tv BBC World News BBC America July 11, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EDT
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. welcome to "gmt" on bbc world news. our top stories. the rocket fire from palestinian militants and the death toll rises. israeli strikes have killed 100 palestinians with no sign of a cease fire. rocket fire hits lebanon as well as gaza. the u.s. secretary of state flies to warn the dispute over the election has left the
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country's stability hanging in the balance. >> i'm here because president obama of the united states of america is deeply interested in a unified democratic and stable afghanistan. and from football tickets, the fugitive wanted in allegations of a world cup ticket scam has given the slip. we have the business including a difficult day for the fashion house. >> absolutely. the british luxury brand is facing revolt over the boss's p. we'll look at whether it can be justified in the massive pay deal. a very warm welcome to "gmt." it's midday here in london, 7:00
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a.m. washington d.c., 2:00 in the gaza strip which now has been hit by more than 1,000 air strikes. this latest upsurge in violence has assumed a familiar patent. israeli are targeting militants and weapons. the death toll inside the densely populated strip has reached 100. many of them civilians. for their part, militant as continue to fire rockets into israel. one israeli was seriously wounded this morning. a new element has been added to the deadly mix. several rockets were fired from south lebanon to northern israel with the very latest from gaza. we can now cross live there. >> reporter: well stephen it's been a noisy hour or so here on our rooftop. we saw three large rockets that were fired here from the gaza strip towards israel 45 minutes ago or so.
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the israeli military confirmed they were directed the m 75 rockets used by the military wing of hamas. all of them were intercepted by israel's defense system. since then there was an air strike from israel in the same area. the plume of smoke has been d dispersed. that's not the only raid we've seen in the past few hours. this was a four story building. the air strike by israel reduced it to rubble. five were killed but not the palestinian lead lore also lived hereby. as locals rushed to help survivors, israeli warplanes attacked a site nearby. on the israeli side, the charred remains of a petro station hit
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by a palestinian rocket fired from gaza. there was a blaze and several were injured. the u.s. president, president obama telephoned the prime minister offering to negotiate an end to the violence. the message is israel wants to stop rocket attacks by hamas and other militants for good. >> while the campaign has gone as planned, further stages yet a wait us. we have struck hard at hamas and terrorists. as long as the campaign continues, we will strike at them harder. >> reporter: here in the gaza strip, there's been a defiant response with the number of palestinian deaths reaching 100 in four days. hamas leaders say israel is the aggressor they've told us there will be no cease fire for now. earlier there was a new development. rockets fired from lebanon into northern israel.
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this plume of smoke came from the shelling in response. it raised the question of whether the conflict could widen further. for now, israeli raids on gaza continue. there's more outgoing palestinian fire. along the gaza border, soldiers are lining up preparing for a ground invasion. >> that's really what people here in gaza are frightened about if you speak to them, the idea of some kind of ground invasion by the israeli troops. it didn't happen back in the last serious conflicts between gaza and israel back in november 2012. it did in the 2008-2009 conflict which was much longer and had a higher death toll. what happened then, people in border areas came rushing into gaza city here.
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we've spoken to ordinary people who told us they are making those preparations in case they have to move fast keeping documents by the doors, keeping children around them all the time. at the moment they're staying low. the streets are desserted. that could change quickly if there was a ground invasion that people had to react to. >> all right. thank you so much for joining us from gaza. it's a story that's unfolding hour by hour. stay on top of it here on bbc world news. the americans say they want to see a de-escalation in the violence. what chances are there of a cease fire? egypt has played a key diplomatic role before but what about this time? i'm joined now by bbc reporter there. >> they say they're making every effort but there's no sign of
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progress. we had a statement from the egyptian foreign ministry saying once again they are involved in what they describe as intensive contacts. they say contacts have been met with intransjens. a spokesman told me they were talking to israeli, palestinians, regional and international player, basically everybody they could find. there's suspicion on part of analyst that this time around egypt has a different attitude. the last cease fire between israel and palestinians was november 2012 was brokered under president morsi of the muslim brother hood. of course he has been ousted. that cease fire was perceived to be a bit of a lifeline to hamas, an offshoot of the brother hood. we have the government in place in egypt that regards hamas as a direct threat which has banned activities of the hamas which many are happy to see the hamas organization military in gaza
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under extreme pressure. in this sense, israel and egypt are on the same page. they have a common enemy. there's a perception this time around egypt is basically not in any hurry to do any kind of deal that might be seen as favorable to hamas. that said as the mounting death toll is obviously of extreme concern here and the foreign ministry has issued a tough statement, that statement this morning which is a change in the language we've seen in the past few days. let me quote you. it condemns excessive military force leading to the deaths of innocent civilians and accuses israel of continuing policies of repression and collective punishment. we are seeing as the death toll is mounting, egypt is taking a tougher line. i don't think will there's expectation they're going to produce a cease fire immediately if at all. >> what about the supply lines
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that in the past hamas and palestinian militants relied on to get material to the strip. are those closed? >> they are. egypt made it business since last july when morsi was removed. egypt maintained a more or less continuous closure of the border crossing. that was the only exit for many in gaza. their other option is leave via israel which many are unable to do. israel announced it was opening the crossing but specifically and only for palestinian wounded. we're told by palestinian sources that a dozen wounded came out. palestinians are claiming after 12 hours egypt closed the border again. we've been unable to confirm that with officials on the egyptian side.
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palestinians are saying they're disappointed it's been closed to them once again. >> thank you very much for joining me from cairo. now some news that has broken in just the last hour. the iraqi oil ministry has accused kurdish fighters of taking control of wells at who key oil fields. the ministry called on the so called wise men of cur i did stan to understand the seriousness and instruct them to leave the oil fields to avoid serious consequences. we'll bring more on that story later in the program. now in other news, eight children and three adults died after the mini bus crashed in central china. it was taken the children home from school. reports say the bus was
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overcrowded and no security barrier was on the narrow road. nearly 200 football supporter vsz asked for asylum in brazil after the world cup. police expect a further 1,000 to apply for asylum when the tournament ends sunday. in cambodia, the remainses of the former king have been paraded through the streets. thousands line the streets of the capital to pay final respects. the king died to years ago. he led the country through decades of conflict and finally to peace following independence from france. germany's foreign minister states the decision to expel the cia top official in berlin was quote inevitable following two cases of alleged spying by america in a week. the decision has strained relations between the two
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countries. germany came to discuss issues of trust with the u.s. in vienna this weekend. steve is joining us from berlin following this day by day. how deep and real is the anger felt in berlin now? >> it's very real and very deep. remember this side of the country, berlin side of the country, surveillance was pervasive. angela merkel knows about it. all the people around her say this is not a con fekted outrage. she was angry about her own phone listened in to a year ago. since then, german government ministers have been going to the obama administration saying you need to tell us what's been happening. you need to tell us it won't happen in the future. they've got nowhere with that. the american line has simply
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been not to go into detail. the relationship remains very important. over the weekend, the foreign minister here with meet john kerry, his opposite from washington in vienna where this matter will be discussed. if that line doesn't change, that position doesn't change, well then it's hard to see how the thing moves forward. >> now the checking out of this cia station chief from berlin, do you get any sense in which the germans having did done that feel they from their point of view can now draw a line under this? >> no. i'm sure angela merkel would love to draw a line under it. she's in the difficult position of being angry, voicing anger and not wanting to dent the relationship too much. but there's no sense i don't think a that the thing has gone away.
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that's because in the region, people remain angry. people raised the prospect for example of talking to edward snow den on a video link or trying to give him asylum. until there's some sort of movement from the americans on it, then it's hard to see how that mistrust is diminished. >> from the american point of view, how worried do you think they will be steve about this real problem? real tension. one of their most important global partnerships. >> i think there will be genuine concern. there have been voices not in the administration saying look, you know, we need to spy on germany because germany has only been unified for 25 years. we don't know which way it's going to jump. think of sanctions on russia for example. if mr. obama wants to go further with sanctions on russia, he
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needs germany in. he needs angela merkel being a pivot in europe. the chances of that happening have diminished the more this goes on. >> thank you for the latest from berlin. stay with us on bbc world news. still to come, why this british man accused of selling world cup tickets illegally is described as a fugitive from justice in brazil. ♪ f provokes lust.
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♪ it elicits pride... ...incites envy... ♪ ...and unleashes wrath. ♪ temptation comes in many heart-pounding forms. but only one letter. "f". the performance marque from lexus. i dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust.
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>> when police arrived at the lavish cabana hotel to re-arrest whelan, they discovered he had gone. the television set in his room was on and his flip flops were there showing he left in a hurry. we saw the tv images that chief police investigator said he left one hour ago through the back door, the staff door. we assure someone tipped him off because it's unusual to leave through the staff door. we have an arrest warrant for him, so he is official will lly fugitive. this shows he does not want to cooperate. ray whelan was briefly arrested a week ago and then released. at the time his company match services said he was innocent and would be exonerated. match services is a partner firm
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of fifa. whelan was detained as part of the investigation of selling of world cup tickets that inflated prices. police have 11 other men in custody. detectives allege they're part of a gang that made tens of millions of at this world cup and other tournaments too. >> they have phone tap evidence that points to criminal intent to sell tickets that the world cup. they say they need to talk to ray whelan as soon as possible and hope he gives himself up. bbc news in rio. now the the world has sadly not said good-bye to forms of modern day slavery. or you could call it forced labor. millions of men, women, children are made to work against their will for little or no pay. the u.n. international labor
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organization says there are 21 million worldwide in forced labor. nearly half are in india even though the practice has been illegal 40 years there. my correspondent reports from the village in the indian state. >> he is 19 and learning to manage life with one hand. he's work since childhood. his family barely scrapes a living. he was offered a job that cost him his right hand. >> when i went for work, i thought i'd earn some money. if i knew what would happen, i would not have gone. >> this is the job he was taken to, a factory for bricks used to build offices, skyscrapers, call centers, gleaming face of modern india. activists have compile sod many reports of violence against
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workers that they call them blood bricks. he tried to run away and was kidnapped. what unfolded was an all too common story of poverty, modern day slavery and the economy. >> he laughed and made me decide to lose my leg, head or hand. i said my hand. they cut it off with an ax like a chicken's head. >> it turns out the man that approached him for work actually comes from a nearby village. we're going off to try and find him. he's a labor contractor charged and out on bail. he admits recruiting him but says he wasn't there when his hand was severed. >> i want to say sorry so we can live together as neighbors. >> the kidnapping, torture,
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beating of people, you were involved in all that? >> no, sir. i wasn't involved in the violence. i know nothing about it. >> but this man is far from alone. he tells his ordeal to 150 others in a two year recovery program run by a charity. all have similar stories of rape, beatings and threats. many are children with government certificates saying they're now free. as part of the counselling, they relive their work with bricks, an estimated 10 million in india that are bonded laborers or slaves. the dream now is start his own family, but with no right hand, finding a wife will be difficult. just one young man with one story from india's trade in
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bricks. bbc news eastern india. the u.s. secretary of state john kerry says the legitimacy of afghanistan's presidential election hangs in the balance as do the chances for a political transition. as a sign of concern, he's travelled to kabul to erge both candidates in the election to cooperate with a wide ranging audit of the vote count. initial figures pointed for a win for ghani over abdullah abdullah. abdullah has alleged widespread fraud. a final is due later this month. we do go to kabul now. kerry i believe is talking to both of the presidential candidates locked in this dispute. any sign they're able to cool the rhetoric and allow the process to take its course?
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>> mr. kerry has indeed met with for him saying he's for inspection and there should be a power audit. that should determine allegations of fraud. he went on to meet president karzai. he'll meet abdullah abdullah as well and the country's interior minister. mr. kerry has the credentials of a troubleshooter. he was here in 2009 when he was a u.s. senator and in fact flayed a cruel rule in resolving the dispute then. after all americans have l leverage in afghanistan. 30,000 troops are on the ground. afghan politicians understand that the americans are needed if
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afghanistan is not to go back to the days of civil war and any sort of scenario where the taliban or insurgents could take over parts of the country. >> that's the thing. american words from mr. kerry pretty strong. saying it's a critical moment in the country. he's saying the political transition hangs in the balance. that's s that the way afghans see it? do they fear if this gets out of land, the whole thing could unravel? >> i think there's a very clear realization of that. one of the negative impacts of this election deadlock is that businesses have come to stand still. there's concern across the country what could happen. the afghan security forces are demoralized. we have to remember they're fighting actively against taliban and other insurgent groups.
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there's the election deadlock which is in fact turning nasty in some cases. president karzai made it clear he's going to be leaving office august 2nd no matter what. that's when the new president can take over. >> all right. thank you very much for joining us. that's it from this edition of "gmt." stay with us on bbc world news. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close. introducing at&t mobile share value plans... ...with our best-ever pricing for business. my treadmill started to dress i mibetter than i did.uts, the problem was the pain. hard to believe, but dr. scholl's active series insoles reduce shock by 40% and give you immediate pain relief from three sports injuries.
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welcome to "gmt" on bbc world news. i'm stephen sackur. in this half hour, the government accuses groups of taking over the oil fields. who has the eye to spot a beautiful face in the crowd? we ask what it tags to become a super model. we have the soup canners canning the can. >> they are. kans lose appeal to consumers.
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we look at what's happening to the can soup market and how soup maker like campbells and heinz have had to adapt to changing time times. welcome back to "gmt." the iraqi oil ministry has accused kurdish fighters of taking control of wells at two key oil fields. the ministry called on the wise men of curd stan to understand the seriousness of the situation and instruct fors to leave the oil fields to avoid serious consequences. well with me is our world a affairs correspondent nick childs to assess this significance. these oil fields are crucial are they not? >> stephen, they are. they have been a long contention between the government of baghdad and the government of
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nouri maliki, central government in iraq and autonomous government of the kurds. this looks like if it's true what the ministry is saying the escalating frictions and feuding going on between the two in the light of the insurgency by the islamic state centered around this particular area. we've had complaints from maliki saying parts of kurdistan is used as a haven. the kurdish minister saying they're going to boycott the cabinet in baghdad. this is the key to how things unfold in iraq. this isn't looking good in terms of the relationship with baghdad and the north. >> this looks like another step towards separation. we had leaders talking about the
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prospect of separation. with these oil fields, it makes the kurdish state more vital. >> it makes it in grasp with those wanting this. at the same time, the kurds are seen as key to how this unfolds in iraq. they are one of the dominant players along with the sunni and shia populations in iraq. the hope is they'll be part of a process of increasing unity in baghdad. that's why for example when the u.s. secretary of state visited iraq, he made a point of going to kurdistan and the north. there's no love lost between maliki and the kurds. kurds would like to see themselves as part of an effort to get rid of maliki which they argue is a point in favor of unity in the country. >> one key question is whether the government has any capacity to reverse what the kurds have done. they're talking serious
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consequences. have you seen the performance of their military. what on earth could they mean? >> i think that's right. >> kurds argue in return moving into the kirkuk. their military collapsed. they had to. insurgents would have moved in any way. how that unfolds will be interesting. as far as they're concerned, kurds probably argue they're defending territory, clearly in baghdad. there's suspicion within the maliki camp that they're exploiting this to pursue autonomy independence you mentioned in the beginning. >> nik, it's a fascinating important story. thank you for coming in and talking to us. now we have breaking news on a different front. this from the world of football. liverpool football club had just released a statement confirming
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the player suarez will leave the club. he will complete formalities to conclude the transfer to spanish. this is after a controversial world cup. he scored goals against england. he left the tournament after he bit an italian player in uruguay's match with italy. star play per for liverpool seems officially on his way to barcelona. now medical advances to fight hiv have been largely successful since the outbreak in the early 1980s. there's been talk of a cure even. those hopes have been dashed after a child hailed as the first to be cured of the virus has it detected once again in her blood. the girl born in the u.s. to her mother with hiv was given aggressive treatment within hours of her birth.
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she appeared to be free of the virus without taking more drugs for two years. doctors admit it may have been hiding in her system all along. >> we used and the investigators used the techniques that they had to search for the virus. they couldn't find it. now obviously the proof in the pudding, the virus was clearly still there. it did rebound literally a week or so ago. the virus hides in a way that the most sensitive ways to detect it don't detect it. it's there, but it's not detectable. >> there you go. that's the view from the united states. joining me now from oxford, dr. john, senior research at the university of ox ford. this is a subject you've done a lot of research on. how surprised and disappointed
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were you to learn the child still has the virus when it appeared two years without drugs she was free of it? >> this is clearly disa pointing news. when the story broke in march last year that the child might have been cured there was excitement. in terms of surprise, one has to remember when one thinks about hiv, it's a virus that hides in the body. there's no virus detected in the blood which is the way we normally look at the virus in a patient. none could be found. other tests were done, more research tests. they could find a little bit of dna in the child still. the fact there was dna left behind from the child in the
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virus was a warning this might come back at some point. you asked if i'm surprised. not surprised in some ways but certainly disappointed. >> clear this up for me. when this baby was born and aggressively treated early in it's life, was it with drugs that was a form of retro antiviral? >> the child was treated differently from any other person who's treated. the difference was this child was treated within 30 hours of potentially being infected. it's that thought of getting it early that made the difference. >> because you follow this closely, are there other hopes for a cure apart from the idea aggressively treating a newborn might be a way. is there any other hope? >> you said hopes are dashed. i don't agree with that hah. you said this is a virus that
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replicates aggressively. this is a child clearly infected with hiv who had two years without being treated without the virus coming back. something unusual happened in this child. if you want to think in a cancer context, this was a period of remission. this child was well two years. we know adults were treated early and their virus hasn't come back for several years. will it come back? we don't know. this child remains very important. >> that's a positive point to end on. thanks for joining us from oxfo oxford. now we are here with the business. she's going to start with the staple of every can soup. >> i'm sure we'd find a can of
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chicken and tomato soup in yours. canned soup has become a threatened species. sales are down 13%. what's to blame for the demise? the earlier cans are thought difficult to open. they're heavy and harmful to the environment. they're also perceived as not being fresh. the soup giants are really trying to fight back in a slightly unexpected way. rather than expanding, tweaking or rebranding the can offerings, campbells is moving from metal containers. heinz is trying to grow the dry soup cup market. we have the brand consultant group and author of the book "brand focus." i asked what's wrong with canned soup. >> people are more cautious of what they're eating. they realize the toxicity.
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>> it's about convenience, keeping something you could pick up on a rainy day. >> that target audience is the older person who have perhaps wanted to have tins. these days they're focussing on the use. if they want to grow their following then they have to look at the aspect and use of wanting quick, easy packaging. they're moving in the right direction. one thing to look at is environmental and recyclable and also providing people with what is the reason they're going to plastic over cans. we have breaking news for you today. there's been a lot of high drama in the high fashion stake at the british luxury brand. it faced angry shareholders at the meeting today. they're concerned about the huge no strings attached pay out for
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the director christopher bailey. he took over in may. in the last few minutes we heard his pay package has opposed for over half the shareholders voting at the meeting. over half the shareholders at that annual general meeting have voted against mr. bailey's massive pay offer. they're upset by the whopping 20 million pound handcuff deal. this is the premiere league of top paid bosses. his basic salary stands 1.1 million pounds plus bonuses on top of that. this week, the firm announced healthy sales particularly in china. up 12% on the three months to june. let's talk to tim jackson. he writes extensively about the luxury world. good to have you here on "gmt." let's talk first of all about
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christopher bailey. a lot of pressure on him after this vote. the pressure was there already to exceed and carry on the success of the brand. >> good afternoon. thank you very much. yes, he's been under pressure since angela decided to leave. the biggest concern is that it's unusual for someone to occupy the role of a chief executive and essentially creative corrector. i think that probably unsettled some people in the industry. the roles aren't typically -- benefit together well. ceo is more objective, rationally based individual with jobs. there's uncertainty about how to reconcile that. >> christopher bailey is more of an idea man, known for creativi creativity. i want to reline him, but one
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would consider angela was marrying the two together. >> yes. christopher is a smart guy clearly, but you know, i think the roles are quite different. i think the issue of uncertainty about that dual role is one thing. i think also he's taken over at a time when the strategy has been in place under the previous ceo. he's concentrated on the creative. there's more uncertainty hitting that industry now. you've got particularly high strong plans to stay for a while. you've got a forecast of a reduction in growth in china and people talking about a reduction and spending by china on luxury goods. i think that there are these degrees of uncertainty which married with the fact he's now going to be taking charge of both roles going into the future. that's what is at the heart of
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this. >> thank you very much indeed. >> that's a round up of business for you. more on that throughout the day. >> thank you very much indeed. we're going to bring breaking news from the world of football. it is the news that suarez is on his way to barcelona. liverpool has confirmed the transfer of suarez to the spanish giants. there's a statement from the liverpool manager brendan rogers. he says lewis is a special talent. i thank him for the role he's played in two years. he said the club has done all they can to keep him at liverpool. it's with great discussion that we agree he should move to spain. there you go. a lot of speculation about suarez's future. apparently in the realm of 70 to
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80 million pounds. suarez for an awful lot of money is on his way to barcelona, a story football fans around the world will follow with a great deal of interest. stay with us on bbc world news. still to come, not just another face in the crowd. how this belgian teen was plucked from obscurity and oftened the chance of a contract with a cosmetic giant. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters shopping online is as easy as it gets. and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. we've made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at no more calling around. no more hassles. start shopping from a list of top-rated providers today. angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. visit today.
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kerry is in kabul to try and dispute the election outcome. she was credited for shaping a generation standard of beauty. i'm talking about the founder of the ford modelling agency who died in the united states at the age of 92. with an exceptional eye for spotting talent, ford helped launch the careers of some of fashion's biggest names including naomi campbell, brook shields. born in new york, ilene and her husband jerry founded the ford models agency. by the 1970s it had become one of the top modelling agency and remains so to this day. according to her daughter, ford got a thrill of turning a face in the crowd into a cat walk star. some of the most famous models have been discovered this way including the world's highest paid super model who was scouted eating at mcdonald's.
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pamela anderson was discovered in the late 80s at a football game in brazil. we the case of the belgian teen who might be landing a criminal with lore yell after being spotted at a match. what does it take to become a super model? we have the leader of one of the biggest agencies in the world. lead us through how you spot a face for the future. what are you looking for? >> good afternoon. we are looking for something very intangible, something you can never really -- we look for an element that's magnetic. we see in a crowd somebody stands out. not always looking at the beauty but also looking at something that makes you look at the
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person again. that's the element that we look for when looking for a model or potential super model. >> we consider the camera finding the young face in the crowd, i don't know if you've seen the pictures -- >> i've seen it. i'm talking many the sense of it's a girl in the middle of thousands of people. some how she stands out. >> what i'm getting to is this, is it something about her smile, the spirit that seems to be within her that's important rather than just the symmetry of her face? >> indeed. it's not always the classic beauty but more about something that stands out. in the crowd you could see she was magnetic, joyful, enjoying the moment and communicating her happiness. that was the element that attracted the company. >> when it comes to people like you michael angelo or the late
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ilene ford, do you walk down the street constantly scanning faces looking for the next big thing? >> indeed. at restaurants, at a meal with friends, at a bar, concert any where. i'm constantly scanning the room or place i'm in to look for the element, the special girl to be the next future super model. >> you must get a few weird stai stares back. i go up and talk to them and explain it's an innocent look. it's a look of looking for a talent. >> you may be able to get away with it. i'm not sure i could. thank you for joining us here. >> thank you so much. now alexander santos is decorating his street in brazil colors since 1986.
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great stuff. we're going to give you a quick reminder of breaking news before we go in the world of football. suarez, the star striker from liverpool is to be transferred, going to go to barcelona in a massive transfer deal. suarez of course recekrencentlye world cup was taken out of the tournament for biting someone. the gaza strip has been hit by more than a thousand air
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salutations. this is sally calypso with the traffic news at 10:15. we've got reports of a multiple stackpile at junction 509, with a spate of carjackings reported on new 5th avenue. so you take care now. drive safely. [ creature snarls ] they're going to get in. there's no stopping them. the police are on their way, i promise. i've sounded the alarm. repeat -- this is car 1-0-hawk-5. we have a problem. require urgent assistance. thank you for your call. you have been placed on hold. it's all your fault. you lied to the computer. you said there were three of us. [ sobbing ] you told them three!
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