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tv   BBC World News  BBC America  February 3, 2015 10:00am-11:01am EST

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hello, you are watching gmt. i'm lucy hawkins. could britain be the first to allow babies with the dna of three people? it's a move that's divided the country, scientists campaigners and religious leaders. after a long trial costing millions, the international court of justice ruled serbia or croatia committed genocide.
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we are joined by our west african correspondent whose spoken to survivors of the attack of boko haram. >> translator: i was in school when they came after us. they burned everything. we left my father and little brother behind. >> on the program, aaron joins us about the end to falling oil prices. >> we have been talking for months they are falling off the cliff. losing value. in the past couple days oil prices have done a flip and started to rise. we are going to find out, is this a temporary blip or will the prices continue heading higher? welcome to the program. is there anything wrong with using three people to create a healthy baby? that is the question british politicians will vote on later.
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the technique aims to protect deadly diseases such as mitochondrial diseases. taking an egg and removing it leaving the faulty mitochondria behind and placing it in another egg with healthy mitochondrial. the uk would become the only country in the world to legalize this technique. some groups question the ethics and the safety of the method. we have the report. >> reporter: poppy is nearly 4 and has mitochondrial disease. she can't walk and struggles with her speech. her sister, lily, is unaffected. they are asking to approve a technique that enables couples at risk to have a healthy baby
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by use zing a tiny amount of donor dna from a second woman. >> the changes in the law to allow this procedure to take place. it will give our girls an important option in the future and hope that we can stop the disease from spreading. it's inherited, it will pass down the female line. >> reporter: some dubbed it three parent ivf. any born as a result of this technique will have the key material from the mother and father affecting appearance and personal traits. the donation is treated like an organ transplant and anonymous. this dna will be passed from generation to generation, a permanent change to the human genetic code. the technique has been opposed by church leaders. critics called it a slippery slope to design a baby but has
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the backing of government and scientific bodies. >> the families want this. the question is, why would we allow these families to still suffer when we have it in our hands to do otherwise? >> reporter: if approved, clinics would be free to apply for a license and the first baby could be born next year. bbc news. >> it's a hugely controversial vote here in britain. in ten minutes time we are going to speak to someone from an educational and christian charity who objects to this. he will join us in a few minutes time. neither serbia or croatia committed genocide in the 1990s. that's the ruling from the court of justice in the hague. croatia alleged serbia committed atrocities in vukovar in 1991.
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tens of thousands were displaced and 260 men were detained and killed. the court dismissed a counter claim from serbia saying crowuation troops forced 200,000 people from their homes to win back some of its territory. from the hague is anna. we can talk to her now. neither side is guilty. what did the judges have to say? >> reporter: well this is an historic case lucy. this is home to the international course of justice. it was the first time that two countries brought the same charges against each other. in this case of course genocide. genocide is considered to be the worst crime under international law and the hardest to prove. you mentioned two specific events there. just excuse the echo we are in a grand hall here. croatia brought the charges
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against serbia in connection. it was a 90-day battle for control of the city as the largest land battle since the second world war. serbia launched a counter claim in connection with operation storm. that was a battle conducted by crowuation forces to try to reclaim land taken by the serbs. that took place in the summer of 1995. the judgment here today means that neither side was found guilty of committing genocide during those two specific events. >> criticism of this trial, the fact it's taken years and cost millions of dollars and now neither side is guilty. >> reporter: yes. there always is in these cases, so much. this course and many others would argue this legal judgment provides a definitive answer. lots of people in the hague were hoping it would shed light on the darkest days.
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also as an educational tool speaking to people from the region here in the hague, they talk about it in terms of the holocaust. some deny these atrocities were committed. the judge, today, speaking in the courtroom just to my left says there's no doubt the killings were committed. the point was, they weren't -- there wasn't intent to commit genocide. this comes under the u.n. genocide convention which defines genocide as a deliberate or specific act designed to destroy all or part of an ethnic religious or racial group. in that case that intent could not be proved by either side. >> with me here in the studio a correspondent for the economist. he was in former youghugoslavia.
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do you think they have an answer of what actually happened? >> no i think what they will do is wonder why their leaders were in these cases, which were clearly idiotic from the very beginning. i mean everybody knew genocide was not being committed in serbia, by serbs or croatia. millions were wasted on it as the judge and court tried to persuade the parties to step back. for political reasons they couldn't do it. it was a waste of time. >> a nasty -- >> it was a total waste of time. the vast majority of the cases related to the former youghugoslavia yugoslavians. we know because there have been judges at there. there was one case of genocide
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in the former wars which was in bosnia in 1995. everything else was not genocide and everybody knew that. >> how are relations between serbia and crow waatia now? >> they have much improved in the last decade. business and transactions. there are spats between them in the last year or so. there have been, you know unpleasant disagreements and unpleasant things said. >> when you look at the history of this region, the last 20 years, this tiny moment of time how easy is it to find these old hates and resentments? how do the younger generations feel? >> interesting question because there are -- there are survey that is show the younger generations are more nationalistic than their
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parents. probably what it will do is -- in many ways it won't reveal the truth of them. it willple in the things they believe anyway, which is with everybody in yugoslavia. everybody else was guilty we were not guilty. that's what most people believe. as i said i think now there will be some people a few people who will say that -- 3.8 million euros on this. they don't have the money to waste on it. it was done for political reasons and were idiotic. >> thank you for joining us. other news now, we take you to china. the air quality in 90% of the largest cities failed to meet the government's basic
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standards. the most polluted region is north of beijing. china says measures to improve pollution levels are working. cuban state media released photographs of former president fidel castro. it put an end to rumors his health is failing. they are the first of the cuban revolution leader to be published in six months. you can see there, he's 88 years olds with a leader of a students union. japan's national football coach has been sacked of allegations he was involved in match fixing. they made the decision to avoid the team's chances at qualifying for the next world cup. he and 30 other people are suspects of fixing a game in 2011. he denies any wrong doing. do stay with us here on "bbc world news." still to come tales of horror
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and grief from northern nigeria. we hear stories of those who escaped from boko haram. thusiast. mmm, a perfect 177-degrees. and that's why this road warrior rents from national. i can bypass the counter and go straight to my car. and i don't have to talk to any humans, unless i want to. and i don't. and national lets me choose any car in the aisle. control. it's so, what's the word?... sexy. go national. go like a pro. ♪ grab a refreshing canada dry ginger ale. real ginger. real taste. real ahhh.
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we return now to the top story. british politicians are going to vote shortly to decide whether to allow babies to be born using dna from three people. it could be used to create healthy embryos that otherwise suffer from rare genetic disorders. with me is dan from the charity care. thank you for being with us. do you object to this? >> yes, on three levels. safety is the principal concern. some scientists are happy to proceed, others are not. inherently unsafe. they recommended a series of
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pre-clinical tests should be conducted and they haven't been yet. we have a problem with that. >> if they did the pre-clinical tests and found to be safe would you still objection? >> we have a number of objections. another objection is the fact that one of the procedures the transfer involves creating a new embreyyo embryo. you have to create two embryo owes that are destroyed to create the new one. they know their life is predicated on the destruction of two others. it was done in china and resulted in an abortion miscarriage and stillbirth. after that china immediately banned the procedure. that brings us back to the safety concern. >> a difficult message for you to sell to parents who have
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children with disorders who suffer greatly and know that child may pass it on? this would fix it. that would not be passed on to each generation. >> engineering, you have a risk of segregation. when it happens, there's a risk of other syndromes,edwards sen syndrome. that's why we think it is odd that parliament is voting on it before the research is conducted and has been concluded. a lot of times, we don't have access to the information from the research. only 10% of people think the vote should proceed before the pre-clinical research. >> the former head of the hsea says the safety issue is a red hair. in general, scientists have
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agreed. they are just being cautious. >> well, i guess i would have to disagree. there's disagreement in the scientific world. there are eminent people who don't think it is. there are very eminent people that have serious concerns about the procedure. they recommended a series of preclinical safety tests. while there wasn't a necessary danger, we need to be surer about the safety of the procedure. it's odd that parliament is voting on the procedures before the tests have been concluded. >> thank you very much for joining us. one month since the northern nigerian town was attacked and seized by boko haram. the exact death toll is unknown but claims there's 150 to 2,000 people killed. it's too dangerous for journists to travel to the town.
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we have gathers eyewitness testimonies from those who managed to escape. this is their story. >> officials in nigeria say the islamist group. >> the number of people killed.
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[ speaking foreign language ] >> translator: i was in school when boko haram came after us. they burned everything. we left my father and little brother behind. >> translator: some to the water and the ground. the weapons and they were firing back. >> translator: when i was running, they were hunting us. some people were falling and dying. others ran over with motorbikes. they were shelling us.
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>> translator: there was one person i saw who had been shot. >> translator: we were speeding to get away. the men from boko haram were shooting at us and following us. >> translator: all our po possessions were burned. the fire was raging. >> translator: the number of dead bodies was really uncountable. there was so many. women, men and children were all killed.
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>> the voice you heard there asking questions of those refugees was our correspondent. he is with me now. so difficult to get to this. it's always so difficult for us to verify information coming from there. tell us about your journey to lake chad and what you saw when you got there. >> the journey to reach the first site you need to drive 13 hours through the desert. most of the time there is no actual ride or track. you have to find your way through the sand and the dunes there. then you have another three hours or so to cross rivers that get to the ferry to cross other rivers. it gets canoed across to reach the lake where most of the refugees still are.
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>> there's been so much discussion about how many people died in this attack. the government saying a few hundred. then reports saying a few thousand. why is it so hard to verify what happened? >> we just can't go there. boko haram is still there. the towns are still under control of the insurgents. it is way too dangerous to get there. when it comes to refugees their families have been scattered. they have been separated. they are trying to locate their family members who are missing. they don't know whether some of them are dead or alive. so counting how many people have died is extremely difficult. 150 to 2,000, the figures we have heard 2,000 is probably overestimated. from the testimonies we have we can say several hundred people
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may have died during this attack. >> i'm not sure if you have heard, in the past few minutes we have news ground crews from chad have crossed into nigeria to fight boko haram. >> i have not been able to confirm, but it seems to be following what chad is being saying over the past few days. they bombarded some of their position already in nigeria over the last two days. now, if they are crossing into nigeria, that is a major development. after six years of insurgency in nigeria, boko haram is not just a nigerian problem. this is a war that is looking regional. chad is getting drawn into it. it is quite clear that in a way, what happens, the event, the massacres there triggered this response by nigeria's neighbors in a way that is
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stronger than it hanover the last few years marked by distrust between regional powers to act together against boko haram. >> good to see you. thank you for bringing us that from the eyewitnesses. for more on the situation there and some of the firsthand stories go to our website, we'll have reports there on what they discovered and what happened. it's well worth logging on to take a look. flocks of birds often fly in v-shapes. it's to help save energy during a long journey. how do they decide which one goes at the front? scientists say they take it in turns. here is our science reporter, victoria victoria.
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>> reporter: a large, heavy bird flying is tough. they use much energy and many don't survive their first migration. like the millions of geese, these fly in formation to get extra lift from air from the wings of the bird in front. find out how the birds solve the dilemma of which one takes the tiring lead. scientists work for the conservation team in austria. they sit at each with a gps data logger to monitor their movements. this showed the birds work in pairs, taking turn the lead and who follows by pairing up with just one other member of the flock, the birds were able to have the formation shift allowing them a much-needed rest. they think this simple method working in twos and taking turns could be the mechanism behind
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crucial cooperation in the animal kingdom. >> fantastic pictures there. do stay with us. coming up here on gmt, live to kiev. we are going to talk to a journalist with rare access to army positions on the front line. do stay with us. at ancestry, we call it a hint.. our little leaf that helps guide you through the past. simply type in a name and you're taken on a journey. a journey that crosses generations. and continents.
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"bbc world news," i'm lucy hawkins. this hour the crisis in ukraine. the town is in ruins. people are hiding in cellars without food or water as pro-russian rebels try to take it from the ukrainian army. a rare interview with a man described as the most powerful person in football. we'll get his thoughts on players wages. also on the program -- >> absolutely lucy. everything from designer
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handbags to fancy shoes. this is the luxury market that has been booming over the past ten years. why? one word. china. they slowed down and a number of head winds facing the industry. we are going to find out what is next for the luxury retailers. welcome back to the program. intense fighting continues now in eastern ukraine for control of a town which prorussian rebels are trying to take from ukrainian forces. figures provided from the governments in kiev. civilians killed over the past 24 hours. linking the two cities donetsk and lutansk. people are hiding in their basements. they are without water, food and
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electricity as well particularly difficult for the elderly. there has been talk of a humanitarian cease-fire to allow some of the civilians to escape the fighting. some are on buses and out of the town. many more remain and they are scared as they are trapped in the cross fire. from the osc monitoring spoke to us earlier. >> it's hard to speculate, but the osc monitoring to ukraine has, in the past been able to arrange temporary cease-fires. some range from a few minutes to up to 12 hours. the reason for this is for things like people to be able to move in and out for repair crews to come in and repair very very badly hit infrastructure and for aid to come in. but, you know as the news reports indicate the situation is becoming very, very complex. it is escalating.
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there's more indiscriminate fire as we saw a few days ago. crucially, what is happening in places like donetsk is there's firing from within. very very difficult on civilians and very difficult for people to get out from earlier. >> this situation for civilians. we heard in the past hour or so from a military spokesman, five soldiers have been killed and 27 wounded in the past 24 hours. what is it like if you are a soldier in the ukrainian army. let's take you to kiev. he spent time with the ukrainian army in the east interviewing the soldiers there. what did the soldiers tell you about life in the ukrainian army? >> it's very tough. fighting is intensified greatly. the sound of artillery is
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constant in the conditions. it's very very cold. a lot of their equipment is old and outdated and facing an enemy with modern weapons. they are finding things very very hard losing comrades and they think the worst is yet to come. >> who was in the army? young men, old men, people with experience or everyone? >> that's a good question. actually, you find it falls into two. the first are old, hardened soldiers. many served decades in the army and rejoined when the war started. young recruits have been drafted in. it's a mix of almost middle-aged men and young guys like 18 or 19 years old. >> we are looking at pictures you took of the army when you were with them. you mentioned the fact they don't have the weapons they need. we know the u.s. is considering arming some soldiers from the
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ukrainian army. is that something they want? are they desperate for international countries to come and provide them with more weapons? >> well this is something they have been saying for a long time. last year i interviewed an adviser in the national security and defense council. he was very very clear ukraine needed better weapons and needed them quickly. we need to be able to hit a separatist position not the kindergarten next door. this is something they have been asking for for a long time. the news that the u.s. may arm them has been greeted with great joy from the ukrainian military. >> we are hearing things about what's happening in the humanitarian situation getting worse. repofrts of people in their basements without food water or electricity. what are you hearing?
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>> it's done by rockets. people are screaming in basements. the people are desperate. i don't know how many people are in the city. the situation is very very bad. there is possibly a humanitarian problem there unless something is done quickly. >> do they think it could end anytime soon? does anyone believe in the process or could it go on for years? >> look i think everyone wants it to end quickly. there's a realization that it's not going to end quickly. this i believe, has to do with russian politics. i believe russian president vladimir putin that he can lower and raise as he sees fit. ukrainian president, poroshenko cannot fight politics. >> thank you for joining us from kiev. an update from cairo.
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mohamed fahmy has given up his egyptian citizenship to secure his release. family members say he was told to give up his nationality or his freedom. he has dual citizenship with canada. now people are worried about his colleague. this man here was suddenly released sunday after 400 days in prison and immediately deported. the three were sentenced to up to ten years after being accused of collaborating with the banned muslim brotherhood. bbc arabic joins us from cairo. tell us about the status of mohamed fahmy. do you think he will leave cairo soon and go to canada? can you hear us? we are having a few problems with our link to her.
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we may join her a little bit -- again later in the program. more on the website, on all of our top stories. we have more for you on what is happening with the vote in the british parliament on allowing changes to allow the genetic material from three people to create a baby. now, let's bring news to you. if you want to know just how much players could earn in the future or even if renaldo will move back. we have george mendez. you may have heard of him. he is the most powerful figure in the game. he broke deals with some of the biggest stars. we spoke to him and began by
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asking players wages and further. >> the most important part of the game i would play it. >> more? >> they deserve the most as possible. you can play and do -- >> there's such demand from television companies. do you see that continuing or are we at the limit? >> i think football is the most important sport in the world, the most important. we can find examples in one, in nba, in many different places. football is really the most important sport in the world. so i think that three years we will talk about it and ask if there is a limit. >> renaldo if i asked you to put a value on him, one of your players, what would you say?
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what is he worth? >> most extensive player in the world. the best player. >> give me a number. >> the best sportsman ever. you can't compare him with anybody else. >> 100 million pounds? >> 1 billion. it's impossible to find someone like him. if, for some reason they decide to sell him for 300 million, someone will pay. someone will pay. >> fans hope to see him back in the premier league one day. do you believe he will come back? >> he loves -- he told me. he was there six years. >> he'll finish his career there? >> for sure. >> how long until we have a transfer worst 150 million euros or 200 million, is that possible? >> clubs, of course they can do
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it. barcelona, they can do it. or even maybe munich. they can do it. >> stay with us here on "bbc world news." still to come fighting for her life after being found unconscious. we report on the daughter of the late singer whitney houston who is critical right now in the hospital. there's a place for vacationers who seek more than just a little time off. the ones who choose to go big or stay home. ♪ come with me now ♪ where every amazing, despicable wizarding adventure reveals moments that are truly epic. this place is made for those who do more than just vacation ... ♪ whoa ♪ ♪ go with me now ♪ it's made for those who vacation like they mean it. universal orlando resort.
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m so glad we could be here for larry.
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our top story this hour, politicians here in the uk are to vote on whether to become the first country to legalize the technique of babies with dna of three people. the court of justice ruled
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neither serbia or croatia committed genocide. we have the business. what's happening with the price of oil? >> they are going down they are going down they are going up a little bit, up a little bit. thanks. i beat you to it. after mornts of reporting a fall in the price of the black stuff, yes, the question is has it hit the bottom? in the last two sessions the price of crude oil climbed nearly 12% with crude now at around 45 -- sorry, 50 or 55 pucks a barrel. that follows the seven month route that wiped 60% off the price of the barrel. now markets are speculating. it marks the start of a price correction. one of the reasons is an oil refinery strike in the united states which is already lasted two days. the strike is affecting 10% of
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the u.s. refining. are prices on the way up? let's find out. the regional manager for uk oil and gas, the technical advisory to the industry. great to have you with us on the program. let's start with that. are we seeing prices going up and what's the reason? is it because the production cuts? >> well oil and gas is a long term player. it takes years to find reserves and production for decades. confidence comes from the price. if you see the tumble we have seen over the last few months you can understand why confidence is -- investors look to short term profits. that means the oil and gas companies have to look at cutbacks. that's what you see in the market today. sthak is interesting. some of the stuff i have reading, there's more than 90 oil rigs shut down. that was the largest in one-day
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shutdowns since the mid-1980s. is there a danger the oil makers have a knee jerk reaction? cut too much and lay off too many people? >> well the response to cost production job losses, head count reduction, we have seen those. you start to see a raining in of investment. that means less drilling. that means rigs go idle and costs come down. tles investments in new fields. that comes down to less production. then there's a third area, the entire supply chain supplied for us and services come under pressure. >> okay. given all that you have said i know many know it's a mugs game to predict oil prices at the volatile industry as we know. i'm going to put you on the spot. what do you think, harry? are we looking at $50 to $60 barrel for some time to come do
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you think? >> i would love to tell you the answer to that. i think we are looking at a tough market conditions for at least a year or two years. oil and gas companies are going to have to find that balance between cutting back on costs, but not so aggressively when the turn around comes and the industry is in position to grow they don't have the talent around to enable that growth to happen. >> harry, great stuff. we appreciate your time. thanks for joining us. talking all things oil. well whether oil prices are on the way up or not, the prices we have seen have had an impact on the industry's bottom line. bp announced they made $2.2 billion. it's not bad, huh? it's lower because they made $2.8 billion the year earlier. the group was responding to the challenging operating environment. we have the report from dubai on
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how oil companies around the world are handling the savings. >> at one of the uaes largest oil companies, each department is ordered to find savings. the directive comes amist a weakening jobs market. they found a 30% drop in demand for support, human resources and administration in the last six months. many of these specialized engineering companies, 2,500 workers feel the heat. >> they are worried. they see their colleagues in other countries getting termination notices. i like to reassure them that the last thing we want to do is terminate anyone. the only thing that might be affected might be the nonessential support staff. >> >>reporter: in dubai small businesses are taking large
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hits. oil projects sink. a few months ago, this dubai base was asked to develop a rig business for a middle eastern company. >> when prices come down they asked us to start the project. the current oil price production based on the oil price. if you asked me the profit will reduce by 30%. >> reporter: the current environment is a double blow to manufacturers facing fierce competition from asia. they are holding on to aging material. with tighter margins, companies are having to become more efficient. >> the uae will increase the oil production over the next two years. rewards remain for ail related companies as long as they can cut costs without compromising standards at this precarious
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time. bbc news united arab emirates. >> now this we talk about it a lot on the program. the huge boom in the luxury goods market. certainly over the past decade mostly fueled by wealthy emerging market buys that buy anything from high end handbags to fancy shoes and wine. but, could the good times be coming to an end? let's look at the head winds facing this industry. now, the economists estimated half of all luxury spending in the world, done by chinese shoppers. thanks very much. this was fine and good when china was growing at a blistering pace. that's no longer the case. last year china's economy grew at the slowest rate since 1990. it is expected to slow this year. then the chinese corporate crackdown on corruption. the government cracked down on gift giving of luxury items.
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some high end brands were 40% to 50% of their business in china. this year they will have to contend with lots of other things. russia's economy going off the rail. japan and europe facing deflation and folks in the middle east feeling less flush because of the lower price of oil. how worried should luxury retailers be? this is what he told me earlier. >> we have seen a slowdown in russia. the economy over there has been providing issues there. china, which is a huge market for the luxury goods brand. we have seen them soar from 7% down to 2%. i don't think it's all doom and gloom. if you look to america, 6% increase in luxury goods sales there. 10% in japan, which is significant. i think we are likely to see things moving forward. also the fact that luxury goods being euros or based in europe
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what we are seeing is a lot of the money generated in dollar terms were not being back to euros. >> we'll see about that. follow me on twitter. i'll tweet you back. you can get me @bbc. flashy handbags and shoes. >> it's a fine line there. >> it won't last long at my house. >> good to see you. three years ago, let's take you back. the music world reeled with shock over the death of pop star whitney houston at the age of 48. she drowned in a hotel bathtub after a cocaine binge. now, similar circumstances, her daughter bobbi kristina brown is fighting for her life after being found unconscious in the bath in atlanta. she was rushed to the hospital after being found saturday.
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how much do we know natalie, about what happened? >> there hasn't been that many details that emerged just yet. this happened saturday morning in america. the call was received at 10:30 in the morning when she was found face down in the bathtub. her husband, nick gordon raced the alarm and called the medics who came to treat her. he started life saving measures on her. he did cpr on her. she was taken to the hospital. nothing was known about her condition. aside from she was alive, there's reports of speculation and her medical condition. it's reported but not confirmed by the family she's in a medically induced coma. they released a statement saying she is fighting for her life. >> she was devastated by the death of her mother. she said she was not only my
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mother, but my best friend. how upset she was over the death of her mother. what we see now, what happened to whitney. >> yes. the outpouring from the music industry. friends of whitney houston and friends of bobbi kristina. he's been using social media to send prayers for bobbi kristina. the circumstances are tragically similar. both found face down in a bathtub. bobbi kristina is still alive. whitney houston lost her life. she was 48 years old. she had been taking cocaine and suffered from heart disease as well. >> what has bobbi kristina been up to? has she lived in her mother's shadow? >> she lived in her mother's shadow a little bit. she describes herself as an entertainer and actress. she was trying to do acting.
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she appeared in one episode of a sitcom in the united states in 2005. the same year her mother died. she also took part in a reality tv show. it was criticized because it didn't know the houston family or bobbi kristina in a flattering light. >> thank you for that. we are going to bring you more. the rap music producer suge knight has been charged with murder. he intended to run over a friend and another man after an argument on a set. his lawyer says it was an accident that happened as the client tried to escape attack last week. if convicted, he could face life in prison. his record label launched the career of several rap stars including dr. dre. the top story, members of parliament are going to vote on
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whether ivf babies can be created using genetic material from three people. it can prevent deadly genetic diseases from being passed. thanks for being with us here on gmt. i've been called a control freak... i like to think of myself as more of a control... enthusiast. mmm, a perfect 177-degrees. and that's why this road warrior rents from national. i can bypass the counter and go straight to my car. and i don't have to talk to any humans, unless i want to. and i don't. and national lets me choose any car in the aisle. control. it's so, what's the word?... sexy. go national. go like a pro. [car revving] [car revving] ♪
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picard: captain's log, stardate 43152.4. we are cautiously entering the delta rana star system three days after receiving a distress call from the federation colony on its fourth planet. the garbled transmission reported the colony under an attack from an unidentified spacecraft. our mission is one of rescue and, if necessary, confrontation with a hostile force. shields up maximum strength. shields up. sensors do not indicate the presence of any armed space vehicles operating within the rana system. they could be cloaked or otherwise shielded. mr. crusher, bring us in well clear of the planet's three moons. wesley: aye, sir. captain, we are not receiving rana iv's call s


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