tv BBC World News BBC America September 5, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EDT
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where the little things mean everything. and i looked up. i was like woah! my hair is thinning! it came as kind of a shock. but using rogaine® foam actually worked. my hair looks thicker, fuller, and i'm feeling much better because of it. men's rogaine® has definitely made a difference. you're watching "gmt" on bbc world news. our top story today. hopes for a ceasefire in ukraine as talks have just begun in the capital. it can't come soon enough for those caught in the middle. we report on civilians that have almost lost everything in the ukraine conflict. i'm phillipa thomas at the
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summit in wales. there are not much faith in talks producing peace. we report from the town calais where the mayor is threatening to block the port. also in the program, alice is here. look at what's happening in business. russia's relations with the west are high on the business agenda. >> absolutely right. tightening the screws. europe preparing to deepen sanctions over russia's role in ukraine. hello there. thanks for joining us. midday in london, 7:00 a.m. washington 2:00 where talks have just got underway. representatives from kiev, pro
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russian rebels are seeking to reach agreement there. that conflict is top of the agenda for western countries attending the second day of a nato summit in new port in wales. alliance has been showing off air power friday morning with this fly over demonstration accusing russia of arm ago and funding the rebels in ukraine. european and u.s. leaders are preparing to tighten sanctions on moscow if peace talks fail to reach agreement. in ukraine itself, fighting rages on with new reports of gunfire and artillery heard in the city of donetsk. there's also shelling around the town of mariupol. what is life like for civilians caught up in the fighting? >> we've been to meet some of them in mariupol. >> they're putting faith in the guns not promises of peace. these ukrainian forces trying to repel advancing rebels. in the abandoned harvest fields,
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the flames of battle. on the city's edge, we found these troops regrouping after pulling back in the face of what they say is russian back eed offenses. >> i believe we have power to stop them. >> do you really believe that? or are you just hoping? >> i hope and believe it's possible. >> the atmosphere is volatile. a wounded man was brought in. troops turned on the cameras. here at the front line position, talk of a ceasefire is that, talk. on the other side, rebel forces are advancing towards them. if they get the support they've been getting from russia in recent weeks, it's hard for these to put up strong enough resistance. >> among civilians, desire for
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peace is overwhelming. tens of thousands have fled. cities emptied of all but those too old and too poor to escape. in the rebel held town, they hear the terror of random shelling. she showed us where she and 14 other old people sleep in a makeshift bomb shelter. >> translator: we are living like rats she says is. i worked more than 40 years. i had a flat. bang, it was all gone. >> the hospital too damaged by shell fire. corridors empty and echoing and all patients evacuated. in the grounds we met these parents and their disabled son. they've stayed because they say they have nowhere else to go.
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>> translator: it's very scary. you hear a whistle. when explosions happen, you're afraid they'll get you. >> in the broken cities of the east, they wait for peace, for promises to become truth. bbc news eastern ukraine. >> you expect full coverage of that nato summit. anchoring that is my colleague joining us there live now. strong comments coming from nato leaders there. >> reporter: yes. from the secretary general himself, he was making it clear last night he's got little faith in these ceasefire talks yielding very much. i think there is concern here that they might be being used as a screen to perhaps prevent further sanctions, tightening of sanctions regime against russia. that's why leaders like the americans, british and others here are really hinting that
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sanctions may go ahead regardless targeting the russian banking defense and energy sectors. i've been talking over the last day or so to politicians from lithuania, from poland, just in the last few hours. i spoke to the foreign minister who said russia is keen to create a newly expanded influence. we're worried russia's ambitions don't stop at crimea and eastern ukraine. he was clear he thought that putin wants to link those two together to create a land corridor. possible to do that before the winter sets in. >> so in response to those concerns about this spector of potentially a new cold war, soviet union like entity, nato is talking about this rapid force to bolster.
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what more are we hearing or learning about the nature of that? >> reporter: nato saying we stood down that reaction force a few years ago. end of the cold war and berlin wall, now maybe the time to bring back that force of nature. we are expecting a rapid reaction force. now there's been a little confusion. because at the opening ofrths day's events we heard from david cameron, the prime minister, talking a up that new specialist spearhead force saying britain will contribute 3500 rooms to that force. we had clarification from nato sources saying he wasn't talking about that force. 3500 british troops are part of the reassurance exercises in eastern europe scheduled from now until the end of next year. it might be a small split.
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britain may contribute 1,000 men and women to the rapid reaction force. it's a little embarrassing for the host nation. >> there's so much going on he has to think about at that summit. islamic state as well. let's stick with the idea of ukraine and sanctions that western countries are thinking about slapping on. what they're doing first is waiting to see the outcome of talks. do you think this is a real crunch day for western leaders? >> reporter: that's how its been built of course. yesterday the ukrainian president poroshenko was here saying he was cautiously optimistic talks would yield a stop to violence. all those living in eastern ukraine must be longing for that. i think the line has been become more skeptical overnight. there's not a lot expected from here.
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it is a seven point peace plan put forward by president putinp. i've heard from sources this plan says to ukrainian army get out of the east. it's leaving it to separatists saying your influence kiev over the east must be renounced. that simply won't fly in the ukrainian capital. >> okay. for the moment phillipa, thank you very much for bringing us up to date from new port wales. she was talking about the president poroshenko who cautiously welcomed the peace deal by putin. in the last few minutes, poroshenko has been speaking to bbc stephen sackur. just finished that interview. let's see that now. >> how confident are you that a lasting ceasefire in eastern ukraine is now within reach? >> that's one of the most difficult questions. i'm not confident.
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i'm confident that ukraine as a state and me as a ukrainian leader are doing everything possible to have a peace in my country. i do my best to stop the war, to stop the massacre against ukrainian civilians and ukrainian forces. >> it seems to me you know what it does mean massacre and you know what does it mean war. you know how difficult it is for us. this is not just question of economic difficulties that exist. social difficulties and danger and risks. this is the possible catastrophe if the war will continue. if more and more russian troops be on my territory. if people from the donetsk and luhansk can be suffered from this attack and from this point
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of view. i think that the initiative ukraine supported by the whole world supported by people. 100% people wants a peace. >> that's the ukrainian president poroshenko. just coming in to us from london. keep an eye out. we'll let you know if we can get that full interview to you. wanted to bring you that clip. we can cross live to kiev and speak to american ambassador to ukraine jeffrey who joined us from kiev. great to speak to you. we were just hearing there a clip of an interview the bbc has done with the ukrainian president poroshenko in which he reiterate as cautious optimism and welcome of potential for this peace deal. how optimistic are you that this ceasefire plan that's being hammered out right now will
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actually lead to end in fighting? >> well i think we have to be cautious based on what we've seen so far of russian behavior. we heard from president poroshenko his strong and deep commitment to try and achieve a lasting peace and end to this confli conflict. the fact is the violence today o has roots in russian policy and behavior and support for separatists. now russian troop, russian armor, missile systems on the ground in krairukraine. the lasting decision for withdrawal of russian forces and military equipment from ukrainian territory allowing the ukrainian people themselves to have the space to build a democratic european future. >> earlier at the nato summit, the secretary general was making comments and said we stand with
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ukraine. what does that actually mean? what support is nato actually prepared to give ukraine? >> well let me speak for my government, for the u.s. we have made a strong commitment to ukraine, to ukrainian people, ukrainian government to make its own sovereign choice about his future strategic orientation. in context we've provided economic support to include a billion loan guarantee which enjoyed significant backing from both parts of our congress. we've also talked about security assistance totaling $60 million covering night vision to sustainment equipment and other materials to allow ukraine to harden borders against the aggression coming from russia. we are looking into other requests poroshenko has made. >> it's not working though is it?
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you're facing the russian army now. would america consider arming ukraine? >> well, we have been clear. our understanding that russia's direct intervention with ground forces over the past two weeks has changed the dynamic here, represented further escalation. we're working closely with european partners on what additional costs we may impose on russia at this stage. we'll continue to help build the ability to defend itself. it has to be involved. >> there's a calculation america is making that's not one of -- forgive me. the calculationing america is making is not of arming ukraine but imposing more sanctions. am i right in that? >> our focus has been sanctions. it has been non lethal military support. we're considering other requests
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ukraine has made. emphasis has been on supporting democratic and diplomatic solution poroshenko himself has said. russia's further military escalation in the past few days reenforces the point. >> the sanctions you've imposed and west has imposed so far are not stopping russia. what more could you do in terms of sanctions? >> i think it's far too early to pronounce the failure of the sanctions policy. there's been a significant and rising cost for russia's intervention in ukraine beginning with the illegal annexation of crimea. we're working with european partners. that's been the key to success of our policy, the fact we have worked together. i note a very important decision by france this week to suspend the delivery of the carrier.
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another signal to russia that if it persists in this direction, costs and isolation are going to continue to grow. >> thank you very much for your time. thank you. now, the other big crisis that nato is dealing with is a long way from ukraine. it's syria and iraq. islamic state isis formally known have controlled large parts of those countries. u.s. has launched air strikes on i.s. targets in iraq. western leaders are considering strikes in syria as well. now take a look at this map. the parts in red are kurdish areas. in northern syria, kurds are batting militants for two years unlike kurdish forces in iraq who get no help from the west. we have been to northern syria to meet those taking on the islamic state. >> reporter: a short boat trip across the river takes you from iraq into northern syria.
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the kurds have forged their own pack through the brutal civil war between opposition and regime. >> as they scope out their territory, so have the islamic state. this is their front line. i.s. fighters are hold up just a few little me-- few kilometers away. the kurdish forces are made up of women, many are still teens. they fight along side the men facing the same dangers. she is just 19 years old. >> translator: when they see a woman with a gun, they're so afraid they begin to shake. they portray themselves as tough guys to the world.
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they see women as little things. one of our women is worth 100 of theirs. >> the kurds have been battling the islamic state more than two years now. unlike iraqis, they've managed to defend their territory without the help of u.s. air strikes. they've also taken prisoners. some of them were marched in front of our cam rachercamera. they waernt lou -- we weren't allowed to speak to them. >> most of the ones we catch are locals. foreign fighters always suicide bomb. when we capture them, they blow themselves up. >> from the desserted villages around the front line, one of the few signs of life is a barrel of a tank peeping out. the kurds have got their flag flying from a top that there. the islamic state are in control
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of the next village, that one shimmering in the distance over there. the only people to the left are here to fight. the war has split communities here. some villages support the islamic state. others joined the kurds. >> translator: half the people around here are with i.s. they open their gates to then this. they were our neighbors, our families, until they joined islamic state. >> it is this local support that allowed i.s. to spread like a cancer through the region. the kurds know they can't defeat them on their own. later on bbc world news, we have a special program looking at how recent conflicts affect the world order from the crisis in ukraine to continuing threat from i.s.
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wider instability across the middle east. does the world need to rethink how it deals with changing local landscape? joining lucy for the new world disorder at 1300 "gmt." now we talked a lot about event at the nato summit. give us the chance or light relief amongst all this gloom. this was a moment you wouldn't want to miss. it was when children at a primary school in south wales discovered how useful social media can be. the school in new port tweeted nato saying they'd love a visit from a vip. they certainly got one. check it out. >> the school as you've never
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seen it before. 22 cars carrying the world's most powerful politicians. >> these students spent months learning about the nato leaders coming to their city but didn't expect to end up face to face with the president of the united states. >> i was pretty nervous, but after all i my own dad said he's just an ordinary guy. i was overwhelmed by what he did. they just kept smiling at me. you can't pay for that to happen. many can't buy that. >> this school was chosen because in june it sent a tweet to nato saying it would like a vip visit. little did they realize that would end up with the president talking into their classroom. they also had the prime minister wrapped into the bargain but only a few of staff were allowed to know who the vips would be.
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>> we were told something significant is probably going to happen. in term temperatures of keeping it secret ourself, one or two knew from the start. it was james bond, a need to know basis. >> what these children need to know is that the rest of term won't be this exciting. getting back to work could be tough. bbc news new port. hello. you're watching "gmt" with me. let's turn our attention to nigeria. north of that country is in the grip of insurge gent say known boko haram. they kidnap d 200 schoolgirls moves ago. they have now captured the key town in borno state.
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bama is the second largest town in the region. people there are not allowed to bury the dead. bodies are littering the streets. civilians are escaping to a nearby city. joining us from bbc, great to talk to you. bring us up to date in terms of latest we know from the town of bama. >> what we know from bama is so far residents of bama confirm the town is in the hand of boko haram. sources from the military say military is bombarding the town. militants in the town using air raids and ground troops are trying to move into take the town. at the moment, bama is still under control of boko haram. many residents are fleeing to other cities. >> there's terrible tales of the things that people have been seeing in the streets there.
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we heard about bodies littering the streets. what else are you hearing? >> some residents saying boko haram militants are killing men trying to flee the town. they are sparing women and children. one of the residents who were fleeing yesterday told us on telephone that one of her sons who was 12 to 13 years old was taken by boko haram. they allowed her to pass with her other children. the boy who was about 12 years old was taken by boko haram. >> and you say they're in control of bama. how does that leave them in terms of setting sites on perhaps the major city? what would that mean for security in the region? >> it's about 70 kilometers away from bama from boko haram have
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taken over. most residents fleeing are from different areas where boko haram have attacked in the past have come back to neighboring villages. maybe this would be their next target. if they attack the capital a of the borno state. they're helping the military in the fight against boko haram. they are ready to defend the town. they are allowed to go out and confront boko haram. military telling them it would be for them to confront boko haram. military sources say military are reinforcing defense in the city, sending in more arms and ammunition. they continue the bombardment of
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the town. >> okay. thanks very much. just before we take a break, breaking news to bring you. roiters is saying up to five bosnian miners are feared dead after a burst left them trapped in a mine in that country. up to 34 are trapped. they're trying to bring them out. join me again in a few minutes. his shoes! and a third simply doesn't want to be here. ♪ until now... until right booking now. ♪ planet earth's number one accomodation site booking.yeah!
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hello. welcome to "gmt" on bbc world news. in this half hour, nato called a summit in wales the most important meeting is since the end of the cold war. what is the alliance for? we'll speak to one european poll situation who says it's time for them to withdraw. you make the bed. got to restart six months later. >> joan rivers, pioneer comedian
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died at the age of 81. also ahead, alice look at what makes you successful. >> absolutely right. we're looking at oprah winfrey, people like hillary clinton and raj's sister. were they born to succeed? latest research says yes. they're the first born women in their families. hi there. thanks for joining us. we've been reporting western leaders attending the second day of nato summit in new port in whales. alliance showed off military air power early with a fly over demonstration before the second day of meetings gbegan. the secretary general said they want to strengthen alliance, meet new partners and a bide by the rules. >> as we meet today, the
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principle foundations of global security are challenged in a way we have not seen since the end of the cold war. by russia's actions against ukraine, instability and violent extremism across the middle east and north africa and newer threats such as cyber and missile attacks. in a dangerous world, we must continue to respond to these multiple challenges with unity and with strength. we must insure that nato remains ready, able, willing to defend all allies against any threat. >> the secretary general of nato. the north atlantic treaty organization to give it full name. it was created 65 years ago after the second world war.
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the secretary general described it's purpose to keep the russ n russians out and americans in. now extending to countries in in the north atlantic, some questioning nato's purpose and role in global security. well, with me now is molly scott from the uk's green party. she's an mep and antinato. she represents thing south west of england. thanks very much for speaking to us. why do you think the uk should withdraw from nato? >> starting than being antinato, i'm actually pro peace. we're looking for an organization to help us develop peace in the world. as you pointed out, nato was set up after the war. it was essentially a hostile organization. in response, the eastern block set up the pack that took us to a long period of cold war.
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i lived through that period. it was extremely frightening. i don't want to see us going back there. >> do you think there's no purpose nato can play in the modern world given the threats we face? >> the problem with they tnato, looking for a role for itself. it may find a role in conflict. we need to look for organization building peace. we suggest we look to organizations like the organization for security and cooperation in europe which set up at the end of the cold war. unfortunately sfrong lly strong like britain and u.s. didn't give it the funding it needed. we think this is a more constructive way forward than nato. >> to people in the baltic states listening to you, they would be worried by what you say. they look to nato to help defend their countries from what they
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see as russian aggression. >> i think all countries are threatened by military alliances and particularly by exaggerating threats and using that to buy more weapons. we need to look at peace building measures and also the question of arms trade. in all these conflicts, some people benefit. those are the people who have weapons. from my perspective, that's making us all more unsafer. people in the baltics, uk as well. can you give us examples of what you mean. >> peace building measures is about using diplomacy, getting everybody involved in a room to talk through issues. what we're doing at the moment in regard with ukraine is poking putin with a big stick thinking we'll somehow get him to change his behavior. it's not having success. >> the building measures for diplomacy with russia is not working. how do you carry out with
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islamic state? >> where is the example we had all players in the room and talked it out? that's what i'm talking about. you need to understand your enemy in order to make it work. we need to see the world, not that we agree with putin but that is threatening for him. in terms of what's happening, i don't like using the words islamic state. it's not a state. it's an offense to people that follow islam. the fighters in the middle east are not part of the international law we're talking about in russia. again we need to take into account of all players and particularly allies who are giving a lot of funding to those fighters. >> without the united front or some kind of alliance, how would you deal with as you say isis? >> this is the worrying thing that nato, which included in the name, north atlantic treaty organization.
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that's where it's based. it's seeing it's roll to ge to involved in the middle east. we would support the united nations action in the i had manile east to bring in the arab states and bring in all states of the world together rather than a small group of countries from the north atlantic to think they have role to intervene anywhere. >> thanks for your perspective. we take you live to new port in wales. >> national force which brings together land, air, maritime and special operation forces. it can be deployed anywhere in the world for collective offense or crisis management. today we agreed to create what i
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call a spearhead within our response force. a high readiness force able to deploy at very short notice. this spearhead will include several thousand land troops ready to deploy within a few days with air, sea, special forces support. to facilitate reinforcements, we will also establish an appropriate command and control presence in the east of allied territory. reception facilities, precision equipment, supplies, panels. stand up and sharing up right defense plans and hold more short notice exercises so that we can deal swiftly and firmly with any threat.
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this decision sends a clear message. nato protects all allies at all times. and it sends a clear message to any potential aggressor should you even think of attacking one ally, you will be facing the whole alliance. our readiness action plan is meant to defend nato countries. it is fully in line with our international commitments and it will insure that nato remains strong, ready, robust and responsive to meet present and future challenges from wherever they come. today we also endorsed a package of 16 priorities that nato will
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pursue to insure it remains robust and ready into the future. this includes an enhanced cyber defense. we agree that cyber attacks can reach a level that threatens prosperity, security and stability of our countries and the atlantic area. they could harm our modern societies as much as a conventional attack. so today we declare that cyber defense is part of nato's core task of collective defense. we also made our partnerships stronger to help build stability many the world. over the last 20 years, nato forces have gone into action along side partner stations time
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and again at sea off the horn of africa in the skies over libya, on land in bosnia kosovo and afghanistan. we have learned the hard way how to work together. we need to keep those skills as our largest operation in afghanistan draws to a conclusion. so we will offer our partner countries more opportunities to work and train with us so that we can remain effective when we deploy and tackle security challenges together. we have also decided to launch a defense capacity building initiative to reinforce our commitment to partner nations and to help the alliance protect stability without deploying
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large combat forces. this this building on our extensive expertise in supporting, advising and assisting nations with defense and security reforms. building on our close corporation and following their requests, we have agree od to extend this initiative to georgia, mordova, jordan. we reaffirm our readiness to provide security capacity support to libya when conditions permit. and we stand ready to assist iraq should iraq make such a
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request. finally, there's one group who hold a special relationship with nato. the countries which aspire to join the alliance once they feel the criteria. the open door policy has been a historic success for nato. it has allowed us to move towards a europe, free and peace. nato's door remains open. each country will continue to be judged on merit. no third country has a veto over nato enlargement. it has work to do in different areas. we will give them the support they need.
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today we therefore agree upon a substantial package of message for georgia. a substantial package to help georgia advance in its preparations towards membership of nato. and we agreed to open intensified and focused talks on candidacy. we will assess by the end of 2015 at latest, whether to invite montnegro to join the a alliance. so, with the readiness action plan, improved capability, and our unique set of partners, nato is able to act swiftly, decis e
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decisively, in concert with others. today we have decided how to make nato more ready and better connected. this is the blueprint for nato of tomorrow. with that, i'm ready to take your questions. >> we start with the german -- >> okay. so we've been listening to the secretary general of nato laying out its plans in the coming years to make it more ready to save future challenges. he talked about the rapid reaction force we were expecting him to tell us about. several thousand land troops backed up with air, sea, special forces ready to deploy within a few days. really interesting points that are relevant to the ukraine crisis and crisis in eastern europe. he said nato would increase the defense capacity initiative to
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re re reenforce partners. he is extending the initiative to georgia, molldova, and iraq should it request it. that's nato trying to build capacity in all those neighs. he went onto say countries thats aconspire to nato, the doors are open. there's a direct message probably to russia which definitely does not want ukraine to join. interesting comments coming from him there. we'll bring you more analysis of that later on on bbc. later on, we'll have a special program looking at how this is affecting the the current world order. from ukraine to i.s., does the world need to rei think hthink l
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changing landscape? for more, new world disorder with lucy at 1300 "gmt." breakfast and a late checkout. doubletree by hilton. where the little things mean everything. and i looked up. i was like woah! my hair is thinning! it came as kind of a shock. but using rogaine® foam actually worked. my hair looks thicker, fuller, and i'm feeling much better because of it. men's rogaine® has definitely made a difference.
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your back with me on "gmt." alice is here with the latest business headlines. ukraine has been dominating our coverage today. same with you. sanctions against russia. >> absolutely right. we're still waiting to hear the details. they may or may not come out today. as you've been hearing the european union is set to unveil sanctions against russia over the role in ukraine. the $2 trillion economy is looking close to recession in part due to previous sanctions by the european union and u.s.
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how much more can europe do given reliance on russian oil and gas? the biggest state banks face restrictive access to capital markets, effectively cutting them off from western funding. 30% of assets held by russian banks have been constrained according to a u.s. estimate. it's thought the eu could i had wooen those to smaller banks and other types of companies. it may ban sales of dual use technology to russia. that's technology that could have a military use. it's also been discussing isolating russia in other ways through sport for example. a boycott of the 2018 world cup in russia is mentioned. i spoke to christopher earlier about the impact of these sanctions. >> a financial noose put around the neck of the economy. it's going to be tightened more as a kind of punishment for
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russia enabling last week rebels in eastern ukraine to inflict victory against the army that turned tables of that conflict. this punishment will as you said, will widen the types of financing which are closed off in europe to russian state owned banks probably to include other banks, energy companies, defense related companies. probably also going to interdict more types of technology exports to russia's oil and gas sector. >> christopher there. now oprah winfrey, jk rolling, hillary clinton, raj's sister. all successful women. a study of 3500 siblings show that first born women as opposed to men have the best chance of
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being higher achievers of later in life. a gap of four years between siblings gives the best chance of success is. for a fascination as to why i spoke to kerry cooper. >> if you look at research done over the years, we call hit birth order research. it affects changes of behavior of people born first, second, third. this is a unique piece of research. we've known for a long time first borns tend to be more successful. this looks at women versus men. first born women tend to be more successful than first born men. the argument the authors use is more effort is put on first borns. you as a parent listen to them more, read with them. give them more attention in a sense than you would a second born. when second born comes you have more demands on you and less
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responsive to second born. why women more than men may be the fact men for a long time been the main breadwinner. it may be when you put attention on women early, girls, when they're very young. it actually shows the possibility of competing in what was in the past a male dominated world. by the way, it's still to some extent male dominated in terms of seniority in many professions. there are theories incidentally. another would go that first borns, because their parents are relatively anxious as all of us parents know, that you transfer that anxiety to the kid. when they grow up, they're more anxious and try to gain control of a world they felt was less stable when they were younger and tried to be successful to gain a position of authority.
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>> kerry cooper there. i'm a third born. you're a second born. i don't know where that puts us in life's pecking order. >> low down. let's be honest. alice, one powerful lady to another one. i wish i had a twin so i could know what i looked like without plastic surgery. that's one of the famous lines of joan rivers. now the 81-year-old has died in new york after half a century in show biz. she started an actress and became famous for her comedy. we look back at her life. >> at night when i'm undressed. my husband looks at me and mentally dresses me. >> i was wild for the time. >> joan rivers routines in the 60s seem innocent these days. at the time, she was ground breaking. >> i remember i had a joke about abortions when you weren't supposed to say the word on
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television. >> the woman is 32 years old. she had 14 if you know what i'm telling you. >> she grew up in brooklyn, new york. her big break was as a guest on "tonight show." 50 years on, she was still performing, still pushing boundaries. she seemed unstoppable. there were big ups and downs. shows failed, her husband committed suicide. armed with a faith in plastic surgery and endless capacity to shock, she remained a pioneer. >> 40 years in the business. this is where you end up. >> a woman who would say the unsayable and make it funny. joan rivers there. sad news of her passing. just want to remind you of the news that broke in the last few
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minutes from that statement from the nato secretary general announcing nato will be creating a rapid reaction force that will be several thousand troops strong, land troops, aided by sea, air, special forces support as well. plenty more on that coming up on bbc world news throughout the day. stay with us. eenie. meenie. miney. go. more adventures await in the seven-passenger lexus gx. see your lexus dealer. you drop 40 grand on a new set of wheels, then... wham! a minivan t-bones you. guess what: your insurance company will only give you 37-thousand to replace it.
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[ reverberating ] the prototype has passed every test, sir. it's working! i hardly think "working" is the correct word. that would apply only to machines. i'm sorry, i should say it's alive. can it hear me? might still be in shock. bear in mind, the brain has been welded to the exoskeleton. skin of metal...
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