the time, but was then suppressed by successive military governments. for decades, burmese film making has been heavily censors. so this story would never have been made or shown here. but there are now some signs that things are starting to
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change. the hijacking has now been made into a film. this time with the approval of the burmese military. as he makes the final edit, the director tells me he now feels able to tackle subjects that were previously considered taboo. >> translator: most of my films have been comedies because they make good money. now we can start look at serious films. the world wants to see a good film from myanmar. >> reporter: so he was never caught. he became a baptist minister and then a negotiator between the rebels and the government. incredibly, six decades on, the conflict is still unresolved. jonah fisher, bbc news, yangon. >> fascinating. business with aaron. >> starting with south africa, good to see you.
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after a five-month long strike, back to work. the platinum workers in south africa are heading back to the mines today. the amcu union signed a deal with company bosses, did that later yesterday, agreeing to a 20% pay rise over the next three years. many workers of course, celebrating this deal. why? five months of no pay has meant hardship on many. workers have foregone nearly a billion dollars in wages and benefits. and the strike has cost the mining company as well, over $2 billion in lost revenue. and all of this has really impacted the south african economy. it this rank. 0.6% in the first three months of this year. from the mines, norma secco has all the details. >> reporter: the signing of a three-year wage deal was sealed yesterday. thousands of mine workers are
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back at work today, but going back underground is not going to be that easy. they first have to be processed, then have to do medical checks and make sure they are fit to work underground and after that, there willing an induction program since many arrived themselves about working underground because they have been out of work for five months. it could take months before they're fully operational. the mood here is quite jovial. the thousands of mine workers who have been away from work for quite some time, have gone back home, and to the royal eastern cape and many other parts of the country and neighboring countries. they were happy to see each other this morning. the fact they have gone on strike this long, they say it was a victory for them. they're in the right direction to get better wages. >> okay.
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finally, finally an agreement has been reached after months wrangling. alitalia and etihad have agreed in principle in a stake in the struggling italian carrier. they had sought a new partner after the klm group bowed out. the airline has been unprofitable for years as a domestic market has come under attack from low cost airlines. in fact, italy's transport minister said without this deal, they would be finished. this is the good news for the national carrier. but it will come at a price and that's big job cuts in italy. alan johnson has all the details from rome. >> reporter: this national carrier was flying through turbulent financial weather indeed for several years.
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it is in real trouble. talks they're running out of cash in the summer unless this help didn't rife. the governor saying on the eve of this announcement, unless there was a deal, they were heading for the abit. now we have this statement, a 49% share in the italian company. but etihad has demanding cost savings, cost cuts and more than 2,000 jobs, perhaps 250 jobs in dac danger. that's about 50% of the workforce. concerned that much of the job losses will fall in and around the rome airport operation of alitalia or we'll be worried, i think. >> indeed. we'll keep across that one as
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soon as becomes official. glaglastonbury, festivals continue to go in the opposite direction. they grow in popularity. uk has more than 670. across europe, several thousand festivals expected to be held this year alone. while sales of recorded music is falling, concert ticket sales have been rying. north midterm live music revenu revenu revenues are at $4.6 billion. we're talking about big money. let's get more. jonathan shallot joins us. there is a lot of concerts out there. what is the magic recipe apart
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from big music or good music lineup. there is a lot to it, isn't there? >> they go out of their way to make a fantastic experience for the whole family or couples that go. at the core, you get to see the music acts you want to see and love. about that, they have speakers, they have sunsets. so it becomes an enjoyable moment for the whole family and those who want to do them in different ways. >> if i were talking about the money side of the festivals, the organizers, i guess, they make the money and the landowners make the money from the actual festival itself. and the people who pay for the ticket price, but there is a lot of ancillary charges. carnivals, food stores. do they make money from those as well. >> when i got the call from bbc and asked if i would come on
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your show, the father of all festivals, alone, he had about 175 people buy tickets at 220 pounds. if you put on that the luxurious hotels, the tents, the private toilet facilities, the rv, the vip packages, and all concessionaries coming in to sell the product and services and foods and drinks, you name it, i reckon you get 40 million pounds from this weekend. >> that's that $65 million. jonathan, great stuff. appreciate your time. short and sweet, good stuff. follow me on twitter, tweet me @bbcaaron. did you see the shots? >> from today? >> not from today.
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>> thank you very much, indeed. stay with us on "bbc world news." still to come -- ♪ how does it feel how does it feel ♪ >> the world record price for the original manuscript of bob dylan's "like a rolling stone." ♪ rejoice for you have entered the promised land of accomodation booking.yeah!
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world cup match. now, it is one of the best nen a known and popular songs of all time. bob dylan's "like a rolling stone." now the manuscript has sold for more than $2 million. let's have a listen to the track. ♪ how does it feel h how does it feel ♪ ♪ to be without a home like a complete unknown ♪ ♪ like a rolling stone >> english singer and songwri r
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songwriter. it is a world record price. it is the most brilliant well known song, isn't it? why do you think it has gone for that amount? >> people are desperate to have anything that dylan's hand is on. if you got that, you know that was his hand and he wrote it. and his fans will get anything they can. >> seeing the creative process, it gives you the idea about the effort that goes into some of it. he said he can't remember writing it, it came through as an artistic jet. >> he said many times that in those early songs, particularly he was channeling in various ways, used words like the news and the spirits that gave me those songs. i think that pouring out is very clear in the way he writes. and extraordinary and it is wonderful to be able to see how he refined that process by looking at it and seeing it set
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down. i think that's fantastic. >> $2 million or more if you want to -- have other manuscripts come on the market? >> yes, they have. not from his own estate. this is the first time i think he's released his own material. guitars of his have been sold. and he's sold his own art work. this is the first time his lyrics -- >> why is he selling it? he's not in final hardship, is he? >> i don't know that. i think the great thing about him is that he never really cares what anybody else thinks about his decision-making process. >> so we could expect more manuscripts on the market. >> i don't know. i think expecting anything is the wrong thing to do. >> thank you very much. that is it so far today for
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