tv BBC World News BBC America September 24, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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india makes history putting a spacecraft on a maiden voyage. hello. welcome to the program. residents living on the the turkish border with syria have told bbc islamic state have been attacked by fresh strikes overnight near the turkish border. tens of thousands of kurds have fled the area in recent days as the jihadist advance. we'll hear from our correspondent on the border shortly. the turkish government says neither air space or u.s. air base in southern turkey were used in the strikes. this comes a day after the first
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u.s. air strikes hit several key towns and cities across syria including raqqa here, islamic state capital. 50 countries have agreed to form the fighting of i.s. the air strikes are the beginning of a long and sustained campaign. our correspondent joins us from the turkish, syria border. do you have more information about the reports of fresh air strikes overnight is and indeed which planes were used? >> reporter: absolutely no information about that. what we have is a string of contradicting stories we are getting from refugees here. perhaps you can see in this -- now it's empty here at the gate. in this this direction perhaps you can see there are a few refugees gathered at the gate and very small numbers of course. we've been trying to understand
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exactly what they are trying to do. some of them say they want to go back into syria to fight islamic state militants. i asked exactly why they left in the first place. they said bring families here to safety in turkey. just a few minutes later, we started seeing women and children crossing into syria. it's a confusing situation here. even by talking to refugees who are probably most aware of what is going on inside, more aware than anybody else because of contacts inside because perhaps they know friends and family inside. they don't seem to have a clear picture of what exactly is going on in kobana where fighting start add quite a few days before air strikes dwan. this is still under the control of kurdish forces. also reports of islamic state militants still managing to advance from the southern side
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despite air strikes which may or may not have happened. >> clashes in recent days and weeks with the turkish authorities. how visible are they at the moment? are they trying to prevent people from going back to fight? >> can you hear us? no. i think we've lost our sound with him on the border between turkey and syria. the cleric has been found not guilty by a court in jordan. he was accused in a plot blamed for disruptions back in 20000. he was deported from britain in july last year. we got the latest from outside the courtroom. >> reporter: he's now a free man after months of legal battles here in jordan.
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two decades of legal battles with the judiciary in britain and jordan. qatada is finally a free man. of course after he was deported to jordan, he was offered retrial on two charges that he was already tried for previously in jordan. he was retried and found not guilty on both charges. today was the final verdict of the second and last one. >> it was a huge debate in this country about the inact to send him back to jordan. there were memorial randoms of understanding and fear they would use evidence in torture. did anything else emerge from the questioning process in the trials against abu qatada?
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>> reporter: no mention of torture today at all. a co-defendant who was a witness was disregarded as a witness in this case. there was a reference in the ruling to the treaty between the uk and jordan. it's possible that the witness was disregarded based on p prospective torture. that was not mentioned. that was one of the main bases of the ruling, disqualification of that co-defendant witness of qatada. also the judge quoted that more decisive evidence was required in order to upheld the previous ruling. that's why the court found him not guilty. qatada is now a free man. >> just very briefly, did we
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hear from abu qatada about his views on islamic state and caliphate they have declared? >> reporter: we did. not today but over the past sessions he was critical to the islamic state's acts especially towards beheadings, kidnapping. he was overwhelmingly against that. but of course he is more traditional al qaeda line if you like. now, as a free man, it will be interesting to watch his activities in terms -- of course he's an scoholar, well regarded in the islamist movement. his movement will be listened to by the member s of that movemen. >> speaking to me from outside
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the courtroom there. now indian scientists celebrate a historic moment for the country's space program after it placed a satellite into orbit around mars. first time the maiden voyage to mars has ended in success from the country. it's $75 million, also the cheapest. we were there at the launch. >> reporter: celebrating a historic time at mission control reaching the read planet on the first attempt. joining an elite club of space explorers, proud moment for scientists and india's prime minister that had flown in especially for the moment. history has been created today. we reached out to the unknown and have achieved the near
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impossible. i congratulate all scientists as well as all my fellow indians on this historic occasion. >> there were a few tense moments as the spacecraft was put through a series of critical movements before being placed in orbit. it all went according to plan. >> there's a real sense of pride. not only succeeding sending a mission to mars, but the first attempt of something they've never done before. they've also done it at a fraction of the cost of comparable missionses. >> this is almost a tenth of the cost. even cheaper than the the hollywood block buster gravity. it will explore the planet's atmosphere and beam findings back to earth. today it's all about national pride. bbc news. >> what a story.
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so cheap. aaron has been covering that. >> yes, $75 million. i think the last u.s. was 600 and less in the way of gravity. air france. closer to the ground. >> on the ground actually. air france on the ground. let me explain. good morning tim the. the strike by airline pilots is in the tenth day following the street dem stationstrations in . the french transport minister said in a radio interview this morning that air france is withdrawing plans to develop the europe budget union. that is at the heart of the labor dispute with pilots. the airline came back and called it premature and said no decision has been taken just yet. the french prime minister has warned with losses up to $25 million a day, if a solution
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isn't found soon, air france's future is in question. we keep across this strike action at air france for you. how about this? 100 million chinese are expected to move to cities by 2020. that means building sustainable urban centers is essential is. because of that, six years ago the country teamed up with singapore to build what is tipped to be the world's largest eco city. waste land has been turn into this, apartment blocks. with china's property downturn expected to take the economy with it, is it just a case of building homes for thousand that nobody is going to live in? we'll have more throughout the day. let me leave you with this. star bucks is buying out the japanese partner in a pinch, $900 million. starbucks has been a joint venture since 1995. under the deal, the group will buy the outstanding 60% stake of
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the country. japan wants starbucks first overseas destination when expanded in the 1990s and has more than 1,000 outlets in that country. tweet me @bbc aaron. more business on "gmt" in over an hour's time. >> look forward to that. let's turn to the situation in france. france's defense minister has called this a mess after three jihadists from turkey walked free from the airport. french police had been waiting for them at an airport in paris. let's go to paris and speak to lucy williamson. >> reporter: it's got all hallmarks of a real mess as the defense minister was saying. we have just heard from one of the men's lawyers that the three
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have walked into a police station now near where they live. they knocked on the door of their own free will. the police station was closed, but an officer came out to see them. now they're being questioned by the officers now. >> explain the background to this. they've been in syria or attempting to get into syria? >> according to the family lawyer, these three men had been in syria. they had gone allegedly to fight with islamic state militants there. they discovered that it wasn't quite what they imagined. they had fallen foul of the islamic state fighters there. now they're trying to flee back to france. that's the story one of the lawyers associated with them has said. as they were coming through turkey, turkish authorities picked them up and said they were putting them on a plane to paris. police officers in paris stood by waiting at the airport for a very long time. it turns out turkish authorities
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change add the plane, and they were dropped off here instead where they walked free of the airport. there was quite an amount of criticism from cabinet ministers and opposition party calling for inquiry asking how this happened. >> just briefly, does french law allow french authorities to prosecute people who have gone to fight in syria? >> well the french authorities have been tight inning up recently on this type of situation. the parliament has passed a raft of new laws tightening up what actions people take of wanting to stop people fighting with the islamic state and dealing with them when they come home. because these could have taken part with fighting and the islamic state, that's why police wanted to talk to them. now according to their lawyer, they have gone to the police station and are being questioned. >> thanks very much.
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stay with us here on bbc world news. still to come. now the islamic state militants are hit both in iraq and syria. we'll hear from the syrian government on how they view the u.s. led ambush. bad news in email. good news -- fedex has flat rate shipping. it's called fedex one rate. and it's affordable. sounds great. [ cell phone typing ] [ typing continues ] [ whoosh ] [ cell phones buzz, chirp ] and we have to work the weekend. great. more good news -- it's friday! woo! [ male announcer ] ship a pak via fedex express saver® for as low as $7.50. [ male announcer ] ship a pak via fedex express saver® you owned your car for four you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you're like "nothing can replace brad!" then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance.
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let's go. thanks. carl? carl!!!!!!!!!! you're watching bbc world news. i'm tim willcox. the latest headlines. syrian witnesses report fresh air strikes on islamic state militants after washington warns of a sustained campaign. in jordan, cleared the extremist muslim preacher of terrorism charges. let's return to our main story. the air strikes against islamic state militants in syria. the syria president assad said
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he supports the strikes against terrorism in his country. damascus had some concerns about the u.s. strikes. >> generally it's still many damascus concerning the the real targets of united states and the coalition. it's early for combatting or another agenda behind that. >> what might that agenda be? what is the government saying u.s. is trying to do? >> because you know that united states generally like saudi arabia and qatar, they were one of the most important supporter
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financely. now the problem is concerning a very serious problem. it's very dangerous for the city and region to know and for the world. any way at this point, i think that we need more comprehensive approach for combatting terrorists. it's not enough to attack air strikes. i think the main military officers know that. we need to cooperate more in land sources first. secondly, we need to close the borders with turkey while the government, one of the main supporter of isis. we should observe the financial support of these groups especially qatar and gulf states and saudi arabia. so it doesn't matter if saudi arabia participated or qatar should claim supporting terrorism. we should seriously have more
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comprehensive to damascus. syrian government is willing to cooperate for combatting terrorism. now the bbc chief international correspondent is in baghdad. i spoke to her earlier. he told me air strikes in iraq are less of a problem than those in syria. >> reporter: i think it's two different things of what's happening in iraq and syria in terms of international law. the iraqi government has asked for the international coalition to help it in the fight against the islamic state. it's not the same in syria where the governments -- the only protest seems to be it's involved in this coalition. we understand the united states through ambassador at the u.n. say manmantha power informed th
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they would be carrying out air strikes. i think the complexity there is strikes against the so called islamic state in northern syria as well as the positions al qaeda-linked groups also plays into the objectives of the president assad government can which makes complexity on the ground as well. we're in a messy legal waters here. >> what's happening on the ground in iraq? has territory now been taken back against islamic state by iraqi forces with air cover? >> reporter: well, it's six weeks of air strikes that still have not moved islamic state from the territory it controls which is a quarter of iraq. it is true that the air strikes have helped the kurdish pmesh pr
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ga. there's a massacre with uns of iraqi soldiers being killed. there are now investigations into that. the prime minister in new york asked for inquiry how this happened so close to baghdad. the iraqi army needs support in terms of more ammunition and training. there's a question of morale. that's why the united states and britain are becoming involved in trying to dispensing iraqi forces. this is a battle won on the ground not in the air. in other news, authorities in australia have named an 18-year-old man shot dead after stabbing two police officers on tuesday. police say they believe he was a supporter of the islamic state
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group. the shooting happened outside the police station in melbourne. they have someone called in for questions. pope francis ordered the request of the polish archbishop to be detained on allegations of child abuse. there were accusations he paid for sex with children while he was ambassador in the dominican republic. the meeting in new york was the largest gathering of world leaders to discuss climate and designed to lay ground work for new global climate change treaty. david reports. >> reporter: from the melting of the ice in the far north of the
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arctic, to the rising sea level threatening low lying countries like bangladesh, to the fear of dust storms and droughts intensifying in the grain belt of the united states. climate change is described by the united nations as potentially devastate ago. >> climate change is a defining of our age. >> today the u.n. called a special summit on global warming. more leaders than ever turned up on this summit. for years there's been deadlock in the negotiations. getting anywhere on climate change has always been a struggle. talking started in 1992 at the earth summit in rio. igs manies -- by then emissions were up, and the treaty covered a few dozen countries in 1997. at the copenhagen summit five
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years ago, emissions were more than 34 billion tons and rising. this year they're set to climb to 40 be billion tons with no sign of falling. so all eyes are on any sign of change from the world's biggest polluter china where there are public demands for a clean up. >> translator: emissions would peak as soon as possible. >> that's a new line in climate diplomacy. >> china's emissions are bigger than the hu.s. and europe combined at the moment. if they're going to make a big stance, they've determined themselves to take international leadership affecting change. >> carbon dioxide side swirling above america, europe, china, some are cutting emissions on their own. u.n. wants a global deal next
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year. there's no guarantee of getting one. our main story. a wave of fresh air strikes in syria reportedly hit positions held by the group islamic state. more on that and other news coming up in another edition in a few minutes time. ♪ eenie. meenie. miney. go. more adventures await in the seven-passenger lexus gx. see your lexus dealer. 58 seconds on the clock, what am i thinking about? foreign markets. asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. you know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity
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now, that's progressive. look - i'm tim willcox with bbc world news. our top stories. reports of fresh air strikes on islamic state militants in syria. witness say planes struck near the town of kobane following the warning of a sustained campaign. qatada is released after a jordanian court clears him of terrorism charges. uproar in france.
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three suspected trysts walk free after arriving at the wrong airport. india puts a spacecraft around mars on a maiden voyage. hello. welcome to the program. residents living on the turkish border with syria have told bbc islamic state militants have been targeted again by fresh air strikes overnight. eyewitnesses have seen planes attack west of the city of kobane near the turkish border. tens of thousands have fled in the recent days as the advance increases. the southern air bases in turkey were not used in the strikes.
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this comes a day after the first u.s. air strikes hit the area. washington says more than 50 countries have agreed to form part of the fighting i.s. and this is just the beginning of the sustained campaign. >> reporter: tim, i've just spoke ton a syrian kurdish refugee here who's brother is still in kobane, the town on the syrian side of the border. he said he saw two military air crafts coming in from turkish air space at 1:00 a.m. this morning. he says they dropped bombs on the villages west of kobane. he says since that bombing, the islamic state fighters have increased shelling of kobane from three different sides. there's no news yet, no
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confirmation about the the air force to which the planes belong. >> this is a u.s. arab coalition at the moment with other states supporting what is happening there. what is happening where you are in terms of number of refugees? if shelling is intensifying, more people are now trying to get across? >> reporter: well, will there's a fear that could increase numbers almost swelled to 140,000 people that have poured over the border since last friday. yesterday we saw the first tiny numbers going back toward syria, back toward kobane hoping air strikes provide passage to their town. they don't want to be here. these are kurds hostile to turkey. kurds and turks were in a civil war here 40 years which over 40,000 were killed. it's a fragile peace between the two. that hostility has risen to the
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surface. refugees want to go back. they don't want to be here. they've come out of necessity instead of desire. it's small numbers the traffic into syria. they've got over 1 million syrian refugees. back on air strikes around kobane, the interesting point is this. turkey had initially refused to take part in the military led coalition and said it would not allow base to be use forward air strikes, would not take part in combat operations. that was because 49 turks were held hostage by islamic state in iraq. they were released over saturday which could release the obstacle to turkish involvement. it's not clear whether the planes were turkish. the fact they came from turkish air space may suggest turkey is now taking a more active part in the military led coalition. >> it's got the important air
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base as well hasn't it for other aircraft? what about the debate about an air corridor along the border where you are at the moment? is that discussed at the moment to give safe passage for people fleeing the fighting. >> reporter: it was raised by the turkish government last week. they talked about the buffer zone being in the territory to help people come out and cross the border into turkey. given the numbers of people who have come, turkey does not want to encourage more influx. i spent the last few days in various part of the border seeing how refugees are taking shelter wherever they can in mosques, school buildings. facilities are basic. they're trying to vaccinate refugees before they come in because of fear of spreading disease. this country does not want to
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encourage a massive wave of rivals because the 140 now, that have come since friday is according to the u.n. agency, the largest single influx since the syrian war began three and a half years ago. >> mark is on the border. let's get to our security correspondent. let's start with air strikes. turkey is putting the very difficult position now. less so now that hostages have been released. >> that's right. it's an interesting question, what is turkey's position, how's it going to play? what's the government allowing air spaces and bases to be used? clearly hostages for a problem for it. we don't know the exact deal that was done. clearly some kind of deal where prisoners were exchanged or whatever happened. there were no indications of what that means for turkish policy. we're waiting to see where turkey shifts position somewhat.
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we've obviously had reports of planes going over near the turkish border. we haven't had confirmation of that yet. we haven't had much detail from the u.s. about the air strikes that seemed to happen in the last night. much less than what we have from the night before at least. >> america talking about the long sustain add campaign. many suggesting this won't be achieved without troops on the ground as well. be special forces or whatever. >> there's no doubt hit will require troops on the ground. the issue is who's troops? are they going to be the rebels, the moderate rebels america wants to train in saudi arabia ask and elsewhere. >> fsa -- >> people that are refuse ing t help. >> that's the plan to use those ground troops rather than american ground troops that president obama ruled out. there may be special forces on
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the ground to help with air strikes and perhaps suggested by did chairman of joint chiefs to provide training in iraq for iraqi troops out there. so whether how long it is before we get more sense of really how effective that policy is, that's going to take a long time to get that option going. so the air strikes is really the start of this process. >> is there a suggestion behind the scenes that it would be publicly seen. america would want the support of president assad to fight along side the fsa against islamic state. >> this is where it gets complicated. american officials are careful to say they are not trying to work with president assad. they said they informed him basically since they didn't engage the radar many in shooting down the american jets. they're trying to back rebels who are committed to
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overthrowing president assad. the complexity of that are causing problems with alleies o the ground. you can see a the issues for america trying to work out how to gauge the relationship with president assad and damascus. >> another appearance or certainly sound from one of the hostages threatened with being beheaded. >> this is a british taxi driver involved in the humanitarian convoy captured. his wife says she's received an audio file of his pleading for his life. she has been trying to reach out to cap tors pleading for his release. she continues to plead for his release. the situation is serious, and there is concern. the court found he wasn't a spy. she called for his release. there were calls for his release because he was on the humanitarian convoy into syria.
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there's no more news from the islamic state at the moment about those hostages. >> thank you very much indeed. in the last hour, the radical cleric has left the jordanian prison after being found not guilty of terrorism offenses. he was previously accused of disrupting millennium celebrations. we have this report. >> reporter: qatada in a cage of the jordanian security court. this was two weeks ago when a verdict was expected in this terrorism case. the panel of judges announced they had been delaying the decision and today finally came their conclusion. they found the radical cleric not guilty. he's cleared of being involved in the plot where conspirators were under surveillance. a man was a potential target
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leaving the hotel. one of the attacks planned against people in jordan to coincide with celebrations. at the time of the plot, qatad had left jordan and was based in london. an extremist preacher of international influence. he was said to have advocated killing jews and attacking america americans. although branded a threat to national security, he was never put on trial in britain. last year after a prolonged legal battle, the uk government finally succeeded in deporting him back to jordan to stand trial. while declared innocent of terrorism charges, qatada is a long standing supporter of al qaeda. at his last court appearance, he railed against the prominent group islamic state condemning them for murdering journalists. could authorities in jordan now
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try to harness his opposition to i.s.? >> he could be used against i.s. by the jordanian government. he's no friend of the jordanian government. he's committed to the overthrow of the arab monarchies and the establishment of a caliphate. he's still dangerous. he's pure al qaeda and openly supporting al qaeda. >> reporter: after years of detention in uk and in his home state, qatada will be free to air views publicly again. whatever his future, the british government has made it plain there will be no return to the uk. bbc news. france's defense minister has called it a muttle and mess after three jihadist sent from turkey walked free from the airport. french police have been waiting for them at the airport in paris. our correspondent in paris gave me the latest. >> got all the hallmarks of a
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real mess as the defense minister was saying. we have just heard though from one of the men's lawyers that the three men have now walked into a police station near where they live. they knocked on the door of their own free will apparently. the police station was closed. an officer came out to see them. they're now questioned by the officers there. >> right. explain the background to this. they've been in syria or attempting to get into syria. >> reporter: according to the family lawyer, these three men had been in syria, had gone to fight with islamic state militant. they discovered it wasn't what they imagined. they had fallen foul of islamic state fighters and were trying to flee back to france. that's the story one of the lawyers associated with them has said. as they were coming through turkey, turkish authorities picked them up and informed
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french authorities and said they were putting them on a plane to paris. police officers in paris stood by waiting for them for a long time. turn temperatures out the authorities changed the plane and they were dropped off in marseilles instead where they walked free from the airport. there was criticism this morning from cabinet ministers, also from the opposition party calling for inquiry asking how this this could have happened. >> briefly, does french law allow authorities to prosecute people who have gone to fight in syria? >> well the french authorities have been tightening up on this situation. the parliament passed a raft of new laws tightening up what actions police a take to stop people suspected of wanting to fight with islamic state and deal with with them when they come home. because the three men were suspected by the turkish authorities of having taken part in fighting with the islamic state, that's the reason police wanted to talk to them.
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as i say, the men now have reportedly gone to the police station and are being questioned. >> lucy williamson reporting from paris. stay with us here on bbc world news. still to come. we'll be hearing from two of the world's most powerful women who have achieved gender equality and female empowerment. ♪ ♪ ♪ woooooah. ♪ [ male announcer ] you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen. zillow. you're looking for a place for your life to happen. maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome.
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(vonow, that's progressive. meee-ow. some breaking news now regarding the situation in syria. the turkish president erdogan has for the first time says the country could provide military support to the u.s. led international coalition. he was speaking to reporters in new york following reports from our correspondents on the ground near the border of syria and turkey. there's reports of air strikes in the last few hours.
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some people on the ground saying that the flights were coming from turkish air space. turkey has denied that in the last few hours. for the first time the president erdogan saying the president could provide military support to the international u.s. led coalition. >> translator: we areal talkingn detail and we will do whatever we have to to fight terrorism and take the necessary steps. i will hold talks with the government after i return. we will consider providing support. we'll give military support as well. we'll give the necessary support to the operation, military or logistics. indian scientists are
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celebrating a historic moment in the country's space program after it successfully placed a satellite in orbit around mars. prime minister modi congratulated the team and said india have achieved the near impossible. india is the only country to have reached the red planet on the first attempt. the india space program has a lot of supporters nationally. >> by in large the space program here in india has tremendous support. there's a sense in the past it's helped in the country's development. india has a strong history of setting up space satellites used by the weather department to track floods and other natural disasters. it's been used for communication. it's been used by farmers and rural communities, not just to communicate but get a better sense of how to place their businesses. there's very much a sense here that the space program has actually if not bailed the country out, certainly helped it
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in moments of need. that's really the sense here that even if this mission isn't seen as very much to directly contribute to the country's progress, it's seen as a larger game plan in which india progresses. well in other news, india's supreme court has cancelled nearly all of the country's coal mining licenses allocated by the government in 1993 and 2010. in the ruling last month, they were called illegal ordered in an arbitrary manner. countries are given six months to wind down operations. there's been a withdrawal of troops from inside ukraine. some remain there. the numbers are difficult to verify as the boarder largely controlled by moscow backed rebels. the spokesman says many thousands of russian troops were still deployed near the border.
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one of britain's largest companies has told the bbc that the number of migrants trying to enter britain illegally is the worst it's seen and fears for safety of drivers. this follows clashes between french police and migrants. tim reports. >> reporter: 30 miles away, he is checking his lorrie before continuing the journey. like many drivers, he won't be stopping beyond this point. >> this is a tough area for illegal immigrants. they climb in people's vehicles. it's getting out of control. >> reporter: earlier this year, a bbc team filmed the desperate risks some are prepared to take
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to enter the uk. a driver and employer can be fined 2,000 pounds for each illegal person and have license revoked. last year it totalled 1 million pounds. >> they say you must pay or stop trip. >> what do you say to british government? >> that's unfair. my driver checked truck and didn't see anybody on. one stay on the truck. for me, it's english not french and driver. it's english perem. >> we approach and see more and more by the side of the road. some on railway tracks, some approaching lorries that had to stop. >> this is an everyday
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occurrence. with respect to position they're in, we have to protect ourself, truck and load. they try to slow you down on the main road. anything to slow you down to try to gain access to the trailer. >> earlier this week, the government pledged 12 million pounds to help french authorities to improve security. for many, action is long overdue. just days before we filmed, crashes broke out between police and migrants. not for the first time. the companies had to divert drivers to belgium. >> it's a big issue for us. customers want stuff as quick as we can get them f. we have to divert vehicles for driver security et cetera, it makes deadlines difficult to meet. >> those found b hidden in vehicles and trains are clan december tien passengers. two years ago, over 11,000 were
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caught. this year the numbers have risen to over 19,000. >> the french are blaming british. british say it's the french. seems to be the driver is always to blame. >> back in england journey over. a final check to insure the lorry wasn't tampered with. for more and more drivers, it's not going as planned. bbc news. as world leaders gather in new york this week, one of the topics up for discussion is gender equality. for gates and michelle, empow empowering women arounds with education for girls and women's health. the two sat down with bbc to talk about their efforts. >> world leaders meet here in new york this week. the main topic is air strikes in syria. as advocates for rights of women
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and children, do you worry about impacts of air strikes on the most vulnerable? >> i'm always worried about war and its impact on women and children. the community has learned those that pay the highest price are women and girls, children. i do worry. >> whether it's boko haram or the taliban, it seems as though the right of girls to an education is under threat as never before. how much do you both worry about this threat? >> we are among the first to raise our voice against the abduction of the girls in nigeria for instance. the only crime children have committed is to reach wish for education. we do not only worry. i think that's too short to call
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it. we are outraged that this is being done to girls simply because they have ambition of educating themselves. >> what can be down combat this intolerance of girl's education? >> i think the thing we have to talk about first is health. have we made progress for people in health? if you don't grow up healthy, you don't get a chance at education. we have childhood deaths since 1990. we have halved them. 6.3 million children are dying under the age of five. that's half of 1990. that's huge progress. we have also halved poverty. people are starting to be better off, starting to be able to feed their children. we can finally talk about education. >> your late husband nelson mandela said after ending the par apartheid, the second
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biggest problem was progress. >> progress is slow and even. if you talk globally, yes there is progress. we've had so many countries in the last 20 years move from low income to middle income. there's a whole host more. that uplifts everybody's lives. >> that's it for now. keeping a n customers a year flying, means keeping seven billion transactions flowing. and when weather hits, it's data mayhem. but airlines running hp end-to-end solutions are always calm during a storm. so if your business deals with the unexpected, hp big data and cloud solutions make sure you always know what's coming - and are ready for it. make it matter. for building a crossover.d script... we decided... ♪
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hello. you're watching "gmt" on bbc world news. i'm lucy hockings. our top stories. battle to defeat islamic state continues. air strikes reportedly hit positions close to the turkish borders. locals say intensity were similar to those tuesday led by u.s. coalition. we'll take you live to the syria turkey boarder and bring you reaction from the region. tens of thousands stranded on mount sin jar a few weeks ago are hard to forget
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