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tv   BBC World News  BBC America  September 17, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EDT

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you tend to draw a following. [ brakes screech ] flo: unh... [ tires squeal, brakes screech, horn honks ] ooh, ooh! [ back-up beeping, honking ] a truckload of discounts for your business -- now, that's progressive. hello. you're watching "gmt" on bbc world news with me david eades. our top stories. scotland has one final day to hear the arguments and then make up its mind. better in or out of the united kingdom? as the vote looms, arguments revolve around money and services at the end of this hard fought campaign. >> we're still going to be part and going to be great friends, best powers, good neighbors. >> there are no four nations on earth that managed to combine and share resources and have the
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same economic and social rights for each citizen ir suspectable of nationality that britain has. >> reporter: i'm lucy hawkings. less than 24 hours before polling stations open, it's simply too close to call. i'll ask independence that could influence scotland, the united kingdom and rest of europe as well. a new vaccine is tested for the first time ever on humans. colossal by name and nature, scientists excitement of the squids that didn't get away. also on the program, aaron, money may talk, but no clarity on what the currency will be. >> you would think we would have heard all questions and have all the answers. that currency issue is one of
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the biggest in this debate. we have a cracking explaining of the currency option facing independent scotland. it's midday here in london, 7:00 a.m. washington, 12:00 moon in scotland. where in one day, polling stations will be open. for the first time in the history of the united kingdom. scottish will be able to decide if they want to remain part of the union with england, northern ireland and whales or if they'll become independent nation. campaigners on both sides doing all they can to win over the last votes. let's have a look at the last opinion polls. there are three released in the course of the last 12 hours, daily telegraphs, mail, scotsman newspaper. they've come up with precisely the same figures.
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no 52%, yes 48%. the undecided are excluded. there's a 3% margin of error. that would bring things closer. they say up to 14% have yet to make up their mind. that is more than half a million votes. well, let's find out how it's going on this last day of campaigning. the bbc lucy hawkings for us. still everything to play for lucy? >> reporter: certainly is david. you're pointing out in the graphics how close it is right now. with the margin of error and undecided as well, we are expecting a day of campaigning here in scotland. it got underway already. all through the night people were campaigning up and down scotland. people are handing out leaflets. there has been people rallying, knocking on doors. passions are really running high
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because everyone knows this could be the biggest political decision they make in their lives. it is simply so close right now that every single vote counts. one thing that's really striking me though, i was here last week, and to be here again today, no matter what, everyone believes scotland will be different friday. no matter which way they vote, yes or no, they are voting for change. could be voting for independent country or voting to have the scottish parliament you can see behind me have more powers. powers over welfare, taxation, ability to raise more money to fund the health care system as well. no matter who you talk to david, you get the sense that the change is in the air. people want something different. one of the questions that's come up though, if scotland votes independent, what kind of relationship would they with the rest of the united kingdom, politicians in westminster, people in whales or northern
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ireland? the prime minister heads to the yes campaign addressing that issue. >> when people in united kingdom understand we're not going anywhere, we're not drifting off to the north pole. we're just going to run our own finances. we're going to reap our own harvest check our own tills in scotla scotland. we're still part of an island. we're not going to have customs post or 91th century non sense like. that we're still part of the island and going to be great friends, best powers, good neighbors. some at westminster think greatness is having nuclear weapons, security council of the united nations, participating in legal invasion of iraq 11 years ago. i think greatness comes from the culture, compassion of society, approach you make to other countries.
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i think england is a great country. not because uk possesses nuclear weapons. it was a great country because it has a cultural hint that offered a great deal to the world. i think scotland can be a great country. we have a heritage to be proud and identity and future which we can contribute greatly. you should speak to rest of international community not saying how great you are, but how useful you are. what you've got to contribute and offer. on that basis, i think the true greatness of the country depends. >> reporter: the main voice of the yes campaign there. the no campaign says we don't want a bitter divorce. we don't want years of wrangling of what would happen next. they believe scotland and united kingdom are better and stronger together. gordon brown is one of the key voices of the campaign.
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he used to be the prime minister of the united kingdom. he was speaking to bbc and said tomorrow when people go check their ballot, he thinks the united kingdom should stay together and scotland is better with the union. >> we have this unique partnership. go any place in the world whether europe and look at france and germany or australia and new zealand or states of america, there are no four nations on earth that managed to combine and share resources and have the same rights for each citizen that britain has. >> reporter: there's a sense of the debate here in scotland. this is followed around the world and particularly here in europe as well. in the past few days, many articles are written about a possible yes vote and what it could mean for europe and the rest of the world. one of the voices that's emerged, one of the former prime ministers of italy.
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i'm pleased to say he joins me on the line. thank you for being with us on "gmt." yesterday you wrote an article where you said scottish independent would be dangerous for europe. why do you think that is? >> i respect the scottish people, but independence of scotland will have consequence over europe union. first of all because it will be difficult for independent scotland to be the 29th european state because they will need unanimous vote in european council. it will be difficult that many countries like spain for instance could keep their vote. europeans would have problems there. the second point i think is linked to the consequence on the
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referendum on the uk in or out of the european union in 2017. i think that a yes in scotland could help the supporters of the uk exit. in my view it could be a disaster for european union to lose the uk for many reasons. foreign and security affairs and also for financial reasons and also because the rest of the world has a lot of countries, new countries, raising their strength. if european union starts to decline with losing very important part of the union as scotland tomorrow and the uk in
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2017. it would be a real problem for the future of our european integration. >> do you think if we see the independence campaign win here, we see a new independent scotland, that could give inspiration to other independent governments in europe as well? >> of course. it would be the way to strengthen other independent movement. we are -- we have some of the discussion following what was going on in scotland. of course, there's the problem of catalonia. the problem of of part of central and eastern europe. i think it would be a really big problem for future. we need to have a european union focused on growth, how to be
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more competitive not focussing on institutional disasters as the independence will bring. >> former italian prime minister, thank you for joining us here on "gmt." david there you have it, another voice added to no campaign. there are voices on both sides of the divide. those voting yes say they believe firmly scotland can be stronger and more prosperous when decisions are made here. when decisions are not taken away from westminster but made here. you don't often hear the debates about europe mentioned here. it seems to be more fundamental when it comes down to final day of campaigning. what scottish identity is all about, where people believe power and decisions should be made. also a few question today about the economy as well.
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it's still very much remaining a head and heart campaign here. we're hearing both messages as the day rumbles on. as you mentioned, everything is play. >> absolutely. everyone has an opinion it seems. i'm joined by one of the great world explorers. you put your name to a letter among what 200 public figures saying to scotland, don't do it. is that purely purge? >> not political at all. i suppose i got born in england. i'm british, very proud of being british. for 42 years i've done world expeditions to other foreigners. welch, scottish, irish and english is our power. we want to stay together.
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my grandad was killed in the first world war. my dad was killed in the second world war in the scots gray regimen. i spent eight years in the cold war regimen. i'm incredibly proud. to me scots are brothers. i want to keep it that way. >> you don't have a vote of course. from a scottish perspective, i heard it described as analogy to elephant. they may roll over and crush you not realizing they've done harm. scots are not always in control of their own destiny. that's a fair perspective. >> it's equally fair for people who call themselves three corners. anybody who doesn't live the in london but one of the islanders can feel that way about them in london.
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>> this is a nation rather than a county or -- >> of course it's a nation. then it's still racially different. the english are a nation. think back. king james vi of scotland came down and took over england and whales. his blood comes down by religion or blood. they invented the union under the stewart family. that got called the united kingdom. if anyone should be looking for independence, it would be english from the scots. >> i'm not going to draw you into politics. he says we'll remain great friends, remain close. that would be a challenge. is much going to change with independence? >> we have proudly broken world records planting our flag, the union jack of scotland, england and wales.
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we want that to remain united. we don't want separate stuff for the sake of a different flag. >> in 36 hours you'll get your answer. >> true. >> thank you for joining us. you should stay with us. later on, lucy will be speaking to the brother caadcaster. he'll explain why he's voting yes to scotland becoming independent. if you have more on the issue, keep up to date on this historic vote on a special section of our website. the referendum live page is following the twists and turns of the last few hours heading to the referendum itself. let's get other news from around the world. there was tight security in the region of china as a high profile uighur went on trial.
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he criticized beijing's policies towards the uighur minority. he's accused of advocating ethnic tension in ukraine in recent years. south korean border guards have arrested a man they believe was trying to swim across the river to north korea. he told investigators he wanted to meet the north korean leader kim jong-un . the man was arrested at a river border near the zone on tuesday. scientists in the uk have discovered king richard iii died in the thick of battle after losing his helmet and and receiving a number of blows to the head. richard iii was killed more than 500 years ago. modern forensic scans show nine of 11 wounds were to his skull. stay with us on "gmt." still to come on "gmt," a new
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experimental vaccine for other ebola to be tested on humans for the first type. can it stop the spread of the deadly virus? erything together. first type. can it stop the spread of the deadly virus? then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ ♪ ♪ woooooah. ♪ [ male announcer ] you're not just looking for a house.
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you're looking for a place for your life to happen. zillow.
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a new experimental vaccine for ebola is to be tested on humans for the first time. the british trial beginning today has been fast tracked in an attempt to stop the spread of this deadly virus. results from animal trials are said to be promising. the drug is now given to 60 healthy volunteers in oxford. our medical correspondent has this. >> reporter: this is why an ebola vaccine is desperately needed. liberia, one of the worst affected countries is finding it possible to contain the virus that kills half it infects. global health officials admit they don't know how bad the
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situation can get in west africa. >> with 5,000 infected, twice the number when we met a couple of weeks ago, over 2,500 dead, you get a sense of rapid escalation we're seeing of the virus. >> normally it would take years of a human trials before the vaccine is approved for use. such is the urgency this vaccine is fast tracked. if successful, it could be used to immunize health care workers by the end of the year. the trial will establish two things, the vaccine gives a good immune response and with few side effects. the vaccine has a chimpanzee common cold virus to carry a single ebola protein. it could prompt the production
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of antibodies against ebola. there are trials in the united states of a different formulation. both vaccines could be used if they prove safe and effective. bbc news. the leaders of the world's most popular countries are meeting to try and improve their troubled relationship. m modi is hosting jinping. he's expected to sign off thousands in investment. over competition for regional influence, these things will likely be addressed. >> reporter: prime minister modi is a great admirer of china. he wants to invest in india to turn this country into a manufacturing hub and create more jobs for his economy. this ties to china's strategy as it faces trouble.
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>> labor cost increases in china and host of other political disadvantages. china also wants to shift some of the manufacturing sector other countries. >> china is looking to assert its own position in the global path especially the growing influence in the region. >> chinese are looking at the u.s. rebalancing strategy. approaching this to their own concept of maritime. they need india's support because india is resident in the ocean state. they need that support from india. so the maritime basically to contain u.s. rebalancing and the chinese leadership role at the global level. >> reporter: there's a lot to gain from both sides. it's not going to be easy. both sides have a bitter history
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heading back when china defeated india in a border war. china is close to india's rival pakistan. delhi has been making overwhich you ares to japan. many here hope the two leaders can chart a new course. fishermen are always talking about the one that got away. how about for the one they caught? a colossal squid as long as a mini bus. it was picked up in the antarctic. it's giving scientists a second glimpse ever at one of the monsters. there's examination. >> an extremely rare creature from the deep. it takes industrial strength to move it. this is a delicate scientific operation led by one of the
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world's leading experts. the frozen squid have been exposed. it needs to thaw before the proper investigation can begin. these scientists can't help themselves. >> it looks in your eyes and you see science. >> we have eggs showing here out of part so it's a female. without causing much cosmetic damage to it, our goal is to keep it looking beautiful. >> perhaps a beauty for the next 24 hours. she's left defrosting. >> now in the water, she's ready for science. a curious press and world audience working the examination streamed live online. >> it's always exciting to see the beautiful hooks and suckers. it's got enormous fins at end of the body. these get up to a meter in diameter. the next part down is the mantle which is the body. we come to the head which is like your head, got eyes, houth,
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brain. >> it's estimated they can reach five meters. the past depicted struggles of the stem whale. this was caught earlier in the year by fishermen in the sea. the only place they live down to thousands of meters. the fisher captain is here to see the unexpected catch. >> the this great big feature along side the ship. still a little alive. we had scientists on board. the decision was made to retain it as a sample. >> by the smallest of chances t crew caught the only other one in 2007. it weighs almost 500 kilograms and how hassed in the national museum. males have never be caught so mating habits are unknown. basics like age are mystery. >> the squid has hard parts that has rings like trees. if that's true for another large squid, the life span is under
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two years which is a staggering idea for an animal this size. >> this is living up to its name. this is a value to science. bbc wellington new zealand. >> that's "gmt." we're back in scotland live shortly. stay with us on bbc world news.
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now, that's progressive. welcome to "gmt" on bbc world news. i'm david eades. the bat toll win rounds undecided in scotland. campaigns reach fever pitch as there's a day left for scotland making independence or staying. >> reporter: animosity seems to be growing on both sides of the divide. just how does a country separate itself from another?
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we look at the story of czech slovak's velvet divorce to see how it can be done. on the program, we are looking at one of the biggest exports. >> david, it is one of their biggest exports. i tell you what, scotch whisky is famous around the world. here's the problem. it brings in billions of into the tax. no surprise both sides are so desperate to have it in their borders. so in just one more day, the polling stations will open and for the first time many in the history of the uk, the scottish will be able to decide if they want to remain part of the union with england, northern ireland or wales or become an independent nation. campaigners on both sides doing all they can to win over the critical undecided.
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the polls are too close to call. three of them released within the last 12 hours. opinion polls all suggest a lead of 52% for no to 48% yes. that sounds quite a margin. bear in mind there's a 3% margin of error. they also suggest there could be as many as 14% yet to make up their minds. that's more potentially than half a million voters. a lot of work to do for the campaign. let's go to lucy hawkings in edinburg. it's a battle and a half isn't it? >> reporter: it sure is. standing here in the past 20 minutes or so since we spoke, there are messages blaring out from both sides. tensions are running high. campaigns have stepped up. this is a vote watched of course not just here in the uk but around the world. we're expecting a massive turnout of 80%. across the border in england,wa
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as well. we're looking at a union over 300 years old having to be unpicked. there are all sorts of implications. constitutional and questions that haven't been answered yet about the economy. things like the currency for instance which i know aaron will talk to you about shortly. if there is quite a lot of uncertainty. people all across the united kingdom are watching events very closely. some things we do know, other things are perhaps a little bit more up in the air in terms of the yes vote. here's our explaining about what would happen if scotland does vote yes tomorrow.
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>>. our correspondent joins us from westminster where people are watching this so closely. we count down the final hours of the campaign.
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what do you think the biggest change would be for the united kingdom? >> it's difficult to know where to start lucy. it would be so utterly massive as you pointed out. the marriages lasted for 300 years. it would be enormous. the country wouldn't have seen anything like this since 1922 when southern ireland went its own way. in many ways lucy, i think all bets are off. of course there would be economic consequences if there was a yes vote. most are expecting a lot of turbulence in the financial markets that would have cost the massive political consequences. it's hard to see party leaders, prime minister david cameron, leader of the conservative party and opposition leader party. it's hard to see them coming away from this unscathed if a chunk of the uk breaks away. also the wider society question.
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would they have the same british attitude of grumble over a cup of tea, oh dear we've lost the country. or what the suggest poll says a bit of anger and resentment towards the english politicians they'll blame for losing a bit of the country? >> well you're talking about the no campaign in terms of uncertainty. the yes campaign is though we have a timetable for how this would work. tell us a bit more about the yes campaign and what would happen following a yes vote on friday. >> ideally what they say will happen is that things will take place in an atmosphere of great friendship between england and scotland, between westminster and edinburg. the target is get things completed by march 2016. over the next eight months, you would sort out these things.
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such controversial issues such as who would have the currency, how would they share currency, dealing with foreign policy. all these things. yes campaign says with a good tail wind it could all be achieved to sort out things like scotland's separate membership of the european union and nato. of course the key to that is a good tail wind. it would depend on good relations between edinburg and london and between nato, brussels and eu. >> absolutely. rob, thanks very much for joining us with that. david, i heard earlier some are saying welsh want independence. nationalists there say we want more power given to us if there's a yes vote. even if will there isn't, they see what's happening here in scotland unfair to them with scotland getting more money they'd like to see in wales as
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well. implications for the entire united kingdom. >> i think it's fair to say this is a bit of a slow burn campaign. you've been keeping close tabs on it. do you detect now that real change of mood, a sense of almost frenzy in the air as to who's going to win this? >> absolutely without a doubt david. this has been a slow burning campaign. i think many people here who are voting yes think the no campaign are now panicking. they took it for granted really all these months there's been campaigning going on that it would go their way. that's a shock by the opinion polls over the past few weeks. there's animosity creeping into the campaign now. we saw the leader just the other night here in the shopping center not far behind me being heckled by yes campaigners. no campaigners lashing as well. he said this is the ugly side of
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what's happening in scotland. what is said to me today is perhaps this is inevitable because passions are running so high that you're going to see this kind of thing happening. on the whole it's been an intellect churl debate. people have been in good spirits as they go around trying to convince people either way. what would happen friday is anyone's guess. people think this is one of the most important political decisions ever made. they're deciding on the fate of their country. also it ties into the whole issue of scottish identity as well. some of those yes campaigners have been saying we're sick of going hand in hand. we want to be a grown up country, want decisions to be made more scotland here. we don't want decisions made at westminster. on the other side they're saying we can have the best of both worlds. we don't need to give up the
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security part of the united kingdom. you can see how passionate the arguments are. depending on which way it goes, we'll have to see the outcome. no one here is predicting problems friday when we finally hear the result. >> thanks very much indeed. keep up to date on the vote with a special section of our website. you'll find the referendum live page following every twist and turn of these last critical hours. the address is we're not calling this as you know, but if there's a yes vote, how does scotland separate itself from the rest of the uk? an example the break up of czech slovakia. we report from prague on what lessons can be learned from that
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example. >> prague, seat of kings, emperors and presidents of ten centuries, a stage set for many a historical drama and meeting point between east and west. since 1993, the capital of a much reduced country. >> at the stroke of midnight on december 31st, 1992, czech slovakia ceased to exist. astonishingly the decision to divide it without a referendum had been taken just five months earlier leading the talks for the czech side prime minister and later president klaus. >> it's very easy to divide a country. >> not so easy. there was a dispute over the gold reserves. >> no, no. this is exactly now you are
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using the wrong argument argume. it is very easy to divide the country. number of people in czech republic and slovak republic is two to one. everything is divided two to one. >> but that simple equation couldn't be applied everywhere. the temporary currency union collapsed after six weeks. the slovak currency devalued massively. despite the rocky start, the slovaks have caught up. >> in time of division, slovak was 62% of czech's break up. now few days ago, it was announced slovak has the same as czech republic. >> today czechs and slovaks regard their velvet divorce as a
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success. that doesn't mean there isn't nostalgia for czech slovakia. >> everybody is happy it happened that way. there was no war or something. still is, there are few things we have in my mind. this was not perfect in some ways. >> comparisons with scotland, well unlike the czechs and slovaks, the voice of the scottish people will be heard. rob cameron, bbc news, prague. well, from a business perspective, what is it all about for scotland? it must be about money, currency. >> it's about what the scots will have or keep in their pocket. it's a joke. currency is, absolutely david. thank you. hello will there. as you've been hearing in less than 24 hours time, scottish people will go to the polls. as both sides of the campaign trail head out for one last day,
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so many several key questions remain unanswered and one of them the most prominent probably, what currency would independent scotland use? that's the question our business editor explores for us now. he's put together a cracking explainer. look at this. >> there are four option if scotland votes yes. a formal currency union, carry on using pound without the rest of the uk, joining the euro or creating a new scottish currency. the first, a formal currency union is when two or more nations use the same money. you row is an example. it means scotland and rest of the uk would share a central bank, the bank of england. pros include minimal disruption to business and scottish banks would be backed by a strong central bank that would act as lender of last resort protecting favors from financial failures. cons include interest rates set
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in london. taxpayers outside scotland would be on the hook if scottish bank went to bust. the second, scotland would carry on using the pound without a union in an arrangement called sterlingization. other countries do this. panama uses without formal agreement. mont negative row uses you rows but not in the union. on the down side, scotland could control interest rates. bank of england would no longer be the last resort. it could lead it to raising large amounts of money. scotland aims to join the eu. new members have to pledge to adopt the you row. pros being part of the world's largest trading block with the backing of european central bank. it will take years to join.
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eurozone has its fair share of problems. fourth, scotland could mend its own currency which could flow freely. a new scottish bank would be set is up. pro, scotland would clol interest rates and monetary policy. a currency is likely first week and would need billions of pounds in foreign reserve to insure stability. scotland might have to kbal out its own banks should anything go wrong. a new currency could float on international markets like sweed en's krona. then the currency would be exposed that might not be good for businesses or consumers. >> going to need a stiff droi decide which to take if they become independent. let's talk about scotch whisky famous around the world. it makes a huge portion of
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scotland's exports. it contributes billions each and every year. no surprises that both sides are so desperate to have it within their boundaries or borders. bbc scotland economic corresp d correspondent has been up there tasting and looking which sends this report. >> much of the debate of tax revenues has been about black gold, oil under the sea. there's another industry that's also worth a foreign to the economy here and the government. whisky is scotland's second biggest export. here on the aisle of aaron, 15 miles off the west coast of scotland, they have a distillery making an impact on the island and around the world. >> the industry as a whole seems to be a marketing right. it's good at sales and
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marketing. some kind of result happens. >> other firms are more explicit about fears on how independence could impact the industry. >> i don't think the whisky industry is different to other industries that rely on export. they can sort of say okay, we'll have two or three years of we're not sure what's going on. on a whim or prayer. >> the whisky industry pays in a billion pounds a year in taxes which is a significant part of the uk tax take and would be more important to independent scotland. whatever the concerns of the industry, there's no talk of distilleries relocating because to classify as a scotch, whisky has to be made here in scotland. >> this is an industry that's totally linked to the landscape here. because it's also such a lucrative industry, both the uk and scottish governments want to keep whisky within their
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boundaries. at the moment, the local economy gets the employment from whisky, but campaigners for independence here think whatever taxes are taken should go to independent scottish government. >> hopefully they're going to cut the tax to help every industry, not just whisky industry. >> with production to rise furtherer in the coming years, whisky is a golden goose for whichever government can get hands on it. bbc news. >> that's it. tweet me @bbc aaron. i'll tweet you back. for now, that's it. >> the isle of aaron. >> you get everywhere. thanks very much indeed. stay with us here on bbc world news. still to come on the program. that is the sound of spain. we speak the to a man who's trade is slowly disappearing.
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♪ for free home delivery, enroll in nexium direct today. i'm david eades. the top stories this hour on "gmt." it is the final day of campaigning before scotland's referendum on independence from the uk. latest polls suggest the result is too close to to call. after president obama suggests hundreds of thousands could become affected by the ebola outbreak, a new vaccine is tested for the first time ever on humans. used in music, ancient roman, portuguese as well. most put it with spain music. we went to the city to meet the
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fourth generation of his family to be involved in the tradition of making them.
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>> that's what they're expected to do the rest of their lives too. let me remind you of our top story on "gmt." scotland the brave just one more day until the polling stations open. for the first time in history of uk, scots decide if they want to stay part of the union or go their own way and embark on independence. thanks for watching "gmt." will you help us find a new house for you and your brother? ♪ ♪
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♪ woooooah. ♪ [ male announcer ] you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen. zillow.
7:58 am
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8:00 am
[ engines ] [ pulsing ] ah, there we go, universal roaming. never have to worry about a signal again. no way. it's too mad! you're telling me i can phone anyone, anywhere in space and time, on my mobile? long as you know the area code. frequent flyers privilege. go on, try it. [ alarm blares ] [ signal beeps ] distress signal. locking on! might be a bit of -- uhh!


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