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tv   BBC World News  BBC America  March 3, 2015 10:00am-11:01am EST

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hello, you are watching "gmt," i'm lucy hockings. our top stories, a test of the u.s. relations and benjamin netanyahu prepares to address congress. the israeli prime minister is set to criticize the long term ambition to reach an agreement with iran over the nuclear program. he's playing down conflict with president obama. >> my speech is not intended to show disrespect to president bush. thousands in moscow paid their respect to opposition leader boris nemtsov.
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three days gone and there's no suspect. we look at the incredible response of china. a documentary on the air pollution. it got over 100 million views in less than 48 hours. >> see what you did there, lucy. one of the largest motor shows gets under way in geneva. growth may be stalling in china, it is full speed ahead in europe and the united states. stay tuned. later in the show, live. we are going to find out what they are doing to take advantage of the changing trend. it's midday here in london 2:00 in israel and 7:00 a.m. in washington where the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, is due to give a
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speech to congress. it's put a strain on relations before a word has been said. he's going to talk about his opposition. to make matters worse, benjamin netanyahu will be speaking to congressional republicans who did not inform the white house. from washington, we have the story. >> thank you. >> reporter: benjamin netanyahu came to washington on a mission, he says to guarantee israel's future. he's getting an icy reception from the administration but counting on warm applause from congress, which invited him. at the annual conference of the pro-israel lobby group, aipac, a warm up and effort to diffuse. >> my speech is not intended to show disrespect to president obama or the esteemed office he
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holds. i have great respect for both. [ applause ] >> reporter: previous white house meetings were tense enough without the high stakes of a nuclear deal hanging in the balance. there will be no sit down with the president this time. in an interview on monday president obama pushed back the rhetoric of the israeli leader. >> prime minister benjamin netanyahu made lots of claims. this was going to be a terrible deal. iran was going to get $50 billion worth of relief. iran would not abide by that agreement. none of that has come true. >> reporter: dozens of democrats are boycotting the speech upset with the political maneuvering. >> it is not correct he's speaking for all jews. as a matter of fact, a majority of israelis think it's a mistake for him to be here. i represent lots of people who are jews who are decidedly divided. the majority that i have heard from don't agree with it.
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>> reporter: mr. netanyahu is undeterred. his lobbying mission in washington will happen here in this building in an address to congress. he hasn't said much yet, about the case he plans to make against a nuclear deal with iran. this is very much part of his strategy to try to undermine progress toward an agreement. and he will receive applause from those attending. last time he spoke here he got 28 standing ovations. he will use those images again, to look strong at home ahead of the israeli elections. global politics are also very local. bbc news washington. take you to jerusalem now. we have a political correspondent with the times of israel. thank you for being with us on "gmt." relations between america and israel were already at an all-time low.
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are israeli's worried this will do long lasting damage to that relationship? >> i think that there's no question the netanyahu-u.s. relations are damaged from this. we have heard many times from democrats and others that the overall american israeli relationship goes far deeper than the prime minister deeper than any particular aspect of policy and it's very old. decades and more than that. i don't think israelis think they are going to lose the united states. it is a danger for netanyahu. as he gets up in front of congress later today and half of congress is empty, if many many more democrats decide to boycott, it will play badly for netanyahu. >> a calculated risk. you have elections around the corner. how is this playing out for him
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politically? will it help him out, ultimately? >> yeah. those who like him say he has to take the iran issue you know to the world and be a responsible leader. those who don't like him say he's grand standing. largely, according to their political views from before this particular speech came up. i think it's important to understand on the substance of his disagreement with president obama, there's wall-to-wall agreement in israel. netanyahu is doing something smart politically, internally, because he's keeping this issue, the iran issue, rather than the economy, he's keeping the iran issue on the front pages in israel. as you say, we are two weeks before an election. >> given the risk of his appearance, you mention congress may only be half full. how embarrassing that would be. given we don't know what he's going to say. what is it he's hoping to
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achieve? >> that's one of the most interesting questions. there's many many theories. one of the theories we are hearing from israeli officials is that there's a sense that look, if iran becomes a nuclear threshold state. if president bush is mistaken and miscalculating on this deal there's going to be a sense in the region the united states evacuated. the united states left countries like egypt, saudi arabia jordan and israel to fend themselves with a now nuclear rising iran. in that kind of situation, i think that there's an aspect to this that we haven't really talked about, which is netanyahu hopes that israel can step into that breach israel can be that military patron if you will of arab states that want to resist iran. a regional counter weight.
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netanyahu is not bothered by the clash with the white house because netanyahu actually needs a tension, you know the brazenness of this act of going to washington and defieing the american president builds israel as a regional power for that scenario where other regional countries see the united states as pulling back. >> thanks for joining us from jerusalem. these warnings we are hearing from mr. netanyahu about iran come as u.s. secretary of state, john kerry try to reach an agreement. we are going to take you there and get the iran yan perspective from the persians that join us from there. before we get to the substance of the talk how is it being
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viewed in iran? >> reporter: well in iran the iran yans are closely and anxiously following the negotiations. most of them hope a deal is eventually done so the national sanctions are removed and the economy starts moving. the iranians are under pressure. judging by social media and reports out of the streets of tehran they are very very anxious about it. not just them iranians here in the hotel behind me the negotiators are worried about what mr. netanyahu might be saying this afternoon, what he has up his sleeve and whether he is about to share any details of the negotiations which could lead in derailing the negotiations. i should say, for the past few months i have been covering these talks and the negotiators
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have been keeping the details close to their chests. they have done a very good job. seven dichbt countries discussing, they have done a good job. now, those details would eventually be shared, but only after a deal is done not before. if before it gives a chance for opponents to derail the negotiations. >> is there hope from president obama in the past 24 hours. he is not certain there will be a deal. are they confident a deal can be reached? >> reporter: well of course the iranians know there are those who oppose the deal on both sides. iran, the hard liners have done everything they could in order to get a better deal or not let it happen. the difference in iran the supreme leader has managed to keep everyone in line at least
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from the iranian side there's a voice. of course they are worried about countries around iran. the arab countries, israel and those who are opposing the negotiations back in the united states. no one is certain, but, of course, everybody keeping their hopes high. >> thanks for joining us with that. going to take you live now to moscow. we have been following the thousands of mourners and dignitaries lining up to pay their respects to the murdered opposition leader boris nemtsov. while at the service, the coffin has been moved from the center of moscow. it is now at a cemetery taking place there is the funeral service and what you can see right now, the burial of the opposition leader. just to remind you, he was gunned down ton a bridge near
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the kremlin on friday. so far, police have come up short. they do not have suspects. they don't have a murder weapon. there are no reports of the car as well. apparently the attacker was in. we are not hearing much on the investigation. thousands of people lined up today to attend the funeral. let's bring over a reporter following this for us from our moscow bureau. we are able to see these live pictures. are people in russia watching them at the moment? is this being broadcast live on television too? >> well they had some short live introductions. it's not broadcast live. on the one hand state channels changed their schedule for respect of nemtsov and to show
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the fear of very shortly today. however, they underline that people who pay respects don't make political statements they emphasize the mourning the feeling of sadness and actually this is not the case. many of the folks, allies and activists made statements today. accused the state media and the kremlin of hatred toward the kremlin. >> we have heard nothing much from the police. many people say it's remarkable. what are the theories people are discussing as to why he might have been killed? >> reporter: in the absence of the real facts of different theories flourishing through the
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conspiracy allies of mr. nemtsov think that this was a result of the progression toward the critics. kremlin, however, investigators presented different versions stating one of them might be -- another one may be connected to business or may involve participation of the radical movement because of -- up to now, not much is known. today, investigators made a statement divers are trying to find the weapon in moscow river. up to now, no success. >> thanks for that. live at a cemetery in the southwest of moscow. people there have gathered for what is the final burial of boris nemtsov. do stay with us here on "bbc
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iraqi forces and shia militia are around the city of tikrit as they push on. troops are trying to retake the hometown of saddam hussein from islamic state militants. we can see here the red line that is show where the militants have control or support. tikrit, a crucial city on the main road 150 kilometers north of baghdad. it was taken by i.s. and allies last summer recapturing tikrit would move iraq's government
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closer to the goal of retaking the country's second city mosul. it was home to 1,000 people last year. i know you have been speaking to one of the commanders involved in the operation. what does he tell you? >> he he is a senior commander in the main shia fighting along the iraqi army. they have been preparing for this largest military operation in tikrit for the past six months. tikrit recapturing tikrit this central city of the heart of the province could be the fight and war against the so-called islamic state group because it has joined borders where two strongholds for i.s. to the west, which is the largest providence and iraq it's called
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the province. to the north -- i met one of the leaders in this shia alliance. i started the interview by asking him, how long would it take to end the operation in tikrit? >> translator: we are not in a rush to end the tikrit operation. we are very careful in our planning especially because the isis military plants explosive devices on the road the houses everything, even the lamp posts and cars. they are losing tactics in all the main roads leading to the city. the other key strategy is the use of snipers. >> reporter: the u.s.-led coalition doing enough to support you on the ground? >> translator: the 1990 war on iraq, the international
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coalition was to carry out 1,000 air strikes a day, even in 2003 it was the same. today, there is a fraction of this. the coalition must help the iraqi army in pinpointing the enemy. this will help control the isis controlled areas. it is not fair they are moving freely in vast areas of the desert. the impact of air strike is very minimal. >> reporter: so it's not an easy battle at all. it is tough as the i.s. militants are showing great and fierce resistance to the iraqi forces and the progovernment forces from the main alliance. they are using, basically, a manly warfare tactic. they are using booby trap cars and snipers. to recapture this important and
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strategic city they have to bear in mind all these dangers. that's why the progress according to this senior military member in the alliance has been slowed a little bit since the start of the operation on monday. >> thanks for joining us from baghdad. we have other news. hundreds of parents in pakistan have been arrested for refusing to have their children vaccinated against polio. 471 mothers and fathers detained in the northwest province. the government says they will only be freed after given a written insurance they will have their children inoculated. >> more troops to train the iraqi army. prime minister tony abbott will send 300 forces. it brings the total number of troops in the region to 900. at least 20 people killed when the bus they were traveling
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in fell off a cliff in central china. state media says the bus was carrying members of a local opera group. next a film about allusion that is taking china by storm. it plowed more than $150,000 of her own money in the project. the film got 100 million views online in two days. pollution is a huge issue in china. they call for authorities to do something about it. what has been the reaction to the film? with me is our chinese service editor raymond lee. there's a personal story behind it isn't there? >> they mention it at the beginning of the film. the whole idea of doing this was for concern for her infant
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child, which is obviously suffering a benign tumor. she worry about if it's from the smoke or air pollution. >> there's a poignant moment where a 6-year-old girl asked if she ever saw the stars. she said no. have you ever seen a blue sky? she said no. what else is so captivateing for people? >> talking about her child. actually what they are trying to go out. then wonder what happened. >> we are seeing this little girl here talking to the journalist. what about the government? it is extraordinary they have let the fim be aired. >> in china, we all know without government blessing there's no way any documentary
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like this could be going out. so, you could say, although, the journalist claims the documentary was produced by herself, out of her own money. certainly, government must -- >> critical of the government isn't it? >> not as critical as we imagine. certainly, the issue she raised was such an issue of critics of government. >> what is the government doing about pollution because we are used to seeing these pictures of chinese people wearing masks. they say they are tackling it. are measures being taken? >> funny enough. since the first of this year government introduced a new law on the issues. unfortunately, i think that always the challenges are implementation. there's recommendation and law.
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>> thank you so much for joining us. very quickly, before you go amazing reaction as well. lots of people talking about it. >> certainly. generated a lot of comments. very mixed. some of them supporting the journalist. there others criticizing her for not doing enough as well. >> great seeing you. thanks for joining us. you will be interested in this breaking news coming to us in the past few minutes. a driver was -- the australian grand prix. he sustained a concussion at a recent preseason test. announcing the double world champion fernando alonso will miss the australian grand prix on the advice of doctors.
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do stay with us. coming up in the next half hour on "gmt," tackling the ebola conference is under way. they take a positive turn. we'll take you to west africa. stay with us.
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i'm lucy hockings. our main news this hour. u.s.-israeli relationships as benjamin netanyahu plans to address congress and expected to criticize the u.s.'s talks. we'll bring you live in washington. the ebola virus and the move to rebuild the community devastated by the disease. we have reports from liberia and sierra leone. aaron is back. time to go on holiday? >> let's go baby let's go. i tell you what lucy.
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money is the most important thing, venezuela is the place to go. the places to avoid? according to a cost of living survey singapore, paris and sydney, australia are the most expensive cities in the world. welcome to "gmt." it is responsible for nearly 10,000 deaths. hundreds of children -- now ebola is finally being won. leaders worst affected by the outbreak are in brussels. they are trying to eradicate the disease once and for all. they have approved a $187
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million financial package for sierra leone. clyde is at the treatment center. people there must be concerned about money, about financial aid and hoping that it continues to flow into the country. >> reporter: yes lucy no question about that. the intensity of the crisis here. it's on the way and manthankfully it's winding down. zero transmissions or infections here in sierra leone. the crisis is beginning to ease down. we have transmission rates back in november, december of 600 a week. now it's down to 60. of course we want to get it down to zero. the battle against ebola is moving into a new phase.
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emergency response and reconstruction phase. that is the whole point about meeting in brussels. where do you find the money to reconstruct the health care system, for instance of the three countries involved and what in the infrastructure, the hole that is need to be filled. you mentioned the $187 million that the imf pledged for this country. important because ebola has affected the economy here as it has across the other two countries as well. and, across the border in liberia, they put out an appeal for $60 million to help rebuild schools and liberia is a success story when it comes to the ebola crisis. it suffered the highest death toll, more than 4,000. in the last week there hasn't been a single new case. andrew harding reports. >> reporter: ebola survivors gather in monrovia.
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a celebration for some. for others, it's more complicated. now a single mother of three, she faces a new and daunting future. for now, she has a job at the ebola clinic. the same place her own life was saved last year. today, there are no patients left here. the virus has all but vanished from liberia. next month, she'll be out of work. ebola changed everything in your life. yet, these are promising times.
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months of economic paralysis coming to an end. a sense of relief and energy. but, in the big picture is looking more encouraging. it's up close, you can see the damage left behind by ebola. the families the communities broken. and women are shouldering the heaviest burden here. she has been forced to move to a new home on the edge of town. she and their children came here after her husband threw them out. he said he didn't want an ebola wife. >> i have nobody to have me or my kids. i wanted to go to school. money to go to school. >> reporter: while liberia schools have just reopened joseph and josephine are left behind. you cannot go to school. sorry.
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you want to go to school? in one family ebola's legacy. andrew harding, bbc news liberia. >> heart breaking there for the children. neighboring sierra leone and the world health organization is working with locals to stop the virus. some are in strict quarantine. we spoke to the w.h.o. representative there. >> in december we had around 550 patients a week. at the moment 60 to 100. however, at the moment we have -- outbreak here and -- new patients to be identified. unfortunately, there was a contact in another district which caused patients to be
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identified. also we had a transmission two weeks ago, which also increased the number of patients there. >> reporter: is the message not getting through to individuals? is that what the problem is? >> the message is getting through, but it's personal behavior change. not everyone -- so we have people who would like to prefer to go to a traditional healer. sometimes we have the community that would like the traditional burial rather than a safe and dignifyied burial. >> reporter: it just taking one person to break the quarantine for instance and all the good work over the last weeks and months is undone. is it really possible to reach all of us of zero transmission? >> it's possible. we have seen patients and caused other outbreaks, we were able to
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identify all the contacts. they were coming from known contacts. that means we know where the virus could spread and we can identify where they come from and make sure they are identified and isolated as quickly as possible. secondly, in liberia, last week we had zero cases. the last four weeks before that between four and six patients. liberia is getting close to zero patients. it should be possible in the two other countries as well. >> speaking to the w.h.o. the top story now. the prime minister will address the u.s. and washington. it's put a huge strain on relations between the two countries before a word has been uttered. benjamin netanyahu is going to express his opposition to president obama's talks to iran. let's take you to washington now.
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we can join our correspondent who is there for us. talks are taking place. iran is really concerned benjamin netanyahu is going to release classified or at least sensitive information. how much do we actually know as to what he is going to say? >> reporter: well good morning from capitol hill where everybody is eagerly awaiting the highly anticipated speech by the leader a very controversial speech. he was invited by congress. the white house complained they had not been consulted about this. we heard from president obama yesterday, he said it was not quite the right way to go about this speech. a few weeks ahead of an israeli election, it looks like the u.s. is taking sides in an israeli politics. of course, as you mentioned, what benjamin netanyahu is here to do is outline his case
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against the nuclear deal the d.o.s. is trying to reach. while he's here while mr. netanyahu is here the american secretary of state, john kerry is interested in speaking to his iranian counter part to push forward with that deal. mr. netanyahu's speech caused controversy. democrats are boycotting but a lot of people will be attending. to get more of what we expect from the speech and the politicalization of the speech i'm joined by republican congressman tom cole. thank you for joining uls. i read one of your pieces that president obama's reaction to the speech of mr. netanyahu on congress was petulant. he's not very happy. is he right to be unhappy about what is going on and how you extended an invitation of benjamin netanyahu? >> no.
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we have the right to invite anybody to come and speak to us. inviting one of america's closest friends and allies at a critical point, there's nothing inappropriate about that. >> reporter: mr. netanyahu could be making a case about a nuclear deal anywhere in private meetings and interviews with the big american networks. why a joint session in congress? >> frankly, we think the issue is that serious. to your point, i think the president trying to make it about the messenger and the venue rather than the message. we think it's a serious issue. it's the president who is politicizing it. he said gosh isn't this wonderful congress is going to take on and listen to a trusted friend and ally. we wouldn't be having this spat right now. >> reporter: are we going to learn anything new because opposition to the negotiations with iran opposition to a deal with iran those views get aired
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all the time in washington. testimonies here on capitol hill. what do you expect to hear? >> it's hard to anticipate ahead of time exactly what we will hear. on occasions, i have had opportunities to interact with the prime minister in israel when he's come to us before. i have always learned something new. he's an insightful brilliant person. i don't always agree with him, but he's able to make a case eloquently. >> reporter: do you think this is coming with new intelligence? >> i don't know. i would not expect him to violate the intelligence information that he has that frankly wouldn't be appropriate to share on a public forum. not too worried about that. he's skillful. >> reporter: how do you think the iranians will react? does it hinder the deal? >> i think it helps. they need to know how skeptical this congress is of them. frankly, the president, i think,
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would be well served to listen to that skepticism and reflect it in negotiations. i think it empowers the secretary of state to sit down with the iranians and say look at the problems we have at home. this better be believable if you expect us to sell it in the united states and domestically. >> reporter: thank you for joining us. this is the mood here on capitol hill. we will speak to other members of congress as we await the speech of mr. netanyahu, the israeli leader here. >> thank you. >> reporter: thank you lucy. time to catch up with all the business. aaron is with us. >> i'm revved up ready to go. let me explain. the geneva motor show. one of the biggest and most diverse events will open their doors to the media today. that's happening now. growing signs of recovery in
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europe they will be concerned by the growth in the emerging markets. let me show you the numbers. car sauls in the eu rose for the first time in six years. hello. hooray. sales were up 5.7% selling over 12.55 million vehicles. now, also good news of course in the united states where auto makers sold more than 16.5 million vehicles. that is up 5. 9% on 2013. however, there's always a but. growth in china halved last year as the economic expanse slowed. sales rose by 7% in 2014 compared to growth of nearly 14% a year earlier. we have the chairman and ceo -- good to have you with us on the program.
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let's start with what you described as a blood bath. what is it russia the third largest market. i'm wondering, is that keeping you awake at night? oh, i don't think he can hear. >> i'm not hearing well. >> can you hear me? can we move on? we'll see if we can get that sound. sorry. let's start with -- let's move on to this. it is a glitzy city with a skyscraper on every corner. it's also the most expensive city to live in according to the latest economist intelligence survey. where am i talking about? well, for the second year running, singapore. i don't know if it wants the title, but it's got it. it retained the title as the most expensive city in the world followed by paris, and stid knee, australia is up there as well. according to this report which uses new york as the base
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comparison city. singapore is 11% more expensive when we are talking about a basic bag or basic, what do we call them? basket of groceries. the rundown of the cheapest karachi and pakistan top the list. bangalore and caracas. a weaker currency in venezuela. the author of this report i sat down and spoke with him earlier and he gave me details on the finding. >> designed when it comes to moving around the world, how much to pay people when they move to different places. also to affect their decisions, going on a holiday where it's expensive. people look to cheap cities to
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make the most of the dollar or euro. they are two key factors. also opinions in a sense, it drives some investment decisions and acquisition decisions in countries as well. at the moment 50/60 split between asian and european cities. new york was ranked in the top ten. that was about 12 or 13 years ago. it's been a long time since new york was considered to be among the most expensive cities. it's certainly on the way back up. traditionally, tokyo has always been the most expensive city. it was -- now tokyo is in 11th place, not the top ten. london is as expensive as tokyo to live in. one of the thing that is is happening globally, we are seeing a lot of currency
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fluctuations and causing them to be more volatile in the cost of living. >> we've got him. let's go back to the auto show. i hope you can hear me now. let's start with this what you describe as a blood bath. your company's third largest market russia. i'm wondering, is that keeping you awake at night? >> well i would say, no. i'm not awake all night. but, it doesn't make me sleep very well. unfortunately, i think for 2015 russian market will be down. the first month of the year started with minus 25%. that means the forecast for the year which was between minus 20% to minus 30% unfortunately is coming to reality. i's going to be tough for all
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car makers. >> briefly, why the european picture? have we seen the reversal now in europe? is it full speed ahead? >> i wouldn't say full speed ahead, but we are in a recovery mode in europe. it was about time after six years of decline. 2014 was the first year of first recovery. i think 2015 is going to be better. between 2% and 3% of growth. we are still in the recovery mode. we are very far from where we were in 2007. the market in europe is 20% below where it was. compared to the united states the u.s. market is already higher than where it was in 2007. we are going to be for some time, in the recovery mode moderate growth for many years to come. >> let me quickly come to the shiny things behind you. you are debuting you midsize crossover suv in geneva.
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this suv market is proving to continue to grow and it's very profitable for you guys isn't it? >> yeah. the crossover market is growing the most all over the world. not only european we are seeing it in china and the united states. today, you are going to see a lot of mothers coming to the crossover. the one behind me is going to be a crossover starting in europe from this summer. it's a very important product for us because of the segment and second they are new to the ra brand. we'll talk to you soon. thank you very much. a lot going on. follow me on twitter. i'm going to go. >> thanks so much. stay with us here on "bbc world news." still to come an agent on
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i'm lucy hockings. our top stories this hour. prime minister benjamin netanyahu expected to launch an attack on foreign policy over iran when he addresses congress in washington in a few hours from now. thousands of people turned out in moscow for the murdered politician boris nemtsov. a founding member of al qaeda turned british spy spoke to bbc about his time with the group and working in afghanistan and london as one of the most valuable assets. he goes by the name of aman dean
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worked under cover eight years. gor dan has more details for us. >> reporter: in the fight against terrorists and the most valuable sources are agents who risk their lives going under cover. their stories are rarely told in public. this man uses the name ayman dean. it's not his real one. he risked his life for british intelligence. >> you have to go to -- >> reporter: born in saudi arabia, he went to afghanistan in the 1990s where he swore loyalty to osama bin laden. he began informing, not just in afghanistan, but britain. at one point, attending the same meeting as three of the men who carried out the july 7th bombings. >> there were a few occasions where lives were saved.
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>> reporter: britain's intelligence, mi6 neither confirms or denies. they have been able to co-ob rate the story. he feels he needs to speak out because of the way young people are drawn to syria and iraq. after controversy over attempts to recruit jihadi john say those not recruited because of pressure but because of their conscience. it's a choice he says he does not regret. >> you can see that full interview on "hard talk" on tuesday. that's on "bbc world news" at 16:30 "gmt." before you leave you, time to bring you pictures from chile of a volcano erupting. one of the most active volcanos the villarica. lava surging down the slopes. residents who live nearby have
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been evacuated. there are thousands of them. this is a volcano many use for mountain mountaineering as well. the president is on her way there. thanks for being with us on "gmt." .. but, i have a wandering eye. i mean, come on. national gives me the control to choose any car in the aisle i want. i could choose you... or i could choose her if i like her more. and i do. oh, the silent treatment. real mature. so you wanna get out of here? go national. go like a pro.
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it was like being blindsided by some linebacker. you don't see it coming. boom! it was this painful rash of little blisters. red, ugly stuff. lots of 'em. not a good deal. if you've had chicken pox uh-huh, we all remember chicken pox. well that shingles virus is already inside of you. it ain't pretty when it comes out. now i'm not telling you this so that you'll feel sorry for me. i'm just here to tell you that one out of three people are gonna end up getting shingles. i was one of 'em. take it from a guy who's had his fair share of pain. you don't want to be tackled by shingles. so please go talk to your doctor or pharmacist. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about your risk.
11:00 am
picard: captain's log, stardate 4461414.6. we're approaching starbase 313 where we will pick up a shipment of scientific equipment for transport to a federation outpost in the guernica system. during the journey we will be hosting a special guest. [ door chirps ] picard: come. you wanted to see me captain? yes, mr. la forge. it seems that the exemplary nature of your work has caught the attention of starfleet command. in fact, someone is coming on board just to see the engine modifications you've made. who, captain? the senior design engineer at the theoretical propulsion group. dr. leah brahms. [ laughs ] coming here?


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