tv BBC World News BBC America November 24, 2014 9:00am-10:01am EST
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this is bbc america. and now live from london, "bbc world news." >> hello. i'm geeta guru-murthy with "bbc world news." our top stories. foreign ministers are making a final push to reach an agreement on iran's nuclear program, as the deadline for striking a deal approaches. police in the u.s. have shot and killed a 12-year-old boy who was carrying a fake gun. the treasure-trove of nazi looted art, a swiss museum says it will accept the controversial collection, but some works will be left for families of former jewish owners to claim. on patrol with u.s. special forces in the jungles of central africa, we have a special report on the hunt for a notorious
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african warlord. >> there are around 140 u.s. military personnel in this region of africa at any one time. and any of the negative connotations often associated with large scale troop deployments just simply don't apply here. hello. time is running out for western powers to resolve the nuclear standoff with iran, with final talks under way in vienna. the deadline to reach a deal is set to expire at the end of the day, and with the clock ticking, an extension might be the most likely outcome. representatives from five permanent members of u.n. security council plus germany, they've all been locked in talks with iran, of course, for months now. they want to try to curb iran's nuclear program in return for the lifting of u.n. sanctions.
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the proposed agreement hinges on the rate at which the sanctions against iran would be lifted. and in order for that to happen, teheran must agree to highly specified limits on the amount of uranium that it is allowed to enrich. bethany bell is there for us. is it looking like there is going to be an extension now? >> reporter: that's certainly the rumors that we're hearing around here at the moment and that we've been hearing for several days. however, there hasn't been any official announcement yet, and certainly britney's foreign secretary last night said that they would be making one more big push to try and come up with a deal this morning, and we know that about 20 minutes ago, the five permanent members of the security council and germany are meeting and there have been bilateral meetings as well between the different players, this morning with a number of the different players, and we expect talks between the six
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world powers and iran as the morning goes on. but very, very difficult issues here on the table. big gaps still remain about what they can agree upon, and i think there is a sense that nobody here at the table wants to go away from vienna empty handed. they feel that this process, these talks at which they've come closer than they have for yoers to trying to resolve this row, nobody wants that to stop. so if they can't get a deal now, an extension would be the most likely way forward. >> they say in politics that timing is everything. you've got obama in the white house, rouhani in iran, but both facing internal pressures and in office only for a finite amount of time. especially, of course, in d.c. >> reporter: yes, indeed. i think an extension is certainly not without its risks. and you mentioned the hardliners
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both in iran and america. of course, the new republican congress. so this is all potentially very, very difficult. the longer they lead these talks, the harder it could potentially be to come up with any type of deal. some people have suggested that if there is an extension, it might be something fairly short-term, while today try and bridge these last difficult issues. but that's a gamble. and people know that here, which is why they are putting in the hours to try and come to as much of an agreement as possible. but we have to wait and see what they come out with. >> we'll be back to you if things change. bethany, for now, many thanks indeed. the bbc is looking at the day-to-day impact of sanctions for the iranians. >> in the last two years, and since the new government has taken the office, the economic situation is boosting, and also their government has tried a lot
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to curb the inflation rate, and now they are working on increasing the economic growth of the country so the government is trying to send this message implicitly, most of the problem because of the mismanagement, while sanctions have a direct influence on the life of the people. but there is a dilemma, actually, that no one knows exactly what's going to happen. they are testing different methods and they are sending different messages. to be honest, people have to get accustomed to these sanctions in the last three, four years, so they are not very much anxious about what might happen, but they are thirsty to know what might come out of these closed door negotiations at the end of today. >> right here, aaron joins us because the business
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implications obviously being pored over. >> absolutely. if these sanctions are lifted, you'll talk about an economy that will be like a racehorse bolting from that starting block. the potential is absolutely huge. thanks, geeta. hello there. as you've been hearing, the deadline is today. in exchange for cushing its nuclear program, iran would see a lifting of sanctions that are crippling and certainly have crippled its economy. companies there have been lining up to visit teheran, certainly in the hope that a deal will be done soon. much of the existing trade with iran is conducted through dubai. our correspondent is in dubai and we're going to be talking to him coming up on "gmt" in just over an hour's time, talking about that business sentiment towards iran. going to my home country. australia. it raised nearly $5 billion
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selling shares in medibank, making it the second largest public offering ever. they raised the price of shares due to strong demand. the move is part of the government's efforts to basically rein in the country's swelling budget deficit. also today is the deadline for the european commission to give its final opinion on member states' budgets. will they fine france for failing to cut its budget deficit? the european commission passed up the opportunity to demand deeper changes to its 2015 changes and france made tweaks to its initial draft. what i'm hearing is that europe will fine france. we'll wait and see. follow me on twitter. tweet me. i'll tweet you right back. you can get me @bbcaaron. more on "gmt" is just over an hour's time. a lawyer representing a family of a 12-year-old black boy shot dead by police in the u.s. city of cleveland says the
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family will be carrying out its own investigation to what's happening. the boy was carrying what proved to be a replica gun. >> there was a guy with a pistol, you know, it's probably fake, but he's pointing it at everybody. >> reporter: a 911 call alerts police to an incident in a park in cleveland. the caller says a young boy is pointing a semiautomatic handgun directly at people and scaring them. he also tells the emergency responder that the gun is probably fake, but he can't be sure. when police arrived at the park, he had the gun hoisted in the waistband of his trousers. they ordered him to raise his hands above his head, but the 12-year-old allegedly reached for his waistband and stared and police shot him twice in the stomach. he was taken to hospital, but later died. a local politician is calling for a new law to be passed in ohio that requires all fake guns that are sold in the state to be
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bright colored to stop this from ever happening again. the two police officers involved in the shooting were immediately put on administrative leave. and an investigation into what happened in the park is already under way. a museum in switzerland has agreed to accept a controversial collection of artworks looted by the nazis. they were bequeathed by a german collector who died in maine. he had gathered more than 1,200 pieces in his munich apartment, including works by picasso. many were expected to stay in germany until their rightful owners can be identified. the president of the council explained the decision to accept the collection hadn't been taken lightly. >> translator: the foundation council's decision was all but easy. and there certainly weren't emotions of triumph. this would be entirely inappropriate considering the
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historic burden weighing heavily on this art collection. >> our reporter is in the swiss capital. the museum saying that they are going to try to trace the original jewish owners of these works, but this is still very controversial, tricky territory, isn't it? >> reporter: yes, it is. i think what might look like kind of the best christmas present ever for what is a relatively small art museum here in the swiss capital is going to be rather more complicated than that. but i think what the museum has decided together with the german authorities is that it will accept the art as per his request, but will also make sure that claims for any of this art are followed up and that restitution is made. and i think the museum has had a good few months to think about this. has gone into this knowingly.
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the people there know that they may not see a single painting for many months, or even years. i think the hope is that at the end of it, it will have a very nice collection of modern art. but yet at the same time, the art that was robbed from people during the second world war will also be returned to those who rightly own it. >> and how difficult a task is that going to be, and is it the case then that some of this art was, you know, legitimately held by the owner? where has that come from? >> this is rather unclear. we know that mr. guerlitz's father was responsible for taking and apparently destroying what the nazis called degenerate art. a lot of that was art at the early 20th century. some of that the family didn't destroy, but kept. he actually collected a lot of
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art. we're talking, as you said in your introduction, over a thousand pieces. and we know that there are a lot of lawyers involved and that there are a lot of relatives -- or some relatives anyway, some distant and some not so distant. there is a danger, i would say unfortunately, that the whole thing could be tied up in legalities for years and years to come. but from what i understand, the agreement made with the art museum here in the german government is that everybody will work very hard to make this process go quickly, so that those who do have a genuine claim do get their property returned to them. but that the spirit of mr. geurlitz bequest to an art museum in a neutral country, that was part of it, is also followed through. >> we're talking about pieces by picasso. has there been any response by any of the jewish bodies?
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obviously they want pieces returned legitimately, don't they? >> reporter: there are two things here. there are people who are relatives or distant relatives of the family. there are people, relatives of people who had art stolen from them, who had everything robbed from them during the nazi era because they were jewish and who would like that art back. and then there are jewish organizations who say that since they claim a lot of this collection is actually looted art, it should be sold or at least a collection created for the benefit of jewish organizations. so you can see quite a lot of different claims, all of them with legitimacy behind them. and this i think is where there is a fear that there could be -- i mean, we know lawyers, there could be legal wrangling for some time to come. >> thanks very much indeed.
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stay with us here on "bbc world news." much more to come. a warning from computer security experts who say they've identified the most malicious software ever seen. you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident.
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grareal ginger. real taste.e. real ahhh this is "bbc world news." i'm geeta guru-murthy with the latest headlines. with a deadline just hours away, talks on iran's nuclear program are still deadlocked. diplomats may consider extending negotiations. police in the u.s. city of cleveland have shot dead a 12-year-old boy who was waving a fake gun. the boy's family say they'll carry out their own investigation into what happened. a former catholic alter boy from northern uganda who's waged war in central africa for more than two decades. joseph coney and his rebels have gone deep into the jungle and u.s. special forces are taking part in an international mission to track him down. our correspondent has been given rare access to the u.s. operation.
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>> reporter: u.s. special forces on a mission. but just two men in charge of an elite unit of congolese troops. this area is as remote and dense as jungle gets. we're heading to where the drc borders the central african republic. the u.s. special forces team, which we've been given rare access to, is part of the search for the remnants of a rebel militia. the lord's resistance army was driven out of northern you beug. the ultimate propaganda prize for these soldiers, part of a multi-national mission, is to capture the lra's infamous leader. the wanted man is joseph coney, charged with abducting huge numbers of children, forcing them to kill and mutilate innocent victims. >> so they operate or exist in
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an area about the size of the state of california in the united states. >> reporter: but u.s. commanders say finding him is now almost a needle in a haystack exercise. >> it's getting close to that level, as the lra gets smaller and smaller and moves into survival mode. that is going to present us with a challenge in terms of finding him. >> reporter: but even though their mission is hard, by american standards, this is a small scale investment of military manpower and money. this is the opposite of a visible boots on the ground strategy. there are around 140 u.s. military personnel in this region of africa at any one time. and therefore any of the negative connotations often associated with large scale troop deployments just simply don't apply here. so the u.s. special forces team is training these congolese and ugandan forces so they can take on domestic threats like the lra, but also police the region and fight groups that threaten american interests, too.
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>> our priority as we engage on this is not so much to find coney specifically, it's to assist the regional states, to develop the capability to manage a problem like coney and ultimately to find him. >> reporter: and the capacity of congolese troops is greatly enhanced by their american allies. we saw no sign of the lra on a two-day reconnaissance mission. but while they searched, this unit of forces is cultivating close military partners in central africa. tom barrage, bbc news in the democratic republic of congress. a leading computer security firm says it's discovered one. the most sophisticated pieces of malicious software ever seen. once installed on a computer, it can do a range of things, from capturing screen shots to directing a mouse or stealing passwords or recovering deleted files. experts say there's still lots about it they don't yet
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understand. this company discovered it. they say it's designed to lie low for per sis about the, long-term surveillance. they say they can't be sure who created regin, but it looks like western intelligence agencies. the two countries most affected are russia and saudi arabia. my colleague was told that he doesn't think that it's been used for mass surveillance. >> we think the piece of malware, the tool is capable of targeting just about anybody who connects to the internet as of today. however, we don't believe that this tool is actually being used to target individuals at home. considering the level of sophistication and the am of work which has been put into creating this little tool, it's evident that the powers behind
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it, or the nation state which may have created this, is only interested in specific individuals and businesses out there and not mass surveillance of any sort. >> so you say nation states. who exactly would develop this kind of product? what would they use it for? >> there are only a handful of countries across the globe which can, a, create such a sophisticated piece of malware or sophisticated tool and, b, sustain the attack campaign for the number of years that they have without actually getting noticed. so it's hard for us to say who it might be specifically, but if you narrow down the profile of countries which would be required to create something of this magnitude, there are only a handful of countries which could have done so. >> why are we talking about it now? how long have you known about this? because we're saying that it's been around since at least 2008.
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>> so, we learned about this during the second half of 2013, a little over a year ago. and that's when we started our research. we found a version of this tool and we started doing our research, and even going back in time through all the data we had access to and we found an oler version of the same tool. considering the sophistication and the way this tool is architected, it took us a lot of time to gather more and more components of this particular piece of malware. and we've been doing so for many, many months. and only now are we at a stage where we're comfortable enough to bring this news out in the public. now, the way we watch television is change all the time. audiences can choose to watch whatever they want, when they want. and for program makers, it's becoming difficult to generate big ratings. one slauolution may be to creat
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live staged events, especially in the u.s. tom brook reports in new york. >> "peter pan" live is a musical adaptation that will be broadcast live next week. a live broadcast of "the sound of music" last year struck ratings gold. earlier this month, there was live coverage of a tight rope walk between skyscrapers in chicago. >> the most valuable properties on television these days are live events. the ratings across the board for everything are cratering year after year. except live sporting events, going up. live awards shows, through the roof. and that's why we're starting also to see many more live event programming. >> reporter: until a few years ago, it was relatively easy to get a mass audience to tune in for a television program at the same time each week. now people have become untethered from program
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schedules. they can record to watch at their convenience. commercial broadcasters under pressure to get mass audiences, live television has obvious appeal. >> you have to watch it when it happens because otherwise you're going to miss all the fun because live television becomes important there. live television events like the super bowl, the oscars are important because people watch the commercials. the commercials themselves become part of the story. they're widely covered. they're talked about. >> reporter: at soda bar in brooklyn in new york, special television nights are held. tv fans agree that it's social media that's helping to fuel the appeal of watching live tv events at home. >> i make comments all the time, if i'm watching an awards show, i make a comment, get all these posts back. it just makes it like you're sitting in a room with thousands of people and you can all communicate about what you're seeing. >> the question is how far can this embrace of live television go? in countries like the u.s., it isn't a magical solution. a live staged event has to offer
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audiences something worthwhile. it can't just be a gimmick. >> my hope would be the networks would stage creative live events. my pessimism would lead me to believe they won't. the networks for the most part are closing their eyes and humming as the flood waters are rising around them. they've shown no ability to adjust to the various threats facing them. >> reporter: but whether it's the recent high wire act in chicago or next week's "peter pan," the march of live tv continues. live television long ago, a staple of mainstream broadcasting, is returning, with the hope that it can help broadcasters maintain their foothold in a rapidly shifting tv landscape. tom brook, bbc news, new york. >> always live here, of course, and we just want to remind you of our top story. foreign ministers are gathering for a final push to reach an agreement on iran's nuclear
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program as the deadline for striking a deal approaches. representatives have been locked in talks with iran for months now. today was the deadline. it's possible that that is going to be pushed back. both sides have a lot at stake. we'll be back in five minutes with more. stay with us if you can. asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. you know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. if you convert 4-quarter p/e of the s&p 500, its yield is doing a lot better... if you've had to become your own investment expert, maybe it's time for bny mellon, a different kind of wealth manager ...and black swans are unpredictable.
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hello. i'm geeta guru-murthy with "bbc world news." our top stories. foreign ministers are making a final push to reach agreement on iran's nuclear program as the deadline for striking a deal approaches. police in the u.s. have shot and killed a 12-year-old boy who was carrying a fake gun. a treasure-trove of nazi era art. a swiss museum says it will accept the controversial collection, but will try to return any works which were looted from jewish owners.
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and meet the irish-american standup comic who's audiences are rolling in the aisles. uses limited language skills to poke fun at life in china. hello, and welcome. time is running out for western powers to resolve the nuclear standoff with iran. with final talks under way in vienna. the deadline to reach a deal is set to expire at the end of the di, and with the clock ticking, an extension may be the most likely outcome. representatives from five permanent members of the u.n. security council along with germany have been locked in talks with iran for months now. they want to try to curb iran's nuclear program in return for
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the lifting of u.n. sanctions. the proposed agreement hinges on the rate at which the sanctions against iran would be lifted. in order for all that to happen, teheran must agree to highly specific limits on the amount of uranium it's allowed to enrich. we can go live to vienna where the talks are being held. our correspondent is there for us. what are you hearing about whether these talks are beginning to reach a deal today? >> it's very unlikely that they will reach a comprehensive deal. that's what they came here to do. that's what they've been doing for the last ten months. and that's what they were aiming to achieve here by today, the deadline of monday, the 23rd of november. 24th of november. that's the self-imposed deadline, and from what i hear from inside this hotel behind me, they are nowhere near that.
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six foreign ministers of the six world powers are all here. they are still continuing with their diplomatic efforts, comings and goings and meetings. from what i understand at the moment, the six world powers are holding a meeting at the moment between themselves, and then they are meeting with iran's foreign minister. what i hear now is they probably will agree on some kind of a statement, and then decide to adjourn the talks for another time, maybe next month. that's more or less what we expect today. >> both sides have so much at stake, don't they? what is the view from the point of view of iran? because a lot of hard liners are putting pressure on rouhani. >> reporter: these talks are extremely important. one u.s. official just a few days ago was saying about the importance of these talks, it
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pertains to world peace and security. it's not just iran. but for the iranian side, it's important because they're waiting for the sanctions, the crippling sanctions to be lifted so that they can get back to a normal situation in terms of trade, with the money coming in, with oil exports and so on and so forth. so for iran, the main incentive here basically is to come here, get the world powers to agree to lift the sanctions. but the world powers, on the other hand, they want something in return. what to they want? they want the sharp reduction in iran's enrichment activities so that old -- as they say, older pathways to making a nuclear bomb are closed. >> just briefly, a big question, i know, but if there is a deal eventually, how does that change, for example, potentially the situation in the middle east? >> reporter: well, first of all,
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the most important thing, there is a cloud of war hanging over that region. israelis feel threatened. their existence they feel is threatened, if iran achieves this and gets its finger on the nuclear trigger. so if they do agree, then first of all, the most important thing is that that threat of war will be over. and then after that, we have to have better relations within the middle east, and even closer workings between iran and the u.s. as far as dealing with the problems of the middle east are concerned. >> thanks so much, kasra. we'll speak to you soon. there live in vienna. thank you. now we move to the united states, because a 12-year-old boy in the u.s. state of ohio has been shot dead by police. witnesses say tamir rice was
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waving a handgun, but it turned out to be a replica. his family plans to carry out their own investigation into exactly what happened. >> there's a guy with a pistol, you know, it's probably fake, but he's pointing it at everybody. >> reporter: the caller says a young boy is pointing a semiautomatic handgun directly at people and scaring them. he also tells the emergency responder that the gun is probably fake, but he can't be sure. when police arrived at the park, tamir rice had the gun holstered in the waistband of his tro trousers. they ordered him to raise his hands above his head, but the 12-year-old allegedly reached for his waistband and stared and police shot him twice in the stomach. he was taken to hospital, but later died. a local politician is calling for a new law to be passed in ohio that requires all fake guns
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that are sold in the state to be bright colored, to stop this from ever happening again. the two police officers involved in the shooting were immediately put on administrative leave, and an investigation into what happened in the park is already under way. wendy urquhart, bbc news. now a museum in switzerland has agreed to accept a controversial collection of artworks looted by the nazis. they were bequeathed by a german collector, cornelius gurlitt, who died in may. he had gathered more than 1,200 pieces in his munich apartment, including pieces by picasso and matthysse. many of the works are expected to stay in germany until their rightful owner can be identified. the decision to accept the collection hadn't been taken lightly. >> translator: the foundation council's decision was all but easy and there certainly weren't
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emotions of triumph. this would be entirely inappropriate considering the historic burden weighing heavily on this art collection. >> why accepting this collection has been so incredibly difficult for the city's art museum. >> reporter: i think what might look like kind of the best christmas present ever for what is a relatively small art museum here in the swiss capital is going to be rather more complicated than that, but i think what the museum has decided, together with the german authorities, is that it will accept the art as per mr. gurlitt's bequest, but will also make sure that claims for any of this art are followed up and that restitution is made. and i think the museum has had a good few months to think about this. has gone into this knowingly. the people there know that they may not see a single painting for many months, or even years.
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but i think the hope is that at the end of it, bern will have a very nice collection of modern art, but yet at the same time, the art that was robbed from people during the second world war and just before the second world war will also be returned to those who rightly own it. >> and how difficult a task is that going to be, and is it the case then that some of this art was legitimately held by the owner? where has that come from? >> reporter: this is rather unclear. we know that mr. gurlitt's father was responsible within hitler's regime for taking and apparently destroying what the nazis called degenerate art. a lot of that was art at the early 20th century. some of the gurlitt family didn't destroy, but kept. now, on from there. cornelius gurlitt actually collected a lot of art. now, we're talking, as you said in your introduction, over a
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thousand pieces. and we know that there are a lot of lawyers involved, and that there are a lot of -- well, some relatives anyway, some distant and some not so disand the. there is a danger, i would say unfortunately, that the whole thing could be tied up in legalities for years and years to come. but from what i understand, the agreement made with the art museum here in bern and the german government is that everybody will work very hard to make this process go quickly, so that those who do have a genuine claim do get their property returned to them. but that the spirit of mr. gurlitt's bequest to an art museum in a neutral country, that was part of it, is also followed through. >> we're talking about pieces by picasso. has there been any response by any of the jewish bodies? understandably, they want pieces returned legitimately, don't
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they? >> there are two things here. people who are relatives or distant relatives of the gurlitt family, there are people, relatives of people who had art stolen from them who had everything robbed from them during the nazi era because they were jewish, and who would like that art back. and then there are jewish organizations who say that since they claim a lot of this collection is actually looted art, it should be sold or at least a collection created for the benefit of jewish organizations. so you can see quite a lot of different claims, all of them with legitimacy behind them, and this i think is where there is a fear that there could be -- i mean, we know lawyers, there could be legal wrangling for some time to come. the russian president vladimir putin has vowed that moscow will not allow itself to become internationally isolated
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behind another iron curtain. he was speaking a year after the start of protests in ukraine. since then, relations between russia and the west have deteriorated sharply. john simpson reports from moscow. >> reporter: breathtaking cockpit footage as russian pilots loop over crimea, part of ukraine until march, now taken over by russia. vladimir putin is furious that ukraine has drifted into the west's orbit. he wants to stop the process. and these are russian jets being shadowed by nato pilots. the russians are flying alarmingly close to western air space. such games of supersonic chicken have trebled in the past few months. president putin is worried about being isolated by the west. the russian news agency task put out an interview with him today, in which they asked him if he was thinking of constructing a
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new iron curtain. >> translator: no, and we will not. we understand how fatal the iron curtain was. beth we and other countries have had periods in their country when they tried to fence themselves off from the rest of the world and they paid a high price for it. we will definitely not go down that path. >> reporter: but mr. putin's hostility to the west is affecting ordinary russians. at a conference at moscow's second world war museum, none of these veterans would be interviewed by us. they refused to be part of western propaganda, they said. the speaker tells them that only one country can stand up to american aggression, russia, the nation which defeated fascism. but rhetoric aside, how serious is the russian threat? a more objective view comes from a former senior officer of the russian military general's
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staff. >> translator: russia can't conduct offensive operations against nato. it's able to carry out offensive operations on its border. russia is much weaker than the west in terms of military forces. >> reporter: even so, the kremlin doesn't want to look weak. it believes the americans are trying to encircle russia and humiliate it. and it wants to hit back. i've been coming to moscow for nearly 40 years and i've watched the atmosphere change from deep hostility to relative warmth. now it's hostile again. russia and the west need each other nowadays, so presumably, things will improve at some point. but president putin is so unpredictable, it's hard to be sure when. all this matters because russia is still a nuclear power. maybe greatly diminished, but it can't be ignored. john simpson, bbc news, moscow.
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stay with us here on "bbc world news." much more to come. a warning from computer security experts who say they've identified the most sophisticated malicious software ever seen. all clear! lookin' good! close it up! got it. ... and then, santa's helpers boarded the train, and off they went. and that's how we got it. wowww ... you guys must've been really good this year. the magic of the season is here, at the lexus december to remember sales event. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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this is "bbc world news." i'm geeta guru-murthy with the latest headlines. talks on iran's nuclear program remain deadlocked. diplomats may consider extending negotiations. police in the u.s. city of cleveland have shot dead a 12-year-old boy who was waving a fake gun. the boy's family say they'll carry out their own investigation into what happened. a leading computer security company says it's discovered a new kind of highly sophisticated cyber espionage software. it's called r ee eed regin.
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targets based in russia and saudi arabia are the most affected. let's find out a bit more from our technology reporter. first of all, semantech, the company that discovered this, who are they? >> they're an anti-virus home. >> what have they discovered? >> they've found what they say is the most sophisticated malware they've ever seen. it will sit on a machine, scooping up information and sending it back to whoever has made this particular piece. >> it's for spying, snooping. it's for places like energy companies, telecom companies. so its purpose is to gather as much information as it can. >> so they are sure that russia and saudi are the targets?
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>> were know the targets but what we don't know is where this malware came from. some of the countries that are most prolific, we think, in this kind of cyber espionage, they're not on the target list. so the assumption is -- but it's so hard to tell. one of the most impressive aspects of this malware is the trace of where it's come from is so well-hidden, that at the moment, it's anyone's guess really. >> we hear reports as well from russia and china and other countries that many nations are engaged in this for government and commercial reasons, despite all the snowden revelations and all the rest of it. and, you know, for terrorists' criminal endeavors as well. >> it's a whole range of stuff. a lot of the most prominent uses
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for this is for business intelligence, seeing what companies in other parts of the world are doing. china in particular is known to run cyber espionage programs. but we never really know the ins and outs because no government is under any obligation to say yes, we've done that or no, we haven't. this has been in use we think since at least 2008. so to last that long without being found is quite staggering. for it to be hidden away shows an element of sophistication that was able to lie below the surface on lots of high-profile networks and still not be known where it's come from. >> no one reacted? >> not for the moment. >> thanks very much indeed. now here's a former catholic altar boy from northern uganda who's waged war in central africa for more than two decades. joseph coney and his rebels have gone deep into the jungle. tom barrage has been given rare
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access to the u.s. operation. >> reporter: u.s. special forces on a mission. but just two men in charge of an elite unit of congolese troops. this area is as remote and dense as jungle gets. we're heading to where the drc borders the central african republic. the u.s. special forces team, which we've been given rare access to, is part of the search for the remnants of a rebel militia. the lord's resistance army was driven out of northern uganda, and their fighters now live deep in the jungle. the ultimate propaganda prize for these soldiers, part of a multi-national mission, is to capture the lra's infamous leader. the wanted man is joseph cony, abducting children and forcing them to kill and mutilate innocent victims. >> so they operate or exist in an area about the size of the
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state of california in the united states. >> reporter: but u.s. commanders say finding him is now almost a needle in a haystack exercise. >> it's getting close to that level, as the lra gets smaller and smaller and moves into survival mode. that is beginning to present us with a challenge in terms of finding him. >> reporter: but by american standards, this is a small scale investment of military manpower and money. this is the opposite of a visible boots on the ground strategy. there are around 140 u.s. military personnel in this reof africa at any one time, and therefore any of the negative connotations often associated with large scale troop deployments just simply don't apply here. so the u.s. special forces team is training these congolese and ugandan forces. so they can take on domestic threats like the lra, but also police the region and fight groups that threaten american
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interests, too. >> our priority as we engage on this is not so much to find kony specifically, it's to assist the regional states, to develop the capability to manage a problem like kony and ultimately to find him. >> reporter: the capacity of congolese troops is greatly enhanced by their american allies. we saw no sign of the lra on a two-day reconnaissance mission. but while they search, this small unit of u.s. special forces is cultivating close military partners in central africa. tom barrage, bbc news in the democratic republic of congo. now, a russian soyuz spacecraft carrying the first female astronaut is docked with the international space station. samantha christopheretti is joining other members, including the russian female cosmonaut who arrive there had in september. it will be the second time only that two women have been on the i.s.s. simultaneously since it
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was launched more than 15 years ago. during her six-month stay, the italian astronaut will carry out experiments and a series of video lessons, teaching kids about the importance of recycling carbon dioxide. there we have a lovely family photograph onboard. now, standup comedy is popular here in the west, but it's still a relatively new concept in china. in a country with limited freedom of expression, speaking in public can be problematic, even if it's just to make people laugh. but an irish-american standup comedian is taking on chinese censorship to find out what makes chinese people laugh. here's his story. >> i'm dez bishop. i'm a standup comedian. i currently live in beijing. have been doing standup comedy
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in chinese for about a year. like most westerners, when i came to china, i was blown away with how different china is to what you expect. it was like this modern country. but i think the biggest shock was how much fun chinese people were. one of them is they're a stoned-face chinese person. which they weren't at all. once you're connected to them particularly, they can almost be like too hospitable. like drown you in hospitality. that blew me away. and there's still huge pressure from on high to tell people what's acceptable and what's not acceptable. people just get on. it feels pretty normal. most people just get on with their lives and are pretty happy. we say in the west that one of the things about standup comedy
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is about finding the line. you know, where's the line. and sort of, like, seeing how far you can push it. the great thing about standup comedy in china is people tells you exactly where the line is. so you know right where to play. ♪ >> my bad chinese is definitely a shortcoming. but the positives outweigh that. the freedom to say what i feel like saying. the lack of awareness. the lack of fear about offense all plays to my advantage. because the chinese crowds really go for that and they go
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for the sort of openness. >> des bishop's very particular brand of humor. just let me remind you of our top story. we'll be back very soon. thanks very much for watching. protected. given new hope. during the subaru "share the love" event, subaru owners feel it, too. because when you take home a new subaru, we donate 250 dollars to helping those in need. we'll have given 50 million dollars over seven years. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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hello. i'm karin giannone. you're watching "gmt" on "bbc world news." our top stories, 11 hours left to resolve a dispute that's lasted 12 years. world powers and iran make a final push to reach a deal on iran's nuclear ambitions. we will be live at the talks. a swiss museum says it will accept a priceless german collection of art, including works looted by the nazis. that's despite protests from jewish groups. we'll have the latest on trials in the search
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