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tv   BBC World News  BBC America  July 1, 2014 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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. hello. i'm geeta guru-murthy with bbc world news. our top stories. israel bombs sites in the gaza strip in response to the kidnap and murder of three israeli teens it blames on hamas. iraq's new parliament meets but continues without agreement. europe's top human rights court rules france is enentitled
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to ban women wearing full veils. an unprecedented move for a former french president. israeli planes have bombed dozens of sites in the gaza strip after finding the bodies of three teens who's abduction and killing it blames on hamas. the boy's bodies were discovered in a field. hamas denies involvement and warns israeli reprizele would open the gates of hell. first, can i ask you about a claim that is being reported here by a previously unknown palestinian group calling itself supporters of the islamic state
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in jerusalem. it's claiming responsibility for abduction and killing. it's reported this website was supportive of the group known as isis. have you heard anything on that at all? >> well, there are small pockets of support for islamists in the west bank. this is a palestinian group we have not heard of before. no militant group has said it's responsible for kidnapping and murder of three israeli teens. israel is sure the group hamas is responsible. it named two prime suspects, two omen from the city at large who do have links to hamas.
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we have comments from the hamas leader saying they have no information about what happened, but actually praising any kidnapping there had been of the israeli teens. it's a complicated picture. it's too soon to say this newly named group was responsible. on the palestinian side there have been consistent denials from officials that any main stream group was behind this. >> explain for us where you are. you are in a sensitive area there aren't you? >> reporter: that's right. i'm inside the occupied west bank. this is an area there are a lot of jewish settlements. i'm close to the hitchhiking spot where the three israelis were last seen alive. if you travel ten minutes along the road in that direction, you reach the palestinian village
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outside the city. it's in a field there that the grim discovery of three bodies was made. now the search still goes on for clues in that area. as i say, israel has made clear. it blames hamas for what happened. it i says hamas will pay the cost. we're getting a lot of public chatter. we see israelis coming out to grieve. there's another rally planned later ahead of the three young men. they're to be buried at a cemetery in central israel. >> in the west bank there, many thanks. the former french president nicolas sarkozy are being
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detained. mr. sarkozy denies wrong doing and says he's targeted for political reason. he says this is one of a series of cases against the former president. >> it's very complicated. it's a general picture of a series of investigation into . sarkozy. the allegation now is more serious because it's he had a point man if you can like at the highest levels in the french judicial system. it's alleged that he had a man on the high court of appeal in france, a judge feeding him information and may even have been helping or trying to influence other judges. it all came to light earlier this year when there was a decision to be made, an important decision over whether mr. sarkozy work diaries were to be kept in the hands of the
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justice system. it was important because it would allow magistrates to look closely at allegations he illegally raised money. he was desperate diaries be returned to him. the allegations is that he tried to use influence with the point man, the judge, to have the diaries returned. they weren't in the end, but the point is there's evidence apparently -- what the investigators think -- he was using his point for a higher interest of justice. >> staying with matters french, because the european court of human rights has upheld a ban on wearing full face veil as. the the case brought by the 24-year-old french woman said wearing the veil in public
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violated her. women can be fined several hundred for wearing in public. several bans are considered in italy and netherlands. very interesting ruling. >> absolutely. i think it will have a lot of effect around europe. other countries are considering this ban. it may not be a surprise but the arguments were forth right on both sides. the argument of the student who remained anonymous throughout the case is that she was forced to stay in her home, wasn't able to go out, didn't want to be criminal xized as what she saw as symbol of her religion. she felt this law was discriminatory against her religion. the court argued this case was not to ban all veils. the ban was only on the niqab
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and veil to hide the full face. they said hiding the full face was necessary for trust between human beings and equality of sexes. they said it was not degrading, not discriminatory. they argue it was applied to all 65 million citizens -- >> with other countries now considering it, italy and netherlands, is it likely to be taken up across europe. any reaction at all to this. >> the court case just happened. certainly belgium has followed france quickly. parts of switzerland followed. italy is debating. >> there's still a relatively tiny proportion of women that want to cover themselves fully. many muslims don't say that is a fundamental part of religion.
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>> many muslims don't agree. they talked to two or 3,000 that agreed. >> many agree it is degrading. >> exactly. >> it's very difficult. the argument in the court -- it was difficult to decide if a woman is forced to wear it or not. >> thanks very much. now more on ukraine. we have been covering the situation for many months. the cease fire is over. government forces have launched air strikes and artillery assaults on pro russian separatists in the east of the country. let's go to the former head of the bbc ukrainian service live in kiev. good to see you there. just tell us what does the end of the cease fire mean? >> in practice it means ukrainian army and national guard are engaged directly with
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rebels in donetsk and luhansk region directly. there were reports of intensive bombardment in the city. politically it means all talk about cease fire and negotiations is on the back burner. basically the ukrainian president has been convinced by generals that the cease fire is not working, 27 ukrainian soldiers were killed in 10 days. unknown number of rebels. the military option is the preferred one. >> what is the mood there? how tense are things would you say? we've seen so many ups and downs it seems in the level of military threat and politics also. >> from what i can say from here in kiev which is further away certainly from the area where the operation is taking place is
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the mood is extremely patriotic. all the media have done a lot of zapping through the channels. patriotic songs and appeals. there was a lot of protest against continuation of cease fire. what president poroshenko has decided will go down well. however, there's always the concern more and more people are being killed. civilian casualties, there are reports in ukrainian television in other places. certainly the flow of refugees. some going to russia, some going inland ukraine to other places here. the tragedy is there. i think there's no hiding this tragedy behind the patriotic that is palpable in the capital of kiev. >> many thanks sir. let's get back to our top story.
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israeli reaction after the bodies of three missing teens who's abduction and killing it blames on the palestinian group hamas. i spoke to the ambassador who says the government has evidence hamas is to blame. >> you'll understand we are still in pursuit of the two perpetrators that we know are leading hamas members of the terrorist organization. hamas in recent weeks has been calling for kidnappings, encouraging praising those at the hands that did this. on a morning we're mourning and burying the the teenagers, we've had 20 rockets fire ed from the gaza strip. >> now palestinian journalist with close links to the leadership that revised the group's charter. thanks for joining us.
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have you spoken to the hamas leadership about this case today or yesterday? >> not recently. the official position of the movement is that it doesn't know who carried out the operation. >> when they deny links, do you believe them? is that true as far as you're concerned? >> usually when something like this happens, someone claims responsibility. what is happening here is we have an incident, nobody knows how it happened, who is behind it. israelis accuse hamas but haven't provided evidence. what is happening in the west bank at the moment is corrective punishment. the entire population is collectively punished by the israelis. >> do you think it is possible that hamas are to blame even though they are issuing denials. israel named a couple of people they say operate in that hebron area looking if for them. >> how can i say it's possible the if i don't have information? if the leader himself said he
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had no information -- it's not a question of guessing. netanyahu had an aftgenda to drive. he was adamant if he wanted to continue to be a peace partner. he had to do away with reconciliation agreement. he's using this incident. >> you say that but everyone knows israel has a lot of intelligence. they do a lot. why would netanyahu pick a fight when he doesn't have evidence? he wouldn't get political backing from the uk and other allies. >> if you ask me and american and western european politicians, they will tell you netanyahu has proven to have no intelligence whatsoever. this is a man who has always caused crisis after crisis. he refuses to bring end to occupation of palestinians in
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the west bank. that's why this is happening. we have settlement movement. we have occupation and violation. >> how will hamas react if israel does carry out now some sort of retaliation strike? >> palestinians have more than 5,000 prisoners in israeli jails. they call them captive and consider them kidnapped by israel. they want them released. >> hamas has talked about releasing the gates using provocative language. what do you think will happen? >> this is the issue. israel is invading power. occupied our land and captures and kidnaps our children. what are we expected to do? >> what do you think finally would be the retaliation threat from hamas if provoked?
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>> it says it will not be intimidated and will respond. netanyahu tried this before. it won't work. the best thing would be to talk and talk sense. withdraw from the territories and release palestinian prisoners. that would be the end of it. >> very many thanks. thanks for joining us. stay with us on bbc world news other. much more to come. the screams heard by neighbors on the night oscar pistorius killed his girlfriend. his murder trial continues. we'll cross live to pretoria. some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster... something safer... something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things. but it's always about the very thing we do best. ♪
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parliament. everyone expected shulz has been re-elected in the european parliament. we'll keep you up to date. we move to the iraqi parliament. the first session has been adjourned after the first step to forming a unified government. the government is undermined by the ongoing huge crisis engulfing iraq with militants have declared a counter fate. i spoke to our correspondent in baghdad earlier and asked how any kind of government could be formed with a country in such crisis. >> yes, of course, this is happening, an ongoing crisis and chaos if you like. but it was the push of the religious authorities in iraq that made this happen. i mean the parliament session two months after the election.
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then the constitutional time lines. but now the iraqis are trying to reach some kind of agreement to elect the speaker of parliament then president for their republic and prime minister of course. they have weeks to do that. they have to kick off the process of forming a government under circumstances. >> do we have any potential names as to who could be the prime minister? >> well as you put in the queue of this, the prime minister maliki won but didn't win majority. his appointment is rejected by kurds. they are urging the majority in the country to nominate other
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names. this is actually the question now in iraq. will the shii parties elect another person. will maliki step down or go all the way to third term? what will that mean for the kurds and sunnis? >> kurds have made sounds towards independence, autonomy they've been talking about for many years. >> that's correct. they're still here in baghdad pushing for their share in the central government. that is very interesting. here in baghdad they're calling for representation in the federal government of iraq. at the same time, they say that they will organize a referendum for independence in their autonomy region in the north. >> now to one of my favorite subjects, all too apparent by
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looking at me. it is true. food. >> you like food? you don't like wasting food. we've got a week long series on food wasting from the field to the fork. hello there. in a new report by the united nations it is calling for more effort by government to reduce the huge quantity of food wasted everyday around the world. not just rich nations, also developing world as well. take a look at this. one-third of food produced for human consumption worldwide is lost or wasted. shameful. that breaks down to 1.3 billion tons of food per year. over all the food that is waste add costs us, the globe, more than $750 billion every single year. that could feed all the world's 1 billion starving people.
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we're looking at the problem where in the journey food gets wasted. we're looking at what's being done to tackle this shameful problem. how about this? can britain create its own version here on the screen. this is the creation of the japanese car maker. this robot can run, play football and communicate. both in american and japanese sign language. the uk introduces the national robotic strategy hoping to capture a 10% share of the multitrillion global market. the u.s. and japan, robotics are a part of the strategy to rebalance the economy and grow manufacturing. we'll have more on robotics on "gmt" in an hour's time. follow me on twitter. @bbc aaron.
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>> you should dance. thank you. now to the murder trial of osc oscar pistorius. he tells how nervous he wassafe. he denies murder saying he thought reeva was an intruder. >> the story about his character and how much he was able to control his temper has been interesting throughout the trial. >> reporter: very much so geeta. what we heard in the court from oscar pistorius' agent or manager is that he describes a character of a vulnerable man, a man almost all the time -- he described one time they were walking in the streets in new york and heard a bang.
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oscar pistorius grabbed his arm and said he felt that was unusual for a young man to do that. he also said when he went to his room, all the time inside the hotel in a safe environment, oscar would ask who's at the door. when he opened the door he would realize the door is locked and also on a latch. he also described how oscar pistorius would drive fast to the airport. when he asked him to slow down, he reminded pete of his own hijacking incident which was traumatic to himself. oscar pistorius was always like this. that's what his manager has been telling the court. the court returns tomorrow for more cross-examination. >> good to speak the to you. thank you. israel bombs sites in the
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gaza strip after the kidnap and murder of three israeli teens it blames on hamas. much more on all that in the next five minutes or so. i'm geeta guru-murthy. you're watching bbc world news. we're on the website too. ♪ [ female announcer ] we love our smartphones. and now telcos using hp big data solutions are feeling the love, too. by offering things like on-the-spot data upgrades -- an idea that reduced overcharge complaints by 98%. no matter how fast your business needs to adapt, if hp big data solutions can keep wireless customers smiling, imagine what they can do for yours. make it matter. imagine what they can do for yours. really... so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share.
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something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things. but it's always about the very thing we do best. ♪ i'm geeta guru-murthy with bbc world news. our top stories. israel bombs sites in the gaza strip for the three teen murders it blames on hamas. the cease fire is over. iraq's parliament meets but adjourns without agreement. the battle continues with sunni insurgents. oscar pistorius manager tells the murder trial the athlete rarely lost his temper.
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we'll bring you the latest from pretoria. hello. israeli planes have bombed dozens of sites in the gaza strip after it blames the killing of three teens on hamas. there have been reports of a previously unknown group called supporters of the islamic state in jerusalem claimed responsibility for the killings. >> there are small pockets of support for islamists in the west bank. this is a palestinian group that we have not heard of before. certainly no main stream palestinian militant group has
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said it was responsible for the kidnapping and murder of these three israeli teenagers. what is clear is that israel is adamant that the palestinian islamist movement hamas is responsible for what happened. it has named its two prime suspects, two men from the city of hebron who is still at large, who do have links to hamas. although we have those comments from the hamas leader saying they have no information about what happened but actually praising kidnapping there had been of the israeli teens. it's a very complicated picture. i think it's too soon to say yes this newly named group was responsible. i have to say on the palestinian side there have been consistent denials coming from officials that any main stream group was behind this. >> just explain for us where you
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are. you are in a sensitive area aren't you? >> that's right. i'm inside the occupied west bank. this is an area where there are lots of jewish settlements. i'm close to the popular hitchhiking spot where the three young israelis were last seen alive. if you travel about ten minutes along the road in that direction you reach the palestinian village outside the city of hebron. in a field there the grim discovery of these three bodies was made. now the search still goes on for clues in that area. blames hamas for what happened. it said hamas will pay the kochlcost. we've seen israelis coming out to grieve on the round about
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behind me. there's another rally planned ahead of the funeral. they're to be buried together at a cemetery in central israel. >> israel has a named two people haven't they who they say they are looking for from hamas? what do you know about who could be behind this whether it's the newly discovered group that is claiming responsibility or hamas? >> the two people named by the israeli police or investigators are from the hebron area. according to the israelis, they disappeared the night the three israeli teens were abducted. they haven't been seen since by their families. they also say these two have served time in israeli prison.
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they know they're hamas. what we don't know is whether they are actually ordered by the hamas leadership to carry this out or whether they carried it out at all or whether they're acting for another group. we don't know. until they are reappeared and we find out more about that night, we can't say for certain. >> if this other group was at all involved, a previously unknown palestinian group, what would that mean for the politics of the region? >> this claim of responsibility saying this was done by a group of supporters of the islamic state in jerusalem. this group can't be more than two days old. >> this is the isis group? >> the claim is trying to say
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these are hard line supporters of the group in west bank. they are saying the people were not hamas. they were hard line. whether this is true, we don't know. >> in terms of what is expected and feared now, how would you describe that? what are people looking to now? >> what we've seen overnight is targeting of vacant locations belonging to hamas and islamic ji had. some rockets were fired toward southern israel. it's described as contained c confrontati confrontation. what is feared is what comes from the israeli government meeting. whether there will be a decision to launch a major attack on
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gaza, hamas or whether there's more restraint measures. this is what we'll see in coming few hours. >> that would risk hamas retaliation. finally, with the changing politics of the region, where does this leave the israeli palestinian issue? we've got america now having to be supportive of iran because they're worried about sunnis. how does this leave the situation? >> the israeli peace talks have failed. they have now stopped. this is a very interesting thing because the -- when it comes to israelly palestinian peace process, it's a process the options are clear. nobody knows how to get there. the israeli palestinian peace talks are likely to resume at some point in the coming future. when doesn't seem likely any
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time soon. >> many thanks. okay. let's get more on the situation in ukraine now because a cease fire is over. government forces have launched artillery attacks on the country. >> there had always been little faith in a cease fire here in sloviansk. days of clashes between government troops and groups have left the toll on the businesses and people. both accuse the other side of violating the ten day truce. the ukrainian president laid blame on rebels and announced he called the cease fire off. >> translator: we will attack and free our land. the cease fire plan is our response to terrorists, rebels and orders. to all those that torture civilians, who paralyze the
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country's economy. >> the toughest stance will no doubt please demonstrators who turned out over the weekend in kiev to demand military operations resumed in the east immediately. because the rebels were using the cease fire to regroup and rearm. but the news will not be welcomed by the leaders of france and germany who had been pressuring the president to work with russia on a bilateral cease fire. moscow has been accused of arming the remembbels. now with military operations stepped up in the east, this could drive the two sides further part. the former french president nicolas sarkozy has been detained. police are trying to determine
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whether the former president tried to divert the process. he says he has been targeted for political reasons. a case is brought by a 24-year-old french woman who argued a ban on wearing a veil in public violated her freedom of relegion. iraq's newly elected parliament has met to choose a new government. their first session has been suspended without reaching who will be the new prime minister. the government is hugely undermined by the ongoing crisis in iraq. sunni militants declared a counter fate. the likelihood iraq could be divided into regions has
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increased. bbc interviewed the leader of iraq's kurds. he was asked under what circumstances he would send the kurdish forces into battle against isis militants. >> translator: with or without iranian support, we have no choice. we are ready to defend the region. if you mean comprehensive operation in iraq, there has to be a political solution and participation regarding all components of society. in that case we would have no hesitation in playing a part. >> have the events of last few weeks brought you and kurds
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closer than ever to declaring independence? >> translator: i have said many times that independence is a natural right of the people of kurdstan. we won't hide the goal is independence. in reality iraq is partitioned now. should we stay in the tragic situation iraq is living? of course we'll have our arab and sunnis to get out of this crisis. that doesn't mean we'll abandon our goal and basic project which is independence of kurdistan. >> translator: it is establish had the is the solution. we can't go back to previous situation, can't experiment our faith ten years. we can't remain hostage to indefinite future. it's not me that decides
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independence of kurdistan. it's the people. we will respect and be bound by the decision of people and hope others will do likewise. it won't just be for kurds but all citizens. we hope the state will have the best of relations, neighbors. we will not be a threat to anyone at all i'm sure. >> you're talking of referendum. are you thinking of a date of a referendum? could that come soon? >> translator: definitely. we'll of course work with parliament to achieve steps as soon as possible. >> in a month? >> translator: i can't fix a date now, but definitely a question of months. of course it must be decided by parliament. i'll work with them to establish a timetable. first of all the independent authority must be established in
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kurdistan then fixing a time for referendum. now just to let you know in the last half hour, preliminary results of afghanistan's presidential election runoff have been delayed. they're delayed for about a week because of a recount called now amid lots of allegations of fraud. the country has a landmark presidential runoff to elect a president two weeks ago. two former ministers are battling its out for the t top job. we have this report from kabul. >> did demonstrations and mistrust over elections. visible through the crowd is presidential hopeful abdullah abdullah, former foreign minister, front runner during the first round back in april. now looks like his fortunes may have been reversed in the crucial runoff he claims is
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marred by massive fraud. the first results aren't even out yet. to his rival for the top job, the man who looks confident of victory. a former world bank executive and one time finance minister, he too has concerns about electoral fraud but claims he's leading by more than a million votes. the question is will people believe him? do they trust the election authorities to be impartial? the timetable for announcing results could very well shift. it's been a long drawn out process. this may look like business as usu usual, but with every passing day there's a growing sense of uncertainty a. way from the
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public view, mediators are trying to end the deadlock and help what was meant to be a historic presidential race. >> this family like others here have been marking the holy month. high drama of the electoral deadlock dominated discussions that they breakfast at the end of the day. >> the people are still feeling not very well at what happened in the future. because of the uncertainty of the future. like who will be president, when will it be announced, what will happen after that. there are other concerns. >> many here pray for a peaceful way forward in a country where political divisions are bound up in ethnic identity. with the abdullah camp boycotting votes all together,
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there's worry afghanistan could be heading for a crisis as a foreign troops are preparing to go home. in other news today, 15 are reported to have been killed in a car bomb in nigeria. the city is known as the home of the islamist group boko haram which is behind the abduction of 200 schoolgirls. rob ford has returned to work after rehab. he admitted spoking crack cocaine. he apologized to the people and says he'll stand for re-election. much more to come. how the new arrival at the u.s. conservation center could prove an attempt towards the saving of
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this is bbc world news. i'm geeta guru-murthy with the latest headlines. israel bombs gaza strip blaming hamas on three teens murders. iraq's newly elected parliament adjourns without forming a new government. iraqi forces continue to battle sunni militants many the north. in japan, the cabinet has approved a plan allowing greater use of military force as part of the new interpretation of the constitution. many japanese are unhappy about the change will ch will enable troops to come to aid of allies if they're attacked by a common enemy. what is the change? >> basically japan has what's
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known as self-defense force. as the name suggests, at the moment they're only a allowed to defend themselves. there have been a lot when there were sent a broad for humanitarian reasons especially iraq. even there, allied forces were to be attacked. this will have to be approved by parliament which is likely to happen. there have been concerns from japan's neighbors like china and south korea that does this mean japan will engage in a bigger military control, and potentially a war? the prime minister has been emphasizing during a press conference that's not what he's about to change. let's hear what he has to say. >> translator: for japanese constitution only allows self-defense to protect sovereignty and japanese people.
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there are misunderstanding. we will not use force to protect foreign countries in the future. we want to be prepared to prevent other countries from trying to attack us. >> japanese prime minister there. of course there has been increasing tension in the south china sea. many people worry about the expansion of china in many part of the world actually. is that what this is aimed at or not? >> mr. abe suggests that's what he wants to prevent. japan to have a strong enough force to protect itself if it gets attacked. of course we have north korea and missiles that can land in japanese cities. >> there are protests aren't there? >> indeed. some are concerned this could lead to further changes to the
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actual constitution, the article 9 which prevents japan having a standing army. gentlem japan has been critical of this. this announced today, if he wants to change the constitution he will obviously have to ask the japanese public. there have been thousands of people protest against it. one man set himself on fire to protest against this possible change according to reports. there have been a lot of concerns within japan. >> very interesting. thanks a lot. last minute comebacks, amazing goals. the world cup knockout stages have happened a lot. on tuesday, the quarter final lineup will be complete when
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argentina plays switzerland. american fans believe the time has come for their team to shine. >> this is the real brazil where team usa world cup steps up a beat n. the tournament rich in action and high on energy, americans are making the most of their extended stay. the u.s. reportedly has more fans than any other nation here apart from brazil. still they come. >> usa. u zr usa. >> getting there isn't cheap, but it's worth it. the sport's rapid growth in the u.s. cannot be ignored. >> soccer is the international sport. it connects people from all over the world. people that normally wouldn't watch soccer are getting excited
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6:56 am
american soccer story. >> the people watching the world cup is doubling and tripling. people excited about the support is growing. >> it's something to root for, it's fun. my kids love it. we can watch as a family. >> this is the world cup that keeps on giving. belgium fans will watch themselves. the scene is set. sun is going down on the usa world cup adventure, or a brave new dawn for american soccer. bbc news. >> looks beautiful. here's a sweet set of pictures to leave you with. the orangutan is endangered. some preedict it could become extinct in 25 years. in connecticut, this exhibit is bringing celebration.
6:57 am
this baby with her mommy maggie is special. maggie is the first orangutan to give birth after being artificially inseminated. experts have been trying 20 long years. finally they produced a baby. that means the population might go on and on. i'm done. ♪ it elicits pride... ...incites envy... ♪ ...and unleashes wrath. ♪ temptation comes in many heart-pounding forms. but only one letter. "f". the performance marque from lexus.
6:58 am
to build something smarter. ♪ some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster... something safer... something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things. but it's always about the very thing we do best. ♪ [ music and whistling ]
6:59 am
when you go the extra mile to help business owners save on commercial auto insurance, you tend to draw a following. [ brakes screech ] flo: unh... [ tires squeal, brakes screech, horn honks ] ooh, ooh! [ back-up beeping, honking ] a truckload of discounts for your business -- now, that's progressive.
7:00 am
hello. you're watching "gmt" on bbc world news. israel blames hamas for the murder of three teens and promises retribution. after an intense search lasting 18 days t bodies of three boys were found in a cave. an unprecedented move. french police detain a former president. we'll take you to paris to find out why nicolas sarkozy


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