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tv   BBC News  BBC News  December 18, 2016 11:00pm-11:31pm GMT

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this is bbc news. the headlines at 11: in syria, reports that the evacuation of trapped civilians in eastern aleppo has resumed. buses and ambulances are reported to be taking people out of the city. it comes as the un security council agrees a draft resolution ensuring un officials can monitor the evacuation of the city. members will vote tomorrow. gun attacks injordan kill at least nine people, including a canadian tourist. ahead of another strike by southern rail conductors tomorrow, the rmt leader, mick cash, dismisses claims his union is using the dispute to take on the government. and the bbc sportsperson of the year 2016 is andy murray. the tennis world number one caps off a fantastic year, winning the award for a record third time.
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i appreciate everyone‘s support. congrats to all of the athletes that are there. it's been an amazing yearfor british sport and i'm very proud to be part of it. good evening, and welcome to bbc news. within the last hour, medical officials in aleppo have said the operation has resumed to move thousands of trapped civilians out of the syrian city. they said buses and ambulances had begun leaving the rebel—held east. earlier, buses sent to take people out the mainly government—supporting villages of foua and kefraya, besieged by rebels, were set alight, halting the latest evacuation deal. earlier, i spoke to dr arash aramesh, a us foreign policy
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analyst, and i asked him whether the resuming of civilian evacuations in eastern aleppo was a positive sign. what happened in the past 48 hours was after islamist rebels in idlib province, remember, idlib province isa province, remember, idlib province is a more bashar al—assad friendly province, even though the rebels have had certain success is in the past couple of years, but a couple of villages under siege, they were deemed to be pro—assad. one of the tit—for—tat conditions for allowing civilians and rebels for that matter to leave eastern aleppo was to provide safe passage for shi'ite villagers for people in idlib province. when they started firing at the buses and setting them on
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fire, apparently it came from those saying unless you stop attacking these villages, the iranians and forces will not give safe passage to either civilians. it is a terrible tit—for—tat retaliatory move. it is affecting idlib and eastern aleppo. the other main advance in the situation is the news there is a compromise of the un security resolution put in place. we are expecting a vote tomorrow. it sounds as if everyone is more or less on board. russia was saying they were going to veto it. but as you have been saying, tit—for—tat, does that mean iran will also be on board with this? the finger is pointing at them afair bit this? the finger is pointing at them a fair bit when it comes to halting
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these attacks. iran has a hardline position. they are not there to save the secular baathist regime of bashar al—assad. they are there to save bashar al—assad because he has been a critical ally for iranians. and bashar al—assad relies on syria to further enhance his agenda. furthermore, they have the largest power in the region and believe they have an obligation to serve and support all those in iraq to lebanon, syria, even the houthis in yemen. but they do have a political interest and a national security interest and a national security interest to support the shias there. that was the red line for the iranians. if they are going to let this evacuation happen and allow the syrian government to allow safe
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passage for the militants, they wa nted passage for the militants, they wanted to see their clients, there shi'ite bretheren also receive the same passage. but as far as the un security council is concerned, anything that will have any language, like the blue helmets on the ground, it will most likely be vetoed by the russians. all you need is one country. all you need isjust the russians to veto any un security council resolution. and if you want a resolution you probably have to get it now. it is less like a trump administration will allow this. —— likely. the french and british are adamant they want a resolution. they wa nt to adamant they want a resolution. they want to alleviate some of this horrendous pain and human suffering we have seen which is on par with the siege of sarajevo and some
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horrific and horrendous battles of the second world war. horrific and horrendous battles of the second world warlj horrific and horrendous battles of the second world war. i willjump in very quickly. i want to discuss the point that vladimir putin has been talking of a ceasefire. he has made a point he doesn't want the un and certainly not the us. but many people are saying that could all change once donald trump is in the white house. why is that mata? well, okocha —— why does that matter? donald trump has promised a new means of this. russian interest in the region and in the world are not what you would call parallel with us interests. russia has a zero sum game and is willing to go above and beyond, even partaking in what people would call a genocide and a war crime to achieve its goals. i do not know what the donald trump
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administration has up its sleeve. on one hand you have key national security figures who are not very pro— russia, like as generaljames madison coming in as us secretary of defence, and then other figures who have shown a much softer face to russia, especially vladimir putin. —— generaljames mattis. but what vladimir putin wants is no un and us losses on the ground or french boots on the ground. he wants the syrian forces and iranian allies to clean house. that will be bad news for the civilian population. another day of evacuations stalled in eastern aleppo. but ambulances are reported to be taking people out of the city. news for those injured and trapped in the former rebel stronghold. i have been coming and going forfour days stronghold. i have been coming and going for four days now. stronghold. i have been coming and going forfour days now. in stronghold. i have been coming and going for four days now. in the morning they promised to take us with ambulances and we have been
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waiting since then. there was trouble elsewhere. rebels torched vehicles designed to move civilians ina similar vehicles designed to move civilians in a similar evacuation from government—controlled areas. the situation in eastern aleppo is due to be discussed idea un security council tomorrow. also tonight, a hit from the international trade secretary on how britain may broker trade deals after moving out of the eu. -- hint. trade deals after moving out of the eu. —— hint. gun attacks at a popular tourist spot in jordan leave ten people dead, including a canadian mormon. and the bbc sportsperson of the year 2016 is andy murray. the tennis world number one caps off a fantastic year, winning the award for a record third time. and the actress and socialite jaja kapur has died at the age of 99. good evening. after another day of
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tension and delays, buses and ambulances have tonight been leaving eastern aleppo carrying civilians out of the former rebel enclaves. at least 350 people are said to have left in the convoy heading west towards government territory. a limited evacuation last week was stopped on friday because of disagreements between the sides. pa rt disagreements between the sides. part of the problem this time was the suspension of a reciprocal evacuation between these two villages which are mainly government supporting. rebel forces are said to have attacked and destroyed buses rescuing people from there. and this evening a human rights mission was postponed for another time. here is quentin sommerville. i should warn you, there are distressing images in this report. if only the ceasefire in aleppo hadn't collapsed,
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then this might never have needed to happen. they are doing the best they can here, but this hospital is barely functioning. these are not surgeons. there are none left in eastern aleppo, so nurses perform the operation. it's a caesarean. translation: the child has a birth defect. we immediately brought the mother here to the operating room for a caesarean, which we are doing now. the mother is in a bad way and her baby boy even worse. but everyone here is at their wits' end. eastern aleppo is out of options. translation: as soon as the patient arrived, i told the red cross that a patient needed emergency surgery but there was no answer because the evacuation is still suspended. in aleppo's final days, all niceties have gone. the baby didn't make it. some of the sick made it
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out of here on thursday but not nearly enough. after 24 hours, the ceasefire collapsed. there are now 100 badly injured people trapped here. he has been stuck here for three days, says this man. "he has a head injury. we have tried to leave but they stopped us." they've now run out of room inside, so outside the hospital, the dead and injured are piling up. translation: i've been coming and going forfour days now. in the morning they promised to take us with ambulances and we've been waiting since then, but what else can i do? and here's one of the hold—ups. rival factions attacked buses that were meant to free trapped sick and injured in shi'ite villages. only when they are freed will the regime allow convoys to again leave eastern aleppo.
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and only after aleppo's misery would you consider this salvation. this is the atma camp in idlib. evacuees are brought here. when they arrive, they have nothing. the buses that bring them are so crowded there is no room for luggage, but here, there's relief. translation: rockets, russian jets and warplanes all bombing us, barrel bombs dropped over us. we kept fleeing from one place to another. there was hunger, poverty and sleeping in the streets. finally, the red cross got us out. this woman made it here with her twin girls. the camp may be crowded but here the sisters can breathe again. translation: it is better than it was in aleppo, there's no bombing. we have new friends walking and playing together. there was a food shortage back there. but we are eating more here.
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we hated life, but here we are eating biscuits and everything. and that's what's at stake here. every minute and every hour of the ceasefire that is lost, is another moment of life denied to the children of aleppo. quentin sommerville, bbc news, istanbul. iamjoined by i am joined byjeremy bowen. the situation in eastern aleppo is said to be discussed tomorrow by the un security council. what an we expect? talking about any resolution and ways of protecting the people. —— a new resolution. there have been disputes about the drafting of it. initially the russians said they would veto it and now they say they will not. but i detect the sound of sta ble will not. but i detect the sound of stable doors being shot after the horse has bolted with protecting people in syria. that is because of disagreements between the big
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powers, the permanent members, and especially the russians and the americans on the security council in the last five years. the whole process of international diplomacy about syria has been paralysed. while it will be excellent if a resolution does manage to save some lives of innocent people in aleppo, really, there have been so many people who have died because of in action in the past. and now because of the size of the crisis in aleppo there needs to be a big rethink on all sides about how the world approaches the syrian war because it is in no sense over. thank you. trade secretary has refused to rule out main remaining a part of brexit which could cut the ability for trade deals. but he said that he was a free trader and would have his say in there. here's our correspondent.
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at the moment, british businesses know the score. we are full members of the eu single market with its free movement of goods, services and people. we are also members of the eu's customs union, the biggest in the world. the huge question is, what will brexit bring? this morning, the trade secretary suggested we could remain partial members of the customs union. we want to look at all the different things. it's not binary. i hear people talking about hard brexit and soft brexit as if it is a boiled egg we are talking about. it is a little more complex. turkey is in part of the customs union but not other parts. we need to look at the cost. the customs union includes all 28 eu nations but also turkey, monaco, san marino and andorra. and all can trade freely with each other. but they must impose the same tariffs on goods from nations outside the customs union. they are also barred from doing bilateral trade deals with other countries. that is why the trade secretary
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would like a half way house. so he's got something to do, and the government has many choices to make. the uk could stay in the single market, but that would mean continued free movement of people and the oversight of eu law. we might only remain in the customs union. or the biggest change, the uk leaves the lot and trades with eu on world trade organisation terms. the former chancellor, now free to speak without a government script urged ministers to be careful. yes, it is true that the grass may be greener outside of those arrangements, and we may be able to conduct new free trade deals with australia and the united states and so on, but that should not come at a price of giving up the existing free trade arrangements we have with germany and france. you cannot say we are a beacon of free trade in the world and then the main thing we can achieve is a huge act of protectionism, the biggest in british history. popping up again to offer his brexit services, nigel farage,
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friend of president—elect donald trump, the former ukip leader told the bbc he wanted to be a bridge between the new trade department and the new us administration. number 10 said there was no job vacancy. six months on after the vote to leave the european union, everyone in government agrees that brexit will happen but if ministers know how, they are not telling us. at the moment, all options seem to be on the table. remember, this is not a question of the uk asking for a deal, in the spring britain will begin discussions with 27 other countries who are determined to get a brexit that works for them. a canadian woman is among ten people killed in a shoot out between police and gunmen at a popular tourist resort in jordan and gunmen at a popular tourist resort injordan today. seven officers also died in the attacks around the mountainous city of karak centred on the ancient castle. armoured personnel carriers racing
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through the streets of karak. they are responding to a series of shootings in and around the town by several gunmen. the security forces desperately try to establish who is firing and from where. and are still firing on those around them. the mediaeval citadel draws tourists from around the world, and there were initial unconfirmed reports that some had been taken hostage. the gunman fired down on a nearby police station, sending those inside ducking for cover. in the 12th century citadel, tourists rushed to safety. there we re tourists rushed to safety. there were initial reports of hostages being taken, but all those trapped seem to haven about freed. one canadian is amongst the dead. the rest are alljordanian. the siege
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continued for hours, though no group has yet claimed responsibility. tonight, the police operation drew toa tonight, the police operation drew to a close with a number of the attackers said to have been killed. victims have been taken to hospitals across the city. translation: i saw about three or four injured with my own eyes. one had an injured leg and another a back injury. there were two or three more. so about eight injured people we re more. so about eight injured people were brought here to karak and to the military hospital. authorities say they've discovered suicide belts in the gunmens' hideouts, labelling the attackers terrorists. jordan has experienced attacks before, though nothing like its neighbours. this is another blow to the country's reputation as an oasis of relative stability. a suicide bomber has killed at least 40 soldiers in aden in south yemen. many others were wounded. the
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islamic state group says it carried out the attack which targeted a crowd of soldiers queuing up to receive their sal errs near a military bails. it's the latest in a string of attacks on army recruits. a week ago, islamic state militants killed 50 troops in aden which is under the internationally recognised government of yemen. police in county durham have arrested two people on suspicion of murder after the body of a man was found tied up near a house. the man hasn't been identified but officers say he was local and in his late 20s. say he was local and in his late 205. a say he was local and in his late 20s. a 25—year—old man, and a woman who is 19, are now in custody. the government is drawing up plans to make all civil servants and holders of public office swear an oath to uphold values. the community secretary says he wants people to set an example to newly arrived migrants, but labour dismissed the idea as a gimmick, which would make no problems to the ideas of radicalisation and integration.
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the general secretary of britain's biggest transport union, the rmt, dismissed claims that it is organising strikes as part of a conspiracy to bring down the government. mish cash distanced himself from the remarks from the rmt's himself from the remarks from the rmt‘s president suggesting trade unions were co—ordinating industrial action to oust the conservatives. here's our business correspondent. some media reports suggest that trade unions are trying to bring down the government. the rmt national president was pretty clear on the subject. they are talking about the left trying to bring down the government. there was the national shop stewards network, the rmt, other left—wing organisations are co—ordinating to bring the government down. guess what? we bloody are. when not about looking at conspiracies to bring down the government. our southern conductor members are on strike this week because they have concerns about safety and the travelling public. the public might feel caught
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in the middle as they face a winter of discontent. one former conservative transport minister thinks there is a link 1500 baggage handlers could disrupt travelling around christmas. one former conservative transport minister think that is there is a link between the industrial disputes. i don't think that it is a coincidence that all of the disputes are happening now. i think that there has to be some co—ordination andi there has to be some co—ordination and i think that it looks like they're determined to bring misery on some people, a lot of people who will be travelling this year at this time. here in downing street, they'll be more than aware of how annoying the christmas strikes are to the public, and even though this government has introduced new rules to make it tougherfor trade unions to make it tougherfor trade unions to go out on strike, some ministers wa nt to to go out on strike, some ministers want to go even further. that,
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though, could be politically tricky. it may feel like there's a spike in industrial disputes, but compared with the 1970s, this year barely scratches the surface in terms of total number of days lost to strikes. that will be cold comfort to southern rail customers who will endure a fourth day of disruption in a week. in the past few minutes, we've heard that the hungarian born act rels, zsa zsa gabor, has died. —— actress. her age was a closely guarded secret but she was thought to be 99. she made more than 60 films but was better known for her husbands. this report contains some flashing images. zsa zsa gabor may have been a great beauty, but she was never a great actress. i know everything - i heard the verdict. it's dangerous for you to come here. i must take that risk
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and so must you. her screen career was undistinguished though it did have the camp classic like the queen of outer space. her greatest role was as herself. one of the greatest famous ‘ being she was gorgeous 5125.5. 5 55575 555! 555555. 5 55.555. 5 55575 555! 555555. 5 and she ate men
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