tv BBC World News BBC America August 4, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EDT
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survivors in after the earthquake. plus on the program, aaron joining us. the bank bailout is back aaron. >> portugal's biggest bank taps into funds to the tune of $6.5 billion. it will be split into a good and bad bank. it's the first time european bailout rules is tested. the idea is to make sure investors are not just taxpayers feeling the brunt when the bank fails. it's midday in london, 7:00 a.m. washington, 2:00 p.m. gaza where a seven hour lull in military operation is underway. we have reports it's been breached already. health officials tell us an 8-year-old girl died in gaza city in an air strike that took
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place minutes after the so called truce came in effect. it happened in a part of the gaza strip that was supposed to be safe in the lull in fighting. this pause of hostility doesn't apply in rafah where israeli troops are present. it's not recognized by hamas who accused israel of trying to divert attention away from what they call israeli massacres. it comes a day after ten palestinians were killed by a missile close to a school. that was described as a moral outrage and criminal act by the u.n. secretary general. the number of people killed in gaza stands 1,800 according to officials there. 66 israelis have been killed. all but two of them soldiers. our correspondent in gaza says many palestinians don't trust israel and don't believe this latest truce will hold. >> what we're seeing on the
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ground is people are told they can go back to nakedeighborhood that were evacuated at the start of the bombing. there have been people told they can go back to neighborhoods. people don't want to because they fear that they will face israeli shelling. i think what we have to remember is that the reason israeli soldiers were in gaza was to destroy the tunnels which have been by hamas to launch attacks inside israel. israel media say the bomb finishes that. there's no reason for soldiers to remain inside the territory. we're seeing signs on the ground particularly in the north and central gaza that israeli troops have pushed out. it is clear they're still on the ground in southern rafah. that's where it was believed that an israeli soldier was kidnapped. israel says it is believed he died in the fighting.
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in that time we saw the serious incident yesterday when an israeli air strike hit close to a u.n. school. there's activity down there. elsewhere across to the israeli border, it does appear that many israeli soldiers have now left the territory. >> the latest in gaza. let's speak to the doctor who's an advisor to the president. he joins me from the west bank. thank you for being with us. if this lull in fighting continues over the next few hour, what do you think can be achieved? >> hostility needs to be achieved for international community to put end to massacre ongoing as we speak in the gaza strip and remind israel of obligations it's occupier. occupiers should not go unhindering killing palestinians the way it's happening. massacre after massacre.
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it's ludacris to have the international community to allow netanyahu to free hand gaza. >> what where are we in terms of diplomacy? we hear reports an agreement is reached between palestinian sides and cairo. can you confirm that? >> an agreement was reached yesterday with all details put in place. the missing partner is israel who refused to sign the agreement. the coming moments are extremely critical. rather hours are critical to see if if israel will sign the agreement and if end to hostilities come into effect. >> what other palestinian conditions in that agreement? >> conditions are that existed back in 2012. agreement plus two new conditions which are release of the first wave of palestinian prisoners which should have happened weeks back. also a sensation of certain
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activities and attacks by settlers on palestinians and civilians this the west bank. these are two conditions that have been added to previous agreements. previous agreement was focussing on ending the siege on gaza opening pall crossings and allowing safe passage of people in and out of gaza. >> there's no indication israel is going to agree to many conditions. what are egyptians or north americans telling you about efforts to bring this to the table? >> american administration has put energy into this. their announced position is not helping in any way. america has supplied israel in the last week of weapons of what we heard of reports. that helps to fuel in the conflict as what needs to be done is for members, not the one to which basically silent in the last few weeks to come forward
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and push ahead with end of occupation. that's the only recipe for way forward. had it not been for israeli occupation did -- >> briefly, palestinians are speaking as one unified voice in cairo. what can you bring to the table that is new that could convince israel that engagement is needed and they can actually sit down with you? >> we don't see ourselfs in the business of convincing. there's been 63 that's been part totally unnoticed and acknowledged by israel. international law has not been upheld in gaza and occupied territories. there's been witnessing of international community occupation existed for over 60 years. what we palestinians will assure international community that the security of israel will happen when justice is served. for israel to continue to maintain formula of occupation
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and security or maintaining or requesting or demanding security is totally unsustainable. >> thank you very much for joining us from there. speaking to us there. lots of talk with the doctor act the talks that are underway in cairo at the moment. our correspondent is in cairo for us and testing the mood in the city about the latest mediation attempt. >> reporter: if there are any hopes left of a diplomatic solution that bridge the divisions in gaza, they rest on this city mediation between the sides. we have the representative of the u.s. state department. the initiative for talks between the different sides has taken a hit by the fact israelis have pulled out saying no point in talking while hamas rocket fire continues. what do egyptians make of the crisis in gaza and of their
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country's attempt to resolve it? >> the problem is over here in egypt that many divisions along what we believe. is hamas good or bad? are they terrorists or are they not? >> how do you feel about them? >> i don't think they're terrorist. i don't think we could ban health to them. i think negotiations should continue to come to solution of what's happening over there for greater good of people. >> what children do -- or the men -- why? >> i think they can make peace, but they have to do it for the damage increase there. i think they should go for peace. >> of course you worry about what is happening in syria, worry about palestinians. we're in the middle of the
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boiling pot. >> do you think egypt can play a role in trying to bring sides together? >> it can play a role but it's not the only thing. not only egypt. there are others need to be united in this. >> are they united now? >> no, they're not. >> what adds to the complications is egypt's position has change ed from the past. since last year when the muslim brother hood was overthrown and morsi deposed as president, the new government of al-sisi sees hamas as a terrorist organization because they're of the muslim brother hood. that's why there's little optimism to be achieved here in cairo. >> testing the mood on the streets in cairo. we have breaking news from jerusalem we're receiving on the associated press news agency that a construction vehicle has slammed into a bus in jerusalem. it overturned it.
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police are describing this as a possible terrorist attack. there was no one on the bus at the time it was hit. two were injured in the incident. we're getting this from the ambulance service on the roiters news agency. it happened in an ultra orthodox jewish community. police shot at the driver of the construction vehicle. we haven't got more details at the time. police describe this as a possible terror attack. more on that as soon as we get it. a rescue operation is underway in china after the massive earthquake that struck the remote area in the southwest of the country. we are hearing at least 400 people have been killed. the president has called for all out efforts to find survivors and put out thousands of troops
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to help. this morning help finally arrived at the center of earthquake. bad weather had stopped military helicopters for landing. once air born, the extend of the quake's lethal destruction was clearly visible in this remote mountainous region. surveillance camera footage showed the moment it struck at 4:30 in the afternoon on sunday. a time when many would have been at home. those that could rushed to the safety of the outdoors. >> translator: on the first tremor, everything shook seven or eight times. our house collapsed almost as soon as we got out. thousands of rescue workers, soldiers and medical staff have been drafted in. progress on the ground is being badly hampered by disrupted
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communications and blocked roads. >> reporter: offers of help if needed have come from washington and united nations. although access is the problem. at this stage china appears to have the manpower it needs. authorities are sending large quantities of tents, bedding, medical supplies. >> translator: compared to 2008 earthquake which claimed almost 70,000 lives, this disaster is smaller in scale although relative comparisons are meaningless to hundreds who lost loved ones and many thousands made homeless. >> the chinese premiere has flown in to personally oversee the operations. from the, a it's clear with all buildings lying collapsed between the newer buildings left standing. china's southwest is one of the most earthquake prone regions
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but also one of the poorest. that combination leads to such large loss of life. bbc shanghai. still to come. america's africa summit. 50 leaders are on their way to the u.s. as president obama tries to build up business with them. ♪ find yourself. in an accomodation where you get to do whatever it is that you love to do! ♪
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an australian couple has denied abandoning a boy born with down syndrome to a surrogate in thailand. it's claimed the child was rejected by his biological parents that returned home with his identical twin sister. >> his father says doctors didn't tell him the surrogate mother had twins. he was unaware the baby girl
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he took home to western australia had a brother with down syndrome and a serious heart condition. this contradicts the account given by the 21-year-old woman who gave birth to twins in december. she says that everyone involved in the agreement including the biological parents, medical staff, and the surrogate agency knew of the baby's disabilities when she was four months pregnant. she refused abortion on religious grounds. he remains in thailand where his surrogate who are will bring him along his siblings. >> an online campaign to pay medical expenses exceeded the target of $155,000. in parts of australia, it's illegal to pay surrogates. it doesn't a apply where gu
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sister lives with his parents. the country's stability is under huge pressure as rival groups fight each other and the government. more than 200 have died in the violence over the past two weeks alone. the security situation is fragile right now that the british embassy has suspended operations. a british royal navy ship has evacuated foreign nationals caught up in the violence. >> in tripoli, smoke like this is now a familiar part of the skyline. at least eight huge oil depos are set on fire from battle for the airport. 20 people died over the weekend
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bringing the total number killed here and in ben gaza in two weeks well over 200. the escalating violence is too much for many. on saturday, a greek naval ship evacuated 180 people. most from greece and china. then the uk government said the enterprise to tripoli taken 110, most of them british. >> for some it must be hard to hang onto hope until the chaos can be stopped. libya is seeing the worst violence since the president was ousted in 2011. it's up to these men and women to do something about it. they make up the newly elected parliament that met for the first time saturday. it needs to do what the previous government could not, find a way to gain control of the country overrun by heavily armed rival militias. >> with no effective army, that must be a daunting task as
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politicians, firefighters and police do what they can to tackle this country's problems. thousands head in the opposite direction. emily thomas, bbc news. let's answer questions raised in the report by speaking to the professor who's a specialist in the middle east at cambridge university. he joining us from our cambridge studio. thank you for being with us on bbc. >> you're welcome. >> we speak broadly about militias in libya. explain exactly who they are and what they're fighting for? >> yes, they're the legacy of the civil war which was fought by spontaneously created militias. they come from geographic locations. they often have sectarian base. they often share common values. now the problem is they don't represent the state. the state on the other hand can't provide genteralized security. in the wake of elections end of last june, militias are fighting
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amongst themselves to achieve dominant power. the the real problem is the islamist groups lost inside the new assembly. they're trying to fight back to suppress the nationalist groups and then reinstate themselves of the dominant element inside the governing process. >> we do now have newly elected parliament with quite a task ahead of them. how do they even begin to try to get control of the country? >> the problem is they've got to first of all appoint an effective government. there's a caretaker government in operation at the moment. they've got to make sure the government has got an army. it hasn't. the army is trained a broad, in britain, america, turkey and italy. until they've got that force, they can't begin to control the militias. the current crisis is dual in nature. in tripoli, there's a struggle to control the airport between the militia that controls the
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rest of that controls the airport. in benghazi there's a situation where the extreme militia faces a threat from the army general. that means the crisis there is more acute. >> people talk about libya being almost a failed state at the moment. is there a normal life going on in any part of the country? what do ordinary people feel? >> ordinary people are fed up. they've lived through this three years. many want to see end to many militias. they want the authority of the state to be restored. the problem is that's difficult to achieve given parliament issues acquired. nonetheless, one shouldn't take too groom a view. elections were held. municipal elections as well. in tripoli and benghazi there's rebuilding going on and a new
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sphe atmosphere. it's possible if government can grab control of security, in the end might be a happy outcome. >> thank you for joining us from cambridge. biggest ever gathering of african heads of state in the u.s. is due to get underway in washington for a trade summit hosted by president obama. officials say the u.s. will announce almost $1 billion in business deals and increased funding for peace keeping operations and aid programs. but the u.s. lags behind china in investment. as the bbc now reports from nairobi, some say it could be too little too late. >> team work is an important attribute here. most are kenyan. this is not a kenyan business. it's the american giant general motors. >> what you're seeing in front of you -- >> the managing director tells
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me business has been good growing threefold in the last year. >> our financial institutions are also solid. if you're look for banking support, banking services, you can find all the products that you would find in developed economies. >> general motors was hit by the recent economic crisis. efforts continue to match profits. also there's challenges. kenya has insecurity. inside the challenge as, the general motors plan continued to make profits. in fact a, kenya the auto industry has grown 40% over the last 20 years. >> even the smaller entrance into the kenya market is. in three years the company has grown from three pioneers to 45
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staff today. >> something like 95% of the world's businesses are still running on cash a. when we said how do we get more and more businesses in emerging markets to move from cash, the first place we looked was kenya because of massive adoption of mobile money systems. >> china remains the top investor. investments from hu.s. and uk increased. those attacks have not scare add way americans that met kenya. >> if you don't get in now, you'll be sorry. you will say i wish i had gone in in 2014 or 2015. if you wait until all those things settle down, you'll pay more, you'll have to work harder. now is the time to come. >> for both the establishments in business and newcomers, these american brands are growing fast here. it's a scramble for aftrica.
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the competition is high, but enthusiasm is a win for the economy. coming up in the next half hour on "gmt," we look at commemorations for world war i. representatives from 50 countries are in belgium. we'll take you there live. do stay with us. the school rati? oh, you're right. hey, babe, i got to go. bye, daddy. have a good day at school, okay? ♪ [ man ] but what about when my parents visit? okay. just love this one. it's next to a park. [ man ] i love it. i love it, too. here's your new house. ♪ daddy! [ male announcer ] you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen. zillow. you're looking for a place for your life to happen. my treadmill started to dress i mibetter than i did.uts, the problem was the pain. hard to believe, but dr. scholl's active series insoles reduce shock by 40% and give you immediate pain relief
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bbc world news, i'm lucy hockings in this half hour. we're going to bring you live coverage from belgium as world leaders gather to mark the outbreak of the great war 100 years ago. on this day, the first belgium soldier of world war i was killed. later in the day, britain entered the war. then within a day, this city, the eastern belgium city of liege was engulfed in the
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conflict. should you let your children play computer games? a study says they could be good for your child's development. on the program, aaron is back. it's such a dilemma. >> it is the awkward question at the end of the meal, do we tip the waiter or not? we show which nations are the most generation leaving money on the table and which aren't. how do you say tip in italian? we've got all the results. welcome back to "gmt." it is 100 years to the day since germany invaded belgium and britain entered the first world war. 50 countries commentaries met to honor those that were in the
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war. british and german forces fought their first battle of the war. in britain, memorial services are held at the cathedral later in london. there's been events marking the anniversary all morning. it's been a moving day so far. matthew? >> reporter: it has. i think it has been especially when people here were encouraged to remember the individual stories of what had happened during the war. the various dignitaries assembled here, among them king and queen of belgium, german and french presidents, duke and duchess of cambridge. they were shown a short film with photographs from the war. as i say, really personalized some of the big picture stuff we're hearing about. there's one story that historians here in belgium will tell you about.
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that is of the first world war i military casualty. a young man, 21 years old, who was a soldier. on this very morning, 100 years ago, he was tasked with heading up with a few other belgium soldiers out to the country side you see behind me in eastern belgium to look and see if there was evidence of the rumored german invasion. germans had crossed the border a few hours earlier. a farmer tipped him off. he did indeed spot a small german patrol. he opened fire on them. it's believed he hit one of them. later they returned fire against him and shot and killed him. he was the first belgian soldier to die in world war i and first of maniy lmillions of others killed in this terrible conflict. it's not just belgium honoring those and commemorating and remembering the events of world
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war i. also in britain there was a service held in scotland on which my colleague robert now reports. >> reporter: 100 years after their countries united to fight a terrible war a, representatives of britain and the common wealth commemorated the human cast, a sunday school pupil that carried a single candle through the cathedral. it will be extinguished at 11:00 tonight, the moment war was declared. >> we give our sadness. through the ages we live in fear and peace. >> the minister, reverend whitley prayed for peace. the choir sang an anthem specially commissioned for
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today. ♪ ♪ >> the heavy price paid by countries such as australia is recorded. >> of 416,000, 59,000 were killed. >> in belgium where the invasion by german troops brought britain into the world, another somber commemoration. duke and duchess of cambridge join the king and queen of belgium and of france to commemorate that both sides share commemorating. >> this first world war began in the heart of western europe with
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germany's completely unjustifiable invasion and attack of neutral belgium. on the very first day, it became apparent that standards of civilization can be rendered null and void. >> reporter: the duke of cambridge at the ceremony brought testimony to the power of reconciliation. >> we were enemies more than once in the last sen which you are -- last century. today we're friends and allies. we salute those that give their lives and will remember them. >> balloons were released in the colors of countries that fought each other and balloons in white to show peace and reconciliation. >> reporter: well that ceremony of remembrance here in liege is
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over. there will be four years of commemorations. the next mayor one takes place a couple hours drive to the west in the belgian city of mons. my colleague tim willcox is there. over to you. >> reporter: matthew, thank you very much indeed. this ceremony started half past 8:00. william, katherine, prince harry also the british prime minister david cameron. the theme on reconciliation. this is the most beautiful, striking, tranquil spot, this cemetery. 518 fallen soldiers split equally between german and common weather. you can hear the rehearsals going on behind me. let's speak to one man taking part in the ceremony later in the evening. you are reading german rights. explain what that's about.
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>> writing about a poet, writer in belgium. he was with this company and realizes coming from a background realizes how cruel war can be. that's what he is writing about. >> you're with nato headquarters. it's close by. it's striking 100 years on how bitter enemies now are here to make peace. >> i'm glad to be here as part of this partnership, brother ship. i'm really happy to be part of nato and belgium. >> in belgium there seems to be a national conscious about the importance of the first world war. do you find younger generations remember it as people then did? >> it's important to remember that. we should take right lessons of
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history, of all wars in europe, very important lessons we should keep in mind. >> briefly, speaking to the belgium king and queen. are you nervous? >> honestly i am. >> thanks very much. we'll cover all events here. i don't know if you can hear me. one of several choirs taking part in tonight's ceremony. >> it sounds wonderful. we'll cover that here on bbc. it's worth picking up a little bit from that conversation there in mons. reflecting on the president's speech. he touched on the fact speech can be taken for granted. the president of france directly referred to wars in syria, iraq, gaza. he said it wasn't enough they remember war and paints itself
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as the guardian of peace, he said europe must do more to try to resolve other global conflicts. >> matthew, thanks so much. we'll have more coverage throughout the day of events. we'll bring you breaking news. an attacker ran a digger into a a bus overturning it in what they called a terrorist attack. these are pictures from the scene. this is an ultra a orthodox jewish neighborhood in the city. no passengers are thought to have been on the bus at the time. we understand there's been a few casualties, injuries rather. a police officer in the area opened fire and killed the attacker. of course it's worth reminding you tensions are high in jerusalem between arabs and jews. this war between israel and palestinian militants and hahma
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i'm lucy hockings. thanks for being with us. our top stories this hour. a unilateral pause in israel's military operation is underway across much of gaza. there's reports already of breaches. heavy rain and landslides in china hampering efforts by rescue workers to reach the center of the devastating earthquake. 400 people are known to have
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died. let's join aaron now with business news. we're talking of bailouts of banks. >> in particular this bank in portugal. let me explain. thanks very much lucy. hello there. the bank of portugal has announced details of a $4.9 billion rescue of banco espirito santo. portugal sought bailout money three years ago. it will split a good bank with healthy assets and a bad bank with risky assets. it's the first time european rules are tested to make sure taxpayers most directly deal with the fall out when the bank fails. just start with viewers around the world a little about this bank. it's a private bank run by a
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family. >> yeah, it was founded by the family about 100 years ago. the family only controlled 25% of the stock. that's now down to 20%. they have to sell shares to cope with their own financial problems. the bank itself ended up lending money to other group companies. the the fact several group companies are now in protection from their creditors in lucksingburg means the bank was liable for billions of bad loans. that led to this rescue. >> is this an isolated case or wider sign of troubles with portuguese banks? >> it does seem to be a specific case. as i say, it's a family controlled group. it seems the family was very keen to try to hold onto control of the bank. as a result they did not take advantage of the bailout funds
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that were available to recapt n recapitalize the sector. several others did take advantage of funds. it's the funds now. remainder of $12 billion euros that's part of the bailout, earmarked to recapitalize the system here now used to loan money to a resolution fund owned by the whole of the banking sector in order to -- to make sure the good bank with fairly well run and quite large commercial banking business can keep going. that money will be used not to nationalize the bank. that's something they wanted to avoid but to loan money to the bank. >> briefly, people watching. what about the money in this bank. are they protected, is it safe? >> absolutely. there's banking insurance in place. the bank of portugal's governor was clear this was designed in
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order to protect small businesses. they're protected by this plan. >> thanks for the update. we appreciate that. allison rogers live there. what about this story, to tip or not to tip? it's the awkward question that arises at the end of a meal out. i put this together. in france it seems not to tip is the way to go. the country's famously badtempered waiters maybe never needed a reason to be grumpy but perhaps now. customers are leaving no tips at all. according to the study by the trip advisor, the number of people that never leave a tip has more than doubled since last year. the study compared tipping habits of a few countries. this is what they found. in france, only 15 of french people always leave a tip in restaurants.
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compared to 60% of americans. 49% of germans and 26% of britains. only the italians were stingier with 11% saying they tipped regularly. i sat down and asked why the french are poor at tipping. >> french are worse this year than last year. the number of travelers that didn't tip at all this year doubled from last year. there's probably a number of factors behind that. one of course credit cards. most of us now pay by credit card. there's not such an obvious opportunity to round up and leave extra coins or note. that's part of the reason. we have to remember in france, most restaurants automatically add service charge on. if travelers go beyond france and holidaying outside the
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country, they probably are now realizing most other european countries don't add that service on. they holiday back in france and think hold on a minute. why am i adding extra service on when it's already added on here? that's part of the reason. >> for some cultures, we know with americans, there's the sense that tipping is engrained. even if you don't receive good service. >> that's quite interesting. our survey found the british in particular will leave a tip even if they've had bad service. over a third of them said they've left a tip because they would be too embarrassed not to even though the service has been bad. >> you mentioned cards earlier. you can add on the machine, add tips, but it's a bit of a little thing isn't it? because we cards now, we've seen a reduction in tipping. >> i think it's highly likely
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we've seen reduction since using cards. it's an extra few buttons you have to press. it's not as easy as giving extra few coins. it's not as easy. some may find that awkward to ask which button do i press? it's going to be partly responsible. yes, plastic made traveling so much easier. in some way, i think tipping may be suffering because of that. >> we talk about the french being poor. there's another european nation that tops them. it's the italians. >> only one in ten italian traveller say they tip every time. they're bottom of the league when it comes to tipping. the good news is, yes, when they goo to united states, they acknowledge tipping is part of the culture. when traveling in their own country or a broad, they rarely pay that tip. they believe it should be add onnoed
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automatical automatically. >> i've got the bill. i can't ask you to tip. i think i've been called out here. i've got a little change. i've got to go before they think i'm an italian. see you later. italy, we're only joking. don't shoot the messenger. that's it with the business. lucy, do you tip? >> you were stingy with your tip? >> no, i tipped. >> that didn't look like -- >> i know aaron's habits. >> i always tip. can't help myself. feel sorry for the waiting staff. there's a common wisdom around video games, television are bad for your kids. we should encourage them to get outdoors. there's a suggestion that says gaming for a short period could have positive influence on a child's development.
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tell us more about the research. >> what's interesting about this is it's a piece of research which aims to dispel the kind of doom and gloom around video gaming but also not go too far the other way. it's questioned 5,000, it found 8 and 15 video game. if they're playing less than an hour a day, they are mildly positive impacts on their attitudes with other children, their interactions, their empathy. their general well being. whereas if they're playing more than three hours a day, more than half their free time, there are negative impacts. what the study is saying, this is not suddenly making kids who weren't interacting brilliantly clever and interactive nor is on the other end is it causing profound damage.
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it's an interesting addition to the puzzle. parents do worry about seeing kids disappear into bedrooms for many hours. the sounds of warfare coming down the stairs. >> often you read video games give kids good cognitive ability, helps with puzzle making and that thing. >> this was in particular to ability to relate to other people and with the world. what's interesting about this is there's a lot of interaction in modern video games. we assume it's a child on their own against the machine in many ways. what i also hear coming from my child's bedroom is talk and chatter, talking over skype with existing friends while they play games. it has become the new way a lot of children interact. of course we'd love them to go out more. like most parents. it's a lovely day, what are you
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doing stuck inside? what we're seeing here, there are mild benefits. >> is there talk in the study about what sort of games? it was raised this morning mind craft like lego for kids on the computers. clearly that's different for a 6 or 7-year-old than playing a game about war. >> it doesn't go to specifics. the nature of the gaming is changing. there's a see row typical view from adults it's all about war and shooting things. there are an awful lot of interesting lab ra tif gacollab. you talk about mind craft among 13-year-old gamers which is a creative game. they're keen to show off what they've done to fellow gamers. i think there's a social element getting bigger. >> you should always play the game with your child so you know what experience they're having.
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you're locked up in your bedroom until late at night playing games. thanks for being with us. let's bring you an update of story from lebanon. thousands are fleeing a border town. it's the third day of fighting between troops and islamists from syria. soldiers detained a suspected member of the syria group. ten have been killed since saturday. dozens of militants have died. this is home to tens of thousands of refugees that fled the war in syria. this could be one of the most serious of the three year civil war in syria. we've got a correspondent on the way. she's traveling to us. we've been trying to make contact. the moment we do, we'll bring you the latest from east of lebanon here on bbc world news. stay with us throughout the day for. that. now to remind you of
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breaking news from jerusalem this hour. police say an attacker has rammed a bulldozer into a bus overturning the bus. they're calling it a terrorist attack. in the last few minutes, israeli doctors questions several news agencies saying one israeli, possibly a pedestrian, was killed in this attack. more coming up. [ male announcer ] it's one of the most amazing things we build
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8:00 am
[ rain falls, thunder rumbles ] [ van gogh sobbing ] vincent, can you hear me? please. it's not enough, he goes drinking all round the town, now, the whole neighborhood has to listen to his screaming! he's very ill, madame vernet. [ crying out ] look at this. even worse than his usual rubbish. what's it supposed to be? [ crying out, sobbing ] no! no!
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