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tv   BBC World News  BBC America  October 7, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EDT

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hello. you're watching "gmt" on "bbc world news." i'm lucy hockings. our top stories, ebola in europe. three more people hospitalized in spain after a nurse there became the first person to contract the virus outside west africa. her husband is now in quarantine, and the eu is demanding an explanation as to how she contracted the virus despite all the precautions. we also report from the heart of the epidemic in sierra leone. the country there is struggling to cope. >> what is the government doing for us?
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people are dying. what is the government doing for us? we don't know. more fighting in kobane, and fresh air strikes by the u.s.-led coalition. but is it too little too late for kurds in the strategic border town of kobane? also on the program, aaron joins us, and the world's biggest smart phone maker. aaron, they're not selling enough smart phones. >> absolutely. profits at samsung are expected to fall off a cliff, down 60%. it's battling on two fronts, apple's new bigger screened iphone, and in the emerging markets, it's the chinese phone makers giving the south koreans a run for their money. so we're taking a look at how samsung is betting on its chip business to come to the risk. it's midday here in london. 11:00 a.m. in freetown. and 1:00 p.m. in madrid, where the husband of a spanish nurse who has contracted ebola has
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been put in quarantine. four people in total have now been hospitalized. the nurse is the first person to catch the virus outside of west africa. the european union is demanding an explanation as to how it happened. in a few minutes, we're going to be speaking to one of the most senior public health officials in spain about what's being done there now to stop the virus spreading. before that, though, let's take you to the heart of the outbreak. more than 3,000 people have died. mostly in west africa. guinea, liberia, and sierra leone have been hardest hit. hundreds of people have been killed in sierra leone's capital freetown, with more than 120 deaths on saturday alone. from there, our health correspondent has sent us this report. >> reporter: francis has been sick for four days. his bloodshot eyes, a classic
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sign of ebola. his family have brought him to this treatment center. but it's full, so francis is told to go home. putting his family and his community at risk. >> what is the government doing for us? we are dying. people are dying. what is the government doing for us? we don't know. >> reporter: francis's family is now potentially in grave danger. they have nothing to protect themselves. you just press it into your hands and wash. and five gloves for all of you. >> ebola is passed through close contact with infected people. their sweat and other body fluids carry the virus. the family are leaving now. they're not sure where they're going to go to yet. they are completely and utterly bewildered. they've been told that a health worker will come and see them, will come and assess them in
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their house, but they are frankly very skeptical of that. they are afraid and they are heading towards a very uncertain future. medics here are having to turn people away every single day. it's a heartbreaking choice. >> of course, for a medical staff, it's not easy to say to a person, i'm sorry, we cannot admit you. but speaking about ebola, the safety of all international staff is the first priority, that we have to think about the facility. >> it may not look like much, and staff have to work in extremely difficult conditions, but these centers are saving lives. every day, medics carefully handle toxic blood samples. it's painstaking work. in the midst of all this frustration and sadness, a ray of hope. three girls have been given
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supportive treatment here, and they've recovered. across town in the city's main cemetery, burial teams scramble over fresh graves. hundreds of victims have been laid to rest here. one of the latest is a man found dead on the street. no one even knows his name. 15 bodies have been buried here today alone. many of the graves are unmarked. but some, as you can see, are marked by simple palm tree leaves. burial teams here are utterly overwhelmed, but there are warnings that things are about to get much, much worse. cases in sierra leone are rocketing. more than 120 deaths were recorded yesterday alone, making it one of the deadliest days of this outbreak so far. tonight, there's yet another death. francis's family called us this
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evening to tell us he has passed away. bbc news, freetown. let's bring you now the very latest on the situation in spain. three more people have apparently been hospitalized after a nurse there became the first person to contract ebola outside of west africa. people are asking, though, how did the virus get there in the first place? ebola first arrived on spanish soil on the 7th of august when a missionary father arrived in madrid for treatment after becoming infected in liberia. the 75-year-old died five days later on august 12th. a second missionary arrived in madrid from sierra leone. just three days later, he died. that was on september 21st. and we know that the nurse who has been infected had treated both men, including garcia on the day of his death. five days later on sunday, the
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nurse was admitted to hospital, diagnosed with ebola. in a moment, i'll be asking a senior public health official in spain how the nurse could have been infected. we've also been taking questions from you on facebook and on twitter. i'll be putting those to the senior health official, but first, let's bring you an update with lucy williamson. she's outside the hospital where the nurse is being treated. so many people, lucy, are asking that question, including the european commission. they want answers. they want to know how this nurse managed to contract ebola. are we any closer to knowing the answer to that? >> reporter: we're not even that close at the moment to knowing whether the disease has spread or not. as you mentioned, there are several people that have now been quarantined. tests have been carried out on some of them. none of them have tested positive so far, but it is early days, and more tests are going to have to be carried out, and fears really are growing here, sort of criticism from staff at
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the hospital. we've been speaking to some of them, who say that there really is a lack of experience in spain in dealing with this kind of virus. some of the nurses also blaming cuts to the health services here, which they say could have contributed if there is indeed found to be mismanagement in handling this. >> lucy, do we know how the nurse is being treated? >> reporter: she is obviously in isolation, in the hospital behind me. we have no further updates beyond the fact that she is stable at the moment. of course, she had a fever for several days before presenting and being taken in to the hospital here. there is a press conference due later this afternoon. so we're hoping to get a bit more information in the hours to come. >> okay, lucy, thanks for that update from outside the hospital. let's now talk to professor who joins us now from skype. he is the president of the spanish association of public
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health and health administration. he's growed to answer some of your questions as well. professor, thank you very much for joining us here on "gmt." >> my pleasure, good morning. >> can you give us your opinion, what you have been hearing about how this nurse could have contracted ebola? because that seems to be the key question that everybody is asking. >> well, we really still don't know. because according to the information we have, all the procedures of protection and protective equipment has been applied. so what we need now is verification of the procedures. review of all the things that has been done to identify the potential cause of the infection. >> and how is the hospital dealing with stopping the virus from spreading now? >> well, they are applying the standard application measures.
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any of the clinical setting of treating patients with these characteristics. it's called level four maximum protection. and it's not a strange thing. we manage others with this type of protection. >> there are some reports in spanish media, though, that the nurse wasn't wearing the right kind of gloves. that seems like a pretty basic precaution. >> yes. but you have to confirm that, because maybe the opinion of these workers was not the right one. but i do not have enough information now to confirm that. >> professor, can you answer some of the questions that have been asked, particularly on twitter, as to whether spain is ready and able to deal with ebola if it does indeed spread? >> i think it is prepared, like any other european country.
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it is true that some countries like united kingdom have to prepare hospitals for these cases. and we have to manage to prepare one this summer. but the structure and procedures are not so complicated. i don't think it's a problem. i think this is why we need this review of what happened to know the cause of the infection. because there is no airborne transmission. it has not been reported so far. so there has been some problems with the procedure or some human failure. that's the potential explanations. >> i think that's a very important point to note. lots of people have been asking whether or not ebola is airborne. but another question that's been coming through is that there are reports that this nurse went on vacation. do you have any more details as
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to where she went? >> there are no details. but the important thing is not if there has been distant contact. the question is, the close contacts. now, it is to define those people that has been exposed to close contact. >> so, professor, are you confident that the health authorities have managed to get into contact with every single person this nurse may have seen? >> the disturbing thing is that in this case, had fever. not a high level, enough to be diagnosed as a potential case, but some days with low fever. and during this period, the close contacts are in risk of transmission. the problem is that there are 21 health care workers that has had
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some contact in this case. other people have been doing the research now to identify all potential exposed people. so we are going to have news in the next hours about all the group of people that has to be followed up with close surveillance and with measures of prevention. >> professor, the kind of questions that are coming through on facebook and twitter suggest that there's still a lot of misinformation out there, and people are really scared, they don't know enough about ebola. another question that's been coming through, is is it possible to diagnose ebola when it's in the incubation stage, the early stage, or do you have to wait until people are presenting with symptoms? >> well, going to the last question. the virus is difficult to detect in the incubation period.
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and we use them when people begin with symptoms. the other question was, please? >> i just wanted to reflect the fact that there was a lot of misinformation and fear out there. do you think the right messages are getting through, particularly in spain, to the public, to reassure them? >> well, there is a lot of experience with ebola in several african countries. and the information that we have regarding transmission, regarding incubation period, it seems -- but, of course we have to follow all the new information now that we are treating cases in countries with more researchers. but i think there is no reason to be scared about the issue. the professionals have to be
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diligent. and do the things that we know that are effective in managing these kind of outbreaks. >> professor, thank you very much for joining us on "gmt," answering some of your questions there as well. we've got so much for you on the website, too,, if you do have concerns about ebola, any questions, we answer those for you on the website as well. let's bring you up to date with other news now. the government in myanmar has announced it's releasing more than 3,000 prisoners. most are thought to be criminals, but at least four are senior figures from military intelligence. they've been pardoned by the president, who says it's been done for the sake of peace and stability. mexico has sent in federal agents to take over security after discovery of a mass grave. local police conspired with a criminal gang to get rid of 43 students who recently clashed
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with police. the president has vowed to find and punish those responsible. the kenyan president is on his way to the hague for a landmark appearance before the international criminal court. he faces charges there of crimes against humanity. the charges are in connection with violence that followed the 2007 elections, which left more than a thousand people dead. he insists he's innocent. do stay with us here on "bbc world news." still to come, former england batsman kevin peitersen reveals what was said in those private team meetings. (man) some things are worth holding onto. they're hugging the tree. (man) that's why we got a subaru. or was it that tree? (man) introducing the all-new subaru outback.
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booking.yeah! we have some breaking news to bring you. the syrian observatory for human rights is telling us that more
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than 400 people have been killed in three weeks of fighting between islamic state group jihadists and kurdish forces in the syrian town of kobane. now, the group is saying at least 412 people, we understand, including 219 islamic state jihadist, 173 kurdish fighters, and affiliated forces and 20 civilians have been killed since september 16th. and to bring you the very latest pictures as well that we are getting from in and around kobane, we have had reports today that the u.s.-led coalition has carried out fresh air strikes, just within the last couple of hours near the syrian border town. these are the pictures we have for you, just from the past few hours. the air attacks we understand have targeted positions held by i.s. militants. they have surrounded kobane for the past few days, the past few weeks. there have been fears, street battles between the militants and kurdish fighters who are defending the town near the border.
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incredibly important, kobane, because of its strategic position on the border with turkey and syria. with me now is malcolm chalmers, a research director. thank you very much for being with us. a bit to digest there in terms of casualty figures. but if we could talk more broadly, we've been hearing of these air strikes just in the past few hours. lots of people are asking, though, why it's taken so long for this u.s.-led coalition to target the islamic state fighters in and around kobane. >> it's a very good question, and until the last few hours, i think we'd had about a dozen air strikes total over the last few weeks, so it's not been the priority. >> and many more in iraq, of course. >> many more in iraq. it's partly a question of the u.s. building up, but it's partly i think that in syria in particular, it's not clear who the united states is supporting on the ground. far less who its coalition is supporting on the ground. kobane has been held by syrian
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kurds for a couple of years now. this is an area kept out of assad's control for a long period of time. now islamic state is seeking to close it off. the most remarkable thing about this whole episode, you can see it from the pictures, is that kobane is right across the border from turkey. >> you can see them in turkey from the town of kobane. >> there are lines looking over the border and doing nothing. so turkey's position is absolutely central. >> we're going to be talking about turkey's position and also how the kurds are feeling right now a little later on "gmt." but i wanted to ask you more particularly about the u.s.-led coalition as well. we have just heard there have been these air strikes in the past few hours. would they be effective in any way? >> they can make a difference if there's a coordination with the people fighting on the ground. the kurdish forces are well-organized, but they lack weapons and they lack reinforcement, unless they are getting supplies from over the border to reinforce their forces, then you can't stop i.s.
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using air power alone. certainly not on this form of air strikes. but even if it's significantly greater, i.s. changed their tactics to hide. and air strikes help. they help considerably. but they need to be coordinated with the forces on the ground. >> but it makes it differently if you're in the air to know what you're targeting. >> a lot of aircraft are flying around, even if they're not actually striking. so a lot can be learned, but you need to have the information from people on the ground as well. >> okay, so let's talk about those on the ground, the kurdish fighters. how are they surviving? how long can they hold out for in the town of kobane? presumably, it's difficult for them to get supplies into the town as well. >> well, that's the big question. i'm sure they're getting something over the border, even if the turk irgovernment isn't allowing it, so they are getting some things over. but it will be limited. they need the sort of weapons that can take on i.s., the anti-attack weapons, for example. fighting in a built-up city will
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be hard for i.s. there won't necessarily be a quick rollover. but there is a danger that kurdish forces will at some stage begin to disintegrate, being broken up into different locations where i.s. can tackle them. of course, i.s. is bringing its forces from all over syria to concentrate in this particular target. but the kurdish forces don't have the same opportunity to help them. >> we keep talking about how strategically important kobane is right there on the border. what would it mean if kobane did fall to the islamic state? >> it would mean a large section of syria's border with turkey is under i.s.'s control. as long as i.s. believes that turkey will not strike it, they can then relocate their assets which have been used in that area elsewhere. they can reinforce their offensives in aleppo and even in iraq. so it will be a big advantage
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for i.s. >> thank you for joining us. just to tell everyone, we have been looking at live pictures from our cameras that have been set up on the border there. you can see the pictures now on the turkish-syria border. people milling around, as you can see. everyone just looking towards kobane to see what's been happening. there have been plumes of smoke rising from the town today. we know that there are ongoing street battles there, and air strikes taking place near kobane. u.s.-led air strikes in the past few hours. as soon as we have more, we will bring it to you, and as i mentioned, we're also going to be talking about turkey and the kurds as well in their role, and around the world, how kurds are viewing what is happening there, a little later on "gmt." so stay with us for that. a change of pace now, literally. he is one of the most sell brced
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batsmen in cricket. passionate reactions both for and against the south african-born player. but now kevin pietersen has been talking to the bbc about his decision to put his side of the story in an autobiography. he has described a bullying culture within the england squad. our sports correspondent joe wilson asked him about it. >> did you ever officially complain about there being bullying? require mentioned it on numerous occasions to the coaches and captains. they tried to make it happen. andy flower and andrew strauss, in a team meeting, when the team were huddled together before the indian international in the world cup said guys, players have come to me and say they're scared to field the ball. we need to stop this. we need to stop abusing our own players. graham swan, stuart broad, we disagree. we deserve an apology if somebody messes up. i talk about it in my book. and i just stand there and i go this is the most furious i've
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ever been. when the captain and the coach are asking you to stop something, they're disagreeing and saying no, we deserve an apology. i mean, come on, this is your england career. >> hugely controversial here in england and also around the world if you follow cricket. see you in a moment. [ male announcer ] ours was the first modern airliner,
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i'm lucy hockings. in this half-hour, why has turkey not acted to help defeat islamic state fighters in the battle for kobane? parliament has approved military intervention, and tanks amassed on the border. but so far, nothing has happened. we'll look at the growing anger amongst kurds in turkey and around the world and the government's inaction. plus on the program, aaron is back. one of the flavors of southern europe are set to get more expensive. >> sure is, lucy. it's a slippery slope for olive oil prices because a drought in
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spain and blight in italy. we take a look at the problems in the world's two biggest producers and what that could mean for all of us, consumers all around the world. turkey is one of the most powerful countries in the region, and its parliament has voted to join the u.s.-led coalition against islamic state in iraq and syria. but so far, it hasn't got involved militarily. kobane is right on its border. so why the reluctance to help the syrian kurdish fighters defend the town from islamic state? the turkish authorities had a complicated relationship with the region's kurdish population. here's why.
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>> so that is the big question, will turkey join in the defense of kobane? with me now, a reporter from this part of the world. can you answer that question for us? why is turkey holding back? because parliament has given approval now for military action. >> that's something many kurds underground, particularly kurds in turkey in kobane fighting the i.s. militants. they were hoping turkish tanks lining up across the border will interfere and help them to push back isis. so far, since last week, turkey has been reluctant to do this. i think turkey is worried with what happened in syria. there is a sort of consideration, sort of democratic autonomy in syria by the kurds. turkey is worried this model could be copied by its own kurdish population, which has been at odds with turkey in the past, more than three decades. that's why turkey is worried about what's happening there. >> so why are we seeing these
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turkish tanks that we can see right now on the screen massing on the border? >> if you talk to people, many people say turkish officials want to make sure that the war wouldn't split over aiming at i.s. militants, but the reality is they are there to prevent anything across the border to kobane. i talked to one official in kobane, he told me actually, he said i don't think those tanks are here to help us. i think they are waiting when i.s. militant squeezes us out, they are waiting for us on the border, because many of the commanders of those fighters in kobane, they have been a pkk member. they have followed the turkish a army for decades. that's why they might be waiting for those who are escaping the region, but at the same time, we have to see in the next few hours what kind of action turkey takes, if turkey possibly interferes. >> we've heard from kurds on the
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border, refugees particularly who are very angry about the inaction of the turkish government. but we're now seeing this growing anger elsewhere in turkey. we've got pictures of clashes in istanbul last night. but also there seems to be a more worldwide movement. an oxford station tube circus in london, there were protesters. we heard about protesters in the european parliament in the hague yesterday. how are kurds mobilizing support for what is happening in kobane and anger at the turkish government? how are they doing that? >> i think their anger is not just to the turkish government. they are angry at their own government in europe. many of these people are refugees who left their home countries some decades ago during the war. many of them, they feel desperate. they have left kurds alone. there's a famous saying among the kurds. they say, we have no friends other than mountains. that's why many of them, we see they do anything they could to attract attention because they feel the international community don't do enough to prevent i.s.
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militants to enter the city. even in iran, in the street of teheran, there has been some demonstration. this issue of kobane has mobilized the entire kurdish community and this could be very dangerous for turkey, because turkey has more than 20 million kurds in its own country. there is a peace process going on. this could derail what's happening, what has been achieved for achieving peace in the past two years. >> thank you so much for that. one person on twitter, it's obviously a debate that's going to continue. thank you for joining us. let's return to our top story on "gmt," the continuing spread of ebola. we've been focused on what has been happening in madrid with the nurse who has contracted ebola. the first person outside of west africa. but, of course, at the heart of this epidemic is in west africa where countries there are struggling to cope. let's take you to our global health correspondent. she joins us from freetown, the
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capital of sierra leone, where she's been reporting for the past few days. do you really have that sense of absolute desperation, a country on its knees, desperately struggling to cope? >> well, exactly. you've summed it up very accurately there. we have just been seeing an increasingly desperate situation unfold, just even the last few days. we here on bbc world have been covering this outbreak since the very beginning. and i was in guinea just a couple of months ago, and back then, i was talking about how international aid workers were trying to encourage people in that country to believe in ebola, to admit that it existed. there was a lot of sort of distrust. people didn't think that ebola was a real virus. and when people were getting sick, they weren't bringing them to treatment centers. there's definitely been a shift since then as i've been here the last few days. people do now believe in ebola.
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they know what a deadly virus this is. they are taking their sick to isolation and treatment centers, but what we're seeing now is that those facilities are completely overrun. we've seen one family and we've heard of many more being turned away from these facilities because there aren't enough bedsing there aren't enough doctors and nurses to look after people. and what happens in that situation is they go back home. they infect their families. they infect people in their communities. and that is part of the reason why we're seeing this huge rise in cases, both here and sierra leone, and in liberia where this is happening on a bigger scale, and to a lesser extent in guinea. >> as you mentioned, you have been reporting on this for months now, and we ran your piece earlier. your very moving piece, talking to families there who have ebola. some people may be asking how it is you are protecting yourself, you and the bbc team there in sierra leone. >> reporter: well, it's a very
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important and difficult task, but it's the absolute number one priority. before we come out here and whilst we're out here. there was a very extensive risk assessment that we had to fill in, that we had to think about every eventuality. what happens if we do have symptoms. we have a biohazards expert with us who is overseeing all the safety aspects of what we're doing here. all of us are carrying around disinfectant sprays. we have them in our pockets at all times. when we go into difficult areas or really just out of this hotel, we are, you know, spraying the soles of our feet, of our shoes before we step back into the car. you may have seen in some of my reports i've been wearing full biohazard kits when i've been in particularly high-risk areas, like in graveyards. so these are very stringent precautions that we are taking to make sure that we stay safe. >> do continue to stay safe, and thanks very much for bringing us
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that reporting from freetown. more, of course, on ebola on our website, you can see tulip's reports there as well and all the latest that we're hearing from madrid, too. let's catch up with the business. aaron is with us now. what's going on at samsung? not selling enough phones? >> they have got two battlefronts. it wasn't long ago that i'd be standing up here telling you about record-breaking profits another samsung. boy, how things change. let me explain. hello, everyone. samsung electronics the heading for its toughest quarter, that three-month period, toughest quarter in years, amid rising competition from cheaper chinese rivals in that all-important smart phone market. today the south korean i.t. giant or tech giant said its profits will be 60% lower for the last quarter than they were a year ago. to combat this fall in demand, samsung has announced it's going
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to push ahead with plans to invest to spend $15 billion on a new chip facility in south korea. samsung, it's already the biggest memory chip maker in the world. it supplies chips for -- it supplies chips to apple, believe it or not. but the news about samsung's focus on that chip business certainly helps support its share price today, which was around a two-year low. let's get more, our technology reporter joins us. i was reading, this is interesting, apple used to be the only phone that kept the samsung executives up at night, or gave them night sweats, nightmares. but now there are other companies. it's the chinese rivals, isn't it? >> that's right. there's lots of demons in the wardrobes at night, and the reason is that samsung had a really good idea, which is let's
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make the phones a little bit bigger. but the screens are small. people can't quite see what they're doing. so they brought out a phone with the bigger screen. everybody loved it. but of course so did all their rivals and they're bringing out screens with equally bigger screens that look more modern and do slightly more. samsung seeing the hit now. >> we know another phone that also brought out a big screen, and that is apple, a big competitor. it means now i'm reading in the likes of north americans, they may be swayed to go back to apple, or at least try the big screen apple. so that means samsung is fighting on two fronts. >> i think these things are cyclical. apple takes over, then samsung takes over. globally, it is still the biggest supplier of smart phones. 25% of the market globally. so obviously things are changing. it is still the number one manufacturer at the moment. the question is can it keep up.
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it's interesting that apple, which notoriously tends to keep very, very closed doors and do its own thing, obviously listened to the patter of the sales teams on the floors. it's listened to what consumers want and it's decided okay, you know, bigger phones were big in the '90s and now perhaps they're going to come back. >> just very briefly, samsung seems to be betting on the chip business, increasing that. it's already the biggest in the world in memory chips. can the chip sales offset the fall in its smart phone sales? >> every single phone, no matter what brand it is, no matter where it's come from it needs a chip. if they can corner that market, which they've already done pretty well, it should keep the wolves from the door, aaron. >> great stuff, zoe. we appreciate your input. let's switch gears altogether and talk about this. olive oil increases on their way. a drought in spain. a blight in italy have seen yields in these two countries
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fall, and harvest prospects have weakened. in terms of oil production, spain produces 45% of the world's olive oil. italy comes in second, making up 25%. third place, biggest producer -- or third biggest producer in the world, it's greece, who supplies 20% of the world's olive oil. so with spain making so much of the world's oil, can anything be done to protect the world from price fluctuations? have a listen to this. >> it is a crop that is affected largely by the weather. obviously there are particularly sensitive times of the year when the blossom is setting just before the harvest. last year, in fact, it was a record production. it was an increase of about 9,000 metric tons. when olive trees have produced a glut, the tendency is the trees
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get a bit exhausted and the next year, they will produce a smaller amount of oil. >> there you go. certainly a stinker for the eurozone. germany's industrial production shrank 4%. that's a staggering number. 4% in august. that was certainly the biggest fall since early 2009 and was far sharper than the 1.5% drop that was expected. why? weak demand for goods in both the eurozone and china, as well as disruption to trade with its trading partner russia is behind the weaker number. in addition, august holiday timings exaggerated this fall. however, such a weak number suggests europe's engine for growth could officially be in recession again before the end of the year. remember, the german economy shrank 0.20% in the second quarter. everybody waiting for that next quarter number. a lot's going on.
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you can tweet me. i'll tweet you back. not good news for the eurozone. france, and now germany's got problems. that's not good news. and on that note, i'll leave you. >> thanks for being sof cheerfu. still to come, on the road again, the bbc leaves boulder, colorado, and pops up in the american deep south. we'll ask our pop-up team what we can expect from them this month.
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so, have you heard about lancaster? buttery rich, smooth, and surprisingly soft crèmes. so you give one a try and wow. it's lancaster. it's caramel reimagined.
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i'm lucy hockings. the top stories this hour. a nurse in spain is being treated for ebola. she's the first person to contract the disease outside of west africa. three other people have also been hospitalized in madrid. there's been more fighting in kobane on the syrian-turkish
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border as islamic state militants continue their push in the town. let's bring you more now on the battle in kobane, which has become a key test of the struggling against islamic state militants. we've been asking about turkey's role. we have just heard from the turkish president, president erdogan, who has warned that kobane is on the verge of falling to i.s. militants, and he has said a ground operation is needed to defeat them. the quote is that the terror will not be over unless we cooperate for a ground operation. this is in a televised speech that president erdogan gave. he added that air strikes were not enough on their own, and said months have passed but no results have been achieved. kobane is about to fall. this news just coming to us from president erdogan, who said this
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in a televised address that kobane is about to fall. these are the pictures we have for you from the border. now actually from the town of kobane. what we know is that street by street, islamic state fighters are fighting kurdish forces in the town for control of kobane. there have been u.s.-led coalition air strikes near kobane in the past few hours we understand, but that the black flag of the islamic state does fly in certain buildings and on certain strategic hills in kobane. but the news just coming to us, president erdogan saying that kobane will fall. as soon as we have an update for you, we'll bring it to you, but let's take you to america now where the bbc pop-up team has spent the past month reporting on floods, housing, college sexual assaults, even that case of ebola in texas.
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but now our team has arrived in the deep south and they'll be based in baton rouge, louisiana. matt dansico explains what we can expect from the team this month. [ crickets chirping ] >> well, we left mountainous boulder a couple days ago and headed here to baton rouge, louisiana. but we stopped off in dallas, texas, where the u.s. had its first reported case of ebola. >> i've got a quick idea for the ebola story. >> he was not vomiting, and therefore there was no exposure. >> i'm scared. i am scared. >> but we did finally make it to baton rouge and you can see we're settling in nicely. >> the bbc. >> the british broadcasting corporation. >> are you really? >> we've gone from this very liberal capital of boulder to the more conservative hot spot
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of louisiana. and so while we saw the first snowfall a few weeks ago in colorado, we're seeing really, really hot temperatures here in louisiana. louisiana is a muggy state that's dealing with some much different stories, to say the least, than colorado was. we've already been introduced to mike, a tiger, the mascot of louisiana state university. mike number six, actually. we've gone from just a couple of days buffalos in boulder, colorado, which is the mascot at the school there, to tigers in louisiana. and there's much, much more to come in the deep, deep south. >> let's talk to matt now about what he's got planned. we can join him now in baton rouge. quite early in the morning there, matt. you're not looking too bad. why did you choose baton rouge? >> say it again? >> matt, i was just complimenting you on how good you're looking first thing in the morning. tell us why you've chosen baton rouge after spending so much
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time in colorado. >> yeah, so we chose baton rouge because it's really on the opposite side of america's cultural spectrum. so you had boulder, colorado, which is the hippie hub of america since the 1960s. and we came to baton rouge because it's on the opposite end. baton rouge is known for its muggy weather, its creole population, its diminishing coast and its alligators, which luckily we haven't seen roaming around anywhere. >> were you surprised by the kinds of stories that were suggested to you when you were in colorado and the kind of response that you received? >> i was surprised, actually. we hoped the project would go really well, but we really had an outpouring of response from people in the local community. you know, boulder is a place that is obsessed with perfection. the community is very, very clean. the streets are kept perfect. and the residents want their community, the issues in their
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community to sort of follow suit. they really are searching for the perfect community there right alongside the rocky mountains, so they came out to us and explained innumerable amounts of issues they wanted fixed and they wanted us to tell the world about. >> what are you looking forward to most in the next few weeks in bott baton rouge? what can you expect? >> really looking forward to some of the stories. we're holding our community meet-up where we're asking the community to tell the stories that they want us to tell the world about. but beyond that, we're already thinking about a couple stories. again, the diminishing coast here in louisiana is a big issue. you have about a size of land about the size of an american football field that's dropping into the gulf of mexico every hour. to put that in perspective, it's about the size of central park every month and a half, or the size of manhattan in new york city dropping into the ocean every year and a half.
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so i'm really looking forward to going down there and speaking to some people. beyond that, we're looking at stories involving what some claim is segregation happening here in baton rouge. what's happening is a region of this baton rouge parish is trying to annex itself away from the rest of the city. they claim it's because of an issue having to deal with financing public schools around the entire city. but others are claiming that it's a racist act. it's an act of segregation happening in the city itself. >> we're really looking forward to the next couple of weeks in baton rouge, you and the pop-up team. thanks so much for being with us. we'll have the first feature from baton rouge here on "gmt" tomorrow, so do join us with that. you can watch all the stories as well and read the behind-the-scenes blog. a quick reminder of our breaking news for you this last half-hour or so. president erdogan of turkey has warned that the syrian border
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town of kobane is on the verge of falling to islamic state militants. he said a ground operation was needed to defeat the militants. they have some live pictures for you now. this is the turkish side of the border. kobane nearby for those pictures. thanks for being with us. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. and only national is ranked highest in car rental customer satisfaction by j.d. power. (aaron) purrrfect. (vo) meee-ow, business pro. meee-ow. go national. go like a pro. (receptionist) gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups.
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8:00 am
[ gasp ] river. follow that ship. has doctor song explained what we're dealing with? [ static crackles ] doctor. what's it going to do to me? amy, not the eyes. look at the angel, but don't look at the eyes. octavian: the angel, as far as we know, is still trapped in the ship. our mission is to get inside and neutralize it. the doctor: don't you see? all that radiation spilling out of the drive burn. the crash of the byzantium wasn't an accident, it was a rescue mission for the angels. we're in the middle of an army -- the statues are advancing on all sides. river: there's no way up, no way back, no way out. i'm about to do something incredibly stupid and dangerous -- when i do...jump!


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