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tv   The Travel Show  BBC News  December 18, 2016 1:30pm-2:01pm GMT

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celsius. temperature closer to five celsius. the fog will remain overnight. because the breeze is dropping out further north in england and into the scottish borders, you might get fog here as well. not a particularly cold night, it has to be said. watch out for the dense fog patches on monday morning. we have a weather front pushing its way into scotland and northern ireland, a little rain associated with that. perhaps some rain later on in eastern parts as the cloud thickens. see you later. and the leader of the rmt mick cash has denied that his union is using the dispute with southern rail to take on the government. thousands of commuters have been affected by the strike action over who should control train doors. is action is published. it is not a conspiracy to bring down the
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government. the un security council is to vote today on whether to send observers to the stricken syrian city of aleppo. a ceasefire in the city has recently been reinstated after plans collapsed on friday. civil servants and others that hold public office could be made to swear an oath before taking up their role. the communities secretary sajid javid suggested in a newspaper article that values could include democracy, equality and freedom of speech. bbc sports presenter ore oduba has been crowned champion of this year's strictly come dancing as lead judge len goodman leaves the show after 12 years on the programme. and tonight, personalities across the sporting world will be celebrating this year's sports personality of the year, with a record 16 contenders being short listed for the final award. it has been a treat to have sunday morning with you. i will be back friday evening. now on bbc news, it's time for the travel show. this week, the american guidebook that may have helped save lives. it took a lot of courage for a black
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family to get in their car and hit the open road. lighting up jordan's most treasured monument. and dressing up in a polish castle. if you have misplaced your ties, i'm sure mr derbyshire can be of assistance. we're starting this week in the united states of america. nowadays, a largely safe place to visit, no matter who you are or what you look like. 80 years ago, though, travelling around some parts of the country could be
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a dangerous prospect if you were african—american. but help was on hand from one very special guidebook. travelling on the road if you were black during this time, you were taking your life in your hands. we estimate that there were over 10,000 sundown towns. sundown towns were all—white towns,
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they could have a sign at the border saying they would run out all the black people. it took a lot of courage for a black family to get in their car and just hit the open road, which is something that in america we take for granted. they called them jim crow laws, and those laws made it illegal for people of colour to stay, to eat in restaurants, to stay in hotels, to use bathrooms, they had separate bathrooms. some places, you couldn't walk on the sidewalk with a white person, you had to get off the sidewalk and walk in the street. the green book was an historic travel guide published for black people during thejim crow era. it was more than just gas—food—lodging, there was everything for anything you might need on the road,
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whether it was a doctor, or churches or department stores. haberdashers, tailors, drugstores. there were golf courses. disneyland was listed in the green book. it was a pretty major guide. by the 1960s, we estimate it had been sold to over 2 million people. my mother is from kansas, my father is from north carolina, so we travelled mainly back and fourth to those places. and forth to those places. my parents would use the green book to plan places where we might stop, without it, it would have been far more difficult, if not practically impossible. because people used to pack food, for us to get to kansas, we had to pack food that is going to last us for two or three days! where are you going to stay?! my grandmother owned the only hotel in charlottesville, virginia that black people could stay in in the 1940s,
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1950s and 1960s. the green book listing was very important to the business because people travelling through the south, and even places in the north, really relied on that book to figure out where they were going to stop. the inn was just this fantastic vibrant place filled with relatives and people that i'd never met. because the university of virginia is located in charlottesville, many entertainers, famous entertainers and figures would come to the university. if they were african—american, they had to stay at my grandmother's place. one of the things that i am very proud of is this picture of louis armstrong, that he autographed for my grandmother. it's an artefact in my family that i hope will be passed down
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from generation to generation. it was a great moment, but in the early '60s, when desegregation began, the business started to fail. my grandmother was getting older and was not as well. she had some health problems. most people, when they had a choice of staying in the holiday inn down the street, or the motel 6, or whatever, they decided they'd rather stay there. it was modern. it was different. and for many black people, it was a point of pride to be able to go where they had been denied access before. it closed in 1967 or so, when my grandmother got ill. it doesn't exist any more. it's sad.
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i don't think it would have been able to have been sustained. we've made progress, but we lose something when we make progress. i stumbled on the green book by accident, i was writing a book on route 66 and found that it was at a route 66 exhibit, and there was a green book, under glass, tucked away in the corner. when i first put my hands on a green book, it was magical. it's this feeling of, like, you, too, can enjoy america. it was a very hopeful, positive guide. i'm in new york because i'm
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a scholar in residence at the schoenberg center for black research. and it's amazing because they have the largest collection of green books in the world. i've scouted about 1,600 green books so far, i've scouted about 1,600 green book sites so far, and of those, less than a quarter are still standing. but i'm also working with city planners to have them recognise these sites as culturally significant and historic sites. the green book was an innovative and resourceful solution to an horrific problem. for me it's a source of pride, that african—america ns, that black people were resilient, they were resourceful. i think our ancestors would be proud of the green book, that we survived and we came up with these tools. they had a lot of courage, a lot of drive, and were not going to be denied.
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i think those lessons should be a comfort to people facing today's america. next up, we're in petra, injordan, meeting a man who guides tourists in the ancient city after dark. petra by night... i'm a guide. petra by night, we started to do this programme 17 years ago. in order to give a chance for our visitors to see petra during the night. to enjoy the atmosphere. and we start from the main gate here. about two kilometres through the city.
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and we light more than 1,500 candles. soon, we arrive here. we start the show. we have twojordanian instruments, ancient instruments, the first one we call it shababa. sha ba ba, the flute. the other one we call it rebaba. last night, you hear, he sang about the bedouin. the bedouin live in the tents. in the caves. they breed horses. goats. raise camels. in the desert. applause.
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before the arab spring, before the problems, many tourists, i remember, 1,000 in a christmas time. but after, since five years, six years, slow down. sometimes 30, 70, not many tourists. the best thing for me, when the tourists sit together, friendly, i tell them to keep their camera ready to take photo together. one, two, three...! it means we are one heart, one eye, one tongue. when i come, every night, it is like a dream. i like it. it's honour for me to guide from all the countries, different nationality, to make them happy, to see petra. still to come...
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i'm role—playing in poland, trying to get some answers out of this. where were you last night? i've had reports that they saw you quite late in the evening, with a mysterious young lady. mysterious?! the travel show, your essential guide wherever you're headed. next this week, my travels take me to a part of poland that is well off the beaten track. this is lower silesia, about an hour and a half's drive from the regional capital wroclaw, not far from the czech border. what a beautiful place.
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it's been here for a long time. absolutely stunning. really sets the scene for what i'm going to be in for for the next couple of days. i've come to this gothic palace to take part in a live action role—play, or larp. for the next three days, this is not the castle, but fairweather manor, an english country house, and the year is 1917. right in the middle of the first world war. this is the costume room. this man is the brains behind it all. what is larp? have you ever played house, as a kid, henry? yes. you played the father who is angry and scolding his children because they did not do their homework, or maybe you played one of the kids, not wanting to do homework and wanting to play soccer instead. this is that, just with more complex stories, better costumes and hopefully a little bit more interesting locations.
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it's pretend play for adults. larping grew out of the dungeons & dragons scene in the 19805. as some of his players got older, their ambition grew, and these days, some events can attract huge crowds. in germany, for instance, 7,500 people play this, the most recent game of conquest. its organisers claim it's the world's biggest larp. klaus creates elaborate games mainly in poland and denmark, people have travelled from as far afield as the us and canada for this, tickets start at £330, or $1120, including food and accommodation. i need some tips because i am going to be diving headfirst into this. i'd say some of it is character portrayal — you want to be believable as what you are, first off. but secondly, you also want it to br interesting. it is pretty easy is to be a believable old grumpy man sitting in the corner not talking to anybody
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but it is also boring, it is boring for you and boring for everybody else. the night before the action begins, we are all given the rules of the house... a few ballroom dancing lessons... europe is burning. and then, the sombre opening speech is delivered, in character, or in game, as the larpers put it. all over europe, brother fight brother. the stage is set. welcome to fairweather manor. applause this is the morning of the larp and i have my outfit for the character, i have my character details — my name is robert adam, i am a former war correspondent, a journalist, and i've seen all the atrocities that have been happening on the front line. "you are short tempered.
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you weren't always this way but war has changed you and not entirely for the better. your sense of being lost in a world that no longer makes sense and a job which seems insufficient to the task given to you leads you to easily become frustrated and lash out at the people around you." "you have met too many people who simply do not want to see the truth that is in front of them. their wilful ignorance infuriates you." first challenge is to actually find the other guests. i think we're a bit late for breakfast. am i the only person in the castle?! huh! nobody. i don't think i've kind of got into it yet. how is the easing into it? do youjump in? that's a good question.
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is it safe to say that it's all in game right now? yeah. you must believe that everything is in game. if it's not, then you would know in some way. people would do something. i hope so! because these ladies here... the one on the right is crying. i want to ask her if she's 0k. but i shouldn't? nope. unless you are in character. if you want to do something about it, in game, of course it is all right. but it is a trap. i do want to feel that. but i'm quite conscious, because i've got these guys following me... all of a sudden, i'm handed a lifeline, a mission in the form of a little scandal. so it seems like one of the young maids was spotted alone in the forest with one
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of the german nobles. ruffled hair and everything. and in a state of undress? i wouldn't quite say so... but... laughter i'm sure it wasn't far away! not all the characters are welcoming me with open arms. robert, from the sunday times. nice to have you with us. thank you very much. if you have misplaced your ties(!), i'm sure that mr derbyshire can be of assistance, so that you can look proper, for the rest of the day. from my impressions, this could be perceived as very geeky and a little weird. somebody that sits there and knows every single football stat of every single player ever, yeah, would also be considered a little bit geeky. it is no different. for this particular type of larp,
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a lot of research has gone into the time period, the costumes, everything. if you've a hobby where there is a passion involved, doesn't matter whether it is a sport, something more indoors, something more intellectual, or something like this. the people involved have an aspect of geekiness to them, because that passion drives them to be very focused. i feel like it's down to me to expose the shady baron for what he is, and slowly but surely, i actually begin to have fun. i heard something about a maid... i don't know which maid. probably for the best. do you know which baron...? everyone seems to be getting a different name. a german baron. where were you last night...? i've had reports that they saw you quite late in the evening... you were there with
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a mysterious young lady... mysterious?! that is what they say. it's nothing mysterious, it's the lady and me talking about family relations. we talk about the war. right. i can't get anything out of the baron himself, so my only other route is to head down to the servants' quarters to find his mistress. but i find my way barred. for us it's just getting down to the bottom of... naturally, i understand that you're doing yourjob. believing it were true would be playing into the hand of the rumourmingers. larps are still usually high fantasy with wizards and elves and the like, but fairweather manor is billed as an emotional larp. players here want to be moved.
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when i design larps, i aim to give people an emotionaljourney. i hate when you are like, you see talking heads, "some more tea for you." i want them to feel something. so that's what i try to decipher. and then of course having a war, death! that is like, love may have been sucked out of things but there is a big passion that you can make people feel. love and war, basically, it's about. and changes in society. still pondering my next move, i get dressed for dinner. she was heard shouting, "no, alexander, i am not your man..." the nuggets of gossip i have been given delight my dinner mates. i would not lie! but little do i know, there is a plan in store for me. ok, so what we have here is a telegram which will be sent in the game to be delivered to robert abbott, at 7:30pm.
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what this telegram says is: "to robert abbott, robert, your correspondence accreditation has been revoked by the war office. we did everything we could but they wouldn't budge." "i'm sorry, you won't be going back to the front, come back to london, we will sort out what comes next." this is preposterous! i came here with integrity of journalism and you throw it in my face! all of you! it's not my fault that the baron can't keep his hands off women, a servant, nonetheless. so away with your press pass, away with your nobility! and i still don't know if the baron was telling me the truth. but anyway... next time, there's a chance to catch
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up with some of our best trips from the past year. we went to more than 70 countries in 2016, did everything from ninja training injapan to penguin spotting in australia, to attempting one of india's most traditional dances. don't forget, you canjoin us on all of our travels wherever we are in the world by signing on to the social media feeds. if you want to see what it was like behind—the—scenes on this week's larping adventure, you can look at our website. but from me, henry golding, and the rest of the travel show team here in lower silesia, in poland, it's goodbye. which reminds me, i really don't get
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out much these days! a very good afternoon to you, our weather watchers thankfully do get out, and look at that, a glorious scene, keswick, just a little bit of low—level cloud coming over top. many more of you are looking at something more akin to this. quite a bit of cloud across the british isles at the moment and some pork in patches still lingering across parts of east anglia, the southeast midlands and the south—east. if we don't get rid of it pretty quickly, thenit don't get rid of it pretty quickly, then it will be around for a goodly pa rt then it will be around for a goodly part of the evening, and i'm afraid it will reform with a vengeance. not just word has been in recent nights, across parts of central and southern england and southern parts of wales, with the breeze dropping out further north, there will be a little bit more fog perhaps than of late, getting up to the north of england and maybe into the scottish borders as well. you'll all the —— also because we have this weather front. my because we have this weather front. my real concern first up in the day
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will be fog. perhaps to the western side of london, berkshire, buckinghamshire way, getting over towards 0xfordshire, could be really quite dense and there could be some problems on the roads and at the airports as well. the awed pocket fog further north and make up to weather front. a little fog further north and make up to weatherfront. a little bit fog further north and make up to weather front. a little bit more breeze close by to that particular feature, and enough about it, rain to the western isles and northwestern mainland, so the slow weekend continues apace into monday. watch out for that fog, but i'm hopeful that as has been the case today, as you have seen from the pictures, there are going to be pockets of brightness, a bit of sunshine in the mix as well but still a lot of cloud, and it is that settled, slow sort of whether we are enjoying at the moment likely to dominate through monday and on into the evening. we willjust push the re m na nts of the evening. we willjust push the remnants of that weather front a little bit further towards the south and east but it is slow progress, by the skies following behind. not all the skies following behind. not all the coming week? starts off mainly
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dry, and then permit week onwards we start to joust things up a bit, there will be spells of rain and some wind as well. where is it coming from? you only have to look into the atlantic to see the very first of those systems gradually working its way towards the british isles. tuesday, for many of us, much the same sort of fair. it is slocum acquired, but that is knocking on the doorstep across the northern and western parts of scotland, northern ireland at 12, so there will be a marked change there, and all of us get to see that sort of malarkey is with make our way through the week. all of the details are on the bbc website. this is bbc news. i'm annita mcveigh. the headlines at two. in the last hour, fresh hope for civilians trapped in the syrian city of aleppo, as buses arrive to restart evacuations, two days after they were disrupted. the international trade secretary
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says britain could remain part of the customs union after leaving the european union. ahead of a strike on southern rail tomorrow, rmt leader mick cash denies accusations that his union is using the dispute to take on the government. leicester's jamie vardy and wales striker gareth bale are among the champions who could be named this year's bbc sports personality of the year at tonight's ceremony in birmingham. and coming up at 2.30, it is politics europe,
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