tv BBC World News BBC America August 18, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EDT
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hello. welcome to "gmt" on bbc world news. i'm lucy hockings. hour top stories. they claimed to have recaptured key areas around the mosul dam with the help of american air strikes. we'll ask what the u.s. and british commitment to military involvement is in iraq. after the worst overnight violence after the unarmed black teen was killed a week ago, the governor of missouri ordered in the national guard to restore order to st. louis.
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welcome to the jungle. we take you to the sin city where you can buy, sell, bet on about anything. also on the program, aaron joining us. also the economic impact of ebola which is growing. >> absolutely. two more airlines have suspended flights to different parts of africa. all of this in the wake of that virus outbreak. we're asking this question. if more airlines follow suit, what impact could that have on the broader african economy? it's midday here in london, 7:00 a.m. washington, 2:00 p.m. at mosul dam in iraq where state television is reporting that kurdish fighters and iraqi troops have retaken the country's largest dam from islamic state fighters. this dam was seized by islamic state militants two weeks ago.
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it's in a key area of iraq. a key resort for the country. it has huge strategic importance because not only does it control water supplies, there are also fears it could be used as a weapon. mosul dam sits on the river in northern iraq. it's structure has been described as highly dangerous. the dam needs constant maintenance to keep it safe n. a worst case scenario, if it were to fail, a huge amount of water would be washed down the river flooding the land. a wave 20 meters deep then could wash through mosul, down the river hitting the capital baghdad this. the past few minutes we have pictures that have come into the bbc from northern iraq of mosul dam. you can see here pictures of cameras that have been mounted on an iraqi military plane. they show dramatically air strikes around the mosul dam. iraqi military officials say
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kurdish and iraqi forces gained control of the dam. they're on the ground telling bbc they're advancing in this area taking control of quite a bit of the land around there that islamic state fighters did have control of. we're getting different reports of what is actually happening on the ground. let's get clarification from jim in irbil for us. differing reports of just how much they managed to regain control of the area around mosul dam. the iraqi and kurdish fighters. what are you hearing? >> there have been a lot of contradictory or premature reports over the last two days on this affair a. getting to feel constant about exactly what is going on. it's difficult. what i'm hearing from reliable kurdish sources or normally reliable is the dam itself is now firmly in kurdish or iraqi government forces hands.
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but according to the iraqi government spokesman or military spoer spokesman in baghdad, special forces are involved in this operation. according to them, fighting going on in insulations near the dam. there's also engineers south of the dam who have been engaged in staffing operations trying to basically defuse some of the booby traps left behind by militants. also got involved in fighting there. so pit doesn't seem to be totally secured in terms of the surrounding area. we're told the dam itself is now in safe hands. fears not just the structure of the dam needing constant maintenance but also as one environmentalist called it, he saw potential weapon of mass destruction because the wave of the tsunami would unleash and hit mosul with water 20 meters high. if hit is indeed in safe hands
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obviously there will be huge sighs of relief. >> can you bring us up to date with who was involved in the operation? did we have peshmerga and iraqi forces working closely together? if so, how significant is that and the role of american and british forces as well? >> right. well yes, there have been some iraqi special forces units or elements involved in this campaign. also engineers. that's something that specifically with the idea of defusing bombs left behind by the militants. that's a skill the kurds haven't fully acquired. also in addition to peshmerga of course is there has been a strong element of american air coordination as well. i understand also that there's been some american special forces on the ground coordinating with the iraqi and kurdish forces as well as obviously calling an air strike where they deemed necessary.
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so it's been a joint effort. yes, i think the fact that iraqi government forces are involved is significant. it's the first time it's happened i think. certainly on this scale. although the politics between kurdistan and baghdad are not fully back on track. the outgoing but still care taking prime minister, relations were poor. they've pulled out of his government. >> thanks for the update for us. jim updating us on the military situation on the ground in northern iraq. of course there's still a massive humanitarian crisis in the area as well. paul wood has been traveling through the region through northern syria to meet some of the people who's lives have been destroyed by the islamic state advancing. >> a hole people put to flight by the islamic state.
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exhausted, terrified.ed individ tragedies as they fled in thousands. in the hospital we hear one of the most heartbreaking stories. the little boy is disabled, paralyzed down one side. he was found by kurdish fighters abandoned and dying in the desert. doctors think he lay in 50 degrees heat looking into the blazing sun more than a day. his eyes dried out. cornea is now scorched and infected. no one knows his name or where his parents are. no one really knows how he came to be left behind. other refugees believe his mother no longer had the strength to carry him and had to make the awful choice, which child to save. islamic state government started shooting at people, says one refugee. the boy's mother panicked,
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dropped him and just ran. he was left behind. in northern syria, islamic state is gaining more territory. they're taking it from other rebel groups in a in offensive. syria opposition called for u.s. military to bomb here just as they're doing in iraq. there are refugee camps spread across the whole region. syria, turkey, lebanon and here in iraq. some of the camps like this one are starting to get an air of perm nans about them. these people, syrian kurds fled to iraq two and a half years ago. jihads were not powerful then. they used the civil war to become stronger and stronger. now they're using the fighting in iraq to carve out their own islamic fate, their own state they hope will make the borders between iraq and syria simply irrelevant.
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>> the americans have been drawn back to iraq, but air power alone will not decide this conflict. refugees may have a long wait before they can go home. bbc news northern iraq. >> keep all latest developments on iraq and syria on our website. find background and analysis on the rise of the state and humanitarian crisis paul was reporting on in the country go. to let's bring you up to date with other news. security is stepped up at ebola quarantine center across liberia after one was attacked in the capital. there are conflicting reports about whether patients escaped. a health minister says they were transferred to another medical facility. hundreds of hamass supporters staged a protest in gaza.
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it's due to end at midnight monday local time. israeli and palestinian negotiators are continuing to attempt indirect peace talks in cairo as new figures from gaza's health ministry suggest that more than 2,000 died during the month long conflict. officials say more than 100 people have been killed during flooding and landslides over the past week. five days of heavy monsoon rain could be a problem particularly in the western valley. two weeks ago more than 150 people died in the massive landslide near nepal's border with china. let's go to ferguson, missouri where the state governor jay nixon has signed an order to bring in the national guard to restore peace. protests escalated after the shooting by police of an unarmed black teen more than a week ago. shots were fired at officers in overnight violence.
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petro bombs as well as were thrown. here's the latest. >> these were the scenes that prompted the calling in of the national guard to restore order. another peaceful protest deteriorating into violence. the police using tear gas and smoke canisters in their efforts to disperse the crowds. there's been a week of violent clashes on these streets. this latest eruption according to the police premeditated criminal acts designed to provoke response. >> tonight started with prayers, messages of unity, peace, and justice. it took a different turn after dark. molotov cocktails were thrown. there were shootings, looting, vandalism, and other acts of violence. >> the state government justified the deployments of national guard on the grounds of what he called deliberate,
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coordinated, violent attacks on lives and property. the violence followed the shooting of an unarmed teen, michael brown. this video shows he had taken part in a convenient store robbery. the officer that shot him had no idea he was a robbery suspect. not only michael brown's family but some witnesses too say the teenager had his hands up when he was shot. at the rally yesterday, one of america's civil right's campaign leaders pitch to predominantly black community and mainly white police department as a challenge to the nation. >> michael brown jr. will be a defining moment on how this
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country deals with policing and the rights of its citizens to redress how police behave in this country. but the state's government argued today that the violence was a disservice to the family of michael brown and to his memory. bbc news. do stay with us here on bbc world news. still to come. i'm leaving soon. the wikileaks founder julian assange tells the world he'll be leaving the london embassy but remains hazy on the details. ink? foreign markets. asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. you know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. if you convert 4-quarter p/e of the s&p 500, its yield is doing a lot better... if you've had to become your own investment expert, maybe it's time for bny mellon, a different kind of wealth manager
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years trying to avoid extra diction to sweden for sex charges. he says his health is failing. >> as a result of the obstruction that is presently in place, add in recent policing cost of more than 6.5 million pounds. latest estimate is 7 million pounds now. it is an environment in which any healthy person would find themselves soon enough with certain difficults. they would have to manage. >> there speaking a short time ago at a press conference. our reporter was at press conference inside the ek ecuadoran embassy in london. everyone wants to know not only
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how he is but when he might leave. he said soon. did you get any more of a feeling from him or your context inside the embassy of when that might be? >> reporter: this was certainly one of the more bizarre news conferences i've been to. it was full of mixed messages. there have been expectations building. rumors were that he would walk out of the embassy, even rumors he would hand himself to police. it was fuelled by the fact journalist were asked to hand in mobile phones. we weren't allowed to have them with us. when the news conference started, julian assange started by saying he wanted to dispel mistruths that had been spread about his case. for example, he made sure to stress he's never been charged with offensive here or in sweden. when the news conference was open to questions and answers, of course the first was, is it true, are you leaving? if so, when?
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he even said i understand one of the wikileaks spokespersons has said that he can confirm, i julian assange, is leaving soon. we jumped in and said what did does this mean, are you leaving, not leaving, has something changed? he said i think i've said enough. we confronted him with the same questions afterwards. he said we're hoping for the best, but we've learned to expect the worst in terms of time it could take to reach a deal. he said yes of course julian assange has his bags packed and can leave at the drop of a hat, but the uk government would have to a bide by what he said, legal obligations, safe passage to ecuador. >> there's been no change in ecuador's commitment to julian assange? >> reporter: month. actually the foreign minister also here at the press
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conference asked the question, how much longer can this go on for? five years, ten years? certainly in the mind of the ecuadoran prime minister, they're in it for the long run. >> thank you for joining us there from london. still many questions after the press conference today. let's take you to south korea now. pope francis has wrapped up business there and made a powerful call to people of north and south korea before he left to overcome the mind set of suspicion and confrontation and define peace through forgiveness. we report now from seoul. >> as pope francis entered seoul's cathedral for his final mass, there at the front were a row of elderly women in wheelchairs waiting to meet him.
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these sevolder ladies were forc to serve as sex slaves during world war ii. one of them held out a golden butterfly. the pope pinned it to vest. an enforcement of their continuing struggle for justice. pope francis made a powerful plea for peace. in the congregation listening with the south korean president, park hague, he called on all koreans to overcome suspicion and confrontation. he said to do so may be impractical, even at times repugnant. he said jesus taught forgiveness is door for reconciliation. 60 years after the korean war ended in stalemate, this country remains as divided as ever. just 50 kilometer frs from where was standed, the peninsula was
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sliced into. he has left a deep impression on people here, non catholics and catholics alike. on the same day he made the plea for peace on the korean peninsula, south korean forces are beginning war gains involving 80,000 troops. in 1989 pope john paul ii came here with a similar plea. 25 years later, the only change is north korea now probably has nuclear weapons. bbc news in seoul. this area has a long history of civil war. conflicts have left behind a patch work of rebel held territories. special region four i is one such strip of land on the border with china. it's existed outside central government control more than 25 years. it's evolved into a place where
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anything and everything goes. our correspondent has this exclusive report for us. >> reporter: we're looking for one of myanmar's secrets. our guide refused to take us so we rented motor bikes and are heading deep into the jungle. after half an hour of darkness, there are distant lights. it's a gambling complex aimed exclusively at chinese customers. casinos are illegal both in myanmar and china. the gambling halls here are packed. they're not all tourists. look closely at the people wearing headphones. they work here placing bets on behalf of clients back in china. the satellite dish outside makes sure that the connection never drops and money keeps coming in.
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>> welcome to a sin city state of gambling, prostitution, and drugs. the consequence of a peace agreement signed 25 years ago. the deal saw rebel fighters stop their insurgency and in return the government gave them full control over a small strip of land along the chinese border. there's no law enforcement here. this market in particular is notorious for openly trading in parts of kpot exotic and endangered animals. we filmed and saw tortoises, shakes. this is an endangered species scales that are used in chinese medicine. not far a way, we see two still just about alive. their cages are outside a
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restaurant. if this is not to your taste, the menu includes black bear, and python. long last the small zoo is in itself shocking. perhaps that's why there was no need to film secretly at the souvenir shop. a small tiger skull. this is what -- 6,000 -- about $1,000 u.s. it's thought there are fewer than 4,000 tigers thousand living wild in the whole world. though part of myanmar relationship with china that counts. chinese provide electricity, investment and every night, bus loads of thrill seeking
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tourists. burrmese has little influence. as long as china turns a blind eye to gambling, the weird wild world of myanmar will continue. now surely one of the perks of being a window cleaner is occasionally if here in london you get to clean one of the world's most famous landmarks. this is big ben. the clock is cleaned for the first time since 2010. ic -- you can see the world clock being cleaned. the hands are temporarily paused with this work. each of the four faces are made up of 300 pieces of glass. the work is expected to take up to five days. lots of people use big ben to keep the time. it will keep on time over the next five days. the pictures we received in
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the past half hour or so, this is the dam and iraqi military plane showing air strikes around the mosul dam. the recapture of this dam marking one of the biggest ties from the operation in that area. thanks for being with us. join us again in a moment for the latest. is as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. we've made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at no more calling around. no more hassles. start shopping from a list of top-rated providers today. angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. visit today. the last four hours have seen... one child fail to get to the air sickness bag in time. another left his shoes on the plane... his shoes!
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i'm lucy hockings. in this half hour, ukraine says rebels in the east of the country have shelled a convoy of refugees leaving many casualties.s deny carrying out the attack. we'll take you live. scotland will go on the campaign trail with both sides. also on the program, aaron is back. should i be stocking up on my
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nutella? >> the world is facing a shortage of hazel nut. 70% of this nut is grown in turkey, but the weather has devastated protductioproduction. that has pushed up prices by more than 60%. let's bring you right up to date with what's happening in ukraine over the past few hours or so. authorities there are saying that a number of people have been killed after a refugee convoy came under attack. now this is a look at what happened in tlie reej -- in the region. are you able to confirm anything
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that may have happened with this convoy of refugees? >> no, lucy, not able to confirm. we're relying on government's reports so far. they insist a convoy of refugees came under rocket attack southeast of the city of luhansk in the region also called luhansk. they say a large number of people were killed including women and children. we do not have a figure and don't know exactly the circumstances. the government is saying this was carried out by the pro russian rebels, that they launched multiple missiles at the convoy as well as morters. we've heard from the remember bel -- the rebels. they say they definitely did not fire on a convoy. if this is true that a convoy came under attack and there was
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a high number of casualties, this is significant development in this conflict. >> yes, david, seems to be a huge escalation if true. >> explain to us what exactly refugees were fleeing from. what kind of fighting is happening in the region and the humanitarian situation as well. >> well yes, luhansk is one of the flash points. there's two regions that are basically where the conflict is centered luhansk. the other is donetsk. luhansk has seen heavy fighting. also seeing escalating humanitarian crisis. the russian humanitarian aid convoy is hopeing to make it to city of luhansk. they are without water, electricity growing short on food as well. we've heard reports of heavy fighting over the weekend. in fact the government apparently is making gains against the rebels and say they
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have taken over a police department in one of the sections. the city for the moest part is under rebel control. >> where are we with the convoy, any progress getting it across the border? >> slow progress is the answer. this seems to be the first batch of white painted trucks. they're now being inspected by ukrainian customs officials on the border. there doesn't seem to be much sign they're going to move today. there's talk of a briefing tomorrow around lunchtime moscow time. at that point, i think we may get ideas as to whether those are going to start crossing towards the beginning of this week or whether in fact what was predicted last week is that they wouldn't start moving until the end of the week. >> daniel, where are we in terms of talks of a longer term truce? we've been hearing angela merkel may be traveling to kiev. can we assume mr. lavrov will
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not? >> significant talks took place yesterday in berlin. the russian foreign minister met with the ukrainian foreign minister and french and german counter parts. that was the first time we've seen that kind of level of a meeting. people really engaging on talks of how to resolve this crisis. lavrov, the russian foreign minister said this morning that the only agreement they had reached was humanitarian aid and trying to get aid to people affected by the fighting. he said they hadn't made progress on a cease fire. what he's calling for is a unilateral complete cease fire without conditions. that's what he is seeking. the ukrainians unhappy about the idea of just stopping fighting. they feel they're making progress. they don't want to stop fighting because the russian say so. this morning lavrov completely denied russians in any way made incursion into ukrainian territory last week. british journalists seen what
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they believed was a russian convoy driving through a gap in the fence and over thoe border n ukraine. >> as soon as we have update of what happened with these reports that a convoy of refugees came under attack near luhansk, we'll bring david back and update you. one month from today, united kingdom could change forever when 4 million people answer the simple six world question. should scotland be an independent country? both sides on the debate hold a series of events. there's a scottish cabinet meeting in the town that holds historical significance for nationalis nationalists. it's launching the final push ahead of the vote. >> reporter: cradle of the labor movement and now at the heart of a struggle for scotland's soul. 600,000 people call this i city
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home making it the key battle ground in the referendum. these labor party activists are trying to stop their natural supporters drifting towards the yes vote. la a very traditional campaign doorstep to doorstep method kal rather than flashy. >> we're just asking if they have made their mind up yet, if they're voting in the referendum. if they are, tell us how they're voting. if if they're undecided we're giving them more news. >> a month from today, every
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vote everywhere will count. the campaign here feels less party political. >> people are flashing lights, thumbs up, hitting the horns. >> he's on a personal mission touring scotland in his fire engine carrying materials from 16 different groups, all fighting for a yes vote. >> people in scotland react to people quite well. the questions and concerns i try the best of my ability to take away. >> campaigners say this is typical of their campaign, a quirky idea and one with grass root ars across the country. >> we would never -- everything in scotland we would see in a week. >> i hope you change your mind. >> see ya.
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>> reporter: so the campaigns are contracting and soon we'll know which ones worked. the final act is approaching. james cook, bbc news. >> they're stepping up the campaigning in scotland. we've got a special section on our website for you. all sorts of analysis on the upcoming referendum including the latest poll figures. go to to find that and all other questions about the referendum. it's shaping up up to be very close. aaron joining us now with the business. we've been covering ebola and the devastating effect on west africa air industry. the fear of consequences we're starting to see at the moment unplaexplained. the fears grow over the spread of ebola virus. the number of airlines
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cancelling flights, the count is rising. the latest is kenya air ways. they announced this week they'll suspend flights starting midnight tuesday. the carrier part owned by klm flies seven times a week to two cities. the company says it took the decision on the advice of kenya's ministry of health which is keen to prevent the deportation of cases of ebola in the country. korea announced last week hit will stop all flights to and from kenya starting this week. british airlines has stopped flights from london to areas. flights are also suspended to guinea, another nation hit by the ebola virus. if more airlines follow suit, what impact will that have on the broader african economy?
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that's the question i put to experts on standard charter earlier. >> kenya is important to the travel club. it has the kind of infrastructure africa needs in terms of boosting interregional trade. yes, we've had the guidance from the world health organization that kenya may be considered high risk because it's a hub. >> talking about being a hub, it's also a hub for cargo. a lot of that region, it's the gate way to east africa. a lot of the region's perishable that we all consume goes through nairobi. >> the security issues in kenya have led to full loss in tourism numbers. because kenya is a large hub of the region, it needs frequency
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of air traffic in the region to keep costs down. if we see more cancellations that can have more impact on exports. >> let's stay with this story. allen is a lawyer, also a travel industry guru and joins us. great to see you again. it's a tough decision for the airlines because i'm thinking look at the world health organization, there's mixed messages. they say the outbreak is underestimated and needs to be on a massive scale. then on the other hand they say there shouldn't be a ban on travel. >> air ways announced last week they would not stop flights to west africa. the following day, the health organization issued kenya a risk because it was a hub and could import the violence. kenya suddenly announced they're
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cancelling all flights to west africa. west africa is the hub of the problem. korean airlines which announced it's terminating flights to kenya is more concerned about what might happen if the virus sprea spreads. >> do you think more airlines -- south korean air announced as you mentioned. do you think that could set precedence in a region? >> i think there's real danger this is going to spread. we have uncon firmed report this morning at a hospital. that's unconfirmed as of yet. clearly that's something which other middle eastern airlines currently fly frequently to africa, east and west and will be looking at carefully. >> for a case like kenya nairobi. you mentioned that's the gate way to africa. a lot of produce from that region goes there. that relies on cargo. it needs planes in there and take imports out of there.
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>> indeed. the only way to transport that is by air. there's a danger locals will find they have no source for their exports. there's a real problem developing. >> okay. no doubt you're going to keep a cross on it. we'll speak to you soon. appreciate time as always. good day mate. now if you're like my producer and i think quite a few here in the studio all love the nutella spread on your toast in the morning. for me it's magic. i've got bad news. because there's been a severe shortage of hazel nuts on the market which could soon hit hazel nut filled products like this. i didn't know this until today. around 70% of the world's hazel nut crops is growing near turkey, the black seacoast. this year's harvest is heavily hit after hailstorms and frost
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in late march devastated hazel flowers at an important time in their growing cycle. what has that done to price? the price of that nut has skyrocketed by more than 60%. this and the rising price of another key ingredient, cocoa, has been hitting confectionary makers. it's like a double whammy. >> if you've got ten ingredients or so, you hope that some go up, some go down. the whole thingle b ll ll ll ll things balance out. the turkish crop is 70% of the world's production. 30% of that is damaged since march. we're on for a tough year and decrease in supply. >> oh sorry. we're going to keep a cross
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that. where are you? oh, you want the nutella. you like this? >> i'd like to see you doing that -- no, you can't. >> okay. go clean up. stay with us on bbc world news. still to come, urban bike riding is on the ups. hour safe is it? join us as we set off on our new series investigating which are our best and worst cycle cities. 3rd and 3. 58 seconds on the clock, what am i thinking about? foreign markets. asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. you know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. if you convert 4-quarter p/e of the s&p 500, its yield is doing a lot better... if you've had to become your own investment expert, maybe it's time for bny mellon, a different kind of wealth manager ...and black swans are unpredictable.
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the team witnessed air strikes near the dam monday morning. the governor from missouri has signed the national guard to come in to help with peace in the city after an unarmed teen was shot by police a week ago. robbers have attacked the the motor cade of a saudi prince in paris. the thieves made off with cash and stole sensitive documents. the motor cade was taking its way from the embassy to an airport in paris when the robbery took place. it happened near the train station. no one was injured. let's go to speak to our correspondent there. what more can you tell us duncan? >> well this raid happened last night around 9:00 local time on the northern road which snakes around paris city centerer.
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this convoy of around a dozen vehicles were traveling to the airport when they were stopped by two bmws. inside those two cars there were up to eight armed men. reports say they were armed with handguns. they got out and targeted specifically a mercedes van as part of this saudi embassy convoy. they took control of that vehicle and drove it away. inside that vehicle was 250,000 euros and also official documents from the saudi embassy. also inside two passengers and driver that were held for a time before being released unarmed. this robbery took place. not a single shot was fired. the vehicles, the van was later found burned out in a nearby
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village on the out skirts of paris. also one of the bmws were found burned out. two votes, documents in arabic. police believe this was a well organized prepared raid. this van was targeted. they knew what they were after. there's discussion amongst police as to whether they were targeting the money or trying to get hold of the documents which police say may be sensitive documents that the saudi embassy has. >> thanks for that update from paris. we all know that cycling is good for our health and also our heart. that's got a positive impact on our bank balance as well, environment and growing in popularity. with the rapid growth in mega cities across the globe, cycling and traffic can prove dangerous. why are some cities safer than
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others? there's one way to find out. saddle and take it would have wheels to cities to compare them. we begin in london. cycling, an elegant answer to the age old question how to get from a to b. getting around london on public transport can be pricey is. a cheaper alternative is one of these. avoid the underground buses during rush hour, but you get to keep fit. with london's bike scheme, you get access to 10,000 bikes you can pick up from 700 docking stations. the first 30 minutes are free. then you pay for how long you're cycling around for. this gives a liberating feeling.
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you are quite exposed as well. lots of cars. you've got to contend with buses as well. i have one behind me. safety is a big issue on london roads. you're a third more likely to have an accident on a bike than you are traveling in a car. given how many cyclists there are in london, deaths are thankfully they're relatively rare. when it happens, they're remembered by painted ghost bikes left at scene. they're a reminder to riders and drivers to keep a watch for bikes on the roads. >> i fell down and broke my arm a year ago. couple months ago i broke two bones here. >> it's not just the risk of falling off your bike that causes problems. people in some cities aren't used to seeing women on bikes.
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>> people sometimes make bad comments to me. i look at this woman, why is she cycling like that? she's gone crazy. >> cycling isn't just a way of getting around for many londoners, it's a way of life. many come here for a well deserved cup of coffee after their two wheeled escapade. over the next week, cyclists from nairobi, amsterdam share experiences of life behind handlebars. >> join us as we hear from cycling enthusiasts from across the globe part of our world on two wheels series here on the bbc. two people are still missing after a tourist boat sank off the indonesian coast on saturday night. 23 people have been rescued including two people from britain. the boat was on its way to
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komodo island. >> a dream holiday turned into a torturous ordeal. imagine heading off on a sailing trip and swimming seven hours to safety. tired, traumatized but relieved, these ship wrecked survivors are back on solid ground. injured and bruised, all they want is to go home. >> tired, looking forward to getting home. stayed for a day, treatment for sun burn, and trying to rearrange our flights to get back to brazil. >> the foreign tourists were picked up by local fishermen and handed over to authorities. their boat ran into a corral reef and started leaking forcing them to jump in the ocean. they were traveling to komodo islands, a journey that can take over three days over the wide
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coming to the first doctor, after seeing his later incarnations, is a shock. the first doctor was a citizen of the universe and a gentleman to boot. played by william hartnell, he first appeared out of a foggy london night in november 1963. william hartnell's doctor was very sort of stiff-collared and frock-coated and very much this sort of...
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