tv BBC World News BBC America October 13, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EDT
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hello, you're watching "gmt" on "bbc world news." i'm tim wilcox. our top stories. yet more misery for ebola victims in liberia. burial teams and health workers dealing with the outbreak threaten to go on strike unless they're paid more. back in court for sentencing, but could oscar pistorius escape jail for killing his girlfriend reeva steenkamp? >> reporter: i'm karin giannone live in pretoria, where mr. pistorius's defense team say he suffered enough already. he could face up to 15 years in jail or a fine. and scuffles in hong kong
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after masked men try to tear down barricades surrounding a pro-democracy protest site. also on the program, aaron is here. flurry of deals expected between china and -- >> absolutely, tim. the chinese premier is in russia, and some big deals on the table, ranging from neg to high-speed rail and finance. as russia looks east for new markets, we've got a special report looking at the growing trade link between these two, and what it means for the rest of us here in europe. hello. it is midday in london. 7:00 a.m. in washington. 11:00 in the morning in monrovia, where the ebola outbreak is threatening to get even worse. health workers across liberia already reeling from the epidemic are threatening to go on strike. they're demanding danger money,
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their own protective equipment and insurance for workers treating victims of the disease. 95 of liberia's health workers have already died from ebola. another at-risk group are the burial teams. because of the difficulties if reporting this story, many international broadcasters are now sharing material. >> oh, yes. >> reporter: a woman died. her brother is heartbroken. a local burial team is getting ready to remove the body from the village in the community near liberia's international airport. emanuel, the man with the little camera, is the head of the team. removing dead bodies infected with ebola is a risky job. filming it is a difficult one. you can't move quickly in a suit
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like these men are wearing. the gear needs to be covered and later disinfected, like everything else around here. the undertakers start with a hearse and then take on the woman's house. >> you have to disinfect everything without mistakenly getting in contact. you can't touch anything in there. >> it's crazy. like all the people, the guys around us, they have no protection at all. >> it's the problem in liberia. most people are not believing that the virus is real. >> reporter: the young woman lived in this tiny hut with just a bed, some cooking pots, some firewood. she lies on a mattress on the floor and is covered by clothes. >> she's a baby mother and the child is just 3 months old. refusing to take the baby for treatment.
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the child is not eating right now. >> reporter: after disinfecting the body, the undertakers are preparing themselves to put the body into the body bag. >> at this point is the risky part. only touch the body one time and that is by taking the body from the ground. straight into the body bag. that is the only time you want to be in contact with the body. >> reporter: when the men are disinfecting themselves, the father shouts at them. the husband can only watch how the undertakers are carrying his dead wife away. the burial team takes the body to a nearby village. the undertakers bury the body far into the bush, after more than 200 burials since the ebola outbreak in the area, none of the team has gotten sick. but their job not only comes with health risk, it's also an emotional strain. out of respect for the dead woman and her family, they don't want me to film how they have to
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put the body into the ground. the men say they are not scared, they need to do it because if they didn't, more of their people would get infected and die. strong report there. let's get the latest from the region. mark doyle is at the bbc's new ebola hub bureau. mercifully, no victims i think in ghana, but what sort of problems if this strike goes ahead in liberia do you think can emerge? >> reporter: well, we know that the authorities have been talking direct to the burial teams asking them not to go on strike. but the union which represents them says they're going to. we have to see how the day pans out. but obviously it's a very serious situation because the dead bodies are the most contagious and the most dangerous parts of this crisis. and if they're not buried, then
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it's going to be a real problem. >> what sort of terms and conditions are these people employed on? are they getting any danger money at all? i was reading, for example, that they don't even own their own protective suits, which seems extraordinary given the scale of this epidemic. >> reporter: that's right. i understand that they're getting about 400 u.s. dollars a month and they've been asking for about 700. these personal protection suits, the official united nations standard is that the protection suits have to be changed seven times per day. and the amount of protection suits which are required across the region is something like 3,000 tons a month. now, the united nations and the aid agencies are nowhere near reaching that. this disease is winning at the moment. the situation is getting worse. more people are bound to die. >> what sort of foreign help is coming in? we've heard about various military teams being sent from around the world. how many have arrived?
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>> reporter: well, the americans have promised 4,000 soldiers for liberia. i understand that only a little over 300 of them have arrived so far. the british have promised 750 soldiers to go to sierra leone, but at the moment, there's only a few dozen of them and their ship is leaving from britain for several days yet, so the situation is bound to get worse before it gets better. >> just in terms of the trajectory of this epidemic, are there certain peak times coming in the next few weeks? because we've been told that these numbers of fatalities are doubling, aren't we, by the month? >> reporter: the numbers are doubling. the number of cases are doubling every three weeks or four weeks. so it could become an absolutely exponential rise. what people are fearing most is that the disease might possibly become endemic and no longer be just a health crisis but an absolute catastrophe if ebola enters into the system and
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becomes an endemic, ordinary disease, as it were. >> thank you very much indeed. in madrid, european health officials say a nurse probably infected herself accidentally. meanwhile, american health officials say a breach in protocol is to blame for a nurse becoming infected after treating and ebola victim who died in texas. from dallas, here is a report. >> reporter: the key thing here at the hospital is the investigation into what went wrong. essentially that this health worker was able to be infected by mr. duncan while attending to him, which she did quite regularly. she was questioned. her fever was very low. the virus was caught in its very early stages. so she was able to talk to the investigators. and said that she didn't realize when that moment might have been. there was no risky period when she could have become infected. so, of course, all eyes are on those other people who have been
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involved, who have been dealing with mr. duncan before he died last wednesday. they, of course, are monitoring themselves to see if they have a fever. obviously there was always a sense that there was a risk that someone else would be infected with ebola, but it was more thought that there were 48 people who had close contact with him in the four days when he was contagious, before he was admitted to the isolation ward here. he actually came to a doctor with a fever and was sent home. there were mistakes made in the process that led to him being looked after here. and it was thought that those people who again are being monitored for 21 days the see if they will actually get a fever and develop the virus. that perhaps they were most at risk. but now all focus is trying to make sure that those protocols aren't breached again, that everything is done to ensure that no one else here in dallas at least contracts the ebola virus.
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>> if you want any more on this unfolding situation on ebola, stay with us here on "bbc world news," because at 1830 gmt, we'll be bringing you a special program with the very latest on the outbreak. that program will air daily this week here on "bbc world news." oscar pistorius is back in court, this time for his sentencing hearing over the killing of the model reeva steenkamp. the athlete's already been cleared of her murder, but was found guilty last month of the culpable homicide of his former girlfriend. he now faces up to 15 years in prison, or he could escape jail with just a fine. for the latest, let's go to karin giannone, my colleague outside the courtroom in pretoria. extraordinary, actually, because not only is there mitigation, but there's cross-examination of the various witnesses coming forward today.
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>> reporter: yes, indeed, tim. we have seen a very robust cross-examination from harry nell, the prosecutor we've come to know so well. and the defense presenting their witnesses in mitigation, trying to present a picture of oscar pistorius as a man who should not go to jail for up to 15 years, as this charge of culpable homicide can carry and its maximum. carried on, bringing people to the stand that they thought would prove their case, but harry nell doing his very best, even with the psychologist who's counselled oscar pistorius since the killing of reeva steenkamp, to try to dismantle what they were saying in his favor, in his mitigation. it has raised some eyebrows. some commentators have said it's excessive. let's hear from the first witness for the defense in mitigation. the psychologist who has counselled oscar pistorius throughout the last 18 months,
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she talked about her therapy sessions with him. >> frequently, he was too emotionally drained for therapy to commence and sessions had to be rescheduled. he frequently spent sessions weeping, and often had to exit or excuse himself from a session due to wretching. this mainly occurred when recounting his sensory perceptions of the shooting incident. besides the wretching, he presented with obvious physical symptoms of perspiring, trembling, pacing up and down, which are all typical signs of anxiety and trauma. point three. recurring therapeutic themes. 3.1. loss of miss reeva steenkamp. mr. pistorius was deprived of the opportunity to mourn the passing and loss of someone he loved immediately after the incident.
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as a result of the charge of premeditated murder, as well as the ever-present media focus on him, he was certain that he could not attend ms. steenkamp's memorial service and funeral. this would usually offer closure to a grieving person. >> reporter: so the morning's proceedings so far have been all the defense were trying to show oscar pistorius as a man who had suffered and is still suffering significantly over what he has done. the next witness, a probation officer from the south african department of correctional services. with a recommendation that oscar pistorius shouldn't go to jail, but should instead serve house arrest, but also carry out a community service sentence. >> how many years did you have in mind? >> in terms of.
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>> 276-c. how many years of correctional supervision? >> 276-18 you mean? >> yeah, sorry. you're right. i'm sorry. >> okay. you're welcome. three years. >> and you think that is in the interest of society, that reflects the seriousness of the crime, that somebody should be sentenced three years correctional supervision for having killed an innocent woman in her house? >> basically, the issue here is that not only retribution is considered when sentencing. we are also looking at the issue of reforming the accused. in the interest of society as well. for the wrong that he has done, he will be compensating society by doing community service. this is to be taken into account. >> sir, to even suggest three years 276-c is shockingly
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inappropriate for what happened in this matter. shockingly inappropriate. >> reporter: gerrie nel reacting very strongly. when that witness was finished on the stand, we heard from oscar pistorius's athletics manager. we've been hearing him talking about oscar pistorius's charity work and his inspiration to so many young disabled people. the other aspect, the defense trying to bring out in this line of witnesses, that oscar pistorius contributed in a very valuable way to society and that he should not be punished with a jail term. let's talk to brenda wardle. what has the defense achieved in the last few hours? >> reportero >> well, with the probation officer, i don't think they achieved much, because remember the probation officers from the department of correctional services.
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so he's not a paid defense witness. he is basically there to guide the court and to assist the court. i somehow get a sense that he went about the drafting of that report. for someone who has an l.o.b. degree as his qualifications were read out, i actually found it a bit disturbing that he would say the only or the main reason he recommends 2761-h is because it was culpable homicide and not murder. because if we look at the sentence for murder, it's not 2761-h. premeditated murder would have carried with it life imprisonment unless the court found substantial and compelling circumstances which would justify a departure from that severe sentence. >> reporter: so that was the probation service's view on this. what about the psychological
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aspect that pistorius has had painted today by that one witness? >> i think what dr. hartzenberg actually painted to the court is really things which are common cause. people who have attended court like myself have seen him, we've watched him wretching. it would be surprising if he didn't suffer from post traumatic stress disorder. but she just placed that on record because obviously the court doesn't rely on anecdotal evidence, so in that regard, she's actually told the court what the court has already accepted and set out in their judgment on the conviction. >> reporter: judge masipa continues to listen to that and we'll also be expecting to hear the state in aggravation over the next hours and couple of days. tim, back to you. >> karin in pretoria. thanks very much indeed. there's much more on the website, which has all the latest on the sentencing
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hearing, which has assessment, including a piece by andrew harding, on whether it was right to televise the murder trial of oscar pistorius. stay with us here on "bbc world news." still to come, the strongest storm to hit japan this year makes landfall on the main island island. ye- yes! we have the new iphone. how- cause everyone's coming in for the new iphone. wh-what... kind of service plan can you get? well right now if you select the 15 gig plan we'll double your data and make it 30 gigs for the same price.
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scuffles have broken out in hong kong after pro-democracy protesters clashed with groups of masked men at the main protest site in the city center. as the demonstrations entered their third week, an angry crowd tried to charge barricades, but were held back by police. >> reporter: with many protesters still asleep in the tents pitched across this eight-plane highway, the police were getting to work.
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a few of the barricades built from commandeered crowd control barriers were removed. we are just taking back our property, the police said, not targeting the protesters themselves. and then, a few hours later, this large group began to march on the barricades. it included a large number of taxi drivers who say the protests are costing them business. there is a sense now that hong kong's protracted standoff cannot continue indefinitely. the police have begun to test the strength of the barricades, albeit in a limited way, and the voice of those residents opposed to the pro-democracy movement is growing louder. they want their city back. clear the road, uphold the law, they chanted. some of them waved chinese national flags. and for a few moments, it looked
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as if the police might lose control. as masked men fought for territory in the middle of one of the world's most important financial centers. but the line held and eventually the hostile crowd were led away. the protesters already rebuilding their barricades believe the almost simultaneous action by the police and the crowd suggests a coordinated political attack. >> this whole thing is a coincidence. i think definitely it's a plan -- i think definitely it's a plan. i won't judge anything. because i'm just a normal citizen. but i think it's organized and we can all sense it. >> it started as an ideological bale over how much democracy beijing is prepared to give hong kong. the fear is growing that it may only be resolved by a physical
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fight. some breaking news from stockholm. the french economist professor john thirole has won the nobel prize for research on market power and regulation. he's 61. he's breathed new life into research on such market failures, from the mid 1980s and on words. the french economist professor jean tirole has won the nobel prize for economics. now, it's turning into the strongest storm to hit japan this year, with typhoon vongfong now making landfall on the main islands, more than 300 flights have been cancelled. hundreds of thousands have had to abandon their homes. with the latest, here's rupert winfield hayes in tokyo. >> reporter: it was only a week ago that japan was being
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pummelled by typhoon phanfone. now it's being hit again and this time by an even bigger storm. vongfong crashed into the coast of kyushu in the early hours of monday morning. over parts of kyushu, more than 25 centimeters of rain fell in the next six hours. in mountainous japan, that means rivers rapidly swell to bursting point. but the biggest worry is that the sodden earth will unleash deadly landslides. because of that, tens of thousands of people have been advised to leave their homes and spend the night in evacuation centers, and some have heeded it. >> translator: i don't have a car. i didn't want to evacuate in the dark, so i came here early on. >> reporter: the arrival of vongfong has also brought travel misery. monday was a national holiday in japan, and many people were hoping for a day out. instead, they spent it stuck at airports and train stations as hundreds of flights and trains were cancelled.
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>> translator: my honeymoon has been changed by the typhoon. i think we better just go home now. >> reporter: vongfong is now moving rapidly northeast across japan, heading for tokyo. the good news is that so far, there have been no reports of major damage. and the storm is continuing to lose strength. vongfong is no longer the monster storm that it was just a few days ago when it was out in the pacific ocean, but it is still carrying a huge amount of moisture. some of which is just starting to fall now here in tokyo. and it's really that moisture that is now the threat, as the storm continues to cross central japan tonight and on into northern japan tomorrow, it's going to continue dropping huge amounts of rain. and that means there is still a very real threat of flash flooding and of landslides. rupert winfield-hayes, bbc news in tokyo. >> you're watching "gmt." coming up in the next half-hour,
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turkey finally agrees to let the u.s.-led coalition use its air bases for strikes against islamic state. but, on what terms? stay with us for more on that and all the other international news. [ cellphone chimes ] ♪ ♪ the power of kraft mac & cheese can make a man do questionable things. ♪ [ cellphone chimes ] mom: russell! [ exhales deeply ] [ male announcer ] gooey, creamy, delicious kraft macaroni & cheese. you know you love it.
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hello, and welcome to "gmt" on "bbc world news." i'm tim wilcox. in this half-hour, turkey finally agrees as the u.s. seeks its support in the battle against islamic state. following high level talks, turkey says the international coalition can use its military bases to launch attacks against the jihadis in syria and iraq. what difference will that make? also coming up -- >> put your hands in the sky. >> we're traveling across america this week ahead of the midterm elections. today we're in st. louis looking at the issue of race relations
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just weeks after the shooting of michael brown. also in the program, aaron is back look at a subject close to his heart. >> it doesn't get any closer than this. when you think of a nice bottle of wine, i think it's fair to say you typically think of french or a good aussie drop. what you don't think of is english wine. here's the surprise. the popularity of english wine is on the up with wine makers struggling to keep up with demands. stay tuned because we've got not one, but two wine experts in the house. we may even have a few samples. hello, and welcome back to "gmt." the battle for what is left of the kurdish town of kobane continues with the u.s.-led coalition reports to have launched seven more air strikes against islamic state militants
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trying to take control. it comes as turkey agreed to let the coalition use its military bases for operations in iraq and syria. it's short, though, of sending in ground troops, saying it will only join a military campaign if the coalition also confronts bashar al assad. let's take a look at why the agreement is so crucial to the coalition's cause. >> the turks have in the last several days made a commitment that they will in the first instance allow the united states and our partners to use turkish bases and territory.
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>> let's speak to a specialist in turkish politics. he joins me now via web cam from central turkey. why has turkey been such a reluctant partner do you think to do this? >> well, it's got a very long border with these countries. difficult to defend that border totally. it's therefore very vulnerable to any sort of terrorism that might arise if it gets too
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embroiled in the conflict. and it has considerable other problems including disorders in eastern turkey to deal with. so i think it's naturally cautious when it considers the steps it has to take. and allegatiso, of course, it's much larger ground army in the area than anyone else. if it sends in troops, probably it would take the brunt of the casualties. >> president erdogan also very concerned about the fighters in kobane, the kurds who formally were part of the pkk. is that as transparent as some would deem it to be? >> well, there's no doubt that this pyd, which is the kurdish organization defending kobane is a branch. that's the expression. of the pkk. and that many of the fighters have probably come across the border from turkey and are fighting in kobane. in fact, from a student of one of turkey's main universities died there this morning
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according to reports. so turkey is very unhappy to do anything, which would encourage the cause of a terrorist organization it's been fighting for 30 years. >> the turks also wanting that buffer zone. do we know what deal has been done with the states and the coalition to allow them to use the turkish military bases? has there been any movement on that? >> well, there were two senior envoys from president obama in turkey last week on thursday and friday. and a military team of specialists to discuss operational matters due to come into turkey this week. so something is definitely being planned. i think it's unlikely to involve boots on the ground from either of the two countries. it's more going to be involved with things like training syrian troops and training other soldiers from the region rather than outsiders. and then possibly giving permission to use the air base for strikes or drone operations.
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it's very close to syria, and therefore would represent a substantial advantage. >> but the base is jointly managed, is it not, by the americans and the turks? >> it's got a very carefully constructed, politically delicate system of administration. in general, americans have to have special permission before they are able to use it for anything that counts as an operation in the middle east. that permission is very seldom granted. >> where does popular public opinion stand on this whole issue? >> i think the people have seen the war in syria and they're worried. about 1.5 million syrians in turkey. so people know the stakes are very high if things go wrong. there's also been, as i said earlier, a three-decade battle in the east of the country against the kurdish separatist movement and that's claimed large numbers of lives, so basically i think public opinion does not want to get involved in
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an active war. and their priority probably will be to stop terrorism spreading into turkey and prevent any kind of middle eastern violence happening on their own doorstep. >> okay. thank you very much indeed for joining us on "gmt." time for us to catch up with some business. aaron is normally there. for some reason he's down there. >> hello! >> what's going on? >> i'm over here. it's got something to do with this. a little bottle of wine. i'll explain. very fascinating story. some great numbers. the chinese premier began his three-day visit to russia. with russia looking east for new markets, there are some 50 deals expected to be signed in the likes of energy, high speed railways, and finance, signed between russian prime minister dmitry medvedev and his chinese
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counterpart. and what it means for europe. >> reporter: the bottomle -- battle over ukraine leaves russia looking for new markets for its oil and gas. china has already agreed in principle to a 30-year, $400 billion gas deal. moscow is hoping for much more from this visit. but bill browder says -- >> the chinese are looking at this thing and saying russia is on its knees right now. they're not our allies. they're a source of cheap stuff. so let's see how desperate they are and how cheap the stuff can be. >> reporter: china's economy may dwarf russia's, but it is energy hungry, something russia can
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offer. trade between the two nations was worth $89 billion last year and could reach $100 billion in 2014. but neil sheering, an emerging markets economist, says russia's economy is in trouble. >> on the one hand, you have the fallout from the crisis in ukraine, the financial sanctions that have locked large parts of russia's financial system out of global capital markets. you have at the same time big falls in oil prices that we've seen over the past month or so, which is russia's primary export. so it's pretty difficult to be optimistic about the outlook for russia's economy. >> the eu's loss could now be china's gain, whilst russia hopes that looking eastwards will help revive its economic fortunes. >> there you go. we're going to keep across those trade talks. let's talk about this. when you think about opening a nice bottle of wine, i think
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it's fair to say you probably think a nice french make, or of course an australian drop. what you don't think of is english or welsh wine. but here is the surprise. i tell you what, the popularity of english and welsh wine is on the up. demand is such that the number of new vineyards has soared over the past several years. 46 new vineyards registered with the tax man right here in the uk. that takes the total of uk wine producers to 135. so what's fueling this growth? apparently it's partly to do with a greeter consumer interest in niche and locally produced food and drink. okay. i've got the fun part. chris wyatt is the owner of 10% of all the wine produced in the uk. gentlemen, great to have you in the studio. >> thank you. >> thank you, chris, for this. let's start with this. people around the world will be watching this and think england
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and wales. when you think of that, you think of rain. are there parts of this country that gets the weather that produces the quality of grapes that you need to make good wine? >> absolutely. i think what we've had to do here in the uk, is just understand what we can grow well here. so for the same reason you don't produce a full body of red or the sweetest wine in the world from the champagne region in france, you produce a wine which is ideal for producing sparkling wine, low acidity, and that's what we've done here in the uk with what we can grow here. we produce aromatic and fruity wines. and sparkling wines as well. >> i've got to talk about bubbles because the brits love bubbles. let me ask you this. not just the bubbles, but the other wine produced in england and wales. the quality, it competes with aussie wine? >> we get a lot of rubbish wine from australia. >> thanks, stephen. >> there's good and bad from both. the quality of english wines has increased year upon year. we now have the same weather as
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champagne had 40 years ago. that's key. the weather has changed. when i started 40 years ago, we couldn't grow chardonnay and pinot noir. now we most definitely can. >> climate change. >> i think it's improved the consistency as well in terms of volumes and the quality. about accessibility. say, we can't buy it. where do we buy it? we couldn't splupply the supermarkets and now it's on every shelf. >> you can't grow all varieties. >> that's true. >> what have we got here? >> it's called a surrey gold. it's a blended wine. it's a very good example of what an english wine is all about. it's very aromatic, very fruity, very fresh in style. and that's the sort of wine you can get from england. >> and the sauvignon blanc.
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>> we tried it several years ago. we were very surprised by the result. >> this sparkly stuff, pick it up. the brits -- the brits, am i right by saying england, uk con su -- consumes more -- >> not more than the french. we're the biggest export market for champagne, 35 million bottles a year. that has grown over the years. the sparkling wine has gone, you know, bananas really. sells more than the champagne, whereas ten years ago, we didn't drink hardly any of it. the demand for sparkling wine, which is where english sparkling wine comes in, is absolutely there. the quality we are producing, our english champagne, we call it that because of the same quality of champagne. >> not just the sparkly, but the wine itself. where is demand? the big domestic demand -- >> with wine, you have to produce the wine first before it can be sold.
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demand comes from supplies. we've doubled the acreage in six and a half years. so there's more producers, more wine. this harvest we're going to produce 5 million bottles a year. it's twice our average. it's a very, very good year. in two, three years time, that will be on the shelves and people will see it, and when they see it on the shelf, in their restaurant wine list, they will buy it. >> i'm wondering how pricing plays into this. chris, let me ask you this. drink it up, of course. being australian, we've seen -- australia has seen its wine suffer a bit. so that's made australian wine for us here in the uk more expensive. has that played a role in helping boost english wine? >> it certainly has. it's not just export costs. you've got all the transport costs and all prices of record highs the last few years. so all of that's played a very
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good part in our home grown market. >> when i say 5 million bottles this year, which is a record, champagne has 300 million bottles and that's just champagne. we are so small. the increase of consumption in sparkling wine in the uk is bigger than our own home production. >> can i just ask you to wrap this up, stephen, is this the start to a big boom in the industry in terms of the we're seeing an increase in vineyards, we're seeing i guess an increase in capital being laid out and people are investing. does that improve the quality? >> absolutely. 40 years ago when i started, it was a very small business. now we've got the sons, even the grandsons of people that i started with who are in the business, have grown up with the idea, and they're looking forward to being great producers in the future. and it will happen. >> best of luck. thank you for the sample. i have to say, i do like my bubbles. this is really, really good stuff. >> thank you. >> how much is a bottle of this
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roughly? >> about 20 pounds. >> 30 bucks-ish. cheers, guys. stephen and chris, thanks very much for joining us. okay, stay with us. too many already on "gmt." still to come, tim will be back with the rest of the program, including this. with just weeks to go until midterm elections in america, we take a look at the key issues affecting voters. ♪ who cares? look where you get to stay! booking.yeah! you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon.
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thousands of people have been marching through the streets of the american city of st. louis to protest against police violence. the demonstrations mark two months since the shooting of michael brown, an unarmed black teenager by a white policeman in the suburb of ferguson. a second black teenager was shot dead in the area by an off duty white policeman just last week. the shootings have focused tension on race relations in the united states again, a key issue ahead of midterm elections, which are just a few weeks away. every season, the house of representatives and a third of the senate is up for grabs. each day this week, our correspondent will be following the so-called blues highway through america's southern states, where key concerns like this one are being played out. he begins his journey in st. louis, where those protests have been taking place. ♪ this is how we do it
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when we out on tour ♪ >> reporter: this is where we begin our midterm blues road trip. traveling a stretch of america with the richest music history and looking at some of the biggest issues facing this country today. we start in the city of st. louis with what they're calling hip-hop resistance. ♪ >> reporter: it's all part of the continued reaction to the shooting dead by police here of the black teenager michael brown. >> it's a shame that we have to actually say something as simple and basic as that. black lives matter. white lives matter. everybody's lives matter. but white parents are not watching their children be shot down by the police in the street. so it needs to be stated. >> reporter: some of the protests in the last few days, there were some young african-american men who were even burning the stars and stripes. can you understand that feeling? >> whether or not a young black
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man burns a flag because he doesn't feel a part of the country. he's a part of this country whether he burns the flag or not. and it's that frustration of knowing that you're a part of something that shuts you out, that shuts you down and attempts to treat you like you don't exist. >> reporter: music has played a part in what remained almost daily confrontations with police over a broader matter, many african-americans here say has plagued them for decades. for these people, there's really only one main issue, and that is that black lives matter just as much as white ones here in the united states. something these people don't feel is the case as it stands, and that's why they're here still to confront the police, or in their many lines and riot gear, two months after the killing of michael brown. you have come from atlanta to be here. why? >> we're seeing the same level of violence in our communities all over the united states.
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>> reporter: the elections coming up, some people said that african-americans themselves in some way were to blame because they don't vote in the same numbers that other parts of society do. what do you think about that? >> i think that voting is one solution. but i think it's a distraction and a mistake to pretend that voting is going to solve all your problems. we have a black president. he's a liberal guy. doesn't change the fact that mike brown was murdered in the street. >> reporting there on the blues highway. let's bring you an update on our main story today, and that is that there's been disagreement, according to america, of the use of the air base and other military bases in turkey for air strikes against iraq and syria. the press is saying that there's been no new agreement between
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turkey and the united states in the fight against islamic state. so we're trying to get to the bottom of that because that's certainly not what susan rice, the u. was saying in the last 24 hours. it is not uncommon for government to say their country has a refugee or migrant problem. in france, hundreds are waiting to cross the english channel. this next story, though, isdy. we travelled to a migrant border camp in a brazil border camp of acre. >> reporter: they're a long way from home and they've all left families behind. from central america, haiti, and increasingly from west africa, they're mainly but not all economic migrants. this is the brazilian state of
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acre, right at the amazon jungle. all of these migrants endured long, exhausting journeys via peru and ecuador. among them, we came across matthew. dazed and desperate after escaping sectarian violence in northern nigeria. >> they killed my mother in the church. they shoot. out of my way. she not see my sister again. >> reporter: as many as 500 people a day arrive at this holding center near the border. they're given a mattress to sleep on and they're fed. immigrants arriving here in braz brazil get a much better reception and prospect of work than any other countries. for now, brazil says it can
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cope. >> translator: they come here looking for work. and there has always been work for them. they will accept the jobs brazilians don't want. word has spread, and for the migrants, it's like a kind of el dorado. >> reporter: there's some tension here between the different nationalities. but conditions are immeasurably better than at other migrant camps i've seen. and as the day progresses, everybody's anxiously waiting for one thing. brazilian work permits. dozens of them. less than two weeks after arriving, these senegalese, haitian, and dominican migrants now have extensive rights to live and work in brazil. few words, but the smiles say it all. their names on the list confirming transport to the
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south seals the deal. discrimination and a slowing economy will present challenges, but new migrants still arrive, and this will continue as long as brazil makes them feel welcome. bbc news, acura. -- acre. that is it for our team. bye-bye. ye- yes! we have the new iphone. how- cause everyone's coming in for the new iphone. wh-what... kind of service plan can you get? well right now if you select the 15 gig plan we'll double your data and make it 30 gigs for the same price. well that- great! you'll take it. in head * are you inside my mind right now?
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nope where was... albuquerque who was the porcupine what is my fave- hollandaise sauce no way... the new iphone is here and now you get 30 gigs of data to share starting at $160 dollars a month. (receptionist) gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups.
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the doctor: the pandorica is opening. what is it? a box, a cage, a prison -- it wasas built to contain the most feared thing in all the universe. the doctor: anything that powerful, i'd know about it. why don't i know? river: everything that hated you is coming here tonight. they're all here, all of them, all for you. what could you possibly be? if something can be remembered, it can come back. hello, amy. but you died. how can you be here? what's your name? rory. how can she not remember me? you never existed. river: who are those romans? they're not real. they can't be. they're all in a book in amy's house. it's a trap, it has to be. the doctor: plastic romans, duplicates. listen to me -- you have to run -- i'm a thing, i'll kill you. just go! there's something wrong with the tardis -- something else is controlling it.
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