tv BBC World News BBC America July 2, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EDT
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we offer great discounts, like responsible rider, paid in full, and homeowners. making us number one in motorcycle insurance. isn't this romantic. it was. going the distance to save you more. now, that's progressive. hello, you're watching "gmt" on "bbc world news." i'm lucy hockings. our top stories, the charred body of a palestinian teenager is found in east jerusalem. was this a revenge attack? mohammed abu khudair was kidnapped after three israeli teenagers were killed in west bank. now we're seeing ongoing clashes between palestinian youth and israeli riot police. we'll take you live to jerusalem. fear and panic in west africa as more and more people every day die from ebola. now ministers are calling for drastic action to curb the highly contagious virus.
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america's new found love of soccer here to stay? one thing for sure, tim howard is now the nation's hero despite the team's defeat to belgium on tuesday. aaron joins us and another airline attempting to make the long haul flight to l.a. >> lucy, here we go again. norwegian air offering flight from london to los angeles for under 300 bucks. here's the problem. many others have tried and failed. but we're going to find out if this is the type of plane they're using could make all the difference. 12 noon in london, 7:00 a.m. in washington, 2:00 p.m. in east jerusalem where there are angry scenes after israeli police discovered the charred body of a palestinian teenager. mohamed abu ckhudair was forced
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into a car after these young israelis who were kidnapped and killed in the west bank near the town of hebron. we're seeing ongoing clashes between stone throwing palestinian youth, israeli riot police using tear gas and rubber bullets. we're going to take you live to jerusalem in a moment. first, though, here is emily buchanan with all the details. >> reporter: east jerusalem, a battleground as violence flares between young palestinians and israeli security forces. the clashes were provoked by the death of another teenager, this time a palestinian, kidnapped overnight and killed. locals believe it was a revenge attack after the deaths of three jewish teenagers. a partly burnt corpse believed to be a palestinian boy was discovered in a forest nearby. witnesses say he was on his way to the mosque when he was forced into a car. many say he was killed by israelis, but this hasn't been
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confirmed. >> the main aim of the investigation is to look and understand if it was criminal or nationalistic. since the early hours of the morning, there has been disturbances that have taken place in different areas of jerusalem, and extra police units, undercover units are working to maintain the disturbances and prevent any further incidents from taking place. >> reporter: prime minister benjamin netanyahu tried to calm the explosive atmosphere. he's called the latest incident a reprehensible murder and has warned vigilantes not to take the law into their own hands. the israeli actions to cripple hamas who it blames for the deaths of threae three jewish teenagers. many here fear a renewed bout of violence and revenge. emily buchanan, bbc news. yolande knell is there for
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us. what is happening there? >> you may have heard big bangs. clashes have been going on the street just behind me, down where you can see the traffic lights. and you have young palestinians who have been throwing stones, using catapults against israeli police special forces. and the special forces have been firing back with tear gas, and with rubber bullets. and really tensions are so high here at the moment after the news that the body of a young palestinian suspected to have been a man -- a young man called mohammed abu khudair, his family has been speaking to the bbc saying they have yet to officially identify the body. but really people here have no doubt about what happened. israeli police say they suspect it was a revenge attack. and people here really do believe that this was something that was carried out in revenge for the killing of those three israeli teenagers whose bodies were found in the west bank
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earlier this week. >> yolande, what has been the government reaction? >> well, very quickly we have the palestinian president mahmoud abbas coming out, asking the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to condemn this attack as he himself had very early on condemned the kidnapping of the israeli teenagers before we knew what had happened to them exactly. the israeli prime minister choosing his words carefully in his statement and what he said is this was a despicable murder and asked his investigators to find out what happened as quickly as possible. we're expecting the funeral for this young man to take place probably tomorrow and that will maintain high tensions here. >> yolande, thank you for updating us from east jerusalem. very tense situation there in east jerusalem. you've got crowds of young persons and youth throwing stones. as you can hear in the
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background behind yolande, israeli riot police firing tear gas and rubber bullets as well. we'll keep you across everything that is happening in east jerusalem and bring you any updates. for now, though, let's have a look at the day's other news. the former french president nicolas sarkozy has been placed under formal investigation after suspicion of corruption. mr. sarkozy made a late night court appearance. he denies any wrongdoing and his supporters complain of harassment by some judges. a cargo plane crashed in nairobi, shortly after taking off from the international airport. four people on board the plane all died. the plane crashed into a commercial building about three kilometers from the airport. it is the busiest airport in east africa. the building was empty at the time and no other casualties have been reported. we talked about this yesterday, the controversial art work by tracy emmon, unmade bed,
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rubbish piled on the floor beside it. it sold at auction for nearly $4.5 million. the bed with stained sheets and vodka bottles and cigarette butts made a mixture of fascination and revulsion. she said she slept in it for a week after the breakup of a relationship. claimed the lives of nearly 500 and hundreds more are thought to be in danger from the deadly ebola virus in west africa. in the past week, 22 cases have been reported in seierra leone and guinea. now health ministers are meeting with the world health organization and want drastic action against the world's deadliest ever ebola epidemic. this is a virus that causes internal bleeding and organ failure. it has a 90% fatality rate. it can be spread person to person through direct contact.
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and its symptoms include bleeding, diarrhea, and vomiting. let's go to the editor of bbc afrique and dr. amman sprecca, in guinea in march earlier this year where the disease appeared first in this latest outbreak. dr., thank you for joining us. what was it like to be there, what was the reaction to your presence when you were trying to treat patients? >> i can tell you -- is not what we would like. we are not -- to help them. >> we're having a few difficulties hearing you, doctor, but ibrahim, can you pick up on that, that actually it is very difficult to not only treat patients, but make them aware of what the disease actually is.
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tell me how it is viewed. >> i think the issue about how treating how people are dealing with this disease. you know, we have one of the worst africa cities in guinea where they were attacked. people were thinking that they were behind the disease. we know some of the patient's familiar i h families took them from hospitals and took them home to healers to be treated there. this shows you how people are not aware of the impact in the scale of the disease. and also in terms of -- i don't think people are realizing this, as you were saying, this spread from person to person. and that if there is no drastic
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measures, like the beginning of the -- but later lifted, that closure and limited movement of population, then it would be going on everywhere. >> so ibrahim, what would work in terms of getting the message across to people. what do they need to do? >> i think the government in each of the countries need to be behind the -- the public campaign because i think guinea, because the feeling is that the government is trying to avoid any public information around this disease because it now affects the politic investment. so that also is an issue that the government, like yesterday, or the day before yesterday, took a measure of telling people, if you keep your patients at home, you will be facing law. it will be extreme, but cannot
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measure people need to be taking. >> let's try to bring you in again, doctor. given there is no vaccine, no medicine to treat ebola, what is the fear now? >> what is the fear that the population has the disease? they're scared of the disease. and since we show up at the same time, we are associated with it. they say we have brought the disease there to hurt them, to kill them, they say we have come to harvest their organs and the like. a lot of conspiracy theories are going about. because we propose things they don't understand, they fall back on what they do understand. >> dr. sprecca, thank you for joining us. mortality rate about 90% in previous outbreaks. so health ministers calling now for drastic action to try and curb the disease. stay with us on "bbc world news." still to come, indonesia at a
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. indonesia is a week away from presidential elections and it is the closest race in recent history. fighting corruption is high on the campaign agenda, so both candidates as indonesia is consistently ranked as one of the most corrupt countries in the world. it is also a country dubbed one of the most fragile five economies at risk and investors have become wary. our chief international business correspondent linda hughes joins us from jakarta. >> reporter: rich in resources, green fields, a large population. it could be the united states, but it is indonesia. the country has huge potential, but economic growth has slowed dramatically.
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what are the roadblocks? >> hi. i'm linda. can i come with you to jakarta? >> yes. >> okay. the roads are slowing. congestion, potholes means it can take over an hour to travel just two kilometers. how bad is the traffic? >> translator: from the outskirt of jakarta to the center takes one hour in the middle of the night. usually for hours, and eight hours on a bad day. it is really bore iing. >> reporter: our driver is transporting t-shirts. he's trying to. poor infrastructure means low logistic costs is more.
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so why doesn't the government spend more on roads and rails? part of the reason is the government spends more subsidizing this than our roads. petrol costs just 50 cents per liter. both leading presidential candidates have said they will cut fuel subsidies. but it is a tough political sell. for some indonesians they will suffer because they'll find it difficult to send their children to school. and suffer more hardship, it is still more expensive. the average speed of traffic in jakarta is eight kilometers per hour. a person can run faster than that speed, it has taken four hours and i still haven't gotten to my destination. i've given up and i'm just going
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to walk for a little while. it seems i'm not the only one looking for a break from the traffic. these consumers are why companies come here in spite of the roads. like cosmetics giant l'oreal, they produce shampoos and other products tailored to asians. and targeting the 240 million potential consumers. a market that is only smaller than the united states. long cues to get into the city, preventing businesses from giving up will be the big challenge for the next indonesian government. some of the challenges there. let's take you over to linda who joins us live from jakarta, shaping up for a very close race, linda. >> yeah, lucy, certainly is.
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two contenders have a lot on their plates. indonesia has had quite a trajectory over the past few years, entering the middle class for lots of challenges. i have here with me, the lead economist for the world bank here in indonesia. let me just put this to you, what can they do solve the infrastructure challenges. >> i think the infrastructure challenge will be addressing it very crucial to enlist enormous productivity potential. over the last decade, the investment in the sector meant the capital in terms of load, power, water and sanitation, have not really kept face with the booming demand and the rapid economic growth. >> reporter: how can they solve it? i sat in a traffic jam and it is hard to see what they could do
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quickly. >> it has to invest much more than it does so are far. they invest 3% to 4% of gdp in infrastructure, 10% in china. so indonesia needs to ramp up investment, but it is not only about money. you have enormous coordination issues related to relationship between the government and the national government and you have also issues related to acquisition of land, which slows down implementation of the project. but with resolution, indonesia could do it and with the high sales in terms of growth and in terms of productivity for the population. >> with presidential elections coming up, would it matter for which candidate you think has a better plan for infrastructure? >> well, i think whoever comes in power will really have to address this issue. this is really the elephant in the room, if i may say.
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and i think it has been shown as a priority in all economic platforms of the country. and i think there will be a very strong pressure for the new president to address this issue urgently. >> i certainly agree. thank you very much. that was john. and, lucy, that's what i heard from businesses around jakarta, they have to address infrastructure, address education. if they can do that, indonesia with 240 million people, to me, that's what i've taken away from this trip, potential is huge but there is a lot still to do for indonesia to realize its potential as the world's fourth most populous nation. i'll hang around a little while and try not to get into traffic jams and check out the rest of the election campaign. back to you now in london. >> you should be walking back to your hotel. thank you for joining us, linda hughes there, elections a week
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away now. to pakistan, where the military has set up its operation in the north waziristan tribal area. it says it is targeting the pakistani taliban and allies blamed for the deaths of thousands of people. local people, though, say many civilians have been killed. bbc obtained exclusive footage from north waziristan close to the afghan border. andrew north has more from islamabad. the aftermath of an strike on what pakistan called thewaziris. this is rare. an exclusive footage from a cameraman allowed in by the pakistani taliban. they are the main target, but in this village, they say civilians have been killed too. >> pakistani jets bombed this place at 1:00 in the morning. they say they killed 50 terrorists. but people from our village died
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here. if we had known this was going to happen, we would have left. >> reporter: we can't verify these accounts independently, pakistan says it is only attacking what it calls terrorist sanctuaries. and this was reportedly a base for uzbek militants near the afghan border. the operation in north waziristan's isolated mountainous terrain began two weeks ago. first from the air. and then with artillery strikes. now, there are boots on the ground. searches have turned up bomb-making factories with stockpiles of explosive devices ready for future attacks. a reminder say some that the operation should have started much earlier. >> the source of terrorism will remain alive. and it will keep nurturing and it will keep creating and expanding also. >> reporter: those caught in
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between have paid a heavy price too. the authorities are struggling to deal with an exodus from north waziristan of at least 450,000 people displaced so far. many believe the carnage pakistan has suffered over last few years was an inevitable result of its policy of tolerating militant groups on its own soil. the army says it is now going off what it calls terrorists of all hue and color, but some believe it is still giving itself room for to maneuver and leaving some groups untouched. there are widespread reports favored groups like the haqqani network were alerted before the operation began. but some militants are now vowing revenge. >> translator: what pakistan has done is this, they made us fight the americans and spilled our blood to defeat them. now pakistan tells us to lay down our arms, but we will not
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accept a life of indignity. we will fight pakistan until doomsday. >> reporter: first, he's taking shelter across the border. afghanistan, the end of the road. pakistan's tortured battle with its militants is far from over. andrew north, bbc news, in pakistan. we have breaking news to bring you from baghdad. nuri al maliki has been given his weekly address and he has said as a state of law we believe that the kurdish government's attempt to hold a referendum in disputed areas is unconstitutional. now, he said areas that have been taken through military force will be recovered. he also made a point of say he declares amnesty to all tribal fighters and those involved in bloody crimes. that's coming from nuri al maliki in baghdad. to put it into context for you, we have heard from the
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president, he urged the spiritual leader of the shia community in iraq not to back prime minister nuri al maliki, pushing for a third term office, all the political wrangling in iraq continuing. sunni militants have taken over places in northern iraq and syria and told other rebel groups in the region to give up their arms and to swear allegiance to them. this is part of an attempt to consolidate control of the gr p group. the move posing a dilemma to other groups, followers of saddam hussein. this affects military personnel and tribal forces. also to tell you that barzani told the bbc he will hold this referendum within a month. nuri al maliki directly responding to that call for a referendum in the kurdish region by saying that is unconstitutional and areas that have been taken through military
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force will be recovered. do stay with us. coming up in the next half hour on "gmt," afghans still waiting to find out who will lead their country as the next president. we'll take you live to kabul. stay with us. ♪ f provokes lust. ♪ it elicits pride... ...incites envy... ♪ ...and unleashes wrath. ♪ temptation comes in many heart-pounding forms. but only one letter. "f". the performance marque from lexus.
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i'm lucy hochehockings. in this half hour, afghans await the result of the recent presidential election, the man who has been favored to win tells us there were serious problems with the counting. >> what is being reported from the provinces that there isn't any propulsion between the population of that province to the votes. the ku klux klan is alive and well in america. >> years since racial discrimination was made illegal
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in the u.s. how far has the country come since then? aaron is back with the latest on the global food waste series. >> that's right. here in europe, the biggest wasters of food is us, the consumer at home. the average household wastes a thousand dollars a year on food that is thrown out. today, it is all about yuse by, sell by or use best before, it is a confusing mess and could be the cause of waste on a grand scale. welcome back to "gmt." afghans may have to wait until next week to find out the results of the presidential elections. allegations of fraud have held up the announcement of a winner as the election officials re-examine votes from thousands of polling stations across the country. the first elections were held almost three months ago in a second round took place on the
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14th of june. in an interview with the bbc's karen allen, presidential hopeful abdullah abdullah welcomed the delay in releasing the results. let's take you to kabul now. karen is there for us. karen, tell us more about what he had to say. >> well, in scorching temperatures here in afghanistan, the heat has been turned up on the electoral authorities. as you say, preliminary results were due to be released today. but amid allegations of fraud, leveled by both abdullah abdul why's side and the other side, they're having to stage recounts. you'll remember in the first round, dr. abdullah was in the lead. and now the other team is saying they're leading by at least 1.3 million votes. more than a million votes and now being recounted amid much concern about fraud. i've been speaking it abdullah abdullah and asked him to set out what his concerns were.
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>> first off, the turnout was shown in an exaggerated manner. we all knew that the second turnout for the second round was less than the turnout for the first round. that is one and then what is being reported from the provinces that there isn't any proportion between the population of that province to the votes. eligible voters, according to the estimates of the election commission, more than 200 times of the ineligible voters and complicity of the election voters in committing fraud. >> reporter: well, some election sources told me privately
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they're also concerned about extraordinary levels of fraud. now, this election was always going to be a tricky one. the first time power is handed over through democratic election from one president to another. but what they're trying to come up with is a credible result, a result that is credible to all afghans, behind the scenes, the u.n. and other diplomats have been meeting both sides to try and chart a way forward. i've been speaking to abdullah and i asked him what happens if all the scrutiny of votes he isn't in the lead. >> we want to be the president in the 11 candidates to begin with. and eight of them remain in the race. any one of them to be the president of the country. but there will be only one president for the country. at the same time, that president has to enjoy legitimacy. we have seen the consequence of illegitimacy of the government
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in the past five years. we have issues of government from bad to worse, corruption from bad to worse, security didn't improve, rule of law, we didn't have any headway. so afghanistan cannot afford the continuation of the situation, can turn pakistan into a failed estate. >> well, amidst that fear of uncertainty is also fears of security. demonstrations we have seen over the past few days. but also concerns about security, the taliban of course saying they would disrupt the elections. what we had today, the first major incident since people went to the polls a fortnight ago, eight airmen killed in a suicide blast in the west of the city. the blast was attacked by a suicide bomber. many civilians also caught up in the blast.
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a real sense that everyday threat of violence has not gone away. and one of the first challenges for whoever is elected the new president of afghanistan will be to try and deal with what continues to be the pressing issue of security. >> karen, thanks so much for joining us from kabul. afghan is waiting until next week to find out the result of the presidential election. now all the business with aaron. you've got new cheap way to get to l.a. >> would you like to get there that way. >> wouldn't mind. >> a lower cost model, looking at long haul flights. it could come down to the type of plane they're using. good to see you. hello, yes. a little known budget airline is set to try and revolutionize the way we travel, launching the low cost flights between london and los angeles for as little as $255, that's each way. norwegian will today launch its first transatlantic service from
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the uk. the plane will be this one. this little baby right here, a boeing 787. it is the dreamliner. it is going to take off from london's gatwick airport, across the atlantic, over the falls and down into los angeles. but other budget airlines have tried to capture the long haul market and have failed. so what makes this venture different? look at the plane. let's find out, go straight over to the bbc correspondent nigel cafferty. let's start with this. many have come and many have failed in trying to do this. some of the reasons why they have failed? >> one of the big reasons, the original one, there was a bit of a conspiracy between the legacy carriers, the main players on the route, there was a lot of legal complications over access to planes. and, indeed, they influenced how people bought their tickets and
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they didn't have the financial muscle particularly when the bad weather came in the winter, not many people wanted to fly into new york. and the financially the business was kind of overrun. slightly different story, more recently, up to 2 1/2 years ago there was a spell -- asia run by the flamboyance -- it was flying after the likes of delhi and into london and paris, but it had the wrong plane. you mentioned the new dreamliner, they were flying. the price of fuel went up, they simply couldn't afford it. so we are in a new era now. everybody else, all the other low cost airlines are watching this very, very carefully to see if they may be be able to run something like this. >> for norwegian, they said they have done this. does it come down to this, i guess, much more fuel efficient 787? >> well, yes. that's the one thing clearly the economics of operating airplanes has changed there. financial domicile is in dublin.
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they use all leased planes. they can finance these deals in a different way to hwhat was maybe possible in the past. they got over 200 of the new jetliners from air bus and boeing on order. they have ambitions to run all kinds of other services, into africa, maybe israel as well as across the atlantic. in a new era is born, you say a lot of people have tried it. king fisher in india was another one that tried longer haul flights. >> sorry to interrupt. they're going to push me off here shortly. i want to ask you this, it is a very long flight to l.a. from london. people -- passengers have to open their wallets to buy everything from food, drink, films maybe. >> it will be $50 to have a cup of milk and your luggage each way. but people will -- aren't stupid. they know there are extra costs. you have to factor it all in. look how comfortable your seat is going to be.
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and people will make their own decisions. i think come winter, a lot of big player will be offering deals to try to ensure they get some of the traffic back. >> okay, nigel, great stuff. a lot of other airlines watching this very closely indeed. good stuff, mate. talk to you soon. talking about norwegian's flight. you may remember yesterday i gave you some staggering numbers because all of this week we're looking at the food that gets wasted around the world. and basically what can be done to stop. here you go. in the developed world, the biggest wasters of food, it is us, the consumer at home. take a look at this, in europe alone, we throw away millions of tons of fresh produce a year. the average household, european household, wastes over a thousand dollars a year on food that is thrown out. how about this? nearly 15% of this food waste doesn't even get opened. not even touched because it passes its sell by or use by date and confusion over food date liabeling is the root caus
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of the majority of our household waste. what can the consumer do to waste less food? chloe hayward has this report. >> what would you like? >> reporter: lunch time in the sherbet household. >> carrots while we wait? >> reporter: she tries hard not to waste fresh food and vegetables. but once it passes the sell by date, it often ends up in the bin. >> all has gone a bit soggy and well past its sell by date. since having children, i'm probably more cautious about what i feed them. really wouldn't want to get the kids sick. when there is a sell by date if you're past it, there is doubt. and you, with children, will obviously be a little more cautious. >> reporter: currently in the european union, 100 million tons of food is thrown out every single year. and 15 million tons of that come from householders who have thrown away goods. now the european commission is trying to do something about
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that. they tabled plans to scrap dates on things like pasta and rice and breads and condiments like these. they thing without the date, food rates will be redue ereduc drastically. >> the dates are subject to certain level of confusion. we have to rotate stock. so these are just about stock rotation. best before is to protect the quality of that product. use by is to protect the safety of that product. and so actually there is a case for both of them. >> reporter: emma marsh says packaging shouldn't confuse consumers. instead, it should offer advice on how to store food better. >> some interesting work we have been doing is looking at improving storage advice. many of us will store our food by habit, get it home, take our
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apples out of the bag and put it into the fruit bowl. that's the worst thing to do. keep it in the fridge in its original packaging means people get two weeks extra longer to use that food. >> reporter: she says planning is the name of the game. >> you'll see on monday, the children have six days of supper. >> reporter: she decides what to cook each week. so it looks like a healthy piece of angus tonight. >> use it up. >> reporter: bbc news. >> more on that series tomorrow. follow me on twitter @bbcaaron. stay with us on "gmt." coming up, is america's love of football or soccer set to contend? [ male announcer ] some come here to build something smarter. ♪ some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster... something safer...
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. i'm lucy hockings. the top stories this hour. tensions are running high in jerusalem after police find the body of a palestinian teenager in what is feared to be a revenge attack for the murder of these israeli youth. crisis talks in ghana to plan drastic action to tackle the worst ebola outbreak in history. 50 years ago today, after an epic fight, president lyndon johnson passed the civil rights act into law. it faced huge opposition from politicians vowing to fight to maintain segregation in the southern states of america. and that summer the ku klux klan took to the streets. half a sent re century on, the proving they still have the ability to make its presence felt. >> the ku klux klan is alive and well in america today. >> reporter: they may still be around, but kkk rallies are not
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what they used to be. that's not to say they're not dangerous, and vent the same hate. >> if you support them or sympathize with them, we hate you too. >> reporter: of late, white supremacists have shown they can still terrorize. what happened to mindy's family is proof of that. she turned up at a horrifying scene outside the local jewish center. >> and i said, that's my father, who is lying there dead and that is my son, what happened? and when i looked at the doors now of the jewish community center, there were bullet holes. and it hit me that they had been shot. >> reporter: both mindy's father, william and her 14-year-old son reed were killed that day. they weren't jewish. but were attending a talent show at the center. there is no doubt the gunman was motivated by hate. police say a man armed with at least one shotgun was shooting -- on his arrest at the site, frazier glenn miller
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screamed nazi slogans. he never had hitten his vi ehid before. he was a grand dragon in the incluku klux klan at one point before. >> white power. >> reporter: police say until the shooting, he had not done anything to warrant arrest and had a right to express himself. there are thought to be over 650 different white supremacist organizations in the u.s. some extend civil liberty groups protect their right to exist. as you drive into the town of harrison in arkansas, this is the huge sign you see by the roadside, put out by white supremacists, the sheriff says he can't do anything about it because it is a right to freedom of speech and expression. in the town, i met one of the men helping shape supremacist thinking in the u.s. he told me those of us who weren't white were little more than animals. and i asked him about the recent
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anti-semitic attack in nearby kansas. >> even though i teach that ultimately the people that we call jews today are those that will be taken out, it is the angel's job, not our jobs. i see them here as to be adversaries of our race, to test us, to prove us. >> the views you talked about are what the shooter talked about. >> that's because it is true. some people realize it. >> white power! >> reporter: in america, inciting racial hatred is not a crime. in fact, the kkk's offered protection by the law. but however small the numbers these days, angry rhetoric turning to violence is a problem this country is still having to deal with. now to austin, texas, and speak to mark updegrove. mark, great to see you. 50 years since the civil rights act was passed into law.
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can you take us back to that time in america, which probably people wouldn't recognize now and explain why it was necessary to have a law like that? >> it is hard to believe, lucy that 50 years ago black people in this country, people of color could not go into restaurants, could not go into theaters, could not stay at hotels and motels. mostly throughout the south, but that prevalent throughout our country. there was racism that prevented people of color from doing things that whites took for granted for all practical purposes. >> does the civil rights act still do the job or does it need updating to reflect things that are happening in america now? >> i think that the civil rights act did what it needed to do. it broke the back of jim crow. jim crow being laws that allowed for separate but equal treatment and for people of color. whether we have spanned the racial divide and -- whether we
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live in a more just society, i think we certainly do. but there is always room, there is great disparity between the treatment of blacks and whites in the workforce, for instance. so there is certainly work to be done. but the civil rights act of 1964 was a great step in fulfilling the promise etched in our declaration of independence, that all men are created equal, for almost 200 years, that was a contradiction in the united states of america. >> fantastic pictures just there of lyndon johnson signing the act into law. but to address this issue raised in the piece we just ran that the right to freedom of expression actually protects white supremacists and fuels racism in a way, does that also need to be challenged now? or is that seen as sacrosanct in america? >> well, i think it is. that's what makes america the place that it is. we do guarantee the right to
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freedom of expression. and sometimes that's very ugly. those expressions are, you know, not particularly positive. but it is the price for democ t democracy and the price for freedom. and it is something i think we have to abide by as ugly as it can be at times. >> mark updegrove, thank you for joining us from austin, texas. >> thank you. now quarterfinalists in the world cup. argentina beat switzerland. it was the u.s. and belgium match which caught people's imaginations. belgium won 2-1 but needed extra time to do it. in a game not only attacked capturing attention of fans, i can tell you it sent twitter into overdrive. 9.1 million tweets. here is one from the u.s. vice president joe biden, proud that our guys, just like our country, never gave up. tim howard, most valuable player in the world cup. talk about tim howard, the u.s.
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goalie who made the most saves in world cup history. the captain of the belgian team, saying tim howard respect. this one from comedian -- british comedian ricky gervais, congratulations, belgium, unlucky, usa. we wanted to show you this one from kobe bryant. well done, made our country proud, with th the #u.s.soccerontherise. is it really? let's talk to marco sun diddovao joins us from new york. was it watched by as many americans as they they're saying? >> from what i hear, there was no one i talked to who wasn't watching the game last night. we know in the portugal u.s.
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game, a 2-2 drew draw, there we over 18 million viewers. i would think this one had over 20. >> we saw viewer parties in every major city throughout the u.s. and in the midwest and small towns. and, you know, everyone not only was able to watch over television but obviously streaming on the internet helps as well. >> americans hike nothing more than a hero. we had one last night with your goalie, tim howard. i even saw the wikipedia page of chuck hagel, the u.s. defense secretary, changed to be that of tim howard. how have people responded to his incredible effort? >> i mean, tim howard easily one of the best goalkeepers in united states history. last night was his finest performance. he's played in the premier league with manchester united and everton and done extremely
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well. last night standing on his head, 16 saves, most ever in a world cup since they have been recording statistics. phenomenal game for him. >> the big question is is this love of the game in america going to continue or do you think it will last for the duration of the world cup? >> i think it is going to continue. we had a lot of seminole moments in the united states soccer history between our women and men. women have won the world cup in '91 and '99. men have gone to the quarterfinal in 2002 and obviously the hero iics against algeria in 2010. these are seminole moments in the cup of after each one of the seminole moments, the crowd, the fan base for u.s. soccer has grown larger and larger. and right now it is an absolute fevered pitch here in the united states. >> okay. michael, sorry about last night, but great to see you. thanks so much for joining us. breaking news that we have been bringing you this hour from
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nuri al maliki, the prime minister of iraq. he's been giving his weekly address in baghdad and he's rejected an assertion by the country's autonomous kurdish region it is in control of the territory. he doesn't believe there should be a referendum there and has declared there should be an amnesty for some fighters. more coming up. ♪ the last four hours have seen... one child fail to get to the air sickness bag in time. another left his shoes on the plane... his shoes! and a third simply doesn't want to be here. ♪ until now... until right booking now. ♪ planet earth's number one accomodation site
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8:00 am
whatat's happened?! the time vortex is gone! well, we've landed, we've gotta be somewhere. mickey: it's parallel, right? like a parallel earth -- where they got zeppelins. i'm right, aren't i? a parallel world, and my dad's still alive. the doctor: rose, he's not your father, and she is not your mother. what's that? mickey, we've got power! you're a fine businessman, john, but you're not god. what am i doing there? [ cocking ] he doesn't just look like me, he is exactly the same. rose: what are they? cybermen. come on! aah! there's no need to damage us,
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