tv BBC World News BBC America July 3, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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hello. i'm david eades with bbc world news. our top storiesful. as tensions increase, the family of a murdered palestinian teen say they haven't received his body for burial because an autopsy is carried out. >> japan's prime minister lifts some of the sanctions imposed on north korea. security is tightened to direct flights to u.s. after warnings from a threat from al
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qaeda. condemnation of female genital mutilation. we asked kenyan women why they choose to cut their girls. hello. tensions are suddenly high in jerusalem ahead of a funeral for a 17-year-old palestinian youth who was abducted and killed. abu khdair's family says an autopsy is still being carried out. ten palestinian as have been injured in air strikes on the gaza strip. the raids are in response to 20 rockets and mortars fired from gaza directed at israel.
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we're trying to piece together what we can expect to happen in the course of the coming hours. >> reporter: that's right. bbc has been speaking to the father of abu khdair. he told us he's waiting for this autopsy to be completed on his son's body. he was told it could have been finished as soon as lunchtime. the actual autopsy could indeed go on until later in the day. we understand it's carried out by israeli doctors. there's also a palestinian doctor present. at this time the israeli police are saying what happens to the body is out of their hands. it's in the hands of the doctors quite literally. >> it's fairly calm where you are at moment clearly. is there acceptance this is part of the procedure or anger he hasn't been released? >> reporter: there was anger and suspicion of why the body wasn't handed back to the family more
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quickly. the family of khdair said yesterday after his son's body was found he was kept by police for questions for eight hours. he said he was under pressure to perhaps say his son had not been killed as a reveng attack. this is after the three teen's bodies were found on the west bank monday. indeed he said the israeli police were trying to persuade him to say it was family feud or some kind of criminal intent. the family says he was abducted early yesterday morning when he got up for dawn prayers. neighbors saw him being bundled into a a van and taken off. the same van that tried to abduct a palestinian girl days before. they believe it was extremist jews behind this attack that murdered their son.
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it was his badly burned corpse discovered just a few hours after he went missing. israeli police say they set up road blocks quickly and carried out a swift investigation to find out what happened to abu khdair. at the moment they say they don't know the motivations. >> thanks very much indeed. japan's prime minister says his country is going to lift some of the sanctions imposed on north korea. the move follows north korea's agreement to investigate what happened to japanese nationals kidnapped by ping yang. this will also call for port ships used for humanitarian services. the foreign ministry reacted to news of sanctions by urging japan to keep in line with
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international policy on north korea. >> translator: japan north korea zugszs inclu discussions including those removing sanctions must be taken out. it must not be frame work of nuclear and missile issues between united states, south korea, japan. >> staying in the region. in south korea the chinese president is holding president park. the visit is seen as a snub to china north korean a allies. it's the first time the chinese leader visited seoul before going. the two nations work towards a free trade agreement. >> lucy williamson said the two leaders appear to have a strong friendship. >> reporter: when park went to
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obey -- to beijing last year she was welcomed. she speaks chinese and gave an address to an audience that went down well. these leaders have met four times already. they've been in power a fifth year each. when you trust the relationship with ping's relationship with the north korean leader king jong-un , he has not been to china yet in power and she hasn't been as president either. it's a striking contrast. we shouldn't read too much politically into that. >> security is to be tightened for airline passengers heading to the u.s. this in response to warnings of a credible threat from al qaeda. now the measures which haven't been disclosed are likely to
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affect passengers taking direct flights to the u.s. all this amid fears a bomb is being developed by al qaeda which could evade the security checks. passengers are warned airport queues are going to be long per as a result of the measures. i asked frank gardener about the evidence behind this move. >> the fear that al qaeda's bomb making expertise proliferated to syria with those fighting with isis and the al qaeda affiliated group. for the last five years, al qaeda and yemen have had an experts bomb maker working on devices. he's been able to get past airport security and on
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international flights. in 2009 he put one on his brother. it blew his brother up trying to assassinate the prince. it didn't kill the prince but killed his brother. and of course the detroit bomber in christmas '09. there was another upgraded device may '12 before the london olympics. the person that volunteered to do it ended up being a double agent and gave the bomb to the fbi. rather than sending out devices they've trained a new generation in syria able to pass freely across the turkish border sbbac to europe. >> one would resume they have reason to believe there's a more sophisticated device or chatter suggesting that there are plenty of europeans radicalized and ready to do the deed? >> it's more likely the latter.
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i don't know for certain. they've been coming up with new schemes. for some reason al qaeda is fascinated and obsessed using planes as weapons. they did it 9/11, tried in 2006 with the bomb plot. they had the shoe bomber, pants bomber in detroit 2009. they have not given up. it's for them an iconic target. they're looking at new ways of doing this using something called vapor explosive or explosive material with no metal elements. it wouldn't be picked up by x-rays. it could be picked up by sniffer scans. if you've been in a room where anybody has been playing around with explosives, the tiny microns as they're call aed, wi
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show up on that detection. without that, it's hard to find it. stay with us on bbc world news. coming up in a moment, how much does a chipmunk weigh and what does that tell us about endangered species? we'll tell you that. others come to build something faster... something safer... something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things. but it's always about the very thing we do best. ♪
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until now... until right booking now. ♪ planet earth's number one accomodation site booking.yeah! this is bbc world news. i'm david eades. the latest headlines. as tensions increase between israel and hamas, the family of a murdered palestinian teen say they haven't yet received his body for burial. tighter security is ordered at airports with direct flights to u.s. after the american authorities called a credible threat from al qaeda. by what chance the germans have a minimum wage. they haven't already.
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>> getting closer. quite possibly today. that's what we're expecting it to be. thanks david. let me explain. hello there. is it a vital safety net for workers, boost for economy or competitiveness. later today, germany is set to introduce a minimum wage to pass parliament with a strong majority. it will be phased in next year. it will be 5 million low paid workers. germany's minimum wage will be reviewed every year. it starts at 8.50 euros an hour. britain it's currently 6.31 pounds. it's due to rise to 6.50 in october. it's a full euro lower than in france where minimum wage is 9.53 euros an hour. 21 out of 28 members of the
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european union have a minimum wage. now they're joined by the block's biggest economy. we'll have more throughout the rest of the day. if it's passed or if it isn't, we'll bring the news to you. we're watching the markets in the u.s. the stocks closed at new record highs. s&p 500 failing to reach 2,000. a lot riding on u.s. jobs numbers. they're out later. they're released today a day earlier because of u.s. independence day tomorrow, a public holiday. we're expecting good news the u.s. hiring. it's likely to be robust a fifth straight month. this is the number everyone is expecting, 215,000 new jobs added in june. once out we'll bring it to you. how about this, hollywood a
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lister owe hansen swears by it. people are getting hooked by the healing properties of this. it hails from new zealand and described as liquid gold nectar. it can lost $50 a jar. it's growing in popularity. the export maur market was $11 . last year it topped $170 million. because it's so popular, the fake market for this is growing according to the association. around 10,000 tons of honey are consumed every year. yet, production of the genuine stuff is just around 2,000 tons. do your math. doesn't add up does it? numbers suggest there's a lot of fake honey on our shores. we're talking about this in an
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hour's time. tweet me @bbc aaron. that's it for business news. >> thanks for all that. here in the uk, a group of politicians described the failure to tackle the problem of female genital mutilation as a national scandal. there's one prosecution in the country though it's been illegal 20 years. it's common in many african countries. we now report from kenya where women are adamant about it. >> they left their homes at the crack of dawn. the community is abandoning walking from all directions to the vast county to converge here. a venue has been used generations to hold important meetings. a previous meeting turned violent when these women tried to abandon the tradition of
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circumcising girls. the community will not allow filming in the meeting. it's meant to be for women, but dozens of men are in attendance. we understand there's a clash of generations. younger men are opposed to fgm. women report to hold rights to men that do not support them. she is one of the community mobilizers. she says it's important for them to hold onto traditions. >> translator: a person who abandons her culture is a slave. why do they want to make me a slave? >> a woman who has been circumcised is likely to face complications especially when having a child. >> translator: but we believe it's easier for circumcised
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woman to give birth. if an uncircumcised girl gives birth she has to be cut before birth. otherwise i cannot touch her. she is dirty. she won't find a husband. >> girls who defy tradition find refuge. these people have chosen education over fgm. faith is 12 years old. she ran away from home when she had plan to be cut. >> translator: i cannot go home because if i go there, go back home, they may do that. >> luckily there's people trying to convince the women. years of campaigns against fgm
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and the perpetrators that have done little against it. >> going to stay in africa. 4 million people in south sudan are likely to face critical food shortages next month. this is according to to britain's aid agency. thousands have died in the conflict that started as a dispute between the president and his deputy. it escalated into ethnic violence. fighting between the country's ruling party has forced more than a million to leave their homes since december. the british group, emergency committee says reserves of food are going to run out in august. it adds the cost of mounting an appeal to pay for aid may outweigh donations. the president says if conflict isn't resolved, the population
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will face the worst famine there's ever been. with me now is the international director of the tear fund, member of the disasters emergency committee. thanks for coming in. the bottom line which seems to be then charities like yours and many others simply cannot keep up with the progression of the problem. >> what they're finding on the ground in south sudan, feeding centers in as soon as possible of the worst affected areas. we have found enormous increases in the numbers of children that need urgent attention. 300% increase in admissions, the figure doubles every month. just one illustration a last week, a mother came to one of her senses with five children desperately needing assistance. she walked many mays fleeing
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seeking for her children. >> this is desperate. even here there's a suggestion that tried to launch appeal for more aid might ignite fire. do you think people are not interested in conflict? >> one of the things the disaster committee has learned over decades of launching appeal is for appeal to be successful, there needs to be sustained awareness of the situation and public support for the response. i think the challenge we've had with south sudan, there's been excellent media coverage in recent months. it's the sustained level of awareness, what was really going on. if that was in place, the committee would be keen to launch appeal. >> there are many people that fear they're in a lot of danger. what about the charity works out trying to work with them? >> the other members of the
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disaster committee are well placed. >> you're not going to go anywhere? >> we're not going anywhere. we know the communities in greatest need. the constraint at the moment is one of resources. the members have about 50% of the funds they alone need to extend their work to set up new feeding centers, reach areas that have yet to be reached. that's reflection of wider crisis that there's not enough awareness and resources. >> i appreciate you're not on political ground at all. nonetheless do you see indication that some sense of political common sense might get prevail as this escalates into a virtually impossible scenario? >> we're concerned there has to be a lasting cease fire. has to be a political solution to insure that there's reconciliation between ethnic groups, the government is stable and country can enjoy a
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prosperous future. our current members of the disaster committee responds to that immediate need on the ground. we know from august onwards, famine will be occurring in some of the worst areas. it will only get worse. we can act now if resources are available. >> thanks very much. >> thank you. quarter of the world's mammals are threatened with extension. that's according to the conservation of nature union. it says to get a true picture of the global yet, more see species need to be assessed. >> how much does a chipmunk weigh and why does it matter? it's the best way to monitor the population in the woods. and it's an essential skill for students from places like kenya and nepal who are learning to
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protect endangered species in their home country. the course is held at a smithsonian research center in virginia where rare animals like this mongolian wild horse are bred in captivity. the area is popular with humans looking for a romantic weekend. some species that need to breed to insure survival need extra help to get them in the mood. >> this is the crane, the bird that is actually really strongly imprinted on people. she's sitting on a nest of eggs. >> imprinted means it's she's basically fallen in love with her keeper and won't mate with other cranes. scientists have artificial insemination that's carried out by her keeper. >> he was able to win her confidence enough. now i can just hand him the
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syringe. he walks down by herself. he with draw the questions right up to her, sticks it in the duct, injects it. it takes a few seconds. then it's done. >> the program has had notable successes. fewer than half the world's species are effectively monitored. >> we don't know about most animals. we don't know what time of year they breed. every species is different. it's not learn one thing and just cookie cut that to everything else. every animal has to be explored on its own. >> that brings us back to the importance of learning how to monitor different species. >> this camera is still taking pictures. it has 34 photos on it. >> the cameras reveal the woods
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are a busy place. many species need no encouragement to do what should come naturally. bbc news, virginia. >> for more on all our stories. i'll have more in a moment or two. thanks for watching bbc world news. f provokes lust. ♪ it elicits pride... ...incites envy... ♪ ...and unleashes wrath. ♪ temptation comes in many heart-pounding forms. but only one letter. "f". the performance marque from lexus. listen up, thunder dragons, it's time to get a hotel. hey, razor. check this out. we can save big with priceline express deals. hey you know what man, these guys aint no dragons. they're cool. these deals are legit.
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bbc world news. our top stories. the funeral of a murdered palestinian teen is delayed as his family says they haven't received his body for burial. a move towards reconciliation as japan's prime minister lifts sanctions imposed on north korea. security is tightened at airports with direct flights to the u.s. after warnings of a credible threat from al qaeda. and the public apology that
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is an internet hit. do those decibels out weigh the sinceri sincerity? hello. thanks for being with us. tensions are high in jerusalem ahead of a funeral of the youth abducted and killed. his family says the funeral is delayed because the autopsy is being carried out. 10 have been injured on the gaza strip. the military said raids are in response to 20 rockets and mortals fired at gaza from southern israel. we are in east jerusalem.
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abu khdair's family hopes they can hold the funeral today. >> reporter: i spoke to the father. he's waiting if for this autopsy to be completed on his son's body. he was told it could have been finished as soon as lunchtime but it could indeed go on until later in the day. it's carried out by israeli doctors. there's also a palestinian doctor present. at this time israeli police are saying what happens to the body is out of their hands. it's in the hands of the doctors quite literally. >> it's calm where you are at the moment clearly. is there an acceptance this is part of the procedure or anger he hasn't been released? >> there certainly was anger and suspicion about why the body hadn't been handed back more quickly. the father of khdair said yesterday after his son's body was found he was kept by the israeli police for questions for
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some eight hours. he claims he was put under a lot of pressure to say perhaps his son had not been killed as a result of a revenge attack as people truly believe. a revenge attack for those three teens found on the west with bank murdered wednesday. he says the israeli police were trying to persuade him it could have been result of family feud or criminal intentd. the family is adamant he was abducted early yesterday morning when he got up for dawn prayers. neighbors saw him being bundle into a van and taken off. they claim the same van tried to abduct a palestinian girl a couple of days before. they truly believe it was extremist jews behind this attack and who murdered their son. his badly burned corpse was discovered in woodland a few hours after he went missing. israeli police say they set up
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road blocks quickly and carried out a swift investigation to discover what happened to abu khdair. at the moment they say they don't know what the motivations are. >> we'll keep you updated on this story here on bbc world news and online as well including background to this particular outbreak of trouble and the wider conflict in the region. east. we'll bring you breaking news from our correspondent who says the u.s. embassy in uganda has announced it's received information from the police there is a specific threat to attack the international airport by an unknown terrorist group today, july 3rd between hours of 2100 and 2300. that's extremely specific. mark has just filed this for us. the u.s. embassy announcing that
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there is a specific threat too attack entebbe airport by an unknown terrorist group. al qaeda is posing a credible and real time threat to put a bomb on a flight to the u.s. that assessment from the department of homeland security. it means tighter security checks for passengers heading to america are inevitable. they're likely to affect flights in europe, africa and middle east. there's a growing concern networks in syria and yemen are developing devices that are harder to detect. >> airport security has become ever more intensive many the years since 9/11. that hasn't stopped al qaeda from working on new ways to smuggle bombs. richard tried to ignite a bomb
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in his shoe on a flight. five years later, liquid explosions to bring down seven airlines was spoiled by security services this. man tried to ignite a bomb in his underpants on a plane. none of those succeeded but this shows what damage bombs could do. the department for transport has confirmed aviation security will be stepped up. for obvious reasons we will not comment in detail. majority of passengers should not experience significant disruption. >> i hope it won't delay them that much. there has to be extra checks made. those will be made in the course of events going through the security of people already stringent as it is. i hope there will not be significant delays. obviously we'll work with airports to try and make sure
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that's not the case. people go on business or go away on holiday get away on time. >> so far no one is predicting a repeat of chaos caused by the tough new carry-on standards. not every flight or airport will be affect add by the new security. leaving extra time to check in is probably wise. >> we've been hearing a lot about iraq's struggle with the sunni group isis and activities in the north. who exactly is policing the borders between iraq and saudi arabia in the south? until recently it was iraqi government forces. now saudi arabia says it has deployed tens of thousands, possibly 30,000 soldiers to that border because iraqi forces have abandoned it. what is going on here? the bbc correspondent is in
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baghdad. the idea that the iraqi soldiers have abandoned their post, is that anything that could be stood up? >> not according to iraqi officials. a spokesperson for the minute industry of interior told me few hours ago that actually that was baseless and he denied the news about iraqi troops abandoning their post. he said that the border between the two countries is so guarded by two military divisions from iraq. of course this is happening against the backdrop of severe tension, relations between iraq and saudi arabia which deteriorated recently after what happened in mosul and iraq.
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saudi arabia was accused of supporting groups. >> the reality is a lot of border is area where isis could certainly operate. no respective borders of any sort? >> not really, no. most activities were far away. apart from one incident they attacked an iraqi post two to three weeks ago. that was -- that appeared to be one only. that area is so far away from isis activities. >> thanks very much with the latest from baghdad. how important is it for the relationship between two countries that leaders get along on a personal basis? that seems to be the case with the chinese president ping and south korea's president.
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as what some see as a snub to north korea, the visit to seoul first is something of a sign of the south's growing friendship with beijing. these two leaders in particular seem to have a strong friendship. >> when the two went to beijing last year, she was greeted warmly indeed. it was a red carpet a fair. she herself made much of the fact she had respect for chinese culture. she speaks chinese and gave an address in chinese that went down in deed. these leaders have met four times already. they've been in power a year or so each. it seems to be a warm relationship. when you trust that with her relationship with that of the
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relationship with youkim jong-u it is a striking contrast. we shouldn't read too much politically into that. >> there's a lot going on in the region. japan's prime minister says his country is going to lift sanctions it's imposed on north korea. this follows north korea's agreement to investigate what happened to japanese nationals kidnapped during the cold war by yang in the 1970s 80s. it will lift travel curbs and lift money restrictions on transfers and allow port calls by ships for humanitarian purposes. with me t world pacific editor. let's look at the issues of 70s and 80s. what's the scale of this? >> like so many aspects of this,
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originally north koreans committed this was a decade ago. 13 japanese nationals had been kidnapped by north korean agents during the 70s and 80s. the president allowed five to go back with families. some had developed families in north korea. allowed them to go home. the other eight he said had died. evidence they provided was unconvincing. some of the dna they supplied to japanese turned the out to be completely false. the whole trail went dead. abe has made his political career based on this. he's prime minister again. he thinks he's making progress. he thinks he's got commitment to go back and reinvestigate and come up with real answers as to
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what happened to these peep. >> looking at scale of sanctions to be lifted, there's a real benefit here? >> yes. it's a fairly small scale at the moment. there are significant sanctions. there used to be strong trade ties between japan and north korea. a ship used to go back and forth carrying people and goods. none of those have been lifted. shinzo abe is making a first step and telling north koreans there will be more if you give us more information. >> this is driven by the prime minister, almost a personal crusade. >> it's a personal crusade but it's a key part of japanese foreign policy for a while. dealings with north korea over the weapons issue as well. that's what gives the americans and south koreans concern. they're worried japanese would do a deal separate from the broader picture. >> messages coming from south
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korea in fact. thank you. there's no world cup action until friday. that's two days in a row. if you're suffering from withdrawals, this form of the game we have may get you through. it's called button football. it's taken as serious as the real thing. they're holding a tournament in rio. >> there's another world cup played here in rio in button football. a game you may call a cross between two and a century old. each player has nine touches of the ball before he has to shoot. opponents are then given time to line up the goalkeeper ready for the shot. in this tournament, each player represents one of the 32 taking part in the real world cup. >> for the button footballers here, this world cup tournament
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is every bit as tense as the real thing. whoever wins this today has to display remarkable levels of skill, patience and concentration. some think button football is just for fun. it's competitive. to join in, you have to put in hours of practice. >> you have to train. my idea is train, philosophy train, train and train. >> as the tournament goes on, tensions mount and occasionally tempers flair. this is the semi finals between england and spain. there's a rile over disputed goals. incredible opponents there are old rival germany. it's the germans who win 5-2. doesn't have to go to penalty.
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so germany have won the world cup yes again. the question is whether they can do so again on july 13th. >> do stay with us here on bbc world news. still to come. >> i'm sorry. >> we love saying sorry over here in the uk as well. who does it best? we ask our american cousins. [ male announcer ] some come here to build something smarter. ♪ some come here to build something stronger.
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this is bbc world news. i'm david eades with the latest headlines. as tensions increase, the family of a murdered teenager said they have not received his body for burial. tighter security is ordered at airports with direct flights to the united states after what the american authorities call a credible threat from al qaeda.
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thousands in eastern ukraine have been forced to leave their homes because of fighting between government forces and pro-russian separatists. the palace of the former president victoriaim yanukovych used to house people. >> after he was forced out and fled the country, it's home to 70 refugees. the mother of 3-year-old comes from sloviansk. >> translator: i didn't know where to run. the same time the separatists
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set up hue man shields, mothers and children. they entered and said go out. if you didn't they said they would shoot you. >> there was no shelling in crimea where she comes from but she says after the referendum on joining russia, she didn't feel safe there anymore. >> translator: the attitude towards muslims got worse. they start to be hostile. once we were traveling and saw armed people on the road. they may have taken my husband's beard and who knows what they could have done with us. >> the refugees leaving the houses while the main residence are used to generate money to support them. a lot of tourists are visiting this everyday. entrance to the park cost money.
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this allows current residents to supply refugees with food and necessary products. >> translator: we will let refugees stay until the government resolves issues. >> nobody knows how long that will take. until then, the refugees can hope tourists will carry on paying the entrance fee. to find out more about the lifestyle of ukraine's former ruler. lawyers for the athlete oscar pistorius continue to set out their case for the defense at his murder trial in south africa. he is accused of killing his girlfriend reeva steenkamp last year. he says he mistook her for an intruder. i spoke to milton at the
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courthouse in pretoria. >> reporter: what we've had this morning is continuation of the interview by the defense of their own witness professor wayne. he's been explaining what difficulties athletes such as pistorius go through on a day to day basis. he was saying there's the oscar pistorius with a confident personality who wants to win all the races. you see him at the finishi inin line crossing with arms wide open feeling confident. there's another oscar pistorius very full of anxiety, with low self-esteem because of his disabdi disable. how best to say sorry? an outburst of a politician in
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japan accused of using money for personal trips. >> a few silent tears and then the wailing began. this politician could not control his emotions when asked about use of public funds. this response when reporters asked him about claims he used $30,000 of public money for travel expenses. the video quickly went viral. hundreds of thousands have seen the clip on youtube. many more have take tn to twitt to share views. the politician did hot provide supporting evidence for the expenses. >> translator: at the very least, he needs to have receipts. otherwise it's hard to believe him. >> he has insisted the trips
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were for work purposes. he reported to have used the money to visit the hot springs area where he's the law maker. officials many the area usually get $5,000 a month for expenses. for now though, opinion remains divided as to whether his emotional outburst will let him off the hook. >> cracking effort there isn't it? americans are good at apologies. here are a few. >> i'm sorry. i don't deserve or expect your forgiveness. >> i am embarrassed and humiliated. >> we live in a culture where people are constantly doing things wrong. they're also constantly being called to apologize for then.
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my name is ed, i'm the author of sorry about that, language of public apology. the elements of a good poapolog are what your mother told you as a child. identify what you did wrong, say you're sorry and you won't do it again. >> i'm deeply sorry for my irresponsible and selfish behavior. >> i know my public comments and silence about this matter gave a false impression. >> often it's the language that's the tale of a bad apology. you find people using language that's weak and conventional. >> the whole thing went wrong in the end. i'm really sorry if i offended anyone. >> there are a lot of apologies where the person in charge will
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say i take responsibility. the buck stops here. you found that with hillary clinton talking about benghazi. ronald reagan also did this during the iran contra scandal. >> let me say i take full responsibility for my own actions and those of my administration. >> i'd like to address something if that's okay to your audience. >> i was impressed with hill's apology for his antigay comments to the paparazzi following him. >> if someone says something that hurts you or ans you, use me as an example of whatnot to do. don't respond with hatred. time to bring you breaking news. south korea and chinese leaders have agreed to work negotiations for a free trade deal by the end of the year. they are in seoul at a meeting.
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they also agree on a series of sets aimed at spurring offshore use and investment in chinese capital markets. now they are going to be working for a free trade deal by the end of the year. you're watching bbc. and when weather hits, it's data mayhem. but airlines running hp end-to-end solutions are always calm during a storm. so if your business deals with the unexpected, hp big data and cloud solutions make sure you always know what's coming - and are ready for it. make it matter. ♪ f provokes lust. ♪ it elicits pride... ...incites envy...
6:58 am
♪ ...and unleashes wrath. ♪ temptation comes in many heart-pounding forms. but only one letter. "f". the performance marque from lexus. to build something smarter. ♪ some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster... something safer... something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things. but it's always about the very thing we do best. ♪
7:00 am
hello. you're watching "gmt" on bbc world news. i'm lucy hockings. our top stories. anger of a family of the teen kidnapped and killed. they're forced to delay his funeral. after a day of violence in jerusalem, the autopsy is taking place and body has not been released of the teenager. a threat from extremists have been identified. how will it affect flights around the
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